Can dogs be given Valoserdin? Can I give my dog ​​Valocordin? Contraindications and side effects

Even though heart failure is usually a consequence of heart disease, there are still ways to prolong your dog's life and make it as comfortable as possible, especially if heart failure is diagnosed early enough. Such treatment includes caring for the dog at home, managing its activities, treating the dog with diuretics, and using other types of medical care and treatment.


Taking care of a dog with heart disease

    Limit the amount of daily exercise your dog gets. If your dog has a weak heart, exercise may add additional stress to your dog's body. Heart failure can cause circulation problems, which means your dog's vital organs don't receive enough oxygen. If your dog has heart disease, he/she should not run much, but she/he can walk around the yard. Instead of going for a walk with your dog, give her/him a few hours of your attention by petting the dog or just give her/him a chance to laze around. To help your dog get more rest:

    • Limit activities that may put additional stress on your heart. Move your dog's water and food bowl closer to where he/she spends the most time. Don't let your dog go up or down stairs unless it's absolutely necessary.
    • By making small changes, such as carrying your dog up and down stairs instead of walking up and down the stairs, you can make your dog's life more comfortable.
  1. Monitor the amount of salt your pet consumes. Sodium chloride, better known as salt, retains water in the body. A diet high in salt can slow blood circulation and cause fluid retention in certain areas of your dog's body.

    Count your dog's pulse at home. Some dogs are afraid of the veterinarian, causing him/her to misread your dog's heart rate. Therefore, it will be very useful to count your dog's pulse at home while she/he is sleeping. To do this:

    • Place your fingers on the dog's heart and count how many times it beats per minute. Likewise, count your dog's breathing rate at rest, this information will be very helpful to your veterinarian.
  2. If the dog's condition is stable, schedule a checkup schedule for your dog. The heart deteriorates over time, and it is important that your dog is examined regularly to do everything in your power to prolong the dog's life and make it more comfortable.

    • If your dog's symptoms remain stable (as is, no worse), you can schedule an appointment with your veterinarian every three months.
    • If your dog's condition worsens, you should contact your veterinarian immediately to schedule an appointment.
  3. Monitor for symptoms of heart failure. Heart failure in dogs is usually caused by a buildup of fluid around the lungs or in the abdomen. When this buildup occurs, it can lead to symptoms that you should see if you are concerned that your dog may have or already has heart failure. Such symptoms may include:

    • Rapid breathing.
    • Excessive cough.
    • Exhaustion during physical exertion.
    • Lack of energy.
    • Shortness of breath after minor physical activity.
    • Weight loss and decreased interest in food.
    • Cardiopalmus.
  4. Start your dog on medication if you think the symptoms are getting worse. When your dog exhibits the symptoms described in Step 1 of this method, your veterinarian will likely begin your dog on a medication regimen that includes a diuretic, an ACE inhibitor, and a positive inotrope.

    • Diuretics that can be given to your dog are described in Method 2, and ACE inhibitors and positive inotropes are described in Method 3.
  5. Talk to your veterinarian about whether to give your dog a positive inotrope. A positive inotrope is a medicine that makes the heart muscle pump more blood. Some inotropes also help regulate your heart rate, slowing it down slightly. This helps because the very fast beating heart does not have time to fully fill before contracting, meaning that the volume of blood pumped out with each beat is less than optimal. It will be more effective to slow down the heart a little, allowing it to fully fill and pump out blood.

Hypertension is quite common among older animals (8 years and older). As a rule, hypertension in dogs and cats develops secondary to the underlying diseases (renal failure, endocrine disorders, etc.). There is also an inverse relationship - high blood pressure negatively affects glomerular filtration in the kidneys, disrupts the nutrition of the retina, and also increases pre- and afterload on the heart. Therefore, hypertension must be treated.

Blood pressure over 180/95 mmHg is considered elevated. Art. But obtaining accurate and reliable blood pressure readings in small pets is challenging. There is a deviation in blood pressure readings caused by fear, pain or excitement. Clinically, hypertension can be asymptomatic to a certain extent or accompanied by shortness of breath, cough, and impaired coordination of movements. In cats, hypertension is often diagnosed only after the appearance of hyphema (bleeding in the anterior chamber of the eye), blindness, or incoordination.

The prognosis for hypertension depends on the primary disease, but hypertension itself is dangerous due to the risk of developing symptoms of chronic heart failure, congestion in the form of edema, dropsy and the formation of intracranial hematomas (hemorrhagic stroke). Exacerbation of hypertension in the form of a hypertensive crisis can manifest itself in the form of dyspnea (rapid, heavy breathing), restlessness of the animal, and dilated pupils. As the symptoms of a stroke progress, the dog may suddenly whine, lose consciousness, or show sudden general weakness, after which, as a rule, nystagmus (vertical or horizontal involuntary movements of the eyeballs), incoordination of movements such as ataxia and tilting of the head to one side appear. In cats, symptoms of ataxia and blindness, as well as inappropriate behavior, predominate. In particular, a cat may constantly strive to climb somewhere, hide, or may simply stand with its forehead resting against a wall or corner. Dyspnea and cough are not typical in cats with hypertension.

First aid in such cases is to pour Corvalol or Valoserdin through the mouth in an amount of 3-5 drops per cat and 5-25 drops per dog in a random dilution with water, calm the animal and limit physical activity to a minimum. If possible, you need to inject furosemide into the muscle (1-4 ml) or give it in tablets (1/4-2 tablets), make an intramuscular injection of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate in an amount of 1-5 ml and urgently call a veterinarian. In the absence of these drugs, you can use any antispasmodic (baralgin, spasmalgon, no-spa in a dose of ¼-1 tablet).

In general, animals at risk for hypertension, especially those with renal and heart failure, should be closely monitored by their healthcare provider and receive a special salt-restricted diet or commercially prepared food for animals with kidney and heart disease. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure make hypertensive patients sensitive to weather conditions - be especially vigilant during sudden changes in weather. And, of course, protect your pets from stress and conflicts with other animals, try to avoid transportation, and do not leave the animal for a long time in a stuffy room or a closed car in hot weather. If hypertension is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe a long course of antihypertensive drugs in combination with diuretics to the sick animal. Follow all the recommendations of your doctor and stay healthy!

Dogs are the same people, only in their own manifestation. And it’s not at all surprising that dogs are quite susceptible to human diseases, in particular heart and neurological diseases. However, the issue of treatment and prevention of such diseases is quite serious, and only an experienced veterinarian can help with it. After all, dog owners often face the question of whether ordinary sedatives that people usually take are suitable for dogs, and whether they can be given to the animal.

What heart and neurological diseases of dogs can their owners encounter?

  1. Banal nervous shock.
  2. Epilepsy attack.
  3. Cardiomyopathy.
  4. Rachiocampsis.
  5. Heart attack.
  6. Heart attack and others.

What measures should owners take if the above and other similar diseases are detected in their pets?

Probably the most important thing is to find the strength to control yourself in any stressful situation, not to get nervous and have an optimistic attitude. After all, nerves, depression and a bad mood have never helped anyone or led to anything good. Moreover, when it comes to your pet, your obvious worries will certainly not help him, but, first of all, he needs: peace, your attention, warmth and care.

Therefore, if your pet finds itself in some kind of stressful situation, suffers a nervous breakdown or some kind of neurological attack, you simply must surround him with warmth and care, let him calm down and understand that he is your family member, you need to pet the dog and talk to it.

Moreover, in the first minutes after stress it is not recommended:

  • Give dogs food (in any form).
  • Give dogs water or other liquid.
  • Give medications, at least without prior agreement from a veterinarian.

So what should owners do when their dog gets into this kind of situation?

  1. As already mentioned, the main thing in such a situation is not to succumb to stress yourself, because such an attitude will definitely not help anyone.
  2. If a dog exhibits symptoms of some serious illness, it is very important to contact a specialist as soon as possible, who will accurately outline the procedure for dealing with the current situation.
  3. Create a calm and quiet environment before the veterinarian arrives.

Permission to give dogs sedatives and heart medications

It's no secret that when a person has a stressful situation or a heart attack, he always knows certain medications and medications that can and should be taken in such a situation in order to relieve immediate pain and prevent relapse. Many also take this kind of medicine simply as a prophylaxis and to prevent the appearance of not just diseases, but also their symptoms.

The most uncommon and quite popular medicines are: validol, corvalol, valocordin, corvaldin, nitroglycerin and others. Their action is aimed at reducing anxiety, depression, eliminating insomnia, agitation, neuroses that appear due to constant stressful situations, irregular work schedules, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue and other reasons.

The above remedies help to temporarily cope with such symptoms, but they can also be taken as a preventive measure, along with valerian and motherwort tincture.

However, can the same drugs be given to dogs?

Opinions regarding this clearly differ: who says that it is strictly prohibited, because if, for example, valocordin enters the dog’s body, can lead to her death, others are of the opinion that such drugs actually reduce shock and help normalize the general condition of the animal.

However, experts say that this possibility primarily depends directly on the age of the dog, its state of health and the reason on which the idea arose to give it a sedative.

So, for example, valocordin plays out its sedative properties if a dog has epilepsy, then 8 drops per 10 kg weight will definitely help. Moreover, these 8 drops should be poured into a saucer of water, which should be placed not far from the dog, but it is not advisable to give such medicine internally.

Moreover, such a remedy in fairly acceptable doses will definitely not harm the animal in any way, because it does not contain anything forbidden that could cause any negative reactions and consequences. Moreover, the action of the medicine is quite fast and effective. The main thing is to check that such drugs do not contain barbiturates which can cause the death of the animal.

However, if the dog has all the signs of a heart attack on its face, then in this case taking the drug is strictly prohibited, because its impact is definitely fatal.

Be sure to consult a specialist and do not give your dog Valocordin without the permission of a veterinarian!

What causes dogs to become stressed?

In fact, there are quite a lot of options why dogs get nervous, experience stress, and don’t eat food. The most common reasons are:

  • Traveling by public transport.
  • Crowded places.
  • Among a large number of other people's dogs.
  • Participation in competitions.
  • Fireworks, etc.

Therefore, if the dog has ordinary stress, then Valocordin will come in handy more than ever, and will have the desired effect on the dog and return it to its normal state.

Dogs, like people, often need sedatives for a variety of reasons. Among such drugs, breeders use Corvalol. The medicine works quite effectively and quickly. Veterinarians include it in the treatment of various diseases.

Many breeders are interested in whether it is possible to give Corvalol to a dog. There is an opinion that this medication is harmful to pets due to the barbiturate content. Side effects include possible instant death. Such rumors are not groundless, but they are false.

Corvalol is a sedative that is used not only for people, but also for dogs.

Corvalol itself does not threaten the life of the animal. The amount of barbiturate in the composition is so small that if the dosages are observed, death is excluded. Even an overdose does not lead to instant death, resulting in temporary poisoning. An erroneous opinion arose due to unsuccessful attempts to use Corvalol as the main means of treating cardiac pathologies.

IMPORTANT. Dogs with “heart disease” require more serious medications. Corvalol is not even able to be an “ambulance” for them. It does not stop an attack of cardiopathy, but only slightly eases the course. Lack of proper timely intervention leads to death.

To eliminate all concerns about barbiturates, you can use Corvalol tablets. They do not contain these substances at all.

Corvalol is useful as a sedative when the dog is nervous. Such situations include moving, visiting a veterinarian, long trips, appearing in crowded places, and participating in tiring exhibitions.

Often noise is a stress factor: fireworks, screams, shooting, loud music at holidays, drilling and knocking during repairs. Identifying anxiety is not difficult. The animal begins to behave excitedly (throw about, bark, growl) or, on the contrary, hides in far corners.

Corvalol is given to dogs in stressful situations and neuroses.

The drug is also prescribed as a symptomatic aid for diseases:

  • vasomotor disorders, neuroses, insomnia;
  • early stages of arterial hypertension;
  • cardialgia, mild coronary spasms;
  • heat and sunstroke.

In all of these cases, Corvalol is not a systemic treatment. He can only support the dog’s condition and help wait for medical intervention.

Instructions for use

Most animals flatly refuse to take medications. Pets chatter their teeth, spit out medication, drool and vomit in all possible ways. The question “how to give Corvalol to a dog” arises especially acutely if the breed is large.

Experts and veterinarians offer a cunning algorithm for this:

The required number of drops of Corvalol is dissolved in water and given to the dog.
  1. Dilute the drug with sweetened or plain water.
  2. Pour the solution in one motion using a syringe or plastic spoon (herbal preparations should not come into contact with metal). It is convenient to take the dog by the nose, slightly pull the corner of the mouth, calmly inject the medicine into the cheek and immediately lift the muzzle up. Keep your head in this position, stroke the throat until the pet swallows.
  3. Give the “sick” a favorite treat to overcome the unpleasant taste of Corvalol.

If there is any doubt that the drug may cause harm, there is another option for use. The medicine is dripped into a dish of water and placed 15 cm from the animal’s muzzle. Or they move it in front of the nose (no closer than 10 cm) with a cotton swab moistened with Corvalol.

Corvalol dosage for dogs

For any method of use, dosages must be observed.

How many drops to give depends on the size of the dog:

  • Decorative breeds (up to 15 kg) – 5-7 drops;
  • Medium breeds (15-30 kg) – 10-12 drops;
  • Large breeds (from 30 kg) – up to 30 drops.

For panic attacks, minimum doses are given 2 times a day.


Strict contraindications for taking Corvalol include hypersensitivity, lactation of the dog, liver and kidney pathologies.


It is expressed in stool disturbances (), a painful reaction of the dog to touching the abdominal area. Possible scabies. In the acute form, confusion, loss of coordination, and prolonged drowsiness are observed.

In case of overdose, symptoms are observed: drowsiness, confusion, diarrhea.

Treatment of overdose is symptomatic at the discretion of the veterinarian. As first aid, offer the animal a large amount of water and activated carbon. A drip and gastric lavage may be needed.

There are situations when dogs are stressed and need sedatives - fear of shots and firecrackers (how else to help a dog if it is afraid of gunshots, read ) , moving, transportation, grooming. This article is a review of natural sedatives that can be used without prior consultation with a specialist. These are not instructions for use (they can be easily found on the Internet), but the main characteristics and features to make selection easier. If I forgot about any drug, write in the comments.

Note! Sedatives will only have an auxiliary effect on behavioral problems (aggression, anxiety, fear of loneliness, fearfulness), but will not change them. The main thing in such situations is behavior correction. This is a long and painstaking work under the supervision of a behavioral medicine specialist.

General remarks

Natural and herbal sedatives have few side effects, but unpredictable effects: some animals benefit from one drug, others from another. You may have to try several before finding one that works for a particular animal.

Cannot be used in conjunction with antidepressants and tranquilizers.

Despite the fact that visiting a veterinary clinic is certainly stressful for an animal, there is no need to use sedatives in this situation: the reaction to some diagnostic tests (including blood test results) may change, as well as the degree of manifestation of some diseases may decrease.

Even if the instructions for the drug indicate that it calms animals during periods of sexual arousal, there is no need to delude yourself - the instinct of procreation is not suppressed by herbs. The point of application of sedatives is not hormonal processes, but overexcitation of the nervous system against their background. In other words, natural (though not always desirable) sexual behavior will continue, but nervousness may decrease.

Before use, read the instructions carefully (this generally applies to all medications).

Herbal preparations

Fitex. Herbal complex preparation. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance (allergy), low blood pressure (or if it is suspected), as well as in Greyhound dogs and their mixed breeds (breed hypersensitivity to the components of the drug). It is produced in the form of plant extracts on a water-glycerin basis, so it is not necessary to feed large volumes of the drug to the animal. Dosage: at the rate of 1 drop per 1 kg of animal weight on an empty stomach 3 times a day for 2-4 weeks. Manufacturer: EXPA Group (Russia).

Cat Baiyun. Herbal complex preparation. Used in animals from 10 months of age. Available in the form of an aqueous decoction for oral use and in tablet form. Dosage: on an empty stomach, 3-4 tablets or 4 ml (1 teaspoon) of solution per dog 3-4 times a day (one 10 ml bottle is not enough for a day) for a week (I am, however, confused by this dosage declared by the manufacturer , which does not take into account the weight of the dog). Manufacturer: Veda (Russia).

Da-ba Relax Plus. Tablets containing extracts of soothing herbs. Dosage: 1 tablet per 10 kg of dog weight 2-3 times a day. Manufacturer: Gi-Gi (Latvia).

Hormone Balancer Flower Essence Drops. Drops based on flower essences. Recommended for behavioral disorders due to hormonal changes (estrus, heat, false pregnancy, postpartum period). Directions for use: 7 drops on the tongue 3 times a day for days. Manufacturer: Plush Puppy (Australia).


Pheromones are chemical volatile substances that ensure communication between individuals of the same species. These are something like odors that only animals of the same species can smell. In other words, dog pheromone has no effect on a cat or a person, and vice versa - human pheromones do not carry any information for animals. To calm dogs, a synthetic analogue of pheromone is used, which is secreted by a lactating bitch 3-5 days after giving birth. It ensures the relationship between puppy and mother, having a calming effect not only on puppies, but also on adult dogs. Eliminates the dog's feelings of anxiety, calms him down and creates a feeling of security. Its effectiveness may be lower than advertised, but it is completely safe for all animals and humans. Produced by different manufacturers in the form of electric diffusers, sprays, collars and toys (the latter only in foreign stores). I'll list the popular ones.

Collar with pheromonesSentry Good Behavior(Good behavior). The collar releases a powder that activates the pheromone (the powder itself is not a pheromone, it is only its carrier). This powder is safe for animals, but if the skin lesions are extensive, the collar should not be used. After contact with the collar and powder, wash your hands. The duration of action of one collar is about 3 weeks. It is not necessary to use it continuously during this period; for the time when it is not needed, the collar can be removed and placed in a sealed plastic bag. When bathing the dog, the collar should also be removed and put on after the fur is completely dry. Manufacturer: Sentry (USA).

Adaptil(former trade name D.A.P. - pheromone for dogs). Sold in three types: puppy collar, electric diffuser and spray. The diffuser must be plugged in constantly, it lasts for about 4 weeks, the coverage area is 50-70 square meters. The spray is convenient when transporting a dog, when visiting an exhibition or a veterinary clinic (the pheromone does not affect diagnostic tests). Manufacturer: Ceva (France).

Helpdog. Pheromone in the form of an oil-based spray. The drug is applied to a cloth that is placed next to the animal or near a heat source. The effect lasts for several hours. Manufacturer: Puretech (Russia).

Preparations containing amino acids

The amino acids L-theanine and L-tryptophan take part in biochemical processes in the brain, helping to reduce anxiety and stabilize the emotional state.

Serene-Um. Soothing product based on vitamins and L-tryptophan. Suitable for short stressful periods. Available in the form of tablets and drops, you can give it as a treat or add it to food. Manufacturer: Mark & ​​Chappell (Ireland).

Sanal Relax. The drug contains vitamins and L-tryptophan. Available in tablet form. Manufacturer: Sanal (Holland).

Nutri-VetPetEase. Chewable tablets for dogs contain natural herbal ingredients and L-tryptophan. A good choice for animals that are nervous and prone to nausea when traveling (due to ginger in the composition). No studies have been conducted in pregnant or lactating animals, so the drug is not recommended for them. Dosage: 1 tablet per 5 kg of weight (no more than 6 tablets per day). Manufacturer: Nutri-vet (USA).

VirbacAnxitane. Chewable tablets based on the amino acid L-theanine. They have no contraindications. Application regimens are different, depending on the duration of stress and the dosage of the tablets. Manufacturer: Virbac (France).

Zylkene. Food supplement. Made from the protein found in milk (an ingredient that helps puppies relax after feeding). The drug affects receptors in the brain, producing a calming effect. Has no contraindications. Available in the form of capsules with powder that can be added to food. The drug is given once a day, dosing by weight. Manufacturer Vetoquinol (France).

Other means

Stop stress. The herb also contains phenibut, a nootropic that acts as a tranquilizer. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage. Some animals experience severe drowsiness and lethargy. The drug is not “for prevention”; it should be used in the presence of obvious, diagnosed stress. Do not use together with other, even herbal, sedatives. Contraindications: age less than a year, pregnant and lactating females, liver disease, genitourinary system, diabetes mellitus, cancer. Available in the form of a solution for oral use. Give 2 times a day, dosage depends on weight. Manufacturer: Api-San (Russia).

Herbal tinctures, which can be bought in regular pharmacies.

Valerian. Indicated for nervousness and panic conditions. Being an antispasmodic, it can reduce symptoms of stress such as diarrhea. Allergic reactions or a reverse, stimulating effect are possible (in these cases the drug is discontinued). Not a good choice for aggressive dogs. Apply 3-4 times a day in doses of 5-15 drops depending on weight. The course of treatment is several days.

Motherwort. Indications and actions are similar to those of valerian, but it may be more effective.

Passionflower. Indicated for stress or panic accompanied by aggression. A good choice for dogs for whom valerian has a stimulating effect. May help reduce jealousy towards another animal or family member.

Baikal skullcap. Indicated for nervous tension and anxiety. Particularly effective for tremors caused by nervous excitement. Not recommended for low blood pressure (or suspected cases). Apply 2 times a day, 5-20 drops, depending on the weight of the animal.

And the most important thing. In all cases of behavior changes without an obvious reason, it is better to consult a doctor. Depressed mood, trembling can be manifestations of pain, increased anxiety - nausea, etc. Sedatives for dogs should be used before a planned stress factor (sounds of fireworks, travel, increased nervousness due to sexual behavior, haircut), or when diseases are excluded.

Health and peace of mind to you and your pets!

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