Sample wood processing act. Acts - samples and examples Form of act of cutting fabric in a budgetary organization

The document is intended for registration of disposal transactions inventories with the simultaneous capitalization of new material reserves obtained on the basis of the consumption of “old” ones. General form document is presented in Fig. 7.20.1:

The document consists of a header, expenditure and receipt parts, as well as a control tab for accounting entries.

In the header part, in the "Organization" field, the institution in whose register this document is created is indicated. The "Number" and "Date" fields are intended for entering the document number and date.

The expense part of the document is presented on the "Expense" tab. In the "Operations template" field, select a template to create accounting entries on disposal of inventories. In the consumables table, you need to add material stocks that are subject to consumption; in the “Quantity” column, you must indicate the quantity consumed. The "Balance" column indicates the balance of material assets as of the document creation date.

The receipt part of the document (the "Receipt" tab) is shown in Fig. 7.20.2:

In the "Operations template" field, select a template for creating accounting entries for registering new inventories.

In the “Put on account” field, you must select the source of financing on which new materials will be taken into account.

In the incoming table, you need to click on the “Add” button from the materials directory to add the names of material stocks that are subject to registration as a result of the disposal of materials (the “Consumption” tab). In the columns “Quantity”, “Price”, “Amount” it is necessary to indicate the quantity, price and total cost of the newly taken into account inventory, respectively. The columns "MOL" and "Division" indicate the materially responsible person and the securing division for new inventories.

On the "Operations" tab, control over accounting records is exercised (Fig. 7.20.3):

In the "Accounting entry" column, it is possible to change transactions that were established from the templates specified in the expenditure and receipt parts of the document.



On approval of the List of products for processing round timber, forms of acts
acceptance and shipment of wood, information on acceptance and (or) shipment of wood

Document with changes made:
Resolution of August 19, 2015 N 258-pr

In order to implement the Law of the Khabarovsk Territory of September 28, 2011 N 118 “On the organization of activities of points of reception and shipment of wood in the Khabarovsk Territory”, the Government of the Territory


1. Approve the attached:
List of round timber processing products;
wood acceptance certificate form;
timber shipment form;
form of information on the acceptance and (or) shipment of wood.

2. Decree of the Government of the Khabarovsk Territory dated December 18, 2013 N 437-pr “On approval of the List of products for processing round timber, forms of accounting documents and reporting on the acceptance, processing and shipment of wood” shall be declared invalid.

List of round timber processing products

Governor, Chairman
Regional Governments
IN AND. Shport

Government of the Khabarovsk Territory
dated March 18, 2015 N 42-pr

1. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in procurement and (or) processing of round timber:
1) lumber;
2) particle boards (chipboards);
3) fibreboards (fibreboard);
4) veneer.

2. For other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs - lumber.

Government of the Khabarovsk Territory
dated March 18, 2015 N 42-pr

Wood acceptance certificate (Form)

receiving wood

3. Name legal entity or last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who accepted the wood, TIN

5. Name of the legal entity or surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who shipped the wood to the point of receipt and shipment of wood, TIN

6. Place of shipment of timber (forestry, postal address, in the absence of a postal address - location of the land plot of timber)

7. Accepted wood

7.2. Breed

(I.O. Last name)

(I.O. Last name)

MP (if stamped)

Government of the Khabarovsk Territory
dated March 18, 2015 N 42-pr

Wood shipment certificate (Form)

wood shipments

3. Name of the legal entity or last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who shipped the wood, TIN

4. Point of receipt and shipment of wood (name, postal address, in the absence of a postal address - location of the land plot)

5. Purpose of disposal (export, processing, sale on the domestic market, use for own needs)

6. Name of the legal entity or last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who accepted the wood from the point of receipt and shipment, TIN

7. Destination of shipped timber (postal address, in the absence of a postal address - location of the land plot, if exported - country)

8. Shipped wood

8.2. Breed

*The number is assigned sequentially, in accordance with the continuous numbering of wood acceptance acts within a calendar year.
**Acts of wood acceptance are stored at the point of wood acceptance and shipment for at least two years from the date of preparation.

(signature of the person who handed over the wood)

(I.O. Last name)

(signature of the person who accepted the wood)

(I.O. Last name)

MP (if stamped)

Government of the Khabarovsk Territory
dated March 18, 2015 N 42-pr

Information on acceptance and (or) shipment of wood (Form)


on acceptance and (or) shipment of wood

A person engaged in the activities of receiving and shipping wood

Name of the point of acceptance and shipment of wood (hereinafter referred to as the point)

Postal address of the point, in the absence of a postal address - location of the land plot


Type of forest products (cubic meters)

round timber


other (specify)

year to date

year to date

year to date

Wood balance at the beginning of the month

In total, wood was received from the felling sites (indicate the name of the legal entity or the last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur who has the right to cut, TIN, forestry) or the processing production site located at the point


Total timber received not from felling sites from legal entities or individual entrepreneurs (indicate the name of the legal entity or the surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur - sender, TIN, address of the place of departure)


Total transferred for processing at the point

Total shipped for export (indicate the name of the legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur - exporter, tax identification number, country of destination)


Total shipped for sale on the domestic market (indicate the name of the legal entity or surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur - recipient, TIN, destination address)


Shipped to citizens

Total used for own needs (indicate the purpose of use)


Wood balance at the end of the month

Head of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur


(I.O. Last name)

MP (if stamped)

Responsible person


(I.O. Last name)

The text of the document is verified according to:
Official newsletter

Project name: organization of an enterprise for the provision of services for the processing of softwood and deciduous pulpwood. The authority to accept and ship timber has been transferred to the Ministry natural resources Republic of Buryatia. Round timber, contract for sawing wood, sample log in bark, forest Acts of manufacturing an experimental sample of a machine for longitudinal cutting. Sample inspection report for fire retardant treatment of wooden structures. Forest plot lease agreement download legally competent Sample Form Template. Rate this sample act, vote for the document, this is anonymous and immediately visible to everyone. When you need an act, the meaning of a document. Wood is a material that is highly susceptible to destructive effects. Wood processing certificate form. Fire protection of wood is one of the most important tasks that builders have to solve. Download a sample document Material Recycling Act. Place of timber harvesting Forestry District forestry Sample of an act The document is drawn up in triplicate. The shipment of wood was delivered, the acceptance certificate was received, the declaration on the turnover of wood was transferred to the point. The use should not be redundant, terminological. I think soon tax officials will be given access to reviewing magazines on primrose and wood processing. Certificate of processing of lumber form, we know everything. Certificate of processing of wood sample. Governments Russian Federation dated June 21, 2014, Voronezh region, authorized

Sample wood processing certificate download Sample wood processing certificate. Download the sample for free. Sample of filling out a declaration on timber transactions. Below is a standard form and a sample write-off act. Download a sample scaffolding acceptance certificate for operation. EXAMPLE OF EXECUTION OF AN ACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION OF WOOD Act for fire protection of wood May 01, 2013 Establish the form of a wood processing act appendix We, the undersigned, are deputy on behalf of the Contractor. Wood processing certificate form. Type of round timber processing products volume. For example, the roof area is 1200 m2. If the customer performed the work independently, he will have to transfer a sample of the resulting wood to. What other documents are there? The shipment of wood was delivered, the acceptance certificate was received, and a declaration on the turnover of wood was received. Sample download of wood processing act. Wood processing agreement sample. Download the wood processing act. The act must be done in cases where construction and... From us you can download a sample form of the acceptance certificate for the transfer of work on the processing of customer-supplied raw materials

Form of wood processing act. EXAMPLE OF EXECUTION OF AN ACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION OF WOOD. Processing of 500 hectares of wood and others. We, the undersigned, are the Deputy on behalf of the Contractor. Act of sawing wood sample History of the theory of relativity Circular sawing machines for longitudinal sawing of wood. Fire protection certificate for wood. EXAMPLE OF EXECUTION OF AN ACT FOR FIRE PROTECTION OF WOOD Act for fire protection of wood February 04, 2000 Act for Fire Protection of Wood Sample. The shipment of wood was delivered, the acceptance certificate was received, and a declaration of turnover was received. Sample work acceptance certificate fire retardant treatment metal structures. Forms Materials Processing Certificate f. Here is an example of a certificate for processing the customer's materials when performing contract work, see SAMPLES for filling out documents for acceptance, processing and shipment of wood Acceptance certificate for fire retardant treatment Among other things, to be filled out. Download the current form, a sample of filling out the resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on August 18, 1998 88 on approval. Certificate of services provided for processing wood waste. Standard interindustry form N KS Well, a sample act of wood processing is here, I decided to check it Directly at the sawmill, where they looked at samples of the boards, huh.

Volgograd city

The Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region, composed of Judge S.V. Lazarenko, having considered

simplified proceedings procedure statement of claim individual

entrepreneur Kulchenko Vyacheslav Nikolaevich (400076, Volgograd region,

Volgograd city, Pedagogical street (mountain village) no. 5, OGRNIP

304346019600242, TIN 344600150665) to an individual entrepreneur

Olga Mikhailovna Shamsumova (Republic of Bashkortostan, Neftekamsk city, street

Lenina, 52, apt. 100) about collection Money, without calling the parties,


The plaintiff filed a claim with the Arbitration Court of the Volgograd Region

to the defendant for debt collection under supply agreement No. 1670P dated January 11, 2016

in the amount of 92,837.38 rubles, penalties in the amount of 93,301.57 rubles. for the period from June 28, 2018 to

01/14/2019, interest for using a commercial loan in the amount of RUB 55,980.94.

for the period from June 28, 2018 to January 14, 2019, expenses for payment of state duty.

Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the court believes that the plaintiff’s demands for collection of debt for the supplied

goods under supply contract No. 1670P dated January 11, 2016. in the amount of RUB 92,837.38.

are reasonable and subject to satisfaction.

Along with this, the plaintiff asks to recover from the defendant a penalty under clause 4.1 of the agreement in

in the amount of 93,301.57 rubles. for the period from 06/28/2018 to 01/14/2019.

The court agrees with the calculation of the penalty presented by the plaintiff, carried out by the plaintiff

Thus, a penalty in the amount of

93,301.57 rub.

With a request to reduce the amount of the penalty in accordance with Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation defendant

didn't apply.

In addition, according to clause 2.4. contract from the date of payment due

received goods and until the moment of actual payment for the goods by the buyer,

interest for using a commercial loan is charged at a rate of 0.3% of

cost of goods delivered but not paid for each day of use

commercial loan.

The plaintiff also asks to recover interest from the defendant for the use of commercial

a loan in the amount of RUB 55,980.94. for the period from June 28, 2018 to January 14, 2019

The court agrees with the calculation of interest presented by the plaintiff, carried out by the plaintiff

the calculation complies with the terms of the contract and does not violate the rights of the defendant.

Thus, interest in the amount of

RUB 55,980.94

Since the plaintiff's claims are satisfied, his costs associated with payment

state fee for filing a claim are subject to reimbursement at the expense of the defendant in

limited liability companies" (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 14-FZ), a transaction in

in which there is an interest, a transaction is recognized in which

in which a member of the board of directors (supervisory board) has an interest

company, sole executive body, member of a collegial

executive body of the company or a person who is a controlling person

company, or a person who has the right to give instructions to the company that are binding on it.

The specified persons are recognized as interested in the company’s transaction

in cases where they, their spouses, parents, children, full and half brothers

and sisters, adoptive parents and adopted persons and (or) persons under their control

(controlled organizations): are a party, beneficiary,

an intermediary or representative in a transaction; are the controlling person

a legal entity that is a party, beneficiary, intermediary or

representative in the transaction; occupy positions in the management bodies of legal entities

person who is a party, beneficiary, agent or representative

in the transaction, as well as positions in management bodies management organization such

legal entity.

For the purposes of this article, a controlling person is a person who has

the right to directly or indirectly (through persons under his control) dispose by virtue of

participation in a controlled organization and (or) on the basis of trust agreements

property management, and (or) simple partnership, and (or) assignment, and (or)

shareholder agreement, and (or) other agreement, the subject of which is

exercise of rights certified by shares (stakes) of a controlled organization,

organization or the right to appoint (elect) a sole executive body and

(or) more than 50 percent of the composition of the collegial management body of the controlled entity

organizations. A controlled person (controlled organization) is recognized as

legal entity under direct or indirect control

controlling person.

2) violation by the transaction of the rights or legally protected interests of the company or its participants (shareholders), that is, the fact that the completion of this transaction entailed or may entail causing losses to the company or its participant who filed the corresponding claim, or the occurrence of other adverse consequences for them (clause 2 of Article 166 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph five of clause 5 of Article 45 and paragraph five of clause 5 of Article 46 of Law No. 14-FZ). In relation to losses, it is enough for the plaintiff to substantiate the fact that they were caused; proof of the exact amount of losses is not required.

A56-112223/2018 4

If the court establishes the totality of circumstances specified in paragraph 3 of this

resolution, the transaction is declared invalid. The court refuses to satisfy

a claim to invalidate a major transaction or an interested party transaction,

if the presence of at least one of the following circumstances is proven:

(shareholders), invalid, even if he took part in voting on

this issue could not affect the voting results (paragraph four of clause 5

2) by the time the case is considered in court, the transaction has been approved in the manner prescribed by law (paragraph six of paragraph 5 of Article 45 and paragraph six of paragraph 5 of Article 46

3) the defendant (the other party to the disputed transaction or the beneficiary of the disputed unilateral transaction) did not know and should not have known about its completion in violation of the legal requirements for it (paragraph seven of paragraph 5 of Article 45 and paragraph seven of paragraph 5 of Article 46 of Law No. 14- Federal Law).

there are two grounds for the invalidity of a transaction made

representative or acting on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney

body of a legal entity. On the first basis, the transaction can be recognized

void when, regardless of the circumstances,

indicating conspiracy or other joint actions of the representative and

of the other party to the transaction, the representative has completed a transaction that caused

obvious damage to the person represented, which the other party to the transaction knew or should have known

The presence of obvious damage is evidenced by the completion of a transaction knowingly and

significantly unfavorable conditions, for example, if the provision received under

transaction, several times lower than the cost of provision made in favor of


In this case, it should be assumed that the other party should have known about

there is obvious damage if this would be obvious to any participant

transaction at the time of its conclusion.

On this basis, a transaction cannot be declared invalid if

there were circumstances allowing it to be considered economically justified

(for example, making a trade was a way to prevent even greater losses

for a legal entity or represented, the transaction, although it was in itself

unprofitable, but was part of interrelated transactions united by a common

A56-112223/2018 5

economic purpose, as a result of which the legal entity or represented

received benefits, unfavorable terms of the transaction were the result of mutual

equivalent concessions in relations with the counterparty, including on other transactions).

On the second basis, a transaction may be declared invalid if

it was established that there were circumstances that indicated conspiracy or other

joint actions of the representative and the other party to the transaction to the detriment of the interests

represented, which may consist of any material losses, as well as

and in violation of other interests protected by law (for example, loss of corporate

control, diminishment of business reputation).

The Law on Limited Liability Companies places the burden on the plaintiff

proving that the other party to the transaction knew or should have known about

that the transaction was a major transaction for the company (as in terms of quantitative

(cost) and qualitative criteria for a major transaction) and (or) that

there was no proper consent to commit it.

Knowing knowledge that the transaction is major (including

the significance of the transaction for society and the consequences that it will entail for it),

assumed until proven otherwise, only if the counterparty controlling it

a person or a person controlled by him is a participant (shareholder) of the company or

controlling person of the company or is a member of the company’s bodies or

controlling person of the company. The absence of such circumstances does not deprive the plaintiff

the right to present evidence that the other party to the transaction knew that

the transaction was large, for example a letter from the other party to the transaction, from which it follows

that she knew the deal was big.

As a general rule, the law does not establish the obligations of a third party to

checking before executing a transaction whether the relevant transaction is a major one

for its counterparty and whether it has been properly approved (including

no obligation to study financial statements counterparty for purposes

determining the book value of its assets, types of its activities, influence

transactions on the activities of the counterparty). Third parties relying on data from a single

state register of legal entities about persons authorized to act on behalf of

name of a legal entity, as a general rule, has the right to proceed from the presence of

authority to carry out any transactions (paragraph two of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

From the explanations of paragraph 9 of Plenum Resolution No. 27, it follows that any transaction

is considered perfect within the normal limits economic activity, not yet

comes to the conclusion that there are no grounds for recognition of the disputed transaction


According to the explanations set out in paragraph 7 of the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 25, if

the execution of a transaction violates the prohibition established by paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in

depending on the circumstances of the case, such a transaction may be recognized by the court

invalid (clauses 1 and 2 of Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

To determine the presence or absence of abuse by participants

civil legal relations with your rights when making transactions it is necessary

research and assessment of specific actions and behavior of these individuals from the perspective

possible negative consequences for these relationships, for rights and legal

interests of other citizens and legal entities.

To invalidate a contract on the basis of Articles 10 and 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

it is necessary to establish the fact of dishonest behavior (abuse of law)

both parties to the disputed transaction, as well as the fact that both parties to the transaction

acted solely with the intent to harm the debtor's creditors

(to third parties)

Guided by the Arbitration Procedural Code

Russian Federation, Arbitration Court of the city of St. Petersburg and Leningradskaya


The claim is denied.

The decision can be appealed to the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal

court within a month from the date of the decision.

Judge Boykova E.E.

At enterprises engaged in the manufacture of various types of clothing products, a special document is used to account for raw materials: a fabric cutting act.

How fabric is accounted for

All fabric entering production is subject to mandatory control. During it, all pieces are measured, checked for composition and quality, and then received. Moreover, a certain period of time is allotted for these actions: for a one-city delivery - no more than 10 days; for non-residents - no more than 20; for remote delivery - no more than 60 after receipt at the recipient's warehouse.


Next, the fabric goes “to work”, passes through the preparatory, cutting, sewing shops, where it is first cut to certain measurements and then stitched. At the output, the finished products are counted, all leftovers and waste are taken into account, then reporting papers are compiled, part of which is the act of cutting the fabric.

Why is the act drawn up, its meaning

The cutting act refers to the primary documentation, so its significance is quite obvious. First of all, on its basis, the materials spent on sewing certain products are written off. In this regard, it plays exactly the same role as the act of consuming building materials in construction, the act of planting seeds in agricultural production, etc. That is why the document should be treated very carefully, since during inspections of the organization by state supervisory authorities, these papers will not least be checked. Entering inaccurate, erroneous or deliberately false data into them can lead to punishment of both responsible employees, company management, and the enterprise itself.

In addition to the above-mentioned function, which, of course, is decisive, the act allows you to analyze the consumption of fabric for certain sewing products and, based on this information, make further purchases of raw materials.

It also provides information about rags, waste and residues, which in the future can also be used for some useful purpose.

At what stage is the act formed?

The act is drawn up after the fabric is cut and the product is sewn. This is important because in order to include accurate and verified data in the document, the fabric must first be counted by the number of sheets, cut pieces, footage, area, etc. It is also important to accurately indicate the number of planned products and those obtained as a result of cutting and sewing.

Format of the act and its features

Today, the act of cutting fabric can be formed in any form, based on the needs of the company and the vision of the document by the employees. In addition, its previously generally applicable unified form, which was intended only for budgetary institutions. It is still in demand, including in commercial organizations, for the reason that it can be easily adjusted “to suit you” by removing or adding some columns and rows.

How to draw up a deed

There are no special subtleties in the matter of drawing up the act; everything is quite standard. It can be printed or handwritten, but if the act is filled out on a computer, it should be printed after final preparation. This is necessary so that all responsible employees can put their signatures on it. Suitable for the act common leaf A4 or any other convenient format.

The report is made in at least two absolutely identical copies - one of which remains in the workshop, the second is sent to the accounting department.

The completed act must be kept for the period established for such papers by law or the period specified for this type of documentation in accounting policy companies. Only after this time has expired can the outdated form be disposed of.

Who should sign the deed?

The act must be signed by several employees of the sewing enterprise: the workshop manager, the foreman, the technologist, the quality control foreman and the cutter. With their autographs, all these persons will testify that all the information entered in the act form is reliable. As for the seal, it is not necessary to include it in the act, since it relates to the company’s internal documentation (except in cases where the condition on the use of a stamp is an absolute requirement on the part of the company’s management).

If you need to draw up a document for cutting fabric that you have never encountered before, look at the sample given here and read the explanations for it - with their help you will easily create the document you need

Before moving on to the actual description, a few words about the example presented below: this is a unified form, the structure of which is quite standard for such forms and is divided into the beginning, the main block and the final part. In this case, the main section, which in this case is formatted as a table, can be shortened, supplemented, or made into a text description.

But let's start from the beginning.

  1. First of all, enter its number and the date of its preparation into the act. On the right is a place for approval of the document by the workshop manager (he must sign last).
  2. After this comes the main table, consisting of several columns and rows (rows by quantity of fabric type). Enter here the name of the fabric, its article number, the number of cut pieces, their size and area.
  3. Next, indicate the numbers of the cutting cards, the length of the blade and the number of blades, as well as the usable length of the fabric used. After this, include in the act the number of products received from one full fabric, the rate of fabric consumption per product and the actual consumption, the total number of products received (from all fabrics).
  4. Then write down everything related to leftovers, scraps and rags. If there are any additional notes, they are also indicated in the act.
  5. In conclusion, the act must be signed by all responsible employees: workshop foreman, quality control foreman, technologist and cutter.

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