Essay on the topic of my parents' profession. “My future profession is a doctor. A story on the topic of the world of professions

I always admire my parents. They love to work and devote a lot of time to work. My dad works as a welder. He can work with any metal and performs welding of any complexity. At work, everyone praises and respects him. Dad has a 6th grade, which he constantly confirms. He often goes on business trips.

The company made him a foreign passport and they even invited him to Canada to troubleshoot problems.
Mom works as a seamstress. She sews women's underwear. She likes her job. She has a friendly team. Mom already has a lot of work experience, she is a good specialist who is well versed in her business.

Essay No. 2 6th grade

There are a lot of professions in our world. Every profession is important. People choose a specialty to their liking. My parents spent a long time choosing their future professions. My dad is a warehouse manager. He received a pedagogical education. I started working at the university in the computer specialty. But, over time, he was offered to manage an auto parts warehouse. He liked this idea.

Dad is a very valuable employee who always has a lot of new ideas for organizing the work of the warehouse. He likes his profession. The warehouse is always in perfect order. Each spare part is always in its place, and finding it is not difficult. Any warehouse employee can easily find the required product. Dad's relationship with the team is favorable. Work is built on mutual trust and respect. Dad always says that they have a united team, focused on results.

My mom works as an accountant. Her job is to constantly count numbers. She also monitors the correctness of accounting documents and their availability. Mom’s work requires certain knowledge, experience and education. My mother’s education is in accounting, so she works in her specialty. There are several accountants in her team. She reports to the chief accountant. The chief accountant checks the mother's work. Mom is responsible for a large amount of information. She likes her job. She says being an accountant is her calling.

My parents' professions may influence my choice of profession. I have to carefully consider my future choices. This is necessary for the work to be enjoyable and enjoyable. It's hard to work in a job that you don't enjoy or don't like at all. My parents like their robot, which is probably why they have good results.

3rd grade, 2nd and 4th grade.

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Topic: My Future Profession

Topic: My future profession

Sooner or later everyone has to think about his or her future profession. But when you are just sixteen, it’s so difficult to, and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people from the very childhood know for sure what they want to be. For example, my best friend has always known that she will be a doctor. She attends special courses for enhanced studying of biology and chemistry, and she believes in her success. As for me, I don’t know exactly what I want. I like a lot of things, and I do well in most subjects. And many professions appear interesting to me.

Sooner or later, every person has to think about their future profession. But when you are only sixteen years old, it is so difficult to make the right decision and so easy to make a mistake! Of course, some people know exactly what they want to be from childhood. For example, my best friend always knew for sure that she would be a doctor. She attends special courses in advanced biology and chemistry and believes in her success. For me, I don't know exactly what I want. I like many things and I do well in most subjects. And many professions seem interesting to me.

At first I thought about pursuing a legal career. Lawyers can work in different professional spheres. For example, I could become a barrister, a notary, a legal counsel, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, in educational institutions, and law-enforcement bodies. To enter the faculty of Law, one should . I like both subjects, and I think I could obtain good results.

At first I thought about choosing a legal profession. Lawyers can work in a variety of professional fields. For example, I could become a lawyer, a notary, a legal consultant, or even an investigator. Good lawyers are in demand everywhere: in private companies and large corporations, in government agencies, educational institutions and law enforcement agencies. To enter the Faculty of Law, you must pass exams in history and social studies. I like both subjects and I think I could do well.

Most of all I like travelling, and some time ago I started thinking of a travel manager’s career. To my mind, it’s very interesting. You help people in organizing their vacations; consult them on special aspects of traveling to different countries, book hotels for them and give recommendations for choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. Moreover, a travel agent usually has a great benefit in a form of discounted prices for tours, plane tickets and hotels. It’s a great opportunity to see the world

What I love most is traveling, and some time ago I started thinking about a career as a tourism manager. In my opinion, this is very interesting. You help people organize their vacation, advise them on various nuances of traveling to a particular country, book hotels for them and give recommendations on choosing tours, restaurants, places to visit, etc. In addition, travel agents usually have a huge advantage in the form of discounts on tours, plane tickets and hotels. This is a great opportunity to see the world without breaking the bank.

However, my mom says that a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the if I wish, but first I should get a good classical education, for example to study languages ​​or law. She wants me to enter the Foreign Languages ​​Faculty. Of course, foreign language skills are necessary for a travel manager, and I realize it. to waste five years of my life. Instead I can attend special courses, or just travel around the world and study languages ​​in practice.

However, my mother says that being a travel agent is not a profession. She says that I can work in the tourism industry if I want, but first I must get a good classical education, for example, study law or languages. She wants me to enter the Faculty of Foreign Languages. Of course, knowledge of the language is necessary for a tourism manager, and I understand that. But I don't want to spend five years of my life on linguistics. Instead, you can enroll in special courses or simply travel the world and learn languages ​​in practice.

The head of the pedagogy is psychologist Elena Viktorovna Smirnova.

“Happiness does not lie in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do.”
I.S. Turgenev

Essay “My future profession”

In the life of every person, one day there comes a crucial moment - the choice of a profession. But, as a rule, people have to choose in their youth, often thoughtlessly, and this leads to disappointment in the future. I believe that the choice of profession should be approached consciously, because a lot of effort and time will be invested in it, this is the foundation of adult life. It is very important that abilities and character traits correspond to the chosen path. Everyone has their own interests, their favorite activities, some have talent, and some are able to learn everything quickly and easily. But in our time, the “golden” dream of boys and girls is a prestigious profession, popular and in demand, bringing a good income. The prestige of a profession consists of many components, among which the main place is occupied by the honor, respect and trust that representatives of certain professions enjoy among the majority of members of society.

Among the many professions in demand by society, there is one that is designed to help people and maintain their health. This is a medical profession. Nurses, midwives and paramedics guard people's health.

My future profession – paramedic – has always been in demand. At any time of the year and time of day, regardless of whether it is a weekday or a weekend, and day and night, a paramedic provides medical assistance to anyone who needs it. Whether a baby has a high temperature, an elderly person has had a heart attack, or maybe someone has been poisoned or injured in a fight or car accident, a paramedic should help everyone.

People’s lives depend on his professional knowledge, experience, and ability to quickly and correctly apply decisions. Paramedics are special people. They must have self-control, poise, and a non-standard situation.

I am confident that I have chosen my profession correctly, and I want to devote myself to working as an ambulance, I want to fight people’s suffering, death, and fight for life and health.

In the work of a paramedic, every day is different. There is both joy and pain in the eyes of patients, fear and hope, tears of powerlessness to fight the disease and tears of happiness. If you helped at least one patient, saved a life or simply alleviated suffering, then the day was not lived in vain. My profession is profession - life. I was attached to the profession of a paramedic with my heart and soul. And I hope that it will become not only my business, but also my destiny.

In elementary school, during Russian language lessons, schoolchildren very often have to complete assignments (as homework or directly in class), which require them to describe the past summer, the place where the student lives, his parents, how the children see their future, and much more.

This type of work is called an essay. And for some children, and sometimes even for their fathers and mothers, it is given with great difficulty. After all, not every adult (to say nothing of children) has a creative nature and can easily compose, for example, an essay or even a whole story about the profession of their parents.

If you or your child are faced with just such a task at school, read this article. Thanks to the tips offered in it, you will write a wonderful essay with ease!

So, let's start writing an essay or story about the profession of parents!

Stage one - where to start?

In many ways, your task (writing an essay) is already greatly simplified because you have a topic. However, some students cannot immediately figure out where to start their story, and what is generally worth mentioning and what is not.

That is why it is wiser to draw up a plan for the future text at the first stage. Write it on a draft and first indicate there everything that comes to your mind regarding the topic at hand - “My parents’ profession.”

Then, when you think that all the important points have been noted, carefully read the resulting plan again. It is quite possible that some points will have to be crossed out, and some will have to be swapped. This is necessary to ensure that your text is logical, readable, and interesting.

Stage two - final plan

We hope you have already realized that writing a good essay about the profession of parents will require a lot of effort from you. However, if you approach it creatively and connect your imagination to the work, the text will appear as if by itself from under your hand.

When the first stage is completed and you have a piece of paper with the final plan in front of you, analyze it again. Now you need to divide the points into paragraphs.

You remember that an essay consists of an introductory part, a main part and a concluding part? Therefore, your text, and therefore your plan, must correspond to this structure.

Rough plan

The outline of an essay telling about what parents do might be as follows:

1. Introduction: my attitude towards parents and their profession.

2. Base:

  • who does mom work for?
  • is her profession important?
  • what does dad work for?
  • Is his profession important?

3. Ending:

  • conclusion;
  • Will I choose my parents’ profession in the future?

Stage three - comply with the required volume

Depending on what grade you or your child are in, the points in the plan may be expanded or a little more complicated. However, it is worth remembering what size or volume the text is supposed to be.

If this is a story about the parents’ profession, you can go wild in it and paint in colors all the moments that concern the child regarding the parent’s profession. But if the task limits you to a few sentences, so that the text does not turn out to be too crumpled, you should mention only the most important things in it and not go into detailed descriptions of unimportant details.

Stage four - strict compliance with the topic

There is such a concept - the main idea of ​​​​the text. It means a problem or topic that worries the author, one to which he wants to attract public attention.

In this task it sounds like “My parents’ profession.” This means that throughout the entire narrative, the student writing the work must strictly adhere to the set course and not mix all the diversity of his thoughts into one disordered text.

In addition, the topic cannot be replaced by another, related in meaning. For example, describe the profession of your grandmother or grandfather. After all, this contradicts the task. And the teacher has the right not to count such work, even if it is competent, logical and written in a very interesting way.

Stage five - working on mistakes

When an essay or story about your parents’ profession is finished, it’s best to rest for a few minutes. For example, drink sweet tea, which has a beneficial effect on an overtired head, or simply warm up by doing light exercises.

Now, with fresh energy, you should begin editing the work. Depending on the age of the student, he can do it himself or with the help of his parents.

Text analysis:

    Then look at the text again. Are there any sentences in it that are next to each other, the words in which are repeated? Replace them with synonyms or pronouns.

    At the final stage, it is worth reading the entire work carefully and checking it against the rules of grammar. It might be worth using a dictionary.

Sample essay text

If you still haven’t figured out what you can write in your work, here is an example text on a given topic.

I'm proud of my parents! After all, both mom and dad do responsible and useful work. People trust them, and that says a lot.

My mother started her career as a simple saleswoman in a store. But now she occupies a very serious position. She is the owner of an entire pet supply store! Her profession is very important, because mom takes care of not one, but many pets. She strictly ensures that the goods on the shelves of her store are of high quality and meet all safety requirements.

My dad also works for the benefit of society. He himself designs and then sells excellent furniture for the home or office. For dad, the quality and naturalness of the materials used to implement different ideas is also important. Therefore, he treats each of his “works” with special trepidation. Dad’s profession is important, because good furniture is not only a sign of taste, but also ensures the safety of all family members.

My parents do work that brings joy to people. And at the same time they enjoy it themselves. Isn't this happiness? When I grow up, I would also like to do something worthy and interesting. Maybe I'll follow in my mother's footsteps and try myself likeseller inshope pet supplies. Because I love animals very much.

Pantyukhova Anastasia

Every person already in his school years thinks about his future. About who he will become. Choosing a profession is not an easy task. There are many different professions in the world. These are engineers and doctors, cooks and waiters, builders and salesmen. All of them are very necessary for people, each is important in its own way.

But there is one more profession that no person can do without in life. This is, of course, the teacher.



My favourite profession.

There are many professions in the world,

And they are very important to all of us:

Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,

Engineer, acrobat and worker.

All professions are very different -

It's hard to make a choice sometimes.

Interesting and dangerous

They can become destiny for someone.

Every person already in his school years thinks about his future. About who he will become. Choosing a profession is not an easy task. There are many different professions in the world. These are engineers and doctors, cooks and waiters, builders and salesmen. People really need them all, each important in its own way.

But there is one more profession that no person can do without in life. This is, of course, the teacher! And I like this profession most of all. Teachers are the main guides to life. After all, school is our second home, and the classroom is our second family.

When I was younger, I often played school. Having seated all my toys in front of me, I handed them notebooks, pens and pencils. And she herself was their teacher and dictated what to write down. There was always a pointer in my hands, and my mother’s stole on my shoulders (for importance). I often gave dictations to my parents and asked them to make mistakes on purpose. I enjoyed correcting them, grading them, and signing them off.

Teaching is a very difficult profession. He must be kind, fair, hardy. Must pass on all his knowledge to his students. The teacher teaches us not only to count, read and write. Not only determine the case of nouns and insert missing letters. He teaches us politeness, mutual respect, kindness, justice and honesty. Teaches you to become human! This is very painstaking work and requires constant effort and perseverance. Not every person can become a good teacher. Only those who love children very much will achieve success and respect. Of course, each of us has a teacher who will support us in difficult times, understand us and help us believe in ourselves.

I dream of becoming just such a teacher! And I will always strive for this!

An essay about:

"My favourite profession"

Completed by a student of grade 4 “A”

MBOU secondary school "Springs"

Pantyukhova Anastasia

February, 2012

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