What causes varicose veins? Varicose veins of the legs

Every woman wants her legs to always be in great shape. But what if one day, standing in front of the mirror, you discovered that your legs were covered with unsightly spider veins? It won't be possible to disguise it. It is impossible to ignore it, as these “decorations” will only become brighter and larger in scale. Fighting varicose veins lower limbs although difficult, it is necessary. After all, wearing trousers forever, you will agree, is not the most tempting prospect.

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According to WHO, the diagnosis of “varicose veins of the lower extremities” can be made to every fifth person on the planet over 25 years of age. The catch is that the initial stages varicose veins veins are not visible visually - the process of blockage and curvature of veins begins deep under the skin. This is why it is so important to take care of the prevention of varicose veins: give your legs rest, wear comfortable shoes, and eat right.

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“Star” disease: where do varicose veins on the legs come from?

Varicose veins in the legs are a serious disease in which the veins lose their elasticity, stretch, widen and bend.

How to talk about varicose veins on the legs serious illness has been known for a long time. By and large, in this not very pleasant way we pay for the opportunity to walk on two legs. Exposure to various unfavorable factors leads to weakness of the venous walls and stagnation of blood in the lower half of the body.

As a result, the vessels become overloaded, and the venous valves work worse and worse. The result is that your legs get tired, hurt, and there is a feeling of heaviness. A little later, other symptoms appear in the form of cosmetic defects. More severe complications are possible in the future.

Previously, it was believed that varicose veins in the legs were a disease of people in “standing” professions, and the first symptoms appeared at about 35 years of age. This is partly true. But today varicose veins are rapidly getting younger. We can state the fact that the disease has already become a problem of the 20-30-year-old “computer generation”.

Unfortunately, there are no clearly defined symptoms of approaching varicose veins on the legs. But if your legs begin to hurt and get tired, your legs feel heavy and you suffer from cramps, this is a reason to be wary.

And the appearance of barely noticeable bluish veins familiar to many - vascular networks, which subsequently, if left untreated, will become more and more noticeable - is a signal to action. It’s worth sounding the alarm when whole clusters of saphenous veins have already appeared on the surface of the legs, because the outcome of the disease is ugly blood clots and ulcers, which are very difficult to deal with. Treatment for varicose veins on the legs can last for decades.

The most dangerous consequence of varicose veins is the development of thrombophlebitis - the formation of a blood clot in a vein.

The inflammatory process that accompanies the disease creates the risk of a blood clot breaking off from the vessel wall. And this, in turn, can lead to the development of pulmonary embolism, when a blood clot enters the vessels of the lungs, partially or completely disrupting the functioning of the respiratory system. And it can even lead to death.

Varicose veins on the legs: does this threaten me?

Unfortunately, it is difficult to name the exact cause of varicose veins in the legs. This disease is a consequence of various factors. And each of us faces some of them every day.

Reason 1. Heredity
Phlebologists say that varicose veins are a “family” disease. If your mother or grandmother suffered from this disease, then in 90 percent out of 100 it can be said that you are at risk. Through genes, the structural features of blood vessels are transmitted to us. And if the walls of the veins are weak, then the influence of any of the provoking factors is enough for the disease to make itself felt.

Reason 2. Pregnancy
Carrying a child is one of the most important provoking factors for the development of varicose veins, since changes in hormonal levels lead to a decrease in the tone of the veins. Additionally, during pregnancy, veins are almost always compressed by the growing uterus. Plus the weight increases. But our veins experience the greatest pressure during childbirth. According to statistics, in 50 percent of women, previously dormant varicose veins manifest themselves at this time.

Reason 3. Uncomfortable clothes and shoes
Uncomfortable, tight clothing, such as tight jeans, can cause varicose veins. Tight shoes and high heels are no less harmful. The wider the sole of the shoes, the less stress on the feet. Balancing on thin stilettos, we expose our veins to enormous stress. And if you also carry heavy bags of groceries in your hands, then you can say goodbye to beautiful legs forever.

Reason 4. Working conditions and bad habits
Don’t forget about people who have classic “standing” professions (salespeople, waiters, hairdressers, flight attendants and many others). They have varicose veins - almost an occupational disease. A whole army of office workers is approaching them, since any long stay in one position (either sitting or standing) he does his dirty work. And if you add to this bad habits such as smoking, snacking on buns and sandwiches, which leads to excess weight, then varicose veins will not take long to appear. Yes, of course, this also includes the love of many to sit cross-legged.

Reason 5. Sports overload
Not all fitness is beneficial. Fans of lifting barbells are at serious risk. gym. Lifting weights is one of the causes of varicose veins. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, you should not overload your legs with excessive exercise. Power training and martial arts based lessons are not for you.

Diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins

As is already clear, varicose veins in the legs are not a cosmetic defect, therefore, with the appearance of the first unpleasant sensations in the legs, you should immediately consult a phlebologist.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe Doppler ultrasound, which will determine the quality of blood flow in the vessels and show whether there are any obstacles to it, and transillumination - illumination of the superficial veins using a special light, which allows a specialist to easily distinguish a damaged vein from a normal one. These necessary measures will allow you to identify the onset of the disease in time and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

If we talk about the treatment of varicose veins, then modern medicine knows several ways to combat varicose veins:

  1. Local remedies (ointments, gels): relieve fatigue and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, have a pleasant calming effect. This method of treatment will not bring immediate relief, since the active substance penetrates the skin in small doses. The beneficial effect is only on the superficial saphenous veins. However, with regular use, ointments and gels can correct the situation at the initial stage of varicose veins on the legs.
  2. Venotonics: drugs used for venous insufficiency (prescribed only by a doctor). These medications help reduce swelling, relieve pain in the legs, and also strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow. Venotonics perfectly complement the action of local agents to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of deep veins.
  3. Endovasal laser coagulation (EVLC): a method of treating “stars” and vascular “webs”, harbingers of varicose veins in the legs. The doctor acts on the diseased vessel with a laser and the “star” disappears. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After a couple of weeks, there are no reminders of the manipulation left on the skin.
  4. Sclerotherapy: a procedure when substances - sclerosants - are injected into a problem vein with a syringe, and the affected vein seems to stick together from the inside and stops working, and the blood begins to flow through healthy veins. But this procedure is not suitable for everyone. It is prescribed if the nodes are not very large.
  5. Ozone therapy: new method treatment of varicose veins, which is used to eliminate spider veins. Ozone is injected with a small needle directly into the lumen of the vessel and causes it to stick together. To achieve a visible effect, several procedures are enough.
  6. Phlebectomy: surgery, when the diseased vein is removed, is one of the most effective methods of treatment. The next day after the operation you can go home, but you will need to wear special tights or bandage your leg for at least another month. During the operation, small punctures are made in the leg, which after a while are almost invisible.

It is widely believed that hirudotherapy or treatment of varicose veins with leeches helps get rid of varicose veins on the legs. In fact, the substance that leeches secrete when they bite, hirudin, helps reduce blood clotting. Neither spider veins nor veins disappear anywhere. Moreover, ulcers can form at the site of the bite, which are then difficult to cure.

Prevention is the best treatment for varicose veins: 5 steps to healthy veins

A healthy lifestyle is the most The best way say “no” to varicose veins on the legs and many other diseases!

Step 1. Movement is life.

Swimming is a universal type of physical activity with virtually no contraindications. Water procedures are best suited for the prevention of varicose veins, as they tone blood vessels well. Walking is also a good help in the fight against vein disease. For example, up an escalator or stairs. Just no heavy bags, please. It is better to walk two stops to the metro than to take public transport. And at home you can do the most basic “bicycle” exercise while lying on your back.

Step 2. Elegant helpers.

Modern compression knitwear will help against fatigue and heaviness in your legs: knee socks and tights. They are sold in pharmacies and are selected strictly individually by a doctor based on the parameters of the leg. In appearance, therapeutic tights are no less beautiful and fashionable than ordinary ones. In addition, they help blood vessels cope better with increased load.

Step 3. Tasty and healthy.

Firstly, it puts a serious strain on the vessels excess weight. So if you have a couple of unnecessary kilograms, then it is better to get rid of them. Secondly, nutrition to prevent varicose veins should be aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels. This is facilitated by vitamins such as ascorbic acid and rutin, contained in sea buckthorn, raspberries, citrus fruits, chokeberry, strawberries, rose hips and rowan. And regular buckwheat is rich in the natural antioxidant quercetin, which not only strengthens blood vessels, but also has anti-cancer properties.

Step 4. Beauty without sacrifice

Comfortable shoes with heels no higher than 4 centimeters are the best choice for every day. In high-heeled shoes, the foot is in a forced curved state, as a result of which the nutrition of the small vessels of the toes is disrupted, venous congestion occurs, and swelling in the ankles and calves occurs.

Step 5. Care and maintenance

To prevent varicose veins on the legs, it is useful to rinse your legs with cold water after showering. You can do a massage yourself: stroking movements from bottom to top from the foot to the groin. Overheating is dangerous for veins, so if you are predisposed to varicose veins on your legs, it is better to exclude bathhouses and saunas from your life. And also do not overuse sunbathing. Ultraviolet radiation reduces the elasticity of tissues and venous walls, and leads to the appearance of varicose veins. You can sunbathe, but not at noon, but before 11 a.m. and after 5 p.m.

Yes, varicose veins in the legs are chronic illness. However, timely prevention of varicose veins will help avoid the occurrence of the disease and reduce the risk of developing possible complications.

Text: Gayana Demurina

If Jack White's veins fascinate him and even inspire the creation of songs, then for many of us, too visible vessels can cause psychological and sometimes physical discomfort. Often in such cases, varicose veins are diagnosed - a common disease, which in the USA alone affects up to 35%, and in Russia, according to the latest data, it worries 34% of 703 study participants (both men and women). The same statistics show that over 69% of surveyed Russians live with chronic venous insufficiency, which sometimes results from varicose veins.

Together with a phlebologist surgeon, member of the Association of Phlebologists of Russia and Reaclinic doctor Oleg Shonov, we will understand how varicose veins change our veins, whether the disease can seriously harm our health and which treatment works more effectively.

Why do veins swell?

Varicose veins (from the Latin varicis - “swelling”) are the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to leg diseases. It’s true that the lower extremities suffer from it much more often, but under certain circumstances, veins can increase in diameter not only in the legs. Experts talk, for example, about varicose veins of the pelvis, which occurs during pregnancy, about dilation of intestinal vessels or varicocele - varicose veins of the testicle. But, according to Oleg Shonov, such phenomena, as a rule, turn out to be only a symptom of another condition or disease.

Varicose veins themselves lead to the fact that the vessel not only grows in diameter, but actually seems to swell, acquiring a tortuous shape. The cause is malfunction of the venous valves that regulate blood flow. The thing is that in healthy legs, blood moves through the vessels from bottom to top (towards the heart and contrary to the law of gravity), for which the valves are responsible; In addition, muscles also help, for example, when we walk. They work on the principle of a pump, and each muscle contraction “pushes” the blood upward. At this time, the valve opens, allowing flow through, after which the flaps close tightly, preventing blood from flowing in the opposite direction. When something goes wrong, a gap appears between the valves, and, as a result, the valves cease to cope with their function: blood is thrown in the opposite direction, that is, from the heart downwards, and the tissues receive less oxygen. As a result, the pressure increases so much that the walls of the veins cannot withstand it, which is why they expand in width.

In this case, varicose changes affect only the subcutaneous, superficial veins, which are easy to see. The deep ones, through which up to 90% of the blood passes, remain unharmed due to their powerful, thick walls and more developed valves. Nevertheless, both of them are connected to each other like twigs, and although deep veins are not afraid of varicose veins, the occurrence of blood clots, which can be caused by advanced varicose veins, is much more dangerous for them.

Are all visible veins dangerous?

If for some time now the vessels under the skin have become more noticeable and can be easily felt, this does not mean that varicose veins have appeared. Many are inclined to think that its initial stage manifests itself in the form of “spider veins” or “webs” (in the Western tradition - spider veins); Naturally large saphenous veins, which are often clearly visible in people with thin, fair skin, can also be frightening. The fundamental difference from unhealthy enlarged veins in diameter is that spider veins reach no more than 1 mm, and the width of large subcutaneous veins can be within 1–3 mm, but neither one nor the other is dangerous in itself.

According to Oleg Shonov, about 80% of women experience spider veins. At first they appear as small, almost imperceptible veins, but they can increase in size and occupy an increasingly larger area. This may be due to intense physical activity, pregnancy, general changes in hormonal levels, including when taking contraceptives, injuries or congenital diseases. It is not at all difficult to distinguish stars from varicose veins: the former can be not only blue, but also red, and are also not felt when passed by hand, while the latter are more textured, they rise above the surface of the skin, often resembling a nodule or tubercle.

In most cases, the phlebologist determines the dilation of the veins visually, and ultrasound examinations are needed rather to find the source of varicose veins, understand which vein started the process, and determine treatment tactics. However, if patients report specific symptoms, such as swelling, itching, nagging pain on the inside of the leg, but there are no visible manifestations, an ultrasound will help exclude non-obvious disorders. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a duplex scan (Doppler ultrasound with ultrasound), and sometimes angiography, which will show what the vessels look like, how the valves in the veins work, and how the blood flow moves.

What does this threaten?

Due to impaired blood flow, blood clots may form in varicose veins and so-called thrombophlebitis will begin. The worst thing is when blood clots spread to the deep veins: the consequences of such complications (thrombosis, thromboembolism), if the necessary measures are not taken in time, can be very serious and even life-threatening. Untreated varicose veins can result in trophic skin disorders of varying degrees: pigmentation and hyperpigmentation, venous ulcers. If the pressure on the vessels only increases, metabolic processes and, ultimately, the skin begin to suffer. Trophic ulcers are the last stage of such changes: they take a long time to heal and can repeatedly open again until the source of the disease is eliminated.

The formation of varicose veins is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, excessive physical activity, hereditary predisposition and a number of other factors, which makes it possible for it to appear in people of different ages and does not depend on gender. Ignoring varicose veins during its initial manifestations leads to its more severe forms and complications.

Varicose veins - what kind of disease is it?

Pathological changes in the structure of venous vessels cause varicose veins, as a result of which their patency and elasticity deteriorate, and the walls become thinner and specific nodes form.

There are several types of varicose veins:

  • lower extremities;
  • rectum;
  • spermatic cord;
  • small pelvis.

The expression “varicose veins” is firmly established in everyday life, but in official medicine there is no such concept or diagnosis, since we are talking about varicose veins.

Symptoms and signs

The formation of the symptomatic picture of the disease directly depends on its type. They are united by a cause-and-effect relationship of formation: congenital or acquired insufficiency of the semilunar valves.

The disease, which spreads to the lower extremities, is accompanied by symptoms:

  • the formation of varicose veins, which protrude above the surface of the skin, representing nodular seals;
  • swelling in the legs, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, which is concentrated in the ankles. Often becomes a consequence of prolonged stress during the day and appears in the evening;
  • periodic pain in the legs appears;
  • from time to time I am bothered by cramps in the calf muscles and a feeling of goosebumps, usually at night;
  • the late stage is characterized by pronounced trophic disorders of the skin of the lower third of the leg: pigmentation, thickening, and as an extreme manifestation -.

A consequence of the development of varicose veins of the rectum is the appearance. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching, burning, discomfort in the anus, especially worse after drinking alcohol, taking a bath or physical activity;
  • bleeding in the later stages of varying degrees of intensity;
  • inflammation and prolapse of hemorrhoids.


The appearance of varicose veins is a consequence of a number of reasons, which together or individually can provoke the development of this disease.

The causes of varicose veins are:

  • insufficiency of venous valves and connective tissue;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • physical inactivity due to prolonged exposure to a monotonous position;
  • hormonal disorders in women;
  • carrying a pregnancy;


  • improving blood microcirculation;
  • increasing venous blood circulation;
  • promoting unloading of the central veins.

In the later stages, phlebectomy, surgical removal of pathologically altered veins, as well as sclerotherapy are indicated - the introduction of special drugs that sclerose damaged veins, thereby preventing their participation in venous outflow.

It should be noted, we have already written about that in detail, but on this moment Only surgical treatment has proven to be the most effective.

Treatment at home

Not only possible, but also necessary. In the early stages of the development of this disease, treatment procedures will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and help prevent its further development.

For these purposes, a physician-phedologist prescribes a course of tablets to improve venous circulation, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, as well as to prevent the development of blood clots and, on this background, thrombophlebitis.

Important! Rutin is recommended as a vitamin supplement.

Take off painful sensations, heaviness in the legs caused by varicose veins can be helped by special gels and ointments. They are unlikely to help get rid of varicose veins, given the local effect and weak penetration through the skin, but they will relieve the symptoms of the disease and alleviate the condition. Among the means for external use the following groups can be distinguished:

  • phlebotonics;
  • blood thinners;
  • anti-inflammatory.

Compression underwear

Also a mandatory element of the treatment of varicose veins is wearing special compression garments. Such underwear should be selected individually depending on the degree of varicose veins. Based on the diagnosis, the phlebologist should recommend the degree of compression when choosing underwear.

The degree of compression differs depending on the stage of the disease and has different effects. Lingerie with a low degree is usually used for predisposition to varicose veins and for preventive purposes.

A high degree of compression is recommended for severe varicose veins and has a therapeutic effect. It is able to relieve stress from the affected areas of blood vessels, redistributing pressure and stimulating blood circulation, and prevents venous congestion.

Underwear must be worn on a regular basis, especially with increased physical activity, prolonged time on your feet, or, conversely, when sedentary life. It is available in the form of tights, stockings, and golf. The model is selected taking into account the nature of the location of varicose veins. A line for pregnant women as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent is presented separately.

Folk remedies

Also used to relieve symptoms and as a general tonic.

Green tomatoes

When pain appears in the veins, compresses made from green tomatoes help a lot. To do this, just take the fruit, cut it into slices and place it on the damaged area overnight, securing it with a bandage.

Green tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene. Due to its effect, not only pain is relieved, but also blood circulation improves and the phenomena of stagnation are reduced. With regular use, the bumps formed due to varicose veins become less painful and may decrease in volume.

You can also use regular tomatoes in the form of tomato paste for compresses, since it contains the highest concentration of lycopene.

Vegetable juices

It is necessary to supplement anti-varicose therapy with general restoratives. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices should be consumed daily as a source of nutrients.

Carrot-spinach-celery fresh. To strengthen blood vessels, carrot juice is useful, which contains a high concentration of rutin, a microelement that helps strengthen blood vessels. The composition of spinach leaf juice is rich in oxalic acid. It has a cleansing function in relation to blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Important! Celery is involved in accelerating the process of breakdown of fat deposits, removing the products of this breakdown and excess fluid from the body.

  1. To prepare the juice, you need to take 10 small carrots, 5 stalks of celery and 5 spinach.
  2. Pass through a juicer, you can add a little clean drinking water.

Carrot-spinach-beetroot fresh. Beet juice helps improve blood circulation and hematopoiesis, as it stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells, increases hemoglobin levels and prevents anemia. Prepare in the ratio 10:3:3.

The volume of juices for daily consumption is 500 ml between meals. If you don’t have a juicer, you can use a blender or meat grinder, place the resulting ground mass on clean gauze and let the juice drain.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures play an important role in the presence of risk factors for the development of varicose veins. Therefore, you should not ignore their compliance even with already diagnosed varicose veins. This will protect against its further development and the need for surgical intervention.

In order to reduce the risk of developing varicose veins, you must:

  • moderate physical activity, visiting the pool is especially useful. Swimming has a massage effect, beneficially affecting blood vessels without unnecessary stress;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels using a contrast shower. Complete your hygiene procedures with a contrast shower for your feet. To do this, water your feet for 10 minutes, alternating cold and warm water;
  • changing the diet - reducing the consumption of fatty foods, including foods rich in rutin in the diet;
  • wearing compression garments, especially with increased physical activity on the legs;
  • taking vitamin-mineral complexes that help increase immunity, strengthen vessel walls and reduce the risk of blood clots.


Prevention and treatment of varicose veins also involves performing therapeutic and preventive gymnastics exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and getting rid of signs of blood stagnation.

Important! It is useful to perform such exercises on a regular daily basis.

It is necessary to begin classes with preliminary preparation of the legs: to do this, you need to lie on your back, placing your legs on a bolster or the back of the sofa. Remain in this position for 10-15 minutes.

  1. bicycle - bending your knees to imitate pedaling;
  2. flexion-extension of the feet at the ankle joint - legs are extended, alternately perform flexion and extension movements;
  3. then work your toes in the same way;
  4. raise your legs at an angle and rotate your feet in and out;
  5. in a lying position, perform the scissors exercise: alternately crossing the legs;
  6. while standing, walk in place without lifting your toes;
  7. while remaining in a standing position, we lift ourselves onto our toes: inhale upward, and exhale we lower ourselves down.

Varicose veins develop long time, therefore, when the first signs appear, there is a chance to stop its course. But the only method to completely get rid of varicose veins is surgical removal of the veins.

Varicose veins are one of the most common pathologies, in which the diameter of the lumen of the vein expands and its walls become thinner, resulting in...

Varicose veins are one of the most common pathologies, in which the diameter of the lumen of the vein expands and thinning...

During the normal movement of blood in the human body, both the arteries that supply blood downward and the veins that return it upward are active - these are two circles of blood circulation that are discussed in school when studying human anatomy. The process of venous circulation is “started” by the heart, like everything else in our body, and due to the combined work of the heart and muscles, the blood rises. The blood rises in spurts, with fixation in certain areas where valves are located in the vessels that do not allow the blood to fall down.

When a person actively moves, for example, when walking, the muscles regularly contract and relax, allowing blood to move from the lower valve to the valve located higher in the vein, etc. This is a description of the normal flow of blood through a vein, but if the valve does not contract completely, if the walls of the vein are elongated, if the lumen of the vein has become wider, then a reverse outflow of blood occurs, which causes disturbances in the functioning of the blood vessels. This vein disease is called varicose veins. Let's take a closer look at what its causes are and whether it is possible to prevent varicose veins.

Why do valves stop working correctly?

Valves are found only in the connecting (communicative) veins, where the superficial and deep veins connect. Fully functioning valves “pass” blood into the deep veins, but do not give it the opportunity to return back, pushing it up the blood vessels. When the vein expands, a small gap is formed between the closed valves, which allows blood to return to the deep or superficial vein.

The accumulation of blood leads to further stretching of the vessel wall, and the gap between the valves increases. Refluxes - pathological countercurrents into the superficial veins provoke the formation of asterisks, then a venous node is formed, which already protrudes from under the skin, and the vicious circle of the disease closes. It is impossible to break out of this circle on your own without the help of doctors, using only ointments and tablets.

The vein will never shrink to the required diameter because the elasticity of its walls is lost; the disease can either be slowed down or stopped with surgical intervention. Varicose veins, its symptoms, causes, treatment - you need to know more about this so that the correct lifestyle becomes your principle, and only then the disease will recede a little, and its development can be contained.

Inadequate functioning of the venous valves is provoked by the presence of unfavorable factors that affect a person, and an incorrect lifestyle is only one of the factors. The vein does not have its own compression-relaxation system to push blood upward; the muscles do this work for it.

If the muscles are not active due to sedentary work, lack of mobility of a person, lack of training or regular walking, sitting for many hours behind the wheel or in front of a computer monitor, then you can “earn” varicose veins without having a genetic predisposition to it. You should know and remember that with varicose veins, the causes of the disease are not only changes occurring in the vessels of the legs, it is a whole complex of changes that affects the entire human body.

The main causes of varicose veins, classification of degrees of the disease

If you do not treat varicose veins at all, then it will take very little time from the appearance of the first venous stars on the legs to the hospital bed, and between a person and painful death there will be only one option of salvation - a surgical scalpel.

Doctors distinguish 6 main stages of varicose veins:

  • Zero stage when symptoms similar to those of varicose veins gradually appear - heaviness in the legs, swelling, sometimes even cramps during night sleep or rest. It is not possible to determine the presence of the disease based on the results of a Doppler study or visually.
  • Stage 1- the symptoms remain, they are supplemented by venous stars, a pronounced venous network on the legs.
  • Stage 2 or the stage of the present disease, when a person himself can see bluish nodules or thickened veins under the skin. Sometimes this can be felt in the muscles when the body position changes. Since there are nodules, it means that there is stagnation of blood in the deep veins, which contributes to the formation of blood clots.
  • Stage 3– this is the appearance of severe swelling in the evening. In the morning there may be no swelling, but during the day it returns again, the legs hurt, and cramps are frequent.
  • Stage 4 characterized by the appearance of trophic nodules, which can quickly progress to the stage of ulcers. Any skin inflammation provokes the appearance of weeping areas. The color of the skin on the legs changes to dark brown, almost black. The development of skin atrophy and trophic ulcers is possible.
  • Stage 5– all of the above symptoms, healed and re-opening trophic ulcer.
  • Stage 6– this is the presence of a non-healing trophic ulcer, prone to expansion and deepening.

Surgical intervention can be carried out already at stage 1, when the walls of small vessels are glued together by introducing a special injection composition. Large vessels are glued together using laser coagulation. In both cases, rehabilitation after the operation is required: wearing special knitwear, avoiding high heels, and in addition, lifting heavy objects is absolutely forbidden. For more complex vein surgeries, surgeons make individual appointments for the rehabilitation period.

Indeed, the majority of patients with this diagnosis are women, and in those who have given birth or those who are obese, the risk of “getting” varicose veins of the lower extremities is much higher than in those who regularly play sports and walk a lot. Taking hormonal drugs during treatment for infertility or during menopause can also lead to the rapid development of varicose veins.

Women are 2-3 times more susceptible to the disease than men. Hormonal therapy is considered another factor that can provoke varicose veins, since the corpus luteum hormone relaxes the muscles, relieving muscle spasms, but this effect also extends to the venous walls. Inflammatory phenomena in the pelvic organs also provoke the appearance of the disease.

Women who wear high-heeled shoes are at risk. But to be honest, it is difficult to visually distinguish a 7-centimeter heel from an 11-centimeter one, so there is a reason to wear shoes with low heels or not all the time. Most women have either sedentary work or monotonous work associated with one body position. When working sedentarily, you need to take hour-long walks; when working while standing, take a comfortable rest at least once an hour. Light gymnastics and foot massage will also not be superfluous.

As a rule, truck drivers who are forced to spend many hours behind the wheel suffer from varicose veins. This also includes men involved in sports with high physical activity, builders, loaders and those who are forced to do work while maintaining one body position. High intra-abdominal pressure during heavy lifting causes disruption of the vascular valves, as does pressure in the veins during constant sitting. In addition, men are not inclined to pay as much attention appearance their legs, like women, so they consult a doctor already in the later stages of the disease.

Not knowing that varicose veins can affect not only the legs, but also other organs, men can get varicose veins of the spermatic cord - varicocele, a disease that affects every tenth man in the country. Infertility is the result of this disease, although surgery can correct the situation.

Causes of varicose veins of the pelvis

Frequent constipation during pregnancy, prolonged coughing, and severe sneezing during colds create the preconditions for the development of varicose veins in the veins that run along the rectum. In essence, this type of disease is hemorrhoids, from which anyone can suffer. It is necessary to treat hemorrhoids in a timely manner, eat right, and move a lot to avoid vein pathology in this area. It is important to remember that no matter where it is located, treatment should be supplemented by a special lifestyle that takes into account the specifics of the disease.

Varicose veins in adolescents: causes

Anything that can cause varicose veins in adults also applies to teenagers. During puberty, in boys aged 14-15 years, varicocele manifests itself due to structural features of the body, increased hormonal levels, and nervous overload associated with physical or emotional stress. Arterial-venous fistulas or openings between vessels can cause the onset of varicose veins in the legs.

Before the onset of menstruation, girls may also experience swelling in the legs, heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen and legs, which quickly disappear after the discharge stops. Frequent constipation due to poor diet and desire to lose weight can also provoke the appearance of signs of varicose veins.

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Dear friends, I welcome you to the site dedicated to the phenomenon of sleep and quality of life. Today we’ll talk about a problem that every third contemporary person faces.

Heaviness and pain in the legs may indicate poor circulation and be the first signs of varicose veins. In this article: varicose veins on the legs, causes, symptoms and prevention.

WHO experts and cardiologists recognized varicose veins as “shooting first in the legs and then in the heart.” Complications of varicose veins pose a mortal threat: thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, trophic ulcers and bleeding.

Recently, this disease is rapidly becoming “younger”; its signs are found even in schoolchildren.

Varicose veins are the human price for walking upright; not a single mammal suffers from problems with veins. Varicose veins are mentioned in Old Testament. In Byzantine manuscripts it is called a disease that “knocks you down.”

A mummy found during the excavation of an ancient burial in Egypt showed traces of varicose veins and treatment for a trophic ulcer on the leg. Scientists and historians have come to the conclusion that this disease has accompanied humanity throughout its history.

The impetus for the development of varicose veins is an imbalance of elastin and collagen in the body, leading to loss of elasticity of the venous walls, their thinning and stretching, as well as disturbances in the functioning of the venous valves. Veins and valves cannot cope with the flow of blood, reverse blood flow and stagnation occur.

Causes of varicose veins

1. Hereditary predisposition- the main reason for a third of all patients.

The risk of varicose veins reaches 70 percent if any of the parents, grandmothers, or great-grandmothers suffered from varicose veins.

What is inherited is not the disease itself, but the genetically determined structure of the veins: weak connective tissue of the venous walls, congenital defective vein valves.
That is why varicose veins can be observed in young, healthy and active (regardless of gender) people and even in children.

2. Changes in hormonal balance in the body.

Puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and menstruation are natural factors that disrupt hormonal levels in women and explain their greater vulnerability to venous diseases.

The hormonal cause of varicose veins is becoming increasingly common. This is explained widespread use hormonal drugs in the treatment of metabolic disorders, menopause, contraception, etc.

Scientists have proven that progesterone (the female sex hormone), estrogens and their analogues destroy collagen and elastic fibers, which significantly reduces the tone of the vein walls.

3. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic and genital organs(especially in women) affect small veins and lead to hormonal disorders. As a result, the communication between the venous and arterial vessels opens, and blood enters the veins in large volumes and under high pressure. The veins expand and the valves cannot cope with the reverse flow of blood. The result is varicose nodes.

The elasticity of the vein walls is regulated by nerve endings. If the nature of their activity changes (during depression, neurosis, etc.), the tone of the veins decreases, and the lumen in the vessels expands.

5. Physical exercise : household and professional increases pressure in the veins of the legs.

The vertical position of the human body creates a natural increase in venous pressure in the vessels of the legs. If the static load is excessive, then the pressure in a standing position increases many times over. This occurs during heavy lifting, pregnancy and childbirth, excess weight, standing for a long time, etc.

The risk group includes sellers, teachers, hairdressers, couriers, loaders and others.

6.Sedentary nature of work or lifestyle.

Profession and addiction to the computer are the most common causes of varicose veins, according to doctors.
When sitting for a long time, the veins are pinched and blood circulation is disrupted. Phlebologists have a professional term for this case: “computer varicose veins.”

The muscles of the leg and foot perform the function of a muscle “pump”, pumping blood upward. If we do not move, vascular tone weakens, venous pressure rises and blood stagnates.

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