Contraceptives before the act. New generation contraceptives


Vaginal birth control pills- this is one of alternative methods contraception, which can easily compete with condoms, caps and other popular ways to avoid pregnancy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Not all women can decide to try vaginal contraceptives because of fear of harming themselves. Here are a number of reasons why vaginal tablets are safe and even beneficial for a girl's health and well-being:

  1. Spermicidal action (fight against spermatozoa).
  2. Destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Do not violate the hormonal background.
  4. Not absorbed into the bloodstream.
  5. Can be used during lactation.
  6. Additionally moisturize the walls of the vagina, imitating vaginal lubrication.
  7. Convenient to use.
  8. No bad smell.
  9. Released in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Substances in the composition of contraceptives destroy the membranes of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina. This reduces the risk of getting pregnant to almost zero.

Important! Rare cases when a woman becomes pregnant are not associated with the drug itself, but with its misuse.

During sexual intercourse, there are always risks of infection with gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes. The causative agents of these diseases do not survive under the action of the substances of the contraceptive drug, which prevents their reproduction and development in the vagina.

The main advantage of vaginal tablets is their non-hormonal action. They do not affect the ratio of hormones in the blood of a woman, and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle and secondary sexual characteristics.

Without being absorbed into the systemic circulation, the aggressive substances of vaginal tablets will not be able to harm the body. Therefore, you should not be afraid of such components in the composition as benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylol - they will not affect other organs in any way.

Any contraceptives, including vaginal tablets, have their drawbacks:

  1. Difficulties with hygiene after intercourse.
  2. Possibility of infrequent use.
  3. Not all sexually transmitted diseases (HIV, syphilis) are protected.
  4. Uncontrolled discharge of drug residue from the vagina.
  5. The need to use contraceptives beforehand.

The principle of action of contraceptive pills before sexual intercourse

Medicinal substances that are part of contraceptives, envelop the walls of the vagina and are activated. When spermatozoa enter the vaginal cavity, their membranes disintegrate as a result of a reaction with benzalkonium chloride or nonoxylol, the main spermicidal substances of contraceptives.

After the destruction of the membrane, the spermatozoa become inactive: their organelles are destroyed, the metabolism in the cell stops. In this state, fertilization is impossible.

Attention! Some spermatozoa can still avoid the action of reagents and reach the egg, but their number is not enough for fertilization.

Instructions for use

Birth control pills are administered intravaginally before sexual intercourse. Tablets must be moistened with water in advance so that the drug better breaks down into active substances and remains on the walls of the vagina.

Important! The most comfortable position for administering the drug is lying on your back with knees bent and legs apart.

In this position, it is easier to introduce contraceptives to a greater depth, which is necessary for an effective spermicidal action.

1 tablet - 1 sexual intercourse. A new dose must be used in 2 cases:

  1. If time expired.
  2. Before the next sex, even if the contraceptive has not yet expired.

Contraindications and side effects

Any drug has its contraindications. Spermicidal preparations have few of them:

  • do not use vaginal tablets during pregnancy;
  • you can not use them daily;
  • can not be used during menstruation, with wounds of the vaginal mucosa and the presence of pathologies.

During pregnancy, there is, although low, but the likelihood of harming the fetus due to the aggressive action of the chemical components of the contraceptive.

Also, the use of a contraceptive can adversely affect the normal microflora of the vagina, but this should be feared only if used too often.

Allergy in the form of reddening of the skin of the perineum or itching in the vagina is one of the few side effects of the drug.

Important! The manifestation of side effects even in one of the partners is a good reason for stopping the use of vaginal contraceptives.

Names of contraceptive pills before the act for women

The proposed contraceptives are officially registered in the CIS countries, meet the requirements of the pharmacopeia and are in an affordable price range.


Pharmatex is a French-made drug, available in several forms: vaginal tablets, cream, capsules, suppositories.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride, the main active ingredient in Pharmatex. The package contains 12 dosage forms.

Prices vary from 270 to 320 rubles. for one package. Stored at room temperature.

The activation of the contraceptive is fast - in just 10 minutes. The duration of action is limited to three hours, and one tablet is consumed per sexual intercourse, regardless of the elapsed time.


Gynecotex is a domestic drug that is produced only in the form of vaginal tablets. Benzalkonium chloride is the main active ingredient of the drug.

Gynecotex is administered intravaginally at least 5 minutes before sex, and its pharmacological action is active up to 4 hours. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

One vaginal tablet contains 20 mg of the main substance. In total, 3 packaging options are produced: 6, 10 and 12 tablets in one package. Now Gynecotex cannot be purchased at a pharmacy, but on the date of the last delivery of the drug, its cost was 110-130 rubles.


Kontratex is another analogue of contraceptives based on benzalkonium chloride. Manufactured in Russia, the form of the drug is vaginal suppositories. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of the active substance, there are 5 of them in one package. Stored at temperatures up to + 25 °C.

Now Contratex is not sold in pharmacies, the price of new batches is unknown.

Patentex oval

Patentexoval n is a contraceptive in the form of German-made vaginal suppositories. One dose contains 75 mg of the active substance nonoxylol-9 and a number of additional compounds.

In one pack there can be from 3 to 6 units of the drug. Suppositories are administered intravaginally at least 10 minutes before sex. The drug is stored at temperatures up to + 25 ° C. The price of Patentex starts from 400 rubles.


Traceptinum is a vaginal birth control pill available in Tbilisi, Georgia. The tablet contains 600 mg of potassium hydrogen tartrate, which has spermicidal properties.

One pack contains 50 tablets. Before the start of action of contraceptives, at least 10 minutes must pass. The vaginal preparation is stored at room temperature.

On this moment Traceptin is not commercially available.


Ukrainian drug Erotex is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, which include benzalkonium chloride. One suppository contains 18.9 mg of the active substance. In total, there are 5 units of the drug in the package.

The suppository is administered intravaginally 5 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time - 4 hours. Unlike other drugs, Erotex is stored at a temperature of + 2 ° C to + 15 ° C.

Erotex is available in a pharmacy in the price range of 112-300 rubles.


Benatex is a Russian drug in the form of vaginal tablets with the active ingredient benzalkonium chloride. One dosage form contains 20 mg of benzalkonium chloride.

Packing options from 5 to 12 tablets are available. Benatex must be used 10 minutes before sexual intercourse. Action time - 3 hours. Stored at room temperature. The tool can be bought for 300-400 rubles.

Comparative characteristics of vaginal tablets are presented in the table:

To obtain high efficiency when using vaginal tablets and suppositories, it is important to follow the rules:

  • do not try to inject the drug too deeply, otherwise the chemicals will get on the walls of the uterine cavity;
  • do not use vaginal preparations with other contraceptives (except for condoms);
  • make a thorough toilet of the genitals before using the tablet, but in no case do not wash yourself after sexual intercourse for at least 20-30 minutes. Soap and water will reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptive.


Vaginal contraceptive pills are easy to use and effective only if the woman follows all the rules and requirements for use. But with all the shortcomings, such contraceptives are a good alternative to popular methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies.

With proper selection by a gynecologist, modern hormonal contraceptives are almost harmless, but many women avoid these drugs due to fear of side effects and prefer alternative drugs - non-hormonal birth control pills. It's time to deal with the features, advantages and disadvantages of this method of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills are contraceptive drugs belonging to the spermicide group, which are used for local protection against unwanted pregnancy immediately before sexual intercourse. Upon contact, the active substance of spermicides (benzalkonium chloride, nonoxynol or another) destroys the spermatozoon in a few seconds to prevent its penetration into the uterus.

Spermicides also have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects: they can protect a woman's body from fungus and some sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, contraception with spermicides is considered one of the best methods if other means are contraindicated.

It must be understood that non-hormonal contraceptives are not pills in the full sense of the word, that is, they are not drunk. They come in the form of suppositories, sponges, foams, or tablets that are inserted into the vagina just before intercourse.

Benefits of non-hormonal birth control:

  • no contraindications (suitable for women of any age, can be protected for gynecological diseases and for postpartum contraception);
  • do not harm health;
  • no need to drink every day;
  • reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections;
  • a good choice for women who lead an irregular intimate life (enhance the protective properties of the condom).


  • used immediately before sexual intercourse;
  • you can not take a shower for a certain time (for each drug, the interval is different);
  • in rare cases, side effects are observed (allergy to spermicides and skin irritation);
  • not suitable for everyday use (with very frequent use, they cause a violation of the microflora and vaginal dysbacteriosis).

Names of non-hormonal birth control pills

1. Patentex Oval (PatentexOval)- is administered 10 minutes before sexual intercourse, the active substance nonoxynol is well tolerated by the body, allergic reactions rarely occur.

2. Pharmatex (Pharmatex)– can be supplied as vaginal suppositories, creams, tampons and tablets. The drug is developed on the basis of benzalkonium chloride, it is applied 10 minutes before intimacy and lasts 3-4 hours. Well protects against chlamydia, herpes, fungi, trichomoniasis, gonococci. If the instructions are followed, it does not affect the normal microflora of the vagina.

3. Gynecotex (Gynecotex)- is available in the form of vaginal tablets, the active substance is benzalkonium chloride. In addition to the contraceptive effect, it has a wide antibacterial spectrum of action. It is introduced 5 minutes before sexual intercourse and is valid for 4 hours. Ginotex should not be used in case of inflammation of the vagina.

4. Conceptrol (Conceptrol)- applied 10 minutes before intimacy, the active ingredient is nonoxynol, supplied in the form of vaginal suppositories. After using the product, it is not recommended to take a shower for 6 hours.

5. Benatex- a non-hormonal drug distributed in the form of gels and tablets. Not recommended for irritation of the vaginal mucosa and colpitis.

Conclusion: non-hormonal contraceptives cannot be used every day, as this is fraught with vaginal dysbacteriosis. Such drugs are considered the best choice for women who have an irregular sex life who want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and sexual infections by enhancing the protective properties of the condom.

It depends on compatibility with each other, family relationships, sexual constitution, lifestyle and so on. If for men sexual relations with his woman are interesting and bright on the first, initial stage, then for a woman most often the opposite is true. Sex brings the greatest joy after knowing a partner. When a woman learns to feel her man, to get a real orgasm from him, and not imitated, as some do, the man is already trying to find new sensations by this time. The result is rare sex within the family. Rare sex is an obligatory moment for couples with different sexual constitutions. A woman's sensuality sometimes wakes up quite late, and it happens that she refuses sex to her husband, referring to fatigue. Therefore, rare sex in the family is not only the “fault” of men. Remember that a woman who refuses sex to a man is a threat to her own family well-being. Almost all men are such that they easily commit adultery and this is not a moral character, but a natural need and a feature of the male psyche.

The problem of unwanted pregnancy worries a woman during every intimacy. Men in the family bed do not care about contraception at all, considering it the lot of women. Many are not at all interested in how many abortions his wife had. Therefore, for both married and unmarried women, the question of what contraception is available for rare sex, comes first in terms of sex life.

One of the best ways to protect yourself is undoubtedly a condom. But men prefer to use it outside the home, during casual sex. Indeed, in their opinion, the "rubber friend" dulls the sensations. And at home, sensations will not be enough without that. Women, for the sake of their own husbands, to the detriment of their interests, follow their lead, refusing to use a condom.

Some couples with spontaneous rare sex practice interrupted sexual intercourse. But this is far from The best way protection and sooner or later it will "pierce". There is an opinion that interrupted sexual intercourse is also not safe for men's health, as it can lead to early impotence. And then, he just “steals” the desired sensations from both sides, which means that he is a further prerequisite for rare sex.

So, what other means of contraception are there for rare sex. You can use the calendar method. It is based on the control of the ovulation of one's own egg. Every woman knows her menstrual cycle and can easily calculate the day when the egg leaves the body (seven or ten days after ovulation). The only question is whether your husband wants sex that day. According to medical data, the method, like coitus interruptus, is not very effective.

In addition to the natural methods that are mentioned above, there are methods of chemical and mechanical protection. In addition to a condom as a mechanical protection, both with frequent and rare sex, if there are no contraindications, you can use an intrauterine device. This is perhaps the best barrier tool. Modern IUDs can protect you from unwanted pregnancy and thoughts about it for as long as ten years. IUDs can be copper-containing, silver-containing and progestin-containing. The latter also act as hormonal agents. In addition, rare sex, at some point in life, can become frequent. And this will bring not only joy, but also a new “headache”. It has been proven that the effectiveness of the use of intrauterine devices is such that there are from 0.1 to 0.8 pregnancies per 100 women. These are very good indicators! As a result of the use of an intrauterine device, the following occurs: both the mobility and survivability of spermatozoa decrease, the process of egg advancement accelerates, and its life time decreases. The most remarkable thing is that if, nevertheless, the spermatozoa managed to fertilize the egg, then it will be excreted from the body thanks to the IUD.

As a chemical defense for infrequent sex, spermicides are very convenient and effective. They are vaginal tablets, suppositories (candles) or creams and are suitable for single, single use. An example of the use of tablets is Benzalkonium chloride. It is administered five minutes before the onset of sexual intercourse, protection is three to four hours. This drug is also available as a cream with a duration of up to 10 hours. The cream is also an antiseptic, it does not have a harmful effect on the hormonal background of a woman and the microflora of the reproductive system. The drug is also approved for use by pregnant and lactating women. It is important to know that any drug introduced into the vagina, as well as washing with soap and water, can destroy the activity of benzalkonium chloride.

As a contraceptive for rare sex, you can also use the drug Nonoxynol-9. It is a vaginal suppository that is inserted into the vagina 10 before the onset of sexual intercourse. The candle should melt and spread evenly inside. The drug also has antimicrobial, antiviral, antifungal properties. If there is a possibility of a second act, then a new candle must be introduced.

Postinor is an emergency and very effective drug that prevents unwanted pregnancy. It can be used after unforeseen sexual intercourse, no later than 24 hours later. Then it becomes ineffective. After forty-eight hours, the efficiency drops to 85%. This remedy is very strong, has an abortive effect even when pregnancy occurs. If you decide to use this device, then you must strictly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions for use. Postinor is used regardless of the menstrual cycle, that is, on any day. The contraceptive and abortive effect of the drug is based on the high content of the synthetic hormone levonorgestrel. The drug is used no more than once a month.

Postinor is well known to many women and doctors. It has been used for many years. Now there are novelties of a similar action with improved properties. For example, Escapelle. It also contains levonorgestrel, but it can be used as early as ninety-six hours after unprotected sex. Ginepristone, whose action is based on blocking progesterone, can also be used as emergency postcoital contraception with rare sex.

When using hormonal drugs, a consultation with a doctor is required!

Any woman, no matter how often she has sex, should have in her first aid kit (in the absence of medical contraindications and if the IUD is not installed) such hormonal rescuers. Nevertheless, a single high dose of hormonal drugs will do much less harm than surgery in the form of an abortion.

One-time contraception is the so-called emergency contraception used by a woman after unprotected sex. Such drugs are quite effective if taken on time. However, their side effects are much stronger than conventional hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, it is better to think about contraception in advance.

emergency contraception

After unprotected sex, there is only one way to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and abortion. These are emergency contraceptives (also called postcoital).

The pharmaceutical industry has created several brands of such drugs, which have different names. However, the active ingredient is almost always levonorgestrel or mifepristone. These are artificially developed hormonal substances that quickly affect the endocrine system of a woman.

Each tablet contains a very large dosage of hormonal substances. Its purpose is to prevent fertilization from occurring, and if this has already happened, to prevent the egg from taking root in the uterus. But the endocrine system, after taking it, reacts not only by preventing pregnancy. There are many side effects, the most common being menstrual irregularities.

The World Health Organization generally sees much more harm than good in disposable contraceptives. Even the manufacturer indicates that such contraceptives can be used no more than three times a year and once per cycle. However, some women find that it is okay to take these pills on an occasional basis. This is a big health risk - emergency type products should not replace condoms.


Levonorgestrel is an artificial progestogen hormone and is used in the following contraceptives:

  • Postinor;
  • Escapelle;
  • Eskinor F.

Its action is based on several complex effects:

  • Ovulation does not occur, the egg does not leave the ovary, remains unprepared for fertilization. This will ensure high efficiency if ovulation occurs just on the following days after unprotected sex;
  • The mucous membrane of the cervix thickens. This effect will only work if you take the first levonorgestrel tablet immediately after unprotected sex. It will be difficult for spermatozoa to continue their journey;
  • The peristalsis of the fallopian tubes is weakened. As a result of taking contraceptives, the egg after conception very slowly reaches the uterus. During this time, the last and most important mechanism of action of the tablets manages to earn;
  • The most important of the contraceptive effects of levonorgestrel is the thickening of the uterine tissues. This does not allow the fertilized reproductive cell of a woman to gain a foothold in the mother's body. As a result, the embryo dies from a lack of nutrients. However, if the egg has already managed to gain a foothold in the uterus after conception, there will be no effect. The tissues will become denser, but the pregnancy will continue.


The following agents are based on the laboratory antiprogestogen mifepristone:

  • Genale;
  • Mifegin;
  • Pencrofton;
  • Miropriston.

In general, the active substance of such tablets works similarly to levonorgestrel:

  • Ovulation is blocked;
  • The uterine tissue becomes denser.

However, these drugs have another powerful effect. In addition to the fact that the tissue is already too dense to fix the egg, the uterus begins to contract. As a result, the blastocyst leaves the uterine space faster, which reduces the chance of pregnancy.

Instructions for use

Contraceptives on levonorgestrel should be taken as follows:

  • The first dosage is taken as soon as possible after sex;
  • The second dosage - after 12 hours, in extreme cases after 15;
  • If, after taking a woman, she vomited, you need to wait a bit for the improvement in the condition and drink another pill. However, if 4 hours have already passed after taking it, you do not need to do this - the active substances have been absorbed.

How effective levonorgestrel birth control will be depends on when the first dose was taken:

  • Within 24 hours - almost 100%;
  • During the second day - about 80%;
  • On the third day after sex, the probability will be no more than half.

Contraceptive drugs on mifepristone are available in a single dosage. This tablet should be drunk, like drugs with levonorgestrel, during the first three days after unprotected contact. 120 minutes before and 120 minutes after the intake, you can not eat food - only pure water is allowed.

Yuzpe method

In addition to specialized emergency contraception, the Yuzpe method can be used for similar purposes. Here, large doses of combined oral contraceptives act as fast contraceptives. As with specific drugs of this kind, the sooner a woman starts taking birth control, the better. The ability to prevent unwanted pregnancy is also maintained for three days.

Quantity right pills for one dose is determined by the brand of combined oral contraceptives. Many of these drugs contain levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol necessary for a quick effect.

The required dosage of ethinyl estradiol is 100 mg, and levonorgestrel is ½ mg. After twelve hours, you need to drink the same dosage of active drugs.

As an example, it can be mentioned that, using Microgynon or Regulon, it will be enough to drink 4 tablets at a time. And when using Novinet or Logest, the required dosage will be 5 tablets at a time.


It is undesirable to use levonorgestrel and mifepristone in the following situations:

  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • In adolescence;
  • An existing pregnancy - there is a risk of damaging the embryo, but there is no possibility to interrupt it;
  • bowel disease;
  • Lactation and breastfeeding. Do not allow the baby to breastfeed for 48 hours after taking;
  • Irregular menstruation cycle;
  • Spotting for no apparent reason outside the cycle;
  • Benign and malignant gynecological neoplasms;
  • Ectopic development of the embryo in history;
  • risk of developing thrombosis.
  • Kidney failure and adrenal disease;
  • Concomitant use of other hormonal drugs.

Side effects

Any hormonal therapy is a complex effect on the body, affecting all its systems. This becomes especially noticeable if such large dosages of hormonal drugs are used at the same time.

Emergency contraceptives should only be used in exceptional cases. Of course, they are better than abortion - but they still have a negative impact. And both in the short term and in the long term.

The following adverse effects may result from this type of contraception:

  • Pregnancy outside the uterus. It occurs due to the fact that the egg is disturbed along the genital tract, and it takes root in the wrong area;
  • Strong bleeding. Blood can stand out for a long time, and it is not always possible to stop it on your own. In such cases, you need to call an ambulance;
  • The likelihood of infertility in the future increases. The risk of miscarriage in future pregnancies also increases;
  • The most dangerous side effect of any birth control pill is thrombosis. This is a disease that greatly impairs the quality of life. And in some cases, it threatens to be fatal;
  • The menstrual cycle is disturbed. In women who have taken emergency birth control pills, the cycle does not always have time to return to normal even within 12 months.

After drinking one-time contraceptives for the first time after the act, you should immediately think about how to protect yourself in the future. Remember that before you start drinking single-use contraceptives on a regular basis, you need to talk with your gynecologist. It is he who will be able to prescribe the appropriate drug for you, determining how many male and female hormones are in your body.

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2016-10-16 07:24:03

Inna asks:

Hello, after unprotected intercourse, I drank birth control pills. After that I started having problems. A cyst appeared, having cured the cyst, inflammation surfaced, after inflammation a cyst appeared again, and a small febroma also appeared. And this is about 3 months. The doctor advises to put the Jaydest spiral. Please tell me, is this really a way out of my situation? How safe is this spiral. I've heard that the hormone helix can have terrible side effects.

Hello Inna!
Why did you take COCs after intercourse? You yourself provoked a hormonal imbalance. At what dose did you take the drug? Fibroma of what size is diagnosed? If you have not given birth, then I do not recommend putting a spiral, even a hormone-containing one, especially if there was a history of inflammation. First of all, I advise you to take a blood test for sex hormones to assess the hormonal background today.

2016-07-25 05:00:07

Maria asks:

Should I take the emergency birth control pill 5-7 days before my period? (I had unprotected intercourse).

Bosyak Julia Vasilievna answers:

No, it doesn't make sense, ovulation has already passed.

2016-05-30 09:59:03

Yana asks:

Hello, I started drinking Jazz Plus birth control pills, please tell me if my husband cums in a row twice in one sexual intercourse, can I get pregnant?

Hello Yana! If you drink this contraceptive in a timely manner, and start drinking it from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle (that is, from the first day of menstrual bleeding), you will not become pregnant, no matter how many ejaculations your husband has. As long as you take this contraceptive according to the rules, the chance of pregnancy is very low. Take care of your health!

2015-11-06 20:51:59

Anna asks:


At the end of August, after unprotected intercourse, she took a birth control pill 4 hours later. After that, after 5 days there were discharges and soon menstruation began exactly on time.

After that, there was unprotected intercourse (without a condom, but the man didn’t do “it” inside). Now the stomach aches periodically, the chest does not hurt and has not increased. In fact, the state of health is completely normal. Did a test on the 4th day of delay - negative. Recently there was a stress connected with study, a cold snap and active sexual relations have begun. Could the reason be the failure of the cycle after taking the pill 2 months ago?

Emergency contraception is not considered safe for a woman who has not given birth. MC violations are possible. Therefore, I recommend that you consult a doctor at a antenatal clinic for the selection of long-term and safe contraception. Do not forget that sexual activity without a condom is a high risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections, in particular - HIV - AIDS.

2015-09-05 08:55:45

Marina asks:

Hello, I’m interested in this question, I stopped drinking birth control pills on August 20-23, then I started my period, and before, during and after I had sexual intercourse. Ten days later I had brown dark highlight back and lower abdomen a little sore at the same time. For several days now. What could it be? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna answers:

You need to visit a doctor for examination and examination. Do not wait until the weekend - you need to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

2014-10-09 19:44:37

Sabina asks:

Hello, I came home in the evening and I had some kind of discharge like light brown water, before that there was brown, odorless discharge, I have been taking Novinet birth control pills for 6 months, can they somehow affect? Can I be pregnant since I had intercourse on the second pill after the break?!

Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna answers:

Sabina, good afternoon! Pregnancy is possible. Therefore, examination and examination in the antenatal clinic is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy. Be healthy!

2014-08-07 04:53:40

Maria asks:

hello, I am 26 years old, did not give birth, cycle 27-28

days, birth control pills have been canceled since May,

after the cancellation began painful periods and

ovulation (if I understand correctly, ovulation

occurs in each cycle on a different ovary), and

it hurts every time right, it turns out the cycle is everything

ok, but the cycle hurts.

11.06. had a laparoscopy of an ovarian cyst on the right (removed

mucinous cyst 2.5 cm), more pathologies

it says no, the smear is clean.

We are planning a pregnancy, the last menstruation was

16.07., sexual intercourse 25.07., and 28.07. was ovulating

painful, and since then it has been constantly tingling

whines then pulls the lower abdomen and lower right,

almost a week and a half.

she went to the doctor, she examined it, felt it, it didn’t hurt on palpation, she said that this is a feature of the body, wait for menstruation or a delay

tell me if such painful ovulation is normal on one ovary or is it a disease and how it


- why does the lower abdomen ache for so long, because before

monthly is still far away?

- could it be pregnancy? I really want pregnancy but I'm afraid of an ectopic (((did 08.07. the test is negative

thanks in advance

Bosyak Julia Vasilievna answers:

Ovulation can be painful. I advise you to wait for your period or, if you are more than a week late, donate blood for hCG to establish the fact of pregnancy. If there is no pregnancy, then after the end of menstruation, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs.

2014-06-08 08:52:10

Dasha asks:


I had my period, the next day I had sexual intercourse, the condom broke and I had to take a birth control pill, I feel good)

but 7 days have passed since my periods started again, which even go at night!

Can anyone please explain what is this?

The Medical Consultant of the portal answers:

Dear Julia, contact a gynecologist as soon as possible, most likely you are bleeding - your period has not gone for more than 7 days, and you need medical help.

2014-05-18 14:00:03

Valentina asks:

Hello! I take Logest birth control pills! I forgot to take one pill in the first week, somewhere on the sixth day, sexual intercourse was on the second day of the week.

Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna answers:

No, it doesn `t need. Only if there is a delay in menstruation for more than 10 days, then I advise you to donate blood for hCG.

How to avoid unwanted pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy can completely change your life. And abortion, in the worst case, greatly undermine health. To prevent this from happening, you should have an idea about the effectiveness of the main contraceptives and how to use them.

Time passes, but the myths about contraception remain

Scientists from the UK were interested in the problem of a high number of unwanted pregnancies, which could easily be avoided with the help of modern contraceptives. As a result of a survey conducted among women, it turned out that the myths about contraception are still alive, despite the wide distribution of various means and the universal availability of information about them.

Enemies of Libido: White Bread, Headache Medicines and Tonic Drinks

It would seem that what could be in common between white bread, a tonic carbonated drink, which is so nice to quench your thirst in the summer heat, and a romantic dinner for two in a restaurant? It turns out that such a connection exists - all of the listed things and phenomena can significantly reduce libido, not only in men, but also in women. British researchers studied the "pitfalls" that can kill the desire for love, which are often found in Everyday life. Their interest in such phenomena is understandable: as the "explorers" themselves say, in the UK at least 2 million men and almost 4 million women suffer from either low libido or its complete absence.

Emergency contraception after 5 days is already a reality

In England, a company that owns an Internet pharmacy is offering women a new drug related to morning-after-morning birth control pills. Unlike traditional oral contraceptives, the new drug should be taken once after sexual intercourse, which is doubtful from the point of view of preventing pregnancy. The new drug is very effective: it prevents unwanted pregnancy even 5 days after dangerous intimacy - in this case, it prevents conception in 50% of cases. But the “panacea for zaleto” immediately had enemies: in addition to the usual public organizations in such cases, uniting opponents of abortion, there are also some doctors who fear for the health of young girls.

Effective birth control for irregular relationships

Today, there are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. A wide selection allows you to choose the most suitable contraceptive for each woman. In an irregular relationship, it is also important to take care of protection. How to decide on the method of contraception and what to look for when choosing? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Why is contraception necessary?

Every woman sooner or later thinks about how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to exclude love joys from life, which, by the way, negatively affects the psycho-emotional state. Modern medicine currently offers a large number of various methods of contraception.

The use of contraceptives helps to preserve women's health and reproductive function. selection best method a gynecologist should be involved, since the age, anamnesis and regularity of the patient's sexual life are taken into account.

What are the contraceptives?

To protect against unwanted pregnancy, there are many types of contraception, each of which is suitable in a particular situation. They are usually divided into traditional and modern. The former include coitus interruptus, barrier methods (condoms, diaphragm), spermicides, non-hormonal agents and a biological (calendar) method of protection.

Modern types of prevention of egg fertilization are the most popular, as they give an almost 100% guarantee. These include hormonal birth control pills, IUDs (intrauterine devices), injections, vaginal rings. Each method has its own indications, side effects and contraindications. Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to choose effective contraceptives.

Hormonal methods of contraception

The most common and reliable are contraceptives based on female hormones (synthetic analogues) - estrogen and progesterone. Some may be single-component and contain only progesterone, in which case they are called mini-pills. They are the most gentle for the body. Combined contraceptives may contain different doses of the main active ingredient.

The action of hormonal agents to protect against unwanted pregnancy is to block the maturation of the egg and the onset of ovulation. Mini-pills affect only the uterine mucosa, making it looser, and the excreted secret becomes viscous. This prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Pregnancy planning can begin as early as 2-3 months after the end of taking birth control pills, when the reproductive function is fully restored.

Benefits of hormonal drugs

The past generation of hormonal pills had a number of side effects, which led many women to stop using them. The latest contraceptives are well tolerated by the body and practically devoid of unpleasant consequences of use. They are produced in the form of tablets, patches, injections, vaginal rings and hormonal implants.

Oral contraceptives containing one type of hormone (mini-pill) are allowed to be taken during lactation. The components of the medicine do not affect the baby's body. To normalize the menstrual cycle after a miscarriage or medical abortion, women are advised to take combined drugs. They allow not only to further prevent the fertilization of the egg, but also to protect against inflammatory diseases.

The benefits of hormonal drugs include the elimination of skin problems. Sex hormones are known to affect sebum production. If a violation occurs, male hormones begin to be produced in greater quantities than female ones, and, as a result, acne appears on the skin.

Quite often, hormonal contraceptives for women are prescribed to treat polycystic ovaries and eliminate severe pain during menstruation. It has been scientifically proven that such drugs have a preventive effect and significantly reduce the risk of developing oncology of the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries, and also prevent mastopathy, endometriosis and fibromyoma.


You should carefully study the list of contraindications to taking hormonal drugs to prevent pregnancy. The main factors prohibiting the use of oral contraceptives are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases ( ischemic disease, hypertension, stroke, heart attack), venous pathologies.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • The last stages of obesity.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Vaginal bleeding in the intermenstrual period of unknown etiology.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.

Each drug has its own list of contraindications, and therefore you should seek the help of a specialist who will help you choose the right hormonal contraceptives. With an irregular relationship, such drugs can also be abandoned. Non-hormonal contraceptives are the most appropriate method of protection against unwanted pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs less than once a week.

The mechanism of action of non-hormonal contraceptives

Non-hormonal methods are very relevant during lactation, with irregular sexual relations, or if hormonal drugs are not allowed to be taken. The action of such funds is based on the destruction or damage of spermatozoa. Non-hormonal contraceptives reviews are very diverse. For some women, this is the best and safest way of family planning, while for others it is completely untrustworthy.

The composition of non-hormonal preparations contains special substances - spermicides, which contribute to damage to the membrane of spermatozoa, which provokes their death. The active ingredient can be nonoxynol, benzalkonium chloride. Substances form a thin film on the mucous surface of the vagina, which performs a protective function, and also contributes to the thickening of mucous secretions. Non-hormonal contraceptives are injected directly into the vagina, where they begin to act within 10-15 minutes. That is why they are referred to as barrier methods of contraception.

Are non-hormonal remedies effective?

Non-hormonal contraceptives cope with the task in only 80% of cases. For women who are sexually active, this method is not reliable. Local protection is suitable for irregular contacts, the impossibility of using oral contraceptives and intrauterine hormonal spiral, some diseases of the female genital organs, endocrine pathologies, during breastfeeding.

The main advantage of non-hormonal remedies is absolute safety for health and the absence of serious side effects (in rare cases, itching is possible). A woman may not worry that she has not taken a pill, as is the case with hormonal drugs, because the funds are used immediately before sexual contact.

Disadvantages of non-hormonal drugs

The disadvantages of non-hormonal contraceptives include:

  1. Introduction before coitus - it is necessary to accurately control the process and inject the drug no later than 10 minutes before contact.
  2. It is forbidden to take a shower immediately: soap neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina created by the product. In the annotation to the preparations, you can find information that hygiene procedures are allowed only 2-3 hours after unprotected contact.
  3. Short-term effect of the drug - the protection created by the drug lasts for 3-4 hours, that is, it is recommended to introduce a new tablet before the next contact, because the first one will no longer provide reliable protection.
  4. The appearance of itching - some women note that after the introduction of the drug into the vagina, itching appears (an allergic reaction).
  5. Intolerance to the components that make up the drug - in this case, do not use a contraceptive.

Types of non-hormonal contraceptives

Non-hormonal contraceptives have recently become increasingly popular due to their safety. They are classified according to the form of release (tablets, suppositories, creams, tampons, vaginal balls, aerosols) and the main active ingredient. Despite some differences, the main effect of the drugs will be the same. A wide selection of drugs allows a woman to choose the most suitable and easy-to-use contraception. It is recommended that you first read the annotation, which will indicate the method of administration of the drug and the duration of the effect.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills

Girls and women who have contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives and who do not want to influence the hormonal background can use local contraceptive pills or suppositories. These are the most easy-to-use spermicide-based protection products.

Non-hormonal birth control pills for irregular relationships are the ideal protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for women. Quite often, they are used by girls who are afraid of side effects of oral contraceptives or, due to health reasons, cannot use other methods. Vaginal tablets can be selected independently or with the help of a gynecologist. Some manufacturers recommend combining them with other protection methods, such as a diaphragm.

The following non-hormonal contraceptives (for women) are most effective:

  • "Benatex";
  • "Pharmatex";
  • "Patentex Oval";
  • "Traceptin";
  • "Conceptor".

Some of these remedies are based on the substance nonoxynol, which can somewhat prolong love joys by reducing sensitivity, others are benzalkonium chloride. In terms of effectiveness and mechanism of action, the drugs do not differ. A remedy should be preferred, to the components of which the woman will not have an allergic reaction in the form of burning and itching.


Currently, the drug "Pharmatex" is the most popular among non-hormonal methods of contraception. The active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride, a medicinal antiseptic with antifungal and contraceptive effects. At the local level, the drug destroys spermatozoa and enhances the secretion of a viscous secret, like other non-hormonal contraceptives.

With an irregular relationship, Farmateks candles will be the most convenient option for protection. Also, the drug is available in the form of a cream, vaginal tablets and capsules, tampons. Candles are valid for 4 hours, tablets - no more than 3. The manufacturer recommends introducing a new candle (tablet, capsule) with each subsequent sexual intercourse.

According to studies, "Pharmatex" can protect against gonococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas, herpes virus type 2. However, the tool does not provide pernicious influence on the microflora of the vagina and does not change the normal level of acidity.

"Patentex Oval"

When safe contraception is needed, non-hormonal yet effective contraceptives are selected. With irregular relationships, many women use a nonoxynol-based remedy - Patentex Oval. Its efficiency is from 80 to 90%. The drug is released in the form of vaginal foaming suppositories, which must be administered before sexual intercourse. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, suppositories provide antifungal and antiviral effects, that is, they protect a woman from many diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual contact.

Contraceptives after exposure

The method of emergency contraception is resorted to if sexual intercourse was completely unprotected. In order to definitely protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take a contraceptive. After the act, no more than three days should pass.

One-time contraception is based on blocking the release of a mature egg from the ovary and preventing attachment to the uterine wall in case of fertilization. Doctors advise resorting to this method only in the most extreme situations. Popular remedies from this category include Postinor, Escapelle, Zhenale.

Contraceptive pills after the act for 24: varieties, harm

Sex without protection can happen in the lives of many, but here we will not talk about diseases that can be “picked up”, but about an unplanned pregnancy, when the child is not included in the plans of both partners and panic begins. The first thing to do is to calm down for both, because there are no hopeless situations, and pharmacology suggests the use of birth control pills, which must be taken immediately after the act within 24 hours. They will help to avoid unwanted consequences.

Popular remedies

Modern drugs designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies after unprotected intercourse are popular. Some of the most famous means:

  • Postinor;
  • Agesta;
  • Escapelle;
  • Ginepriston;
  • mifepristone.

It is a mistake to think that drugs will be the perfect way to have unprotected sex. These are single use hormonal drugs. They affect the woman's body. Gynecologists say that the maximum allowable intake is two capsules per year. Taking pills by a partner will not affect men's health in any way, but it can deal a critical blow to a woman. To be more precise, not the whole body, but the organs responsible for procreation. Medicines are not kept in home lockers, as they are available at any pharmacy.

Hormonal anti-flight drugs block the process of ovulation, egg implantation. The female body undergoes a severe hormonal failure, so it is better to forget about planning a pregnancy for the next six months. Information is important for both partners if they dream of becoming parents of a healthy baby in the future.

Harm of "emergency" contraceptives

Partners who had joint unprotected intercourse resort to solving the problem without going to the doctors, on their own, fearing that the woman became pregnant. The best option would be to contact a gynecologist to save yourself from the need to use harmful chemical components of drugs. When the decision not to see a doctor is considered and invariable, the couple should carefully read the instructions for the drug, learn about side effects. It should be remembered that there are no harmless drugs in this category.

The body of a woman is exposed to negative effects and even danger. There are several reasons:

  • Taking birth control can lead to an ectopic pregnancy;
  • The use of the drug is often caused by bleeding from the uterus;
  • After using a contraceptive, the likelihood of successful conception is sharply reduced.

Contraceptive pills and other express means are harmful and dangerous for young women who have not given birth. The retribution for intercourse without the use of contraceptives is infertility. Before taking pills, the couple should jointly think over and weigh all the pros and cons, and going to the gynecologist will allow you to choose the compounds that cause the least harm, without greatly loosening the female hormonal system.


The list consists of popular drugs, where postinor is the strongest. The effect is comparable to hitting the female reproductive organs with a heavy object. It is known that taking the drug will prevent pregnancy by 95%, but will call into question the subsequent one. In addition, the remaining 5% leave a chance for conception, but how the pregnancy will proceed, what abnormalities may appear in the fetus after a severe hormonal shock. Statistics say that cases where the drug did not help are solved by the doctors' proposal to have an abortion, since complications are likely for both the mother and the child.

Both grandmothers and mothers know about the drug, all those who found the 1980s of the last century. But not everyone knows what price to pay. The tool consists of a mini-course, the reception is carried out for three days, and each package contains two tablets.

Contraception is not suitable for all women, but if you want to use it, it is important to know the date of the last menstruation. In case of menstrual irregularities, delay, other problems associated with critical days, postinor should be abandoned. Doctors say that after taking heavy prolonged bleeding will appear.

Tablets are not intended for women who have problems and complications associated with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, or suffering from diabetes. It is strictly forbidden to accept young people under 16 years old, as well as those who have not given birth.

Contraception is dangerous for those who are sick:

  • tuberculosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • Cystitis or other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Botkin's disease;
  • Has problems with high blood pressure;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Vascular and heart diseases.

The tool is intended for women who do not have health problems, but the pills taken can seriously undermine it. The consequences of admission are manifested:

  • In violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • The occurrence of vomiting and nausea;
  • headaches;
  • The development of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • In bleeding from the vagina;
  • infertility;
  • Sudden fainting, itching, swelling, rash;
  • Sharp pain in the lower abdomen;


An agent used in a medical clinic to prevent unwanted pregnancy, abortion, when the period does not exceed six weeks. Contraceptives are not sold in pharmacy chains, they are distributed and sold exclusively by prescription. It is used only in the conditions of the blade, so that the doctor can observe and control the process.

Among the contraindications, problems in women with the liver and kidneys are noted. It is necessary to inform the health worker about smoking or drinking alcohol if the patient often indulges bad habits. The doctor must know if a woman uses an intrauterine device, the drug is unacceptable with her. Three weeks later, a woman needs to do an ultrasound to make sure that there is no pregnancy, if she is, they have an abortion. A child cannot be born full-fledged, healthy if the person has taken an agesta.

Side effects are expressed:

  • In nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • bleeding;
  • fainting;
  • In violations of the menstrual cycle.


The contraceptive, which must be taken within 24 hours of unprotected intercourse, contains levonorgestrel, a component that prevents pregnancy.

  • Violation of menstruation;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • Apathy, headache.


Tablets that prevent a woman's body from unwanted pregnancy after intercourse without protection, containing the substance mifepristone, are a synthetic steroid drug.

The active substances block the effects of progesterone, the pregnancy hormone. In a couple of hours, an environment arises in the uterine region that is negative in relation to the fertilization process. The drug is highly effective.

Side effects:

  • In skin rash, itching;
  • Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • An increase in temperature, a violation of the period of menstruation;
  • The appearance of bleeding.

Taking a contraceptive on the first day may not lead to side effects, which cannot be said about using it at a later date. There will be uterine bleeding, you will need immediate medical attention.


The contraceptive is a means for medical abortion. It is permissible to use contraceptive during the first day after intercourse without protective equipment. When it turns out that the pregnancy has come, mifepristone is used to terminate it.

The appointment of the drug in this period excludes independent use, you must consult a doctor. The uterus will gain tone, accompanied by contractile myometrium, which will lead to miscarriage. The fertilized egg will be destroyed due to the action of the drug that blocks progesterone. Contraindications make up a large list:

  • Excluded in renal failure;
  • With diabetes;
  • Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • With inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • Anemia, bronchial asthma;
  • Infections, bad habits.

Two days after using the remedy, the woman remains under the supervision of a doctor, and after 14 days she returns to the clinic for an additional health check. The drug is dangerous, sometimes it does not have the desired effect, an abortion will be required. The side effects of the early stages and time after an abortion with the use of a medication are identical:

  • Violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Birth control pills at a time

Every woman in her life at least once faced such a problem as unprotected intercourse. In a situation where an unwanted pregnancy is possible, a woman usually panics, and she begins to look for an emergency contraceptive, 1 tablet of which can solve all problems.

Fortunately, medicine does not stand still and today single-use contraceptive pills are very popular. Yes, and how else? After all, only thanks to this method it is possible not only to eliminate undesirable consequences random connection, but also significantly reduce the number of abortions and abandoned children in the maternity hospital. One-time birth control pills can be bought at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, but you should always keep in mind that they are not entirely safe for a woman's health, so you should not use them more than once every six months.

Types of single-dose contraceptive pills

All drugs in this group can be divided into hormonal and non-hormonal. If the drug contains a substance called mifepristone, then this indicates that the drug is non-hormonal, and therefore less safe for the woman's body.

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The most famous and widely used emergency type of hormonal drug is 1 birth control pill called Escapelle. No less popular and has long been known on the pharmaceutical market is the drug Postinor.

This drug can be called the most purchased drug in pharmacies, which was used back in the seventies, and is now quite often used by young women and girls. adolescence. The earlier you take contraceptives at one time, the more effective the result and the more guarantees. Postinor must be drunk immediately after unprotected intercourse, the maximum possible period of admission is the next day after it.

Along with all the advantages of this drug, it also has some disadvantages: acting on a woman's ovaries, it negatively affects their functioning, knocking down the natural rhythm of the menstrual cycle. Due to these factors, a woman begins to wonder if the drug helped prevent pregnancy or if she just has a cycle delay.

And perhaps vice versa, after taking the medication, heavy bleeding begins, which is caused by improper functioning of the ovaries.

Equally well-known are single-use contraceptive pills Ginepriston, Genale, Agest, they can also be easily purchased at every pharmacy.

The main principle of action of hormonal drugs is the timely blocking of the ovulation process, as a result of which the fertilization of the egg becomes impossible. In the event that a woman is late to take birth control pills - 1 tablet can prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that, despite some side effects, contraceptives at one time are the most acceptable and relevant ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

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Good contraceptive pills, which hormonal pills are better for women after 30, new generation contraceptives, a list of drugs by rating

Birth control pills

Birth control pills are the most reliable form of contraception. When used correctly, this method is 100% effective. Modern drugs contain a dose of hormones that is 100 times less than the first hormonal drugs that appeared in the middle of the last century and which our mothers remember well. These "ancient" drugs caused the appearance of a terrible myth "HORMONES!". In terms of reliability / safety, COCs (combined oral contraceptives) surpass even such a popular condom.

Modern drugs contain female sex hormones, as close as possible in effects to natural ones, in very low doses. Avoiding possible side effects allows a preliminary examination, which must be completed before choosing a drug and which includes a blood test for clotting, biochemical tests, ultrasound and a gynecologist's examination. The examination will reveal a predisposition to conditions in which the use of hormonal contraceptives is undesirable (More...). Other women can take them for a long time. This type of contraception is absolutely reversible, the speed of recovery after the abolition of pills, as a rule, is about a month and depends on the initial hormonal background and the duration of the intake. If you want to get pregnant, just stop taking oral contraceptives and start planning.

Combined oral contraceptives:

* Microdosed hormonal drugs: Contraception for young, nulliparous women who have a regular sex life (once a week or more often). Great for those who have never used hormonal contraceptives.

Novinet Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg;

Desogestrel 150 mg. Monophasic drug of the latest generation.

Tri-Merci Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Desogestrel 125 mcg. Three-phase drug of the latest generation.

Logest Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg;

Gestodene 75 mcg. monophasic drug. May cause disruption of the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Mercilon Ethinylestradiol 20 mcg;

Desogestrel 150 mcg. monophasic drug.

* Low-dose hormonal drugs: Contraception for young, nulliparous women who have a regular sex life (once a week or more), if microdosed drugs did not block ovulation. Contraception for women who have given birth, or women in late reproductive age.

Silest Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Norgestimate 250 mcg. monophasic drug. It has a double anti-androgenic effect.

Minisiston Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 125 mcg. monophasic drug.

Marvelon Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Desogestrel 150 mcg. monophasic drug. May cause menstrual dysfunction.

Microgynon Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 150 mcg. monophasic drug.

Femodene Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Gestodene 75 mcg. monophasic drug.

Regulon Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Desogestrel 150 mcg. Monophasic drug of the latest generation.

Rigevidon Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 150 mcg. monophasic drug. The package contains tablets for three menstrual cycles.

Jeanine Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Dienogest 2 mg. New monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic effect.

Charozetta Desogestrel 0.075 mg. New monophasic drug. For estrogen intolerant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Belara Ethinylestradiol 30 mcg;

Chlormadinone acetate 2 mg. New monophasic drug. Has an anti-androgenic effect.

* Medium-dose hormonal drugs: Excellent contraception for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have a regular sex life (once a week or more often).

Diane-35 Ethinylestradiol 35 mcg;

Cyproterone acetate 2 mg. Monophasic drug with anti-androgenic effect.

Demulene Ethinylestradiol 35 mcg;

Ethinodiol diacetate 1 mg. monophasic drug.

Triquilar Ethinylestradiol 40 mcg;

Trisiston Ethinylestradiol 40 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 75 mcg. Triphasic drug.

Tri-regol Ethinylestradiol 40 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 75 mcg. Triphasic drug. The package contains tablets for three menstrual cycles.

Milvane Ethinylestradiol 40 mcg;

Gestodene 70 mcg. Triphasic drug.

*High-dose hormonal drugs: Used primarily for the treatment of hormonal disorders, but can be used as contraception for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who are sexually active (once a week or more), provided that low and medium doses drugs did not block ovulation.

Ovidon Ethinylestradiol 50 mcg;

Levonorgestrel 250 mcg. monophasic drug.

Non-Ovlon Estradiol 50 mcg;

Norethisterone acetate 1 mg. monophasic drug.

* Gestagen oral contraceptives: Contraception during lactation, for women who have given birth or women of late reproductive age who have regular sex life (once a week or more), in case of contraindications to the use of combined oral contraceptives (estrogens). The drugs are also used to treat fibroids, endometriosis and some other diseases.

Exluton Linestrenol 500 mcg. Monophasic drug of the latest generation. Can be taken during lactation.

Norkolut Norethisterone 500 mcg. monophasic drug.

Microlute Levonorgestrel 300 mcg. monophasic drug.

Micronor norethisterone 350 mcg. monophasic drug.

Fire contraception

Escapelle is a pill that is taken by mouth on any day of the menstrual cycle to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Escapel is intended for emergencies and is in no way a substitute for regular contraception. The use of Escapel is recognized as the most effective and well-tolerated method of emergency contraception.

The drug is extremely convenient to use: one tablet provides the necessary dosage of levonorgestrel, sufficient to ensure that pregnancy does not occur, and moderately low in order to prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy for a woman in the most gentle way. Escapel is safe for the female body, which has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies around the world.

However, it is worth remembering that in the case when the time of sexual intercourse is not exactly known, or when more than 96 hours have passed since intercourse without contraception, the probability of fertilization is high. In such cases, taking Escapel tablets will not bring the desired result.

If a woman is already pregnant before taking the Escapelle tablet, then the drug will not have a negative effect on the unborn child and will not cause a miscarriage!


Condoms are barrier methods of contraception. The principle of their action is to mechanically prevent sperm from entering the vagina. They have a standard size of 15 to 22.5 cm.

This method has both advantages and disadvantages. The main and undeniable advantage (and even purpose!) Is that the condom is the most effective means of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. Condoms, contrary to popular belief, are among the most effective methods of contraception. Thus, 25 out of 100 couples who use a condom as a method of contraception experience an unwanted pregnancy. Following this, there is also the problem of a woman's fear of a possible unwanted pregnancy. It would seem, how can you use a condom incorrectly? However, statistics stubbornly show that one of the main reasons for the low effectiveness of a condom is improper use or storage. By the way, keep in mind that condoms deteriorate during long-term storage. The disadvantage of a condom, in addition to low efficiency, is a decrease in the sensitivity of the genital organs. And if you resort to the use of ultra-thin condoms, you will have to be doubly careful, because you will have to pay even more risk for pleasant sensations, since the strength of these types of condoms is low.

When using a condom, such an important element disappears sexual relations like spontaneity. If your couple, following the advice of manufacturers, can organically introduce the process of “dressing” into a sexual game, then this disadvantage can turn into a virtue. However, such a magical “transformation” requires complete mutual understanding and trust, which, you will agree, is difficult to achieve with irregular contacts.


An intrauterine device (IUD), commonly referred to as a coil, is a small device that a doctor places in the uterus. Intrauterine devices prevent pregnancy, but, oddly enough, no one still knows exactly how this happens!

Spiral - relatively effective method contraception, but its use is very limited due to the possible development of complications. Among these possible complications- rupture of the cervix, bleeding, pain, frequent development of inflammatory diseases, ectopic pregnancy, infertility ... Total - a rather serious list. That is why the spiral is not recommended, for example, for women under the age of 25 who do not yet have children. The inconvenience of the spiral is also that only a doctor can install and remove this remedy after a medical examination. Moreover, if you decide to have a child, it is not known how long you will have to wait after the removal of the spiral - in most women, the ability to become pregnant is restored within 1 year. The relative advantage of the spiral is the long period of its possible use - 5 years.

Hormonal spiral

Contains a reservoir with a pure progestogen hormone - levonorgestrel. This hormone is gradually released from the reservoir into the uterine cavity and not into the bloodstream like other forms of hormonal contraceptives. That. it has much less systemic effects on the body, including side effects, and a much stronger local effect on the uterine mucosa. Under the influence of long-term constant exposure to the hormone, the endometrium atrophies, and pregnancy becomes impossible. This action reduces the side effects of conventional IUDs: heavy and prolonged menstruation. Atrophic endometrium menstruates very poorly, sometimes menstruation stops altogether. After removal of such an IUD, they are restored.

This feature allows it to be used when conventional IUDs are contraindicated: with fibroids, endometrial pathology - on the contrary, in this case, a hormone-containing IUD has a therapeutic effect. However, the risk of inflammatory diseases against the background of such an IUD is increased in the same way as against the background of conventional IUDs, these contraindications remain. The tube of the hormone-containing IUD is thicker than other IUDs due to the hormone reservoir, so it is more difficult to insert. Shelf life - up to 5 years. Like other IUDs, it is the choice for women who have given birth for long-term contraception.

vaginal ring

This tool is an elastic transparent ring made of synthetic material and containing hormones. The ring begins to act only in the vagina and necessary condition to start the release of hormones from the ring membrane is the body temperature. A complex system of membranes allows a strictly defined amount of hormones to be released daily. The ring is intended for contraception during one menstrual cycle, including 21 days of use and a seven-day break. The ring is easily inserted and removed by the woman herself.

Since the hormones are absorbed through the vagina, the effect on the gastrointestinal tract is minimal and there is no need for monitoring. daily use. Of the side effects, spotting, headaches, nausea, etc. are observed. In some cases, there is a loss of the ring (in this case, the most important thing is to notice it in time!). Some women feel discomfort when wearing it, irritation of the vagina. Moreover, the sexual partner feels the presence of a "foreign" body, and this is especially not pleasant when a woman does not want her partner to know about protection.

Contraceptive patch

This drug is glued to a certain part of the body, and the absorption of hormones in this case is carried out through the skin. The action of the contraceptive patch, like other contraceptives, is to delay the development of the egg and increase the viscosity of the mucus in the cervix. During one menstrual cycle, three patches are used, each of which is pasted for a period of seven days, after which a seven-day break is required, during which menstruation occurs. In principle, the patch adheres to the skin quite well and retains its effectiveness in various water procedures, however, it needs to be glued to different areas of the skin each time.

The contraceptive patch is good for "forgetful" women who find it difficult to remember to take their pills every day, but they should not forget to change it weekly. In addition, this method is suitable for women with gastrointestinal problems, especially those accompanied by vomiting or loose stools. The disadvantages of this method include the following. First of all, the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding, headache is often noted. The patch is contraindicated overweight women, as fullness prevents the absorption of hormones. There are also quite obvious inconveniences to using this method. In some cases, the patch may peel off, and it must be replaced with a new one. The patch often causes skin irritation at the site of application, and after wearing the skin may darken somewhat. Like all patches, the contraceptive patch gets dirty, so after 2-3 days of use it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

Injections long-acting

The possibility of using long-acting contraception continues to attract attention. The most studied injectable is Depo Provera. The injection stops ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary), and also leads to changes in the mucus in the cervical canal, the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, in which the development of pregnancy is impossible. The contraceptive effect lasts three months.

This method has a number of serious drawbacks. First, there are problems with bleeding, for example, irregular periods, spotting at different periods of the cycle, too heavy periods or their complete absence. In half of the women using this method, only after the third injection, bleeding normalizes. Secondly, some women experience weight gain of up to 2 kg by the end of the first year of use. This is mainly due to increased appetite. Edema may also appear. 3. mood swings, such as depression and irritability, decreased sexual desire, headaches. Thirdly, with prolonged use of this method, bone tissue is destroyed. And, fourthly, it should be borne in mind that a quick cancellation of this method is impossible. Given the described complications, this method is suitable for use for medicinal purposes.


The Norplant system consists of six small capsules containing the hormone progestin (levonorgestrel). Capsules are placed under the skin, on the inner surface of the shoulder, after which the slow release of the hormone begins. The contraceptive effect is achieved after 24 hours and lasts for five years. The implant causes changes in the endometrium, leading to disruption of the egg attachment process. It also contributes to an increase in the viscosity of cervical mucus, which prevents the movement of sperm.

When using the implant, intermenstrual spotting, menstrual irregularities, fluid retention in the body, headache, increased hair growth, depression, hair loss, acne, hair loss, pain in the mammary glands, and weight gain may occur. In patients who have overweight, contraceptive effect is reduced. This method is recommended for those who do not want to have children within the next few years, and for those who do not plan pregnancy at all.

Female and male sterilization

Sterilization is a method of irreversible contraception leading to complete infertility. (However, even here one cannot speak of 100% reliability, since there is always a small chance that the operation will not give the desired result). Therefore, you can resort to it only if you are absolutely sure that you do not want to have a child. Male sterilization (vasectomy) is a simple surgical procedure that involves cutting and ligating both vas deferens. This stops the flow of sperm into the seminal fluid, while the sexual desire and orgasm remain the same. Female sterilization takes place in a hospital, consists in cutting, tying or creating other artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes (reference to the structure of the reproductive system). The end result is the same - thanks to the fact that the fallopian tubes impassable, the egg cannot meet the sperm. In this case, your natural menstrual cycle will continue as before the operation.

As with any surgical operation, there is always a risk of complications such as infection, bleeding, adhesions. If suddenly, for some reason, a woman wants to have a child, then in this case, pregnancy can only occur as a result of IVF (in vitro fertilization, “test tube baby”). One thing is obvious - before deciding to sterilize, carefully consider all the consequences. Remember that this decision is made for life!

Mini Pili

These are hormonal pills that do not contain estrogens. It is estrogens that give the main side effects of combined oral contraceptives. Pure gestagens significantly increase the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which makes it very difficult for sperm to pass into the uterine cavity. In addition, drugs inhibit the maturation of the endometrium, which makes it impossible for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall for further development. But ovulation occurs when taking these drugs, which is why the contraceptive effect is lower. Mini-pills are drunk constantly, without interruption, all the time necessary to prevent pregnancy.

The main disadvantage of mini-pills is the high frequency of breakthrough bleeding compared to other oral contraceptives. Usually they continue during the first 3-4 months of admission. Menstrual function against their background can be disturbed unpredictably: from constant spotting to the complete cessation of menstruation. But these violations are reversible. In the event that menstrual bleeding has not occurred 6 weeks after the last menstruation, it is necessary to conduct an examination for the presence of pregnancy and, only in its absence, continue taking it. Mini-pill is a way out for those women for whom the use of estrogen is contraindicated, including nursing mothers. But for this increase in safety, mini-pills pay with less reliability: they have lower contraceptive protection.

calendar method

The calendar method calculates possible (fertile) days for conception based on the length of menstrual cycles over the past year.

If there is any point in using this method, it is only for the opposite purpose, that is, to calculate especially favorable days for conception.

temperature method

The temperature method is based on determining the time of ovulation by changing the basal temperature.

In addition to the fact that the method is associated with many difficulties, the effectiveness of this method is unacceptably low.

Interruption of sexual intercourse

This method is probably the most ancient contraceptive - even in the Bible it is described how Onan poured out his seed on the ground, which angered God. The principle of operation of this method is to remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation.

Coitus interruptus is one of the most ineffective contraceptive methods. According to statistics, out of 100 couples using this method, about 20-25 of them then face an unwanted pregnancy. Firstly, not every man is able to control himself at the moment of orgasm (especially adolescents). Secondly, a certain amount of spermatozoa is released at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, along with natural lubrication. According to some reports, this is the “vanguard”, consisting of the most mobile and viable spermatozoa, which, accordingly, makes the probability of conception very high. In addition, with repeated sexual intercourse, sperm that remains after the first orgasm can enter the vagina. In addition to the unreliability of this method, it should be noted that it is harmful from a psychological and neurological point of view - the need to remove the penis disrupts the sensations of orgasm, both in men and women, which can lead to dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse. And the lack of stimulation of the glans penis during orgasm can cause a violation of its mechanisms, leading to the development of various disorders.

Very unpleasant, very difficult psychologically (for both men and women) and ineffective.


This is a typical "feminine thing". It looks like a cup in the form of a latex or rubber dome. It is introduced into the vagina before intercourse, covering the cervix, and serves as a container for a cream that suppresses the activity of spermatozoa. Its purpose is the same as the purpose of a condom - to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.

For correct use diaphragm, a number of conditions must be observed, which can be considered inconveniences. The rules are:

* To install the diaphragm, you first need to empty your bladder (and, of course, wash your hands after that!).

* A rule that will remind you of the "heavy male share": when you are going to use the diaphragm, check if there are any holes in it. To do this, stretch the rubber and look at the light or fill it with water.

* The diaphragm is inserted into the vagina no earlier than six hours before sexual intercourse. The diaphragm insertion technology itself, although comparable to a condom, is actually a little more complicated. If your romantic plans have changed and the onset of a wonderful moment has dragged on for more than six hours, then you will have to add spermicidal cream.

* The introduction of an additional dose of cream or gel will also be required if your loved one has pleased you again ...

* Within six hours after sexual intercourse, the diaphragm can be left in place, but not more than a day.

With all this, the contraceptive effect leaves much to be desired - 30 out of 100 couples using this method, as a result, do not know what to do with an unwanted pregnancy.


Spermicides belong to the class of chemical contraceptives. They contain an active ingredient that destroys spermatozoa within a few seconds. In addition to the active substance, the composition of spermicides includes its carrier - a means that provides an enveloping effect of the active substance in the vagina. Thanks to these properties of spermicides, a kind of barrier is created around the cervix, preventing the penetration of spermatozoa into the "opias" places of the female body. The contraceptive effect of spermicides is also very low - up to 25-30 pregnancies per 100 women.

Spermicides come in the form of creams, jelly, suppositories and tablets, films and foams.

Life itself passed the verdict: given the not very high contraceptive effect, the possibility of an allergic reaction, itching, burning in the vulva, unaesthetic, reduced spontaneity of sexual relations, spermicides were not found wide application in practical life.

Contraceptive pills after intercourse and the name of the drugs

Postinor - birth control pills with experience, he vividly diverged back in the eighties.

The drug achieves its purpose, it is especially effective with early (the first - no later than the second day after the act) use.

He has an unpleasant feature, which consists in a negative effect on the ovaries. For example, even with a one-time, and even more so repeated, menstrual bleeding shifts, and in this situation a woman cannot understand what phase of the cycle is happening. It is impossible to understand whether she is pregnant or not, whether unprotected intercourse is possible today or not. And bleeding can be expected at any

Name of contraceptives

It is real to take the drug twice a year, but more often it should not be. It is more correct to replace it with other drugs that contain an antagonist - Mifepristone, this is Ginepristone, Genale, Agesta. From them you can expect a smaller blow to the hormonal system of a woman.

True and Ginepristone, according to reviews, some women shifted their periods.

At the same time, do not forget, taking Ginepristone requires a two-hour fast before and after.

In general, the frequent use of postcoital drugs is undesirable, it is better to carry other contraceptives in your purse.

Birth control pills Postinor

So, Postinor is a synthetic drug with a contraceptive effect, when it is used, levonorgestrel also suppresses ovulation and fertilization, provided that sexual contact occurs in the pre-ovulation period, when the probability of fertilization is greatest. The drug is not effective if implantation has already occurred.

Postinor is used for emergency postcoital contraception, that is, after unprotected intercourse, or if the contraceptive method used does not inspire confidence.

Birth control pills after intercourse is taken inside, two tablets in the first three days after intercourse.

The drug Ginepriston

The next drug is Ginepriston, a postcoital contraceptive for oral administration.

This is a synthetic steroid antiprogestogen drug that blocks progesterone at the receptor level. Causes inhibition of ovulation, changes in the endometrium and counteracts the implantation of the egg.

Birth control pills after intercourse within three days and after unprotected intercourse.

Ginepristone is applicable in any phase of the menstrual cycle, but it is not recommended for regular use as a permanent contraceptive.

Escapel contraceptive pills

Escapel is a tablet white color, engraved with "GOO" on one side.

It is a postcoital contraceptive with progestogenic and antiestrogenic effects. Suppresses ovulation and fertilization, but if sexual intercourse happened in the preovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, (the greatest likelihood of fertilization). It prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg, but when implantation has taken place, it is ineffective.

Escapelle is used only for emergency contraception, it does not replace regular contraception. Repeated use of the drug during the menstrual cycle is not desirable. Take no later than three days after intercourse.

There are a lot of contraceptives. To navigate their choice, it is necessary to consider in detail the types of this range.

The main groups of contraceptives:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • spirals;
  • candles;
  • barrier means;
  • natural methods.

Hormonal agents are considered the most effective.

Hormonal contraceptives are divided into the following types:

  • vaginal ring;
  • patch;
  • injections;
  • tablets.

All hormonal preparations contain sex hormones: estrogens and gestagens. These hormones inhibit ovulation and thicken the natural fluid that the cervix secretes. As a result, it is difficult for spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity.

In addition, the intake of new sex hormones in the body slows down the production of its own. Because of this, the egg does not mature, which means that pregnancy will not occur.

In no case should you take these drugs on your own. Hormonal preparations contain many contraindications. Only after a medical examination, the doctor will prescribe this or that remedy.

The Nova Ring vaginal ring is a modern contraceptive for women. It is a transparent elastic ring that is inserted into the vagina.

It is necessary to start using the ring from the first day of the menstrual cycle. The contraceptive releases a certain amount of hormones for 3 weeks. After that, the woman must remove the contraceptive without the help of a gynecologist. After 7 days, the ring is reinstalled as intended.

Side effects: migraines, nausea, vaginal discharge. If such manifestations become frequent, then it is necessary to consult a doctor.

This tool looks like a regular patch. It is glued to any part of the skin, except for the chest. The principle of its action is that the patch actively releases hormones that are absorbed through the skin.

Hormones inhibit the maturation of the egg and increase the viscosity of the fluid that accumulates at the cervix.

Glue the first patch should be from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The effect of one patch is 1 week. Therefore, in one menstrual cycle, you need to use 3 patches, and then take a break for 7 days.

The IUD is an intrauterine device that has established itself as a highly effective contraceptive. It is not recommended to use this method for girls under 23 years old. Despite its effectiveness (99%), the spiral can cause complications, including infertility.

The coil is inserted into the uterus itself. This is done by a gynecologist after a thorough medical examination. The term of this device is up to 5 years.

There is a hormonal spiral (Mirena) and non-hormonal - made of plastic and copper. Copper spiral - effective remedy and has much less contraindications. It can be used even during lactation. However, a copper IUD cannot be used if there is chronic diseases reproductive system and inflammation.

The hormonal uterine coil is the most popular among women. This drug releases certain doses of the hormone levonorgesterol into the uterine cavity, which prevents pregnancy.

Benefits of a hormonal IUD:

  • reduces discharge during menstruation;
  • long-term action - up to 5 years;
  • 99% efficiency.

Spiral Disadvantages:

  • age limit (from 25 years);
  • violation of menstruation;
  • contraindications for diseases of the liver and heart.

Contraceptive injections

This method consists in the fact that a woman is injected intramuscularly with a special substance that stops the process of ovulation, and also changes the composition of the mucus in the uterus. As a result, it is almost impossible to get pregnant. The duration of the injection is 3 months.

However, not all so simple. This contraceptive can cause bleeding, headaches, decreased libido. Prolonged use of this method can adversely affect the integrity of the bone tissue.

So, hormonal contraceptives are quite effective, but they have a number of side effects on the body. How to be? If a woman has health problems and the doctor does not recommend taking hormonal drugs, then you can use non-hormonal contraceptives in the form of suppositories.

Contraceptive suppositories are chemicals made from spermicide. The candle is inserted into the vagina before the onset of sexual intercourse and, under the influence of body temperature, melts there, creating a protective membrane inside. Thus, spermatozoa are retained by this substance and do not penetrate into the uterus.

The duration of the candle is up to 5 hours. This tool protects not only from pregnancy, but also from the penetration of infections and genital viruses. The main disadvantage of candles is their regular introduction before each sexual intercourse. Long-term use of suppositories is also undesirable, since spermicide can disrupt the internal microflora of the vagina.

After sexual intercourse using a candle, you should not wash with soap, as the alkali neutralizes the chemical that makes up the candle. Therefore, it is better to wash with just warm water.

Safe birth control

Thus, having studied the listed methods of contraception, we can conclude that they have side effects, as they contain hormones or chemicals. Are there really no other methods that are safer for health? This issue is especially relevant for young women who have not given birth, who find it difficult to become pregnant after taking contraceptives.

Alternative methods of contraception:

  • interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • condom;
  • calendar method;
  • temperature method;
  • douching.

Alternative methods are not harmful to health, but their effectiveness is low.

Coitus interruptus- a fairly popular method among couples. However, its efficiency is 70-75%. It consists in the fact that the man removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. The effectiveness of the method is reduced by the fact that during intercourse a small amount of spermatozoa is still released along with natural lubrication. And not every man can control himself during sex.

Condom- the most reliable remedy not only for unwanted pregnancy, but also for sexually transmitted diseases. This is especially true for those who do not have a permanent partner.

calendar method- simplest. It involves calculating the phase of ovulation according to the calendar. To do this, you need to know the duration of the woman's cycle and the first and mark the first day of menstruation on the calendar. From this day, count 10-11 days - the beginning of ovulation. Ovulation lasts approximately 7-9 days. During this period, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, since it is at this time that the greatest risk of becoming pregnant is.

temperature method involves measuring basal temperature in women on different days of the cycle. After ovulation, it rises by 0.2 ° C, which indicates the safety of getting pregnant. This method is quite painstaking - it requires daily fixing of temperature.

douching consists in washing the vagina with various solutions immediately after intercourse. To do this, you can prepare a weak solution of sea salt or a decoction of herbs. But this method is also very doubtful - after all, there will always be “active” spermatozoa that “have time” to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

Which contraceptive pill is better to choose

Oral contraceptives are divided into two groups:

  1. Combined containing estrogen and progestogen.
  2. Mini-drank, in which there is only one hormone - gestagen.

How to take birth control? There is no single scheme for taking oral contraceptives, since each of them contains a different dose of hormones and is prescribed individually.

Do you want something interesting?

Contraindications for taking oral contraceptives:

  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • hypertension;
  • heart diseases;
  • migraine;
  • metabolic disease;
  • excess weight;
  • malignant tumors;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age over 40 years.

Types of birth control pills

One of the most popular contraceptives of our time is Yarin's contraceptive pills. They stabilize the cycle well, do not give weight gain, perfectly fulfill their intended purpose - to prevent pregnancy.

But this drug has side effect: prolonged use causes frequent headaches.

If such diseases are present, then these tablets should not be drunk. In addition, "Yarina" gives a number of other complications: vegetative-vascular dystonia and headaches.

Contraceptive pills Jess is a combined antiandrogenic drug. This drug has a good contraceptive effect, treats acne and eliminates premenstrual syndrome.

The pack contains 28 tablets to be taken 1 per day. In addition, a special calendar is included in the pack, in which it is convenient to mark the days of taking the pills.

Side effects of the drug:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • bleeding;
  • headaches.

The drug is contraindicated in breastfeeding.

Contraceptive Regulon has several areas of application:

  • protects against unwanted pregnancy;
  • treats dysfunction of uterine bleeding;
  • stabilizes the cycle;
  • treats dymenorrhea;
  • eliminates pain during menstruation;
  • treats uterine fibroids;
  • resolves ovarian cysts.

Thus, Regulon is an excellent cure for female diseases. Unlike previous drugs, Regulon is usually prescribed to women over 40. It helps prevent abortion and its negative consequences.

Birth control Lindinet - hormonal pills that help prevent pregnancy and also stabilize the menstrual cycle. The tablets also prevent the onset ectopic pregnancies, reduces the risk of tumors in the mammary glands. Lindinet perfectly treats acne on the skin.


  • hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • otosclerosis;
  • smoking;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombosis;
  • genital tumors.

There are birth control pills after the act, which are emergency contraception. This method is an "ambulance" for unprotected intercourse. They are hormonal based and should be taken immediately after sex.

The most popular drugs in this series: Miniziston, Femoden, Marvelon. These contraceptives are widely available and available from pharmacies without a prescription.

Oral contraceptives are monophasic, two - and three-phase. Doses of hormones in each preparation are different. However, the rules for taking pills are, in most cases, the same.

Rules for taking birth control pills:

  1. Before starting the use of tablets, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  2. Tablets should be taken at the same time (preferably at night or with meals).
  3. As a rule, in 1 pack - 21 tablets, which should be taken every day from the beginning of the cycle, and then take a break for 1 week.
  4. After the end of the break, on day 8, you should resume taking the pills from a new package if pregnancy is not planned.
  5. If one tablet was missed on weeks 1 and 2, then it should be taken immediately, and then the next one after 12 hours. The next day - according to the usual schedule.
  6. If in the third week 1-3 tablets were missed, then it is better to stop taking it before the onset of menstruation. And after menstruation - resume the course.

When to stop taking the tablets:

  1. The onset of pregnancy.
  2. Frequent headaches.
  3. A sharp increase in body weight.
  4. Increasing pressure.
  5. Violation of vision.
  6. Voice change.
  7. The occurrence of gynecological diseases.
  8. 3 weeks before surgery.

Pregnancy after birth control pills

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to get pregnant after long-term use of contraceptives?

The answer is simple: you can! Any instructions for contraceptives indicate that pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after the contraceptive is discontinued.

But is everything so clear?

After all, if a woman has been taking contraceptives for a long time, then all the functions of the reproductive system were oppressed. After the abolition of pills, the female organs gradually begin to return to their previous work, sometimes even with an enhanced effect. It is this fact that gynecologists often use in the treatment of infertility. A woman who is unable to conceive is prescribed contraceptives for 2-4 months and then discontinued to "boost" the reproductive system to work twice as well. In most cases, this method helps. But sometimes you have to undergo 2-3 courses of such therapy.

Menstruation while taking contraceptives is rather scarce. This is due to the fact that hormonal drugs suppress the biological processes of the female body. However, this case has its advantages. Firstly: menstruation while taking contraceptives passes very quickly and they are practically painless. Secondly, there is a clear monthly cycle- 28 days.

There are times when a woman wants to artificially "delay" menstruation. For example, when traveling to the sea. In this case, she does not take a week-long break in taking the pills, but continues to drink them. Then menstruation does not occur. But this should not be abused! After all, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed or intermenstrual bleeding will appear.

Good contraceptives are those that are suitable for a woman in individually. This means that a contraceptive should be selected by a gynecologist, taking into account all the features of the body of an individual person. And to take or not to take contraceptives is a personal matter for everyone.

The main thing to remember: children should be desired and born on time. After all, there is nothing worse than an unloved and abandoned child.

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