Giardiasis in adults. Giardiasis


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05.10.2012, 23:15

Hello! I am 29 years old, over the past six months I have lost 12 kg in weight, despite the fact that I eat well. Normal weight for me has always been 84 kg, now I weigh about 72 kg. Semi-liquid stool, according to the coprogram a lot of fat and found "live Giardia in large quantities." According to the barium test, I have xp. esophagitis, bile reflux, non-closure of the cardia and hr. gastroduodenitis. The appetite is excellent, but there is some intolerance to sweets in the last six months, before I could eat almost kilograms of chocolate, now my stomach literally swells from one piece. The stool is terrible, sometimes brown and greasy, sometimes pale yellow and runny. Do I need to treat Giardia? I have read on American medical websites that Giardia self-eliminates within 6 weeks usually. Maybe this condition will pass? And do lamblia affect my health in this way? Thank you.

06.10.2012, 08:03

No, not so fast - self-healing occurs in 3-4 months. Giardiasis is a mild disease, and such significant weight loss cannot be caused by them. You need a very good therapist, of course full-time. Have you ever been seen by a therapist? Skin condition (if there are rashes), lymph nodes, etc.

Thanks for the answer! Since I was 15 years old, I have whiteheads on the upper body, chest, shoulders with blackheads, and it happens that acne often pours out. Lymph nodes are not enlarged. The therapist examined him and sent me to a gastroenterologist, the therapist himself is sure that I have GERD and an ulcer. I couldn't have an EGD because I have a deviated septum and can't breathe through my nose. On the barium test, they saw that I had chronic esophagitis and non-closure of the cardia, a cascade stomach and gastroduodenitis. Inflamed duodenum and signs of reflux. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity in June, when I had this condition for about two months and found that I had inflammation of the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas, while normal sizes and cholecystitis with a suspension and moderate inflammation of the right kidney. The gastroenterologist doctor offers me to cure Giardia with ornisid. But I'm afraid to drink such drugs with my inflamed liver. So I think maybe Giardia will still pass? Are there any methods to hasten their death without heavy toxic drugs? Thanks a lot.

06.10.2012, 08:35

I found a study from 2008 where it is said that Giardia, even asymptomatic, causes anemia (which I have been going on for these six months - hypochromic anemia) and after curing Giardia, the condition returns to normal. [Only registered and activated users can see links]

06.10.2012, 14:15

You can undergo treatment for giardiasis, post the prescription and dosage here, but I'm sure that your condition will not change significantly. In occasion of an anemia - open a subject in Hematology. Are you tested for celiac disease?

On Monday I go to the gastroenterologist, then I will write what she will prescribe. I opened a topic in hematology, the doctor who oversees it wrote that I do not have iron deficiency anemia as such, but there may be anemia of chronic inflammation. Can an inflamed gastrointestinal tract (esophagitis and gastroduodenitis) trigger the mechanism of anemia? I am not sure now what was primary - the gastrointestinal tract disease itself provoked the growth of Giardia, or vice versa, the invasion of Giardia caused it a long time ago and I did not know. It is possible that now these two problems are independent of each other. And if Giardia is easy to kill with drugs (90% probability), then at least one problem will become less and it will be possible to deal with the gastrointestinal tract further, I think so. Do you think this is correct?

06.10.2012, 14:34

I believe that these diagnoses do not explain your condition and, most importantly, such a significant weight loss. You didn't answer about celiac disease.

No, I have not been tested for celiac disease. I'll tell you how I started to lose weight, after a month of aspirin, which was prescribed to me by a therapist after a neck injury, one day I had severe diarrhea and a fever and pain appeared in my right side. It was in March of this year. I had subfebrile for a week and drawing pains in the region of the liver. The diarrhea was the first two days. Then a fetid stool appeared, greasy, difficult to wash off, there was such a terrible smell for a week. And gradually I began to lose my former energy, it became difficult to fall asleep, I did not feel the strength from food. I used to be able to eat just nothing and had the strength for the whole day. Now you eat well and tasty all day long, but you don’t have any strength. I thought it would go away on its own, and already in the summer in June I went for an ultrasound scan because my liver was very sore, they found diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas. Now I weighed myself, though I recently ate, I weigh 74 kg. Can be said for last month I gained 2 kg. Now, as such, there is no pain in the liver area, but sometimes there are spasms.

06.10.2012, 14:54

I read about celiac disease, at least I do not have hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, lowering the concentration of cholesterol and lipids, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia according to the tests. I took these tests when they were looking for the cause of inflammation of the liver and pancreas.

08.10.2012, 16:23

As for the harmlessness of Giardia, I read an article from 2010, the authors write that Giardia in children can manifest very severe conditions of hypovolemia and can lead to serious consequences requiring lifelong treatment. Here is the article [Only registered and activated users can see links]

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Statistics show that mainly children suffer from giardiasis. Which, in principle, is the way it is, because children's body not as strong as in adults. That is why adults are mostly only carriers of this disease. First, we note that the carriers of the disease are mainly flies, which is why it is necessary to make every effort to exterminate them. And this will be considered preventive measures. Secondly, the transitional period into the vegetative form in Giardia lasts from one to two weeks. This is a hidden form in which it is simply impossible to determine whether a person is sick or not.

Symptoms of giardiasis in adults

Treatment of giardiasis in adults

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out a scatological analysis, an immune analysis of feces and a bioscopy of the intestine. The treatment itself is carried out with the help of very toxic drugs, after which the patient undergoes a course of rehabilitation, which can take more than one month. During this period, it is necessary to Special attention in order to remove all the consequences of the life of lamblia. This is a very important point.

But before proceeding with the treatment of giardiasis in adults, it is necessary to prepare the patient. That is, it is necessary first of all to improve the enzymatic activity of the intestine. And the more difficult the patient's condition, the longer it will take to prepare. Sometimes this period lasts up to two weeks.

Diet for giardiasis in adults

Nutrition for giardiasis is that some foods have to be removed from the diet.

  • All flour.
  • Sweets.
  • Whole milk. It can be replaced with kefir or yogurt.
  • Sausages.
  • From cereals, you can use corn, rice and buckwheat.
  • Mayonnaise and ketchup.

But vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any quantity. Cranberry and lingonberry juice will also be useful. You can eat lean meat, but only boiled. Salads are best seasoned with vegetable oil. Remove all spices from the diet, salt can be in small quantities. And one more important point - take on board separate meals Make sure that all the necessary nutrients are supplied to the body.

This disease develops as a result of infection with protozoa. Cysts (a non-motile form of Giardia) may be present on food and surrounding objects. Eating poorly washed fruits and vegetables, forgetting to wash our hands on time, we introduce giardiasis pathogens into the body. Most often, this disease affects children, but it also occurs in adults. It is possible to accurately diagnose giardiasis only after examination. You can suspect a problem by the following symptoms: bloating and pain in its upper part or in the navel; nausea; alternating constipation and diarrhea; allergic reactions; fast fatiguability; general weakness; poor appetite; sleep disorders. The diet prescribed for giardiasis is always supplemented with therapeutic measures. Treatment is carried out in stages.

Stage #1

Stage #2

Stage #3

This stage takes 2-3 weeks. Its action is aimed at strengthening the immune system and cleansing the body. The diet is designed to improve intestinal motility - it is recommended to eat lean cereals, vegetables and fruit purees, dairy products. The doctor prescribes a multivitamin complex, probiotics, enzyme preparations. At all stages, sweets and pastries are excluded from the menu; everything spicy and smoked; sausages and canned food; carbonated and sweet drinks; vegetables with a spicy taste (raw onions, garlic, etc.).

In addition to products recommended for consumption at certain stages, juices and compotes without sugar should be present in the diet (unsweetened berries and fruits are a priority); low-fat dairy products; lean meats and fish; dietary soups and broths. You need to drink plenty of fluids. The diet for giardiasis in children does not differ from the adult diet - it is only important to ensure that the products do not cause allergies.

sample menu

Morning: berry juice, dietary porridge, a little cheese. For lunch, cook soup, stew zucchini, drink kefir or yogurt. Snack: baked apples. For dinner, you can eat rice cake, beef meatballs, stew. It is worth eating in small portions, but often (4-5 times a day).

Most often, giardiasis affects young children. One of the signs of invasion is the baby's slow weight gain, as well as indigestion. Diarrhea, followed by constipation, bloating, nausea - all these alarming symptoms can mean infection with Giardia.

A characteristic manifestation for giardiasis is atopic dermatitis. Therefore, foods that cause allergies (fruits, red vegetables) must be excluded from the menu. Otherwise, they can "lubricate" the clinical picture.

The treatment of giardiasis cannot do without taking medications. But it also cannot do without a change in nutrition. Diet against Giardia is the same effective remedy like synthetic drugs.

Dieting involves an increased number of meals (4-5 times a day) in small portions. Before eating, it is advisable to drink some sour drink.

Fried foods should be excluded from the diet. You only need to eat cooked by stewing, baking or boiling - in a double boiler, slow cooker, etc.

Worth knowing! A diet for giardiasis must be observed for a long time - 3-4 months.

Personal hygiene is very important. When returning from the street, after playing with animals, visiting the toilet, before eating, be sure to wash your hands. Foods taken raw (vegetables, fruits) must be thoroughly washed under running water.

In addition to creating an uncomfortable environment for Giardia, the diet is also aimed at restoring a healthy intestinal microflora.

Diet in the treatment of Giardia involves taking a large number berries and sour fruits - much Furthermore that a person usually consumes. Fruits and berries can be taken both fresh and in the form of drinks and compotes. Acidifiers are taken before meals - about half an hour before meals. Acidic fruits and vegetables should be eaten throughout the day. Citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges), sour apples, kiwi should be available to the patient in abundance.

Diet for Giardia in adults and children

The diet for Giardia in adults is not much different from that of a child. It involves a complete rejection of alcohol, muffins, sweets, dried fruits, honey - that is, those products that contain a lot of "fast" carbohydrates, which include glucose. It is the latter that is the most nutrient medium for lamblia. It is impossible to completely abandon carbohydrates, but you need to take slowly digestible carbohydrates - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge without sugar. Sour fruits and vegetables are useful, but you should not get carried away with them excessively - to avoid flatulence.

The most preferred food is one that contains pure protein - chicken meat, fish. You can eat 2 servings per day. But at the same time, meat and fish should not be prepared by frying - only boiling, stewing or baking. Useful products are cottage cheese (low-fat) and kefir. Usually, giardiasis is accompanied by dysbacteriosis, in which fermented milk products and cottage cheese are useful. All food taken should be light and agreed with the doctor.

If the child goes to kindergarten, then educators need to be warned about what he can eat and what not. Loving grandparents must be severely punished that sweets are strictly contraindicated for their grandchildren and granddaughters. And not only in the form of sweets, but also sweet dried fruits, bananas, grapes, as well as raisins and dates. Fresh bread, both white and rye, must be replaced with biscuits and crackers.

Slow carbohydrates - various cereals (rice, oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, corn) - must be present in the child's menu. Only they should prepare on the water.

An acidic environment in the intestines hostile to Giardia must be created with acidic drinks, taken before meals - fruit drinks from sour berries (cranberries) and fruits (apples, cherries, plums, kiwi, citrus fruits).

Useful substances in the giardia diet are pectins, which are found in apples and some berries (cranberries, lingonberries, currants, blueberries). Practically not absorbed in the digestive tract, enterosorbents work as "cleaners". That is, they absorb everything harmful and unnecessary for the body, and bring it out. And in addition, they also increase peristalsis and normalize metabolism.

Important! Spicy, fatty, fried foods should be completely excluded from the diet.

This food irritates the intestines, creates an increased burden on the already weakened digestive system. For the same reason, raw garlic and onions should not be consumed. You need to cook food only by stewing and boiling - including steaming.

Protein food should be taken, but only in the form of lean fish, veal, turkey. Smoked meats and sausages of all kinds should be excluded from the patient's diet.

Along with "slow" carbohydrates (cereals), fermented milk products should form the basis of nutrition. It is necessary to eat fresh biokefir every day, since the lacto- and bifidobacteria contained in it normalize the intestinal microflora. You can take low-fat cottage cheese, but whole milk must be discarded, it starts fermentation processes in the intestines.

Of great importance is the frequency and volume of servings of food. The number of meals is recommended to be increased to 6 per day, portions should be small, food - mashed chopped.

With regard to drinking, the diet in the treatment of Giardia in children contains a restriction only for sugary drinks. The child needs to drink a lot, but preferably water or something acidified. Sweet juices, "soda", cola, etc. must be completely eliminated.

Diet menu for the treatment of lamblia

In a family where there is at least one patient with giardiasis, the words - diet, giardia, menu - become the most frequently used. And this is understandable, given their importance for successful treatment.

The diet for giardiasis does not imply a special variety of food, but at the same time it cannot be called tediously monotonous.

Kashi. At first, they cook exclusively on the water. As for the specific product, it depends on the dietary preferences of the dieter. You can eat buckwheat, corn, rice, oatmeal, barley porridge. Who likes what. But legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas) should be excluded, as they cause flatulence. If the diet lasted a month, you can start adding milk diluted with water 1: 1 to the porridge during its preparation.

Liquids. You need to try to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day. Recommended drinks: lingonberry, cranberry, currant juice. You can cook various acidified compotes. Tomato juice is allowed. Reception of beneficial bacteria - bifidumbacterin and acidobiffirin - can be combined with fresh fermented milk products, just add bacteria to them. Kefir and fermented baked milk are allowed to be taken starting from the 3rd week of the diet.

Soups. You can eat broths from turkey, chicken, duck and other poultry (during cooking, you need to remove the skin and fat). Soups are prepared only on vegetable broths. Fatty meat (fish) broths should not be consumed.

Meat. The main requirement is that it should not be bold. There are no special preferences regarding the type of meat. You can eat lamb, veal, poultry and even pork if it is lean. The only requirement for the method of preparation - fried should be excluded. You can cook (preferably steamed), stew, bake. Cut into small pieces, large pieces with giardiasis are contraindicated. As for the specific type of dishes, preference should be given to meatballs and steamed cutlets.

Fruits. The main thing is that they must be fresh. Berries can be baked with low-fat cottage cheese, sweetened with a little stevia. Pears and apples are preferably taken baked.

Vegetables. Beets, potatoes, radish, cabbage. From irritating the intestines and causing flatulence - garlic, onions, legumes - must be discarded.

flour products. Rye stale bread is recommended as bread. Of the rest - everything that is unsweetened and dry - crackers, crackers.

Dairy. Cottage cheese (low-fat), fermented baked milk, kefir, cheese.

homemade lemonade. Take the components in the following proportions: 5 liters of water, one lemon, a decent-sized bunch of mint, stevia. Boil water, put mint and sliced ​​lemon into it, boil for about 2 minutes, sweeten with stevia.

Berry juice. Boil water, add berries and mash them with a crush, adding a little sugar. Turn off the fire and let the mars brew. You can’t boil for a long time, otherwise the berries will lose vitamins.

Fish with vegetables. Take a piece of foil, put a portion of fish (low-fat), part of a tomato, carrot, greens, a slice of lemon, a piece of eggplant on it. Salt everything, carefully wrap in foil and bake on the grill. You can put the foil in a double boiler.

cutlets. In low-fat minced meat, add the egg and stewed (not much) onion. Instead of white bread add oatmeal. Shape into patties and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake in the oven until fully cooked. Excess fat will be absorbed by the paper. The oven can be replaced with a double boiler.

Kashi. Getting ready on the water. In order not to be too ascetic, you can add a small piece of butter to the rice. Season oatmeal with fresh berries and stevia. Buckwheat is delicious without any additives.

Vegetable stew. Components: zucchini, cut into slices, tomato, sweet pepper, 1-2 potatoes, and, of course, carrots. In a tall skillet or saucepan, add a little oil and water. Put the potatoes first, boil them a little, then add the carrots, a little later - everything else. Do not forget to season with herbs, basil and oregano improves the taste. The peeled tomato is added last.

baked apples. You need to take sour varieties. Cut out the middle and fill it with lean cottage cheese sweetened with stevia. Add some cinnamon. Bake in the oven.


The effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs depends on how successfully this is done. Therefore, diet should be taken very seriously, the success of treatment largely depends on it.

How Giardia enters and develops in the human body (enlarge image)

By irritating the mucous membranes of the biliary tract, these microorganisms cause spasm of the sphincter of Oddi - the valve in gallbladder responsible for the timely release of bile by the gallbladder into duodenum(DPK). Persistent spasm of the valve and biliary tract causes biliary dyskinesia (BBD).

A single-celled microscopic organism that has a pear-shaped shape with eight flagella - that's what Giardia is. With the help of its suction disc, it has the ability to attach itself to the intestinal wall. In humans, the final digestion of food occurs on the surface of the intestine, which has a brush border.

Giardiasis can be avoided by observing sanitary and hygienic rules when preparing food, personal hygiene rules (especially in children), maintaining cleanliness in the living room and fighting flies that are carriers of Giardia cysts.

It is wrong to draw conclusions about the presence of giardiasis only by visible symptoms. Objective medical diagnosis and qualitative analysis. You can identify the disease at any medical diagnostic center by donating feces for analysis or blood from a vein for enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), to determine antibodies to Giardia. In some cases, the analysis for Giardia is performed by performing gastroduodenal sounding. In this case, a thin rubber tube is inserted through the esophagus into the patient on an empty stomach. When its end reaches the gallbladder, a portion of bile is taken from it and analyzed. In warm bile, under a microscope, the presence or absence of Giardia is diagnosed. In addition to diagnosis, duodenal sounding can also be of a therapeutic nature, since upon completion of the sounding, the gallbladder is washed mineral water. There is a separate article on the role of gallbladder diseases in the development of dysbacteriosis (link). Here I would like to present detailed information about the probing procedure.

Three-phase technique for the acquisition of bile. Microscopic analysis of duodenal contents

Classical method of duodenal sounding- three-phase. I phase - portion A - bile from the total bile duct. It has a transparent, straw-yellow color, with congestion it darkens. Turbidity can be caused by impurities of gastric juice. The mucus found by microscopy indicates the pathology of the duodenum 12. Phase II - portion B - bile. It is released reflexively by the introduction of choleretic substances - 30-50 ml of 33% magnesia, 10% peptone solution, 10% sorbitol solution, 40% rn glucose, 10% solution NaCl. Immediately after the introduction of one of these substances, the probe is tied. After 5-8 minutes, bile is collected for 25-35 minutes. Bile of dark brown or greenish-brown color occurs with congestion in the bladder. Normal - brown or dark yellow, transparent, ligament, alkaline reaction. With inflammation of the gallbladder, it has lumps of mucus. In chronic inflammatory processes, when the concentration capacity of the gallbladder rises, it is transparent, light yellow, does not differ from portion A. In the presence of stones, bile is not secreted (negative reflex). Phase III - the total bile duct and bladder changes with hepatic bile - portion C. It is golden in color, transparent. It is analyzed immediately, since Giardia dies within 30 minutes. If there is a need for bacteriological examination, bile is collected in sterile test tubes.

Microscopic analysis of duodenal contents

To normalize bile secretion, physical activity, sports, and walking before meals help well. You should eat according to the regimen at certain hours of the day, avoid overeating before bedtime.

Stages of treatment for giardiasis

The removal of Giardia is carried out in 3 stages. Each stage includes a wide range of therapeutic measures. The choice of one method or another depends on individual features organism, the severity of the disease and clinical manifestations.

The first stage is preparatory

2-4 weeks pass, in which the destruction and removal of toxins from the body, the elimination of excess biologically active substances, the manifestations of endotoxicosis are eliminated, and the enzymatic activity is normalized. digestive system, motor-evacuation phenomena of the gastrointestinal tract are eliminated, the immune defense of the body is restored, and a hepatoprotective effect on the liver is exerted.

The goal of the first stage can be achieved in case of strict adherence to the diet and rational diet, which prevents the reproduction of lamblia. The diet includes products that play the role of sorbents: baked pears, apples, dried fruits, cranberries, lingonberries, kefir, cereals, vegetables. It is necessary to exclude milk from food, which is replaced with soy products; pasta and baked goods, carbohydrates and sugary foods.

Choleretic drugs are prescribed, which eliminate stagnation in the gallbladder, eliminate inflammatory processes and cause relaxation of the muscle spasm of the vascular wall. These include cholekinetics: 5% or 10% solutions of magnesium sulfate or sorbitol, xylitol, egg yolks. In addition, cholespasmolytics also cause relaxation of the walls of the biliary tract: preparations of barberry, no-shpa, cholemzin, flamin, ursosan, dry extract of belladonna, lyobil, halidor, platifillin, metacin, odeston, allochol, ziflan, eufillin.

The third stage is recovery

It ranges from 4 to 10 weeks. In this period, with ongoing detoxification, measures are taken to increase the body's defenses, restore the function of the pancreas, spleen and liver. To enhance immunity, methyluracil, sodium nucleins, thymogen, pentoxyl, thymalin are prescribed. A strict diet is also maintained, rice sorption, immunomodulators, enterosorbents, hepatoprotectors and choleretic drugs are prescribed, as well as means of non-specific body protection: zinc preparations, zinc sulfate, zincteral. It is recommended to use pumpkin, beetroot, carrot or squash puree to enhance intestinal motility. The diet of the child is lactic acid products, yogurt, bifidok, biokefir. Rice sorption is prepared according to the following recipe. Pour 40 grams of rice with cold water and leave until morning. The next day, in the morning, rinse the rice with cold water, pour 50 ml of boiling water, put on fire for two minutes. After that, the water is drained and again poured with boiling water. Boil for about two minutes and for the third time pour boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. After that, the rice is sifted into a colander, transferred to a bowl and chewed slowly to eat on an empty stomach. Do not drink water for four hours. To eliminate dysbacteriosis, acidophilus, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, bificol, lactobacterin are used. And also, for this purpose, enzymatic preparations are prescribed: bactisuptil, hilakforte, flovinin, enzistal, festal, pancreotin, mezim-forte and strictly observe the phased treatment. It must be remembered that no more than three to four medications are prescribed for one course of treatment. There is a phytotherapeutic treatment: a decoction of birch buds is taken orally, within two weeks, after a two-week break, a twelve-day course of bearberry decoction is prescribed. This creates conditions for the destruction and removal of lamblia.

Non-specific remedies are prescribed to strengthen the defenses: 0.25% zinc sulfate, purified sulfur, twenty percent alcohol extract of propolis, taken orally twice a day, 5 drops, the course of treatment is 2 months.

Peeled pumpkin seeds are taken 30 minutes before meals, 80 grams once every 10 days. In 92-95% of cases, there is positive effect. However, there are cases with a five-fold release of lamblia in one patient in several years.

A good effect in the treatment of giardiasis is provided by nutriceptics and paraceptics. The attending physician must carefully collect a complete history, assess the living conditions, the sanitary and hygienic level of the patient, identify the ways of infection and select the correct treatment and rehabilitation for a particular person. With successful treatment, clinical symptoms, complaints of abdominal pain, negative laboratory values ​​(three-fold egg tests, duodenal sounding and peripheral blood counts) are eliminated. At the prevention stage, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene: wash your hands often, do not swim in dirty water.

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