Runic becoming a banishing cross slander. Runes against enemies: becoming the "Exorcising Cross", and how to use it

In a certain set and the right sequence, it turns individual symbols into powerful staves that can radically change a person's life. The runic cross has an irresistible power, which a novice magician cannot cope with.

"Chasing Cross"

Becoming the "Exorcising Cross", despite the simplicity of the outline, is a very strong formula. The main essence of the action is the expulsion from the field of the customer of everyone and everything who can prevent him from achieving his goal. If the ritual is performed incorrectly or otherwise, it can be harmful to the operator.

The formula has one important feature - to turn its impact on the weaker. To obtain the desired result, an experienced, strong master must work with runes. Be sure to need appropriate preparation for the ceremony.

Becoming the "Exorcising Cross"

Depending on the ultimate goal, additional protection is carried out in two ways:

  1. if the power of the cross is supposed to be directed at a certain person, you must first find out how strong he himself is and whether there is a stronger magician behind him:
  2. when becoming is done in general (without reference to specific individuals and circumstances), a rite of protection of the customer and his close circle is carried out.

How to use?

It is not recommended to use the formula to solve ordinary everyday problems that a person can handle on his own. It is done by becoming for a certain period of time, it is impossible to use it constantly.

How the runic formula works:

  • runes have an effect on the principle of universal justice - their power is directed towards those who go against the laws of harmony;
  • becoming is used only in exceptional cases - its frequent use takes away a lot from the master, making him a potential victim of the stave;
  • the consequences of the work of the runes are unpredictable - in many respects the result depends on the stipulation.

Reinforced becoming

The help of the reinforced stav "Exorcising Cross" is resorted to in cases where urgent help is required:

  • discovered;
  • the behavior of the victim changes dramatically;
  • weakening the action of the main stave.

A reinforced cross is a combination of three parts of equal strength, acting alternately. For example, the first part weakens the protection of the victim, then the second comes into action and completes the third. It fixes the result.

Amplification methods

The classic position works successfully even in cases where the victim has a powerful defense. If necessary, you can strengthen the effect of the formula.

There are two ways to amplify the formula:

  1. the classic becoming is in a circle or square - this simple action enhances the work of the formula at times;
  2. the operator's blood is used to draw the formula.

Also, the classic formula has two ways of drawing - a snowflake and an elongated figure.

The first option works stronger due to the repeated repetition of the main runes. Becoming an elongated form is not so strong, but this is offset by a longer effect on the victim. With proper application and activation of the stav, its action gives excellent results.


The slander is the most important part of the stav activation ritual. In it, the runes are given a specific task: how, on whom and for what purpose to influence.

The negotiation takes place in three stages:

  1. runes are addressed with a greeting;
  2. give them a task;
  3. thanks for the help.

Like any magical action, the activation of the runic stav "Exorcising Cross" carries a certain risk. Any of the applied signs can work both for the benefit of the customer and for harm. That is why it is very important to approach the performance of such rituals with all seriousness and responsibility. Safety is the most important thing in any divination.

First of all, an experienced master carries out diagnostics and provides protection to the customer and himself. Depending on the diagnostic results, either one rune or a whole formula can be used as protection. Activating a runic becoming without prior protection is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous.

The "Exorcising Cross" clause is made when necessary:

  • or ;
  • expel the otherworldly;
  • defeat sworn enemies;
  • remove damage to or death.

Strengthened formula

How to draw?

Based on the ultimate goal, a runic cross can be a personal item of the customer, furniture or walls (ceilings) of his dwelling. To do becoming without a specific goal is very dangerous.

So, in order to cleanse the house, runic symbols are painted on walls, ceilings or furniture. For application, markers with waterproof ink are used, preferably red (symbolism of blood).

The place of application depends on the specific task:

  • to get rid of noisy or quarrelsome neighbors, signs are drawn either on the front door, or on jambs or under the threshold;
  • appropriate symbols applied anywhere in the hallway will help to ward off annoying unwanted guests;
  • to get rid of an objectionable employee, an arrogant tyrant boss or an unreliable business partner, a formula applied under the cover of the desk or under the seat of the chair will help;
  • a standing, drawn on a wooden board, will help to expel a dangerous essence that has settled from the body (the customer carries it with him until the essence leaves him);
  • You can by drawing a runic symbol on the back of his photo.

You need to draw staves following a certain order, type and exact sequence of characters. It is better for beginners not to undertake such a thing or to perform a ceremony in the presence of an experienced master and with his support.

You don't need to draw symbols that are too big - increasing the size won't make them stronger. Much more important is the quality of execution and the accuracy of the style. After applying the stav, it must be activated. Experienced, strong magicians carry out a slander using one of the four (, water, air, fire) or the blood of the customer.

"Slave's Cross"

"Slave's cross" - runes, compiled in a certain order and forming a becoming, which works for the complete subordination of the will of the victim to the operator. With the help of such a runic formula, you can control a lover, business partner or enemy, forcing him to act in his own interests.

The result of the impact of the "Slave's Cross":
  • the victim ceases to belong to himself, to control his own consciousness;
  • she falls into complete slavish dependence on the operator, becomes his obedient toy;
  • the victim no longer has any desires of his own, or any.

At the same time, the victim does not even realize that she is being controlled. She believes that she does everything solely of her own free will, and this state even pleases her.

Outsiders who know the victim well and for a long time immediately notice dramatic changes in her behavior, but the “slave cross” subject himself does not see and does not understand that someone controls him. If you try to "open the victim's eyes" to what is happening, this will cause a storm of indignation on her part and a complete denial of reality.

The person who was made such a bet is completely satisfied with what is happening and does not need advice and help from the outside. Only an experienced magician who has reached a certain level of skill and spiritual wealth can use the power of runes. Beginners are not advised to use the power of the Slave Cross on their own.

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About the nuances of using the "Exorcising Cross" stav in the video:

Runic staves cannot be taken lightly just out of a desire to check what happens. Improperly placed runes backfire, which can harm an inexperienced operator. Due to the risk of undesirable consequences, the runic cross cannot be used in everyday life to solve minor problems.

There are many situations in life that you would like to avoid. And even in the life of a magician - and even more so: larvae, settlers, opponents and simply unpleasant personalities are constant companions of the practitioner. And in order to get rid of unnecessary things, magicians use a banishing cross - a runic galdrstav that can help in removing obstacles.

How can a rune help?

The rune of the banishing cross is a universal galdrstav developed by Dmitry Voron. For many years, this tie has been successfully banishing from the lives of magicians what they do not need.

The universality of the rune banishing cross lies in the fact that it can be used if:

  • You need to rid yourself or another person of negativity, settler, larva, illness, or just bad thoughts.
  • You want to clean the kitchen from cockroaches, and the house from pests.
  • You are obsessively worried about some situation (in this case, the cross is mentally drawn on what you associate this situation with).
  • You want to get rid of a person as quickly and painlessly as possible without harming him.
  • You want to get rid of unnecessary feelings, thoughts.
  • You are tired of the eternal neighbor's repair.
  • You need to limit communication with anyone.
  • Lots of other situations where you want to eliminate something from your life.

Analysis of the rune into components

In general, the runic banishing cross consists of two and Nautiz.

Raido in the given galdrstave is interpreted as a path or a road. This rune sets the direction and is the focus for magical energy.

Nautiz, in the sense of need, makes the road provided by Raido inevitable. So the exiled will not be able to resist fate and will soon leave you. In addition to need, Nautiz, along with Turisaz, are considered "fetters of war" that can stop any negative impact.

Another vision of the runic ligature

You can also interpret the banishing cross as a merger and Nautiz. If, when drawing a galdrstav, you consider it as a fusion of these runes, then the road for the exiled will be very successful. This variant of the runic ligature is suitable for those who want to gently remove unwanted personalities or problems from themselves, while not harming them.

How to use the banishing cross?

It is not enough to know what runes make up the banishing cross, the Haldrstav's slander is also very important. So, for the correct operation of the runic tie, you need:

  • Determine exactly what you want. It depends on the required strength and scale of the influence of the galdrstav, how much strength you will spend on it, how the gods and other higher beings will perceive your magical actions, as well as what food and offerings you need to supply as payment. If you want to drive a noisy company away from the entrance, then it will be enough to visualize a sign on their image and repeat the necessary stipulation several times. But to escape the guardianship of an overly fussy mother-in-law, you will need something more serious, and you will no longer be able to do without a small ceremony.
  • Determine whether you will drive something away with kindness or not. With a soft expulsion, runologists advise representing the galdrstav as red or golden, with a hard expulsion - black.

  • Determine if you are sure of your intentions. The person you expel may disappear from your life forever. The ways of his disappearance are different: from a pleasant move or marriage, to illness and death. Are you ready for this?
  • Make a clause. In general, a slander is a message with which you feed a working runic ligature. You can wish something out of your life (and it will go very gently and smoothly), or you can mentally shout something out of your life for it. In the second case, different outcomes are possible, but the situation will be resolved quickly and harshly, which can also hurt you.

Strengthened formula

If it seems to you that a simple banishing cross suits you in action, but does not suit you in strength, then there are several simple ways to increase its influence:

  • Enclose the banishing cross in a circle or square. This will concentrate the forces of the runic ligature, which will significantly affect its power.
  • Write galdrstav blood. Be careful and do not use this method if you are not confident in your abilities: with this writing of runes, a powerful connection is formed between you.
  • In any way, destroy the written galdrstav. Fire is, of course, preferred, as the smoke is believed to convey your intent to the gods themselves. Keep in mind that when writing is destroyed, the result is almost impossible to reverse, since rune burning is one of the strongest ways to prove the firmness of your intentions.
  • A reinforced banishing cross can also be created by painting it four times from one point. The corners between the bases of the runes should be straight. Such a "wheel" of runes will loop their action, due to which the power of the galdrstava will increase.

And remember that the rollback from the enhanced formula will also be stronger, so calculate your strengths accurately. The rune of the banishing cross is a serious magical tool that does not tolerate uncertainty and weakness.

Is the help of the gods needed?

If you are not sure that your magical powers are enough to drive someone out, you can call on the gods to help you. For such actions, Odin is usually called upon if you are sure that you are right and that the injustice is happening around. However, if you are going to exile someone for selfish purposes (for example, to get the position of this person), then it is undoubtedly better to perform a ritual by calling on Loki. Remember that in the case of "illegal" use, he can become angry, and what his displeasure will lead to is unknown.

When calling the gods, do not forget about the ransom and gifts for them. Address the gods by name, politely but firmly. Remember that the gods of the north do not like excessive lisping, insecurity and disrespect. And in general, the north is a harsh place where little is said and much is done.

Side effect

Like any runic amulet, the banishing cross has one side effect: if you are weaker than the banished one, then the galdrstav will turn against you.

This refers to the weakness of any character. Runes can turn against you if:

  • Your desire, because of which you applied the galdrstav, is weaker than the desire of the one being expelled.
  • You are weaker than the exiled mentally or emotionally.
  • During the slander, you are not completely sure of the correctness of your actions.
  • You have no confidence in your own magical potential.
  • Your magical powers are less than those of the banished.
  • You offended the gods or norns.

As one unknown skald once said: "The runes should not be cut by those who do not understand them." Therefore, if you are not sure of your own abilities or that the banishing cross is the rune you need, it is better to think for a while. It is necessary to come to rituals with runes with an honest heart and a clear head.

Thanks dear NatalK for the idea. Becoming will strengthen the ritual several times, remove and dissolve enemies and ill-wishers from your life.
If there is an enemy - it's terrible. He constantly annoys: he tries to slander, make you feel guilty, frankly does nasty things. It is very difficult to live under such pressure and maintain human dignity, sobriety of judgment and loyalty to the culprit of the trouble.

Someone tries not to notice the intrigues and endures all the tricks of the aggressor. Others strive to repay the attacker with the same coin. It's smarter to let him go. You need to make sure that the person simply disappears from your life and stops annoying. Magic will help here, aimed at expelling a person from a certain circle of friends. The enemy will leave and stop messing up.

Perth - finds all enemies
Mannaz is your enemy
Raido pp - No way to you, dead end, delusion, get lost, take this person out of your way
Ansuz mirror. pp.- diverts thoughts and attention from you, a person cares about something completely different, becomes inattentive, lack of common sense in actions and thoughts
Hagalaz - nullifies all the efforts of your ill-wisher, removes all intrigues and sabotage,
TEYVAZ - fight, battle, battle, volitional influence on a person, victory
Isa - stopping the ill-wisher
Northumbrian runes:
Gar - swiftly
Lagi - dissolves
Ear - leaving nothing

Becoming with the name of the enemy, write in blue ink on rice paper. Stipulate that your enemy will disappear, simply dissolve from your life and activate with 4 verses to the slander, read the plot 3 more times.

Let it be so!
Place the leaf in a glass jar. Go into it in a small way, throw in three tablespoons of salt and add water. The entire sheet must be hidden by the resulting solution.
Screw the lid on the jar tightly and seal it with melted red candle wax. Get ready to say the magic words. Tune in to the fact that you will never see this harmful person again.
Place a lit candle on the lid of the jar. While the flame burns, read:
Forever, forever get away from me,
Get out, get out of my way.
The enemy will dissolve in salty water,
He himself will disappear from fate.
Let it be so!!
Bury the jar deep somewhere in a secluded place far from home. The paper will dissolve in the resulting liquid, and the person bothering you will go into his own world. From now on, you will exist in parallel, and your paths will not cross.
rice paper is sold in ordinary large supermarkets in departments where everything is for making sushi or in hobby stores.

Powerful individual runes in combination with each other turn into strong staves that radically change a person's life. The banishing cross contains a power that is not so easy to endure or overcome on your own. Why is the runic cross dangerous, and how to use it for good?

Becoming the "Exorcising Cross" contains a power that is not so easy to withstand or overcome on your own.

runic magic

The cross that banishes evil is a runic formula that changes the fate of a person.

Such stakes should be treated responsibly and not used for entertainment purposes. The wrong position of the runes will lead to the opposite effect, which will harm the customer. A formula is applied to change life for the better and for the worse. The banishing cross can become a weapon in the fight against enemies or an instrument of revenge. The runic cross is not used in everyday life due to the risk of consequences.

Runes are an attribute for divination, a talisman against monetary losses and the main component of a powerful formula that changes the energy of another person. The banishing cross consists of only two runic symbols. The powerful sign of Raido and Nautuz are combined into a single becoming, the effect of which is difficult to cancel.

Apply a runic cross to the body, thing or furniture. The main purpose of the formula is to expel the essence that sits in a person. An evil essence or soul - for the state, the state and nature of the essence does not matter.

Two runic symbols connect and start working. It is important how and when, under what circumstances, the formula was applied. The location of the cross is determined by its impact. Before deciding on runic magic, you should assess the possible risks.

How to prepare for applying the stav? The banishing cross, like any other formula, is not without risk. Any sign applied will work either on the victim or on the customer. The consequences of existing runic symbols cannot be avoided. Before conducting a secret ritual, you should protect yourself. For these purposes, a protective rune or a whole formula is applied that can protect against the action of extraneous magic. Making a slander without preparation is dangerous and unreasonable.

What is the exorcist cross?

A runic cross that can expel any entity from an enemy or loved one works on the same principle. The cross is rarely used for protection, but the correct use of the stave will protect enemies from tricks better than amulets and amulets. Such a formula, made for defense, will not only repel the attacks of ill-wishers, but will also repulse them with obvious actions. The work of the stav all year round will not benefit, therefore, one should resort to the help of runic magic only in extreme cases.

It is also not recommended to solve simple everyday problems with the help of the cross. Answering such a force will only harm and bring even more trouble to the house. From ignorance or stupidity, the inflicted becoming will be worse than a curse. To achieve the ambitious goals set, the cross is used, but only for a short period of time. Why do you need a position?

A clause to expel an entity is useful if an urgent need arises:

  • cleanse the aura of the body or the energy of the home;
  • get rid of extraneous entities;
  • to defeat sworn enemies;
  • to move neighbors;
  • for the destruction of cockroaches or other pests;
  • for the destruction of spoilage or a deadly disease.

Becoming the "Exorcising Cross" is used so that the patient can defeat a deadly disease

It depends on the purpose of the conspirator how strong the slander will be. Choosing to become without a clear goal is too dangerous. To clean the house, the method of applying rune symbols to furniture, walls or ceilings is used. Signs should be applied with waterproof pens or markers that will be difficult to get rid of. The staves are drawn in a certain order and form, in the exact sequence. If a beginner is engaged in staves, then he should prepare - find the runic formula on the Internet and try to reproduce it.

You can't use the formula too often. Such actions can disrupt the harmony in the house and the peace of mind of a person. The runic sign or several symbols should not be too large. The size is not as important as the quality of the work done. The drawn becoming should be activated. Experienced magicians use several ways to activate the formula. Earth elements, blood or fire make ancient magic work.

Dangerous expulsion of the essence and the consequences of the banishing cross

If I become, what will happen? A question to ask yourself before applying the stave. Using the formula requires fortitude and determination. The essence of the formula is liberation. From circumstances, from imposed blocks, from factors that constrain the soul. Liberation of the mind, soul, body. A universal remedy in the right hands will not harm, but only help.

To understand the formula, it is necessary to consider each of its constituent parts. What does the banishing cross hide in itself? Two parts of a complex and powerful stav:

Rune Raido

Directed energy symbol. One of the strongest rune symbols that pushes a person to action, to movement, to self-improvement. The second meaning of Raido is liberation, the destruction of everything superfluous and unnecessary. Removing barriers, the rune opens up new opportunities for a person, cuts off his path to the past. The sign of a leader, leader, a person who decides her own destiny, directs her strength in the formula of the cross.

Rune Nauthiz

A contradictory rune that destroys any manifestation of a person's will serves the stav as a coercive force. Together with Raido, the second part of the formula reproaches the sacrifice of the will of the conspirator. Runes do not need motives, they do not distinguish between good and evil. Their direction is the desires of the conspirator, his whims, the most secret feelings.

Only two parts, combined into one, destroy any protection. Without Nautuz, there will be no working goal, and the absence of Raido will not allow you to make a sharp breakthrough or free yourself from corruption. Any cramped circumstances will go away, disappear, as if they never existed.

What is the formula for? The force that destroys and pushes to future accomplishments, in the hands of a person, receives outlines, boundaries. The universal combination of runes nullifies the work of damage to death. If the enemy has encroached on the most precious thing - life, it is Raido and Nautuz who will help get rid of someone else's energy impact.

Rune "Nautuz" helps to get rid of someone else's energy impact

How to make becoming?

The energy of the formula affects the essence sitting in a person, circumstances or any other mental or real substance. Even a living person can be cast out with the help of runes. Outwardly, the formula looks like the Latin letter R. In the middle of the letter there is an oblique line that conditionally divides the symbol into two parts. The traditional scheme of the formula may vary, and experienced magicians use an improved cross. For a beginner, such manipulations with the finished formula are contraindicated.

The second type of cross is an even symbol. On each side of the cross there is one rune of Raido and Nautuz. The process of applying runes will take a little time and all the strength. When drawing straight lines, a person must be aware of his own goal. The stakes charged with human aspirations are the strongest.

Application of the banishing cross

The method of applying staves or special formulas depends on what they are for. The process of getting rid of the essence will pass without complications if you put stavas on the victim's house or on his clothes. It is important that the victim does not realize that uncontrollable changes are taking place in her life. Found rune no longer works.

The technique for applying the formula depends on the sphere of influence.

If you need to harm the work or cause of the enemy, then a combination of runes is applied inside the workroom or directly at the place of work of the ill-wisher. The working rune plot in the victim's house is the strongest and heaviest. Getting rid of its influence is difficult, even with the help of experienced magicians or witches. It will be possible to destroy the staves only after a thorough cleaning of the house or workspace.

A conspiracy to settle or destroy an entity, reinforced by becoming, always fraught with many dangers. A person, whatever his motives, is not worth playing with runic magic. In the universe, all processes and phenomena gravitate towards harmony, the violation of which will entail consequences.

Should we be afraid of the consequences? When resorting to the help of magic, you need to know its price. It is not difficult to teach an enemy a lesson or harm a traitor, but to accept the consequences with humility is not so easy. Runic symbols can help, protect and even take revenge, but no magic is able to restore balance and calmness to the soul of an angry person.

The mystical features of runes have long attracted people, promising a magical solution to everyday situations. The runes included in the Expelling Cross are strong individually, and those inscribed side by side work wonders. This formula is designed to get rid of enemies, diseases, pests, evil entities. Using such symbols without sufficient preparation may lead to an undesirable result. Therefore, when compiling a runic becoming or choosing an already created option, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible consequences ahead of time.

Since the meaning of the cross is largely determined by the relation of the constituent operator to it, there is another interpretation. You can consider it as a union of Nautiz and Vunyo, personifying love, a safe journey, success. This is an opportunity to remove a person gently without harming him. It looks like a rune becoming similar.

What is this rune: description features

The banishing cross is a magical formula from the combination of the signs of Raido and Nautiz. Its traditional style is in the form of the letter R, crossed out in the middle. A variant of its image as a symmetrical cross with the connection of the necessary signs at the ends is possible. The use of the Raido and Nautiz runes determine the meaning of the runescript: the first is responsible for the movement of the spirit, the road and the direction of the force. The second means losses, restrictions, coercion. The combination of such forces with a specific stipulation directs energy to the problem and forces it to go away.

What is useful for practice?

The formula will work if neighbors get into the habit of visiting a person.

You should not turn to magical effects often, since any power requires feedback. The fee for the use of runes, in comparison with the result obtained, can be disproportionately high. In addition, by uttering a fuzzy slander, there is a risk of getting the opposite result. The material chosen is also important, as is the method of application. This runescript will help in such situations:

  • getting rid of annoying neighbors or enemies, expelling cockroaches;
  • liberation from unrequited love;
  • daring unwanted people;
  • purification of the aura in the spiritual aspect;
  • getting rid of diseases and induced damage, removing the invading dark entities.

Features of the work of the rune stav

The runic cross directs energy in a given direction. At the same time, it is extremely important what meaning is put into becoming. If the main goal is to get rid of the neighbors, it is important to clearly articulate your request. After all, the runes can force the person who made up the cross to move, because the condition will not be violated - there will be no old people in the new place. When the main goal is to drive the enemy out of the house, you should use a tougher option, with. If, as a result, you need to drive away an unwanted person, the effect is softer, with Vunyo.

If the formula sheet is burned, then the practitioner will no longer be able to reverse its action.

Reinforced rune standing will help you achieve your goal faster and sweep away any enemy. To do this, the symbols are written in blood, enclosing them in a circle or square in order to concentrate energy. If the signs are written on paper and burned, the action will be impossible to cancel, since with smoke the desire is conveyed to the gods and is considered final. The sacred fee for using a reinforced cross will be higher.

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