2nd junior group lesson notes. Open lesson in the second junior group in general education "walk into the magic forest"

  • Introduce children to Russian folklore;
  • Encourage children to communicate and develop speech;
  • Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);
  • Continue to introduce the unconventional way of drawing with your palm.
  • Develop aesthetic feelings for nature, teach to see its beauty.
  • Develop color perception and hand-eye coordination.
  • To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.

Equipment: sheets of blue paper (50x50 cm), gouache (yellow, red), saucers (for drawing with the palm of your hand), napkins, illustrations and sketches depicting the sun.

Preliminary work:

  1. Walking around the kindergarten area in order to observe the sun (during walks, the teacher teaches children to peer into phenomena, compare them, see what is common and distinctive, and with questions encourages them to find their own words and expressions to describe what they see);
  2. Telling the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”;
  3. Examining the sun in illustrations, clarifying the shape and color of the sun;
  4. Learning songs and nursery rhymes about the sun;
  5. Guessing riddles about natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and tell me what it says:

It warms the whole world.
And he doesn’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls him...

Children: The sun.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, washes itself from the cloud and rises high into the sky to do “good deeds.” And what “good deeds” does the sun do? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right, the sun illuminates the earth, warms everyone, it has many “good deeds”: warm the earth, illuminate it with bright light, and wake everyone up with its gentle rays. But sometimes, guys, it happens that the sun doesn’t come out into the sky much and doesn’t give us its warmth. What time of year do you think this happens? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Guys, is it a sunny day now? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let’s make today sunny together! Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And we will draw the sun not with pencils or brushes, but with the help of our palm. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What figure does the sun remind us of? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What color is the sun? ( Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, children. Now we'll play.

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms
And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)
Give us warmth, sunshine,
So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)
Our fingers are tiny
They don't want to wait a minute (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)
Knock-knock, with hammers, (They bend over and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)
Clap - clap, with little paws, (They slap their knees rhythmically.)
Jump - jump like bunnies,
Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

2. Practical part.

The teacher shows how to create an image. If there are difficulties, the teacher shows how to create an image individually.

As the children work, cheerful music is played to the tune of the Russian folk song “Shine, shine, sun.”


Bucket sunshine!
Come up quickly
Light up - warm up
Calves and lambs
More little guys.

3. Final part.

Educator: Let's remember what we did? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children review the resulting work.

Educator: Let's enjoy the sun and play game “Sun and Cloud”.

(Children's drawings are used,to the music and the words of the teacher “The sun is shining,” the children clap their hands; to the word “cloud” - children squat and make a “house” over their heads.)

Educator: Our lesson is over, you can rest.


1. Introduce children to a new fairy tale, help them understand the content.

2. Activate children’s speech with adjectives - synonyms, verbs.

3.Develop children's expressiveness of speech and interest in artistic creativity.


Toys chicken, hen, rooster, cat, frog

Basket with silhouettes of eggs

Yellow gouache, brushes

Video presentation based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”

The teacher removes the scarf from the toys. And he takes out a toy chicken from the basket.

- Who is this, guys?

- chick.

- Let's take a look at it, guys. Look what color the chicken is?

- yellow

- Touch it, what is it like?

- fluffy, soft.

- Look, the chicken has eyes.

- What does a chicken need eyes for?

- to watch.

- Look, the chicken has a beak.

- What does a chicken need a beak for?

- beak to... eat

— What does the chicken eat?

- bugs, grains, worms.

— Guys, who knows the name of the chicken’s mother?


- How does the chicken speak?

- co-co-co

How does the chicken respond to its mother chicken?


The teacher distributes clothespins.

Let's play, guys.

Finger game with clothespin:

The chicken moved its beak,

children press the clothespin (open and close)
The chicken found the grains.

the guys show a pen with open fingers
The chicken pecked the grains,

children pinch each finger in turn with a clothespin
The chicken screamed loudly “pee-pee-pee!”

They open the clothespin and say pee-pee-pee.

- Guys, let's turn into little chickens, and I'll be a mother chicken.

Children stand up and, at the request of the teacher, imitate the movements:

- chickens can run, the chickens ran...

- Ay, well done... let's wave our wings, like this.

Chickens can jump, like that.

- look at the grains, let’s peck at the grains and drink some water, like this.

Well done chickens, very obedient children, run to your chairs.

And today we still have guests. Want to know who?

Let's guess the riddles:

He sits with his eyes bulging,
qua-qua says.
She likes to live alone in the swamp,
She catches mosquitoes. ( frog)

“Ko-ko-ko! Where, where, where!” —
We hear it on the street.
Calls all the chickens
Ryabenka...( Hen)

A bird walks around the yard
and shouts ku-ku-re-ku!
There is a comb on the top of the head,
Who is this? ( Cockerel)

Loves fish and sour cream,

And he sings “meow” so sweetly.
Beware, mouse race!
Went out hunting...( cat)

The teacher puts out toys after solving each riddle.
- They came to us from an interesting fairy tale. Do you want to listen to it?

- Let's sit down and listen to a fairy tale.

Children watch a video presentation based on K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Chicken”

— Guys, who is this fairy tale about?

( about a little chicken.)

- remember what the chicken was like?

(small, yellow, fluffy)

Who loved chicken the most?

(mother chicken)

- Tell me, what kind of chicken was your mother?

(big, kind)

— how did the hen take care of the chicken?

fed worms

- Who came into the yard one day? Who drove away the mother hen?


What was the cat like?

big, angry, scary

- Who was sitting on the fence, who did the chicken really like?


Tell us what the rooster was like?

big, beautiful, loud

-What did the rooster crow? How did you shout?

(loudly, ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?)

Let's turn into cockerels.

The children get up, walk like cockerels, waving their winged arms.

Let's shout loudly: ku-ka-re-ku! Am I not a daredevil?

Children portray a cockerel together and individually.

- What did he squeak? chick? How?

Let's try to squeak like a chicken

- Who laughed at chicken?


Let's turn into frogs.

Children stand up, pretend to be frogs, jump, and croak.

Tell me, what was the frog like?

-green, cheerful, large-mouthed.

What did the frog say? How?

- the frog laughed and said cheerfully: Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha! You're a long way from being a rooster!

Children repeat the words of the frog in chorus and individually.

- Who took pity on the chicken?

-Mom, chicken.

- hug yourself like a mother.

Better than mom, better than mom

There is no one in the world!

— Did you like the fairy tale?

- Look how many eggs the mother hen laid!

Show the children a basket with white eggs (made of paper).

- Let us help new chickens hatch!

— In the evening you will give your chicken to your mother and tell your mother the fairy tale you heard today.

Nomination: integrated lesson in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Position: teacher
Place of work: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 65"
Location: Syktyvkar, Komi Republic

Educational area: Cognition

Section: FEMP


Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric shapes

Develop the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number.

consolidate knowledge of quantitative and ordinal counting, the ability to recognize numbers up to 5 and relate them to the number of objects

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space: left, right, above, below, etc.

Reinforce knowledge about the days of the week,

Develop memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.

Develop the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relationships.


“Flying carpet”, geometric shapes - “patches”, cards with numbers,

Heroes of fairy tales, paths of different lengths, treats.


1. Guys, today we have a math lesson and I propose to conduct it in the form of a journey through fairy tales. Together with fairy-tale characters, we will count, remember numbers, geometric shapes familiar to you, we will play and solve riddles. We need to tell fairy-tale characters about the days of the week, but who knows what is needed in order to cope with all the tasks in class? (listen carefully to the teacher’s questions, think, don’t shout, behave well.

But I suggest starting the lesson with a warm-up, so that we are in a good mood and it is easier to cope with all the tasks.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

We also know how to relax

Let's put our hands behind our backs,

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easily.

2. Consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes.

Educator: - Guys, do you like fairy tales? What fairy tales can you name? Who will suggest how you can get into a fairy tale?

Guys, I have a magic “flying carpet” and we’ll go traveling on it.

The teacher unrolls the “flying carpet”, and there are holes in the form of geometric shapes.

Our carpet has holes in it and we won't be able to travel on it.

It was a mouse that gnawed through our “flying carpet”, let’s repair it and put some patches on it.

But the holes are of an unusual shape, the mouse gnawed them in the shape of a g.f. so we will have to put patches

There are geometric shapes on the tray. Children apply and identify those “patches” that fit the hole in the carpet. Name what geometric figure you take.

Educator: Now I suggest you play a game"Do as I do" Miroslav will show you geometric shapes with his fingers and you will repeat and name them.

Close your eyes and repeat the magic words and we begin the flight.

You and I are already in flight. On the carpet, on the plane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

If we sit in this place, it will be very interesting!

We flew to the fairy tale "Teremok"

Look, all the residents of Teremok are meeting us. Let's count them. How much in total?

Who stands between?

Who is behind..

Who is standing in front?

Who's standing around?

Who's standing next to?

Who's on the left near...?

I know that the mouse, the frog, the bunny, the fox, the wolf and the bunny love to play football, but all football players have numbers on their jerseys. Let's assign numbers to our players too. The mouse is the first, which means its number will be the first. (Attach the numbers according to the place). What is the number of ......?

Animals, do you warm up before football? This is not correct - you need to do a warm-up so that the muscles are developed.

1 – rise, stretch.

2 – bend over, straighten up.

3 - we should turn sharply.

And 4 – arms are wider.

5 – we will wave our hands, we will wave

6 - let's sit on the chairs.

So we helped the heroes of Teremok cope with difficulties, and now we flew on.

You and I are flying again.

On the carpet, on the plane.

He rushes quickly across the sky,

What will happen to us?

Let's sit in a fairy tale in this place

It will be very interesting!

Educator: And we flew to the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”.Let's say hello. You know, guys, sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka went to kindergarten in the middle group this year, just like you. In kindergarten, the teacher gave them homework to do. but they just can’t cope. Let's help brother and sister.

It is necessary, without saying anything, to show the answer in numbers. Have your numbers ready.

How many tails do two cats have?

How many fingers are there on a hand?

How many paws does a bunny have?

How many ears does a dog have?

How many paws does a cat have?

How many tails are there?

How many eyes does a traffic light have?

Look how cheerful and happy Alyonushka and Ivanushka were.

Well, let's go to the next fairy tale?

What fairy tale do you think we've arrived in?

That's right - this is the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”. Masha, as always, sits in a basket behind Mishka. Where are you going? Guys, they have some kind of letter here.

Mashenka and Mikhailo Potapovich! I invite you to visit me on Tuesday afternoon.


Educator: But the fact is that neither Masha nor Mishka know the days of the week, and it is not nice to refuse an invitation. I suggest telling and learning the days of the week with them.

We will help Masha and Mishka remember what we will say. Now let's name all the days of the week. Who can tell me how many days there are in a week? (counting) what day of the week is it today? Tomorrow? Yesterday? What is Friday? etc.

And the invitation says that you need to come after lunch, when, after what time of day?

Do you now understand when to visit? Tuesday afternoon!

You and I are again flying on a carpet, on an airplane.

He rushes quickly across the sky, what will happen to us?

Let's sit in a fairy tale, in this place - it will be very interesting!

Educator: What fairy tale have we found ourselves in?

Children: Little Red Riding Hood.

Educator: Guys, we need to take Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother’s house, and for this we need to complete some tasks. Let's choose the shortest path to get to grandma faster.

What time of year is it now?

Children: Winter

Educator: What winter months do you know?

Children : December January February

Educator: How many are there?

Children: Three.

And if we could eat faster on skis, the wolf won’t catch up with us. So we got to grandma.

Little Red Riding Hood wants to say something in my ear. In gratitude for our help, they leave us a treat. Thank you!

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

You and I are again in flight, on the carpet, on the plane.

He rushes quickly across the sky - he must land in a group.

Here we are in the group. Did you enjoy the journey through fairy tales? What did you travel on?

What fairy tales?

How we helped the heroes of the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Swan Geese”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Little Red Riding Hood”

What do you remember? what have you learned? And they didn’t forget about the gift from Little Red Riding Hood - these are sweets. Help yourself. You guys are great. They completed all the difficult tasks and left no one in the lurch.

Summary of the construction of direct educational activities






“From birth to school” under. ed. Veraksa


Second junior group


Gaming, communicative, educational and research.

Main educational area

Speech development

Integrated educational areas



    Artistic word

Form of conduct



Introduce children to domestic animals and their cubs: cat, kitten; cow, calf; horse, foal; dog, puppy; pig, piglet; goat, kid. Learn to name and compare them by size.



Learn to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions; - evoke an emotional response; - cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.


Develop children's imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking; - increase children’s speech activity; - develop the ability to answer questions; - develop visual perception.


Teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their babies; - contribute to the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronouncing onomatopoeia loudly, quietly, in a thin voice, etc.

Planned result

Listens with interest to the teacher’s story about forest inhabitants, answers simple questions;

masters the basic movements when performing the exercise “Little White Bunny Sits”, takes part in the game “Snowman for Friends”.





    Search and research

    Surprise moment




    Additional Reminder

    Artistic word

    Honorable mention

    Word game

Visual aids


    Toy puppy, pets

Organization of children

1. Semicircle

2. Loose on the mat

Individual work

Vocabulary work

Enrichment of vocabulary: big, small, kennel, shed, meows, bleats, moos, neighs.

Activation: song “Goat”, poem “Horse” by A. Barto

Preliminary work

    Working with children: reading stories, fairy tales and poems about pets.

    Looking at paintings “Pets”

    Preparation of didactic and handout material

    Works, artistic words, studying methodological literature, making slides

GCD structure

I Part: : Psychological mood, introductory, organizational moment

II Part: Surprise moment: slide animation “The cat is waiting for guests”

III Part: Game-conversation with slides “Cat”, “Dog”, “Pig”, “Goat”, “Cow”, “Horse”.

Song "Goat".

Poem "Horse" by A. Barto

Game "Who wants what"

IV Part: Didactic game: “Who is missing”

V Part: : Result: Children's statements. Self-esteem.

Summary of an open lesson in the second junior group “Pets”

Purpose of the lesson: development of all components of children’s oral speech, generalization of children’s knowledge about the life of domestic animals and their cubs.

Objectives: 1. Educational: - teach children to distinguish between adult animals and their young; - contribute to the development of sound expressiveness of speech: pronouncing onomatopoeia loudly, quietly, in a thin voice, etc.

2. Developmental: - develop the imagination, curiosity, memory and thinking of children; - increase children’s speech activity; - develop the ability to answer questions; - develop visual perception.

3. Educational: - teach to listen carefully to the teacher, answer questions; - evoke an emotional response; - cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition" of domestic animals and their young.

“Communication” development of children’s coherent speech.

“Physical education” is the motor activity of children in physical education.

Material: film projector, pet food basket, magic box, pet toys.

Preliminary work: reading stories, fairy tales and poems about pets, talking about animals, looking at illustrations on the topic: “Pets”, conducting didactic games “Whose children?”, “Who is this”, “Who is the odd one out”.

Progress of the lesson: 1. Organizational moment Children go into the hall and stand facing the screen. On the screen is the picture “The cat is waiting for guests.” -Guys, look who's waiting for us? (cat) -The cat’s name is Murka. Let's say hello to her. Hello, Murka.

Murka the cat invites us to visit to introduce us to his friends. -Do you want to meet her friends?

2. Surprise moment The kitten meows. “Meow-meow-meow” - Oh, who’s meowing? (kitten) -Where is he? -Let's call the kitten: “Kitty-kitty-kitty”

3. Main part: (A slide of a cat and a kitten appears on the screen) -Look, Murka has found her kitten. How smart she is! -Guys, look, Murka is big, and what about the kitten? - How does Murka meow? (loudly “Meow”) - How’s the kitten? -Who is the cat catching? Where does the cat live? - Murka invites us to meet the watchman. He walks around the yard, climbing into the kennel. He barks loudly and doesn’t let him into the house - Who is this? (slide of a dog with a puppy) -What kind of dog? -What kind of puppy? -How does the dog bark? -How does the puppy bark? - How does a dog help a person? -Where does the dog live? (in the kennel) - Let's move on. Instead of a nose - a snout, Instead of a tail - a hook. I love lying in a puddle. And grunt: “Oink-oink” (slide of a pig with piglets) -Who is this? -The pig grunts loudly: “Oink-oink” -And how does the piglet grunt? -Where does the pig live? (in the barn) - “Meh, meh, meh!” Who's bleating like that? (slide goat with a kid) - A large goat with a beard and horns. -What about the kid? (small, no horns visible) - “Meh!” The goat calls the kid (pronounced bassistically, loudly) - “Me-e!” - the kid answers (pronounced thinner, quieter) - What does a person get from a goat? Let's sing a song to the goat and her little goat. “Goat” (Lithuanian song) I am the goat Me-ke-ke, (they walk in a circle, holding hands) I am walking in the meadow. Sharp horns, (show “horns”) Thin legs. (jump on two legs) Velvet ears. (make “ears” from the palms) Linen tongue (show the tongue with a “shovel”) Hemp tail (show the “tail” with your hand)

Murka the cat says that she loves milk very much. So that we are healthy, the mottled one will give us milk... (cow) - The cow is big, and what about the calf? - The cow has horns, she can butt. -Does the calf have horns? (no horns, not grown yet) - The cow moos loudly, protractedly: “Mmu-oo-oo-oo” - How does the calf moo? -Repeat after me: “Mmu-u-u-u, milk for someone.”

Slide of a horse with a foal. -The horse has strong, slender legs, a thick lush mane, and a fluffy tail. -How does a horse neigh? (“I-go-go”) - How does the foal answer her? (Ee-e-e-o)

Physical education minute: - Guys, let's play the game "Horses" - I love my horse, (Stroking the head of an imaginary horse with my palm) I will comb its fur smoothly (then along the right and left hand) I will smooth its tail with a comb (by tail) And I will go on horseback to visit. (running in a circle, raising your knees high) “Ee-go-go, e-go-go!” We'll ride far. “Trrrrr! Stop!” I'll tell the horse and stop him. (stop)

Slide with all the animals and their babies. -Guys, look how many friends our cat Murka has. - Who is this? - They are all pets. Who cares for pets?

4 . There's a knock on the door. -Someone is knocking. Look, a puppy came to us with a “magic box”. Guys, the puppy told me in my ear that the box contains pet toys. They need to be fed, but he doesn’t know who to give what to and asks you and me to help him. Shall we help you guys? -Well done, fed the animals. The puppy wants to play with you. Shall we play guys? Game: “Who’s missing?”

5. Final part: Well done, guys, you met the friends of the cat Murka, they told me everything correctly. We helped the puppy feed the pets, he is so happy and says thank you to us. You did very well. Let's say goodbye to the puppy and the cat "Murka".

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “General developmental kindergarten No. 3 “Cheburashka” of Menzelinsky municipal district

Abstractopen class

in the second junior group on the topic:


Educator: A.M. Ismagilova

Menzelinsk - January 28, 2015


"Moo-moo-moo! - the cow moos. - Walk in a circle, making “horns” from your index fingers.

I gore Katya and Vova. -Turn in a circle, make two turns left and right.

Don't you drink milk? -Hands on the belt, making an angry face.

Run far away!” -Scatter throughout the group.

(N. Nishcheva)


Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'm horned. "Horns" made from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'm tailed. “Tail” from the hand - behind the back.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I have big ears. “Ears” made from palms.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

Very scary “horns” made from fingers.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'll scare you. They stomp.

Boo-boo, Two jumps.

I'll gore you. "They butt heads."

(A. Vvedensky)

Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group:
“Poems for kids by A. Barto”
GOAL: introducing children to fiction, developing children’s speech, developing visual and effective thinking
PLANNED RESULTS: develop perception in children. To develop any emotional response to a literary work, to achieve the child’s desire to actively engage in communication.
Voss: - Children, when I came to the kindergarten this morning, there was a knock on the door. It was Postman Pechkin, he brought a parcel (shows the parcel)
-Children, do you want to know what is in this package?
Children: - We want
Vos: - Then let's open the parcel (takes out a new colorful book by A. Barto “Poems for Kids”)
Voss: - Do you want to go on a journey through this colorful book?
Children: - We want
Voss: - Children, look who lives on this page?
Children: Kitten
Voss: -Who is this? What is he doing? (Plays with a ball). The teacher reads a poem with the children:
Kitten is fiddling
With a ball:
Then he will creep up to him secretly,
Then he will start throwing himself at the ball,
He will push him, jump to the side...
Can't guess
That there is not a mouse here, but a ball.
-Why does the kitten play with a ball? (the teacher encourages the children to speak out, the children’s answers)
Question: - The kitten is small, he is bored, he wants to play, so he plays with a ball, thinking that it is a mouse. How can we help the kitten? In case of difficulty, he prompts you (give him a wind-up mouse toy). Turn the page. Look, who is this? (the dog lies near the booth). My dog ​​caught a cold and became voiceless.
The kitten darted in front of his nose,
But the poor patient couldn’t even yelp.
That's how seriously ill I got.
Voss: - Children, why couldn’t the dog yap at the kitten?
Children: - His throat hurts.
Voss: - How can we help the dog?
Children: - Call a doctor (if you have difficulty, it helps)
Voss: - The doctor will prescribe medicine for the dog, and she will be healthy.
The teacher opens the third page, which shows a sparrow jumping through a puddle.
Voss: - Who lives on this page? (children's answers). -Do you want to read a poem about a sparrow?
A sparrow jumps and spins around the puddle.
He ruffled his feathers and fluffed out his tail.
Good weather!
Question: - Why does the sparrow jump and spin? (children's answers) Voss: - That's right, because the weather is good, and he is very happy about it.
Voss: - Who lives on this page? (duck with ducklings). Vos-l: - What they are doing, we can find out from the poem:
Early, early in the morning, the mother duck came out to teach the ducklings.
She teaches them, she teaches them! -You swim, uti-uti, smoothly, in a row.
Although my son is not great, not great,
Mom doesn’t tell me to be a coward, she doesn’t tell me to. -Swim, swim, little duckling,
Don't be afraid, you won't drown.
Voss: – What does a mother duck teach her ducklings? (children's answers)
- Should I listen to my mother? (children's answers). That's right, mom is big, she knows everything, you have to listen to her.
-Guys, who lives in our book? (children's answers). -You and I love animals and treat them with care, because they are our friends. Choose an animal (toy) and dance with it (music plays, children dance). REFLECTION:
- How fun you danced with your toys! Now the toys will rest, and you and I will go for a walk.
Parent meeting in the second junior group: “Development of children’s speech through reading fiction”
Goal: Revealing the importance of speech in the comprehensive development of a child’s personality.
Objectives: to introduce parents to the peculiarities of speech development of children of primary preschool age; promote the development of children's communicative qualities; cultivate a culture of communication; involve parents in the pedagogical process and the life of the group.
Progress of the event:
1. Preliminary stage.
- Inviting parents to a meeting.
- Preparation for an exhibition in a group on the topic: “Russian folk tales”
2. Organizational stage.
- Design of an exhibition of methodological literature on the topic of the seminar.
3. Introductory stage.
(Parents sit in a semicircle.) Teacher: Good evening! We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to our meeting. The following lines will serve as our compass for today's meeting.
Speech is beautiful when it is like a stream
Runs among the stones cleanly, leisurely,
And you are ready to listen to its flow
And exclaim: - Oh! How beautiful you are.
The topic of our meeting is “Development of children’s speech through reading fiction. »
4. Main stage.
Educator: Please continue the phrase: “My child began to say ....”
Your answers showed that some children began to speak between 2 and 3 years of age. These guys have some delay in speech development. Many parents noted that their children began to speak at the age of 8-9 months to 2 months. This is a physiological norm.
Game "Question and answer"
And now I invite you to answer my questions.
- Raise your hand, those parents who are interested in their child speaking correctly.
It is very nice to see attentive and caring parents.
- And now I propose to raise their hands to those parents who believe that their child speaks clearly, clearly, correctly.
Look how few hands there are. Indeed, at this age children speak incorrectly, their sound pronunciation is not formed - and this is a physiological norm, i.e., characteristic of age.
- I now propose to raise your hands to those of you who constantly read short poems to your children at home and memorize them; reads stories and fairy tales and has a conversation about the work he has read.
- Raise your hand those parents who are interested in the topic of our meeting.
Your reaction showed that the topic of our meeting is relevant and significant.
Work on developing a child’s speech in kindergartens is carried out in different types of activities; in special classes on speech development, as well as in other classes; outside of class - in gaming and artistic activities; in everyday life.
Familiarization with fiction offers wonderful opportunities for children's speech development.
Education with a fairy tale
Until a certain age, children live in a fairy tale, as equal members of the fairy-tale world. And this is natural, because the fairy tale is close and consonant with their worldview. At the very beginning of her life, she meets children with fantastic images, exciting adventures, and the colorfulness and brightness of her world. All this freshness, purity, melodiousness, and harmonious integrity of the fairy tale serve as the first impetus for children to develop imagination, thinking, and creativity. And the artless simplicity and beauty of fairy-tale heroes and their actions are necessary for children’s consciousness as the first reflection of the world, true human relationships in the pure mirror of true art.
Every fairy tale draws a line between Good and Evil. They are irreconcilable enemies, they are in an eternal struggle. And in this confrontation, Good always wins, justice always triumphs. This idea of ​​the victory of Good over Evil is always convincing, because it was nurtured and born along with the emergence of people’s consciousness and improved along with its development, because it is permeated with the faith and hope of all humanity in the triumph of good principles. And this faith is reinforced by time. That is why the fairy tale is so powerful and that is why children believe in it so much. In almost any folk tale, everything obeys only the perfect laws of human existence, those ideals that have passed the test of many generations of people, crystallized, and become universal. And it’s easy for children to accept these ideals, it’s easy to agree with the pattern.
It is very important for children that in a fairy tale the hero who personifies goodness is always beautiful. This is either an invincible hero who protects his people, or simply a man who defeats evil with intelligence, wisdom and resourcefulness. In any case, a positive hero is distinguished by intelligence, beauty, skillful hands or good magic, and a negative hero is distinguished by evil, ugliness and deceit. Therefore, children love fairy-tale characters, believe them and transfer this faith and love from the fairy-tale world to the real world.
Thanks to the fairy tale, children begin to understand the most important truths of human life. A fairy tale helps to form the foundations of morality, morality, by the laws of which they will have to live. That same simple, simple fairy tale that, as adults, we begin to consider child's play.
Russian folk tales
They play a big role in developing in children an ear for music, a taste for poetry, and a love for nature and their native land. They arose in time immemorial. Russian folk tales are the most popular and most beloved genre by children. Everything that happens in these fairy tales is fantastic and wonderful in its purpose: the heroes of these fairy tales, getting from one dangerous situation to another, save their friends, punish their enemies - they fight and fight to the death.
Poems, fairy tales, stories that you read to your child should be small in volume, simple in content, and easy to understand.
“Reading doesn’t mean anything; what to read and how to understand what you read – that’s the main thing!
Children love to listen to the same piece several times;
Learn poems, nursery rhymes, and riddles by heart with your children.
Ask what is being said, what happens to the main characters;
Learn to retell fairy tales, starting to ask questions about the content; by conveying the content, the child learns to express his thoughts clearly, accurately, completely, and consistently;
How to make reading books to your child more useful and interesting? To do this, the child needs to actively participate in this process. How to do it?
- Ask questions. Book characters can help children develop their understanding and observation skills. While reading, ask them various questions, for example: “If Alyonushka and Ivanushka had to go up a mountain to get some water, what do you think, how tall this mountain could be: like a huge house or small, like an anthill? "What color was their bucket? "
-Depict a literary work you have read. If your child is bored with reading, ask him to imitate what he read. Let him, for example, show how Mashenka tried on chairs according to her height in the tale of the three bears or how her grandfather carried a turnip.
- Step back from the story. Try reading a few lines or pages of a fairy tale or story known to your child, and then ask him to come up with a continuation, thereby stimulating the child’s imagination, and also helping to expand his vocabulary and learn to make decisions in various situations.
- Make riddles based on fairy tales. (Parents are invited to guess riddles about fairy tales; they need to guess which of the fairy-tale characters could say this about themselves). 1) I decided to travel around the world and did not know that the trip could turn into trouble. I thought everyone around me was as kind as my grandmother and grandfather. But it turned out that there are also evil, cruel, and cunning people living in the world. And everyone wants to eat me...
2) I have been afraid of cats all my life. And this one came and purred and scratched: they say, help me! How can I, little, gray one, help the cat? I just feel that she is not deceiving me. I ran out into the garden, I saw that they really needed my help!
3) I knew it would end in disaster. I’m too shabby and old. How many years have I been standing in the field? I dreamed, of course, that someone would settle and live in me. But not too many people! They climbed, climbed, climbed inside. I couldn't stand it and collapsed!
4) What a tail this mouse has! Neither a woman’s palm nor a grandfather’s fist can be compared! And this mouse had to run out at the most inopportune moment! She waved her tail and it crashed!
5) It was baked from flour and chilled on the window.
He ran away from his grandparents and became Alice's lunch. (Kolobok)
6) One day a mouse found a completely empty house
She began to live and live, and let tenants in. (Teremok)
7) When leaving, she asked her mother not to open it to anyone,
But the children opened the door! The toothy beast deceived -
Sang my mother's song. Who ate the goats then? ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")
8) Grandfather didn’t have enough strength to pull out this vegetable.
But everyone he asked came to his aid. ("Turnip")
9) The good doctor says: - We are defeating bronchitis,
Measles, colds and sore throats, diphtheria and scarlet fever,
And of course, we will also be able to cope with Barmaley! ("Aibolit")
-You can play well-known fairy tales. Play out the kolobok, turnip, teremok, chicken Ryaba and other stories familiar to the child.
You can come up with your own fairy tale with your child.
Read with your children as much as possible, and most importantly, talk about what you read!
Distribute reminders to parents.
Memo for parents.
“Golden keys” from the secret door to the world of reading:
In order for a child to speak well, you need to talk to him: this is how oral speech patterns are set.
In order for a child to learn to be attentive, he needs to read stories and fairy tales: this is how the perception of words is set.
In order for a book to be perceived as a necessary element of life, it must live in the house and be in demand by adults: this is how examples of a certain life style are set.
Talents are nurtured through books and encouragement.
The parents of great people did not force books on their children; they surrounded their children with them from childhood.
(Quiet, calm music sounds, parents evaluate this event. Making a decision at the meeting. Resolving current issues). Summary of GCD in the 2nd junior group:
"The Magic Book of Fairy Tales"
Program content:
1. Continue to teach children to emotionally and consistently reproduce the content of fairy tales.
2. Teach children to build and “read” simple fairy tale models, reproduce the sequence of actions, and develop children’s thinking. The ability to correlate familiar symbols with images. Exercise children in telling fairy tales using the modeling method.
3. Develop the ability to identify and name the characteristic features of fairy tale characters. Develop intonation expressiveness when reproducing individual words and songs of fairy tale characters, and creative initiative. Learn to answer questions, enrich children’s vocabulary, teach children to finish words in a sentence. Teach children to correctly answer the teacher’s questions, reproduce the content of a fairy tale according to diagrams. Activation of the dictionary. Develop speech attention, creative activity, memory, thinking.
4. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the heroes of fairy tales, the ability to work together. Cultivate interest in oral folk art (fairy tales). Material and equipment:
Book, projector with screen.
Preliminary work:
reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, retelling fairy tales, playing dramatizations.
Vocabulary work: cunning, unkind, curious, brave, smart, kind.
Progress: Children enter the group
Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales? I also love you very much and invite you today to go to the land of fairy tales, to the village of Skazkino. We'll go on a train journey. Take your seats in the carriages. Is everyone ready to hit the road? Go.
Cars and carriages rumble along the rails.
A group of guys are being taken to the village of Skazkino.
We've arrived. Come out. Have a seat. (sit on benches)
Educator: Look guys, we have arrived in the village of Skazkino, let's see who is greeting us? Who is this? Yes, this is Vasily the cat and he invites us to visit him. Let's listen to what he tells us now.
(The cat Vasily is depicted on the screen)
Educator: Vasily the cat loves to listen and tell fairy tales. And so he brought us an unusual, interesting book. It contains Russian folk tales. These tales were composed by the Russian people. For whom did the Russian people compose and invent fairy tales?
Children: For the children, for us.
Educator: This book is magical, if we blow on the page, it will open. Let's look into the book and find out what fairy tales live in it. (Children blow on the book)
Educator: Guys, did you recognize this fairy tale? Look carefully, what is shown here? What is it called? Let's remember this fairy tale. If you tell a fairy tale according to this scheme, a picture will appear. (children's story)
Children: “Chicken Ryaba.”
Educator: Well done, is this really the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”?
Educator: Blow on the next page and you will find out what fairy tale lives there. Don't forget, if we guess correctly, a picture opens. (Children blow on the book).
Educator: Juliana, are you familiar with this fairy tale? What is it called?
Children: "Turnip."
Educator: Lena, name the heroes of this fairy tale.
Children: Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat, mouse.
Educator: Let's blow and the next page will open.
(Children blow on the page)
Educator: Guys, have you guessed what kind of fairy tale this is? Bogdan, what is the name of this fairy tale?
Children: Fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats."
Educator: Mila, how did you know that this is a fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”
Children: Drawn: a wolf, a goat and kids.
Educator: Well done! If you guessed right, then we will now see a picture from a fairy tale.
Educator: Well, here’s the next page, let’s blow together and find out what kind of fairy tale is hiding there. (children blow) Well, now have you guessed what this fairy tale is? Who will try to tell me the beginning of this fairy tale? What song did Kolobok sing? Who ate it? If you guessed right, the page will certainly open.
Educator: I think we need to get up and warm up a little.
Come on, everyone get up together,
Raise your arms higher.
We will play with you.
And dance a little

Let's shake our heads - one, two, three!
Now don't yawn.
Repeat with us quickly!
Let's clap our hands - one, two, three!
Let's stomp our feet - one, two, three!
Turned the head
And sat down quietly!
Educator: Okay, we’ve rested, and now let’s open the last page of the book. Do you want to know what fairy tale lives on the last page? Blow on the book. (Children blow on the book) Oh, it won’t open, but let’s listen to Vasily the cat, what he says.
Children watch the fairy tale "Teremok"
Educator: Well, you guessed it. Who can tell me what the fairy tale is called? Well, let's check if we guessed correctly?
Well done Guys, look, Vasily the cat is happy for us. We guessed all the fairy tales from the book. Listen to what Vasily the cat tells us
What will we tell the cat Vasily?
Children thank Vasily the cat and say goodbye
Educator: Well done! Let's remember what fairy tales were hidden in the book. (children repeat the names of fairy tales). Now it's time to go back to kindergarten. Take your seats in the trailers.
“Trailers, trailers, rattling along the rails.
They’re taking me home, they’re taking me home, a group of guys.”
the children return to the music.
Abstract of GCD
in the 2nd junior group:
“Reading A. Barto’s poem “Elephant”
Goals and objectives:
Educational – to develop cognitive interest and the ability to listen carefully, to increase the level of speech activity.
Educational – teach children to look at a picture, answer questions about its content, and formulate simple conclusions. Clarify children's ideas about the two parts of the day, day and night.
Developmental – prepare children to write descriptive stories and develop coherent speech.
Materials and equipment: easel, visual aid “Elephant” by L.B. Fesyukova, audio recording of a lullaby, stickers with animals according to the number of children.
Progress of the lesson
The children sit in a semicircle, in the center of which there is an easel with a picture (it hangs face down).
The teacher asks a riddle:
There is a lot of power in him,
He is almost as tall as a house,
Gray fat giant
The nose is like a long tap,
He'll ride on his back
Mischievous, eared... (elephant)
The teacher turns the picture over. Invites children to come up and look at the picture “Elephant” (children approach the easel with the picture, stand in a semicircle)
Questions about the teacher’s picture:
- What time of day is shown in the picture? (children’s choral answers with explanation: it’s dark, the moon is shining, the toys are sleeping.)
-Who do you see in the picture? (children's choral responses)
- Why do you think the elephant is not sleeping yet? What is he thinking about? (children’s individual answers. Mark the most interesting and well-formulated options)
- Maybe he remembers his mother elephant and is waiting for her to come to him and sing a lullaby?
- Show me how you sleep.
An audio recording of a lullaby is played and the teacher reads A. Barto’s poem “Elephant”:
Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep.
He lay down on his side in the box.
The sleepy bear went to bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
The elephant nods its head
He bows to the elephant.
The teacher asks the children to “wake up”, says that in the morning, when they wake up, they need to do exercises, and conducts physical education.
Physical education session “Exercise”
Every day in the morning we do exercises. (step in place)
We really like to do it in order:
Walk happily, raise your arms (imitation of movements)
Squat and stand, jump and gallop.

Lesson summary:
- You listened attentively, answered questions, and so the little elephant gave you gifts (stickers with images of animals). Each child chooses the sticker that he liked best.

Consultation for parents
on reading fiction
children from birth to school.
Scientists have found that a child who is systematically read to accumulates a rich vocabulary, as he hears more words. By reading with his mother, the baby not only learns something new, but also actively develops imagination and memory, and sometimes learns important life lessons. How to choose useful and interesting books for children of different ages?
What books are needed for preschoolers?
Lightweight and durable.
A good book for little ones has some features:
- It is light - the baby should have enough strength to get the book from the shelf at any time.
- Its strength is ensured by regular or laminated cardboard.
- The size of the book is small, a child should be able to “play” with it independently.
- The book contains large, bright pictures and a few small distracting details. The printed text is only large, the phrases are clear and concise.
- If the page is a bright picture, the text should be placed on a light background.
Please note that there is a hygiene certificate (usually indicated on the last page or cover). After all, kids often try to chew on a book.
Everything has its time.
The little ones need books to look at objects, animals, plants, etc. On the page, 80% of the area should be occupied by images. Captions consist of a maximum of two or three words. The baby still has no idea how to handle the new “toy” - everything can be limited to licking and meaningless turning of pages. But if you look at the book together and at the same time pronounce the text, you will soon notice that the baby easily recognizes familiar objects and even tries to call them in his own way.
Fun alphabet.
From about a year old (and earlier, if desired), you can start reading poems and short fairy tales to your child. At this age, familiarity with funny nursery rhymes is well accompanied by bright, characteristic gestures. Around the age of two, when the child begins to become interested in letters, purchase the alphabet. It is worth remembering that recognizing letters and reading are different things. Now you are reading, and the child is actively listening. There is no need to force things.
Many children like toy books, all kinds of squeakers, books in the shape of animals, insects, etc. They are attractive to a child, but you should not get carried away with them. Books, first of all, are intended for reading - this is important for a child to learn. Gradually reduce the number of toy books to a minimum.
Three years - the age of why - is the optimal time to buy children's illustrated encyclopedias. The number of unfamiliar words in them should not exceed 10-15 percent, otherwise the book may seem boring to the child. By reading with you, your child gets answers to his questions and at the same time learns to work with new information.

Junior preschool age. Studying the peculiarities of perception and understanding of works of literature by a child of 3-4 years old, we can identify the leading tasks of familiarizing children with books at this age stage:
- to develop children’s interest in books, to teach them to pay attention, and to listen to literary works;
- enrich the life experience of children with activities and impressions necessary for understanding books;
- when selecting books for children, take into account the child’s attraction to folklore and poetic works;
- help children establish the simplest connections in a work;
- help children identify the most striking actions of heroes and evaluate them;
- support the immediate response and emotional interest that arises in the child when perceiving the book;
- help children mentally imagine, see the events and characters of the work, through the selection of illustrations, teach them to look at the illustrations.

Middle preschool age (4-5 years). Children's reading experience becomes more complex. To understand the work, a child no longer needs an illustration for each plot twist. When characterizing heroes, children most often express correct judgments about their actions, relying on their ideas about norms of behavior and enriched personal experience. At the same time, when perceiving literary works, the child does not set himself the task of evaluating the hero or events. The attitude of children to literary facts has an effective, vital significance. A child of 4-5 years old is, first of all, an active participant in the events depicted; he experiences them together with the heroes.
Thus, based on the characteristics of the enriched literary and enriched life experience of children, educators in the middle group are faced with the following tasks:
- continue to develop children’s interest in books;
- teach carefully, listen and hear the work;
- see the actions of the characters and evaluate them correctly;
- develop imagination, the ability to mentally imagine the events and characters of the work;
- maintain children’s attention and interest in words in a literary work;
- support children’s empathy for the characters of the work and form a personal attitude towards what they read.

Senior preschool age. From the age of 5, a new stage in the literary development of a child begins. The most beloved among children are magical Russian folk tales with their wonderful fiction, fantastic nature, developed plot action, full of conflicts, obstacles, dramatic situations, various motives (treachery, miraculous help, opposition to evil and good forces, and much more), with bright, strong characters. heroes. Russian folk tales (“Morozko”, “Sivka-Burka”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, and others). They open up space for the child’s feelings and thoughts about a complex world, where good and evil forces collide in an irreconcilable struggle, where children are confirmed in the indispensable, inevitable victory of good over evil, are surprised by miracles and secrets and try to reveal and comprehend them. At an older age, a child acquires the ability to understand text without the help of illustrations. Children are already able to understand events in the book that sometimes did not occur in their own experience. The child develops the ability to perceive a literary work in the unity of content and form, comprehend the verbal image, and treat it as an author’s device. There also arises the ability not only to notice an expressive, bright word, but also to realize its role in the text.
In older preschool age, children’s capabilities allow them to solve new, more complex tasks in the formation of aesthetic perception and understanding of works of fiction:
- consolidate and develop a sustainable interest in the book, perceive a love for the literary word;
- along with the direct life experience of children, their literary experience. To introduce the genre features of some types of literary works (story, fairy tale, fable, riddle, proverb, nursery rhyme and others).
- develop and educate the recreating imagination;
- learn to establish diverse connections in a work, to penetrate into the author’s intention;
- help the child not only comprehend the actions of the characters, but also their thoughts and feelings; cultivate the ability to see the hidden reasons for actions;
- help the child, realize his own emotional attitude towards the heroes of the works;
- draw children’s attention to the language of a literary work and the author’s depiction techniques.
Thus, we see that throughout the preschool period there is an active development and improvement of abilities to perceive literary works, the formation of interest and love for books, that is, the child is successfully developing as a reader. This circumstance forces us, teachers, to carefully consider issues related to reading books to preschool children and, above all, to the selection of works of children's literature for each age stage.
A thoughtful selection of books for children's reading is determined by what inevitably influences the child's literary development, the formation of his literary experience at the stage of preschool childhood, and the development of an attitude towards books.
Let's summarize:
- A book is not only a source of knowledge, but also a means of artistic education.
- She is a person’s companion throughout his life. Teach your child to love and cherish books from childhood.
- Books for children are usually brightly illustrated. When looking at the illustrations with your child, take your time. When posing a question, focus on the details, explain what text this picture illustrates. Let the child remember and check. All this will teach you to carefully and meaningfully examine what is shown in the picture.
- Fiction enriches a child’s life experience. It tells about the life and activities of people: about their work, relationships, about the exploits of heroes, about the beauty of their native nature, the characters and motives of behavior are revealed. All this affects the child’s feelings, makes him worry, worry about the fate of the characters - sympathize with some, condemn others.
- A book helps a child learn about the world.
- The works of fiction that you read or narrated significantly influence the child, the formation of his personality, leave a deep imprint in his soul, gratitude for having introduced him to the world of beauty.
And even if your child has already learned to read, there is no need to “give up” on reading aloud together, because it is so unifying, it is a kind of conversation between parent and child, a discussion of what they have read. While reading together, you are very close to your child, you will be able to explain to him, using the example of characters from a work of fiction, all the pressing problems, and there are so many interesting things in life!

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