Horoscope from Olga Stella for September for all zodiac signs. Horoscope from Olga Stella for September for all zodiac signs Horoscope for September by year of birth

Summer has come to an end. The nights have become longer, and the breath of approaching autumn can be felt. And not because the first of September is just around the corner. And all because something invisible begins to be felt in the air, with the tart smell of autumn leaves.

Autumn is always the beginning of something new, and it’s also time for a change.

And so that these changes have the best outcome for you, and in general for understanding what is better to do now and what later, editors "So simple!" offers for each zodiac sign detailed horoscope from the new star of European astrology Olga Stella.

Olga Stella lives and works in Italy. And despite the fact that she is still very young, many people around the world use her advice and get results.

And according to the feedback from my close friend Irina, who has been listening to the tips of this talented astrologer for several months now, her life has begun to improve. And even from the period of eclipses she managed to extract positive things!

Accurate horoscope for September

  1. Aries
    From the very beginning of the month, Aries will receive a lot of good news. This is a great period to start something new and there will be a lot of energy for it.

    This is a fruitful period for working on yourself. In September, Aries will begin to change their usual lifestyle. You may want to change your hairstyle or get some repairs done, whatever you do will be successful.

    This is also a good time to take care of your health. Trips to a sanatorium or a vacation at the seaside will also be very successful.

  2. Taurus
    For Taurus, the month of September will mark a period of enlightenment and love. Also, this beautiful zodiac sign will be full of creative energy.

    Romance will settle in the house of a family Taurus in September, and unmarried people will definitely meet their soul mate. In terms of finances, the month promises to be generous, but you should not immediately spend all your cash receipts, otherwise you may be left with nothing.

  3. Twins
    In September 2018, Gemini will finally make an important decision and everything will go like clockwork! Also, the first month of autumn is perfect for analysis and preparation for the next stage of life.

    Horoscope for September 2018 portends an increase in income for Gemini, but the money will not come to them immediately. You don't have to worry too much about this. As for personal life, it can be intertwined with work; Gemini will have a busy month in terms of love.

  4. Cancer
    This month is perfect for any important matters, for major purchases, for long-awaited trips. With the onset of September, there will finally be a holiday on Rakov Street!

    In love and relationships with Cancer people there will be both a lot of romance and a lot of conflict situations. Only patience and prudence on their part will help representatives of this sign resolve all the troubles in relationships.

  5. a lion
    First month of autumn- a very successful period for Leo, both in terms of work and health. You will have a unique opportunity to show your best side.

    Moreover, this will affect your entire future career. But don’t expect big profits right away, just believe that this is just the beginning. By the end of the month, try to devote maximum time to your family, this will be very important for your loved ones!

  6. Virgo
    In September, the stars will give Virgos a positive solution to all problems! Well, with personal life, everything will work out in the most favorable way, both for family representatives of this wonderful zodiac sign, and for unmarried and unmarried people.

    Also, thanks to business relationships and contacts with the right people, Virgos will be able to achieve success in work and business, improve their affairs and improve their financial situation.

  7. Scales
    Many things that were not going well will move forward. Literally with the onset of the first days of September, Libra will begin a new period in life.

    There will also be an opportunity to complete many started and unfinished tasks. This is also a great time to travel both long distances and outside the city.

  8. Scorpion
    At the beginning of autumn there will be a good chance to establish business contacts. They will contribute to your financial well-being in the future. And be sure to pay attention to any little things: they are important now!

    The entire period at the beginning of the month for Scorpios will be colored by the joy of communication. There will be a lot of acquaintances, and it is possible that thanks to them you will be able to find new friends, and perhaps meet your love. Be careful and try to feel with your heart!

  9. Sagittarius
    This is a fertile time to start a new relationship. Men will literally fall at your beautiful feet. But you shouldn’t rush and drag the first candidate you come across down the aisle.

    In September, it will be especially easy for Sagittarius to achieve their goals. A new whirlwind of energy will burst into the life of Sagittarius and literally lift him above situations, helping him choose the right decision. But you should pay more attention to your health; severe headaches are possible.

  10. Capricorn
    Horoscope for September 2018 promises Capricorns a time favorable for travel, learning, cooperation and communication. Mars in Capricorn's house of money will help this zodiac sign solve old problems and succeed in risky business.

    Thanks to his endless energy, Capricorn can easily take on any projects, and they, in turn, will bring pleasant dividends. The main thing is not to sit idly by, now your income depends only on you. In your personal life everything will be calm and harmonious.

  11. Aquarius
    Even if in ordinary life your intuition was in a state of sleep, in September everything will be different. Whatever decision you make, everything will go like clockwork.

    There will be more certainty in financial matters; money can come through friends, social connections, and working on the Internet.

  12. Fish
    A healthy lifestyle is by no means a beautiful phrase! Therefore, you should stop indulging your desires, and this especially applies to eating at night.

    Apart from problems with your figure, September poses no threat to your health. The whole month you will feel great both physically and mentally. The horoscope for September 2018 promises Pisces a very favorable month for all sorts of updates and internal transformations.

Angela Pearl's predictions are always correct and truthful. In addition, this wonderful astrologer and tarot reader with 20 years of experience knows how to present even the most unpleasant things in a positive way and gives tips on how best to act in a given situation.

Having familiarized myself with my horoscope, I still ! Because now I know for sure that a positive month is coming. I really hope that everything that Olga Stella predicted will come true, because everyone has long been tired of the negativity.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

In September 2018, Saturn returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn. The period of positive changes in the business and financial sphere will continue. Active endeavors and creative search will be supported at all levels. Set long-term, strategic goals and objectives. Everything started during this period contains good prospects.

Mars - September 11, 2018 - moves into the sign of Aquarius. This influence determines the period of implementation of the most important ideas and plans. A time of numerous contacts, extended communication. Lots of travel and business trips. You can get support for your personal project.

September 1 - 2, 2018 - the opposition of the Moon and Jupiter suggests a local financial crisis. Sharp fluctuations in exchange rates and increased prices for essential goods are possible. In any case, a strict economy regime will not hurt. Not the best days for serious transactions and large-scale investments.

September 6, 2018 - Saturn returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn. Mercury enters the sign of Virgo. The period of setting long-term goals and strategic objectives. The beginning of projects designed for long-term prospects and development. Good, systemic projects develop consistently, according to a strictly planned plan. Make a program - the maximum and confidently move towards your goal.

September 9, 2018 - New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Venus enters the sign of Scorpio. Day of significant international events. Acute critical events in global geopolitics and economics. A sharp aggravation of contradictions in the Western, capitalist economy. Another tsunami - a wave of global economic crisis. But this is a slow tsunami - the spread of critical effects throughout the entire structure of the world capitalist economy and the banking sector. The issue of huge public debts of the leading capitalist countries and the problem of “bad”, non-performing loans in the banking sector will come to full attention.

September 11, 2018 - Mars moves into the sign of Aquarius. The development and formation of the Age of Aquarius programs will continue. Creative projects and initiatives on environmental and energy-saving topics will be developed. Projects will be developed to create the latest environmental, electric and string public transport. The capabilities and speed of the Internet, local networks, mobile communications, and mobile Internet will increase. A new period of the latest scientific and technological revolution.

September 12 - 14, 2018 are dangerous days. Difficult weather conditions. Emergencies in transport, aviation, and railway transport are possible. Possible geomagnetic storms of great strength. Failures in the operation of power plants, nuclear power plants, power transmission lines, communications, satellite systems. An enhanced security regime is needed in complex, dangerous industries, oil and gas pipelines. Threat of terrorist attacks. It is not recommended to be in crowded places. It is better to reschedule long trips and trips to countries with unstable conditions.

September 20, 2018 is the day of dangerous manifestations of the Elements of planet Earth. Dangerous, resonant natural disasters, resonant earthquake in a seismically active region, volcanic eruption, storms, hurricanes, abnormal precipitation, resonant flooding. Keep an eye on weather forecasts.

September 22, 2018 - Mercury enters the sign of Libra. The period of velvet autumn. Lots of commercial trips and negotiations. Increased control over small details will be required. Decision time in partnerships.

September 23, 2018 - The Sun enters the sign of Libra. Time aimed at harmonizing personal relationships. The beginning of the autumn season in nature. It is likely that weather anomalies will continue, sudden changes in temperature and weather conditions. Large-scale, planetary climate change will continue.

September 25, 2018 - Full Moon. The Sun is in the sign of Libra, the Moon is in the sign of Aries. A day of strong experiences and bright events. Try to keep your emotions under control. There may be ill-considered, hasty decisions and actions that you may later regret. The influence of Saturn requires constructive, thoughtful decisions, both in the sphere of relationships and in terms of business development, stabilization, and not destruction of partnerships.

September 26, 2018 - Chiron in retrograde movement returns to the sign of Pisces. On the agenda are issues of spiritual development, both of the individual and of civilization as a whole. The planetoid Chiron connects the dense - material, and the subtle - spiritual world. And this connection requires finding internal and external harmony. The main question of time is what the future Path of modern civilization will be. Will we be able to cope with destructive, destructive tendencies and take the Path of Harmony and self-improvement. And it depends on each of us what the world of the Future will be like. Create Harmony and the world will become more perfect and cleaner.

Mercury, on which financial stability and material prosperity depends, will decide in September 2017 that earthlings do not deserve a wealthy, beautiful life. Fortunately, Mercury will not take out its anger against all inhabitants of planet Earth, but only against those who are accustomed to achieving their goals rudely, harshly or with the help of force. Don’t forget that Mercury also hates all those who alone try to get closer to material success. Here is a ready-made script for how to neutralize Mercurian aggression! To become noticeably richer by the end of this September, move towards your goals slowly and carefully, do not make radical decisions and do not refuse close cooperation with the people around you.

Celestial Elemental Leaders

While hostile Venus and Mercury are trying to confuse the plans of earthlings, the planets that initially expressed a neutral attitude towards humanity will decide to bestow their attention on representatives of one or another specific element. So, which planets will become additional patrons of individual elements, and what problems will they help fight?

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) will enjoy the special favor of Mars for the second month in a row. If before this period your character has already become surprisingly collected and strong-willed, well, then in September these qualities of your nature will only intensify! You will feel the support of Mars not only by assessing your inner world, but also by relying on external circumstances. So, at the beginning of this autumn, all stressful situations in your life will be reduced to almost zero, which means they will not harm your large-scale successes.

Representatives of the element of Water (Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio) will receive numerous “bonuses” from Pluto in September 2017. This planet will teach you to be resourceful and cunning, and with the help of these qualities you will be able to find a way out of the most hopeless dead end, from the most confusing situation!

The air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra), as well as the representatives of the Earth elements (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn), will have a common patron at the beginning of this autumn. This will be the Sun, which in September will only occasionally “visit” its charges in order to cheer them up and support them in difficult moments of life. In a word, although the star of the day will volunteer to help you, this help will turn out to be very, very insignificant. You, as always, will have to rely solely on yourself, which will further strengthen your already persistent character.

The horoscope for September 2018 predicts: the month will be favorable for diligent and responsible representatives of almost all zodiac signs. At this time, you should confidently take on the performance of official duties or business development - and the result will please you in the near future.

Horoscope for September 2018: general points

The first month of autumn is rich in adventures - it will give unmarried women of any zodiac sign a chance to meet a new pleasant person who can later become a reliable companion or business partner.

In the heat of romantic events, you should not forget about work - debates with your superiors are possible. Be careful in your business, try to follow the beaten path in September, in general, don’t reinvent the wheel at work, and then most problems will disappear by themselves.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina says that in September you should not expect any shocks or important events. Live the period easily, without excessive efforts or high expectations.


In September it is important for Aries to show restraint and tolerance and avoid large purchases

In September, Aries should try to be more tolerant of loved ones and restrain their emotions. Adequately evaluate the actions of your competitors; during this period, it is better to overestimate your rivals than to underestimate them.

Everything will be stable in your career. If you have been looking for a job for a long time, this month you will most likely find a place you like. Someone will please you with an unexpected return of a debt that you had forgotten about. It is better not to make large purchases now.

Aries should think about their figure. Start going to the gym, eating right, moving more. Taking care of your mental health is also extremely important during this time. Meditation and yoga will help with this.


A productive month awaits Taurus: you will work hard, but you will receive a decent reward

September will bring real chaos at work. During this period, it is important for Taurus to pull themselves together, be ready to participate in several projects at the same time, and, if necessary, get used to the role of a leader. The main thing is not to fall into apathy due to the abundance of tasks and lack of confidence in your abilities.

Good profits can be expected in the last ten days of the month. Replenishing your wallet or account will be especially pleasant for those representatives of this zodiac sign who have been working hard since the beginning of September.

The health horoscope for September 2018 warns: Taurus’ immunity is weakened in the first month of autumn. Take walks in the fresh air, drink herbal teas, eat more fruits and vegetables. Now it is better to remove fatty, fried and spicy foods from your diet.


Geminis can relax and enjoy the pleasant moments of life in September

In September, Geminis should relax and learn to enjoy the simple pleasures of life: friendly gatherings, little surprises from loved ones, drawing or other new hobbies. You will feel calm and comfortable at work.

This month it is better not to invest in a new business or start anything important. Wait for a more favorable period. Avoid dubious offers; dangerous adventures are unlikely to bring you profit or pleasure.

Get plenty of rest and relaxation. Geminis should now get enough sleep and not spend too much time on social networks. Watch your diet. Replace fast food with steamed dishes. Add vegetables and fruits to your diet.


Cancers are facing a difficult period; they should be prepared for both dizzying ups and annoying downs.

The month for Cancers will be multifaceted. Representatives of this zodiac sign will have to experience victories and falls, joy and apathy. You should take any situation calmly. It’s better to throw out negative emotions by doing something creative.

The September horoscope for Cancer suggests: you can quit your job and start your own business. The period is favorable for investments; with a sufficient amount of self-confidence, strong intuition and logic, you can get a return on your invested money in the near future.

Pay attention to your heart. The cardiovascular system may suffer due to stress. Relieve tension with a massage and a warm bath. Take a break at work every hour: breathe fresh air, drink delicious tea.

a lion

At the beginning of autumn, Leos will shine at work, accept lucrative offers and successfully invest money

The beginning of autumn will bring Leos success in their careers. The serious decisions you make in September can make drastic changes in your life. The period of self-realization and development has arrived.

This month they will make you a profitable offer. Don’t rush to abandon it; a new project can bring you good profits and moral satisfaction. Act boldly and realize your ambitions. Good time to invest money.

In mid-September, health problems may appear. Changes in weather will negatively affect your well-being. However, there is no need to be afraid of serious diseases. Diversify your diet, try to saturate your body with vitamins.


In September, Virgos will delve deeper into themselves and determine the future path that will lead to the fulfillment of their cherished dreams.

September is the time when Virgos should decide on their true desires and goals. If your current place of work does not coincide with your plans, you can change the direction of your activity this month.

Be prepared to stand up for your point of view, be tough and say no. This month will be a real test for your self-confidence and perseverance. Put your thoughts in order, try to organize the papers on your desktop.

Chronic diseases can make themselves felt. Be careful, during this period there is an increased risk of injury at home. Look both ways when crossing the road and carefully go up and down the steps.


Libra will be able to realize their own talents and change their lives for the better

Libra will feel how happy and fulfilled they are. However, you will want more, and you will decide to change your life for the better. Go for it! The period is favorable for this. The main thing is to listen to what your inner voice tells you.

The first 10 days of September will be successful for representatives of this zodiac sign. The stars promise dizzying achievements and accomplishments. You will receive a salary increase and a long-awaited promotion. Read the signs of Fate and don’t be lazy!

There may be infectious diseases that you pick up on vacation or while traveling. Be careful and follow the rules of hygiene. Have you ever wanted to get in shape? Now is the time to join the gym.


Scorpios will work hard in September and reap the rewards of their diligence

In September, Scorpios will easily overcome all obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Success awaits you in all your endeavors! The work will be enjoyable, your crazy energy and diligence will be rewarded.

A good period for development. Attend master classes and trainings, improve your skills. This will allow you to earn additional income or climb the career ladder. Don't give up and just move forward!

Despite the busy period, try not to overexert yourself, this is fraught with various diseases. Stress less, relax after a busy day. If necessary, see a psychologist.


Sagittarius will have to implement bold ideas and develop simultaneously in several directions

The first month of autumn will bring Sagittarius many interesting ideas that they should immediately begin to implement. Don’t limit yourself, try everything at once: massage courses, professional training, a new hobby. The main thing is that you should like the activity!

During this period, you can start your own business. Close people or colleagues will help you with connections or money. Don't refuse help from your friends. If you are afraid to quit your job right away, try doing your business on weekends or in your free time on weekdays.

Representatives of this zodiac sign should see a doctor; this month there may be problems with the heart or blood vessels. Try to limit your time on social networks, walk more and eliminate fatty foods from your diet.


Capricorns will have to act in conditions of lack of stability, now it’s worth taking time to study or go on vacation

An unstable month awaits Capricorns. Your mood will jump, your income will make you worry, and in your personal life everything will not be too smooth. In such a situation, representatives of this zodiac sign should relax alone more often: fishing or while reading books.

Now is not the time to lend money. Reduce expenses on clothes and accessories, invest better in your own development. A favorable period to start your own business. Perhaps you will find a good way to monetize your hobby.

If you are not going to open your own business and spend time and money on it, go on vacation. Capricorns should unwind this month. Be careful, you might catch a cold. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet.


Aquarians will be happy to engage in new projects and make large purchases

September will give Aquarius new interesting projects. You will be happy to perform your official duties and will be able to receive a well-deserved reward. However, gossip about you will interfere with your work. Try to talk less about your personal life.

Representatives of this zodiac sign will have enough money. Now you can make successful purchases, so feel free to choose new equipment or furniture, they will serve you faithfully.

On the day of the full moon, September 25, give up business meetings. Negotiations will not be successful; moreover, they may undermine your reputation in the company.

On the first day of autumn, it is extremely important for Aquarius to normalize their sleep patterns. Insomnia threatens nervous exhaustion, apathy and emotional breakdowns. Do yoga, eat more fruits and go for evening walks in the park.


It is better for Pisces to limit their work activity and get plenty of rest.

With the arrival of autumn, Pisces will feel apathy, their performance will be at zero. Try to reduce your workload to a minimum, do not take on new projects and do not take on other people's responsibilities.

It is unlikely that in September, representatives of this zodiac sign will be pleased by their bosses with a bonus or salary increase. But practicing hobbies, studying at master classes and trainings, and spending quiet time reading an interesting book will bring great pleasure.

The cardiovascular system may fail. During this period, it is better to avoid strict diets and excessive physical activity. A short morning jog and a balanced diet will be enough to keep you in shape.

In September, it is important to take care of your health, both physical and psychological. Now you have to work hard. Set goals for yourself and systematically implement them. To avoid emotional breakdowns, try to be calmer about difficult situations at work and at home.

The first month of autumn will present representatives of all zodiac signs with many surprises. Some will have the opportunity to find cherished family happiness, others will be able to “catch luck by the tail” and significantly improve their financial situation. Some people who are under the protection of the water element will note a deterioration in their own well-being, and will also try with all their might to change the current situation, which fundamentally does not suit them. Today we will present you with a detailed horoscope for all zodiac signs for September 2018, with the help of which each of us will be able to avoid rash risks, as well as draw the right conclusions that will help achieve our goals.


In September 2018, Aries are strongly encouraged to pay attention to friends and loved ones who will need them. Try to restrain negative emotions, because one careless word can inflate a minor quarrel into a major conflict that will poison your life for several months. Also try to adequately assess the actions of your competitors that interfere with achieving new milestones. The horoscope for Aries for September 2018 recommends overestimating the capabilities of your opponents in order to be able to outplay them at the right moment, which will certainly present itself.

Everything will be more than stable in your career. Women born under the sign of Aries will be able to find a new job, but this is only if they are not currently employed anywhere. Someone will please you with an unexpected return of the amount of money that you previously lent and which you had forgotten about. It is better not to make large purchases now, because there is a high probability of impulsive spending, which will make a big hole in the family budget.


The horoscope for September 2018 for Taurus brought unpleasant surprises with work. In this sphere of life, real chaos will occur, the boundaries of which will have no end or edge. That is why it is very important for Taurus to pull themselves together and soberly assess the situation. Be ready to take part in new projects that you haven't even considered until now. But it is better to refuse business trips, because for you they will become tiring and unprofitable.

In the personal sphere, long-awaited peace and mutual understanding has arrived. Love problems will slowly fade into the background, because family Taurus will be able to find points of contact and mutual understanding with their other half. But single representatives of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to meet a person who will become truly dear to them. Astrologers recommend that you devote more time to rest. If possible, the best option would be a two-week vacation in the first half of September.


To make September 2018 as easy and positive as possible, the monthly horoscope for Gemini advises you to relax as much as possible and start enjoying simple little things: getting together with friends, walking under an umbrella, drawing or doing housework. Now is the opportune time to cleanse your life of everything unnecessary and boring. Throw away old things, clear out the trash, and most importantly, stop communicating with people who systematically bore you with stories about their problems.

In September 2018, it is better for Geminis not to invest large sums of money in a new business and not to start anything important. You will have this opportunity next month. In addition, be as careful as possible - do not lend money and refrain from taking loans. You should also pay special attention to large purchases. But treating yourself and your other half with a pleasant trip is something that you will desperately need in September 2018.


Whatever one may say, September 2018 will be a very multifaceted month for many Cancers. People under the protection of the water element will have to experience victories and falls, joy, sadness, delight and apathy. You should take any situation, even the most unexpected, calmly. If the level of negative emotions begins to go off scale, then the optimal solution would be to take up your favorite hobby, or get a positive charge in the gym.

Many Cancers who have worked tirelessly all summer will have the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their work. If you are thinking about changing jobs, there is no better time. The horoscope for September 2018 for Cancers advises you to decisively set off to conquer new frontiers, and also think about opening your own business. The first month of autumn is favorable for investments; with a sufficient degree of self-confidence, developed intuition and logic, you can get the maximum return on your invested money in the near future. To prevent your family and friends from being offended by you, do not forget to pay attention to them. Your job won't leave you, but your loved one can. Minimize this risk.

a lion

The first autumn month in 2018 will bring Leos success in their careers. The serious decisions that you will make in the first half of September will ensure that dramatic changes in your life will not take long to arrive. Right now is a favorable moment for the development of creative abilities and personal self-realization, which you have long dreamed of.

The horoscope for Leo for September 2018 suggests that they are going to make you a very lucrative offer. It is its adoption and reorientation of activities that will allow you not only to improve your financial condition, but also to receive long-awaited moral satisfaction. Do not doubt your capabilities, because September 2018 will give you a unique opportunity to realize even your wildest ambitions.

To prevent the first month of autumn from ruining your mood, astrologers recommend paying attention to health problems. Weather changes and magnetic storms can negatively affect your well-being. Therefore, do not neglect maintaining a sleep-wake schedule, and also stock up on vitamin complexes.


September 2018 is the ideal period for Virgos to make a list of their own desires and goals. If you feel that your current place of work does not coincide with your intended desires and plans, then you can safely go looking for a new job. The necessary options will not keep you waiting, and the help of influential people from outside will definitely please you.

The Virgo horoscope for September 2018 says that you simply need to learn to say “no.” This applies not only to business matters, but also to love affairs. Many Virgos will feel the excessive intrusiveness of fans who will try with all their might to attract their attention. Don't agree to dubious adventures if you don't want to. Because lonely representatives of the earth element will have the opportunity to meet their soul mate only at the end of the month. On the day of the new moon, September 9, 2018, do not make important deals or start major projects, because they will all be doomed to failure.


Compared to the last month of the outgoing summer, September 2018 will allow Libra to feel a surge of energy and vitality. Many people born under the auspices of the air element will want to change their lives for the better, and they will be able to do this already in the first week of autumn. The period will be very favorable for making new acquaintances, as well as for ending relationships that have outlived their usefulness. Don't be afraid of breaking up with a person who no longer satisfies you. Do as your inner voice tells you.

The horoscope for Libra for September 2018 warns of the danger of domestic injuries. Therefore, be especially careful when training in the gym, and also prepare gastronomic delights for yourself with special concentration. August 12, 2018 It’s better not to pick up a knife. There are also possible infectious diseases that you pick up on vacation or while traveling. Be extremely careful and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Have you always wanted to get rid of extra pounds? Now is the time to join the gym.


September 2018 is an excellent period for those Scorpios who decided to take the path of self-development. You will have the green light in all your endeavors. Therefore, feel free to improve your skills, study spiritual practices, attend master classes and professional trainings that will allow you to become more successful. Under no circumstances should you focus your attention on your own complexes, because this way you will find yourself in a state of depression by the middle of the first autumn month. Better take care of yourself, treat yourself to pleasant purchases, and don’t isolate yourself from communicating with loved ones.

In terms of love and career, Scorpios enter a period of calm. Many representatives of the water element will experience discomfort from this, but do not despair. Just enjoy the fact that nothing negative is happening in your life. Even the most boring work will bring real pleasure. And all because your crazy energy and diligence will be rewarded and appreciated.


The horoscope for September 2018 for Sagittarius says that the first month of the coming autumn will bring them a lot of interesting ideas that they can immediately begin to translate into reality. Your main enemy is laziness, so try to drive away apathy, depression and chronic fatigue syndrome. The gym and meditation will help you with this, the techniques of which should become firmly established in your life. Don’t limit yourself to your own desires, try everything at once: intimate massage courses, professional trainings, a new hobby. The main thing to remember is that you should like your undertakings and help you abstract from everyday problems, of which a lot has accumulated over the summer.

In September, many Sagittarius will want dramatic changes in their personal lives. The thing is that they are bored with the usual way of things, and also have a desire to push the boundaries of their own consciousness. But it is better to refrain from a sharp break in relationships, especially divorce. The horoscope for September 2018 says that you simply need to breathe new life into your relationship. Invite your partner on a romantic date, walk around the city at night together, and also consider traveling to another city on the weekend.


For Capricorns, September 2018 will be a very unstable and problematic month. Firstly, many representatives of this sign will be in a mood swing, and secondly, income will begin to rapidly decrease. The combination of these factors will force Capricorns to look for emergency ways out of the situation, so many of them will be thrown from one extreme to another. The horoscope for September 2018 advises not to take on problems immediately. Postpone their decision until better times, and also try to spend more time alone. This way you will be able to avoid conflicts with others and focus on the main moments of your own life.

Astrologers recommend Capricorns to postpone business trips and long trips that they had planned in the first half of the month. During this period, the likelihood of getting into an accident increases. Be careful if you can't postpone your plans. Also refrain from casual flirting with members of the opposite sex. It will have a negative impact on your relationship with your partner and can lead to a protracted quarrel that cannot be resolved in one day.


September 2018 has prepared many surprises for Aquarius. The most accurate monthly horoscope suggests that you will have very interesting projects, and they will be not only exciting, but also profitable. That is why you will carry out your official duties with great pleasure, and also solve impossible tasks with ease. In order not to find yourself at the epicenter of public attention, astrologers advise telling colleagues less about your personal life. This is the only way you will be able to avoid gossip, as well as conflicts caused by numerous conversations about your person.

Aquarius will have enough money in September 2018. Now you can make successful purchases by purchasing things that you have been dreaming about for years. Don’t be afraid that you will want to buy new equipment or completely update your wardrobe - there will be an opportunity for this and you won’t face a hole in the family budget.


With the arrival of autumn, almost all people born under the auspices of the zodiac constellation Pisces will feel apathy, their performance will be practically zero. That is why you simply need to reduce your workload to a minimum and devote more time to your own relaxation. Do not chase new projects and money - the first half of September 2018 will be an unsuccessful period for any endeavors.

The horoscope for Pisces for September 2018 suggests that the ideal time has come for a vacation. Try to resolve issues with your superiors and go with your other half to hot countries. Do not try to take on a part-time job in the first month of autumn, because in this case you will face the end of the month with chronic fatigue syndrome. Set long-term goals for the future and systematically implement them. To avoid emotional breakdowns, try to be calmer about difficult situations at work and at home.

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