How to choose a quality cream with hyaluronic acid for wrinkles for skin rejuvenation. The best cream with hyaluronic acid in pharmacies The best budget creams with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally by our body, filling the intercellular space and giving the skin elasticity and firmness. It has a transparent gel-like texture. Modern scientists have learned to create its synthetic analogue.

Hyaluronic acid has found wide application in cosmetology: it is used in products to maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, in daily complexes for young normal and problematic dermis, including for high-quality anti-aging care. A cream based on “hyaluronic acid” allows you to well moisturize the epidermis and retain moisture inside by creating an invisible film on the surface.

At the same time, hyaluronic acid differs from each other: it can be low molecular weight and high molecular weight.

The cream, which contains a low molecular weight product, tends to penetrate and work in the deep layers of the dermis, that is, it is considered more effective in the fight for youthful skin. Its analogue is a high-molecular product, characterized by a high density of molecules and is able to act on the surface of the skin, creating an invisible film and preventing the evaporation of moisture from the inside.

Basic properties

The properties of hyaluronic acid are legendary: it is a good moisturizer, retains moisture in skin cells, fights wrinkles and problems of anti-aging dermis, normalizes the water balance inside the skin, and ensures energy exchange.

Hyaluronic acid in a daily cream can be an excellent alternative to medical injections; it is important to determine its properties and find the right application for a particular product:

  • The main property of hyaluronic acid is to retain and accumulate moisture in skin cells. Thanks to the use of face cream on its low or high molecular base, the skin becomes moisturized, acquires elasticity and strength, and its tone is created.
  • High molecular weight acid in the composition of a cosmetic product acts as a barrier against the negative influence of external factors, forming an invisible film on the surface of the dermis; it also prevents moisture evaporation;
  • Hyaluron maintains the hydrobalance of the dermis, that is, its water structure. It is known that the human body consists of 80% water, just like its largest organ - the skin;
  • Hyaluronic acid helps prevent skin aging due to the fact that it accumulates inside the dermis and fills its intercellular space with itself, it increases the elasticity of the skin, its strength, smoothes wrinkles and prevents the formation of new ones;
  • It also promotes the natural production of collagen and elastin., which are responsible for the strength of the skin and its elasticity, youth.

Note that the benefits of hyaluronic acid are expanded by adding active elements to the cream - nutritious vegetable oils, vitamins, mineral complexes and especially water, ideally if it is enriched with minerals - thermal.

Benefits and Benefits for Skin

The natural production of hyaluronic acid slows down over time, which causes some problems. The use of hyaluronic acid-based creams begins when you feel:

  • Excessive dryness and flaking;
  • The appearance of wrinkles;
  • Loss of facial contour and elasticity of the dermis;

In this case, the woman’s age is not important; rather, the condition of her skin needs to be assessed.

At any physiological age, the manifestation of these signs is possible, especially since the first noticeable facial wrinkles appear at the age of 25, and there is no need to talk about the dryness of the epidermis. Constant use of hyaluronic acid cream will help moisturize the skin, due to which its surface and shade are leveled, cell regeneration is improved and the process of natural production of collagen and elastin is launched - they are responsible for the tone of our skin.

It is worth knowing about the peculiarity of hyaluronic acid molecules: they tend to crystallize in the cold. The use of a cream based on this component can be used throughout the year, but after application it is worth allowing it to absorb properly.

Let us note its main advantages for the dermis:

  • According to cosmetologists, hyaluronic acid is considered the best component in a cream for the care of any skin type, it is important to determine its correct concentration to solve the problem of dryness or wrinkles;
  • A synthetic analogue of acid is perfectly absorbed by our skin, does not reject, is perfectly absorbed and accumulates inside;
  • "Hyaluronic acid" has found its application in eyelid products, where its low-molecular structure is most often found;
  • Skin rejuvenation is impossible without this component in the cream. In this case, it is important that it is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which will penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work from the inside.

How to use correctly

Hyaluronic acid is capricious by nature, and in the composition of a cream it requires special treatment for high-quality work.

  • Before applying the cream, first cleanse the skin by washing and do not forget about toning with tonic;
  • It is better to apply cream with hyaluronic acid to slightly damp skin - do not allow the tonic to be completely absorbed into its surface or “season” the dermis with thermal water before applying the cream;
  • It is recommended to use the day cream an hour and a half before leaving the house, especially in cool and harsh seasons.
  • The fact is that hyaluronic acid molecules tend to crystallize at low temperatures, that is, take on a solid form on or inside the skin. Warm it between your fingers before applying the cream.
  • – this will allow it to “warm up” and penetrate into deeper layers, quickly absorb into the epidermis;
  • Regular use of a product containing hyaluronic acid will allow you to achieve a visible effect faster.

Cosmetologists recommend using day and night care from the same brand;

Experts recommend distributing day and night face cream with smoothing movements along massage lines, and the product around the eyes with light, circular movements.

Effect depending on age

Creams with hyaluronic acid are conventionally divided into two types: those where the recommended age for their use is indicated, and those without such an indication. It is worth noting that experts recommend using the cream without age markings for women aged 25 years and older; of course, this recommendation is conditional and does not require precise execution. without additional active elements, it allows you to moisturize the dermis from the outside, making it smooth and velvety. At this age, it is recommended to use a high-molecular day cream to work only on the surface of the epidermis: the active component creates an invisible film and avoids evaporation of moisture from the inside.

After 25 years useful additional elements in the composition of the cosmetic cream will be other acids - lactic, glycolic, mineral and oxygen complexes to maintain proper energy and water exchange inside the epidermis. Hyaluronic acid should now act not only as a barrier, but also as an active component for hydration, and it is better to pay attention to its low molecular weight type.

For skin age 30 years and older The effect of moisturizing and nourishing is achieved due to the presence of fatty acids in the composition, so look on the label for a mention of vegetable oils among the components of the cream. Regular use of a cream with hyaluronic acid will saturate the dermis with moisture and give it elasticity, get rid of small facial wrinkles and prevent the formation of deep, age-related changes.

Anti-aging creams based on hyaluronic acid cannot do without collagen or retinol in the composition, which stimulate the production of natural substances and cell regeneration, due to which the surface of the dermis is smoothed and wrinkles are eliminated. The effect of using such a product is expected with daily use as part of day and night care: the skin acquires density, smoothness and additional radiance, wrinkles are not completely smoothed out, but are noticeably smoothed out.

The collagen in the composition will help restore the contour of the face and neck, and skin care products around the eyes will help get rid of bags.

How to choose a good product

Choosing a quality product is half the battle, so before purchasing you should take a few simple steps to purchasing a good product:

  • Check out the range of creams with hyaluronic acid before going to the store or pharmacy: this will allow you to determine in advance the purchase budget and its location;
  • Read product reviews: which women think are the most effective and which ones are not so effective. It is worth knowing about the individual characteristics of your epidermis, at least the type and the presence of sensitivity to components, in order to avoid the latter in the composition of the cream;
  • After reading the reviews and choosing several products in advance, it is worth finding out about the composition and components. Among the main moisturizing component you need to look for hyaluronic acid - hyauronate, and not derivatives like salt. If you see salts among the ingredients of the cream, then you should postpone the purchase and choose a more active composition;
  • A good cream with hyaluronic acid has an SPF protective factor. It guarantees quality care and protection from ultraviolet radiation or premature aging. The presence of SPF means that the acid in the cream will “work” throughout the whole day and will allow the cream to be used in sunny summers for its effective operation;
  • If you can, rate the cream by smell.– a high-quality product does not have a pronounced aroma;
  • An effective anti-aging product, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains retinol and some other key components to nourish and strengthen dermal cells.
  • Any of them has the same UV filters, since anti-aging care is not complete without the SPF factor. It would be good if the cream had a natural composition
  • with additional vitamins C, E, B, natural antioxidants and a complex of oils for night care;

The main rule when choosing a high-quality and effective product is the presence of low molecular weight acid in the composition.

Not all manufacturers indicate the type of component and its concentration, however, among well-known and not very professional brands, there are those who informed women about the acid on the front or back of the package. It is the low molecular weight formula that is most effective due to the ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis and work inside the skin.

The choice of a good cream is determined by the age for which the product is intended.

Look for the markings on the packaging - conscientious manufacturers indicate the required brands directly on the front side of the jar of cream: recommended age, presence of additional components, SPF factor, type (night, day), on the back side some brands inform about the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the composition. List of popular manufacturers Popular Russian brand

Librederm tops the rating of budget products and has in its line of creams based on “hyaluronic acid”: a classic pharmacy product for any skin type and a serum based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Skin care cream

It is aimed at rejuvenating the dermis thanks to a highly moisturizing complex, smoothing wrinkles, improving complexion and normalizing energy exchange in the epidermis.

Moisturizing creams from the Doliva brand are divided into night and day care. Reviews about the product of the German brand are mixed: some girls note its too liquid consistency and the formation of a shiny film on the surface of the dermis, others talk about it as an affordable product for daily care and rejuvenation, especially since the cream is not tied to a specific skin type or age women. The rating of budget brands continues with creams Faberlic Prolixir

: Intensive hydration day and night products, eye cream and serum for use by women 25 years and older. The brand's creams contain hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, an oxygen complex and peptides to restore dry and stressed dermis. Brand L`Oreal

is known for a whole line of anti-aging products, and among them there is a product with hyaluronic acid - a filler that does not require subcutaneous injection.

The brand's specialists have created a unique cream with a low-molecular base for better penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis, due to which the skin becomes elastic and taut, acquires a smooth surface and moisture saturation. L`Oreal cream, unlike other products, is suitable for use by women aged 45 years and older. Hyaluronic cream Caviale

Produced in Russia and deeply moisturizes the skin. It contains no additional active elements, only a moisturizing component

, which is aimed at working with fine expression wrinkles and dry dermis. Its price is pleasantly surprising, and the reviews are doubly surprising. Women note its availability and high-quality hydration with daily use. Hyaluronic cream primer Novosvit

has a light texture and excellent absorbency. It contains reflective particles to give the face volume and freshness.

. The unique formula of the Novosvit product based on hyaluronic acid smooths out fine wrinkles and normalizes the water balance of the epidermis, so that results are felt after the first application. Belarusian cream Bielita-Vitex

: Intensive hydration day and night products, eye cream and serum for use by women 25 years and older. The brand's creams contain hyaluronic acid for moisturizing, an oxygen complex and peptides to restore dry and stressed dermis. contains ginger extract - a powerful natural antioxidant and component that enhances cell regeneration, essential rose oil to nourish and restore the epidermis. After applying the cream, a thin film is formed on the surface of the dermis - a natural barrier to protect against external factors and retain moisture inside the skin. produces a light day cream based on hyaluronic acid, which also contains aloe extract to give freshness to the dermis. Hyaluron in the composition restores the water structure and maintains it at a level in order to prevent skin aging and the appearance of dryness and wrinkles.

Natural product based on “hyaluronic acid” - cream Savonry with a high rating.

It contains a low molecular weight component, which is famous for working on the deeper layers of the dermis and its effectiveness for age-related skin types. The delicate formula of the cream is easily absorbed, the collagen in its composition fights wrinkles, and the rice protein complex restores the protein structure of the epidermis without clogging pores.

Budget creams based on life-giving “hyaluronic acid” are represented by the brands Laura, Chistaya Liniya, Garnier, Natura Siberica, Black Pearl.

Professional cream-balm Myrrh, in addition to moisturizing acid, it contains a complex of vitamins E and F, grape seed extract and natural ingredients that make its use safe.

An excellent analogue to a professional product – hyaluronic gel Dr.Stern with a complex of healthy fats omega-3 and 6 to maintain the natural lipid and water balance of the dermis. Its gel-like texture penetrates the skin better and is ideal for aging epidermis due to the high concentration of gyluronic acid and additional vitamins A, E, F, B5.

Age cream Diademin with hyaluronic acid restores the elasticity of skin cells and is suitable for use by women over 30 years old.

The cumulative effect of regular use of Diademin cream is noted by an increase in moisture by 48%- proven by brand experts; in addition, additional elements have a tightening effect and act comprehensively for greater hydration and rejuvenation of the dermis.

The brand's specialists have created a unique cream with a low-molecular base for better penetration into the deep layers of the epidermis, due to which the skin becomes elastic and taut, acquires a smooth surface and moisture saturation. L`Oreal cream, unlike other products, is suitable for use by women aged 45 years and older. La Roche Posay with collagen is indicated for women who have crossed the threshold of 30 years. The complex of components has a smoothing effect on the surface of the dermis, including the area around the eyes, which is vulnerable to the formation of wrinkles. It is known that with age, the natural production of hyaluronic acid is inhibited, so it is recommended to use creams based on it daily to prevent the formation of wrinkles and dryness of the epidermis.

Cream cocktail Premium consists of a complex of hyaluronic acids for the care of aging skin. It is aimed at external hydration, that is, creating a protective film to prevent moisture evaporation, and internally, that is, it penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and “works” from the inside, retaining water molecules.

Complex moisturizing care promises face cream Compliment deep action.

It intensively moisturizes the skin and saturates it with moisture to restore the skin framework and get rid of wrinkles, even deep ones. The work of the cream is simple: its components create a film on the surface of the dermis, or its natural barrier, to protect against external factors and evaporation of water from the inside.

It is unique and is a real salvation for aging facial skin. In a matter of moments, it will fill the skin with moisture, smooth out fine wrinkles, and refresh the face. In order to achieve this effect, you don’t need to go to expensive salons and get injections, just buy a cream with hyaluronic acid. Pharmacies in large cities offer a wide range of such products.

Composition of creams containing hyaluronic acid

Products with the addition have a powerful moisturizing effect and therefore can prolong the youth of the skin. They must be used according to the age stated on the packaging. When purchasing cosmetic products, you should pay attention to the type of hyaluronic acid used in the cream. Low molecular weight has the smallest particles that easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and provide hydration of the skin from the inside.

A high molecular weight indicates a large molecule. Such a substance is unable to penetrate deeply and therefore remains on the surface, forming a film. The coating prevents the evaporation of moisture from the surface layers of the skin and attracts it from the outside. Doesn't clog pores. Maximum moisturizes the epidermis.

However, the quality of hyaluronic acid depends not only on the size of the granules, but also on the source and production technology. So, it is extracted:

  • from a rooster's comb;
  • human umbilical cord;
  • eyeball of cattle;
  • bacterial cultures.

Cosmetics use hyaluronic acid obtained as a result of the biosynthesis of bacterial cultures. It is best absorbed by the skin and is completely safe for health.

Cream with hyaluronic acid is sold in pharmacies, because this is where it is most difficult to run into a fake. It is distinguished from the rest by its light texture and effective composition, which begins to smooth out fine wrinkles and moisturize the epidermis after the first use. Stimulates cell regeneration processes, reduces skin discoloration, increases collagen production, eliminates bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Properties of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a component of most fluids found in the body. These are saliva, joints, etc. The lack of this element in the body makes the skin dry, wrinkled, and joints less elastic. With age, the process of hyaluronic acid production slows down, resulting in a deficiency of this component, which can be replenished not only with the help of cosmetic procedures, but also by consuming certain foods and a complex of vitamins.

Hyaluronic acid is the best moisturizer. It is this property that has contributed to its widespread use in cosmetology to moisturize and soften the skin.

Cons of using hyaluronic acid

It should be noted that with regular use of products containing hyaluronic acid, the skin quickly stops producing it itself. The skin becomes wrinkled and saggy as soon as a woman stops using hyaluronic acid cream. In pharmacies you can purchase creams with the lowest content of this component, or even without it, for daily use. To maintain the beauty and youth of the skin, it is enough to periodically use products containing this element. For example, a course of injections with hyaluronic acid or facial capsules designed for a certain period of time.

with hyaluronic acid

The product with the addition of hyaluronic acid has a light, almost weightless texture that is absorbed in a matter of moments. Effectively affects the epidermis, penetrating into its deep layers. It has no contraindications; exceptions may be cases of individual intolerance or allergic reaction to one or another component in the composition of the product. Cream with hyaluronic acid can be bought in pharmacies at a very affordable price, and the wide range of such products simply never ceases to please.

Against the backdrop of this diversity, the following brands stand out:

  • Cream with hyaluronic acid "Libriderm".
  • Lift Activ Retinol HA with hyaluronic acid from Vichy.
  • Cream mask “Bark” with hyaluronic acid.
  • Hyaluronic cream D'Oliva.
  • “Lora” product with hyaluronic acid.
  • Cream "Evelyn" with hyaluronic acid.
  • Merz cream with hyaluronic acid.
  • Aquanti from Novosvit with collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Each of these products is unique, some like one, while others prefer the other. Below is a more detailed description of hyaluronic products.

Hyaluronic cream "Evelyn"

With hyaluronic acid, “Evelyn” has earned many rave reviews. Its undoubted advantages are the 4D effect and low price. The product contains hyaluronic acid, stem cells, vitamin E, kelp algae extract, calcium and other elements that are equally beneficial for the skin.

The product has a dense consistency that is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces. It tightens and refreshes the skin of the face well, the result will be noticeable after the first use. Can serve as a base for makeup.

The cost varies from 150 to 240 rubles.

Cream-mousse with hyaluronic acid from the company "Merz"

It is a weightless foam that, when applied, causes the sensation of bursting bubbles. Spreads effortlessly and evenly over the skin, leaving behind a subtle shine. Experts advise applying the product at night or an hour before going outside. Designed for the care of combination and sensitive skin.

Provides complete hydration to the epidermis, stimulates the regenerative properties of the skin, and stops the action of enzymes that contribute to its destruction.

The main components of the cream are low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, seaweed extracts and marine glucosamines. The product penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, and stimulates the production of collagen particles. Prevents premature loss of moisture, protects against the negative effects of external factors.

The price ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles.

Hyaluronic face cream D’Oliva

D'Oliva cream has a liquid, delicate consistency and a light, pleasant smell. When applied, it is not absorbed immediately, but after five minutes. Tightness gradually disappears, complexion is evened out, and the skin is moisturized. Indicated for any skin type, and leaves a barely noticeable shine on oily skin. Has a rejuvenating effect. Eliminates fine wrinkles.

Contains hyaluronic acid, urea, and olives. Suitable for both day and night use. Costs about 600 rubles. Produced in Germany.

Vichy cream from the Liftaktiv Retinol line

Vichy is a world famous brand. The Liftaktiv Retinol series includes three products. These are day, night creams and eyelid skin care cream. The products have a thick texture. Easy to apply and spread over the surface of the skin. Economically used. Gently removes the first wrinkles and effectively combats aging of the dermis. They have a pronounced lifting effect. Recommended for women over thirty.

The composition includes, which not only deeply moisturizes, but also synthesizes the production of collagen and elastin, retinol, which prevents free radicals from penetrating the skin, retains moisture in the layers of the epidermis and restores damaged cell structure.

A 30 ml jar costs around 2000 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream "Libriderm"

Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream is produced in Russia. It has a light, airy consistency that is quickly absorbed when applied to the skin. Does not contain synthetic fragrances or parabens. Maintains the effect of skin hydration for 24 hours. Recommended for particularly sensitive facial skin.

The product is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which, due to its properties, promotes deep skin hydration and active collagen synthesis. It also contains camelina oil, which includes 60%. It nourishes, saturates with all necessary nutrients, softens and eliminates inflammatory processes on the face, increases turgor, and slows down the aging process of cells.

Libriderm hyaluronic acid cream has a convenient dispenser that allows you to squeeze out the product for one-time use only. Costs about 400 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream "Lora" from "Evalar"

Russian cream "Lora" has a light texture the color of milk and has a subtle scent of linden. Absorbs quickly and leaves no traces behind. Used on sensitive skin of the eyelids, face and neck.

Contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, protecting the epidermis from the action of free radicals. in combination with unsaturated fatty acids provides good hydration, restores and improves the structure of the skin. Wild yam extract is a source of youth that has a positive effect on the production of growth hormone and proteins. Improves complexion. Vitamins A and E, linolenic acid, phospholipids of plant origin naturally accelerate collagen synthesis, normalize the acid-base balance, and moisturize the epidermis.

Laura cream with hyaluronic acid is packaged in a small plastic jar weighing 15 ml and costs about 250 rubles.

Hyaluronic cream-mask “Bark”

Cream "Bark" with hyaluronic acid has a delicate consistency, reminiscent of cream. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy residue. Eliminates the feeling of skin tightness, removes irritation, tones the skin, refreshes it and smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Saturates the skin with moisture.

In addition to hyaluronic acid, it also contains acids such as lactic and succinic. Contains seaweed extract, a number of amino acids important for the skin, oat and wheat germ extracts, soybean oil.

Suitable for all skin types. A 100 ml jar costs about 450-550 rubles.

Aquanti from Novosvit with collagen and hyaluronic acid

Another product that never ceases to delight women with its amazing effect on the skin is Aquanti from Novosvit (cream). Collagen and hyaluronic acid are its active components. Has an antioxidant effect. It has a light, melting consistency. The Aquanty complex contained in the product maximally moisturizes the skin and is capable of retaining a volume of moisture in skin cells that is thousands of times its weight.

Ideal for the summer, as it protects the epidermis from dehydration. Relieves inflammation, has a calming effect, protects against the influence of free radical particles. Prevents aging and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

It is sold only in pharmacies and costs about 200 rubles.

Creams with hyaluronic acid are the best helpers in preserving the youthful beauty of the skin, and they should not be discounted.

Many women who have already tried face cream with hyaluronic acid on themselves have been able to verify that this miracle of cosmetology really has a wonderful effect. Even the first use allows you to notice a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, because it receives a concentrated portion of a substance that can not only saturate the tissues with moisture, but also significantly reduce the impact of inexorable years on the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade improves, even age-related defects almost completely disappear. How to choose the right drug, what properties should it have, are there any peculiarities in its use?

Why is hyaluronic acid so effective for our skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that is almost entirely responsible for the condition of our skin. It is able to prevent inexorable aging, moisturize the skin, maintain freshness and elasticity. Unfortunately, not everything in this world lasts forever, and the amount of this wonderful substance begins to decrease over time. The results of a lack of hyaluronic acid are the appearance of signs of aging, numerous folds, and an unhealthy shade.

There is only one way to avoid irreversible processes in the epidermis - saturate it with a substance, the amount of which is quickly reduced and is almost not produced. For the face, modern cosmetology offers moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid that successfully fight aging. There are a lot of drugs, and choosing the most suitable composition is not difficult.

Each moisturizer with hyaluronic acid has its own characteristics and composition, so it is important not to make mistakes when purchasing it. What should be indicated on the packaging? There must be a list of ingredients, among them the recommended substances:

  • hyaluronic acid (this must be a pure product; if the composition contains salts based on it, it is better not to purchase such a drug);
  • retinol (there may be its derivatives, there is no difference here, they are equally useful for nourishing and moisturizing dermal tissues);
  • oils (nourish and create a protective layer on the skin);
  • vitamin complexes (necessary for the good condition of the skin, activate the production of collagen by its own cells).

An indispensable condition for a successful purchase is the presence of an SPF factor confirming the long-term effect of the drug. This ensures that the composition will protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation throughout the day.

When purchasing a facial rejuvenation cream based on hyaluronic acid in pharmacies, you definitely need to know one more feature of the preparations - the main component in them can be of several types. High molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have different properties and have different effects on the face. How are they different?

Low molecular weight

Preparations with low molecular weight acid are quite expensive, so not every woman can afford to purchase such a cream. The peculiarity of the product is that its beneficial substances are able to penetrate into the tissues of the epidermis, acting not only on the surface, but also nourishing and moisturizing cells located far from the top layer of the skin.

Deep penetration occurs thanks to the smallest particles of hyaluronic acid. This is the advantage of the drug - it acts not only on the surface with a short-term effect, but also from the inside, which ensures long-term results.

High molecular weight

Such a cream based on hyaluronic acid has large molecules, due to which it is not able to provide proper nutrition and hydration in the deep tissues of the epidermis. Consequently, the effect will also not last long, because it can only be noticed on the surface of the skin.

Despite this, high-molecular preparations have their advantages - they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, absorbing it from the outside. Another advantage is that the product does not clog pores, allowing the dermal tissues to receive precious air.

Find out the whole truth about hyaluronic acid:

Features of application

Having chosen the most effective hyaluronic face cream, you should not assume that all the difficulties are over. You definitely need to learn the basic rules for using this wonderful and necessary drug for ladies after 25 years of age. If you study all the features of the cream and apply it correctly, then with disbelief and satisfaction you will be able to observe how, after the first application, swelling is eliminated, the skin is refreshed, changes shade, becomes healthy, well-moisturized and elastic. A few more applications will confirm the effectiveness of the drug - wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out.

How to apply it correctly?

There are several rules that should be strictly followed when applying the drug, only this guarantees that the effect will not take long to appear. Cosmetologists advise carrying out manipulations in this order:

  1. wash your face and be sure to apply a tonic composition;
  2. moisturize the skin with thermal water - this will allow the cream to penetrate into the dermis tissue;
  3. Apply an hour before going outside - the product should have time to be completely absorbed;
  4. before applying the composition to your face, first hold it for a few seconds on your fingertips - the warm product is absorbed faster;
  5. Apply over the entire face along massage lines, and around the eyes using clear circular movements;
  6. after an hour, remove any remaining drug that did not have time to penetrate the dermis.

Important! It should be remembered that some drugs are intended for daytime use, others - before going to bed. Under no circumstances should you apply them at an inappropriate time - this will only harm the skin.

Application period

How often should I use the drug so that the use of hyaluronic cream gives the long-awaited results? Cosmetologists advise using them regularly, taking short breaks. You can use the product in long courses - a month of using the composition, a week off.

Helpful advice! Cosmetologists also advise not to experiment with products and use formulations from the same brand. This need is due to the fact that manufacturers usually try to complement each other’s effects with drugs of the same brand.

List of effective creams

Hyaluronic acid in face cream is far from uncommon, but few manufacturers are conscientious about their product and offer ladies truly useful products. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid, you definitely need to study the rating of the drugs - these are not necessarily expensive foreign brands; domestic manufacturers offer several equally useful formulations.

Pharmacies offer their own list of face creams, among them you can find many decent formulations with hyaluronic acid, and their considerable advantage is their low cost. If you have doubts about choosing effective products, you can first visit a cosmetologist, who will tell you which drug to give preference to.

Russian funds

Domestic cosmetology is trying to keep up with its foreign colleagues, so you can find quite effective drugs on the shelves, which, if used correctly, will certainly allow you to enjoy a wonderful effect. The main thing is to carefully study not only the rules of use specified in the instructions, but also the contraindications, careless attitude to which can lead to unpleasant consequences and a complete lack of results.

- a Russian-made product, which is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which allows beneficial components to penetrate deep into the dermis. The cream has an amazing texture - without fragrances, synthetics, or parabens. Absorbs with virtually no residue.

The unique component of the drug is camelina oil, which contains a huge amount of fatty acids. This substance can relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate wilting, and improve turgor. It is recommended to use it daily - only this will allow you to notice the effect of the product.

- another wonderful remedy that has found its fans among the fairer sex. The peculiarity of the cream is its pleasant consistency, wonderful smell, and texture that does not allow the drug to spread over the skin. There is absolutely no discomfort during application; even the feeling of tightness that often accompanies the use of creams is not felt. The peculiarity of the composition is the content of seaweed extract. This allows you to improve the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, narrow pores and even get rid of unpleasant oily shine.

– the best cream with hyaluronic acid from Russian cosmetics manufacturers. The peculiarity of the product is that it creates the thinnest film that protects the skin from adverse external influences throughout the day and does not allow precious moisture to evaporate. A unique component of the product is yam extract. This plant is considered a source of substances that may prevent aging. In combination with hyaluronic acid, this ingredient can work a miracle - prevent aging and even restore youth by smoothing out wrinkles and restoring turgor and elasticity to the skin.

Foreign production

The peculiarity of cosmetic products from foreign manufacturers is their cost. Often, professional cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are equal in price to effective procedures in an expensive beauty salon, so only ladies can decide what is preferable for them - to take care of their face on their own, or to put themselves in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist.

– a German cream in the form of a light foam, which easily allows its beneficial substances to penetrate into the dermal tissue with an immediate effect on the cells. The peculiarity of the product is that it can activate the production of hyaluronic acid by the body. The consequence of using the drug is that the skin begins to independently get rid of age-related changes. The only drawback of the composition is that it takes too long to absorb. You need to wait about an hour to remove the residue.

- a product produced by Polish companies. The drug with collagen and hyaluronic acid has the ability to be absorbed in a matter of seconds. Already the first use of the composition provides positive results - the skin becomes smooth, elastic, wrinkles begin to smooth out. The product can be used at any age and on any type of skin – it has no restrictions.

– this brand offers several preparations that can be used during the day, in the evening, and on the areas around the eyes. This is especially convenient for ladies who prefer to use products from one brand for facial care. Application of the composition is quite simple - it penetrates perfectly into the dermis and practically does not remain on the surface.

Creams with hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy

You don’t have to try to purchase expensive branded formulations - at the pharmacy you can buy not only effective, but also inexpensive cream based on hyaluronic acid. Which creams contain hyaluronic acid?

- an inexpensive drug that, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains aloe extract. This allows you not only to get rid of age-related defects that bring a lot of trouble, but also to refresh the shade, restore elasticity, restore damaged tissue, and relieve inflammatory processes.

- another wonderful remedy that will certainly be offered at the pharmacy. Its peculiarity is a combination of several fats and vitamins, which allows you to fully care for the skin and provide its nutrition and hydration. The only rule is not to use it before the age of 30.

- a product that has a composition, the effect of which can be aimed at combating age-related changes, improving the appearance of the skin, and restoring turgor to it. The drug creates a barrier that prevents moisture evaporation and adverse effects from the outside.

A visit to a beauty salon will certainly smooth out your face, rid your skin of wrinkles and unpleasant manifestations, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive services - you can use creams that will help cope with age-related problems just as well. The main thing is to use them constantly, otherwise you will have to wait a long time for positive results.

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Over time, the skin loses its elasticity and freshness. According to experts, the time for the first wrinkles to appear varies from person to person.. The state of skin turgor depends on a person’s lifestyle and nutrition. Smoking, alcohol, polluted air, ultraviolet radiation, and vitamin deficiency in food are the causes of loss of skin elasticity and early appearance of deep wrinkles.

An effective anti-wrinkle cream can significantly improve the condition of the skin, making it fresh and radiant. There is no universal composition of such a cream. The choice of such a care product must be approached individually.

Cream with hyaluronic acid. We will tell you which one to choose in our article.

Professionals advise focusing on some nuances in determining a high-quality, effective product against age-related skin changes. These nuances relate in particular to the components of the cream.

To understand what properties a good anti-wrinkle cream should have, it’s worth turning to physiology. Proteins are responsible for the attractive appearance of skin: collagen and elastin. Hyaluronate, combined with water, takes the form of a gel. It is what fills the space between cells and is located between the intertwined fibers of proteins. This condition provides a strong cellular framework.

A sufficient amount of hyaluronate ensures an even texture of the dermis. Therefore, the cream must contain hyaluronic acid, peptides, and antioxidants in its composition. It is also desirable that the product contains substances that stimulate the synthesis of its own hyaluronate and proteins.

Qualities of a good cream:

  • naturalness and safety of components;
  • the presence of minerals, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants;
  • presence of retinol A;
  • the presence of smoothing muscle relaxant components in the composition;
  • UV protection;
  • the ability of the cream to activate the skin’s own mechanisms for regeneration by stimulating the production of dermal proteins;
  • the presence of a natural moisturizing component - hyaluronic acid;
  • ease of use.

Cosmetologists recommend caring for the dermis at any age. The selection of cosmetic products should be appropriate to your age and skin type. Up to 25 years of age, it is considered sufficient to moisturize the skin and use UV filters. Next, it is necessary to include nourishing and anti-aging products in your care.

How to choose the right cream with hyaluronic acid to effectively improve the condition of the skin becomes a hot topic at this moment.

Doctors point out that hyaluronate molecules are too large to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.

For this purpose, cosmetic manufacturers produce low molecular weight or fragmented hyaluronic acid. At the same time, experts emphasize the need and benefits of using products with hyaluronate.

Beneficial properties of hyaluronic acid for skin

Hyaluronic acid is produced in the human body. Its other name is hyaluronate or hyaluronan. The main function of this substance is to bind water molecules to each other. According to experts, for 1 molecule of hyaluronic acid there are about 500 molecules of water.

Hyaluronate is a natural humectant in the human body. Cosmetologists have long begun to successfully use this important property to maintain youthful skin.

Interesting fact! Hyaluronate is capable of absorbing 3000 times its own weight in water. Hyaluronic acid delivers moisture precisely to those places where there is a deficiency.

After 30 years, the production of hyaluronic acid progressively decreases. Its deficiency leads to loss of elasticity of the skin and the formation of folds on the skin. Therefore, it is important to think about choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid as the main means of care from the age of 25.

Today, manufacturers of cosmetic products are trying to enrich the compositions of most products for the care of aging skin with hyaluronate.

Hyaluronate is often added to lipsticks, lotions, tonics, serums, and creams as a moisturizing component.

Benefits of hyaluronate:

  • the justified choice of a cream with hyaluronic acid is due to the regeneration of skin cells under its influence;
  • hyaluronate helps the dermis to remain smooth and elastic due to its effect on proteins;
  • is a natural moisturizer;
  • able to fill small wrinkles;
  • improves the structure of the epidermis;
  • provides a fresh complexion;
  • relieves signs of allergies and irritation from the dermis;
  • supports optimal metabolism in epidermal cells;
  • promotes the removal of decay products from cells;
  • fills the space between cells, making the skin texture more even;
  • effective in the fight against scars, pigmentation and cicatrices;
  • forms a protective film on the surface of the dermis, preventing moisture evaporation;
  • safety and absence of side effects.

Under the influence of solar radiation, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is significantly reduced. Therefore, photoaging is one of the main causes of deep wrinkles.

Top 12 creams with hyaluronic acid: which one is better to choose

Today, most of the world's cosmetic manufacturers produce creams with hyaluronate. For the consumer, the optimal price-quality ratio of the chosen product is considered relevant.

Note! The choice of cream with hyaluronic acid must be correlated with the skin type and for what age it is planned to use this product. It is also worth considering the presence of contraindications for use (oncological skin diseases, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions, open wounds on the surface of the dermis).

It is always necessary to do a sensitivity test before using a new product for the first time and carefully read the instructions.

Hyaluronic cream Eveline (Eveline bio Hyaluron 4D)

A series of anti-aging creams Evelyn with hyaluronic acid is aimed at moisturizing the deep layers of the epidermis and combating the main age-related changes in the dermis.

Creams are divided into 4 age categories: 30+, 40+, 50+ and 60+. Especially for each age, Evelyn's specialists have developed a unique combination of components in order to provide all the actual needs of the skin specifically in a certain age period.

Composition of creams from this series:

  1. Aquaporins or water channels. Helps nourish the skin with moisture at the deepest level.
  2. Hyaluronic acid. A unique development by Evelyn - hyaluronate particles of three sizes, which allows you to achieve lasting results from use. This component ensures filling of facial wrinkles and reduction of deep ones, increasing the elasticity of the dermis due to the formation of a polymer protective micromesh on the surface of the skin.
  3. Collagen. This protein has the properties of a moist compress for the skin. As part of the cream, it forms a breathable and moisture-retaining layer on the dermis. Thanks to it, the surface of the dermis is smoothed and acquires a healthy appearance.
  4. Apple stem cells activate regeneration in the deep layers of the skin and have antioxidant properties.
  5. Calcium ensures integrity collagen and elastin fibers. It maintains capillary tone and improves lymphatic drainage.

How to choose a cream with Evelyn hyaluronic acid, based on the characteristics of the application - this is the task the company’s developers set themselves.

The anti-aging series products are divided into 5 age groups. And each of them has certain characteristics. The cream marked “30+” is universal according to skin type. Apply morning and evening. The product provides nutrition, hydration and a smoothing effect. Contains Shea butter in its composition.

Cream “40+” improves the structure of the epidermis and relieves signs of fatigue from the skin. Asian centella extract, kelp algae and vitamin complex nourish all layers of the skin. Concentrated care “50+” is recommended for night care. It protects the lipid layer of the dermis, evens out skin tone and tightens the oval of the face. Green tea extract in the composition fights free radicals.

Cream concentrate marked “60+” restores density and fills deep wrinkles. When used daily, the treatment corrects the oval of the face and stimulates fibroblasts to synthesize collagen. All these creams have a sun filter - 8. The average cost of a 50 ml jar is 200 rubles. Country of origin: Poland.

Premium cream Planter's Acido Hialuronico

Planter's Anti-Aging Hyaluronate line includes a variety of skin care products. Among these products, the manufacturer produces several creams with different directions of action.

How to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid, focusing on the planned result Operating principle Main Components
toningNormalizes hydration. Echinacea extract stimulates and protects. Green Hour neutralizes free radicals and soothes. Tocopherol improves microcirculation in the deep layers of the dermis.· hyaluronate;

· tocopherol;

· extracts of thyme, burdock, green tea.

lifting effectPeptides have a tightening, healing and protective effect on the skin.· hyaluronate;

· peptides;

· witch hazel extract;

· karite and jojoba oils;

· tocopherol.

intensive hydrationThe cosmetic product heals small wounds on the skin, tightens pores, relieves irritation, activates the process of cell renewal and moisturizes.· hyaluronate;

· extracts of horsetail and mallow;

· vitamin complex.

recoveryProtects and nourishes.· hyaluronate;

· olive and karite oils;

· vitamins;

protective calming

(especially for particularly sensitive skin)

Directed action to combat rosacea. The cream normalizes metabolic processes in the dermis, relieves redness, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.· extracts of mimosa, mallow, calendula and butcher's broom inflorescences;

· hyaluronate.

All these products have a UV protection factor in their formula. All types of care are suitable for use in the morning and evening. They can be used by owners of all skin types. The average price of a 50 ml jar is about 2000 rubles. Country of origin: Italy.

Cerave Moisturizing Cream

This product is intended for evening care for dry, normal or sensitive skin after 35 years. The main components of the composition: hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, peptide complex, ceramides, silicone, glycerin, cholesterol, petroleum jelly.

This cream was developed in collaboration with dermatologists. Suitable for skin care with atopic dermatitis. MVE technology (multi-bubble emulsion) together with hyaluronic acid provides active long-term hydration and nutrition.

The product smoothes the dermis and creates a protective barrier on its surface.

Pigment spots become less noticeable with regular use of this product. The ingredients of the cream activate cell renewal and strengthen the protective mechanisms of the dermis.

Country of origin: USA. Jar volume 453 g. costs 2700 rub. The product is recommended for use on the entire body.

Hyaluronic cream-mousse Merz

The mousse is universal regarding skin types. The manufacturer recommends using this mousse every morning in combination with the evening use of Merz cream-mousse with collagen. This cream is suitable as a primer.

Ingredients: hyaluronate, extracts of aloe, brown algae, oats and shea butter, marine glucosamines, vitamin complex.

Aloe and shea butter soften the dermis and have a UV filter. Glucosamines are aimed at activating the production of the skin's own hyaluronic acid. Algae saturate the dermis with microelements and B vitamins. Oat extract evens out the relief of the dermis, softens and nourishes it. Vitamins activate the synthesis of skin proteins.

The mousse tones, moisturizes, maintains the water-lipid balance of the dermis and gives it a fresh look. The unique formula of the product allows the active ingredients to penetrate all layers of the dermis.

A volume of 50 ml of this product can be purchased for 800-1000 rubles. Manufacturer: Germany.

Hyaluronic cream D’Oliva

This universal cream with a light texture is suitable for all ages and skin types as day and night care. Can be used under makeup as a base. It contains: hyaluronate, vitamins, olive oil and Shea butter, urea.

Olive oil contains beneficial vitamins involved in skin cell renewal processes. Vitamins A, D and E are natural antioxidants.

Squalene contained in olive oil also has a beneficial effect on the skin. From squalene another substance is obtained - squalane. It is used in cosmetology as a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, softening and healing effect. Squalane molecules easily penetrate the lower layers of the dermis and maintain the water-lipid balance of the skin.

Urea is used in cosmetology as a moisture-retaining component. It is able to absorb water from the surface of the epidermis and transfer it to the deeper layers.

The price of such a cream is approximately 800 rubles. Country of origin: Germany.

Vichy Liftaktiv Retinol cream with hyaluronic acid

The Vichy company produces a series of products with hyaluronic acid for the care of normal and combination skin after 30 years to eliminate age-related changes. The series includes: night and day creams, cream for the dermis around the eyes.

These products have proven themselves to be effective helpers in the fight against anti-aging changes. The products in this series smooth out all types of wrinkles, actively moisturize the dermis and refresh its tone. Active components: hyaluronate, retinol, adenosine.

Low molecular weight hyaluronate, along with other caring components in the cream, provides deep hydration of the dermis.

The creams contain retinol, a cell multiplier. This active component, getting inside the skin, activates the synthesis of collagen fibers. This mechanism restores skin elasticity and straightens small skin folds.

The ingredient adenosine relaxes small facial muscles. The skin looks fresh after the first application of the treatment. Day care and eye cream have SPF-18 protection. A 50 ml product can be purchased for an average of 2500 rubles. Manufacturer: France.

Cream It's skin Hyaluronic Acid

The consistency of the cream is more like an emulsion or gel. The product is easily absorbed into the dermis and does not leave any negative sensations after application. The natural composition of the product is suitable for use for any skin type twice a day.

The cream saturates the skin with moisture, slows down the aging process, creates a breathable protective film on the dermis that prevents moisture loss. According to cosmetologists, as a result of using this product, the face becomes smooth and fresh. Plant extracts nourish the dermis with vitamins and microelements. The complexion is evened out and the dermis acquires a natural radiance.

Active components: hyaluronate, acerola, hibiscus, purslane and blueberry extracts.

Hyaluronate is able to remove small scars and wrinkles from the surface of the dermis. This substance has a protective barrier and moisture storage for the skin. Purslane can relax small facial muscles. Under its influence, the relief of the dermis is leveled. This component prevents collagen destruction.

The acids found in hibiscus juice exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis from dead cells.

Under their influence, cellular metabolism and renewal are stimulated. Vitamin C in plant extracts has an antioxidant effect and strengthens capillary walls. Plant extracts of the cream refresh the skin tone and give it a healthy, fresh look.

Anthocyanins are part of all berries and fruits of a rich purple color. It is this substance that gives blueberries their color. Anthocyanins can have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, improve the structure of connective tissue fibers. Therefore, blueberry extract in the cream formula tones the skin, activates lymph flow and blood microcirculation.

The cost of a 50 ml jar of cream is 1000 rubles. Country of origin: Korea.

Cream "Librederm" with hyaluronic acid

The manufacturer produces this cream in a bottle with a vacuum dispenser. This unique packaging allows you to use the product economically and use it completely without leaving the cream at the bottom of the bottle. This technology allows you to reduce the amount of preservatives in the cream to a minimum.

You don’t have to use your fingers to remove the cream from the jar and introduce bacteria from your skin. This technology also prevents the oxidation of the cosmetic product. This approach to packaging is modern and has many advantages from a hygiene point of view.

The manufacturer recommends this product for any age and suggests using it twice a day. The airy texture of the product is aimed at deeply nourishing and moisturizing the skin. neck, face and décolleté area. The product is suitable as a base for makeup.

Main components: camelina oil, pomegranate extract, dimethicone, Sensiderm B moisturizer. Phospholipids and unsaturated fatty acids of camelina oil ensure the maintenance of the intercellular framework of the dermis and effectively nourish tired skin.

Pomegranate polyphenols have powerful antioxidant function. The extract of this fruit exfoliates the top layer of skin and neutralizes the enzyme metalloproteinase 1, which destroys collagen fibers in the skin. Pomegranate promotes the production of your own collagen and is successfully used in the fight against various pigmentation of the dermis.

Dimethicone prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin. It is a type of liquid silicone. This cream is produced in Russia.

Pros of Libriderm:

  • affordable price (400-600 rubles);
  • no age restrictions for use;
  • effective hydration;
  • beneficial properties of natural ingredients.

Loreal Derma Genesis Cream

The French series of products for the care of mature skin L'Oreal includes: night and day creams, eye contour gel and serum. Genesis products are recommended for use from 25 years of age. The bottles of these products are sealed and have dispensers. The composition contains the active complex Pro-Xylan and hyaluronic acid.

The action of this series is aimed at deep hydration and starting the process of creating new skin cells. The day cream is supplemented with reflective particles for a healthy glow of the skin. The cream has SP filter 15.

The Beta Hydroxy Acide night cream component gently exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis. The peeling effect occurs selectively only on those areas of the dermis where it is necessary. The night care formula is supplemented with natural oils for deep nutrition.

The serum evens out the surface of the skin, tightens pores and mattifies. Eye contour gel effectively fills fine lines and wrinkles and prevents their appearance. Its action is aimed at eliminating signs of skin fatigue in the form of swelling and dark circles under the eyes.

The light texture of Genesis products allows them to be quickly absorbed and does not leave any unpleasant sensations after use.

A lasting result of skin rejuvenation from these products can be expected as a result of regular use for 21 days according to the manufacturer’s recommendation.

Products in this series are available in bottles of different sizes. Day and night creams - 50 ml, serum and gel for eye contour - 15 ml. The approximate cost of cream from this series is 700 rubles. The whole set will cost about 2500 rubles.

Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler Cream

The Eucerin company produces day and night care with hyaluronic acid for women over 35 years old. Such products can be found in pharmacies or specialty stores. A 50 ml jar of cream costs approximately 2500 rubles. Creams in this series are suitable for all skin types.

The main effect of these products is aimed at deep moisturizing and filling wrinkles. Main components: hyaluronic acid, saponin and dexpanthenol.

Hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin with moisture and prevents water evaporation from the surface, forming a microfilm. Saponin stimulates the production of its own hyaluronic acid in the deep layers of the dermis.

The night cream is enriched with dexpanthenol. This component launches an active process of restoration of dermal cells. The manufacturer recommends using products in this series for skin care after injections with hyaluronic acid. Country of origin: Germany.

Cream La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche

A wide range of products designed to revive dehydrated sensitive skin. It includes: day care, eye contour gel, hyaluronic water, toner, etc. The targeted action of these products promotes intense moisturizing action and restores a feeling of comfort to tired skin.

This cosmetic line is produced using thermal spring water. Products in this series can be purchased at pharmacy chains. The cream is intended for any age.

The main components of La Roche-Posay Hydraphase cream-fluid:

  • fragmented hyaluronate;
  • filter system against UVA and UVP rays (SPF 20);
  • thermal water.

All these ingredients can provide long-term moisture retention and protect against external irritants. Hydraphase cream helps to quickly transform the skin during cold periods in dry indoor air or after peeling.

The formula of the product has a regenerating effect and evens out the complexion. The manufacturer recommends applying this fluid every morning to the neck, décolleté and face, avoiding the contour around the eyes.

The dense soft texture of the cream provides lasting protection of the dermis throughout the day from various types of radiation. The cream is produced in a 50 ml bottle with a pump. Its approximate cost is 1500 rubles. Country of origin: France.

Hyaluronic cream Evalar (Lora)

The formula of Laura cream includes unique Swiss peptides and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid. Thanks to the active components, as a result of regular use of the product, the effect of renewing collagen and elastin fibers becomes pronounced.

By filling the intercellular space with water molecules, the skin texture is evened out and the number of folds on the dermis is significantly reduced.

Main ingredients:

  • peptides;
  • hyaloronic acid;
  • wild yam phytoestrogens;
  • vitamin complex (E, F, C);
  • D-panthenol;
  • phospholipids;
  • soybean oil.

Deep nutrition and hydration against the background of hormonal changes under the influence of the active components of the cream help optimize metabolism in all layers of the skin. The developers of this product recommend using it from the age of 25 twice a day on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Laura cream is suitable as a base for makeup.

Production: Russia. The cost of the product is 30 ml - 400 - 500 rubles. You can buy it in pharmacies.

be careful with applying all these products to the contour around the eyes. Hyaluronate increases the volume of intercellular space, which can lead to swelling and bags under the eyes. Specialized care products have been developed for this particularly sensitive area.

How to prepare hyaluronic acid cream at home: recipe

It is often difficult to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid due to the presence of an allergic reaction to the components of cosmetic products. In this case You can prepare a moisturizer for youthful skin yourself at home. The main direction of action of this product should be active nutrition and hydration of the dermis.

You will need:

  • hyaluronic acid powder;
  • distilled water;
  • any nourishing cream suitable for your skin type;
  • vegetable oil (castor, sea buckthorn, flaxseed, etc.);
  • essential oil;
  • liquid vitamins (A, E, B).

All ingredients can be purchased at the pharmacy. From essential oils, all oils with anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, healing and tightening properties are suitable. Among them are: geranium, myrrh, bergamot, yling-ylang, patchouli, rose, rosemary, fennel and neroli oils.

It is necessary to make a base for the cream. To do this, mix 5 grams. powder with distilled water. Place this mixture in the refrigerator for several hours. Next, you need to add a teaspoon of nourishing cream and a couple of drops of selected oils. The resulting composition must be mixed thoroughly. The consistency of the cream can be easily adjusted to a comfortable consistency by adding ingredients.

It is convenient to use an empty cream jar for storage. The container should be sterilized before use.

The ingredients can be used as desired. Before using the cream for the first time, it is important to test for hypersensitivity to the components.

It will be useful to apply this composition every evening to the prepared skin of the face, neck and décolleté. This cream should be stored in the refrigerator. Do not use product prepared more than 4 days ago. For this purpose, it is recommended to make a new remedy.

Psychologists are sure that appearance is very important for successful social adaptation and self-confidence for a person of any age. Therefore, modern people are interested in finding effective helpers in order to quickly restore attractiveness to the skin and are wondering how to choose a cream with hyaluronic acid.

Cream with hyaluronic acid. Which one to choose, watch this useful video:

Anti-wrinkle cream with hyaluronic acid:

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