English lesson notes. English lessons by Murzinova I

Topic: “Journey through the pages of fairy tales”


  1. Enrich knowledge about fairy tales, teach them to recognize and name fairy tales, and know the main characters.
  2. Train the use of learned vocabulary from the English language.
  3. Create an atmosphere of joy and pleasure from creativity.
  4. Cultivate a desire to work in a team and take part in performances.

Equipment: tape recorder, masks, costumes of fairy-tale characters, decorations for the hall.

Progress of the lesson

I Introductory part

The melody “Visiting a Fairy Tale” sounds

Educator: Hello my dear.

Children: Hello.

Educator: Today we will travel through the pages of fairy tales.

— Do you like fairy tales? (Children's answers)

Educator: OK. Let's start. Listen.

II Main part.

1. Meeting with Little Red Riding Hood
The melody from the film “Little Red Riding Hood” is playing. A girl dressed as Little Red Riding Hood comes out to the music and performs a gymnastic exercise.

Educator: Children, do you recognize this girl? (children's answers)
- What fairy tale is it from? (Little Red Riding Hood)

Educator: Who are you rushing to? Children help (to grandma).
Well run. Bye.
The melody “Song of the Wolf” sounds
The Wolf enters the stage.
Educator: Who are you?

Wolf: I am Mr Wolf. Have you by any chance seen a little girl?

Children: She ran there (pointing in different directions)

2. Working with illustrations

Children are offered an illustration.

Educator: Look at my picture. Whom can you see?

Children: Pigs. Three little pigs.
The one who names the piglets goes on stage.

Educator: Well done.
Wolf: I am an angry and terrible gray wolf, I know the taste in piglets!
The teacher protects the piglets.
What a bad wolf! Go away!
Children help the teacher.

3. Moving minute.
The melody “Palms” sounds. Children stand in a circle and dance.

4. Mime-game.

Educator: We all love fairy tales. They are interesting and exciting. But it’s even more interesting to be the hero of a fairy tale. I will tell it now, and you will help me.
Imagine, you and I found ourselves in a fairy-tale forest. I see a lot of trees. They (the teacher shows a green card, the children name the color green). There are many flowers around. On stage - Flower.

Flower: I am a flower. Flowers are colorful. Do you know what colors flowers are? (Children name the colors)

Educator: A dog came running into our forest.
— How do you say dog ​​in English? (a dog)

Educator: A mouse also came running to us.
— How do you say mouse in English? (a mouse)
Children are given masks, the teacher repeats the fairy tale, and the children must show their heroes with movements and sounds.

Educator: A guest came to our fairy forest.

Educator: What a nice girl!
Cinderella: I am Cinderella.
I worked a lot, my godmother gave me a dress and shoes. And now I'm hurrying to the ball.

Cinderella is in a hurry and loses her shoe.
- Oh, I lost it again.
Educator: Children, do you know what fairy tale this girl is from? (Cinderella)

5. Sketch “Masha and the Bear”
Educator: Kids, listen and look.
The song “Kra” plays
Honeycomb" from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear".
On stage, Masha performs a gymnastic sketch.
Masha: Hi. I am Masha.
Bear: Hello. I am Bear.

Educator: Did you recognize which cartoon these characters are from? (Masha and the Bear)

6. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”
There is a turnip on the stage.
Educator: What is this?
Children: Turnip
Educator: Turnip (pulls and pulls then asks for help)

Educator: Dog, dog.Help.
(The dog comes running to help)
Dog: Cat, cat. Help. (the cat helps)
Cat: Mouse, mouse. Help. (the mouse comes out and helps pull out the turnip)
Educator: What a nice turnip we have got!

III Final part.
Our journey has ended. I realized that you not only know the heroes of fairy tales, but also the English language. You are also real actors. It was a lot of fun with you.
— Did you like our trip?
- What exactly?
- That's all. Bye-bye.

The melody “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays. All actors go on stage.

Topic: Forest school.

Target : generalization and consolidation of knowledge on the topics: “Domestic and wild animals.”

Educational objectives:

Consolidating color knowledge;

Repetition and consolidation of counting knowledge;

Repetition and consolidation of vocabulary knowledge on the topic “Domestic and wild animals”.

Educational aspect:

Fostering respect for plants and animals;

Education of responsibility;

Cultivating a sense of friendship.

Progress of the lesson

The group includes children accompanied by music.


Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning,
I'm glad to see you.

Teacher: Now let's greet our guests

Children :Hello the sky, hello the sun.

Hello, hello to everyone.

Hello the flowers, hello the grass,

Hello the guests in the class!

Teacher: Summer will begin very soon and you will have graduation, and in the fall you will all go to school. Do you want to go to school?.. Let’s imagine that today is September 1st and the first day of school has begun. (The bell rings for class, the children take their seats and put on animal masks.)

Teacher: Guys, do you love nature and animals? (children's answers). Are you not offending them? In this case, today we will conduct a lesson at the forest school.

But before we start our lesson, let's do exercises for the lips and tongue. (phonetic tale “The Cheerful Forest”)

In one big, big magical forest, there lived different creatures.
The wind-breeze hummed its song - .
The rain helped him and hit the ground with drops - .
An owl warned about the approaching rain.
The crow agreed with her, but instead of “yes” all she could hear was – .
And the goose was indignant - .
Soon the sun came out. Beetles and bees began to scurry around.[
? ], [z]. The mother cat called her kittens to warm up - .
The birds began to sing.
The snorting of a hedgehog was heard, driving away the birds from the found apple. – .
And the cow, which wandered into the forest to eat lush forest grass, mooed - .
And from afar you could hear the growl of an English dog - .

Teacher: Guys, as I already said, we will conduct a lesson at the forest school. The director of this school is Lesovichek, he invited us to visit him to see how ready you are for school and what you already know. But since our school is a forest school, the forest inhabitants, that is, you, go to it. (I ask each child who he is Who are you? - I am a mouse... etc.)

Teacher : Lesovich liked the way you answered, if you continue to be so active and attentive, you will become excellent students at this school, and Lesovich will definitely reward the excellent students. And now he will watch you under the tree.

Teacher : By the way, guys, how do you feel about trees? Don't you break the branches? Don't you pick flowers? I see you are good guys. Let's help our flower, a strong wind blew and all the petals scattered. Place the petals back on the flower, naming the color of the petal. Now who wants to tell a poem about their favorite color? (children recite poems)


Very curly black Jack, the sun has made him look veryblack.

I love the blue of the sky, I wear jeans of the colorblue

Here is a portrait of Santa Claus, he is there in a colored outfitred.

The Christmas tree always has the same color, winter and summer colorsgreen

Fields of ripe wheat delight us with coloryellow

I brought you only orangesorange.

Uncle Knight really likes to paint it whitewhite.

Even idiots know that the color purplepurple.

Outside the window the sparrow is all gray with dustgrey.

Pink roses fall into the ring, the color is beautiful pink in Englishpink.

Teacher : Guys, have you ever seen dew? This is the purest water that appears on the leaves of trees and on the grass early in the morning. It even has healing properties, and in our forest it is special, magical. Now collect the dew drops in the bucket that Lesovichok left. Each drop has numbers on it.

Name them.

Paste in ascending order.

Count from 1 to 12.

Children's poems:

All alone you wander there, alone, alone, otherwiseone.

Two raisins in the mouth, deuce in Englishtwo.

Come here quickly! Look: the cat has three kittensthree.

The car has a wheel, there are only four of themfour.

Never forget that an A isfive.

We have an iris under our window, that's six, which meanssix.

I'm young and green, I'm seven years oldseven.

My little sister is eight years old, and eight in Englisheight.

Nine - you remember, in English it’s simplenine.

It's already the tenth day, ten in Englishten.

Teacher : You've worked hard, so you can rest. Close your eyes and listen to the birds singing. (recording of birdsong sounds)

Teacher : The birds sing beautifully. Do you like animals? Oh, look at these animals! Pets from a farm and wild animals from a zoo went for a walk in the forest and got lost. Let's help them get back. (Children take a picture of an animal, name it and take it home to the farm or zoo.)

Teacher : And now it's time to warm up a little. We do physical exercises to music.

Teacher : Guys, so that our Lesovichok doesn’t get bored, let’s show him and our viewers the fairy tale “Teremok”. Children show a fairy tale.

Near the forest – Little House, little Mouse was walking by.

A mouse :

Teremok, teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

No one answered. The mouse entered the little mansion and began to live in it.

A frog : Knock-knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

A mouse : I am a mouse. And who are you?

I'm a mouse. And who are you?

A frog: I am a frog. I am green. I like to jump. Let me live in your house.

I'm a green frog. I love to jump. Let me live in the little mansion.

A mouse : Come in, please!

Come in please!

A hare : Knock-knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Knock Knock! Teremok, teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

A mouse : I am a mouse.

I'm a mouse.

A frog: I am a frog. And who are you?

I'm a frog. And who are you ?

A hare : I am a hare. I like to dance. Let me live in your house.

I'm a hare. I love to dance. Let me live in the little mansion.

All: Come in, please!

Come in please!

A fox : Knock-knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Knock Knock! Teremok, teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

A mouse : I am a mouse.

I'm a mouse.

A frog: I am a frog.

I'm a frog.

A hare : I am a hare. And who are you?

I'm a hare. And who are you ?

A fox : I am a fox. I'm red. Let me live in your house.

I'm a red fox. Let me live in the little mansion.

All: Come in, please!

Come in please!

A wolf:Knock-knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Knock Knock! Teremok, teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

A mouse : I am a mouse.

I'm a mouse.

A frog : I am a frog.

I'm a frog.

A hare : I am a hare.

I'm a hare.

A fox : I am a fox. And who are you?

I'm a fox. And who are you ?

A wolf : I am a wolf. I am grey. I am hungry. Let me live in your house.

I'm a hungry gray wolf. Let me live in the little mansion.

All: Come in, please!

Come in please!

A bear : Knock-knock! Little house, little house! Who lives in the little house?

Knock Knock! Teremok, teremok! Who lives in the mansion?

A mouse : I am a mouse.

I'm a mouse.

A frog : I am a frog.

I'm a frog.

A hare : I am a hare.

I'm a hare.

A fox : I am a fox.

I'm a fox.

A wolf : I am a wolf. And who are you?

I'm wolf . And who are you ?

A bear : And I am a bear!!! Let me live in your house.

I'm a bear! Let me live in the little mansion.

All :No, no!!! You are too big! Run away! Run away!

No no ! You are big! Get out of here!

We drove the bear back into the forest. And they themselves lived in a little house, danced in circles and sang


(Children sing the song: The More We Get Together)

Teacher : Guys, did you like studying at the forest school? This concludes our lesson. (the bell rings, the children take off their masks)

Lesovich liked the way you worked. You were so active and attentive, and Lesovichok wanted to reward you and left you sweets.

I think that in school for children you will also be excellent students and do well. I say goodbye to the children.

When leaving, don’t forget to say goodbye good bye!

During a series of experiments, psychologists and teachers found that teaching children foreign language preferably younger preschool age. In this case, children do not perceive language as something foreign to themselves. They simply add to their knowledge base another way of communicating with the outside world.

Due to the prevalence of English in all spheres of life, it is the language most often chosen to study. However, it should be borne in mind that children 3-4 years old cannot yet pronounce English sounds correctly and clearly. The fact is that little children speak quite softly; their speech contains the sounds “s”, “t” and the like. Therefore it is not worth it initial stages Demand amazing pronunciation from your child.

English classes for preschoolers should be as similar as possible to classes in their native language. After all native language The child begins to study from birth. Moreover, no one requires him to pronounce correct and clear phrases for at least two years of his life. So why on English child should I speak after an hour of class? You need to give your child time, and soon he will speak English as well as any native speaker.

Methodology of conducting classes

So, how to practice English with children? early age so that English organically enters their lives?

First of all, you should clearly limit the time of the lesson. Small children cannot perceive new information more than 30-40 minutes. Moreover, the younger the child, the shorter the lesson should be. In order for children to clearly understand when the lesson begins and when it ends, it is necessary to include appropriate rituals in it.

Greet children with the phrase:

Good morning/afternoon/evening. Sit down, please. – Good morning/afternoon/evening. Sit down please.

In this case, you need to point your hand at the chairs, inviting you to sit down. For the first time you need to introduce yourself:

My name is... - My name is...

Then ask each child what his name is:

What is your name? - What is your name?

At first, you need to translate all spoken phrases several times. This will not be required in the future.

Farewell at the end of each lesson can take the following form:

Thank you for the lesson. See you next time. Goodbye!!! - Thank you for the lesson. See you next time. Goodbye!!!

You can also introduce physical education, for example, to stretch your fingers. All children stand up, spin around in one place or squat. At the same time, they clench and unclench their fingers and sing a song. You can choose any children's song with a moving rhythm.

When conducting an English lesson for preschoolers, you need to understand that abstract thinking such children do not yet possess. Therefore, it is absolutely useless to tell them the rules of grammar. It is enough to simply teach children to communicate in English in everyday life. Lessons are divided into small topics. Each topic is held over 4-5 meetings. Moreover, classes should be held at least 3-4 times a week, otherwise the children will forget everything. A sample list of topics is given below.

List of topics for conducting classes with preschoolers

Greeting - Greeting, Sorry - Apology, Toys - Toys, Wild animals - Wild animals, Pets - Pets, My house - My home, My family - My family, Clothing - Clothes, Food - Food, Body Parts - Body parts, Color – Colors, Account – Account, Seasons – Seasons.

Each topic has a different word count. However, you should not learn more than five new words or expressions per lesson. It is best to choose concepts that represent specific objects that are familiar to children. It is recommended to start with the topic “Toys”. Within its boundaries, children learn the following words: a doll, a bear, a ball, a car, a car, a pyramid, a cube, and others.

Moreover, English classes for preschoolers are conducted in the form of requests and suggestions:

Give me the ball, please! - Give me the ball, please!

Bring that doll, please! - Bring that doll, please!

There is no need to study the tenses of the CONTINUOUS and PERFECT groups with preschool children; the easy-to-understand SIMPLE tense is enough. Moreover, the past, present and future forms of this tense can be used.

My mother is very beautiful – My mother is very beautiful.

The weather will be fine - The weather will be fine.

Our cat was gray - Our cat was gray.

These and similar designs will help children talk about themselves, their family, pets and much more that surrounds them.

Below is a video - an example of how classes can take place on English language among preschoolers.

Nasima Sysoletina
English lesson notes

Plan- English lesson notes for preschoolers by topic "Acquaintance", "Animals", "Check", "Colors"

Target: combine the material studied in the first half of the year, consolidate understanding of the material covered.


1. Educational: build skills oral speech based on the studied vocabulary and speech samples according to topics: "Acquaintance", "Animals", "Colors", "Check".

2. Developmental: promote the development of memory, emotions, attention, imagination, listening and hearing skills, develop pronunciation skills; develop motivation to study language.

3. Educational: promote skills development interpersonal communication, volitional qualities and behavioral skills.

Equipment: magnetic board, tape recorder, toys: clown, domestic and wild animals, colored mugs, numbers, cat's hat, wonderful bag.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher: Good evening, children! I'm glad to see you!

Children: Good evening, good evening, good evening to you,

Good evening, good evening, I am glad to see you!

Teacher: Children, let's greet each other with our funny song "Say hello!" Stand up, please, Make a circle! Let's sing our song "Say hello!"

Children sing and dance.

Teacher: Sit down, please. Children. Let's remember. How else can we english say hello?.

Children: Hello! Hi!. (with peers, in the morning "Good morning!", In the evening "Good evening!"

Teacher: Well done! Well done! Children, today our guest is the funniest circus artist - a clown. He heard what you were studying English language and wants to make sure of this.

Clown (the teacher speaks for him): Hello, girls and boys!

Children: Hello, clown

Clown: How are you!

Children: I'm fine, thanks.

Clown: I am a clown. My name is Bob.

Clown gets to know children by asking questions

What's your name?

Children: - My name is...

Teacher: Bob came to us not empty-handed, but with a wonderful bag.

Wait, he wants to tell me something. (Clown "whispers" in the teacher's ear) Bob asks if the children can name the objects that are in the bag on English language? Shall we try?

But to get it right speak english, we need to wake up your tongue. The tongue woke up and stretched - glad, stamp, cat, bat. I looked out the window and heard the breeze [w] – Willy, white, why. I decided to go for a walk and breathe some fresh air [h] – who, hare, hen, hop. The tongue froze and trembled - this, that. I ran home and composed rhyme: someone is knocking there, it’s Doctor Aibolit, then he said it in English manner. The teacher shows the position language when pronouncing sounds "T", "d", "l" in Russian and English languages.

The teacher takes out the toys one by one (based on materials covered) from the bag, asking question: what's this? What color is it?

Children answer: It’s a bear, it’s a gray mouse, etc.

Clown praises children: Well done! Good! Very good!

Teacher: Children, I have an idea! Let's show the Clown a concert. After all, you and I know poems, counting rhymes, songs, games on English language. The children agree. The teacher shows pictures with transport that are attached to a magnetic blackboard: train, car, bus, tram.

Teacher: and we know a poem about them. Who will tell? Children they tell: Train is a train,

Car - car,

Bus - bus,

Tram - tram,

Be careful on the road

The clown claps and praises the children.

Teacher: Now, let's play a game "Cat and a mouse":

One, two, three –

Children choose a cat using counting rhymes:

Cats, cats, cats – mew, mew, mew,

Dogs, dogs, dogs – bow, bow, bow

Mice, mice, mice, -

We are very nice!

Teacher: Children, let's show the clown how we can count. English.

Count from one to ten, please!

Children count and then sing song: "One cat" (visual material for the song is attached to the magnetic board).

At the end of the lesson, the children play "Trainers". The teacher invites the clown to play together. Every child thinks about what kind of animal he wants to become. Clown "magic wand" turns children into "animals" And asks: "Who are you?" Children answer: “I am a hare”, etc.

Teacher: Children, come on, the clown will be the trainer, and you will follow his commands.

Clown: Stand up! Jump! Go! Run! Stop! Cry! Smile! Fly! Swim! Wash your hands! Wash your face! Wash your ears! Wash your neck! Hands up! Hands down! Hands on hips! Hands to the sides! Bend right! Bend left! Hop! Stop! Sit down! Close your eyes! Sleep! Open your eyes! Wake up!

Clown praises children and turns them into boys and girls by touching "magic wand", then asks:"Who are you?" Children answer: “I am a girl”, “I am a boy”.

The clown thanks the children for the concert, distributes prizes and says goodbye: Good bye! See you soon!

Children: Bye-bye!


1. N.V. Chanchikova “English for kids”, publishing house "STYLE", St. Petersburg, 1993

2. I. A. Shishkova, M. E. Verbovskaya « English for kids» , Moscow, "ROSMAN", 2002

Publications on the topic:

Open lesson for Mother's Day Mom is the closest, dearest, irreplaceable person in the life of every child. Mom will always feed you, give you something to drink, caress you, take pity on you, and teach you. A.

Open lesson “Snowflake” Open lesson: On the theme “Snowflake” in senior group Educator: Danilova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna. MBDOU No. 64 Vladikavkaz 2016 Target:.

Open lesson “New Year tree” Summary of a comprehensive lesson in the senior group on the topic “New Year tree” Integration of educational activities: “Cognition” (formation.

Open lesson “Autumn Ball” Synopsis of a comprehensive open class“Autumn Ball” Program content: 1. Promote children’s poetic perception of the environment.

Age of students: 5-6 years

Year of study: 2nd

Outline of an open lesson in English

Target: repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Toys”

Progress of the lesson:

1 . Organizing time and greeting:

Hello, my friends! I'm glad to see you!


How are you?

I'm fine. How are you?

I"m fine, thank you

What is your name?

My name is...... What is your name?

My name is a parrot.

My name is Irina Vladimirovna. How old are you?

I"m 5. How old are you?

I"m 10.

I"m 36

2. Repetition of the material covered in the last lesson and activation of vocabulary on the topic “Toys”.

- And now children let"s repeat our homework - and now, children, let's repeat the "toys" we met in the last lesson

A flag: - What "s this? - A flag. It"s a flag.

What color is it? - It's red

Is it big? small? - It's small

It"s a small red flag

A train: - What's this? - A train. It's a train.

What color is it? - It's yellow

It's a yellow train.

Is it big? small? - It's big

Demonstration of a smaller model train:

It's small. It"s blue. (It"s a small train. It's a blue train (I show with my hands what to talk about)

An even smaller model train demo:

It's little. It's yellow

Look! Big, small, little

A car: - What's this?

It's a car.

Have you got a car?

Yes, I"ve got a car.

Is it nice? Is it good?

It's nice. It's good.

What is the English for Give me a typewriter please?

Give me please a car

Take it?

Here you are (Take)

A brick: - What's this?

It"a brick.

How do we say "I see a blue cube"? (we demonstrate binoculars from our palms)

I see a blue brick. I see a yellow brick. I see a red brick.

If there is only one brick, then what are the “cubes”?


My cubes?

My bricks

- (together in chorus) My car, my train, my flag, and together all this is called Toys - my toys.

3. Dynamic pause

Now let's do exercises!

Stand up!

Hands up!

Hands down!

Sit down!

Stand up!



Sit down!

4. Phonetic exercise

Let's imagine a birthday cake with candles. I distribute leaflets to each student. Let's try to extinguish the candle - pronounce the sound "p" with aspiration. Hold the sheet close to your face and make the sound "p". Quickly close and open your lips. The leaf should deviate.

Now let’s remember Mr. Tongue, how did he nail the picture? We raised the tongue just above the teeth, by the teeth, and nailed the picture “t-t-t”, the picture doesn’t stick, but you can extinguish the candle by blowing on the sheet

Mr. Tongue took a heavier hammer, climbed up the ladder and began nailing the picture “d-d-d”, that’s it, nailed it.

How does a Russian dog growl? rrrr And the English dog? We raised the tongue and rounded it, we didn’t touch the sky r-r-r, little puppies came running and also growled r-r-r

5. Getting to know new words on the topic “Toys”.

A ball. It's a ball. Repeat after me

It's a ball. A ball

Have you gotta ball?

Yes, I"ve got a ball

How many balls have you got?

I've got 2 balls

I take out a doll - a doll, it "s a doll. These words rhyme well doll - ball

I get the plane - Look! a plane, it's a big blue plane. A plane rhymes well with a train: plain - train

Who's going to disappear now? Close your eyes. Open your eyes! We got a doll - a ball - a plane (so 2 ​​more times).

6. Independent work

I'm giving away a coloring book with toys.

Choose your favorite toy, color or trace it. How many of these identical toys are drawn?

5 cars, 6 planes...

7. Summing up the lesson

You can complete this task at home; bring the papers next time. Tell us about the toy, describe it. I hand out leaflets with words and transcriptions covered in class. (this list is for informational purposes only)

The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye. Goodbye everyone.

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