Arrange a pleasant surprise for yours. A surprise for your beloved: what a surprise will pleasantly surprise a girl

Any gift, no matter who it is intended for, should evoke extremely pleasant feelings, and a birthday surprise for your beloved friend is bound to be unforgettable.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to organize it; it is important that it is made from pure heart and truly pleased the birthday girl.

Features of the organization

A surprise can be called successful if the girl’s age was taken into account when organizing it, because what is relevant at 15 or 16 years old ceases to be so at 25.

As a rule, girls aged 14-18 are still in school and have limited funds. Therefore, they cannot give expensive surprises to their female peers. In this case, it is worth taking note of the idea with balloons and candy bouquets. These charming surprises will not leave the birthday girl indifferent.

When choosing a surprise for a girl between 18 and 25 years old, you should focus on the interests of your friend. If she prefers noisy companies and parties, a limousine ride through the city at night or a table in a trendy cafe would be ideal.

A girl athlete can be given a parachute or bungee jump.

Women over 25 years old take great care of their appearance, so a certificate to a spa will be more than welcome.

But women of all ages love to be photographed (both 20 and 30 years old), so this surprise can be considered universal and you can safely order a photo session for your beloved friend on her birthday.

Classic ideas

For the birthday of your beloved friend with a good sense of humor, who loves fun and practical jokes, you can come up with an original, cool and unexpected surprise. This will not only lift the girl’s spirits and put her in a positive mood on such a memorable day for her, but will also bring back good memories for her.


This is the most common way of congratulations, the main thing is to play it well and present your surprise. There are many options, it all depends on your imagination.

For example, you can write humorous poems on the balls with a marker or attach memorable photos to them, you can make a rainbow out of them and hang them over the ceiling, or it’s best to hide them behind the door so that when your friend opens the door in the morning, a whole heap of cute balls will fall out on her.

Bouquet of sweets

Every woman, regardless of age, will appreciate such an original gift. A charming bouquet can be purchased in specialized stores, but nothing prevents you from making a beautiful composition with your own hands.

A candy miracle can be a wonderful addition to the main gift and is an excellent alternative to a bouquet of fresh flowers.

Congratulations on the asphalt, billboard, newspaper

A friend simply cannot help but like a bright chalk inscription under her windows, in which you congratulate her in a humorous manner.

If funds allow, why not rent a billboard and place a photo or portrait of the birthday girl on it with best wishes?

You can place an ad in the newspaper and congratulate best friend in poetic form is an inexpensive but very pleasant way to express your affection.

Recording a song, congratulatory poem

If you have the talent to write poetry, then the best way I can’t find a way to congratulate my friend!

You can also use existing poetic congratulations, but it is unlikely that the hero of the occasion will like to hear words that have already been spoken thousands of times at other celebrations.

And the most luxurious surprise is to set the poems to music and perform a song dedicated to the birthday girl to the accompaniment of a guitar or piano. If funds allow, you can even record a song of your own composition in a professional studio.

Table in a cafe, bar, restaurant

If a friend likes to visit public places, then she won’t quite like the idea of ​​celebrating her birthday at home.

It would be better to book a table in a restaurant or fashionable club, think over the menu, because who, if not you, best knows the preferences of the hero of the occasion.

It could be a small friendly party or a bachelorette party, in the latter case, you can order a private dance for your friend.

However, this is a very risky surprise, which, naturally, disappears if the girl comes with her boyfriend or husband.

Ride in a limousine

The birthday girl will definitely like this one, especially if she plans to celebrate her birthday in the company. A ride in a limousine around the city at night will give young people the opportunity to feel like real celebrities.

Traveling in a luxury car, a fun program with a buffet and karaoke will give you a storm of emotions and an unforgettable experience.

Certificate for spa treatments

There is not a single woman who would refuse to visit a spa. Give your friend this opportunity!

Ideal option - “SPA Day”, which includes several procedures, as well as lunch or dinner with easily digestible vitamin dishes. You can limit yourself to just one procedure, here are the most popular ones:

  • bubble bath;
  • chocolate wrap;
  • hydromassage;
  • tropical shower;
  • aromatherapy:
  • reflexology;
  • massage.

When choosing procedures, you can safely build on your own opinion on this issue.


All girls love to be photographed. Why not arrange a photo shoot for the hero of the occasion and take pictures with her? In this case, the surprise requires careful preparation.

You need to find a good photographer, look at examples of his work, and study reviews. In the studio you can organize a light buffet and even a party on a specific theme.

The services of a makeup artist who will do makeup not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for the guests will not be superfluous.

Quest in search of a gift

Preparing for this unusual surprise will take a little longer and will require the participation of other friends.

Prepare the main gift and hide it properly.

One by one, hand your friend small boxes of gifts (this could be a pen, a notepad, a card with a humorous congratulation) with tips and tasks that will lead her to the main present.

For the brave and determined If your friend loves adrenaline, please her with an unusual surprise

, which she will appreciate.

The only point worth considering: in your desire to arrange an unforgettable extreme holiday, do not go too far so that your birthday is not overshadowed by unpleasant consequences.

    • Here are some options: Horseback riding

. Horses are noble, beautiful animals. Several horse riding sessions under the guidance of an experienced mentor, and your friend will feel like a real aristocrat. One lesson on an open parade ground with an instructor will cost around 1000 rubles.

What definitely shouldn’t be done

There is no need to arrange surprises that can put a person in an awkward position, because it should evoke exclusively positive emotions, but in no case cause discomfort.

  • Arriving at the birthday girl’s home with a large, noisy group without warning. The girl may have her own plans for this day.
  • Organizing a “blind” date, since you cannot be sure that your friend will like the man.
  • Organize a surprise for your friend that may cause her fear. If your friend has a fear of heights, then you should not organize a parachute jump for her.

Whatever surprise you give your friend for her birthday: an expensive extreme flight on a fighter jet or a certificate for visiting a fitness club, the main thing is that it is accompanied by sincere congratulations and warm words.

Here's an idea for creating a video with unusual congratulations for a friend:

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Girls like it when guys do beautiful things: give cute gifts, perform romantic serenades, take them to interesting places and are cared for in a variety of ways. And girls have a desire to please their significant other, but not everyone knows what surprise to give to their loved one.

If you have found a guy and built a relationship with him, it's time to think about how to please him. A surprise on an ordinary day will bring more joy than on a holiday with expected gifts. I have several ideas on this matter.

  • Romantic evening. At first glance, the idea will seem banal, but it will bring an amazing effect. Before your loved one comes home from work, prepare a bath with aromatic oils, light candles, set the table and turn on romantic music. Upon arrival home, the guy will relax in the bath and eat a delicious meal, and then you will please him with a massage and a night of love. You will definitely like such a surprise, and the relationship will become more tender and stronger.
  • Demonstration of feelings through everyday objects. Give your guy a mug with a beautiful photo of you together or just put the photo in a frame. I advise you to order a fashionable T-shirt with your image and a declaration of love. Such a thing will remind your loved one of your feelings.
  • Cooking. Every man has favorite dish and I think your boyfriend is no exception. Prepare a culinary masterpiece and present it to unusual form. No man will refuse baked lamb, French-style meat or homemade meringue for dessert.
  • Breakfast in bed - a romantic surprise. It’s especially pleasant on a day off when you don’t have to go anywhere. Get up early, cook delicious pancakes, brew coffee and cut fruit. Wake up your loved one with kisses and invite him to have breakfast.
  • Experiments in sex. The same type of intimate relationships gets boring. Diversify them with role playing games and sexy costumes. In such sexual entertainment there is a place for erotic massage and frank caresses. None of the men will refuse such pleasure. For a guy, such changes in intimate terms will come as a surprise.
  • Creativity is a way to express words of love. Write a story, poem or a custom declaration of love to your loved one. To create the effect of surprise, place a sheet of paper with love creativity in the guy’s closet, on the table or in his clothes. An unexpected find will pleasantly surprise you.
  • If it's your loved one's birthday, the surprise should be big.. If funds allow, buy the thing he dreams of. Remember, it is your gift that will be the best and most pleasant for the guy.
  • Not a bad option - a fun party. Discuss the plan with your friends in advance and jointly organize a holiday for your loved one. Upon arrival at the destination, congratulate the birthday person and please him with gifts.
  • Unusual declaration of love. The sound of a familiar voice on his favorite radio station shocks him. If the event is held in a cafe, perform a song you composed yourself in public. If the birthday celebration is taking place at home, surprise your loved one with a film assembled in advance from photographs and songs.
  • On Valentine's Day a surprise for your loved one will be a heart-shaped pie or a pillow of a similar shape. Believe me, such a cute little thing will remind you young man about the fact that his beloved girl is present in his life.
  • I'll like the last idea. brave girls . We are talking about a tattoo with the guy's name. If you are unable to decide on such an action, limit yourself to creating a website for the guy.

Only you have the right to decide what kind of surprise to give your loved one, because only you know his desires and individual preferences. Sit in a calm environment, think about what he will like, and turn the unconventional idea into reality. As practice shows, interesting ideas come unexpectedly.

What a surprise to give to your loved one

Love is an inspired feeling, accompanied by a constant desire to do something non-standard for a loved one so that a smile appears on his face. An unexpected surprise brings more joy than a planned expensive gift.

Every man wonders what original surprise make you loved. The complexity of the issue comes down to the fact that girls like emotional life. A sudden surprise that arouses interest or joy is more memorable than an ordinary present. If you haven't found a girl yet, don't waste time and take action.

  1. The simplest option for a surprise is ordering flowers to be delivered to work. An unexpected bouquet, complemented by a gentle message, will surprise your beloved and bring a lot of joy, and since this event will take place in front of colleagues, the effect will be enhanced.
  2. Invite a girl on a date and come with a mysterious box in your hands instead of a bouquet. Over time, the intrigue will increase. When you let the lid open, butterflies will fly out of the box. The sudden effect will cause a slight fear, which will be replaced by a smile.
  3. Agree with the girl’s relatives, stop by her house and leave a gift in her room. This could be a box of chocolates under your pillow, a love message on the monitor screen, or a soft toy on the shelf. And although such a present is considered banal, the presentation will turn out to be memorable and beautiful.
  4. If you live together and your feelings have subsided slightly, rekindle them. Print out photos of yourself kissing, buy a couple of helium-filled balloons, attach the photos to them with ribbons and release them over the bed. It is important that the photographs are higher than the bed.
  5. A romantic dinner is a standard, but not a bad idea. Set the table, buy a bottle of wine, light some candles and turn on some music. If you can’t prepare a squid salad or stew yourself, order food at a restaurant.
  6. If you are not sure that dinner will surprise a girl, organize something similar on the roof of a high-rise building or on the river bank. In terms of choosing a place, your imagination will help. To intrigue your loved one, hand over a card with a place marked with a cross where she needs to go.
  7. If there are no available funds or financial possibilities are limited, but there is a desire to surprise your loved one, resort to the help of inscriptions made in an exotic way in an unexpected place. Write a declaration of love under the window with store-bought ketchup. Lower a poster with a girl's name from the roof or place it on the asphalt at night beautiful phrase from candles.
  8. If you don’t have money, try to earn money at home or use boyish ways. Tie a few heart balloons to your loved one's doorknob. I advise you to wear a stylish T-shirt with a portrait of a girl and come on a date in this outfit. Your image will cause her an enthusiastic reaction.
  9. If there are no problems with money, you can talk endlessly about pleasant surprises. A luxurious dinner in a restaurant, a yacht trip, a parachute jump, a horse-drawn excursion. Many of these ideas will appeal to the young lady.
  10. If you want to cause genuine delight in your loved one, hide a ring or other piece of jewelry in an unexpected place. If a girl dreams of a puppy or kitten, the furry friend she finds in a basket under the door will be an excellent surprise.

Making a pleasant surprise for your loved one is easier than it seems. Each girl is individual, and only you know what she will like. Take a walk on a warm evening, think about what makes the flame flash in her eyes, and make your dream come true. If you present everything beautifully, your beloved will simply drown in an ocean of emotions.

For a loved one, the efforts of the other half are more important than a gift. Even if you fail or buy a simple gift, your loved one will still appreciate it. Good luck in realizing your ideas!

is a pressing question for many young people. Although the financial side plays an important role, in order to delight and enchant, it is mainly imagination and attention that are needed.

Unusual creative ideas and the availability of free time to implement them can not only surprise your beloved, but make this day unforgettable for her.

You can achieve a joyful sparkle in her eyes in a familiar home environment if you introduce an element of surprise.

When thinking about ideas on how to do it, you can use the following options:

  • Home treasure hunt. In the morning, after waking up, the girl receives a message that there are little surprises hidden for her somewhere in the house. Their number can be any, but it will be more effective if you correlate the number of gifts with the situation, for example, 14 for February 14. It is better if small gifts are inside identical boxes or beautiful wrapping paper. The locations of the “buried treasure” should not be too obvious. Pleasant little things are suitable as gifts, for example, a girl’s favorite chocolate or a desired book. The very fact of searching for treasures among familiar things already excites the imagination.
  • 100 reasons for love. Here you need to try to make a list of such reasons, emphasizing best qualities girls or memorable joint events. Reasons such as “beautiful” or “kind” are not bad, but the more original they are, the better. For example, you can indicate as the reason for your love “Memories of how you and I got caught in the rain, you walked barefoot through puddles.”

And be sure to highlight the main thing - love without any reason. Notes can be folded inside a huge jar or posted around the house.

  • Dinner by candlelight, prepared with your own hands. Such a manifestation of care is very attractive, capable of setting one in a lyrical mood and evoking warm feelings.
  • Romantic attributes. A decorated room will be a pleasant surprise. Rose petals on the bed, balls under the ceiling with curly ribbons and notes with love declarations tied to them. The bathroom can be decorated following the same style. Hot bubble bath, rose petals and candles.

  • Letter in the mailbox. SMS or messages have become so common now Email that a letter to a beloved girl, written on paper by hand, can already be considered an original move.
  • Surprise party. When she returns home, she needs to gather her friends and throw an unexpected party. This gift is suitable for girls who love to be the center of attention. For introverted girls, such a surprise may not only not please them, but may even turn out to be painful for them.

  • A small sign of attention. Even just an imperceptible pleasant message written with a finger or soap on the bathroom mirror, which will only be revealed under the influence of steam from the shower, can greatly please a girl.
  • The inscription under the window. A love confession made under the window can also amaze your beloved. Letters made from footprints in the snow or an image of a heart at night made from candles lit at the same time. Or you can gather your friends and ask them to line up in the shape of a heart, standing in its center.

  • Video film. You can make an amateur film about her, arrange a romantic surprise at home - dinner while watching an unexpected gift for the girl.
  • Fireworks for her. Inviting her to look out the window and set off fireworks.

Surprise outside the home

It is generally accepted that romance in a relationship is always supported by a girl, arranging it. For men, such things sometimes cause bewilderment, skepticism, fear and even sometimes irritation. But if a guy is sincerely in love, then sooner or later he will probably want to surprise his soulmate. All that remains is to choose the right idea for this.

Outside the home

The only contraindications for a romantic date outside are stormy winds and hail. Even in the rain, you can take a walk under one umbrella in the most beautiful places. And then go to your favorite cafe, where the waiter, with whom you agreed in advance, will present your other half with a favorite flower and a note from a “secret” admirer. Of course, she will be surprised at first, but when everything is revealed, she will be very happy. What else can you think of?

  1. Balloon. A flight over the city is romantic in itself, and if you hide a bouquet and perhaps some gift in the basket in advance, you can count on complete delight. Such a walk is especially good if a guy wants to confess his love or make an offer that the girl cannot refuse.
  2. Cultural program. If your beloved loves ballet, opera, drama theater, or dreams of attending a concert of some performer (even if her boyfriend is not enthusiastic about it), then tickets and, most importantly, accompanying her to the event will be a wonderful surprise. Any woman will appreciate the fact that for her sake they sacrificed their preferences and met her halfway.
  3. Urban adventure. Such a surprise for his beloved can only be arranged by a truly creative guy who wants to surprise his half at any cost. Preparation, of course, will take a lot of time, but the effort is worth it. It is necessary in advance to hide notes in different places of the city (if we are talking about a metropolis, then it is worth limiting ourselves to the area), which will indicate where to go next and where to look for a gift. Notes can be placed in hollow trees, under stones near monuments, and you can also negotiate with someone to keep the notes (waiters in cafes, ice cream sellers, etc.).

In addition to such ideas, there are also proven picnics, dates on the roof, horseback riding, boat rides or ice skating. All this may already be as old as time, but this does not mean that the beloved will be disappointed.

At home

What is the point of the surprise? The fact that a person does something unexpected, uncharacteristic for himself. This is what you should rely on when arranging a surprise at home. To a greater extent, all these ideas are suitable for those who live together.

  1. Cooking masterpiece. A guy who comes into the kitchen only to get some drink from the refrigerator will greatly surprise his beloved if he cooks her dinner, breakfast or delicious dessert. For advice on how to do this, you can turn to your mother or sister, or, as a last resort, strictly follow the recipe from the cookbook. To ensure that your masterpiece turns out to be not only unexpected, but also edible, it is better not to try stuffed carp or cheesecake right away. It's worth focusing on something simpler: light salad or fruit smoothie.
  2. Kind words. As you know, it is pleasant for cats too. A girl will be touched if her lover composes poetry or a story for her, and if she has musical abilities, she can write a song. This should be recited in an appropriate setting: inflate heart-shaped balloons, light scented candles and turn off the lights. It is better to prepare everything in advance so that your loved one returns home to find that she has found herself in a fairy tale.
  3. Song on the radio. What kind of surprise can you arrange without leaving home? If your significant other is a fan of the radio, then she will probably like the song ordered especially for her. A guy should know exactly what his girlfriend is doing at one time or another. For example, every day at 6 pm she cooks dinner and listens to the radio. And suddenly she hears that her favorite (or their favorite) song is being broadcast for her with a confession from her boyfriend.

You can also have a bath with rose petals and a relaxing massage. And if the girl has a sense of humor, then you can stage an erotic dance especially for her. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how well her boyfriend can move, because it will be just the two of them - no one will laugh, and the beloved will definitely appreciate the efforts.

With your own hands

The surprise can be created with your own hands. Usually representatives of the fair sex do needlework, but it will be all the more unexpected to receive some kind of thing from a guy.

Picture and postcard

To surprise his beloved, her chosen one can make a montage with her photo in a special program, and then decorate a postcard with it. We need to take her image and place it in front of the place where she has always dreamed of visiting (near the Eiffel Tower or on top of Kilimanjaro). The resulting photo should be printed and pasted into a postcard:

  • fold a sheet of red cardboard in half;
  • paste a photo inside;
  • Glue a couple of hearts made of cardboard in a contrasting color to the front side;
  • write a confession on the spread next to the photo.

It will be a pleasure for your other half to receive such a postcard when you wake up in the morning and see it next to you on your pillow.

Candy wrappers

If your beloved has a sweet tooth, she will certainly be pleased with a beautiful simple vase, where each sweet will be wrapped in an exclusive wrapper with a pleasant little detail written on it:

  • I need to buy her favorite sweets;
  • remove the candy wrappers from them;
  • cut colored paper wrappers according to the size of the candy wrappers, and write on the back side which girl is kind, sweet, beautiful, smart, etc.;
  • wrap the candies in prepared multi-colored pieces of paper.

A vase with such sweets will be waiting on the table or near the mirror in the hallway. And when your beloved comes home in the evening, she will be both surprised and delighted.

There should be a lot of pleasant surprises, but you shouldn’t arrange them every day, otherwise their meaning will be lost. When choosing an idea for romantic surprises, you should not be afraid to express your true feelings, because the girl will notice insincerity in any case.

New sensations help refresh relationships and give them new meaning. Surprises for your husband should be done often to emphasize your sincere feelings. How can you please your spouse? 20 surprises will come to the rescue that will delight your husband. Choose and surprise.

1. Do it for him music video. You don't need to be a great editor to do this. Just create slides with photos of your loved one and add music.

2. Create a gift with your own hands. Cool photo frames, original vases that he will put in his office or just beautiful card self made with a beautiful declaration of love.

3. Be a maid for one day. He is the king, and you are his faithful and meek servant. Fulfill any of his wishes all day long. Men like to lead.

4. Order a song for him on the radio. The good old way of declaring your love. Surely you have “your” song. This is exactly what you should order. She will remind her husband of the sweetest and most romantic moments.

5. Have a sex marathon. Create a loving atmosphere, light candles, put on your most provocative underwear. And seduce your loved one.

6. Organize a surprise date. For example, send him to the supermarket for a carton of milk. And then suddenly show up at the mall with two movie tickets. Joy will be guaranteed.

7. Throw a party. Secretly invite your friends. Don't worry about cooking. Just buy some chips, beer or soda. Coming home from work, the husband will be happy to sit with his friends for a couple of hours.

8. Write a list of the qualities you love in your husband on a nice piece of paper. Give your spouse this little souvenir. Men are always pleased when they are praised.

9. Upgrade his old items. Surely your husband has an old, worn jacket that he categorically refuses to throw away. Take it to the workshop. There it will be renewed, and the spouse will be able to wear it as much as he likes.

10. Write a love note. And put it in a place where it will definitely be found. For example, when he gets ready for work, hide a declaration of love in his trouser pocket. At work, he will definitely reach into his pocket and read it.

11. Be your personal hairdresser. In the morning, volunteer to shave your spouse. Most likely he will refuse. But it's worth a try. Some men really enjoy being shaved.

12. Have dinner under the full moon. Wait until the full moon and have a picnic. You can choose a restaurant with an outdoor terrace. Or go out of town and have a picnic in nature.

13. Create a wish map together. It will be fun! Draw your dreams on whatman paper, describe what you want to have in 10 or 20 years. Think about how your life will change.

14. Plan a surprise trip. Think about where you can go on the weekend. Buy tickets, book a hotel and spend an unforgettable vacation with your spouse.

15. Take a bath together. After a hard day at work, a man will be pleased to plunge into warm water with fragrant foam. And taking a bath together usually ends in hot sex.

16. Go fishing with him. And don't whine. This will be a real surprise! Usually you grumble, but here you yourself volunteered to go to the river with him.

17. Get a massage. Men like touch. He melts and melts when his beloved touches their buttocks, inner thighs, neck, head. With light strokes you will bring your husband to ecstasy.

18. Prepare him a snack for work. Time it so that you can bring him a box of something tasty right before lunch. Think about what original things you can prepare for him. Just not sandwiches.

19. Flirt. Every man enjoys being flirted with. This raises self-esteem and perfectly stimulates reciprocal courtship. Flirty more often, it really turns you on.

20. Another surprise for your husband - try something new. Stop by the nearest sex shop and buy something new. Surprise your spouse with new sexual experiments.

Men tend to be somewhat cold in relationships. But they still want pleasant surprises. In their hearts, they expect us to please them and demonstrate our love and care.

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