Do they make a wish for Christmas? Making Christmas wishes come true with magic

Christmas is a holiday of peace, love, hope, joy. The birth of Jesus Christ brought joy to people, hope for a bright future, for love, for a new world - the peace of man with God. When, if not at Christmas, is it worth making wishes, rejoicing and hoping for the best? The expectation of a miracle is inherent in people of all ages. But wishes must be made correctly, following ancient customs.

Basic Rules:

  • You should not wish for something material. Financial well-being is a good option, but you don't have to want to buy a new apartment. Don't be stingy, think about something more sublime than money.
  • Formulate and think through your desire in advance. Don't leave it until the last minute. For a wish to come true, you need to be confident in its fulfillment. It is best to make a plan for its implementation.
  • The desire should sound like a goal that will come true this year. For example, “I will marry my beloved this year.”
  • Do not use constructions such as “I would like to...”. Don't use the subjunctive mood.
  • Also, you cannot use the particle “not”. Instead of “I don’t want to be sad,” say “I want to be happy.”
  • It is best to make a wish from midnight to four o'clock in the morning.
  • You can't think of something evil. Let go of grievances and negative emotions.
  • After voicing, you need to thank God.
  • Don't get hung up on your wish after Christmas night. Let him go, let yourself get used to this thought.
  • You can only wish for yourself and for those who are close to you. And best of all, just for yourself. You can wish happiness, health, love for family and friends. You shouldn't dispose of someone else's family.

There is a ritual for the fulfillment of a specific desire that is your most cherished. You need to write it on a piece of paper and take a candle of a certain color. For health and material well-being - green, for love affairs - red, pink candles represent romance, wisdom - blue, and happiness - purple candles. Light a candle, drip wax onto a piece of paper with a wish written on it. Fold the sheet to form a square and tie it with thread of the same color as the candle. This package is valid for a year if you carry it with you

A way to make wishes for children

You need to draw an angel on thick paper or cardboard, cut it out and make a wish without voicing it. Having made a wish, you need to draw 1 eye for the angel, and then hide the angel so that no one finds it, and when it comes true, draw the second eye.

The simplest, but no less effective way

The bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ is a magical time when miracles happen and your deepest desires come true. Now you know how and what to wish for the Nativity of Christ. The most important thing is to believe that the wish will come true and then it will certainly happen.

Christmas is celebrated during the winter holidays, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany.

Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate one of the main church holidays - the Nativity of Christ. Christmas Eve is celebrated on January 6, and on the night of January 7, Christmas services are held in Orthodox churches.

On Christmas, believers celebrate the birth of Jesus - a day that has been endowed with mystical meaning for centuries.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

It should be noted that the Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards fortune telling, arguing that the future is known only to God. However, even in ancient times, the Eastern Slavs developed a tradition of telling fortunes on Christmas Day.

“Yuletide” fortune-telling is carried out between Christmas Eve, January 6, and Epiphany, January 19.

Fortune telling for one's betrothed was popular among young girls. On the night before Christmas, they went out into the streets and asked the name of the first man they met. The name he would pronounce was the name of his future companion.

In addition, the girls went to listen to conversations under the windows of other people's houses in order to find out what their life would be like in marriage. If the conversation was cheerful, then a happy and joyful life awaited the girl.

On Christmas Eve, girls threw shoes through the gates of their yards to find out where they would be taken to marry. This was indicated by the toe of the shoe: in which direction it was facing, that’s where the betrothed would take the bride. If the toe of the shoe faces the girl's house, she will not get married until next Christmas.

On Christmas night, the girls tried to see the image of their future husband using mirrors. To do this, the girl sat down in the dark between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

How to find out your future at Christmas

One of the oldest and most popular fortune telling is wax fortune telling. On Christmas evening, water was poured into a glass or plate, leaving a ring without a stone at the bottom. Then the wax was melted in a spoon over the flame of a candle and poured into the water, trying to get into the center of the ring.

When the wax figure froze, the future could be interpreted based on it. If the wax spreads in stripes, it promised roads and travel. If it forms a “star”, the fortuneteller will have good luck at work or study. If the figure resembles a person, this promises the appearance of new friends, and if it is an animal, then the fortuneteller has or will soon have a secret enemy. A flower figurine indicates a meeting with your betrothed or an imminent marriage.

Group fortune telling with cups was also popular. It required taking several cups, corresponding in number to the number of fortune tellers.

A ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion and salt were placed in cups, and water was poured into one cup. Each fortuneteller chose a cup with his eyes closed.

The contents of the cup predicted the future: a ring - for a wedding; coin - for money; bread - to prosperity; sugar - for fun; onion - to tears; salt - unfortunately, water - to lack of change.

How to make a wish on Christmas Eve

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic, at this time angels descend on the world in order to make the world a little kinder. It is during Christmas that you need to make a wish - if you do it correctly, it will certainly come true. What should you do on a magical night to make it come true?

There are different ways to make a wish - in principle, there is no single system - in heaven they hear our every request.

On Christmas night you need to go out alone. It is best to move a little away from the houses to be in the dark. If for some reason it is not possible to go out, then you can perform the ritual in a dark room without turning on the light - so that only the stars and the moon shine.

Looking at the sky, you need to imagine everything that you want to get in the new year. This is a great time to formulate personal goals and focus on your thoughts and dreams. Then you need to close your eyes with your right hand, and list out loud what you want to wish for, and with this hand, brush all the images from your eyes into the sky.

The universe will certainly hear what is said, and in order to consolidate the result, upon returning home you need to light a red candle, on which you need to briefly write a request - you can formulate it in one or two words.

There is another popular ritual for making wishes come true at Christmas.

You need to draw an angel and cut it out (it’s better to take fairly thick paper). Next, you can make a wish (one, the most cherished one - it’s better to formulate it in advance) and draw one eye for the angel.

After this, you can hide it, and when the wish comes true (various signs will appear that the wish will soon come true), you must definitely draw a second eye for the angel. After the wish is fulfilled, the angel can be saved.

What should be on the Christmas table

Christmas is the brightest winter holiday. Orthodox Christians celebrate it with rich kutya. According to tradition, in addition to kutya, there should be 12 lenten dishes on the table. Treats symbolize wealth and prosperity. And Christmas dinner is a traditional occasion for uniting the whole family. Every housewife racks her brains about what to put on the table that evening.

The first two dishes of Christmas Eve- this is uzvar and kutya. Traditionally, food on a holiday cannot be washed down with water - only with uzvar. Previously, we wrote recipes for delicious kutia.

Third course- this is bread. It is advisable to serve homemade palyanitsa with garlic and peas baked in it. Peas symbolize wealth, and garlic wards off evil spirits.

Fourth course- Christmas “first”. Traditionally it is lean borscht or cabbage soup. Sometimes borscht is interpreted as a symbol of the blood of children that King Herod shed.

Fifth course- lean cabbage rolls. The ideal filling for them would be buckwheat with mushrooms. Stuffed cabbage rolls are also interpreted as a symbol of a dove and a reference to the Holy Spirit. Sixth course- side dish An excellent option is stewed potatoes with onions and carrots.

Seventh course- pickles. Mushrooms, cucumbers, pickled tomatoes and cabbage.

Eighth course- lean salads. The ideal option is a vinaigrette. The dish is simple, but it will decorate any holiday table.

Ninth course- mushrooms. There can be a lot of options. Fried or stewed. Oven baked are also good. You don’t need fancy varieties for this; even champignons will do.

Tenth dish- fish. Stuffed fish can be a table decoration. Despite fasting, you can eat it on Christmas Eve. After all, this is a symbol of Christ’s miracle from the parable of how Jesus fed the crowd with fish and bread.

Eleventh dish- Lenten pie or donuts. Cabbage, peas, potatoes and herbs are suitable for the filling.

Twelfth dish- dessert. An ideal option for Christmas Eve would be baked apples with honey and nuts.

Russians begin a magical time of religious holiday. Our ancestors called the series of Christmas celebrations Christmastide. Grandparents believed that everything that was wished for on Christmas night would definitely come true if certain rules were followed.

On Sunday, January 6, 2019, Christmas Eve is celebrated, a holiday also called the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, Holy Evening. This is the day when the Nativity Fast ends, and the main preparations for the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ are made.

Christmas Eve traditions, how to make a wish on Christmas night

Christmas Eve is a holiday in which church and folk traditions and customs are closely intertwined. Esotericists claim that these days the information portal of the Universe opens, and people say that at this time “the heavens open up.” Christmas Eve, the time of birth of the Savior of the World, Jesus Christ, is considered especially magical in this series of days and nights. Anyone who raises requests to heaven for the most cherished things will certainly receive the fulfillment of his dreams.

Many families even now, when setting the festive table, perform a special ritual to bring happiness, health and prosperity into the house. To do this, women cover the table with a new tablecloth, and place a small bundle of hay under it, as a symbol of a manger. Banknotes and garlic cloves are placed in the corners of the table, symbolizing the health and well-being of the household. An ax is placed under the table, and everyone sitting at the table puts their feet on it. This ritual promises good health and good spirits to all family members. A composition of fir branches and candles is usually placed in the center of the table.

In the villages, Christmas Eve is still celebrated cheerfully and on a grand scale. According to folk customs, young people gather in large groups, dress up in various costumes, paint their faces or put on masks and go from house to house, singing ditties, songs and carols. In ritual songs it is customary to glorify Christ, as well as the owners of the house. The owners, as a sign of gratitude, give those who sing carols sweets, pastries, and money.

How to make a wish on Christmas night so that it comes true

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic, at this time angels descend to earth in order to make the world a little kinder. It is at Christmas that you need to make a wish - if you do it correctly, it will certainly come true.

On Christmas Eve there is a belief: Angels fly over the earth and fulfill good, sincere wishes. How to make a wish for Christmas so that these unearthly creatures can find out where they are waiting and fulfill your order? To do this, place a lighted candle on the window (carrying out all fire-fighting measures!) or use a safer method: hang a Christmas star.

Christmas is a clean and bright holiday. Therefore, your desire should not carry any negativity. You cannot wish harm upon your enemies or offenders, even if, in your opinion, they truly deserve retribution. Get rid of bad thoughts from your head, otherwise the evil intention will come back to you like a boomerang.

If you make an egoistic material wish (for example, to change your car to a more expensive model), then it is unlikely to be heard. You only need to ask for what you really need. For example, an unemployed person may ask for successful employment, which will allow him to provide for his family.

Your desire should not affect the free choice of another person. Let's say you love someone who doesn't love you back. In this case, it is useless to ask the Universe to awaken reciprocal feelings in the object of your sympathy.

Before you make a new wish for Christmas, you need to thank the Universe (God, Heaven) for those dreams that have already come true. Then formulate your new wish as precisely as possible. At the same time, try to avoid the particle “NOT”. That is, you should not say “I DO NOT want to be sick next year.” It would be more correct to wish “I want to have good health.”

In magical requests and wishes, you can use paper where you need to write your requests to the Higher powers, and candles: for love - red, for improving health or well-being - green, for relaxation - blue, for a romantic mood - pink. Light the appropriate candle and drip all the wax from it onto your wish note. Using a thread of the same color as the candle, tie a piece of paper folded into an envelope. You need to wear this amulet all year. The fulfillment of all your desires will be 100% guaranteed!

The best rites and rituals for fulfilling wishes that are performed on Christmas night

Christmas ritual to make wishes come true

On Christmas night, Angels fly over the earth and make wishes come true. The most, most cherished. You just need to ask them about it when you go to bed. Desires must be sincere and come from the heart.

On Christmas Day, before going to bed, make your deepest wishes, write them down on paper and place them on the windowsill.

And so that the Angels know exactly where they are most expected, you also need to put a lit candle on the window or hang a Christmas star.

Even if just for one night - a night of magic and light.

Christmas rituals for good luck and health

1). 6th January.

Spell for healing.

There are days on which they create (make) amulets for their family. The birth towel also belongs to this amulet.

On January 6, on the eve of the birthday of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and charm it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then this towel should be used to wipe the patient, and he will definitely recover.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the torment of the night,
Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,
An epileptic fit,
From damage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed her Son,
I wiped it with a linen towel.
God bless my flax too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
From then on I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But there was not one among them like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers His birthday and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.
The one who washes his face this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, by doing this, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas you need to go out into the street at exactly three o'clock in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up, holy sky,
Give me golden happiness.
How many clear stars do you have, my dear,
I wish (name) had so many happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christmas rituals to make wishes come true

1). From January 7, every morning, as soon as you wake up, repeat your cherished desire, you can mentally visualize it.

And so on for 40 days. This period is called PEACE.
The Light Forces of the Universe help make our dreams come true. On the 40th day you need to feed the birds with bread crumbs.

2). On the night of January 7, draw an angel and cut it out of paper. Make a wish and draw one eye for the angel. It is very important! Hide the angel figurine. You will complete the second eye for the angel when you see and feel that your wish is being fulfilled. The ritual is very effective.

3). Christmas (January 7) is the time of fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3am on Christmas Day the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can only ask for yourself and not make wishes that could harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for a specific man either, you don’t know what the highest good is for this person)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and God help me
This night is truly magical - if you make a wish for Christmas while looking into the open sky, it will definitely come true!

4). On the afternoon of January 7, light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and repeat the prayer about your desire.

5). On Christmas night, find time to be alone and go outside, where it is dark.

If this is difficult to do, then stand alone by a window in a dark room. Listen to the sounds of the night, look into the depths of the starry sky, mentally connect with the Universe. At this moment there is no one nearby - you are alone with the Universe.

Now mentally keep in mind everything that you would like to receive next year. Set clear goals. Also focus on what you want to get rid of (or who). Be prepared to accept everything that comes after the fulfillment of these desires.

Covering your eyes with your palm, quietly list what you want to get rid of - and throw it away from yourself with your hand into the depths of the sky. Then, in the same way, covering your palm, list what you want to receive and throw these desires into Space.

And the third, important stage: upon entering the house, light a red candle. Place it in a place where it can safely burn to completion. Leave the candle to burn completely. It will serve as a beacon that attracts the realization of desires

Christmas magic to make wishes come true

They say that it is on the night of Christmas that something magical happens... as if magical forces descend on the Earth. It is on Christmas night and during Epiphany that all rituals come true much faster than on other days. Here is one such ritual:

At Christmas, you can ask fate to fulfill one of your most cherished wishes next year. You need to write this desire on a piece of paper and take a small candle. It is better to choose the color of the candle depending on the type of desire.

If the desire concerns love affairs, then you should definitely take a red candle; if you want to attract good health or material wealth, then take a green candle.

  • Blue candles (both in this spell and in general) are good for fatigue,
  • yellow - relieve stress,
  • brown - bring health,
  • pink represents romance and hobbies,
  • white ones are used mainly for fortune telling,
  • purple will help remove damage and heal a person,
  • blue candles are also used when reading prayers to remove damage, and also help strengthen a certain aspect of a person’s personality and cure a serious illness.

If the candle is initially large, it is better to trim it, since you will need to light it and, if possible, drip all the wax onto a piece of paper with a wish written on it. After this, you need to take a thread the color of the used candle and, folding the leaf into a square, tie it with this thread.

You should carry this package with you throughout the next year, because this little trick lasts for exactly a year and promises the fulfillment of your intended desire during this period.

Ritual to achieve a goal (for Christmas)

The ritual, simple to perform, but very effective in its occult power, will help you achieve your desired, cherished goal in the new year, fulfill everything that you have been dreaming about for so long and what you selflessly expect.

At the bottom of a deep plate (it should be without any drawings), use a green marker to reproduce the symbol below.

At 24 hours (on the night from January 6 to 7), pour a little holy water into a plate and immediately take it outside (to the yard or to the open balcony), let it sit until the morning.

Immediately after sunrise, bring it into the house (apartment). Light a small (thin) church candle and move it over the plate (clockwise), while reading the plot twelve times: “The Savior was born, the world was transformed, Salvation was found, the solution came.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help, help the slave (your name) solve the matter, achieve the goal, break through the obstacles. Let (briefly state the essence of the problem you want to solve) be decided according to Your word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the candle in a candlestick and let it burn to the end. And wash yourself thoroughly with water before you leave the house for the first time on January 7 (for any business).

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