Why do you dream about someone else’s family with children? “Why do you dream about family in a dream? If you see Family in a dream, what does it mean? Dream Interpretation: Family in a dream

Family is the main value of people. For most, creating a family is the meaning of life. Therefore, when many people see a family in a dream, they are not surprised or frightened. After all, it’s natural.

But everyone remembers that a dream is a prediction or personification of a person’s internal state. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what it means. This is necessary so that a person knows what events in life are worth preparing for.

To interpret a dream about a family, it is worth remembering the vision in detail.

Interpretation of the night plot based on the situations occurring in the vision:

  1. See the circle of family and friends. Psychologists say that a large happy and friendly family in night dreams reflects the dreamer’s real situation.

    This dream symbolizes the presence of a good, cheerful and friendly family that can support you at any time. This is a sign that you should value your loved ones, there is no need to offend them.

  2. See children among relatives. The dream has two interpretations:

    The dream prophesies joyful events.
    The second interpretation says that children in night dreams personify care and troubles. Therefore, this plot indicates that it is worth devoting more time to your family. They need care and attention from the dreamer.

  3. See relatives at the table. The night plot prophesies material well-being.
  4. I dreamed about it the large family, which is seated according to seniority. The vision has two interpretations:

    This vision indicates the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his life. Due to his upbringing, he cannot act meanly, so many of his dreams did not come true.

    The night plot indicates that a person can expect a change for the better. The sign indicates that there is no need to regret, because the sleeper has many good events ahead.

    The second interpretation claims that such a night plot promises an unmarried young lady a marriage proposal from her beloved guy.

    If a person doing business saw his relatives, then it is worth remembering the mood of his loved ones:

    If the emotions in night dreams are negative, then a difficult period will come in business.
    If the emotions are positive, then the business will be profitable.

  5. Look at your loved ones in a photo. Night vision has two interpretations:

    The first interpretation says that a photo with loved ones predicts success in all endeavors. Thanks to hard work, a person will achieve considerable heights.
    The second interpretation states that a photo with relatives promises a new addition to the family in the future.

  6. Photograph family to receive news.

  7. See death of a family member. This dream promises dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life. His life will change, he will lose the support of his family.

    A quarrel or conflict based on the dreamer’s beliefs will provoke discord in the family. If he wants to avoid conflict, he should not vehemently prove his point of view.

    A funeral is a tragic event that no person would want to see in a dream. But if the dreamer is “lucky enough” to witness a funeral in a night scene, it is worth remembering what the weather was like that day in the cemetery:

    If the sun was shining, then the whole family expects prosperity. The sign indicates that all relatives are in excellent health.
    Bad weather with rain, wind, and hail promises news of a relative’s illness.

    If the faces of people at the funeral are sad, then this plot personifies that the dreamer has envious people who want to harm him.

  8. I dreamed about it large family family. Such a plot indicates troubles, concerns and problems, the solution of which will take little time but a lot of effort.
  9. See poor family. Vision for improving financial situation.
  10. I dreamed about it someone else's family. Such a sign symbolizes participation in an interesting event.
  11. See royal family. Such a dream personifies a person’s desire to achieve high results in the financial industry. The dreamer wants to become rich and be recognized by the public.
  12. Family ex-husband or lover. The dream is interpreted based on the behavior of the ex-spouse’s relatives:

    If loved ones argue, then you should expect trouble.
    If there is no conflict in the dream, then good luck awaits the sleeper.

  13. See ex-spouse with new passion. The ex-husband's passion for another woman symbolizes that the woman, after a divorce or breakup, is ready for a new relationship. She survived the crisis of separation and is ready to become loved again.
  14. I dreamed about a family loved one. This vision should be regarded as a prediction for an early marriage. Soon the future wife will meet the relatives of her beloved man.

    It is worth paying attention to the mood of the relatives in the night scene:

    If they smiled, laughed and had fun, then in reality they would approve of the girl’s choice as a guy. Prosperity and happiness await the future family.
    If loved ones were gloomy, then in reality they will not approve of his choice. The family faces need and constant conflicts.

  15. Conflict among relatives promises a quarrel in reality.
  16. Fight in the family it is interpreted as a good event. In reality, the dreamer will have a harmonious relationship with his soulmate.
  17. Dreaming husband leaving the family. If your spouse leaves, then you should expect changes in your life.
  18. I dreamed that killed the whole family. Don't be afraid of this phenomenon. This is a sign predicting a quick journey.

Animal families

People often dream of families not of people, but of animals. You should not ignore this sign, because it can also portend something.

Interpretation based on the type of animal:

  1. Lvinoe the family prophesies that the dreamer will have many relatives and a strong family. But according to the plot, it is understood that the “head” of the couple will be the woman. She will lead and guide the man. But behind a strong character there will be a kind keeper of the hearth.
  2. Family bears prophesies that an unmarried young lady will meet a wealthy guy. The bear family predicts success in business for a man. If the little bear cubs growl, then this is a sign that one of the spouses in the dreamer's family wants to leave.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Aesop's Dream Book If you dreamed of the whole family sitting at the table, then this sign promises the recovery of a sick person. The illness will recede as quickly as it befell the patient.
Vanga's Dream Book Many children among relatives symbolize the improvement of the demographic situation in the world.
Women's dream book This is a sign of good health.
Maly Velesov Changes are to be expected.
Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong A fight in a night plot predicts harmony in relationships.
Swearing prophesies illness.
The division of property between spouses promises a quick divorce.
Dream Interpretation Tarot Expect quarrels among relatives.
Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse Expect an important family event.
Muslim dream book Such a vision expresses the dreamer’s desire for the birth of a baby.
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Dream interpretation family

Why do you dream about a family? The question is quite complex. Interpreters will not provide a definite answer, but personal characteristics of perception will tell you which prediction will be true.

For those whose childhood was carefree and happy, relatives in dreams represent support, support, confidence in the future, and tranquility.

Orphans may dream of a family as a sign indicating the need for communication and care. It will be possible to correctly interpret night travel if, before an important task, you remember all the sensations experienced in dreams, the general “setting” of the dream, and reproduce a complete picture with images and feasible actions.

Burdensome relationships between children and parents in reality can be reflected in the dreamer’s night dreams, where a plot with a family will evoke exclusively negative memories and unpleasant emotions.

What does the future hold?

Such a multifaceted symbol has many interpretations. To get a complete picture, it is necessary to consider not only the general interpretation, but also other features of the plot.

Parents and children dream

General interpretation of the sign

Several simple and common meanings provided to the sleeping person by well-known dream books will help you save time and understand the true signal of your own brain.

  • Seeing a friendly family in a dream, according to psychoanalyst Miller, is a good sign, indicating prevailing harmony in relationships with parents. The dream also promises good health and financial stability.
  • Small Velesov, an interpreter of dreams, insists that when in dreams one had to leave one’s family to the mercy of fate, then in reality the person would face dramatic changes.
  • As the esoteric dream book is convinced, a family having fun symbolizes upcoming pleasant events, joyful moments, and long-awaited meetings.
  • Quarrels between relatives that occur according to the vision scenario foreshadow the dreamer with various sorrows and disappointments, the dream book of Bitches interprets.
  • The Wanderer’s interpreter says: for an entrepreneur, dreamed relationships with relatives are identified with the state of finances.

I dream about quiet evenings

Unity with a lover, the desire to procreate, soon after a dream of calm family evenings will visit a young girl, says the modern dream book.

Gatherings with relatives

By thinking and meeting your father, mother, sisters or brothers every day, your brain begins to perceive their image as an integral part of your life. For this reason, dreams about family are not unique, but each detail will tell about your condition.

Those who in reality dream of a future family not only care about their own well-being, but also pay attention to those close to them.

Often dreams of this kind are visited by the image of children. An upset baby in dreams will indicate the existing boundary in communication between the sleeping person and the person close to his heart. You can’t fool a child, so a joyful little boy reaching out to you predicts only a good future: good news, love, success, stable profits.

If the whole family gathered at the dinner table in a dream, all endeavors will be crowned with success and positive emotions will be guaranteed.

Seeing your ex-boyfriend's parents in a dream

Old acquaintances

For most of us, mother and father are the authority; their opinion is listened to in childhood, and wise advice helps to cope with “adult” problems.

  • When the family turns away from you in the story, it means that in reality any actions you have taken are contrary to the promises you made.
  • Dreaming about your ex-boyfriend's family? Non-conflicting relatives on the lover’s side promise a peaceful life; distressed parents warn of troubles.
  • Dramatic changes are coming, reality will be turned upside down, - this is how a family interpreter analyzes night visions where all relatives gather to discuss an important issue.
  • A dreamer who does not recognize his own household will face a serious test of fate in reality, which only a sincere, honest person can pass.

Women dream of relatives discussing their personal lives before a man appears with the intention of proposing marriage.

New family

Dreams of gloomy fathers-in-law

As the general dream book interprets, the new family of a former lover symbolizes liberation from the oppression of memories, peace of mind.

For newlyweds, dreams about the family of the other half are a good sign, since father and mother mean that the partner will be a devoted spouse, will become a support, a reliable companion for many years.

The dream book gives the opposite prediction to the groom’s gloomy parents. Such a dream warns: a future marriage will not bring happiness, the days will drag on, accompanied by constant quarrels.

Plot features

Why do you dream about your ex’s family? The interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima will indicate that unpleasant memories will soon come flooding back and the girl will be deprived of peace in reality.

A dreamed relative may hint at an unpleasant character trait that is inherent in a close friend.

Did you happen to be a member of another family? Don't worry, fate has prepared a test that you can handle.

A person who has been dreamed of by the royal or royal family is trying to achieve public recognition in reality.

Dreaming about the family of an ex-boyfriend is a symbol of destroyed hopes, unfulfilled promises.

Seeing a family photo in a dream

Family photo

It happens that in front of a sleeping person there are not people in the flesh, but just a photograph. What should you do if you have to look at old photographs in your dreams or leaf through a family photo album?

  • One of the main meanings of a dream with a father and mother in a photograph will be a hint of the dreamer’s longing for his native land.
  • Did you dream about your family on the eve of an important meeting? The event will give the expected result, the sleeping person will get what she wants in reality.
  • The smiling people in the picture represent success and rapid career growth.
  • The interpreter hints at the addition of a family if there is an empty space for one more person in the photograph.

Looking at your own photograph is an unfavorable symbol, promising troubles in life, and choosing a good pose for a family portrait in dreams is a sign of groundless conflicts.

Mother of many children

The dream of a boy from a poor large family will tell about plans that are not destined to come true, hints interpreter N. Grishina.

According to the Chinese dream book, you may dream about a friendly, unfamiliar family before attending a party or participating in a cultural event.

I dreamed about parents with many children

According to the interpreter Zhou-Gong, almost all dreams carry the opposite meaning to the one shown. Thus, a poor family will indicate future benefits, while chic and brilliance, on the contrary, predict poverty.

The seer Vanga interprets a lot of children running around the yard as a lot of upcoming troubles.

To cope with all the misfortunes, the dreamer will have to spend a huge amount of time and energy, the interpreter warns.

Funeral procession

The unpleasant dream of the whole family gathering at the funeral of a relative, surprisingly, also carries a secret, sometimes sacred meaning.

When, according to the scenario, all the relatives came to the funeral of the wise ancestor, the future prepares joyful surprises for everyone present at the procession.

I saw swearing and quarrels

Family life has become boring, the dreamer intends to leave the family if scandals are often dreamed of, Maya interprets the dream book.

The interpreter also assures that an attempt to improve relations may be crowned with success, but this will be possible only if there are sincere feelings.

You may dream of a fight with your lover as a symbol of the restoration of justice, future peace - such an extraordinary prediction is provided by Aesop’s interpreter.

Any omissions or lies will still “emerge” in reality after a dream about swearing. Did you see a scandal? Think about it, perhaps you haven’t spent much time with your children or your lover lately.

Beast pack

The inner world of a person is still subject to animal instincts, which are inherent in nature.

The lion family is dreamed of, predicting a long lineage and a large number of heirs. For women, this is a good harbinger, because the future husband will take on the main work of getting food. After such a dream, men will feel more confident; they will have a faithful companion next to them.

Find out from the online dream book what Family dreams about by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you dream about family in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Family in a dream?

Family - Seeing someone's happy family is a sign of health and favorable circumstances. However, if you saw in a dream that there was illness and disagreement in someone’s family, then in reality you will be disappointed.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about family?

Family - leave family - Changes.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Family: interpretation of the image

Family - Discord, quarrels, disagreements among relatives

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Family from your dream

Family - For a businessman - the state of his own commercial business.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Family - New venture and plans; seeing your own is an important family event.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Family - Symbolizes unity and support, on the one hand, and on the other, the root of evil: a person’s enemies, his family…

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about Family?

Seeing someone's friendly and happy family in a dream is a harbinger of good health and prosperity. If there is neither peace nor health in this family, despondency and disappointment await you.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about Family

A dream in which you are sitting at a common table or otherwise having a great time with your family suggests that in the near future you will experience pleasant events in your personal life that can radically change your life for the better. Such a dream promises you a sudden and very profitable offer to connect your life with a worthy person. If you dreamed that you were quarreling with your family, it means that you are about to experience some kind of trouble that will be associated with the dishonesty or frivolity of your partner. It may happen that your loved one will force you to be disappointed in him.

Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

Family according to Chinese ancient books:

Family - Husband and wife beat each other, fight - Foretells the imminent establishment of harmonious relationships. Husband and wife feasting together - portends separation. Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness. Husband and wife share hairpins, head decorations - Foretells separation in the near future. Traveling with your wife - portends a loss of wealth.

Hugging your spouse - portends a joyful situation. Connecting with your wife - Speaks of the existence of otherworldly influences, enchantments, obsessions. Sitting with your wife - portends great joy. Hug your husband - portends a happy event. The wife gives her husband water - portends happiness. Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends separation. Having sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of wealth. The wife puts on brocade clothes - portends the birth of a noble offspring. The wife is pregnant - She says that she has connections on the side. You see your wife’s genitals - portends an altercation.

Seeing your wife's naked body portends great happiness. The naked body of a man - portends good luck according to fate. Parting with brothers - portends a squabble. Hugging your son or daughter - portends a squabble. Death of a son - Speaks of a verbal quarrel. You see a newborn son or daughter - portends great happiness. Seeing a marriage ceremony or children worshiping their parents - portends misfortune. A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - Misfortune.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Family

A family seen in a dream is a symbol that symbolizes unity and support, on the one hand, and on the other, the root of evil, which is laid in a person from birth. To see all your family members at one table in a dream - expect good news from a distant relative; to replenish the family; to the recovery of one of the family members.

To dream of a big scandal that turns into a cold war in the family - this dream indicates the remorse that you feel towards your family and relatives; to an important responsible meeting that will bring satisfaction; meet a good, peace-loving person. To dream that your family is seated at a large table according to seniority - this dream means that you are thinking about the problems of education; to dissatisfaction with the current situation; to a pleasant surprise.

To dream of a treasure that you dug up while digging a well in the courtyard of your house - you underestimate what you have; unrest will cause harm; easy money will not help solve the problem; Don’t look for adventures - they will harm not only you, but also your loved ones. To dream that your children are quarreling and fighting, and when you seat them in different corners, they are rushing towards each other - do not rush to give a negative answer; strict measures are not appropriate in resolving an issue that haunts you; take care of your family’s nerves - you have to work a lot and hard.

To dream that you had a sick child and he was given a disability degree means you are too impressionable, so you complicate your life with non-existent problems; your fears are in vain, live and enjoy life; It's time for you to pay attention to your health.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream about Family, what does it symbolize?

Family - Relationships in childhood have a significant influence on the basic characteristics of behavior and experiences from which all future opportunities and relationships originate. Family members may not be represented directly, but through images and symbols. If a family member appears in images, he represents himself or corresponds to the basic archetype that is emerging in the individual (the image of fatherhood, motherhood, etc.).

Love, rivalry and the struggle for individuality and independence exist in every family, and only later in ontogenesis do they meet in real life. The fact that they appear again and again in dreams proves their significance. In addition, we know that the structures of the Ego and Super Ego are structured from the deep unconscious precisely as a result of family relationships. Therefore, everything related to the family also reflects individual personality traits.

The unconscious connection of all family members with each other leads to the fact that many aspects of behavior or experiences can coincide to such an extent that it even resembles telepathy. In particular, the analytical process of an individual directly affects the behavior of other family members, even if the individual himself does not tell them about the essence of the changes occurring to him.

Triangle (family and love). The basic geometry of relationships in a family is a triad, including mother, father and child: love for a parent of the opposite sex and rivalry with a same-sex parent are often mixed with pronounced hostility and jealousy. This emotional pattern exists throughout life and is reflected in dreams. Probably, the long-term existence of a love triangle is the result of a transfer of the family triad to the relationship systems.

Love and the projection of love beyond the family. Passionate love and loving relationships often appear in dreams as incestuous. However, it is not easy to project love between mother and son, between father and daughter, brother and sister onto a lover or beloved, this is often only an ideal, hence the difficulties and obstacles that are characteristic of these dreams. At the moment of love, one of the family members interferes with her. The individual is emotionally involved with a person who interferes with his sexual relationship. If family members suddenly appear at a time when the individual is sexually aroused, this may mean that the new sexual partner is associated with a forbidden incestuous relationship. A family member who is constantly present in dreams, or a family member who does not appear even if the whole family is present. Long-term love for a given person (appearing in dreams). Avoidance of incestuous relationships with a person who is constantly absent in dreams. One of the reasons that a certain person never appears in dreams is that the individual avoids homosexual tendencies.

The struggle for individuality and independence in the family. The desire of parents to suppress their child often increases the child's competitive desires and jealousy. On the contrary, the child’s pronounced desires cause opposition from the parents, which manifests itself in dreams. In general, most of us in childhood, in connection with this, went through the desire for the death of one of our parents or hatred towards him. The individual rebels against his parents; or his parents die. The time has come to separate from your parents and implement your own capabilities and decisions. Thus, getting rid of parents is a simple but powerful image of the destruction of attachment and dependence. The desire to become an adult and free from family shackles, but also fears about the loss of security, which is often combined with the guilt of leaving the family. Dreams can depict the need to develop independence in different ways: in later stages, new relationships develop based on a new stage of maturation. The staged nature, in particular, is clearly visible in the development of the mythology of the prodigal son, in which the process of separation is followed by the process of return.

Discrediting a parent in the family: the father is drunk, the mother is a fallen woman. The hopeless dependence of an individual on his father or mother as a result of admiration, respect and love. The dream seeks to correct these relationships by discrediting the ideal image. Murder of a parent. The most radical expression of the need for independence; may often demonstrate significant difficulty in achieving freedom.

Rivalry between two brothers; or two sisters in the family. Based on the fear of being rejected by one of the parents while preferring the other brother or sister. Sibling jealousy. Older brother. Someone who acts as an influential opponent. Family as a complex of archetypal images. First impressions of father and mother contribute to the formation of central archetypes, as well as to a certain image of fatherhood and motherhood - the actual father and mother can be symbols of these trends in the development of ideas about one’s own fatherhood or motherhood. On the one hand, parents give life, but, on the other hand, they limit the child’s freedom. Therefore, the father can become in dreams a symbol not only of the conscious masculine principle, but of authoritarianism, as well as conscience. The mother is a symbol of motherhood, kindness and protection, but also destructiveness in case of her hyperprotection towards the child. In addition, the mother is associated with the development of a feeling of shame, and the father is associated with a feeling of guilt when moral norms are violated. This approach to family problems allows us to consider family members as archetypal figures. For example, a man protesting against his father by yelling at him may be seen as protesting against the masculine principles of himself.

A woman who comes into constant conflict with her father and criticizes him is actually speaking out against the masculine principles in herself. In both cases, it is useful to advise you to listen to your own Animus, which can be useful in solving current problems. A mother who turns into a sister, a wife. Anima of the individual. Brother or father turns into lover. Her animus. Man's brother, woman's sister. Shadow. This is a typical pattern of struggle between brothers, harkening back to Cain and Abel, and in the Russian tradition the theme of competition between sisters in the Tale of Tsar Saltan is similar. If there is no brother (sister), then the theme of two brothers resembles a moral conflict between good and evil.

  • Relatives are significant figures both in real life and in dreams. For this reason, interpreting dreams with relatives present is not an easy task. There are hundreds of different possible interpretations, which may be based on the dream script or the laws of classical psychology. The reason for the predominance of dreams about FAMILY is the desire of each person to answer the question of what state of affairs in the family is “normal”, and then apply the acquired knowledge in practice. A huge number of clients undergo psychological treatment courses, basing their complaints on the desire to “have a normal family” or “a normal marriage.” This idea comes from our relatives and how well they do or do not fit our definition of normal. Dreams about family can strengthen or undermine our “normal” perception of family. Relationships within the extended family are important for the development of family concepts and traditions. As you mature and challenge the concept of "normal" to fit your own views on life, these traditions either become more deeply ingrained in your consciousness or conflict with your own ideas. The responsibilities of family members, as well as the order and schedule for carrying out certain tasks, depend on the leverage that exists in the “extended family”. As a result, we create our own family history, which determines our true position within this unit of society and outlines its position in our worldview. At the archetype level, dreams involving relatives can be interpreted as the desire of the dreamer to see how he interacts with a large human community consisting of relatives. To interpret dreams of this kind, it is necessary to determine which of the relatives took part in the dream, and also to establish whether they are actually alive: often deceased relatives continue to live in our dreams. Usually there are the following reasons for this: either the action taking place in the dream reminds you of the ritual aspects of the relationship with this relative, or your relationship with him remains unclear. As a rule, dreams about relatives REPEAT from time to time. Such a repetition may have PROPHETIC or historical significance, especially if the central figures in the dream are relatives with whom you have friction on an emotional level, or there are concerns about their health. In the case of friction on the emotional level, the dream can indicate the cause of this friction and indicate the possibility of eliminating it. In the case of some relatives with precarious health, a dream can warn of the impending DEATH of a family member. The place and reason for the appearance of relatives in a dream are important for their interpretation. For example, if in your dream there are only women doing things that they traditionally did together, this may mean that you are reuniting with your family in some new capacity. Here are some interpretations of this dream:
  • 1. Reluctance to join women in their work is a hint of a contradictory attitude towards family traditions.
  • 2. Joining a group consisting exclusively of people of the opposite sex - confusion with determining one's place in the family.
  • 3. Joining a group of family members who have a common unique characteristic, for example: all are bald, all have cancer, all are widowers, all are single, etc. - indicates identification with such a group or fear of sharing fate with those for whom you feel pity or sadness.
  • Despite the fact that family members are significant figures, in a dream they can carry different meanings. The free associations you often have in this regard are the key to unraveling their influence on your sleep and the meaning of this influence. Typical figures of family members, such as FATHERS and MOTHERS (or their images), are iconic in dreams. Regardless of the attitude towards them, they were the first people who influenced the formation of our personality, which includes our reaction to the world around us, as well as self-esteem and internal value system. Thus, another significant aspect of dreams involving relatives is the reflection of the positive or negative influence of individual relatives on the formation of your EGO and PERSONAL strengths. Your strengths and weaknesses often manifest themselves alternately across generations. For example, in one generation the father expresses his ANGER quite violently. In the next generation, anger falls into the TABOO category and is not expressed at all. In this regard, dreams about one parent have a compensatory effect. Sometimes in a dream you can see a family member close to you in an unusual environment (for example, scuba diving in the company of your grandmother). As a rule, dreams of this kind are replete with many other symbols and images that indicate its true meaning.

The article on the topic: “dream book family photo” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Seers interpret in different ways what photography is meant for in dreams. If the picture shows you, this indicates an excessive fixation on your problems: boring work, the tediousness of your significant other, flaws in your appearance - you notice flaws everywhere. The dream book recommends learning to find positivity in everything that happens. Life will be much easier this way.

Miller's interpretation

A photograph in a dream is a symbol of deception. Seeing an image of an admirer means that they are trying to win you over, but in reality the admirer does not harbor the feelings that he is demonstrating.

The dream book for a family man for possessing someone else's photograph predicts the exposure of a secret conspiracy.

But Miller deciphers his own photo in a dream as accidental harm to himself and others.

Other options

Looking at the pictures foretells that some unexpected incident will happen. The dream book cannot say for sure whether it will be joyful or not. But by being positive, you increase the likelihood of favorable developments.

Why do you dream of a photograph with a dead person? A letter with good news will arrive soon.

An old photograph in a dream foreshadows the discovery of a conspiracy that happened a long time ago. On the one hand, this will allow you to look at events from a different angle. But on the other hand, the dream book recommends leaving the past and living in the present, setting goals and achieving them, and not delving into the past.

A photo of a loved one in a dream means that the person is not your soul mate. The dream is inspired by the Guardian Angel, he gives you time to accept this fact and soften the pain of parting.

Why do you dream about pictures of children? Soon there will be an unexpected but joyful meeting with an old friend or childhood friend. A pleasant pastime will be remembered for a long time.

In a dream, photographs of strangers, glimpsed, foreshadow: you will become a victim of scammers, you will believe in false promises. But if in a dream you had to look at photographs of strangers, in reality they will trust you with a secret or ask you to help in a delicate matter.

The dream book interprets wedding photos extremely negatively. It is very likely that your lover has a wife who is unaware of the betrayal. Find out the truth, and if everything is confirmed, break up with the liar. But for the wife, this plot in a dream is an opportunity to improve family relationships.

A young woman looking at an album with photographs in a dream is prophesied: several men will court her. Seers recommend taking a close look at each person in order to accurately determine which of them is the betrothed. The dream book predicts that if you make the right choice, you will have a long, happy family life.

Your photograph in a dream foretells improved financial well-being as a result of receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. However, if you closely examine the features of your face, the dream book recommends taking care of your health; the risk of getting sick is extremely high.

In the dream, the picture shows a man. If you know him in reality, it means that you want to be together, because you are tired of the lack of stability. Sometimes the dream book interprets this plot as sadness for the past, for relationships that existed before.

In some cases, a photo in a dream means that you do not notice that the situation has changed and are acting based on outdated information. Take a closer look at the actions of those around you - recommends Felomena’s dream book - perhaps the motives for their actions will become clearer, and you will look at many things differently.

Crumpling or tearing pictures in a dream foretells the end of communication with one of your relatives or friends.

Family according to the dream book

Seeing your family in a dream is so natural that often such dreams do not have a wicked meaning. Family problems, anxieties and joys are simply reflected in the images of loved ones. At the same time, certain plots are interpreted ambiguously, and sometimes, explaining why this or that event is dreamed of, dream books give very unexpected interpretations.

The circle of relatives is perceived by people as a symbol of unity, support, and at the same time, from childhood, it is in the family that they see the cause of all their misfortunes.

Some dreams about family represent a foretaste of joy, others are full of gloomy forecasts, but in most cases, they have a positive interpretation.

Why is the whole family dreaming? This, as a rule, is precisely a projection of what is happening in reality. The fact that a person sees everyone nearby speaks of unity, support, peace among family, which is naturally interpreted by the dream book as happiness, longevity, health and success in business.

The dream book gives an allegorical interpretation of what family and children dream about. The image of children as an object of care arises when a person latently feels that through his words or actions he has offended someone at home, or that he does not care enough about them. However, if children were the main characters in this dream, then this foreshadows good news or events.

Seeing a family at the table in a dream means complete well-being, material wealth, and health. Aesop's dream book foreshadows the recovery of the patient, receiving news from distant relatives, and an addition to the family.

If everyone is seated at the table according to seniority, such a hierarchy indicates the relevance of the problem of education. The person is dissatisfied with the current situation, but changes and interesting turns in his personal life await him. An unmarried girl will soon receive a flattering marriage proposal.

For a business person who is completely immersed in business, the image of relatives in a dream is, first of all, his business. It is from this position that his dreams should be interpreted.

Photos with relatives

Looking at a photograph of a family in a dream promises great achievements, success in life, and possibly adding to the family. Taking a photograph of the family yourself means receiving important news.

But the dream book interprets unfavorably why you dream of being photographed together with all your relatives - according to the dream book, this promises family discord. Looking at yourself in a common photograph in a dream is a sign that you should better keep your secrets.

Funeral of relatives

Explaining why one dreams of the death of a family member, dream books interpret this event as impending dramatic changes, a loss of support from relatives. Communication with relatives will be interrupted due to a quarrel or moving.

Why dream that the funeral of a family member takes place on a warm sunny day - this is a sign of the well-being and good health of all relatives, but if the weather is inclement - rain, wind or cold, then the dreamer will receive news about a sick relative, or business will decline.

Seeing sorrow on the faces of relatives in a dream means that they have ill-wishers who can cause trouble.

Poor and large families

Why do you dream about a large family with many children? Seeing many children in a dream, according to the interpretation of Vanga’s dream book, foreshadows a lot of small but urgent problems, the solution of which will require a lot of effort and time from the dreamer. On a planetary scale, Vanga predicts an increase in the birth rate.

Jou Gong's dream book explains why a poor family dreams. If a family lives very poorly in a dream, this promises wealth and happiness in reality.

Other people's families

Seeing someone else's, completely unfamiliar, friendly family in a dream foreshadows participation in a wonderfully organized holiday; to be a member of it - a person strives for the better by any means.

If a person dreams of a royal or royal family, and he sees himself as a member of it, why is this dreaming? Loff's dream book interprets this as a desire to establish himself in the financial sector or achieve public recognition.

The family of an ex-boyfriend, if no one quarrels in a dream, promises good luck, if his relatives are in strife and poverty - trouble.

Why does an ex-husband dream about a new family? Dream books predict that the woman has managed to shed the burden of the past and will have a wonderful time with loved ones.

New relatives

Why do you dream about your loved one’s family? This is a good sign because the girl knows the guy’s relatives, and this is a sign of a serious relationship. In reality, the girl will soon be trying on an engagement ring.

If everyone in the groom’s family was cheerful, then the future family will be happy and strong. If his relatives were unhappy in a dream, dream books interpret this as dissatisfaction with his son’s choice. This dream also predicts financial problems for a young couple, which will be difficult to solve without the help of relatives. The daughter-in-law will have to find a common language with new relatives.

Discord between relatives

Maya's dream book, interpreting why a quarrel in a family is dreamed of, predicts discord, and, in order to prevent it, advises giving everyone small symbolic gifts.

If in a dream there are scandals in the family, turning into stubborn confrontation, Aesop’s dream book interprets this as repentance to relatives for unseemly actions. This is also a sign of an upcoming meeting with a wise person, which will bring peace.

Any conflicts with relatives in a dream are reflected in reality as quarrels and disappointments. But a fight in the family is interpreted as the establishment of good, harmonious relationships.

Explaining why one dreams of a husband leaving the family, dream books talk about upcoming big changes in life.

Beast Clans

Sometimes in a dream, relatives appear in an allegorical animal form. In the subconscious of people, images of totem animals are preserved as the personification of the clan, and therefore dreams about a pride of lions or a bear family are projected by dream books onto the fate of the human family.

A family of lions can predict that a person will have a large family. This dream tells both men and women that their spouse will be the leader; she, like a lioness, will keep everything under control. The images of a lioness and lion cubs symbolize prosperity and abundance in the home.

The family of bears predicts a pleasant and promising acquaintance with a wealthy young man for a young unmarried girl.

For a man, a she-bear with cubs promises good luck in gambling and business. If bears growl and try to attack, this portends discord between spouses due to betrayal.

Dream Interpretation

Family photo

Dream Interpretation Family Photography dreamed of why you dream about a Family photo? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Family photograph in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation

Family photo

Dream Interpretation Family photo dreamed of why you dream about a Family photo? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Family photo in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation family photo

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Why do you dream about photography, Vanga’s dream book

I dreamed of a photograph of a loved one - a dream of separation from him.

If you dream of a photograph in a frame of a person you know, with whom you often see, a misfortune may happen to him.

If you dreamed of a photo of a person far away, you will hear news about him.

A black and white photograph without a face is a dream in memory of your distant past, something will remind you of it.

In addition, old photographs may appear in a dream to represent events related to elderly members of your family.

A very clear, unusually sharp old photograph can foretell in a dream the death of the person depicted on it (or one of a group of people depicted).

Seeing photos of strangers in a dream means fleeting meetings that, despite their short duration, will leave a deep mark on the soul.

Seeing yourself in a photograph, looking at yourself and discovering differences from your current appearance is a sign of changes, the nature of which may be hinted at by the changes that have occurred. For example, if your photograph surprised you in a dream with its youth and beauty, something will awaken spring in your soul. But, if your photographs in a dream showed an older age, something will make you very worried. Pay attention to possible changes in individual facial features.

Looking at your childhood photographs in a dream means longevity.

But, if the dream of a childhood photograph made you sad, then in reality you will be overcome by melancholy and regrets about the past.

Looking at family photographs in a dream means changes in family composition. Whether a happy or sad event will happen in reality in your life depends on how your family photo made you feel in your dream.

If you dreamed about a photo from a wedding, you have something to think about in terms of strengthening your relationship.

Seeing a photo of a dead person in a dream means thinking about the meaning of life and what you managed to do and what you didn’t have time to do.

In addition, if you dreamed of a photograph of a person who died a violent death or as a result of an accident, then the dream may be a hint that in reality you should avoid such circumstances.

Looking for a photograph of a person in a dream means bad news about him.

If a young girl dreams of a photograph of her father, then she will receive a marriage proposal.

Tearing up photographs in a dream means a decisive break in relationships or no less decisive changes in your own life.

If a young man dreams of an unfamiliar girl in a photo in a wedding dress, then he will very soon meet the one whom he will love for the rest of his life and make him his wife.

If you dreamed of a photograph according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Looking at photographs of your family and photos that capture different moments of your life in a dream is a sign of thinking about your destiny.

A photograph of yourself in a frame symbolizes a selfish act.

But, if it caused you displeasure, you didn’t like how you turned out on it, then in life you will be dissatisfied with yourself and your achievements.

If you dreamed of a photograph of a deceased person, remember what this person told you during his lifetime. Perhaps some of his words or advice will be extremely useful to you now.

Looking at photos of strangers in a dream is a warning about some impending danger. Try to remember their common features and be extremely careful if you meet someone similar to them in real life.

Giving a photo to someone in a dream means separation in reality.

If a woman dreams of a photograph of her husband and he is smiling happily in it, something bad may happen to him in reality.

Tearing a photograph of someone you know means a major quarrel with him.

Seeing photographs of your boyfriend with another girl in a dream is a hint that he really has personal interests on another “front”.

Looking at photographs of a friend in a dream is a sign that one of you two will need the help of the other.

For a girl, showing her photo to a friend means a quarrel over her loved one, the cause of which will be your excessive frankness and habit of discussing with her all the vicissitudes of your personal life.

Why do you dream about photography - esoteric dream book

Seeing other people's photos of smiling, happy people in a dream is a sign of envy.

If a woman dreams of a photo of a man who is unfamiliar to her in life, she should avoid dating representatives of the opposite sex of this type of appearance.

If another man dreams of a photograph of a man who is unfamiliar in reality, this means that he has a strong rival in reality.

A photograph with a loved one, alas, is a sign of separation or a quarrel with him.

It is especially unfavorable for married dreamers if they dreamed of wedding photographs (from their wedding) - this means that clouds have begun to appear on your family horizon, but you should remember that everything is in your hands. However, if you dream of photographs that are not those that you have in reality, but some completely different ones, and you look happy in them, then, on the contrary, a “new spring” is planned in your relationship.

I dreamed of a photo of the deceased - some future event will be associated with his name.

Why do you dream about photographs, Longo’s dream book

If you dreamed of photographs of people you know, you will either soon meet them by chance, or hear very interesting news about them.

Dreaming of your childhood photographs is a sign that your problems lie in the past. Perhaps you should think carefully about this in reality.

If you dreamed about a loved one in a photo, you will receive a pleasant surprise from him.

For a girl, a photograph of a stranger symbolizes the appearance of a rival.

Seeing yourself in a photograph is a call to look at yourself and your behavior from the outside.

Why do you dream about photography - modern dream book

Carefully examining your photograph in a dream is evidence that you like to delve into yourself and do it with excessive zeal. More optimism!

Looking at other people's photographs reflecting some events is a sign of change. Perhaps in these photographs you will be able to find a clue, and whether these changes will be good or bad will be told to you by your mood in the plot of the dream.

A photograph of a deceased person foreshadows the receipt of a letter, and in the most classic, handwritten form.

Look at photos according to the dream book

The dream book calls a vision where you look at photographs a harbinger of meetings, positive emotions, and a new surge of feelings. But such actions in a dream warn of deception, troubles, and some danger. The details will tell you what the plot is about.

New meetings, gifts, joy

Looking at photographs in an album in a dream means you will soon meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time and haven’t heard from.

Also, the dream plot promises joyful events ahead that can bring positive emotions.

Why dream of looking at your own childhood photos? The dream book promises: you will receive an unexpected gift from your loved ones. This pleasant surprise will make you happy, like in childhood.

Difficulties in relationships

Did the girl happen to look at a photograph of a stranger in a dream? This means: she needs to be wary of the appearance of a rival.

If a woman dreamed that she received a photograph of her lover, as the dream book indicates, he does not love her, but only uses her materially, and besides, he has an eye on pretty girls.

Hello from the past

Have you seen the photo of your best friend? Hear from her. What they will be like depends on the appearance of the friend in the picture.

Looking at old photographs in a dream means the sleeper learns about some family secret that was hidden from him for a long time. Such news can radically change a person's outlook on life.

Did you dream of looking at photographs from a family album - old, yellowed? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: events related to the past will soon happen. You may find out about relatives you didn’t know about until now.

Need to work on myself

Why dream of looking at old photographs that capture various moments of life? The dream book explains: you will think about your own destiny.

Have you looked at your photo card and admired it? The dream book explains: this is a reflection of your inner egoism. Try to moderate it, because in your intimate life you put your own pleasure above all else. This can lead to conflicts, since there are not many people in the world who constantly strive to indulge someone else's whims.

What were the photographs like?

Remember what photos you saw:

  • family - a reminder of relatives from whom you are separated;
  • your children's - to longevity;
  • wedding - tension in relationships, but everything is fixable;
  • with colleagues - troubles at work, quarrels;
  • events - some official event is to be organized;
  • unfamiliar places - an unfamiliar face will invite you on a journey.

To see photographs from your own wedding in a dream, but not the ones that exist, but some others where you are happy and smiling - in reality a new flowering of feelings is planned.

Miller's Dream Book: deception ahead

Did you dream of looking at photographs of strangers? This means: soon someone will try to deceive you.

Be careful: possible danger

Why dream of looking at other people's photographs? In reality, the dreamer learns a secret that is indifferent to him. But for a person who has entrusted his secret information, this is very important. You need to show your participation and not disclose this information.

Looking at photographs of strangers in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a warning of danger. It is advisable to remember them and exercise caution when meeting someone similar in reality.

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