How to make pipe cleaners from minced meat and rice. Hedgehog meat cutlets

It's no secret that meatballs are often called meat "hedgehogs". And this is no coincidence. It is a round-shaped minced meat product with rice grains protruding from it in different directions. To get the desired result, you need to know in advance how to properly make meat “hedgehogs”.

The recipe for this dish is not the only one. There are many different options that differ in ingredients: type of meat, composition of minced meat and cooking method (in the oven or in a frying pan). In addition, “hedgehogs” are usually made with sauce or aromatic gravy. As an example, it is worth considering several interesting options.

“Hedgehogs” in a pan with tomato

Novice cooks should first try the simplest recipe - meat “hedgehogs” stewed in tomato. This option does not require any special knowledge or professional training. Everything is done very simply and quite quickly.

To work, you will need a minimum set of products: 400 grams of minced meat (from any meat), a quarter glass of raw rice, half an onion and 250 grams of tomato sauce.

Cooking process:

  1. The onion must be chopped on a coarse grater, and then mixed with rice and minced meat, adding salt and any spices.
  2. Roll the resulting mass into medium-sized balls and place them in a pan.
  3. Pour the tomato over the products, and then add enough water so that the liquid completely covers the semi-finished products.
  4. Simmer covered for 30 minutes over low heat.

The results are cute and very tasty meat “hedgehogs”, the recipe for which is easy to remember. This dish is perfect for when the time available for cooking is limited.

“Hedgehogs” from a steamer

Anyone who doesn’t like all kinds of sauces or gravies can steam meat “hedgehogs”. The recipe is ideal for an everyday menu. For such a dish you need the simplest ingredients: 250 grams of chicken and beef fillet, salt, onion, 150 grams of long grain rice, 100 grams of loaf pulp and pepper.

Preparing these balls is not at all difficult:

  1. First you need to prepare the minced meat. To do this, pass both fillets, onions and loaves (pre-soaked in water) through a meat grinder.
  2. Add spices and mix well.
  3. Form balls from the prepared mixture.
  4. Roll them in raw rice cereal.
  5. Place the pieces on the steamer rack and cook for 40 minutes. No additional intervention is required.

At the end of cooking, you get lovely balls strewn with white “spines”. Outwardly, they resemble small hedgehogs. The products must be carefully removed with a spoon, and then served to the table in their pure form, with sour cream or fresh vegetables.

Meat balls in a slow cooker

There is another very similar recipe. Meat “hedgehogs” with steamed rice can also be prepared using a multicooker. This dish is perfect for diet or baby food. According to the recipe, to prepare it you need to have: 400 grams of minced meat, half a glass of rice, 1 egg, a little salt, black pepper and ½ onion.

Prepare the dish step by step:

  1. Place measured amount of minced meat into a bowl. You can take a ready-made semi-finished product or make it yourself.
  2. Add washed and dried round rice.
  3. Break an egg.
  4. Add onion chopped in a blender.
  5. Add spices to taste and stir.
  6. Form balls from the resulting mass.
  7. Place them on a steaming rack. The workpieces must be placed at a distance from each other so that they do not stick together.
  8. Pour two liters of water into the multicooker bowl.
  9. Place a grid with balls on top.

10. Close the lid and cook for 60 minutes in the “double boiler” mode.

Finished products can be served with any side dish. To make the hedgehogs softer, it is better to use poultry meat. Pork or beef are suitable for juicy balls.

Classic version

For those who are trying the dish for the first time, it is better to try the classic recipe first. In this case, meat “hedgehogs” with rice are cooked in a frying pan in tomato and sour cream sauce. For this option you need: half a kilogram of minced meat, an onion, salt, a glass of long-grain rice and ground pepper.

For filling: 200 grams of sour cream, salt, a glass of water, pepper and 30 grams of tomato paste.

Cooking technology:

  1. Chop the onion as much as possible.
  2. Soak the rice in water for an hour in advance or boil it al dente.
  3. Collect all the ingredients for the “hedgehogs” in one container and mix well.
  4. Make fairly large balls with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters from the resulting mass.
  5. Place them in a deep frying pan.
  6. Make a filling from the prepared components and pour it over the workpieces so that the liquid practically covers the products.
  7. Simmer for half an hour covered.

The result is aromatic and very tender balls with “spikes” of rice, which are usually liked by both children and adults.

Hedgehogs from the oven

It’s even easier to make meat “hedgehogs” in the oven. A recipe without sauce is good because it requires a minimum of time and labor to prepare the dish. Also, not everyone likes gravy or any liquid additions. To prepare such a dish, you will need: 500 grams of minced meat (mixed), a glass of rice and the same amount of meat broth, pepper (ground), a large onion, 40 grams of butter, salt and a little flour.

Method for preparing hedgehogs:

  1. Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked, and then drain it in a colander to drain all the liquid.
  2. Transfer the minced meat into a mixing container.
  3. Add the processed rice there.
  4. Add diced onion. It will make the balls juicier.
  5. Add spices and mix it all well.
  6. Form even balls from the prepared mixture.
  7. Dip them in flour and fry in a frying pan in butter.
  8. Place the balls into a mold and fill with broth.
  9. Cover with a lid and place in the oven for 20 minutes. In this case, the temperature inside the chamber should already be 180 degrees. If there is no lid, you can replace it with foil, tightly pressing the edges on the sides. Air should not get inside the mold.

In order for the hedgehogs to turn out rosy, the foil must be removed 4 minutes before the end of the process.

Meat balls in vegetable sauce

Meat “hedgehogs” in a frying pan are no less tasty. This recipe with a complex sauce will especially appeal to vegetable lovers. To work, you will need the following list of ingredients: 500 grams of any minced meat, 100 grams of rice and the same amount of sour cream, an egg, 1 carrot, 30 grams of tomato paste, an onion, a little salt, ground paprika, black pepper and any vegetable oil (for frying).

Such “hedgehogs” are prepared in several stages:

  1. First you need to lightly cook the rice, and then mix the cooled cereal with the minced meat, adding egg, salt and spices. From this mass it is necessary to mold round-shaped products.
  2. To prepare the sauce, first of all you need to finely chop the onion and grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the prepared products in oil in a frying pan for 3 minutes. After this, water and tomato paste should be added to them. In this composition, the mass should boil for about 10 minutes. After this, all that remains is to add salt, sour cream and spices. The resulting mass must be brought to a boil and immediately removed from the heat.
  3. Place the meat balls in a frying pan, pour in the prepared vegetable sauce and simmer for about 40 minutes under the lid.

The products are tender, juicy and very aromatic, and the thick sauce will be an excellent addition to them.

“Hedgehogs” with creamy sauce

There is another very interesting recipe in a frying pan - meat “hedgehogs” with rice in creamy cheese sauce. This dish simply has an amazing delicate taste. Moreover, it is also suitable for dietary nutrition.

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients: 0.5 kilograms of chicken fillet, 30 grams of starch, 1 onion, half a glass of rice cereal, salt, 3 cloves of garlic, 100 milliliters of milk (or cream), 200 grams of cheese, black pepper and a small bunch of dill.

To prepare such “hedgehogs”, already familiar technology is used:

  1. The first step is to boil and then cool the rice cereal.
  2. Cut the meat and onion into pieces and grind in a blender.
  3. Add rice, starch, egg (optional) and knead the minced meat.
  4. Form neat balls from this mass and then fry them in boiling oil.
  5. Meanwhile, you need to salt the milk, add chopped garlic and pepper to it and pour this mixture into the frying pan.
  6. Simmer for 15 minutes. After this, the still hot dish should be sprinkled with grated cheese and chopped dill.

The result is incredibly tasty balls in a fragrant creamy cheese filling.

Hedgehog meat cutlets with buckwheat garnish on the website

I remember back in kindergarten, we children were fed, as it seemed to me then, simply amazingly delicious cutlets called “hedgehogs.” But no matter how much I pestered my mother with a request to cook the same cutlets at home, alas, she did not know the recipe. Now, after a lot of time on the Internet, you can find a recipe for even the rarest dish, not to mention the notorious “hedgehogs”. It was from there that I got the recipe for these delicious cutlets, which my own children are now addicted to. And I cook them according to this recipe.
Product set:

minced meat (I cut pork and beef in half and add chicken breast) – 1 kilogram
large onion
1 egg
water – 700 grams
250 g sour cream
ketchup (can be tomato) - half a glass
sunflower oil (grease the baking sheet)
glass of rice

Method of preparing meat cutlets “Hedgehogs” according to photo steps:

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Wash the rice and leave it soaked in warm water for at least an hour. This way it will be even cleaner and cook faster.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Finely chop the onion.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Add egg, chopped onion, pepper and salt to the minced meat. Mix everything well.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Then add rice to the minced meat and mix again.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Pour water into a separate bowl and add ketchup.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Then add sour cream.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Mix everything with a whisk.

From minced meat mixed with rice, we form cutlets (I make them oval) and place them on a baking sheet, sprinkled with a little vegetable oil.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Fill the cutlets with a mixture of water, sour cream and ketchup.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

Cover the baking sheet with foil and place it in the oven for an hour.

The oven temperature should not be lower than 200°C (240 is possible).

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

About 20 minutes before the end of the cooking process, remove the foil to give the cutlets a chance to brown.
After an hour of cooking, remove the baking sheet with the hedgehogs from the oven.

Meat cutlets Hedgehogs to the site

And serve hot to the table. Although they are also good cold.

Hedgehog meat cutlets with buckwheat garnish on the website

An excellent side dish for these cutlets would be buckwheat, which will acquire an amazing taste if you top it with hedgehog sauce.
Bon appetit!

This preparation of minced hedgehogs with rice in the oven is probably the simplest. There is no need to fry the cutlets in a frying pan, make sauce or gravy. But this dish flies off the table instantly.

For this we need an economical set of products. Let's get started?


Minced pork – 200 grams;
Rice – 100 grams;
Carrots – 1 piece;
Onion – 1 head;
Salt, spices - to taste;
Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.

Recipe for minced meat hedgehogs with rice in step-by-step photos

1. Peel the onions and carrots. Chop the onion into small cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
2. Lightly fry in vegetable fat until golden brown. This is done only to give a special taste to the dish, so this step can be skipped for those who adhere to a diet.
3. Boil the rice until half cooked, usually about five minutes after boiling is enough. Drain the water. Add rice to vegetables.
4. Mix.
5. Add minced pork. You can add any minced meat, and even fish, but with pork, the hedgehogs will come out more juicy and flavorful.
6. Mix well again. Salt, pepper, add your favorite seasoning or herbs.
7. Form round cutlets.
8. Place in a baking dish, deep frying pan or saucepan. Add a little water; it should cover the meat balls halfway. To

Tasty, tender meat balls made from minced meat and rice are loved by both adults and children. They are especially tasty if cooked in gravy. Moreover, the gravy can be anything: tomato, vegetable, sour cream, with the addition of butter, spices, lemon juice and other ingredients.

If you like easy-to-prepare dishes, you like the main hot dish, which can be served with absolutely any side dish, then recipes for minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy will suit your taste.

Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy - general principles

The success of a dish depends on many factors:

1. Ground meat. It is prepared from any meat: pork, turkey, beef or veal, chicken. Sometimes several types are mixed. The main thing is that the meat is fresh, without streaks, with little fat. It is better to cook minced meat yourself. It is enough to rinse and cut the meat into pieces and grind it a couple of times in a meat grinder with the addition of onions; the onions can be omitted.

2. Rice. Rice is added to minced meat in semi-cooked or raw form. It is better to choose a variety where all the grains are whole and large. Pre-boiled rice will make the hedgehogs look like meatballs, but if you want your balls to look like cute animals, put the rice in the minced meat raw.

3. Gravy. There is room for imagination and culinary creativity. You can use any available ingredients: tomato sauce or paste, sour cream, mayonnaise, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, lemon juice, water, broth, herbs, etc.

The technology itself is simple:

Prepare minced meat;

Mix the minced meat with rice, salt, spices, pepper, egg (optional);

Dip the balls in flour (you can skip it);

Fry the hedgehogs in heated oil in a frying pan;

Prepare the gravy;

Stew fried hedgehogs in gravy.

Spices will give the dish a special aroma and taste: herbs, garlic, chili pepper, ground sweet pepper, suneli hops and others. Hedgehogs are served with gravy and a side dish of vegetables, legumes, and buckwheat. Can be served as a separate dish.

1. Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy


Minced meat - half a kilogram;

Rice – 6 large spoons;

A couple of onions;

1 chicken egg;

Tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

1 carrot;

20 g flour;

Salt, granulated sugar, black pepper - 20 g each;

Parsley leaves – 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Boil thoroughly washed rice in slightly salted water until half cooked. Place the finished cereal in a colander and rinse.

2. Add onion to the chopped meat - finely crumbled, rice cereal, egg, add a little salt and pepper and stir everything well.

3. Make medium-sized balls from the resulting meat mass and place in a deep container with a thick bottom.

4. In a separate frying pan, prepare the gravy: chop the carrots, cut the second onion into half rings, fry everything in oil over moderate heat for about five minutes. Add peeled tomatoes chopped through a blender, heat a little and add flour, stir everything well and simmer for half a minute, pour in 450 ml of hot water in a thin stream, stir everything well again and boil.

5. At the end, add chopped parsley, any seasoning, a little sugar and salt to the gravy.

6. Pour the prepared gravy over the fried hedgehogs and simmer for 30 minutes with the lid closed.

7. Serve on a serving plate, top with gravy; you can place pickled tomatoes and cucumbers next to it.

2. Minced hedgehogs with rice and sour cream and tomato sauce in a slow cooker


Half a kilogram of any minced meat;

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Onion – 1 head;

Sweet pepper pod;

Rice – 4 tbsp. spoons;

Tomato puree and sour cream – 100 g each;

Flour – 20 g;

Salt, seasoning – 30 g each;

Dill greens – 5 stalks.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the carrots on a coarse-toothed grater, chop the onion into fine crumbs, and chop the pepper into strips.

2. Add washed cereal, egg, part of the chopped onion, seasoning, and salt to the rolled meat. Mix everything well and beat it on the table.

3. Fry the second part of the onion and carrots in the multicooker container on the “baking” mode for 15 minutes.

4. In a clean cup, mix sour cream with tomato puree, dilute with hot water, stir everything thoroughly until thick.

5. When the vegetables are fried, place the hedgehogs on top of them, pour in the sour cream and tomato mixture, switch the device to the “stew” mode and simmer for a little over an hour.

3. Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy in a frying pan


Minced meat (beef and pork) – a little less than a kilogram;

1 onion;

Garlic – 3 cloves;

Tomato puree – 100 g;

1 carrot;

Fresh parsley - 1 bunch;

Basil – 5 leaves;

Rice – 5 large spoons;

Flour – 1 handful;

Sour cream – 100 g.

Cooking method:

1. Grind the peeled carrots in a blender along with onions and garlic.

2. Finely chop the parsley and basil leaves.

3. Place all the vegetables in the ground meat, add rice cereal, egg, stir well, add salt and pepper.

4. Form balls, dip them in flour and fry in a heated frying pan until golden brown.

5. Make a sauce from sour cream, tomato paste, salt and hot water, mix everything and boil over moderate heat.

6. When serving, place three or four hedgehogs on each serving plate and pour over the gravy.

4. Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy, stewed in a pan


Any minced meat – 1 kg;

Rice – 5 large spoons;

Onion – 1 head;

Fresh homemade cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;

400 ml milk;

A little butter;

Garlic – a few cloves;

2 egg yolks.

Cooking method:

1. Grate the onion on a coarse-toothed grater, mix with chopped meat and rice cereal, mix everything thoroughly.

2. Form small balls from the minced meat and place them in a cast iron container, preheated with butter.

3. Fill the hedgehogs with water until they are half covered and boil for a few minutes under the lid.

4. As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes while constantly turning the hedgehogs.

5. Put a piece of butter in a shallow frying pan, heat it up, add chopped garlic, fry for a minute, add cream, fry for a minute again and pour in the milk.

6. Slowly boil the creamy milk mixture over moderate heat for several minutes.

7. In a separate cup, beat the egg yolks and pour into the mixture of cream, milk and garlic, simmer for a few minutes.

8. Add a little salt and pepper to the sauce.

9. Remove the cast iron with hedgehogs from the heat, pour in creamy sauce and leave to steep for half an hour.

5. Minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy, dietary in the oven


Minced chicken - a little more than half a kilogram;

A little butter;

Rice – 6 large spoons;

1 chicken egg;

Seasoning, salt – 20 g each;

Fresh parsley - 1 bunch;

1 onion;

A handful of flour;

Sour cream – 100 g.

Cooking method:

1. Add rice groats, peeled onion in small crumbs, egg, a little salt, any spice to the prepared minced chicken, stir well.

2. Make balls of minced meat with a diameter of 5 cm, place on an oiled sheet.

3. Prepare sour cream sauce in this way: pour flour into a dry frying pan, fry a little until slightly brown, pour into sour cream diluted with water, stir well.

4. Pour sour cream sauce over the hedgehogs.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place a sheet with hedgehogs, bake for 40 minutes.

6. When serving, place three meat balls on plates, pour over the sour cream sauce in which they were stewed, place slices of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers next to them, and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

6. Minced hedgehogs with rice and cabbage with gravy


Minced meat of any kind - half a kilogram;

Salt, allspice powder, granulated sugar - 10 g each;

A small piece of white cabbage;

Rice cereal – 15 g;

A couple of onions;

2 carrots;

Tomato paste diluted in water – 700 ml;

Oil for frying – 30 ml;

Parsley - 0.5 bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cabbage into small strips, add salt, and mash with your hands until juice forms.

2. Add rice grains and cabbage to the prepared minced meat and mix thoroughly.

3. Make balls, place them on a sheet greased with oil and place in a hot oven, bake for 45 minutes.

4. While the hedgehogs are baking, you can prepare the gravy: place chopped onions and carrots in a hot frying pan with butter and fry for 5 minutes.

5. Pour the tomato diluted in water into the vegetables, pepper, sprinkle with sugar, salt and simmer again for about 10 minutes.

6. A few minutes before the end of baking the hedgehogs, open the oven, pour tomato sauce over them, adjust the temperature to 160 degrees and continue baking.

7. When serving, place on plates, don’t forget to pour over the gravy, and garnish with parsley leaves.

Hedgehogs will not fall apart if you knead the minced meat especially long and thoroughly.

Hedgehogs will retain their juiciness if you roll them in flour before frying.

It is not advisable to bread hedgehogs, unlike, for example, cutlets, this will not improve their taste.

This dish is budget-friendly, thanks to the rice included, so literally from a kilogram of meat you can form hedgehogs for several preparations. Moreover, hedgehogs can be frozen; they are stored in the freezer for up to three months. Afterwards, all you have to do is take out the meat balls, place them in a frying pan, lightly fry them and pour in your favorite gravy, and a tasty, hearty, hot dish will be ready in just a few minutes.

As an independent second course, as a side dish for lovers of a varied diet, as well as adult gourmets and little picky eaters, minced hedgehogs with rice are ideal to prepare, both in a frying pan and in the oven.

Master the recipe and serve them for the holiday table or just for dinner, pampering your family!

Some will say that there is nothing original in this dish. But this is absolutely not true! The koloboks are given a special piquancy by raw rice, which swells during heat treatment, for example, in the oven.

When fully cooked, grains of rice stick out from the meat balls - this is how spines appear, just like those of real hedgehogs. What is the secret to preparing a dish in the oven, in a frying pan or in a slow cooker, the main ingredients, gravy options and experiments with the composition in a detailed description of the recipes. March to the kitchen!

The recipe for hedgehogs made from minced meat and rice is simple. The main thing is that it has a mandatory list of products, but no one forbids using your imagination and making additions to suit your taste.

To prepare standard minced hedgehogs with rice, you will need a simple set of products:

  • 500 g minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, a mixture of pork and chicken, a mixture of pork and beef are suitable);
  • long grain rice, ½ cut glass (not boiled, but raw!);
  • several heads of onions;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • salt, a mixture of seasonings and peppers;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flour.

The entire list will become the basis for the most delicious balls.

Preparing the meat base

The better the quality of the base for future hedgehogs is prepared, the tastier the dish will be. All efforts must be devoted to preparing the minced meat. Following the classic recipe, take meat, preferably a tenderloin or sirloin (for chicken, breast), and pass it through a meat grinder. To make the meat component more tender, you should turn it in a meat grinder 2-3 times. The mass should stand for 20-30 minutes.

Don't waste your time: chop the onion and garlic.

How to cook minced hedgehogs with rice? Preparing the meat base for baking in the oven is a separate step.

The semi-finished product for future delicacies is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. on a cutting board, finely chop onions and add them to the meat preparation;
  2. the mass is thoroughly mixed;
  3. garlic is chopped with a knife or passed through a garlic press;
  4. all this is added to the workpiece;
  5. mixed thoroughly;
  6. Before being sent to the batch, chicken eggs are beaten in a separate bowl, only then added to the workpiece;
  7. spices, herbs and salt are added to taste;
  8. rice, washed under running water, is also added to the general mass;
  9. all components are mixed.

Koloboks are formed from a homogeneous mass, which then go into the oven. The blanks should not be made very small, but not very large either - a medium size is optimal. Ideally, the weight of each ball is 50-70 grams. The rounds are rolled in flour and placed on the frying surface of a frying pan or oven, greased with fat or oil. Let it be a baking sheet or a tray from a multicooker - it doesn’t matter.

Adding to the koloboks

No matter how you fry or stew the balls, without gravy they will be a bit dry. The ideal option is minced hedgehogs with rice and gravy. There are two types of aromatic sauce for the oven: sour cream or with the addition of tomato paste.

Recipe for delicate sour cream sauce, which is prepared from:

  • 200 grams of medium fat dairy product (optimal percentage from 12 to 20);
  • a glass of broth or water;
  • 2-3 heads of onions;
  • salt, spices to taste.

Sour cream is mixed with the broth, finely chopped onion is added to the preparation. Salt and pepper the base.

The sauce is poured over the meat rounds, already laid out on a baking sheet in the oven or fried in a frying pan. The dish should be simmered over low heat for half an hour.

The recipe for tomato sauce differs slightly from its dairy counterpart.

The main components are:

  • 100 – 150 grams of tomato paste;
  • a glass of broth or water;
  • two small carrots;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • salt, sugar, spices.

Tomato paste is combined with broth. Coarsely grated carrots and finely chopped onions are added to the preparation. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Salt, sugar and spices are added to taste. The hedgehogs are poured with the resulting sauce and simmered until cooked in a frying pan or in the oven (30-40 minutes over low heat).

How to prepare dietary hedgehogs from minced meat

For those who have digestive problems, as well as diabetics and children, another recipe for this dish is ideal. Here chicken breast is taken as the basis. Hedgehogs made from minced chicken with rice are no different from the recipe for tasty treats made from pork or beef. For softness and tenderness of the chicken component, you can add butter (20-30 g) to the base.

Fry, stew, bake!

There are just so many options for preparing meat hedgehogs that can be used in culinary practice. A frying pan, a baking sheet from the oven or multicooker, even a glass saucepan with a lid are suitable for bringing the koloboks to full readiness. Fried food is the most delicious, but harmful.

If everything is in order with the digestive system, then the round pieces can be fried in vegetable or olive oil in a frying pan or in the oven until golden brown. Then you should add half a glass of water and simmer under the lid.

Minced hedgehogs with rice in the oven will be soft and tender. The oven tray is greased with fat (butter), the koloboks are laid out, and sour cream or tomato sauce is poured. At a temperature of 180 degrees, the dish is stewed for 35-40 minutes. The result is juicy and aromatic hedgehogs from the oven, covered with rice “needles.”

Minced hedgehogs with rice are even easier to cook in a slow cooker than in the oven. The koloboks and sauce are placed in the bowl. The container is placed in the multicooker and a special program is selected. The finished dish will wait until its finest hour, without burning or drying out.

So, how to deliciously cook minced hedgehogs with rice in the oven, in a frying pan or in a slow cooker?

Take advantage of our useful tips:

  1. It is best to mix the base from fresh meat, not defrosted.
  2. It is important not to overload the ingredients (cereals, onions, eggs), otherwise the mass will fall apart.
  3. Do not make too large balls (for reason, see point 2).
  4. It is better to take long-grain rather than round cereal: the needles will be more realistic.
  5. The sauce should not completely cover the meat pieces. The optimal level is up to the middle of the bun.
  6. Do not add white bread to the meat base. Hedgehogs are not cutlets, but a type of meatball. Onions, garlic and cereals are sufficient as auxiliary components.
  7. Meat balls can serve as an independent dish or as an accompaniment to side dishes. An ideal addition to rounds are stewed or boiled vegetables, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, and pasta. But it’s better not to serve rice.
  8. Meat koloboks differ from meatballs in that the rice cereal is not boiled, but raw. It is in this form that it will stick out from the surface of the balls, resembling this prickly animal.
  9. Made from minced chicken or veal, this dish will be an excellent option for feeding your baby meat. It is better to cook by steaming or in the oven.
  10. Flour is used for breading, not breadcrumbs. The latter make the dish tough.
  11. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you should take lean meat, and use water or vegetable broth instead of meat broth.
  12. Cheese lovers add this grated product to their meat preparations. A piece of cheese in the middle of the ball is a surprise.
  13. Thrifty housewives will enjoy freezing raw koloboks in the freezer. They do not require complete defrosting. Place on a baking sheet, bake for half an hour - the second dish is ready.
  14. Exotic lovers will appreciate basmati rice, brown rice and other varieties of this grain in the dish.

No matter what minced meat the hedgehogs are made from, they will be delicious in any case.

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