How to fry sunflower seeds in a frying pan. Roasting sunflower seeds in shell

Despite the fact that the birthplace of sunflower is America, our country was the first to eat its seeds. The Indians used only the oil squeezed out of it exclusively for anointing own bodies, and pollen was used to make paint for tattoos. Europeans grew these beautiful flowers, starting from the 16th century, exclusively for decorative purposes. And only after sunflower was brought to Russia, our people figured out how to fry the seeds in a frying pan. And I realized that the seeds of this “sunny flower” are not only edible, but also very tasty, both fried and fresh. And the oil from the roasted seeds turned out to be simply irreplaceable. Especially now, when our original extraction of flax and

We can safely say that for the residents of our country, sunflower seeds, called simply “seeds” or “seeds”, are a national delicacy that previously replaces popcorn for Russians. They are also tasty, but in terms of popularity they are far from sunflower ones. On city streets you can still meet “grandmothers” offering to buy a glass of sunflower seeds from them at a reasonable price. But if previously they were a monopoly in this area, today they are being forced out of the market by grains packaged in bags, sold at any stall or store. But true gourmets, who know perfectly well how to fry seeds in a frying pan, prefer to eat only the product prepared with their own hands. Try to do it yourself.

in a frying pan

Of course, you can fry them in the oven, and even But despite the fact that the last method is the simplest, it still has not taken root particularly among connoisseurs and connoisseurs of seeds. But with a wide flat bottom, it is an iconic kitchen utensil for them. Some housewives even allocate a separate container for seeds, which is strictly prohibited from being used for other purposes.

Before frying the seeds in a frying pan, you need to wash them, because it is not known where and how they were stored before they came to you. Of course, if you grow sunflowers yourself, you can skip this step of the instructions. The frying pan itself must be very hot over high heat. Dried seeds are poured onto it in a layer of about one and a half centimeters. The key to their successful preparation is constant stirring. It is advisable to do this only with a wooden spatula. Under no circumstances should you leave the stove! Since it is difficult to say how long you will have to fry the seeds in a frying pan this time. It all depends on the thickness of their peel and size.

As soon as the seeds begin to crackle, remove them from the heat. But don’t turn off the burner, just set them aside without stopping stirring. Then return to the heat again until the next crackling starts. You will need to do this at least three times, taking a sample from time to time.

How long should you fry the seeds until they are ready? It all depends on which ones you like. Some people prefer to roast them until the grains turn brownish, but most are happy with a creamy hue. These seeds have an excellent taste and great aroma. Usually the whole process takes 10-12 minutes.

To improve the taste, you can lightly salt the sunflower grains and pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom of the dish. The choice of how to fry the seeds in a frying pan is yours. Try different options to see which ones you like best.

Sunflower seeds are a traditional and favorite delicacy among the Slavs. In Ukraine they are even jokingly called “the country’s black gold”, because this product is very popular, and sunflower oil is exported to many countries. Not only the oil of this plant is popular, but also the grains, however, few people know how to fry the seeds, so people prefer to buy an already fried product, but they are often inferior in quality to those that we ourselves prepare to our taste. After all, some people like well-roasted, brownish grains, some like slightly toasted, almost white ones, some like salted ones, some like the “butter” variety, and some like large, low-fat seeds.

So, let's look at several ways to properly fry seeds. To begin with, no matter how we are going to prepare the future delicacy for consumption, we must rinse it. For what? Firstly, if sunflower seeds are poured with water, debris floats to the surface and must be carefully removed. Then you need to rinse the seeds with plenty of water. They should be washed in a colander or sieve, stirring thoroughly. This way, the coloring enzyme is washed off from the seeds, and when you subsequently click this deliciousness, your fingers will not turn black. After thoroughly washing the grains, you need to leave them in a colander to dry. This First stage- washing and drying the seeds is mandatory, no matter how the seeds are roasted in the future.

So, for this we will need: a heavy wooden spatula, a wooden bowl and a thick cotton napkin large enough to cover the bowl. Heat the dishes well over high heat, pour washed and dried sunflower grains into it and immediately begin to actively and continuously mix them with a wooden spatula. After some time, the seeds will begin to crackle characteristically. Then you need to remove the frying pan from the stove, still stirring, and wait a couple of minutes. Then put the container on the fire again, stirring continuously, and wait until the seeds begin to crackle again. This manipulation is repeated 3 times if you want everything to be well fried. Of course, you need to taste the beans from time to time, since due to the intensity of the fire, the frying process may be faster or slower. When you find the taste suitable, pour the finished product into a wooden bowl (or better yet, onto a large wooden board so that you can spread the seeds in an even layer). Cover the bowl or board with a thick napkin so that the delicacy does not cool quickly, leave it like that for 10 minutes.

Some people like the seeds salted with their beer. How to fry seeds with salt? Mix washed and dried grains with coarse salt. The cooking process is similar to the previous one, but the difference is that you need to start frying on intense heat, and then turn it down. At the end of frying, when the flame is minimal, sprinkle the seeds and salt with a small amount of sunflower oil and continue frying for another two minutes, stirring vigorously. Then cover the board or bowl with a paper towel to remove excess fat, and leave it to cool for 20 minutes under a napkin.

If you like lean, dried seeds, you need to know how to roast seeds in the oven. Preheat the oven to 200° C. Pour the grains onto a baking sheet and level. Place them in the oven for a few minutes. Remove, stir, taste for doneness. If the seeds are damp, put the product in the oven for a couple more minutes.

You can fry the seeds very quickly and to do this, set the oven to medium mode, and the washed and dried seeds are poured, naturally, into a non-metallic refractory container. Turn on for 1 minute, stir, turn on for another minute and leave to cool without opening the door.

Greetings, my dear friends! The other day I heard some terrifying information about store-bought roasted sunflower seeds. It turns out that eating them is not only harmful, but also unsafe. During industrial frying, the product is treated with dangerous preservatives. These harmful substances, entering the body, accumulate, and then at one point begin to have a harmful effect. All this horror can be avoided if you know how to fry seeds in a frying pan correctly.

By the way, you can fry at home not only sunflower seeds, but also pumpkin seeds, nuts, etc. It turns out very tasty. Especially for you, friends, I have prepared several proven recipes. But first things first.

Of course I'll start with the good. This amazing food product has valuable features:

  • accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • has a positive effect on men's health;
  • strengthens hair and nails.

That's how much useful properties! But let me note, friends, that this is not all. There is one more point that I simply cannot keep silent about.

It has been proven that the process of licking (or clicking) is a kind of meditation. Psychotherapists believe that at this moment a person falls into a trance

However, it is difficult to disagree with this fact. Sometimes I get so carried away by licking that I forget about everything. Even the fact that there is a mountain of unwashed dishes waiting in the kitchen... A very effective anti-stress :)

In general, sunflower seeds are a unique product. Their biological value is higher than, say, the value of meat or eggs. And this product is much easier to digest.

These miracle seeds contain more vitamin D than cod liver oil. In addition, this product contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, silicon and other elements. It is also rich in fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. To replenish the body's daily need for vitamin E, it is enough to eat 50 g of sunflower seeds.

The calorie content of the product is very high: 100 g of fried seeds contain up to 700 calories

However, everything is not limited to benefits. There is also a flip side to the coin. I note that the harm is caused not by the seeds themselves, but by their excessive consumption. The list of contraindications is small:

  • This product is harmful to the vocal cords. If you are an announcer or singer, try to “communicate” with him less often.
  • Sunflower seeds are high in calories. It is believed that eating a glass of fried sunflower seeds is the same as eating a large portion of fatty kebab. If you really, really want it, you can pamper yourself. But it is better for overweight people not to get involved in this matter.
  • Due to the cracking of seeds by teeth, tooth enamel is destroyed.

Selecting seeds for frying

I always check the quality before purchasing. When choosing sunflower seeds, look at their purity. Are there any additional inclusions - fragments of sticks, dried flowers, are the seeds eaten by pests? Ask the seller to show you the package with its contents. Use your fingers to feel the seeds to see how thick the shell is. Sometimes you look from the counter - good, pot-bellied seeds. And if you feel it, it’s empty.

Check the purity of the seeds and their calibration. They should be approximately the same size. And I also noticed that it is better to buy strong, “pot-bellied” seeds. I try not to take seeds that are too large or very small.

Before frying the seeds, I rinse them with running water. Like any product before eating, it is better to rinse and remove dust and dirt. To do this, I pour them into a colander and place them briefly under running water. I’ll immediately explain why it is better to rinse under running water and not in a bowl. In the container they will collect more water, so they will have to dry longer. And you won’t be able to completely get rid of dust in the bowl (particles of dirt may remain on the seed). You don’t want, while husking the seeds, to also absorb elements of the periodic table present in the dust? 🙂 I think not.

To fry the seeds, I use a thick-bottomed frying pan. Fortunately, I inherited a Soviet cast-iron frying pan from my grandmother. So, I fry sunflower seeds only in it.

If you fry on Teflon, then reduce the heat and stir more often. Thin-walled pans heat up faster. It's best to remove them from the heat before the seeds brown. Place them on a plate and they will come to perfection on their own.

Traditional frying method

I pour the wet seeds into the frying pan and cover it with a lid. I want to clarify right away that I fry it in several batches. I don’t pour out a lot of seeds: this way they roast more evenly. So, I place the dishes on medium heat for 1-2 minutes (during this time the moisture evaporates). Then I remove the lid from the frying pan and reduce the heat (make it slightly less than medium).

For me, the entire process of frying unhulled seeds takes from 10 to 15 minutes. If I fry peeled kernels, the time is reduced to 5 minutes. To be honest, I didn’t bother with the question of how long to fry the seeds in a frying pan. I navigate by appearance product and its taste.

I'll tell you a secret: The secret to success is constant stirring. I find it easier to do this with a wooden spoon. If you don't have one, you can use a spatula or a simple spoon. When the seeds begin to crack, I take a sample. If they are already ready, I remove the frying pan from the stove. I pour the seeds in an even layer onto a plate and cover the top with a cotton towel. After 10 minutes you can eat them.

How to fry in a frying pan with salt

You will need: 0.5 kg of seeds, 3 tbsp. table salt, 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, water.

I transfer the washed seeds into a frying pan. I fill them with water (they should be completely covered) and add 2 tbsp. salt. I put the dishes on high heat and cook the product for 60-70 seconds. During this time, the salt should completely dissolve and be absorbed by the nucleoli. Then I put them in a colander and drain off the unnecessary water. Then I pour everything into the pan again. Add the remaining salt and place the dishes on medium heat. Next, it is important to stir constantly, otherwise everything will burn.

When the product dries, I lower the heat a little more and continue frying. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add the oil. Then I remove the pan from the stove, pour the seeds onto a flat plate and let them cool.

Seeds fried according to this recipe with salt and butter turn out simply awesome!

Sunflower seeds with soy sauce

Who has it in the refrigerator? soy sauce, this recipe is for you. Take 150 grams of peeled seeds and 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of soy sauce. Look at the composition of the sauce. It should contain soy, not wheat.

No oil is needed in this recipe. Place the peeled seeds in a dry frying pan and start frying. Heat on medium-high, stirring constantly. As soon as they start to brown, remove the pan from the heat. Add the soy sauce, stir and return the pan to the stove. Stir constantly with a spatula until the sauce evaporates from the surface. Place the seed on a plate and let cool.

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan

Pumpkin seeds are very healthy, so I roast them from time to time. The cooking technology is not particularly different from frying sunflower seeds. I use the same cast iron skillet. Before frying, I rinse the product.

I cook them over medium heat and stir constantly. But the cooking time depends on the size of the seeds. Fry small ones for up to 10 minutes, large ones for about 20 minutes.

Microwave frying option

And here is the video from which I learned about this simple recipe :)

I liked this option so much that I started trying different options and decided to write about it in a separate article - :)

How do you roast the seeds? Share your recipes in the comments. And subscribe to blog updates to be the first to know about the most delicious and healthy things. Happy tinkering and meditation 😉

  • Preparation

  • - Try to choose pot-bellied and large seeds.
  • - Rinse in a colander under running water.
  • - You can fill the seeds with water in containers if they have debris. Empty seeds and debris will float.
  • - The number of seeds depends on how convenient it is for someone to interfere. You can also use a full frying pan.
  • Roasting seeds

  • Place a frying pan (preferably with thick sides and bottom) over high heat and wait for the frying pan to warm up well.
  • Pour half a teaspoon of sunflower oil into a hot frying pan so that the bottom is greased. This is one of the secrets of delicious seeds.
  • Pour the seeds, drained into a colander, onto the frying pan. Prepare a salt water solution. About 40-50 grams of water and a teaspoon of salt.
  • Pour immediately into the seeds. While the water is evaporating, the seeds will be steamed, they will be salted inside and, most importantly, they will “click” easily, the skin will easily come away from the kernel.
  • The heat is high, continue stir-frying.
  • As soon as you see that all the water has gone and the seeds begin to crackle, remove from the heat and continue stirring. You can reduce the heat immediately after this, but it is better to do it gradually. For three such measures to the minimum. Minimum heat will prevent you from miscalculating the moment of overcooking. High heat at the beginning will allow the seeds to fry.
  • It is advisable to constantly taste the seeds over low heat. Some professionals can determine readiness by ear. ;)
  • At the very end, pour 1 tablespoon over the seeds. sweet water(stir 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in a tablespoon of water). The sugar will caramelize and taste delicious.
  • As soon as the seeds are ready, pour them into a clay or glass container and cover for 5 minutes with a clean napkin. The seeds should “arrive”.
  • Bon appetit!
  • Have fun frying!
  • Total cooking time: 19 min.
  • Category:

There is nothing easier than roasting seeds with salt in the oven if you like such a snack. You can buy raw sunflower seeds at the market or in a special store, shop, or supermarket section. However, you should not think that everything is as simple as it seems: the snack can burn in an instant, and then the seeds will be bitter. To avoid this, follow the step-by-step recommendations in the recipe and trust your sense of smell: as soon as you feel the aroma that they are fried, remove from the oven.


  • 1 cup raw seeds
  • 4 pinches of salt

Frying process

1. In the market, seeds are often sold in glasses, so for convenience, we will focus the recipe on this volume (standard glass, 200 ml). We will go through the seeds to remove damaged ones and any stray debris.

2. Pour the selected mass into a container, add water and mix thoroughly to wash the seeds from dust and impurities. Add water and rinse several more times.

3. Salt the wet seeds and mix. The salt will remain on them and will be absorbed during frying. But you can add salt to the appetizer after frying.

4. Pour the mixture of seeds into a baking dish and place it in an oven preheated to 100 degrees. We will not close the oven door: we need the mass to dry rather than bake, so the air must circulate. We will stir the seeds every 5–10 minutes. Drying will take about 20–30 minutes, depending on the size of the seeds.

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