Board games for parties. Top 9 board games for companies Interesting board games for companies

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Spending time with loved ones is priceless. And playing board games with them is also fun and interesting. website I've collected 15 of the best board games that will diversify your leisure time and help you have a good time with friends.


Cluedo is a detective game in which you and your friends have to solve a murder. There are 6 guests in the circle of suspects. 6 crime weapons were found in the house, scattered across 9 rooms. The goal of the game is to quickly identify the criminal, as well as determine the location and weapon of the murder. To solve this problem, your logic, luck and the well-known Sherlock Holmes method - the method of deduction - will help you.


"Resistance" is one of the most powerful psychological games of the last 20 years. You have to become either a fighter for justice or an evil spy. That's when the card comes out. The goal of the game is different for everyone. For resistance - identify all the spies and successfully complete the missions. For spies - to interfere with the resistance and destroy all their plans.


"Munchkin" is a famous parody of role-playing computer games, in which
players walk through the dungeon, and with each move they can be attacked by some kind of reptile. Throughout the game you need to “pump up” your character: collect items, kill monsters, pit friends against each other and reach level 10 before others in order to win. By the way, the game has many versions: Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Super Munchkin (a parody of Marvel comics). So everyone can find a game to their liking.


"Monopoly" is a well-known game for building your own business. You buy, you sell, you improve, you fight with competitors. In general, everything is as in real world. Each participant has his own starting capital and choice of what to invest his money in. Today they even hold Monopoly tournaments with a cash prize fund.

Imaginarium or Dixit

If you and your friends have a good imagination, you should play Imaginarium or Dixit. These are simple games with beautiful pictures for which you need to come up with associations and guess what your friend wished for. The one who guesses the most cards will move faster across the playing field and win. The games differ from each other in terms of pictures and points.


In the Elias game, the most important thing is to explain as many words as possible to your partner within a certain period of time. You can do this with a funny story, antonyms, synonyms, clues or even sounds. At your discretion and desire. The main thing is not to use words with the same root! The difficulty of the game is that you will need to not only explain the words, but also guess them. Each round you will need to change places with your partner.


"Activity" is a team game that in some way may remind you of the popular game "Crocodile". True, you and your friends will not only have to show words or phrases, but also draw and explain them. The game is not easy, but very fun. In it you will find 2500 extraordinary words and phrases.

Svintus or Uno

The game "Uno" is one of the fast and easy board games. Another indisputable advantage is its compactness: a deck of cards will not take up much space. The goal of the game is to get rid of the cards you've been dealt. On your turn, you have the right to place only one card on the table, which in value or color matches the top one on the playing table. The game "Uno" also has a domestic analogue - "Svintus". In essence, this is a slightly modified game, to which a different atmosphere and plot have been added.


"Jackal" is a game for those who love a lot of gold. After all, the goal of the game is to collect as many of them as possible and drag them to your ship. You command brave pirates who land on the island in search of treasure. The island is a playing field. Not only your opponents will be waiting for you on the field, but also crocodiles, portals and many other mysterious and dangerous things.

Wild Jungle or Bear

The board games “Wild Jungle” and “Bear” are similar to each other. Their goal is to also discard all cards and emerge as the winner. But things are not so simple here. In the center of the game there is a log or totem. And in each round, the player who takes possession of them faster than others wins. The one who turns out to be faster throws off some of his cards to his friend - and thereby becomes one step closer to victory.

Lord of Tokyo

The game "Lord of Tokyo" is for those who love monsters, since during the game you have to become one. Your task is to capture the city and defeat other monsters. As in Munchkin, you can “pump up” your hero by buying strength and power with the points you earn.

Answer in 5 seconds

In the game “Answer in 5 Seconds” you need to quickly name three objects or three people and animals united by one theme. For example, three writers; three cars starting with the letter “M”; three directors; three reptiles, etc. There are a lot of options in the game. You have exactly 5 seconds for each answer. If you have time to give three answers, you move forward across the field. If you don't have time, you stay in place. The one who gets to the finish line first wins.

A board game is an ideal option for continuing the party when the feast has already ended and the drunken adventures have not yet begun. We have compiled for you the top of the most exciting board games that all those who like to host friendly gatherings should stock up on.

Uno or Svintus

Uno is the most popular and perhaps the best-selling board game in the world, capturing the hearts of millions of people. Svintus is its domestic analogue, in no way inferior to the original in humor and excitement. The game is intended for a company of two to ten people, the process is based on the thirst of the participants to get around and defeat others by any means. The motto of the Russian Svintus is “Put a pig on your comrade.” The names of the cards also sound very funny, for example: “Tikhohryun” and “Polysvin”. The point of this difficult game is to place the cards according to color on time and correctly, but it will not be easy. Your opponents will be on guard every second, and if you hesitate, someone will definitely screw you over. A cheerful group will certainly burst into laughter and play this board game again and again. Please note that Svintus has several different versions, each of which has its own unique features.


The game is very similar to Mafia, but with new interesting details and makes the participants think intently. Criminologist can be played by 4 to 12 players, each one will transform into one of the characters: an investigator, a killer, an accomplice, a witness and the criminologist himself, who here plays the role of the presenter. It is during this game that the hidden sides of your friends will be revealed - someone will turn out to be an excellent liar, someone will show talent in solving puzzles, and someone will show excellent knowledge of human psychology. Yes, yes, everything is so serious! Fans of the classic Mafia will definitely be delighted, and those who found the famous game uninteresting will perhaps discover an exciting version with more complex rules.


Non-drinking groups can certainly pass this game by, but those who like to brighten up the evening with alcoholic drinks will appreciate Ruff. From 4 to 9 people can participate and must be over 18 years old, since the game involves alcohol. The meaning of Ruff is this: from the deck, everyone takes turns drawing cards on which tricky tasks are written. If you refuse to complete the given task, then you... drink. The goal of the game is to stay sober, and believe me, this will not be an easy task, since some tasks put you at risk of getting thousands of views on YouTube. As a result, the bravest ones remain sober, while shy and bashful people get drunk. By the way, for completing a task you are entitled to an equally intriguing bonus - you can force any player to perform a certain action and he has no right to refuse, as this is required by the rules of the game. This tabletop has 2 versions - the classic Ruff and Ruff Bath.


Code Names was voted the world's best party game by the most respected board game site, BoardGameGeek, and received, among other numerous awards, the title of Game of the Year in Germany. The game already has a sequel, Code Names: Pictures, which is no worse than the first version. This board teaches you to feel native language, be smart and be sensitive to each other, because without mutual understanding it will be difficult for a team to win. One game flies by unnoticed, but you want to play again and again - some want to win back, while others want to prove that it is impossible to defeat them.

Honey mushrooms

This is one of the craziest board games you can find. You can play with a group of 3 to 7 people. There is a doctor and a patient suffering from hallucinations. They sit opposite each other, and behind the doctor are the patient’s Glitches, who are holding a large deck with words of different categories in their hands. When the countdown begins, the Glitches begin to depict the task, and the patient must guess it. As a result, the doctor must guess the category of the word, the patient must guess the word itself. With all this madness, it is important to remember that the Glucks are not for one thing - one helps the doctor, and the other helps the patient. To make it even more fun, the game process can be complicated with special cards - experimental drugs. A doctor can use one of them on a patient to prevent him, for example, from laughing or making a certain sound. With such a tabletop you are guaranteed to laugh until your stomach hurts!

Series of games Jenga and Tower

This is a very famous and loved game by many, the rules of which are explained in one minute. The meaning of the tabletop is extremely simple: you need to build a tower from 54 wooden blocks, which are removed from the base and placed on the top. The task is not to collapse this entire structure. Over time, the tower becomes unstable, and the one who brings it down is considered a loser. The winner is the player who moved second to last. Success in the game is guaranteed not only by sleight of hand, but also by ingenuity, because in order to win, you need to force the next player to remove the wrong block from the foundation. The games Jenga and Tower have many variations, including alcoholic ones. Choose the one that is most interesting for you and build your own skyscraper.

500 evil cards

A game for those who like to have a good laugh and are able to guffaw at vulgar and absurd jokes. The set includes 500 cards with questions and answers, and their content is such that the board is designed for a group over 18 years of age. From 3 to 8 players can participate. Everyone is dealt 10 cards with answers. The presenter draws a card with a question and reads it out, and the players deal their answer, chosen from the cards they have in their hands. The result is the most incredible combinations that can amaze with both wit and utter stupidity, but absolutely everything causes bursts of laughter. Each time the host chooses the best answer, and the player who gave it gets a bonus. At the end of the day, the participant who has collected the most of these bonuses wins. The board has 2 options: old and new, supplemented with fresh cards.


A game for small companies (4-6 players), similar to Mafia, but distinguished by a well-developed plot and greater peacefulness. The idea of ​​the game is simple: you need to get a boat to the nearest shore, since your ship has sunk. Together with you they are rowing to the shore best friend, the worst enemy and some strange people. How is the game similar to Mafia? To win, you need to be able to negotiate. If diplomacy does not help, then according to the rules of the game you can start a fight - and this is the most interesting thing! Suddenly it turns out that the opponents called to battle have a weapon or an intercessor. The game is well thought out - each character has their own abilities and special skills that need to be taken into account during the game. A wonderful board game that develops communication skills and team spirit.


An amazing association game designed for 4 to 7 players. All participants are given cards with images. The illustrations, by the way, were drawn by artists with clearly extraordinary imagination, so get ready that you will want to look at each picture for a long time and with interest. You make an association on one of your cards and place it face down on the table. Other players select their picture based on the association you voiced and also place it on the table. The cards are then shuffled and turned face up. What happens next? Players guess who suggested which picture. Thin turns on here psychological game, knowledge of the people present, their thoughts and emotions. The loser in this circle is the one whose illustration was guessed by everyone or no one guessed. Over time, you will understand how to choose associations that are confusing, but at the same time clear enough that only half of the players will guess you.

Are you thinking about how to entertain your guests at a party so that none of them get bored? Then remember about . After all, having at least one such game on hand, you can be confident in the success of the “given” evening. Moreover, today, in addition to cards, there are many other entertainments. Thus, an online store in Moscow offers to buy board games for companies of various types. Here you can choose intellectual, psychological, economic and other games (Dixit, Activity, Alias...). Among them there are sets designed for 2, 3 or 4 people, but in some games (for example, Photo Party) up to 15 people can take part simultaneously.

The benefits of board games during a party

Board games for a party bring a lot of benefits. After all, they are always at your service in inclement weather. You can take them with you to the dacha, on a picnic and on longer trips. Such games help adults and children better understand each other. And what’s important is that board games develop and improve players of any age:

  • attention;
  • thinking;
  • memory.

But in order for company table games to delight you and your guests for a long time, it is better to buy them in a specialized store, where high quality, convenient payment and delivery to the client’s address are guaranteed.

Board game - great option pastime on a weekend or holiday. Such a hobby can be selected in accordance with the age and number of people, as well as their interests.

We present the best board games for adults, which are extremely popular all over the world.

1 Alias

In some versions, this game is called "Say Otherwise." The essence of the task is simple - you need to explain the words indicated on the card to another player or the whole team, using only synonyms and non-cognate words. In some game models, there are complicated tasks: with certain emotions, special gestures, creating a separate story or guessing a specific celebrity.

In any case, "Alias" remains an excellent option for a group of 2 people or more, and even practical players can play it. strangers. Interestingly, the idea of ​​​​creating such entertainment belongs to the Finns, who have been playing the local “Nelostuote Oy” since the early 90s of the last century.

2 Colonizers

This sociable game was developed in 1995. The essence of the entertainment is the construction of a large settlement after entering the desert island with large natural reserves, along with their opponents.

Each building in the game is valued at a certain amount of points. The first one to collect 10 points wins.

3 Imaginarium

This game is perfect for training your imagination and associative thinking. A non-standard set of cards refers to various kinds of fantastic images and unusual plots. The players’ task is to determine where the card of the leading player is located, who voiced his own association to the picture he liked on his turn.

The game "Imaginarium" is a Russian analogue of the French game "Dixit", developed with the same rules. The creators of the project were Sergei Kuznetsov and Timur Kadyrov, who modified the playing field and made it entertainment for adults over 16 years old.

4 Bang

A game in the spirit of the real Wild West, which is reminiscent of the Mafia. During the game, each participant becomes a sheriff, renegade, bandit, etc. Players pursue personal goals without revealing their roles, but can shoot at each other.

5 Monopoly

It's hard to imagine the most interesting board games for adults without mentioning this legendary project. "Monopoly" is an economic strategy in which you need to roll the dice and move across the playing field, bumping into different real estate, production and infrastructure objects. It is necessary to increase your capital by ruining players with taxes and buying up entire streets or railways.

The first draft of the game was developed in 1934 and a year later, at the height of the Great Depression, the homemade game was sold out in one Philadelphia department store. A year later, Monopoly managed to become the best-selling American game.

6 Munchkin

This legendary game was developed as a parody of role-playing games. Steve Jackson has made a very insidious project in which you have to fight monsters with the help of curses and equipment, as well as get treasures and harm your rivals. Blackmail, collusion, bullying, deception and betrayal - in this game anything is possible for the sake of victory.

7 Uno

"Uno" is an extremely simple but entertaining entertainment for a cheerful adult company that loves competitions for intelligence and speed. The game has become popular due to its simplicity: game cards simply need to be thrown over the opponent’s option, taking into account the color or merits of the previous card.

The Uno design was patented by Merle Robbins in 1971. Today the rights to the game are owned by the Mattel brand. Interestingly, the name of the game is translated as “One” from Italian and Spanish. The name is due to the fact that, having the last card in his hands, the player must have time to inform the whole company about this before other players notice it.

8 Codenames

This project has received many awards all over the world. The game is simple and fast, ideal for noisy parties and quiet evenings. Entertainment helps develop imagination and better understand your language. The players are divided into two teams, and the captain of each team helps the others guess the words - the code names of their secret agents.

9 Scrabble

In Russia the game is known as "Erudite" and also "Slovodel". The essence of the entertainment is simple: you need to form words from a given set of letters, receiving points for them. IN European countries This game has long moved from the category of pranks and self-indulgence into a serious and very intellectual pastime. Even businessmen and officials love to play Scrabble.

The invention of the game dates back to 1938, when architect Alfred Butts first proposed a similar idea for entertainment. In the USSR, this game was first described in 1968, in the magazine “Science and Life”, and the name was very ornate - “Crossword”.

10 Battle of the Sexes

Not just a board game, but a quiz that reveals the smartest and smartest players. The questions concern the opposite sex, and it is necessary to show ingenuity and unity of the team, which, of course, is selected on the basis of gender. The goal is to score the most points.

11 Poker

This card game has long become a way for many people to make money. Championships have been held in this discipline for several decades in a row all over the world.

The entertainment is based on a large deck of cards, part of which is distributed to all players, and part of which is laid out on the table. Everyone’s task is to collect the best card combination and take chips from the entire company in order to increase their own bank.

12 Jackal

Quite an exciting card set that appeared on the gaming market relatively recently. You can play with 2-4 people. Everyone’s task is to get to riches, being an insidious pirate, ahead of other filibusters.

The project was developed at Moscow State University in the 70s and has an unusual atmosphere. The game tests logic and systematic thinking.

13 Wild Jungle

The popularity of this entertainment is due to the ability to play in large groups - up to 15 people. The game develops observation and reaction speed. The participants’ task is to get rid of the cards and, if they match, be the first to grab the totem.

14 Gnome Pests

This card game is similar to Mafia, but more dynamic and interesting. Here you can confuse your opponents with your actions.

The project is known in the world under the name "Saboteur". The essence of the game is to get to the treasure by traveling through the tunnels. However, some people from the company become not honest, hardworking gnomes, but dangerous saboteurs.

15 Honey mushrooms

In this board game you need to save a patient as a doctor. The remaining players play the role of hallucinations, conveying their meaning to the patient using gestures. Some glitches try to help the patient, while others try to help the doctor, because their goals are different.

16 Chess

This board game is rightfully considered the oldest, because it was invented in India 3 thousand years ago. With the help of chess, battles of those years were played out with the participation of cavalry, foot soldiers and kings.

Nowadays, this complex logic game is a great way to train your brain, help you pass the time and even take part in an international tournament. Chess is a 64-square board with pieces that can be played by two opponents.

17 Checkers

This game is created like chess, but instead of pieces, flat pieces (checkers) are used. It is also designed for two players who, using logical thinking, move checkers across a field of 8*8 or 10*10 cells.

18 Mafia

This exciting game is gaining popularity among young people and even attracts entire clubs. Meanwhile, it was invented in 1986 by psychology student Dmitry Davydov. At first it spread only within the walls of Moscow State University, but then it became popular in Europe and Russia.

The game is a confrontation between civilians and the mafia, and each player will have to use deductive and psychological techniques to identify the enemy.

19 Buy a ticket

The Buy a Ticket game is an exciting adventure through the cities of Europe and America using a game map. Players move along railroad tracks and collect trailers, stations, and trains.

A maximum of five people can play this game at the same time, and the one with the most points wins.

20 Carcassonne

This entertaining game Suitable for those who love strategic and economic games. The task is simple - there is a playing field that is assembled using chips. Depending on what terrain the chip lands on, it becomes a representative of different factions.

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