1996 who is by zodiac sign. Personal qualities of a person born in the year of the rat

The classic horoscope suggests dividing people into twelve zodiac signs, depending on the date and month of birth. And according to the Eastern horoscope, people acquire a patron animal depending on the year of birth.

People believe that qualities and character traits, strength and way of thinking are transmitted from the beast to a person born in a certain year. Advice and recommendations from astrologers can significantly help in solving life situations and problems. They will also help you find out about compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Year of the Fire Rat

The year 1996 is considered the time of the red fire Rat, and it occupies the period from February 19, 1996 to February 20, 1997. These are active and cheerful people, constantly striving for new discoveries and movement. The element of fire literally fills them and does not let those around them get bored, because the Rat is a walking holiday.

People born under this sign are confident in their strengths and capabilities, they are selfish and constantly have a desire to assert themselves. In life, everything is determined by speed: the faster events happen, the better the result for the sign.

Compatibility in love

In terms of compatibility with others, the Snake and the Ox are categorically not suitable for the Fire Rat; neutral alliances will be with the Goat and the Horse. And the Monkey, Dragon and Rabbit (Cat) understand the hot-tempered and restless beast best of all.

A wise and calm Snake is looking for a reliable and confident partner, and the latter is definitely not about Rats. As for the Ox, he is too energetic, and his temper can develop into serious aggression and irritability. Unions of the Rat and the Ox end in fights and scandals.

The Rat is looking for inspiration and new ideas, so the activity and playfulness of the Monkey will be very helpful. These zodiac signs complement each other well in terms of personal relationships and business partnerships. The fiery nature and fast pace of life suit the Rat: she loves movement and does not know how to get bored.

The Dragon has wisdom and knowledge, and the Rat loves to learn and comprehend new things for himself; in addition, they have a lot in common in their views. As for the Rabbit, it will also complement the Rat’s picture of the world well, therefore, in terms of personal relationships, a better combination simply cannot be found.

Characteristics of the Rat woman

Charm, visual attractiveness and femininity are the main features of representatives of this sign. The lady knows what she wants and knows how to achieve her goal. She is artistic and plays well to the public, rarely showing true emotions and feelings.

As for the inner world, the Rat loves to let people close to her, she falls in love and is also quickly disappointed in those around her, but this does not teach her anything, and, after a while, the lady again throws her chest at the embrasure.

From childhood to old age, the Rat looks for stability and something that can satisfy desires. But unfortunately, searches are not always successful. Representatives of the sign like to start several things and not finish any. They lack patience and perseverance. The Rat loves to learn new things and learn, but does it in express mode, so some of the knowledge is lost.

The rat is a destroyer; if you give something ready-made, it will not be able to keep it safe and sound, and in most cases it will simply destroy or lose it.

Women's unpredictability and selfishness are fully embodied here. She can infuriate and fray her nerves in a matter of seconds, but it costs her nothing to return everything to normal and reassure her chosen one again.

A woman is looking for a man who is ready to make serious concessions, because she will not hand over the management of her family and home to his hands. She needs to obey, imitate and constantly give compliments; such an atmosphere will be optimal for her.

In terms of work and business relationships, active and creative professions are perfect for her. Where talent needs to be shown, a woman will be unsurpassed. Journalism and teaching are suitable for a lady. She can also engage in fashion tailoring, create handmade jewelry, or develop natural talents.

A lady needs to show herself to others and be the center of attention, hear praise and flattery. By the way, the Rat woman, just like a man, does not know how to distinguish between false compliments, she likes to be in sight, so she accepts any form of recognition.

Characteristics of a Rat man

A representative of the sign has a number of qualities that significantly help in life. He will have to overcome many trials and serious barriers on the path to success, but it will be worth it. The Rat occupies high positions in the profession, although it systematically changes its work and preferences in terms of self-expression.


  • Confident in their strengths and capabilities.
  • Active in work and search for solutions.
  • Sociable and creative.

The representative of the sign is smart and cheerful, he will feel good in different companies and can find a common language with any person. The Rat man sets ten goals for himself and will accomplish six of them perfectly if no one distracts him and offers him new interesting tasks.

When it comes to creativity, men can be real talents. They draw, sing, and sculpt well and will be successful in all endeavors with manual work.

In terms of family ties, a man:

  • Knows how to choose a soul mate and build strong relationships.
  • Doesn't betray.
  • Faithful and stable in feelings.

Although this sign has energy and a desire to try new things, in terms of personal relationships he does not experiment, and if he chooses a companion, then for life. A man can conquer her on a grand scale, using all sorts of methods and options. He will not skimp on gifts and things, just to conquer and show the seriousness of his intentions.

As for the shortcomings, there are not many of them. The Rat, when it allows other people to approach itself, opens up completely and does not know how to lie. If he is betrayed, then this person will no longer be in his life, but the man takes a long time to lick his wounds. He dissolves into others, leaving no space for himself. Essentially, the Rat is an extrovert with the makings of a sanguine person. But after a breakup or friendship suddenly turns into a dissatisfied choleric, capable of hurting and taking revenge with one word.

After this, he withdraws into himself and breaks ties with others. This behavior can be alarming, but the Rat needs to think about how to live and who to replace the emptiness in the soul.

He is a good father in the family, tries to give children everything they need for a comfortable life and give them their knowledge and skills. It is possible that he will want to develop his offspring in a creative way.

In order to attract success and money into life, you need to prepare good soil. Astrologers strongly recommend using red in clothes - not shades, but rich, bright and rich paint.

So that luck does not leave the Rats, they need to carry a small talisman in the form of a gray ball in their pocket. Visually, this should symbolize the Rat himself, and the rolling of the roundness is movement and acceleration of the rhythm.

Another mascot of the sign is the ladder . Symbolizes upward mobility and the desire to develop. This attribute can be placed as a picture on your desktop or saved on your computer instead of a screensaver.

To attract money the numbers 9 and 6 are used, since they are associated with the birth of a person, you must write 1996 on a piece of red paper and place it next to the money. This will enhance positive energy and begin to attract prosperity and wealth.

Rats are so active that they forget about time, so they need to be reminded more often of punctuality and responsibility, and concentrate their attention on one thing.

Attention, TODAY only!

1996 who? 1996 is the year of which animal? – year of the Red Fire Rat. The active element of this sign is Fire. Fire Rats are by nature bright, memorable personalities. Their element gives them a lot of vitality and strength. Fire Rats are mostly creative and imaginative people with a fiery and hot-tempered temperament.

People born in 1996 do not like to sit in one place, they want constant movement. This applies to both the physical and spiritual sides of their lives. An inexhaustible charge of energy drives Fire Rats on their life path. They love to be in the spotlight, to be part of important events, to participate in all sorts of new endeavors, be it a trip, a new job, an interesting project or a protest that they ardently support.

The thinking of Fire Rats is distinguished by originality and originality. People of this sign do not tolerate leadership and control over themselves. They are often straightforward, sometimes even too direct, which can negatively affect communication with people around them. Sudden flashes of inspiration can engulf Rats and carry them far away. By nature, Fire Rats are very resilient, which in some cases can be good ground for big discoveries.

Aggressiveness and destructiveness are the main character traits of the Fire Rat sign, which can even turn out to be dangerous. The sign of the Fire Rat combines two extremes: either light and beginning, or death and destruction. Often the element of Fire causes war.

Fire Rats born in 1996 are extremely perceptive and perceptive individuals. Few people are able to deceive or mislead them. Such Rats have a tendency towards complete and unquestioning leadership. They often behave ardently and passionately, sometimes even insatiably, which can lead to belligerence. A military career for Rats can be a very successful choice in life.

Few people can compare in energy and even audacity with Fire Rats. It’s hard not to notice such people; they know how to behave in order to please others, and they can resort to hypocrisy if they see real life prospects for themselves.

It's amazing how Fire Rats manage to constantly win. They have great enthusiasm, and thanks to their understanding of situations, they can deftly and lightning quickly solve difficult life problems. The unusual combination of talents in people born in 1996 leads to great success in any endeavor.

It is interesting that Fire Rats do not make good artists, since it is difficult for people of this sign to separate light and shadow. Often Rats like creepy sensations, but they must try to avoid this or control their feelings. The internal fire living in Rats can burn their wounded nature.

The best time of year for Fire Rats is summer. During this period they feel good both physically and spiritually. The heart is the most vulnerable organ in people of this sign, so you need to constantly monitor its condition. Rice and lamb are the most suitable menu for the Fire Rat's stomach.

The color red will bring good luck and prosperity to Rats.

Year of the Red Fire Rat

Element: Fire

Color: Red

You never go straight to your goal, so those around you consider you a cunning and insidious person. But this is not always the case: it’s just that not all goals require straightforwardness and frankness.

Yes, at times you are too closed, you may seem flighty and fickle to others, because you strive for great love, but rarely find it in life. Thanks to your developed intuition and natural intelligence, you easily find a way out of the most negative situations.

Develop goodwill and learn frankness: this will win people over and contribute to strong friendships with them.

Character traits

  • Active fighter;
  • Leader.

Distinctive features

Reddish skin color, eagle nose and thick hair.

Suitable areas of activity

  • Journalist;
  • Writer;
  • Speaker;
  • Politician;
  • Supervisor;
  • Artist;
  • Teacher;
  • Businessman.

Eastern calendar compatibility table

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Neutral type of relationship

Such people will be able to create harmonious and strong relationships. But achieving harmony is possible only with mutual understanding, otherwise relationships are very easy to destroy. Be considerate of each other and everything will be fine.

Constant friction in relationships

Partners tend to play with each other and get on each other's nerves. The duration of a relationship depends only on the mutual desire to be together.


Partners will be happy together, but at the same time they will constantly move forward. If this sounds like you, then you have every chance of creating a wonderful and strong relationship.

Complete harmony

One of the most beautiful combinations. The family relationships of these people will be harmonious, happy, and calm to the envy of others.

Open confrontation

Such people will constantly conflict, even if they do not want to spoil the relationship. It is very difficult for partners to understand each other and not provoke conflicts.

Conflict combination

Partners will have to overcome many obstacles and show a lot of patience to maintain peace. For the relationship to be long-lasting and useful, both you and your partner need to put in a lot of effort, constantly adapting to each other.


Ups and downs will constantly alternate, as will quarrels and periods of reconciliation. If you can get through difficult periods, the relationship will become harmonious and you can build a happy future.

People born between the dates of February 18, 1996 and February 6, 1997 belong to the Fire Rat sign according to the Eastern Calendar. The hard work of the rat is also inherited by people born in the reign of this symbol. People born under the sign of the rat are diligent, hardworking and people who achieve their goals. This year, reserved people are born. 1996 according to the eastern calendar is the year of reasonable people who are not inclined to think long before doing something. Many people think that their work is not noticed, but this is an illusion.

Year of the Fire Rat

Fire Rats born in 1996 are quite good at adapting to negative changes in their lives. They love everything new - they like to introduce various technical innovations into their work and increase productivity by using the latest techniques. This approach leads them straight to success. Sudden changes do not frighten them, and they endure difficult periods in life with great dignity.

Representatives of the red fire Rat sign are very emotional and passionate. Red color and fire enhance the emotionality and excitability of this sign. People of this sign strive for innovation, they are decisive, have considerable intelligence and eloquence. The Eastern calendar says that those born in the year of the Rat can sometimes be quarrelsome and picky, domineering and self-confident. The optimal choice of profession for representatives of the sign: financier, lawyer, broker, detective.

1996: the Fire Rat animal, representatives of this sign are overwhelmed with the energy of the fiery element, which could be used with great benefit in many areas. These people are characterized by excessive sensitivity, a tendency to dramatize and exaggerate. They often exaggerate the significance of their feelings or events in their lives. The inability to hold their tongue often creates problems for them in communicating with people. These people need to learn to hold back critical statements so as not to create unnecessary problems for themselves.

1996 is the year of which animal? This question is of particular interest to those who believe and often rely on horoscopes. So let's take a look at which specific animal reigned in the mentioned year.

So, 1996 is the year of what animal? In the eastern calendar there are quite a lot of representatives of both real and fictional animals. As for 1996, the Red or Fire Rat ruled over it for all 12 months. However, it should be noted that this animal comes to “power” not from January 1, but only from February 19. That is why in the East it is customary to celebrate everyone’s favorite winter holiday only at this time.

Features of the Year of the Rat

1996 is the year of which animal? You received the answer to this question a little higher. Now I would like to talk about what the Year of the Fire Rat brings with it. As is clear, this animal is very hardworking. This particular quality should have been especially demonstrated in the year mentioned. After all, only diligence helps people achieve all their goals and fulfill all their desires.

Basic properties (general horoscope)

1996 is the year of birth of many young people today. It should be seen that such natures are very passionate and emotional. After all, representatives of the Fire Rat sign cannot be calm and modest. In addition, the red color of this animal greatly enhances the excitability and emotionality of people.

Representatives of this sign are generally wise and decisive. They are always composing something and trying to introduce some new things into their daily lives. This quality is one of the factors in their successful life in the future.

Difficult periods, which are accompanied by numerous turbulent or painful changes, are endured quite simply by Red Rats. This fact is due to the fact that they have the ability to quickly adapt to different situations. In addition, such people are characterized by exaggerated enthusiasm and excessive passion. The incontinence of their speech and embellishment of some events can ultimately nullify all past achievements.

Fire Rats born in 1996 should work on themselves and significantly reduce harsh and critical expressions towards people around them. They are encouraged to redirect their energy in a more constructive and peaceful direction.

Character traits

1996 is the year of which animal? Fire Rat. Based on this fact, many astronomers claim that representatives of this sign always strive for innovation. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it concerns their professional activities, personal life or everyday life. It is also worth noting that such people are quite decisive, purposeful and have amazing eloquence and considerable intelligence.

Now you understand that 1996 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born in the year of the Fire Rat says that representatives of this sign can from time to time be too picky and quarrelsome, as well as self-confident and imperative. Such character traits quite often help them move up the career ladder. The most optimal and suitable professions for representatives of this sign may be the following: financier, broker, lawyer or detective.

People who were born this year fully correspond to its eastern symbol. They are hardworking, diligent and always achieve their goals. By the way, many of them feel that their work is completely unnoticed by others (colleagues, bosses, family members, etc.). But this is just an illusion.

Ladies' horoscope (born 1996)

Representatives of this fire sign are quite concerned about their future and practically do not live in the present. Because of such constant anxiety, young girls have a special passion for material accumulation. Very often this leads to scandals in the family. It is also worth seeing that Rats are thrifty and love to attend various sales, where they are very active.

Ladies born this year will never tolerate strict control from their boyfriend or husband. This behavior is associated with their rational thinking. The Rat woman is very attractive, sexy, attractive, open, peaceful and resourceful. Thanks to these qualities, she will never be left without male attention. After marriage, such representatives of the fair sex become excellent housewives.

Horoscope for men

Representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the fire Rat, are very open and peace-loving people. If they fall in love with a lady, then the power of this wonderful feeling becomes so great that Rats simply cannot think about other things. Due to excessive emotionality and sociability, such men have quite a lot of love affairs. In the future, one of them will definitely develop into a serious relationship, which will end in a strong family union.

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