Storage of bonus cards. Bonus cards in Android Pay

Smartphone applications

If the user has accumulated an impressive number of discount cards, the Stocard application will help collect all the card data within its own platform.

The utility's action extends globally; the owner of a smartphone can add personal cards not only to stores in the CIS countries, but also in Europe, as well as the United States of America.

The system for adding a discount card involves both scanning a barcode using the device’s camera, and the ability to enter the required card number manually.

After securing a certain card, you can additionally remove images of the front and back of the plastic card itself. It is likely that in some store, with a similar method of receiving a discount, they will require a photo copy of the discount card.

The main essence of the Stocard program is to display a large barcode size for the corresponding devices in stores. There is a rather nice and simple search system, with its help you can find virtually any store and add a discount card to the Stocard database.

It is noteworthy that the developers regularly update this software, constantly improving its capabilities.

Pros of the Stocard app

  • Quite a simple menu implementation.
  • Russian-language interface shell.
  • Large selection of necessary buyer cards.
  • Simple and quite comfortable controls.
  • Well executed search engine.

Disadvantages of the Stockard application

  • There are periodic pop-up advertisements.
  • Not all stores announce promotional offers.
  • Rare slowdowns during card scanning.
  • There may be failures when saving a discount card.
  • Problems may occur when selecting a country (trying again will correct the situation).
Stocard is especially popular among very respectable and wealthy people who do not want to carry a huge mass of discount cards with them.

Together with such a program on the user's mobile device, you can easily receive discounts in the store of interest to the owner.

It is worth noting that

Application: Discount cards + bonuses| Free | For iPhone | Install

Hello to all shopping lovers! How many discount cards are in your wallet? We are sure that there are a lot, and this plastic is probably already making you feel nauseous. For the same reason, many people do not carry discount cards with them at all and only remember them in the store, when there is nowhere else to go. It turns out that this problem can be solved, and all you need is an iPhone. Well, a special application.

With the CardParking application, you can receive discount cards for free and store them directly on your smartphone so that you can conveniently use the card at your earliest convenience. Fortunately, the service has plenty of partners: from the chain of bars Good Beer Bar and Izyum. Chaikhana" to the chain of perfumery and cosmetics stores "Ile de Beaute" and the Outlet Village Belaya Dacha shopping complex.

You can store in CardParking not only those discount cards that you received in the application, but also your own - over the course of several years, many have probably managed to acquire a whole stack. More than 300 federal retail chains and stores around the world are available in the application, so you will definitely find your card. To add, just enter the discount card number, after which it will appear in the appropriate section.

One of the main features of the application is regular exclusive promotions, through which CardParking users have access to cards with increased discounts, gifts from major brands, and much more. For example, the “Ile de Beaute” card is now available in the application with a 20% discount completely free of charge. If you receive such a card directly in a store, be prepared to first spend at least 30 thousand rubles.

An obvious advantage of CardParking is that the need to constantly carry a bunch of “plastic” with you disappears by itself. Well, this is also a great way to save extra money by receiving a free discount card from your favorite store, especially since the list of partners will expand over time.

To use your discount card, simply launch the application in the store and show the electronic card at the checkout. That's it - the discount is yours! The “ ” section displays all the operations that you performed using your card. Messages from brands and addresses of nearby stores were a nice bonus.

Many stores and other companies issue discount cards, with which you can get a small discount or accumulate bonuses for something. And I have accumulated 8 of these cards, which is generally not much (for some people there are dozens of them). And, having accidentally stumbled upon an application for collecting cards on a smartphone, I found this idea very convenient, and after I found out that there were many such applications, I decided to compare them. And since I’ve compared it, it’s not a sin to write about it in my tech blog.

As it turns out, many applications are very convenient: they have a database (catalog) of discount cards, and you can select yours from the catalog. At the same time, it is often impossible to enter a card that is not in the catalog. And the purpose of the applications is this: in the store you present not a card, but a smartphone screen, from where the seller reads the barcode or number. Most applications have a built-in card barcode scanner. As for the cards themselves, I found them like this:

  • Club Perekrestok
  • Victoria
  • Fix Price
  • IKEA Family
  • Sportmaster
  • New Book
  • Sunlight Brilliant Club
  • Taxi "Angel"

In general, the set is very diverse: cards with and without barcodes, with different discount systems (the fixed price system, for example, does not give a discount, but allows you to accumulate points and participate in a prize draw). The "Angel" taxi card stands apart: it does not have any number and is valid upon presentation, giving a discount on the trip (10% during the day and 20% at night) and a 10% discount on vacation in the Abkhazian holiday home "Tsar Bagrat's Mountain". And here are our applications!

An application from German developers, valid all over the world. His catalog contained a huge number of discount cards from Russia and many other countries. Offers to scan a barcode or enter a card number; it is possible to add your own cards that are not in the catalog. You can take photos of the front and back of the card and add them to the application. But there are also disadvantages: the complete absence social functions and locator, as well as the mandatory barcode or number. Therefore, for the “Angel” card, I just had to enter 0 and for some reason the application generated a barcode for zero. There is a special offers page (nothing was displayed on it for me) and backup to the cloud. It recognized 6 of my cards, failing to cope with the Angel and Fix Price taxis. Overall, I'm very pleased with the program, but it doesn't have enough features.


Russian application, supposedly originating from St. Petersburg. It offers only Russian maps and does not allow the possibility of downloading “your” maps that are not in the not very extensive catalog. We were pleased with the functions of “sharing” cards (you send it to a friend with the same application so that he can use it), a locator (the nearest stores for added cards), a customizable catalog of discounts and backup to the cloud, as well as the ability to link a phone number, email, VK and Facebook . I liked the application, but for me it only detected “Victoria” and Fix Price, and cards not from the catalog cannot be added. And the catalog is small! However, the application is constantly being improved, and missing stores can be offered to developers.


This application uses the term “map parking”, has a fairly wide catalog, does not allow you to add “your” maps, works as a locator and allows you to save to the cloud. An interesting feature is the ability to receive a virtual discount card of some network directly from the application. Found 5 of my cards (Sportmaster, Victoria, Perekrestok, New Book and Sunlight). However, I personally didn’t really like it because of the not very user-friendly interface.


This service with a self-explanatory name does not have a very large catalog of cards, does not have a locator, but it offers the opportunity to get a virtual discount card WmestoCard (which is not yet in use anywhere). Its interface is not very convenient, and new functions such as store search work somehow strangely or do not work at all. It recognized 4 cards for me (Sportmaster, Perekrestok, IKEA and Sunlight), and also made it possible to enter cards not from the catalog, for some reason generating a barcode, even if there is none. Overall, an interesting idea, which so far “works in test mode and does not provide the opportunity to get a discount anywhere” (this is about their virtual InsteadCards). Well, let's wait, at the moment it is of little functionality.

Russian development with an extremely meager catalog of maps and the ability to add your own. It is also possible to receive virtual cards from partner stores and one-time discount coupons. It has a built-in map of partners, on which for some reason only “Crossroads” are displayed (including the one that was in “Tuk-Tuk” and closed more than a year ago). Honestly warns that for the first time it is worth taking and plastic card, since sellers may not understand and refuse to accept the code from the screen (except in cases of virtual cards, of course). I only recognized “Crossroads” and Sunlight. Not a bad application, very convenient, but the catalog of cards and discount coupons is extremely small.

An application from Alfa Bank that divides cards into 3 categories: verified (those that will definitely be accepted from the screen), tested (the rest of the extensive catalog) and added by you (not related to the catalog). Recognized 5 of my cards (Victoria, Perekrestok, Sportmaster, Sunlight, Ikea). There are no more functions except cloud backup. In short, a very simple but convenient application.


Application with an international catalog. It is quite extensive, but I only found the Sunlight and Crossroads maps. There is a “Special Offers” tab (promotions on cards), the ability to add your own cards and backup to the cloud. Not enough and not impressive.

Other applications

CardLess+. Good for everyone, but only for Europe and the USA. There is no Russian language or shops, but the catalog for Europe is extensive.

iKeebon. Only for Azerbaijan, no Russian stores, registration required.

PINbonus. An exact clone of AnyCard, but in blue instead of red, and without mention of Alfa Bank.

VDCard. It only works using a barcode scanner, and it didn’t identify any of my cards or let me add them in.

DUOX. Works in several cities of Russia, but not in Moscow.

MyDiscoCard. A buggy and ugly application with a small catalog without the ability to add your own.

Watermelon. “The server is temporarily unavailable, please try again later” is all I found out about it.

Discount. Requires an activation code, which can be obtained in some stores.

CardHolder. A primitive card storage without an online catalogue. You can read the barcode or take a photo of the card.

CardMate. The design is better than the previous one, the functionality is even less, an advertising banner, the code is mandatory.

To summarize, I can say: there will be a mobile storage of discount cards! Personally, I will keep Stocard and Kartofon: the first - for the size of the catalog, and the second - for its useful innovative functions in the hope of expansion. Which is what I advise you to do.

Developers from Nizhny Novgorod, as part of import substitution, are promoting the Wmestocard project in Russia, which can make life easier for users of mobile devices. The application of the same name is used for convenient storage and use of discount and discount cards. Smartphone applications on the iOS and Android mobile platforms are already ready to compete with foreign analogues, for example, the German Stocard service.

The essence of the Wmestoсard application is that the user can conveniently store all available discount cards directly in the mobile phone and present them in the store directly from the device screen by opening the mobile application. I must admit that this is very convenient, because a person will never go out without a phone and all the numerous family cards will always be at hand.

“Our mobile application is useful for everyone! We are free and useful application! Plastic cards are no longer needed; your smartphone can do more than just be a toy, a chat room or a dialer. Hundreds of plastic cards will be stored in a smartphone and they are always at hand, at any time, anywhere, and this is just the beginning. We are Russian developers and we can compete with foreign developments, we are full of ideas. We are confident that our compatriots will support our project. There is strength in unity and together we will definitely break through!”

The application allows you to download all discount cards to your phone, and in the most in a simple way, thanks to the built-in barcode scanner and ready-made discount card templates.

Comparing the Wmestocard application with its competitor Stocard, you can see that Russian developers are already one step ahead. Their program can not only conveniently store plastic discount cards, but is also ready to offer more functionality: virtual cards, news, reviews, chat for communication. The project not only replaces an imported service, but also solves the problem of storing personal data of Russian citizens on Russian territory.

You can download the Wmestocard application for free from the App Store or Google Play; links to stores specifically for your device are provided on the official website of the project.

Coupons and bonus promotions – these offers are everywhere. People want to purchase goods and services at competitive prices, but they do not want to wander around stores and compare price tags. The Android Pay application provides storage and use of various bonus cards offering discounts and profitable terms purchases.

How to add a bonus card to Android Pay

To link discount and bonus cards to Android Pay, you must complete the following steps:

  • Launch the application by entering your credentials;
  • In the lower right corner, click on the plus button;
  • From the list provided, select the type of plastic card - gift or regular user card;
  • In the additional window, enter the name of the company that provides the bonus card;
  • The card is scanned in a new window; to do this, you need to bring the barcode to the center of the frame. If the scanning process does not produce results, you can enter the bonus card data manually.
  • In the Android Pay application, you can also enable the function of alerts about promotions taking place in stores located near your home;
  • After a window pops up indicating that the bonus card has been added to Android app Pay, it can be used.

Additional features

The service offers each user a number of other additional features. You can add unique offers to the Android Pay system. To do this, you need to go to the company’s resource and look for the item about “ Save to Android Pay". Usually this is a separate page or a medium-sized button. If you click on it, the user will be offered a series of actions that need to be performed. Then you need to click the “save” button.

How to use Android Pay bonus cards

To use your bonus card via the Android Pay app, you must:

  • unlock the device and launch Android Pay;
  • select from the list the name of the service or store;
  • show the gadget at the store checkout. To carry out the operation, a barcode is required, which is scanned by the seller;
  • if the system refuses to scan the barcode, the seller can enter the data manually.

Problems with barcode display may occur due to chips on the screen, excessive abrasions, or dirt. It is better to first wipe the gadget and turn it in the direction in which all the barcode stripes will be clearly visible.

What bonus cards to add to Android Pay

You can add bonus cards from various retail chains and services to the Android Pay application, such as:

  • "Pyaterochka"
  • "Crossroads"
  • "M Video"
  • and many others..

In addition, you can add bonus cards to Android Pay for various beauty salons and other companies providing services to the public.

That's all! Now you know how to add and how to use bonus cards in Android Pay. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments!

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