How to spell n and nn in adverbs. “Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech


make sentences with them.



Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 2. Insert N or NN, indicate the adjectives from which the adverbs are formed.
How do they help in writing N and NN in adverbs?
Frightened...oh, desperate...oh, organized...oh, eager...oh, steamy...oh, thought up...oh, mischievous...oh, no doubt...oh,
sound... oh, noiseless... oh, learned... oh, gathered... oh, pretend... oh, foggy... oh, distorted... oh, angry... oh, removed... O,
thinking...oh, confused...oh, sad...oh, completely...oh.
Which two words are not adverbs? What part of speech are they? Like this
affects the spelling of N and NN?
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)
Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 3. Open the brackets and insert where necessary N or NN, as well as other missing ones
1. The girl smiled in embarrassment. 2. The dancer moved gracefully...o, slowly...o, gracefully...o4.
3. As soon as the guests left, it immediately felt empty...oh. 4. The audience started clapping
prematurely...oh. 5. It’s (not) proper for a man to cry…oh. 6. I loved tai...o. 7. Accepted praise
indifference...oh. 8. And slowly…o they burned them with fire until the morning. 9. He treated us kindly...oh. 10. And
many years (not) heard of have passed. 11. She looks luxurious...oh.
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)
Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 1. Form adverbs from these adjectives, explain their spelling,
make sentences with them.
Active, unexpected, unexpected2, active, accomplished, amazing,
alarmed, natural, ugly.
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)

Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 4. Open the brackets and insert where necessary H or NN, as well as others
missing letters.
1. Everything around was very mysterious...oh. 2. We shared the melancholy of exile as friends...oh. 3. But forever
it is (not) possible to love. 4. There are speeches - the meaning is that... or insignificant... oh, but listen to them without worry
(not) possible...oh. 5. She looked at me in amazement...oh. 6. I went to the pharmacy for a while. 7. You can't
tell monoto...oh. 8. It’s (not) proper for a man to cry…oh. 9. As soon as the guests left, immediately
it became kind of empty...oh.
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)
Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 5. Write down, explaining spellings and punctograms graphically. Adverbs

1. The silent steppe turns blue and the Caucasus is surrounded by a silver crown. 2. And the black sea is noisy
(not) falling silent4. 3. Will I be able to forget for a moment the memory of (not) long ago. 4. Both boring and
it’s sad, and there is (no) one to give a hand to in a moment of emotional (dis)trouble. 5. Listen, uncle: a priceless gift!
What are all the other gifts? But I hid it from the whole universe until now. 6. For many years (not) heard of
Perform a phonetic analysis of the word boring. What is the peculiarity of pronunciation
words boring and sad?
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)
Spelling N and NN in adverbs.
Card 6. Write down, explaining spellings and punctograms graphically. Adverbs
Underline both parts of the sentence. Indicate their rank by value.
1. (N_) whose benevolence (not) pleasing to the eye we are shaken by the whirlwind and heat of the fire without benefit
r_sli we (M. Lermontov). 2. The engineer performed the work very skillfully. 3. On it
(un)usually bright outfit. 4. It suddenly became very windy outside. 5. Follow orders
(not) strictly. 6. I would strictly forbid these persons to approach the capitals for a shot (A.
Griboyedov). 7. And the one who walks through life with a song will (n_)when and (n_)where (not) disappear.
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)
Spelling N and NN in words.
Card 7. Write down by inserting N or NN, opening the brackets. Add commas.

1. The beam door does not close well and needs to be repaired. 2. Petrov, intimidated by threats
(not) said (not) a word4. 3. I willingly believe that you studied the poem but, unfortunately, (didn’t) finish it. 4.
Grandma baked my favorite layer cake. 5. The operating room should be sparkling clean. 6. Tomorrow
I’ll make your favorite macaroni for dinner. 6. A company store was opened in our house.
(From didactic material on the Russian language. Compiled by L. A. Tropkina)

Adverbs on -O , formed from adjectives and passive participles, are written with double n or one n - depending on how the corresponding adjective or participle is written.

For example:

Written with NN : unexpected, unheard of(from unexpected, unheard of), excitedly, excitement (excited), confident;

Written with n : confusing (talks confusedly), confusion, confusion(from confused), learned (very learnedly expressed),windy (It's windy outside today).

8. Pr...Follow, pr...Flavourful, pr...Import, pr...Exalt, pr...Evil, light...presentation, pr...Understand, pr...Unlike, pr...fastidious, pre...wise, not pr...Missed to ask, scary- pr...Terrible, pr...heartbreaking, pr...wonderful, bring to life, pr...acquire, pr.E..exalt.

Console at- has three main meanings:

· approaching, joining: etc And get closer, pr And glue;

spatial proximity to something: etc And yard, pr And maritime;

· incomplete, short-lived action: etc And lie down, pr And to brake.

Attention! at- etc And bor, pr And mature, pr And kaz, pr And to drag, etc. And syaga.

Console pre- has two main meanings:

· high degree of quality or action (close in meaning to “ Very"): etc e unpleasant, pr e be on time;

close to the meaning of the prefix re- : etc e tear, etc e flog, pr e award.

Attention! In some words the prefix pre- in modern Russian language does not stand out: etc e look, etc. e gateway, pr e flatter, etc. e business

Not allocated as consoles pre- And at- in words of foreign language origin: etc e zidium, pr e people, pr e stige, privilege, etc. And priority and others.

9. Tumbleweed.- ..field, dezhimorda, daredevil, Ivan..-.yes.-..Marya,, sub-inspector, quintessence, force.-..majeure, hit. -..parade, stop.-..crane, dynamo.-..machine, south.-..west, half past nine,, in a low voice.

The following compound words are written together:

· Nouns with connecting vowels O And e : steam O cart, tongue O knowledge, became e smelter

· Nouns with elements board- And -meter: flight doctor, flight attendant, ammeter.

· Nouns and adjectives with foreign language elements anti-, air, auto-, bio-, bicycle, helio-, hydro-, zoo-, inter-, counter-, macro-, micro-, mono-, motorcycle, neo-, radio-, stereo-, television, ultra-, photo-, extra-: anti virus, air mail, auto portrait, bicycle sport, counter revolution, radio equipment, ultra sound.
Exception: counter- admiral.

· Compound words and abbreviations: local committee, special correspondent, city committee, university, USA.

· Compound nouns, the first part of which is a verb in the imperative mood -And : save up house, tear it off head, burn color.
Exception: tumbleweed field.

· Compound nouns, adjectives, adverbs, the first part of which is the numeral in the genitive case: five volume book, sixty summer, three multiple.

· Names of residents, nationalities, tribes, people by their occupation, interests, affiliation with an organization: Almaty resident, Costa Rican, yacht club member.

· Adjectives formed from compound nouns written without a hyphen: forest-steppe (forest-steppe), paint and varnish (paint).

· Adjectives, one of whose parts is not used independently: coppery head, All poisonous, worthy revered.

· Adjectives formed from two words, one of which is independent and the other is subordinate: privately economic(private farm) wide screen(wide screen).

· Adjectives formed by the combination “adverb + adjective (participle)”; often these terms are: highly skilled, fast cutting, evergreen, expensive, little known.
Note: a combination of an adverb and an adjective (participle) is written separately if the first part answers the question How? how?, and also if the adverb ends in -ski: quickly fading, easily changing, friendly, brutally tired.

Adjectives whose first part is a numeral: magpie degree, twenty-five meter

· Words with perfixoid half- (semi-) not before a vowel, capital letter, consonant l : semi machine, floor centuries, floor seventh.

The following compound words are written with a hyphen:

· Compound nouns made from two words without connecting vowels: Prime Minister, Tsar Cannon, Jazz Orchestra.

· Nouns with foreign language elements vice-, life-, Ober-, non-commissioned officer, headquarters-, the ex-: vice- the president, life- medic, non-commissioned officer Officer, the ex- champion.

· Terms with letter names: alpha- globulin, X- segment, pi- meson.

· Compound nouns denoting units of measurement: gram-calorie, man-day, kilowatt-hour.
Exceptions:workday, labor hour.

· Names of intermediate cardinal points: southeast, northeast.

· Composite names of political parties, doctrines and their adherents: Marxism-Leninism, social democrat.

· Complex plant names with a conjunction And or with a verb: mother-and-stepmother, love-not-love.

· Compound Russian and foreign surnames and geographical names, as well as similar adjectives: Nikolaeva-Tereshkova, Joliot-Curie, New York, Rostov-on-Don, Pas-de-Calais, Alma-Ata, Costa Rican, Yacht Club.

· Adjectives formed from compound nouns written with a hyphen: northwestern, alpha active, Orekhovo-Zuevsky.

· Adjectives formed from equivalent words (you can insert a conjunction And): Russian-English dictionary, research, world-historical meaning(But: well-known).

· Adjectives with color meaning: pale blue, red-brown.

· Adjectives denoting quality with an additional connotation: sweet and sour, good-naturedly cheerful.

· Adjectives formed from foreign words in -iko : honey ico- pharmaceutical, history ico- philological.

· Words with prefixoid floor- before a vowel, capital letter, consonant l : floor- window, floor- Moscow, floor- lemon, floor- eleventh.

Complex adverbs, formed by a combination of prepositions turned into prefixes, and full or short adjectives and pronouns, ordinal numbers, repetition of the same word, can be written together, separately or with a hyphen.

Hyphenated adverbs are written:

· On -mu (-him), -i (-ski, -tski, -ki, -i) with attachment By-: By- its to him, By- new wow, By- rus ski, By- mute tski, By- birds yi.
Exceptions:therefore, therefore, therefore, one by one.

· Formed by a combination of prefixes in- (in-) and ordinal numbers: V- hundredths, in- first.

Formed by repetition of the same root or synonymous words: barely, quietly, quietly, dearly, exactly, I'll pick you up.

10. Obzh..O.ra, ozh.O..g hands, our.E..ptyat, sh..O.rokh, cheap.E..wy, canvas.O..wy, bech..E. vka, crack.O..tka, girl..O.nka, experience.E..r, across.E..t, no matter.E..m, luggage..O.m, Vladimir Ilyich.E.m , Fomich.O..m, slum..Both, stew.E.nka, cramp.E.vka, plush..E.vy, worthless.E.m.

After sibilants, vowels are written:

· and, a, y in all words ( thicket, cleaning).

Exceptions: jury, brochure, parachute;

· And after ts written in all words ( circus, revolution), except:

o endings ( skiers);

o suffix -eun- (Kuritsyn);

o five exception words: gypsy, chick, tiptoe, tut, chick;

· e written in unstressed position: plush, awkward, gully;

· oh, oh written with emphasis:

o in the roots of words the letter O need to remember: seam, rustle, hood; letter e you can check: whisper - whispers;

o in suffixes and endings of all words formed not from verbs, only O: hook, canvas, with baby, large;

o in verbs and in words formed from verbs, only e: flowing, stew - stewed - stew+ words to -yor: conductor.

11. Aluminum, crystal, metal.L..ical, programming, op..P.onize, group..P.ka, program.M..ka, three-ton, ill.L..adjust, ap...el.L..ivate, gramophone record, cannonade, ter..R.history, producer, impres.S..ionism,

1. At the root of a word, double consonants are written, as a rule, in borrowed words.

Alley, assembly, ballad, column, correspondent, repression, tennis, ton, terrace, effect.

· Word ba ll matter:

1. “a unit for assessing the degree of something” ( wind force six);
2. “grade in school, sports, etc.” ( passing score).

· Word ba l means "big dance party" ( prom).

2. In the roots of Russian words, two identical consonants are written in the following cases:

· LJ reins, yeast, buzz, juniper(and their derivatives);

in forms and derivatives of the verb to burn, in which there is no clearly pronounced zhg .

Wed: I burn - you burn, burns, burnt, burnt.

· ss argument and its derivatives ( quarrel, quarrel), Russia and its derivatives ( Russians, Russian; But: Rus).

o Word lawsuit With ny written with one With , since the root was previously distinguished in it cous- (bite, piece), A -n- was a suffix. In modern Russian language skillfully is completely the root.

o Word lawsuit ss yours spelled with two With , since previously it had the same root cous- , A -stv- – suffix of an abstract noun.

12. Coat.Sh..ko, vest.Sh..ka, boil..J.ka, hare.Sh..ka, stumpers..J.ka, flask.J..ka.

13. (In) open, (secretly, (half-listened, (on) the fly, (in a hurry, (on display, (in) the last, (apparently, (in a hurry, (in) hearts, (full of, (before) I fall, (without) knowledge, (with) pantalyk, (for) taste, (for) memory.

14. (In) continuation of the hour, (due to an error, (regardless of the weather, (by) over the forest, (by) absence, (by) cloud, (about work, (by) improving quality, (by) measure) approach, (in) the name of friendship.

15. (Unimaginable silence, work (not) done, (invincible hero, he (shouldn’t) do this, (innocent look.

16. (There is no place to ask, there is not enough food, there is nothing to buy, there is nothing to work for, there is no one to complain to, there is no one to ask, I asked someone.

17. There is nothing to say, n.i.. didn’t say anything, no matter what he n.i.. said, there was one answer to everything; N.I..who other than...; I saw nothing else; one else knew this.

18. He c..I..t, bre.E..t, ma..E.sya, dozed..E..t, sat..E.t, gon.I..t, hear..I. t, want.E.t, hold.E..t, fight.E..t, sway.E..t, breathe..E.t, build.E..t, lush.E..t with health .

To write correctly personal unstressed ending verb, you need to put the verb in the indefinite form:

on -IT, then when changing in persons and numbers it will have a vowel at the end AND: (-it, -ish, -ite, -im, -at - -yat). For example: move it- move it, move look, move them, move ite, move yat. (2nd conjugation)

If the verb ends in the indefinite form not on -IT, then when changing according to persons and numbers, they will in the singular have a vowel at the end E(-et, -eat), and in the plural - (- at T, - Yu T, - e those - e m), for example: ex at- units no, units eat, units ut, units yeah, units eat(1st conjugation)


1. There are two verbs: shave And lay, which change according to the 1st conjugation, for example: shave - bre eat, bre no, bre ut, bre yeah, bre eat.

2. There are eleven verbs that change according to the 2nd conjugation:

Drive - drive look, gon it, gon yat, gon ite, gon them.

19. They are stel.E..t, view.I..t, clean..I.t, vert..I.t, offense.E..t, offense..I.t, se.I.. t, re.E..t, lele..E.t, cle.I..t.

20. He is ashamed, He will not have to be ashamed, He will succeed in everything; I don't like healing; He is being treated now; I'm studying tomorrow; there is no need to doubt; They are afraid of wolves - don’t go into the forest. (Question - What does he do?)

21. Continue ,,,,,

22. Get out the door! When you leave, close the door. Please choose a book. You will finally choose.E..those or you will stand there; And then you will clean the room, collect the toys and wipe off the dust.

23. Adhesive, pure.I..shchy, hearing.A..shy, fighting.Y..shy, disdainful..A.schy, grey.I..shy, present.I..shy, unless..I.., shot..I.n, kneaded.A..dough, oil pumped out..E.from the base,, seeded..I.field, that.. Southern snow.

24. Zag.O..ret, sk.O..settle, approve.A.r, pl.O..vchiha, squeeze..I.gat,,, sleep, bl..I.become, ur.O..ven, r..A.balance, industrial.O.porridge, iz.A..gat, r..O.supplier, prosk. A..chu on horseback, Nar.A..became, positioned.O..lived.

25. Report.Ch..ik, detour.Ch..ik, cab..Ch..ik,,,,, spread.Ch..ik.

26. Hut.I..k, bag.E..k, worker.E..k, box.E..k, fire.E..k, cucumber..I.k, friendly.E..k , peas.E..k, bow.I..k, pencil.I..k.

One and two N in adverbs ending in –o, -e.

(continued topic)


    Strengthen students' spelling skills n-nn in adverbs ending in -o, -e; teach to distinguish parts of speech that are similar in form (short verbal adjectives, short participles, adverbs);

    develop memory, logical thinking, and literate writing skills;

    cultivate interest in language.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

Homework: ex. 258.

    Updating students' knowledge.

1. Survey.

- Remember what topic we studied in the last lesson?

- What do we need to know in order to correctly write adverbs with N or NN?

- Remember when we write N and NN in adjectives?

(In adjectives, one letter N is written in the suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YAN-.

For example: swan (in the suffix -IN- one letter N is written), leather (in the suffix

AN- is written with one letter N), woolen (in the suffix -YAN- one letter N is written).


(Two letters N are written in adjectives, whose suffixes begin with the letter O or E.


Exception: windy

Two letters N are written in adjective names formed using the suffix N from nouns with a stem starting with the letter N.

For example: PLAIN = PLAINS N A+ N)

Thus, in adverbs we write as many N as in the adjective and participle from which this adverb is formed. (slide 1)

2. Checking homework.

Ex. 259.

The word "epic" comes from the word "byl". But is that all told in epics, did it really happen?

What has been said is the full participle of the owl species, which means we write NN.

Performers of epics are always enthusiastically, sincerely told about courageous heroes who fearlessly fought with the enemies of the Russian land.

Enthusiastic - adverb (from the adjective enthusiastic); sincerely-adverb (from adj.sincere), fearlessly – adverb (from adj.fearless)

Of course, in epics a lot fiction, but in them excitedly tells about the battles and exploits of heroes who steadfastly endured the most difficult trials.

A lot is an adverb (can be replaced with a synonym - a lot), excitedly is an adverb (excited).

Attentively Listening to or reading ancient tales, people remember memorable events in Russian history.

Attentively – adverb (derived from adjective – attentive).

People not by chance composed epics about noble intercessors who faithfully and selflessly serve people, protecting their freedom and peaceful life.

It is no coincidence - an adverb (you can choose a synonym - naturally, logically), devotedly - an adverb (from the adjective - devoted), selflessly - an adverb (selfless - adjective)

    Explanation of new material.

Please look again at our rule (on the slide) and tell me which rule and what knowledge will still be useful to us in correctly writing N and NN in adverbs?

(We will need knowledge of the correct spelling of N and NN in participles, in addition, we must learn to distinguish between short verbal adjectives, short participles and adverbs).

Let's look at examples:

1 class concentrated listened teacher's explanations.

Class-subject, listened – predicate; listened - (how?) with concentration - this is a circumstance of the manner of action, expressed by an ADVERB. Refers to a verb, can be replaced by another adverb - attentively. Therefore, this is an adverb in which so much is written n how much is in a word concentrated.

2. Faces everyone were focused, are serious.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Persons – subject; faces (were what?) – were concentrated – this is a predicate, it can be replaced with a full adjective concentrated, therefore, this is a short adjective, it says so much n , How many n in full form).

3. Troops were focused on the plain.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Troops – subject; were concentrated – predicate; Focused- can be replaced with a verb concentrated, therefore, this is a short participle in which one letter is written n .)


1) If in a sentence the circumstance of the manner of action (question to and to?) refers to the verb - this is an adverb in which so many are always written n , how much is in the word from which it is derived; it can be replaced by another adverb.

2) If the word is a predicate, then it can be a short participle or a short adjective. The short participle can be replaced with a verb. Sometimes with a short participle there is a word indicating the producer of the action. A short participle always contains one letter n .

A short adjective answers the question k a k o v? It can be replaced by the full form. A short adjective often acts as a homogeneous member. It says so much n , how many are in full shape.


    Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

1. Collective work with the class.

Using a reasoning diagram, explain the spelling of N and NN in different parts of speech.

1) Thoughts are focused (focused) on the report(in a short participle one letter is always written n ).

cr. adj. cr. adj.

2) Girl(Where are you?) attentive Andconcentrated (attentive and focused; a short adjective says so much n , How many n in full form).


3) She listened(How?) concentrated(so much is written n , How many n in the word from which the adverb is derived).

Exhibition organized sponsors (short participle, can be replaced - organized by sponsors).

Excursionpassed(How?) in an organized manner (adverb, derived from the word organized, in the word organized two n )

Pupil(Where are you?) disciplined Andorganized (short attached, can be replaced with the full form disciplined and organized)

Meeting excited message (short participle, can be replaced with a verb - the meeting was excited by the message).

Alllistened message (to?) excitedly . ( adverb derived from the word - excited, in which NN is written)

Seeds scattered across the field (short participle, can be replaced with a verb - the seeds were scattered)

2. Work in pairs.

Assignments: write out SS with adverbs. Explain the spelling of N and NN.

shouted enthusiastically

very much

it smelled strong

lay scattered

terribly boring

held tightly

completely uninteresting

enthusiastically – enthusiastic (participle)

strongly – strong (adjective)

scattered – scattered (participle)

terrible - terrible (participle)

intensely – intensified (participle)

absolutely – perfect (adjective)

interesting – interesting (adjective)

Upon completion of the work, a mutual check takes place.

    Independent work.

Vzvolnova..about talk

Looked crazy...

Desperately..o screamed

The guys' attention is scattered..o

The wind scatters the seeds across the field

Slowly walked through the city

The roofs of the houses turned white with snow

Excitedly speak (adverb)

Crazy looked (adverb)

Desperately shouted (adverb)

Attention guys absently(adjective)

by the wind scattered seeds in the field (participle)

Slowly walked through the city (adverb)

Snowy the roofs of the houses turned white (adverb)

Evaluation criteria.

"5" - 8

"4" - 6-7

"3" - 4-5

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

What difficulties can you encounter when writing words with this spelling?

What is this connected with?

– What needs to be done to avoid mistakes?


Ex. 258 p. 107. (as assigned)

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech is included in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language for grade 11 (task 14).

The number of letters N in the suffix depends on the part of speech of the word.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of denominal adjectives

One N is written in suffixes:

  • -AN- and -YAN- (clay, sand, etc.), with exceptions: glass, tin, wood;
  • -IN- possessive adjectives (ant, mouse, etc.).

Double N is written:

  • if the adjective is formed from a noun with a stem ending in N, using the suffix -N- (foggy, valuable, etc.), with the exceptions: young, ruddy, swine, zealous, dun, blue, green, crimson;
  • in the suffixes -ONN- and -ENN- (lecture, countless, etc.), with the exception of: windy (however windless - with the prefix NN).

It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes -ENN- and -YAN-: The suffix -YAN- is usually present in a word simultaneously with the stressed ending -OY (herbal, windy, etc.), except for words formed from nouns ending in -MYA (seed, nominal, tribal, etc.).

It is also necessary to distinguish between the adjectives buttery (verbal, meaning “with oil on the surface”) and oily (nominal, meaning “made from oil”): oiled frying pan (coated with oil) and butter cream (made from oil).

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives

To determine the number of letters H in a suffix, you need to use the algorithm:

  1. Determine the type of the verb from which the participle or verbal adjective is formed (ask a question to the verb: if the question is “what to do?”, then the form is imperfect; if the question is “what to do?”, then the form is perfect. You can also check the type of the verb in another way: if a verb (and a participle or verbal adjective, respectively) has any prefix except NOT- and SEMI-, then the form is perfect, otherwise the form is imperfect):
    • If the type is perfect, the suffix is ​​written -NN- (soaked, fried, etc.);
    • If the view is imperfect, go to step 2;
  2. Check whether the participle or verbal adjective has dependent words:
    • If there is, then the suffix is ​​written -NN- (fried in oil, etc.);
    • If not, then go to step 3;
  3. Check if the participle or verbal adjective has the suffix -OVA- or -YOVA-:
    • If there is, then the suffix is ​​written -NN- (pickled, dispatched, etc.);
    • If not, then the suffix is ​​written -N- (fried, wounded, etc.).

It is worth remembering the spelling of the following words and phrases:

  • with one H: forged, chewed, pecked, smart, mad, dowry, named brother, imprisoned father, forgiven Sunday, melted butter, patched-patched (and similar words);
  • with double H: unexpected, unforeseen, unseen, unheard, desired, cutesy, accidental, read, seen, heard, done, seen, unexpected, sacred, slow, offended, decided, deprived, captive, abandoned, said, given, released, forgiven, promised , bought, inspired, heated house.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of short participles and adjectives and adverbs

The number of N depends on the part of speech:

  • Short participles always have one H in the suffix (answer the questions “what has been done?”, “what has been done?”, there is a dependent word or it is implied, a short participle can be replaced with verb in a sentence): he is confident in his friend;
  • Short verbal adjectives have as many Ns in the suffix as there are in the full form (answer the question “what(s)?”): she was confident and proud;
  • Adverbs ending in -O, formed from adjectives or participles, have as many Hs in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which they are formed (answer the question “how?”): he felt confident.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in noun suffixes

If a noun is formed from a noun with a stem ending in N, using suffixes:

  • -NIK- or -NITs-, then the word is written -NN- (fan, admirer, etc.);
  • -OST-, then the word is written -N- (laziness, etc.).

If a noun is formed from an adjective or participle with a stem ending in H, using the suffixes -IK-, -ITs-, -OST-, then it has as many Hs in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which it is formed: smoked (from “smoked”), entanglement (from “entangled”), etc.




Theoretical charging

1. When it is written in adjectives NN ?
2. Name the exceptions to these rules.
3. How to distinguish a verbal adjective with a suffix -n- from communion with -nn- ?
4. What exceptions in the spelling of verbal adjectives do you know?
5. How to write suffixes with n And NN in short forms of adjectives and participles?
6. How much n written in adverbs and nouns formed from adjectives and participles?


1. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs according to the example:

leather– leather en y: sand, rye;

drum- drum n y: abuse, hurricane, pocket, fog, spring, manna, early;

clay– clay yang y: birch bark, water, tin, resin, wool, peat;

to knit– elm n y: tear, call, confuse, hew, forge, chew, cut, wash;

wallow- Valya n y: winnow, solder, sow, shoot.

2. Form adjectives from these nouns and highlight the suffix.

Goose, mosquito, bee, lion, mouse, rooster, ant, nightingale, snake, guest, poplar, length, plain, antiquity, virgin soil, pig.
Infection, station, lecture, tradition, pension, exam, season, lemon, wormwood, string, desert, cast iron, crow, horse.

3. Form adjectives from nouns and verbs, highlight suffixes according to the example:

disease– illness enne y.
Morning, lunch, life, thought, fire, letter, number, cranberry, straw, foliage, courage, fatherland, kinship, feeling.

enrage– besh en y.
Felt, iron, give, burn, heat, glue, boil, mow, fry, cut, wound, teach, layer.

4. Graphically explain the spelling. n And NN in words:

cochet n y meadow - nekoshe n oh, skosh NN y and koshe NN dewy meadow;
more painted NN th fence - painted - has not been more beautiful for a long time NN y- unbeautiful n y;
nope n tablecloth - weave NN golden - weaving NN aya - not a lot NN and I;
wound n 1st warrior - wound NN first in battle - lightly wounded n oh - hurt n s plow;
burn n sugar - semi-burnt NN that manuscript is burned NN oh desert.

5. Conduct a selective dictation with an explanation. Write down the words in two columns with n And NN .

1) Old Mazay loves his low-lying land with passion (N. Nekrasov). 2) The road lay through a former rye field. 3) Spring entered the earth with a solemn march. 4) I was drawn to the stone buildings, where there was a smell of machine oil. 5) The early harsh winter dawn appeared through the deathly haze (A. Fadeev). 6) Neither the sled nor the animal tracks were visible. 7) The sound of horse hooves was heard: a thief was being led out of the stable n wow horse. 8) Stanitsa obnese n and the earth n shaft (L. Tolstoy). 9) Nastya was just as windy n ah, like her young lady (A. Pushkin). 10) The night was calm NN and I.

6. Compose and write down a dictation of exception words for all cases of this topic.

7. Copy, form from these words using suffixes -ost-, -nii-, -nii- nouns, indicate spellings.

8. Explain spelling n And NN in words.

Straight n hic, work harder n ik, guests n itza, ice cream n oh, travel NN ik, be friends NN ik, kinship NN ik, mali NN ik, sacred NN ik, educate NN ik, uch n IR, foliage NN itsa, ko NN itza, mane NN ik, have n And NN ik, ple NN ik, put NN ik, hemp n IR, oil n ik, drier n itza, teacher n itza, puta n itza, celebration NN awn.

9. Rearrange the phrases to illustrate all possible ways of writing participles.

Sample: touche n vegetables (non-natural type, no dependent word, prefix); touche NN ed in a pot (s.s.); netushe n y (prefix Not- does not affect spelling); put out NN dried vegetables (prefix).
Kova n th chest, heavier NN brick barge, shooting n shell casings, wound NN hit the shoulder, name NN y in honor, seche NN hail-stricken fields, kuple NN y goods.

10. Explain spelling n And NN , indicating the word from which the compound adjective is formed: broadleaf NN oh (foliage NN oh).

Illness NN oh lethargic look NN handy you n Osha, right n o-delicate aroma, after dinner NN oh dream, fresh ice cream n oh meat, fresh frozen NN y fruits, self-made n th carpet, little wearer n th jacket, highly artistic NN long-awaited taste, long-awaited newborn, less traveled path, newly-minted institution, narrow departmental interests, socially useful work.

11. From these verbs, form passive participles with prefixes and verbal adjectives without prefixes.

Sample: whiten – bleached – bleached.

Knit, glue, smoke, break, wet, wear, plow, saw, weave, frighten, tear, scratch, salt, dry, sharpen, paint.

12. Insert the missing letters, find words with suffixes, highlight the suffixes.

Stone, strong, ardent, frosty, axed, long, juicy, weighty, ra_y, so_y, patterned, beto_y, slanted, straight, ruddy, tribal, guest, revolutionary, thief, filthy.

13. From given words using suffixes -nick-, -ost-, -hic- Form, if possible, derivative words according to the model: related– kinship NN ik, kinship NN awn.

Authentic, modern, flighty, charming, manly, base, skilled, artificial, economical, strange.

14. Explain the difference in the spelling of words with the same root.

1) All my friends are educated NN s. Commissions have already been formed n s.
2) The faces of the soldiers are stern and concerned NN s. We were more concerned n s passed.
3) The training camp was organized NN O. Organized n o good food.
4) The wool is all tangled n and a kitten. This story is confusing NN and also unclear.
5) The sea is excited n about the storm. Spoke excitedly NN oh, it's hot.

15. Express dictation (in the 1st column write down the numbers of words from n , in the 2nd – with NN ).

1) Stir NN oh colors,
2) bestse NN oh thing
3) more colorful NN y shops,
4) clearing illuminated n A,
5) weave n th pattern,
6) tourists are accommodated n s,
7) commission formed n A,
8) blush n s faces,
9) svi n y hams,
10) not beautiful n this fabric,
11) piss n oh beauty,
12) scribble notebook n A,
13) leather n th briefcase,
14) wind n th day
15) wind n oh engine,
16) no wind NN th day
17) scattering NN oh boy,
18) something NN oh error.


№ 1

Exercise 1. Write down the short forms of the adjective next to the full form.
Sample: rosychild rouge, girl rouge, child rouge.

Incomparable, united, valuable, revolutionary, desert, modern.

Task 2. Explain the spelling of words using the adjectives from which they are derived.
Sample: oil n itza – oil n y (damn).

Unforced NN awn, beshe n oh, unceremoniously NN awn, life NN oh, trust NN awn, guests n itza, wind n oh the leaves NN itza, karma NN ik, customs NN ik, kinship NN ik.

№ 2

Exercise 1. Paste n And NN , highlight the suffixes.

Telephone conversation, table tennis, earthen embankment, crane cry, hurricane warning, unreasonable lateness, skillful speaker, artificial diamond, seasonal work, target area, silver thread, wooden salt shaker.

Task 2. Form these adjectives into their short form in the feminine gender.

Unexpected, sacred, windy, deserted, long, ruddy, young, skillful, wounded, educated, artificial.

№ 3

Exercise 1. Replace these phrases with synonymous expressions and highlight the suffixes.
Sample: time of revolution - revolution NN oh time.

Division commander, excursion bus, triangle with equal sides, battalion commissar, excitement of discussion, punctuation mark, gathering according to tradition, windy day, institute of information.

Task 2. Explain the spelling n And NN according to the model.
Sample: smoked n awn - smoked n th.

Smyshle n awn, bring up NN ik, wiser n awn, oil n itsa, chosen NN ik, tuma NN awn, puta n itza, confused NN awn, craft NN ik, yu n awn.

№ 4

Exercise 1. Convert participles into adjectives.
Sample: oven NN fish in ashes - oven n oh fish, gilded NN oh ring - more gold n oh ring.

Kvashe NN cabbage in a barrel, white NN th ceiling, melted NN oh oil, heavy NN forest-covered barge, paved NN aya street, earlier NN warrior in hand, not more beautiful for a long time NN hair, unseeded NN oh field, planting NN bushes grown by children.

Task 2. Form adverbs from these words using a suffix -O- .

Furious, arrogant, solemn, oily, windy, violent, nameless, windless, organized, thoughtful, unheard of.

№ 5

Exercise 1. Form a short form, highlight the spelling.

Tangled hair, scattered beads, overdyed stockings, works of art, numerous lights, cropped hair, given words, young creatures, educated youths, concentrated faces.

Task 2. Turn adjectives into passive participles by adding either a dependent word or a prefix.

Soaked apples, a wounded bird, a quilted jacket, dyed hair, salted fish, unshorn children, burnt coal, unfed cattle.

№ 6

Exercise 1. Paste n or NN , explaining your choice.

Prettier in blue; the guest seated under the icon; imprisoned father; bride's trousseau; the streets are empty; regiment attached to the army commander; pork carcasses; movements of the kingdom; my hair has not been dyed for a long time; smart children.

Task 2. Write down any exceptions to the topic " N And NN in adjectives."

№ 7

Exercise 1. Form short participles and adverbs from these verbs, create phrases and write them down.
Sample:tangle - the wool is tangled n ah, talking is confusing NN O.

Organize, concentrate, enliven, deserve, strain, inspire, excite, dispel, excite, condemn.

Task 2. Underline words with suffix -he N- .

Seasonal, editorial, bottomless, compositional, revolutionary, bouillon, legal, sleepless, restless, commission, inclined, template, inertial, carriage, concrete, reactionary, operational.

№ 8

Exercise 1. Explain the spelling of the following words (show graphically).

Cochet n y meadow - unscrupulous NN th meadow
more beautiful n This product has not been more beautiful for a long time NN th fence
weave NN a basket made by a craftsman - a basket not woven n A
purchase NN y bread - wound n 1st soldier
Yes NN th example - weave n th pattern
half-burned NN the manuscript is half-faded n y fish
ice cream n the meat is not frozen NN berry

Task 2. Write down exception words on the topic “ N And NN in participles and verbal adjectives."

№ 9

Exercise 1. Form adjectives from the nouns and verbs given in brackets, write down phrases with them, explain graphically n or NN .

(Discussion) question, (wind) young man, (no wind) weather, (car) master, (inspiration) music, (gasify) area, (bee) wax, (make) fright, (weave) carpet, (seeds) fund, (eagle) glance, (sparrow) tweet, (division) medical battalion, (not wait) visit.

Task 2. Explain the spelling n or NN.

Thoughtful decisions NN s (correct) – all the moves have been thought through n s
Views are directed into the distance - movements are directed NN s (decisive)
Papers towards n s to court - move in the direction NN O

№ 10

Exercise 1. Form participles and adjectives from verbs.
Sample: whiten - whiter n oh, it's been a long time since I was whiter NN walls.

Ferment, mow, pave, smelt, chill, heat, teach.

Task 2. Explain the spelling using the example: weave NN gold scarf(there is a dependent word).

Hidden NN oh ice cream n oh, confused NN wow, puta n oh story, yu n great chess player, the story is confusing NN oh, don't decide NN that's a task, nope n gold material n thread. mystery NN oh secret, layer n y pie, boiling n oh water.

№ 11

Exercise 1. Insert the missing letters, distribute them into two columns with n And NN .

An embarrassed youth, a mad dog, a skilled worker, a forged lattice, a job done, a crane's cry, window frames, a smart kid, unplowed fields, mushrooms dried in the sun, a wind engine, calm weather, a wounded finger, a desired day.

Task 2. Next to the full participles and adjectives, write down the short ones.

Baked fish –
sown field -
sacred oath -
desired holidays -
slow movements -
clouds scattered by the wind -
concentrated faces -
absent-minded students -
proven friends -

№ 12

Exercise 1. Write down, inserting letters, explaining spelling.

The faces of the sailors are concerned and serious; sauerkraut; we are limited in time; came out organized; concerned about the patient's condition; cucumbers pickled in a barrel; behave with restraint; teenagers are unbalanced and hot-tempered; imbalance and lack of restraint; unbaked bread; bride's dowry; baked pumpkin; Tanks assigned to the regiment.

Task 2. Make up and write down sentences or phrases with the words:

brought up nы - bring up NN s, isolated n s – isolated NN s, sleeping n s – soldering NN s, scattering n s – scattering NN s, holding back n s - restraining NN s.

Control vocabulary dictation

Green forest, oil engine, butter pancake, tin soldier, red dawn, windy day, burnt sugar, unexpected success, spoiled child, pig tail, chewed - chewed leaf, shod horse, unexpected success, come unexpectedly, unprecedented dawn, unheard of news, slow progress, bride's dowry, non-woven tablecloth, smart kid, half-dried fish, long-awaited visit, leather cloak, freshly painted fence, gullible beast, windmill, incessant rain, burnt letter, broken line, boiled water, valuable remark, artificial honey, baked apple, half-milked cows, fields cut by hail, sworn brother, wounded in the chest, a strange incident, virgin harvest, short history, millionth inhabitant, true values, felted shoes, shot sparrow, the real truth, children are absent-minded and inattentive, clouds are scattered, smells spicy with saffron, a rosy birthday girl, wormwood thickets, a desperate young man, a wildly beating heart, state customs officers, a chased step, a lacerated wound.

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