Lindsay Lohan Relationship Story: Bad, Bad Girl! Famous girls who did not hesitate to publicly stalk their exes and their friends Lynsey Lohan and Samantha Ronson kiss.

Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson

In 2009, outrageous actress Lindsay Lohan became friends with DJ Samantha Ronson. The girls attended social events together, walked around New York holding hands, and pretty quickly pictures of Lindsay and Samantha kissing appeared on the Internet. The new lover of the “Mean Girls” star did not comment on their relationship, but Lindsay did not deny herself such pleasure: “I’m just crazy about Sam. Yes, I have the courage to admit that I have a crush on a girl, so what?”

Over the course of a couple of years, Lohan and Ronson came together and then diverged, tormenting not only themselves, but also each other’s relatives. After the final separation of the celebrities, Samantha’s mother, jewelry designer Anne Dexter-Jones, said in an interview with the British newspaper Daily Mail: “I was seriously worried about Samantha’s well-being and safety. I was afraid that a tragedy might happen. It got to the point where I lost sleep."

The turning point for the worried mother was a New Year's party in late 2009, held at the luxurious Atlantis hotel in Dubai, where Ronson was invited to work. The day before, Samantha once again broke up with Lindsay “forever”, so she did not invite the girl with her to the Emirates. However, Lohan had other plans - she secretly went to Dubai to give her lover a surprise (is it pleasant?). “Showing up at the hotel without any warning, Lindsey threw herself on the carpet, rolled on it and sobbed like a child,” recalled Anne Dexter-Jones. - This is how she reacted to the fact that Samantha did not pay due attention to her. In my opinion, it was a classic case of mental disorder."

The Ronson family, including Samantha, decided to file a lawsuit asking to protect them from Lindsay Lohan. They accused Lohan of abusing illegal drugs and stalking her as one of their own. ex-girlfriend, and all her relatives. As a result, the actress decided not to see Samantha Ronson anymore, but continued to make caustic remarks about her ex-lover and her loved ones on social networks

The famous Hollywood actress is going to get legally married... to her friend. There were many men in her life, but she chose a woman

Photo: Wireimages/Photas

Three days later, Lindsay and Samantha, no longer hiding anyone, went to Disneyland together. They were wearing the same shirts and T-shirts. “They laughed, kissed, took pictures of each other, went on rides. In total, they spent about four hours in the park, and before leaving, they bought each other a bunch of sweets,” said OK! one of the employees. The next day, Lindsay joined Samantha, who was relaxing at a pink party in Beverly Hills. “There were a lot of same-sex couples in the restaurant,” said OK! eyewitness - but Lindsay and Samantha stood out among everyone. They were simply glowing with happiness!”

Family grief

Meanwhile, before this, Lohan dated exclusively men. Moreover, Emmanuelle herself would be jealous of the list of lovers of the 22-year-old actress. “Lindsay became a star too early, and she did not pass the test of fame,” says one of her acquaintances. At the age of 16, Lohan had already starred in more than sixty commercials and played a role in the popular American TV series Underworld. Now her track record includes more than twenty roles in big films; a lot of film awards, including the Golden Globe; a music album that went platinum in the States; million-dollar contracts with Louis Vuitton and the design company Mattel, which embodied Lohan in a Barbie doll and put her on a par with Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell and other “adult” stars. “It’s no wonder Linds is dizzy,” our source continues. - She began to perceive reality inadequately. She repeatedly said that she wanted to avoid old age by any means, including suicide. She was very afraid of losing fame. In addition, constant going to parties revealed another illness in Linds: she quickly became addicted to alcohol.” Another acquaintance of Lindsay said that her parents played a significant role in the actress’s crisis. They divorced for a long time and scandalously, dividing Lohan’s money, throwing mud at each other and involving their daughter in these squabbles. “Linds was very worried about this.” Although, according to the star’s mother, Dina Lohan, this is not the reason for her daughter’s scandalous behavior. “Lindsay was missing something simple. female happiness ", she says. The men who crossed her path mostly used her and then shamelessly abandoned her. True, Lohan herself was not too picky about her relationships. According to rumors, her roles in big cinema include; a lot of film awards, including the Golden Globe; a music album that went platinum in the States; million-dollar contracts with Louis Vuitton and the design company Mattel, which embodied Lohan in a Barbie doll and put her on a par with Marilyn Monroe, Naomi Campbell and other “adult” stars. “It’s no wonder Linds is dizzy,” our source continues. - She began to perceive reality inadequately. She repeatedly said that she wanted to avoid old age by any means, including suicide. She was very afraid of losing fame. In addition, constant going to parties revealed another illness in Linds: she quickly became addicted to alcohol.” Another acquaintance of Lindsay said that her parents played a significant role in the actress’s crisis. They divorced for a long time and scandalously, dividing Lohan’s money, throwing mud at each other and involving their daughter in these squabbles. “Linds was very worried about this.” Although, according to the star’s mother, Dina Lohan, this is not the reason for her daughter’s scandalous behavior. “Lindsay lacked simple feminine happiness,” she believes. The men who crossed her path mostly used her and then shamelessly abandoned her. True, Lohan herself was not too picky about her connections. According to rumors, even Bruce Willis was among her lovers. Paparazzi say that at a party dedicated to the release of the film “Hostage,” Lindsay drank too much, and Willis took advantage of this and took the then 18-year-old girl to a hotel. American screenwriter Wilmer Valderrama acted even more cynically: after breaking up with Linds, he gave an interview in which he brought all her dirty laundry to light. “We ended the relationship because Lohan was not happy with the size of my penis - it was too big for her!” The actress did not react in any way to the statements of her ex-boyfriend and continued to revel. For some time, despite her unhealthy lifestyle, she continued to work like an ox: in 2005 alone, the young star played in five films. But then Lindsay found herself in the company of young artists who quickly got her hooked on drugs. After this, Lohan began to rapidly lose control. Last year was the apogee of the troubles that befell the actress. She ended up in prison three times: for driving while intoxicated (at a speed of 130 km/h, the actress smashed her Mercedes convertible worth 150 thousand dollars and only miraculously survived), for possession of cocaine and attacking a photographer. Three times she was sent for compulsory treatment for drug addiction, but all to no avail: as soon as Lohan left the walls of rehabilitation clinics, she immediately returned to her old ways. In August last year, the situation became critical: between two “imprisonments” Lohan spent only two weeks in freedom! As a result, the Los Angeles court again sentenced her to thirty days of treatment at the Cirque Lodge clinic in Utah. But even there Lindsay managed to do a lot of things: the actress met her fellow sufferer, snowboarder Riley Giles, and indulged in debauchery with him right in the hospital. “She’s just a nymphomaniac! - Giles joyfully told reporters a month later. - We had sex twice a day and then all night. Linds demanded again and again!” The couple left the medical center on October 23, 2007. To divert attention, Lohan announced Giles as her new boyfriend, but literally a week later she left him. At the same time, she again began to be seen often in nightclubs in a strange state. It seemed that Lohan’s career had come to an end, especially since the court warned her: next time no leniency would be shown to her and instead of the clinic she would go to jail. For a celebrity of her level, the actress’s financial situation also became monstrous: she spent almost all of her fortune on parties (Linds, for example, drank elite champagne worth two thousand dollars in an evening). Her expenses for Last year amounted to seven million dollars (half a million was spent on lawyers’ services alone), and the only thing they managed to earn recently was one hundred thousand for appearing in the TV series “Ugly Betty.” And here, at the most necessary moment for Lohan, her longtime friend Samantha Ronson came to the fore. A few days after Lindsay returned from the clinic, she called her and said: “Do you mind if we spend the next weekend together?” It was after that weekend that Lohan, according to those around her, seemed to have been replaced.

Sister of Mercy

Samantha Ronson is the sister of the famous British music producer Mark Ronson, who worked with Christina Aguilera and Amy Winehouse. With the help of her brother, she became one of the most sought-after DJs in the world, earning up to 300 thousand dollars a month. And she doesn’t spend it on drugs and alcohol at all: Samantha is a devotee healthy image life. About her gay has been known for a long time. She met Lindsay in 2004 on the set of the film Mean Girls. Lohan, who was 18 at the time, played there main role, Ronson also worked on the soundtrack. For several years they were simply friends, often meeting each other at social events. They say that Samantha tried several times to approach Linds with an offer to live together, but was turned away. “Everything changed after Lohan left in October 2007. rehabilitation center, says one of the actress’s acquaintances. - Samantha actually took patronage over her friend. She did not leave her one step. The first thing she did was isolate Linds from the people who were supplying her with drugs and alcohol. And then she gradually reduced her communication with men to nothing. Unlike many of them, Samantha is very loving, attentive and caring. She always tells Linds how good she looks and constantly reassures her. In my opinion, this is the first normal relationship Lohan has ever had. All the craziness that happened earlier in her life - fights, betrayals, drunkenness - is now in the past. You’re simply amazed at the changes that have happened to her! I think she’s surprised by this herself.” People in the couple's inner circle say that Lindsay is very affectionate towards Samantha. “She recently bought her a gift, kissed her on the forehead and said, “I love you.” more life" In the already mentioned broadcast of the Loveline radio station, Lohan said that she was looking for a house in which to live with Ronson. Moreover, the couple is seriously thinking about having a child together and is already busy looking for a father. “I want to have one child and adopt another,” Lohan says. Finally, according to the latest information, the rapid romance between two women will very soon result in a wedding (in the state of California, same-sex marriage). Conversations about this began after Ronson announced at one of her speeches: “At the end of the year, Lindsay Lohan will become Mrs. Ronson!” Around the same time, Linds began wearing a diamond ring on her left ring finger. “People can think whatever they want about me,” says the actress. - I don't care. The main thing is that I am very happy and have returned to normal life. Or rather, my love, Samantha, brought me back to her.”

And the DJ has been popular for more than one year. Samantha began her musical career surprisingly not with pop music, which is her main genre (in which she also develops into this moment), and from rap.


At the age of 16, our heroine joined the rap group Law Lifes. Samantha Ronson, with her boyish style, was the perfect fit for such a party, but she soon chose a different path. She began to be interested in dance music. Samantha Ronson is immersed in pop culture, recording new tracks and the album Red, containing 4 songs. Some of her most interesting and popular works are If It's Gonna Rain, Pull My Hair Out, Fool, and also the composition Summer of Sam with Vile, released in 2013, for which a video was shot. In 2000, Judith tries herself in new field- television. She takes part in the live broadcast of the New Year on the popular MTV channel. Then he tries several more times to gain a foothold on TV, but in vain. She has to return to her channel - music.

Samantha Ronson: personal life

Samantha's popularity peaked in 2008. The entire yellow press begins to publish article after article, talking about the girl’s personal life. She meets an equally famous, successful actress, singer and clothing designer. After some time, LiLo and Samantha Ronson realize that they are attracted to each other. Without hesitation, they talk about their love and serious intentions to the whole world. The lovers boldly spoke about their sexual orientation. The paparazzi closely followed their development love relationship. Joint photos of Samantha Ronson and Lee Lohan began to appear in the media, in which the girls looked happy and carefree. In 2008, they announced their engagement and got engaged in September of the same year. Fans of celebrities, who already fell in love with this couple and believed that an idyll reigned in their home, did not even realize that problems had come to this family as well. During their romance, which was truly stormy, the girls separated, trying to forget about affairs, and came back together many times, throwing parties. After their romance ended, Lindsay said that she was madly in love with her ex for three years, even though their romance was “toxic.”


After the end of their relationship, the DJ moved to New York and plunged into her previous work. She spent nights at the console and began recording songs. At the same time, the girl becomes the owner of the New York club The Plumm. But the “city of contrasts” does not impress the singer, and she wants to leave for Los Angeles. She decides to stay there for a long time. Her schedule is replenished with orders for performances and theme evenings. At the same time, she begins to travel around American cities, constantly posting photos of her vacation on the Internet, and gets herself a dog. At the moment, our heroine still lives in Los Angeles, working on her projects. Now you know who Samantha Ronson is. Photo of the singer is attached to this material. They prove that we have a very extraordinary personality.

December 17, 2017, 10:21 pm

Samantha Ronson- American singer and DJ. She gained fame thanks to her musical creativity and close ties with actress Lindsay Lohan.

Samantha was born on August 7, 1977 in London, into a Jewish family of Russian, Lithuanian and Austrian origin. WITH youth Ronson was in a creative environment. Her older brother is famous guitarist and music producer Mark Ronson, and she also has a twin sister, fashion designer Charlotte Ronson.

Samantha's popularity peaked in 2008. The entire yellow press of the United States begins to publish article after article, talking about the girl’s personal life. After all, the paparazzi caught her with Lindsay Lohan, declaring that they were connected by more than just friendship.

She met Lindsay in 2004 on the set of the movie Mean Girls. Lohan, then 18, starred in the film, while Ronson worked on the soundtrack. For several years they were simply friends, often meeting each other at social events.

After some time, they confirm that they are in a relationship. In many interviews, Lindsay did not hesitate to talk about her love and her sexual orientation.

It became clear that everything was serious with them after Ronson announced at one of her speeches: “At the end of the year, Lindsay Lohan will become Mrs. Ronson!” Around the same time, Lindsay began wearing a ring on her ring finger. “People can think whatever they want about me. I don't care. The main thing is that I am very happy and have returned to normal life. Or rather, my love, Samantha, brought me back to her.”

During their romance, the girls broke up and got back together many times, throwing parties or quarrels right in front of the paparazzi. Lindsay once tweeted that Samantha hit her in the face. It was also reported that Lindsay threw cigarettes at Samantha. There was also such a situation that during a party where Samantha was a DJ, Lindsay stood next to her and shouted at her, trying to sort things out. After that, Samantha simply walked out, taking the equipment and leaving people without music.

After two years of dating, Lindsay called herself abandoned.

“The more I watched her, the more she reminded me of a little child. To be honest, dating her was a big headache." - Ronson said in an interview with The Times.

Samantha also denies rumors that she allegedly had a bad influence on Lindsay. She claims that, on the contrary, she had a calming effect on her friend. But she kept breaking down.

"I tried to influence her positive influence. Although my life is spent in clubs and parties, my personality is far from it. I'm not happy about the prospect of taking drugs and partying every night."

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan's personal life is the stuff of legends: a few years ago, a list of the actress's love victories was leaked online, including as many as 36 men. Maybe that’s why fans and the media rushed to get 29-year-old Lohan engaged to the son of a Russian millionaire, 22-year-old Yegor Tarabasov. The lovers met less than a year back at a party in London. And the other day the couple went out together for the first time and on the actress’s hand they noticed a ring that looked suspiciously like an engagement ring. A roar of applause and congratulations reached the actress almost immediately - and now her agent officially denied the news of the upcoming wedding. Unfortunately, this is not the first romance of the scandalous star, which could have ended in a wedding, but fate decided otherwise.

The couple met on the set of That '70s Show and immediately began a whirlwind romance. Wilmer was Lindsay's first but short-lived love. Valderrama opened up to an underage actress nightlife Los Angeles, after which she own life went downhill.

As soon as Paris Hilton saw Lindsay Lohan in the arms of her boyfriend Stavros Niarchos, the list of her enemies became longer by a point. True, the romance between Lohan and Niarchos ended as quickly as the friendship with Hilton. Was the game worth the candle?

After treatment at a rehabilitation clinic, Lohan again went to storm nightclubs. This time her companion was TV presenter Calum Best. "He good guy“,” the actress stated, answering questions about their relationship.

Having changed her orientation, but not changed her lifestyle, Lindsay Lohan began a relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson. Party girls had parties in clubs, after which they went home hugging each other. The fun lasted three years, during which time the friends managed to break up with a scandal and get back together several times.

Forgetting about all the failures in her personal life, the actress began an affair with the artist Domingo Zapata. There were rumors that Lohan's Spanish boyfriend is very rich and spares no expense on his beloved. One way or another, the couple did not last long. After breaking up with Zapata, Lohan moved to London, where she met her current boyfriend.

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