What is RAM characteristics and examples. What is RAM and how to find out how much RAM is on a computer? Basic elements of a PC

RAM, along with storage memory ( HDD), are storage devices, and are required for data storage. What is needed for RAM? If the hard drive is used to permanently store files: music, movies, images, then RAM is needed to temporarily store data that is used when the computer is running the processor. After the computer is turned off, all contents of RAM are deleted. RAM is a random access memory, this is also the name of this type of memory.

Types of RAM

The main characteristics that RAM should have are the speed and speed of access to the data contained in it. There are two types of memory: SRAM and DRAM.

DRAM is a dynamic form of random access memory. The main advantage is availability and economy. Mostly installed on most personal computers and laptops.

SRAM is a static form of RAM. Due to the special implementation of the module, it has an increased speed in operation, allowing you to operate with a large amount of data. The disadvantages include the high cost of production.

Work organization

How is work organized, and what is RAM used for? RAM is a separate module that is integrated into the motherboard by placing it in a special slot. It has a set of registers that contain data and commands addressed to the central processor. The exchange takes place through registers of the zero level or through the cache.

What does RAM do? In fact, it contains the data and commands being processed at the current time, and also stores the variables of the current OS session. The operating system uses memory in its work, which allows it to realize all its functionality. When the computer enters sleep mode, it stores the current session.

RAM module size

The speed of the computer directly depends on the amount of RAM. The larger the RAM module, the faster the programs function: games do not slow down, video is processed faster, it becomes possible to use more programs at the same time. Existing sizes of RAM modules:

  • 128MB
  • 256MB
  • 512MB

On this moment development of computer technology and software the optimal installed RAM size will be from 1 to 2 gigabytes of RAM.

So we figured out why you need RAM. It remains only to give a list of the most popular designations in computer jargon, to be aware. RAM is also often referred to by computer scientists with words such as: RAM, memory, brains.

This phrase is quite popular - RAM. Many have heard about it and sometimes saw errors in the system associated with it, as well as on many sites they write about it if you want to download a program or game. In this article you will learn almost everything you need and everything connected with it. I hope after reading there will be no more questions and you will become more literate.

Let me start from afar...

What is working memory?

RAM is a bar in or etc.
It turns out that if you disassemble the system unit (I will focus on the PC in the article, because it is easier there), then you can visually see this bar (and sometimes there are several) and rightly so. It looks something like this:

in a laptop like this:

Thus, RAM is one of the "parts" of a computer. Moreover, one of the main ones, without which the computer does not even boot.
By the way, RAM is also often called RAM, memory, RAM (Random Access Memory), RAM, etc.

What is RAM for?

To understand this, you need to pay attention to the first word.
The fact is that when the "brain" of a computer (central processor) accesses data on (and it accesses them almost constantly, because everything is stored there), then it does this through an intermediary - our RAM.
The RAM acts as a kind of intermediary or buffer. When the processor needs something, it sends a command to the RAM, and it already copies the information from the hard disk. Then the processor works only with the RAM, and when it finishes, the data is copied back to the hard drive.

Perhaps you will have a question "So why is everything so complicated then? Why use the RAM if you can do it directly or do it yourself?". The thing is that the hard drive only stores information, and if the processor loaded it with the fact that it would be necessary to work with it, it would become terribly slow. And do we need it? No.

By the way, there is such a thing as virtual memory and paging file. You can read more in the article.
In short, I’ll just write that when there is little space left in the RAM (it constantly stores something in itself and new processes are still running), then it still accesses the hard drive (well, where to go then ...) and takes it from there place. True, this can slow down the computer.

Thus, some data is always stored in RAM. These can be the results of your actions in, and, and in, and in general, everything is always "done" through RAM, as through an intermediary.

Here you should also know that the information is copied from the hard disk to the RAM, then it is changed in it, and then again sent to the hard disk. The simplest and most common example of this is how you work with text documents.
You first open it, then modify it, and then save and close (or close and save). Do you understand what I'm getting at? Yes Yes. You have worked with the document in RAM, and then you need to rewrite it, because. only an unmodified copy is on disk.
By the way, that is why, in the event of a crash and an emergency shutdown of the computer, you risk losing in most cases exactly unsaved data. Just the ones that are currently in the RAM.

Types of RAM

As I wrote above, RAM is a special module that is built into a special slot on the motherboard. How it looks - you can see in the first picture above.

Of course, progress does not stand still. Today you can also find a hard drive that contains its own high-speed buffer to increase the speed of reading / writing information. There are also such video cards with the same principle. Also, the "slats" of RAM themselves can be equipped with special heatsinks to ensure the best heat transfer, which consequently affects performance.

But back to the types ... Now there are only two types - this statistical and dynamic.

Statistical type of RAM (SRAM(Static random access memory)) is created on the basis of semiconductor triggers and has a very high speed. It has two disadvantages: high cost and takes up a lot of space. Therefore, in desktop computers, and in general in Everyday life, does not occur.

Dynamic type of RAM (DRAM(Dynamic random access memory)) is based on capacitors, therefore it has a high recording density and a relatively low cost. The disadvantages stem from the features of its design, namely, the use of small capacitors leads to a rapid self-discharge of the latter, so their charge has to be periodically replenished. This process is called memory regeneration, hence the name dynamic memory. Regeneration noticeably slows down the speed of its work, therefore, various intelligent schemes are used to reduce time delays.

Dynamic memory is also divided by generations. I will not go into history much, I will only write that the third generation is now widespread DDR3 SDRAM, which has replaced DDR2(they are still found on old computers so far) and they are being replaced by DDR4(That's just not soon yet I think).


This is the basic unit of measure for RAM and is often used. It is measured in megabytes (MB) and gigabytes (GB).

The most frequently asked question is How much RAM to use? It all depends on two things:

1) from what you will be doing. For example, for access to the Internet and the simplest work on a computer, 1GB may well be enough. But it's better to take it with a margin and put at least 2 GB.
If you want to play games and do graphics, then put from 4 GB and above.
4 GB is enough for me for everything. So my advice is 4GB of RAM and everything will be fine.

2) on the bitness of your operating system. We read the article.
In short, I’ll just write that if 32x, then no more than 4x. If 64x, then as many as you like.

Much also depends on yours, in particular on the number and type of connectors for the RAM. Of course, it is necessary that there are enough connectors and that they fit the type.

How to check computer RAM

To see what kind of RAM you have, you can use two ways.

1) Turn off the computer, open the system unit and remove the RAM bar. Next, we look at it with a sticker (sticker) on it and everything will be written there - both type and frequency and other information.
If it is not there, then at least determine the type from the figure:

2) Through a well-known utility CPU-Z, which can be downloaded from . On the tab Memory you can find out to check basic information, such as type (Type), size (Size), mode of operation and timings used:

On the SPD tab, you can see all the characteristics of a specific memory module installed in the selected slot:

I also want to write about the SPD tab that it contains information from the chip of the same name in the RAM. The manufacturer writes all the information about it into it (volume, marking, manufacturer, serial number, recommended delays, etc.) and when the system boots, the computer reads all this information and sets the memory mode in connection with the settings contained in the chip.

How to clear RAM

As I wrote above, the RAM is loaded more and more during the operation of the computer. If its volume is small, then it may be that the computer starts to slow down. Therefore, you should clear the RAM and then the computer will stop slowing down.

For cleaning, you can use the following methods:

1) Close unnecessary programs.

2) Wait a little. In Windows, there is a utility utility for cleaning the RAM. True, it doesn't always work.

3) Take advantage of special programs. I will not paint them, I will write only links to official sites:

4) Reboot

How to increase RAM

Here I think everything is very simple. There is no way to increase it programmatically, only physically.
You just need to purchase the right bar. And what is needed? Read about it where it was written about the volume.
I just want to add here that if, for example, you already have one 2 GB bar, and you want 4, then it’s better to take another one for 2 and so that they work in parallel. Then they will have multithread and be faster if you pull one out by 2 and put 4 instead.
Better to use in pairs.

That's all I think. If you didn’t write something about RAM or what’s not clear, write in the comments.

And again, hello everyone! Today we will talk about RAM. What is working memory? What is it for? How it works? What types of RAM are there? What characteristics should you pay attention to when choosing it? You will find answers to these questions below in this article. And let's start in order.

What is working memory?

Random access memory - it is also RAM (Random Access Memory), RAM (random access memory), memory, RAM - a volatile part of a computer memory system in which executable machine code (programs) is stored during computer operation, as well as input, output and intermediate data processed by the processor.

Physically, the RAM module is embodied in the form of such strips that are inserted into a special slot on:

Here, in principle, I answered the first two questions. Although no, from this definition ordinary person little is clear. But now we will analyze everything in detail. So.

There are several types of memory in a computer: energy NOT dependent and volatile or temporary.

Non-volatile memory is any memory device that can store data whether it is powered or not. In a computer, this is . You can save a file on it, disconnect your computer from the network, and the next time you turn it on again, everything will remain in place.

Volatile memory is computer memory that needs constant power to store information. Such in a computer is RAM. Which means that if you turn off the power from it (turn off the computer), all the information stored in it will disappear. That is, every time you turn on the computer, its RAM is empty.

I think this is understandable. The next part of the definition answers our next question.

What is RAM for?

The question will be fair: why in addition to a hard disk, on which data is stored regardless of whether power is supplied to it or not, does a computer need an additional, so unreliable thing like RAM?

The fact is that in comparison with the speed of work, the speed of reading and writing to the hard disk is very small. And if the processor directly worked with it, then the performance of the computer would be very low.

RAM is much faster than a hard drive. If you do not take into account the various caches, then the RAM will be the fastest element in a computer device, after the central processing unit.

Thus, RAM is needed to increase the performance of the computer, due to the fact that it allows the latter to quickly receive the necessary data.

How does it all work?

When you start the computer, all the necessary data: the operating system kernel, drivers, various services and startup programs are loaded from the hard disk into RAM and from there the CPU takes them for processing. The processor also returns the results of its work to RAM and not to the hard drive. Every program, every window you open in any program on your computer resides in RAM. The central processor also works with it. And only when you save some results of your work, they are written to the hard disk.

To better understand, let's look at a simple example of creating a text document in Word.

When you click on the shortcut to launch the program, all the files necessary for its operation are loaded into RAM and after that the editor window appears on the computer monitor. When you start writing text, it is also in RAM, you just won’t find it on your hard drive. In order for the result of your work to be saved on it, it must be saved by clicking the button of the same name in Word. Everyone at least once had such that you write, write some text and suddenly closed the program or the computer turned off, and after turning it on again, your text disappeared. Precisely because the RAM has been reset to zero, and you have never bothered to save your creativity.

I think now you already understand what RAM is, why it is needed and how it works. Now let's move on to more practical things. Namely, we will consider the types of RAM and its main characteristics.

Types (types) of RAM

Nowadays, RAM can be of two types: static (SRAM) and dynamic (DRAM). Static RAMs are faster than dynamic RAMs due to their manufacturing technology, but at the same time more expensive. This type is often used as a processor cache. DRAM technology is used for mass production of RAM modules. And there are several types of such memory. The ones you can see right now:

  • DDR SDRAM- synchronous dynamic memory with random access and double data rate ( D double D ata R ate S synchronous D dynamic R andom A ccess M emory) of the first generation;
  • DDR2 SDRAM- second generation DDR SDRAM;
  • DDR3 SDRAM- third generation DDR SDRAM;
  • DDR4 SDRAM- fourth generation DDR SDRAM;

As you might guess, DDR SDRAM is the oldest type of RAM, which is now very difficult to find. DDR4 is the newest. By far the most common is DDR3. These types of memory differ in performance and appearance.

In order to inadvertently not be able to insert a bar with one type of RAM into a slot designed for another type, there is a special key (sawed) on the bar, and a protrusion in the slot on the motherboard in the same place. And each type of memory is different.

In addition, with this key, you will not be able to insert the RAM module in reverse.

The main characteristics of RAM

  • RAM type. You need to know what type of RAM your motherboard supports: DDR, DDR2, DDR3 or DDR4. And move on from that.
  • RAM. Here you need to build on your needs. As I wrote above, all running programs will be placed in RAM. Accordingly, the more RAM you have on your computer, the more programs you can use at the same time. However, I'll give you a little hint. For simple homemade or office computer will be enough 2 GB. For home multimedia can be installed from 4 GB of memory. If you have game computer or you often use "heavy" professional programs You can install from 8 or more GB of RAM.
  • Clock frequency. The bigger, the better. But here you also need to make sure that the motherboard and processor support this frequency. Otherwise, if the frequency of the RAM is higher than that supported by the motherboard, the RAM will operate at lower frequencies, which will mean an overpayment for unnecessary performance for you.
  • Timings. This is the delay between accessing the memory and until it issues the necessary data. Accordingly, the lower the delays, the faster the RAM will work.

On this I will finish. I tried to present the basic information on the RAM of a computer, which will be enough for an ordinary user to understand what RAM is, what it is for and how it works, its main characteristics. Feel free to ask me questions in the comments if you don't understand something.

RAM is a special microcircuit used to store all sorts of data. There are many varieties of these devices, they are produced by various companies. Top Producers most often of Japanese origin.

What is it and why is it needed?

RAM (the so-called RAM memory) is a type of volatile microcircuit used to store all kinds of information. Most often it contains:

  • machine code of currently executing programs (or those in standby mode);
  • input and output data.

Data exchange between the CPU and RAM is carried out in two ways:

  • using an ultra-fast register ALU;
  • through a special cache (if available in the design);
  • directly (directly via the data bus).

The devices under consideration are circuits built on semiconductors. All information stored in various electronic components remains accessible only in the presence of electric current. As soon as the voltage is turned off completely, or a short-term power failure occurs, then everything that was contained inside the RAM is erased or destroyed. The alternative is ROM type devices.

Types and amount of memory

The board today can have a volume of several tens of gigabytes. Modern technical means allow you to use it as quickly as possible. Most operating systems are equipped with the ability to interact with such devices. There is a proportional relationship between the amount of RAM and the cost. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. And vice versa.

Also, the devices in question may have a different frequency. This parameter determines how fast the interaction between the RAM and other PC devices (CPU, data bus and video card) is carried out. The higher the speed of work, the more operations the PC will perform per unit of time.

The value of this characteristic also directly affects the cost of the device in question. The modern fastest modification can "remember" 128 GB. It is produced by a company called Hynix and has the following performance characteristics:

All modern RAM can be divided into two varieties:

  • static;
  • dynamic.

static type

More expensive today is a static chip. It is marked as SDRAM. Dynamic is cheaper.

Distinctive features of the SDRAM variety are:

Also, a distinctive feature of RAM is the ability to select the bit in which any information will be written.

The disadvantages include:

  • low recording density;
  • relatively high cost.

Computer RAM devices of all kinds (SDRAM and DRAM) have external differences. They are in the length of the contact part. It also has a different shape. The designation of RAM is both on the sticker label and printed directly on the bar itself.

Today there are many different modifications of SDRAM. It is designated as:

  • DDR2;
  • DDR3;
  • DDR4.

dynamic type

Another type of microchip is designated as DRAM. It is also completely volatile, the bits of the record are accessed randomly. This type is widely used in most modern PCs. It is also used in those computer systems where the requirements for delays are high - the speed of DRAM is an order of magnitude higher than SDRAM.

Most often, this variety has a DIMM type form factor. The same design solution is used for the manufacture of a static circuit (SDRAM). A feature of the DIMM design is that there are contacts on both sides of the surface.

OP parameters

The main criteria for choosing chips of this type are their operating parameters.

You should focus primarily on the following points:

  • work frequency;
  • timings;
  • voltage.

All of them depend on the type of a particular model. For example, DDR 2 will perform various actions unambiguously faster than the DDR 1 bar. Since it has more outstanding performance characteristics.

Timings is the delay time of information between different components of the device. There are quite a few types of timings, all of them directly affect performance. Small timings allow you to increase the speed of various operations. There is one unpleasant proportional relationship - the higher the speed of the RAM, the greater the timings.

The way out of this situation is to increase the operating voltage - the higher it is, the smaller the timings become. The number of operations performed per unit of time increases at the same time.

Frequency and speed

The higher the bandwidth of the RAM, the greater its speed. The frequency is a parameter that determines the bandwidth of the channels through which data of various kinds is transmitted to the CPU through the motherboard.

It is desirable that this characteristic coincided with the allowable speed of the motherboard.

For example, if the bar supports a frequency of 1600 MHz, and the motherboard does not exceed 1066 MHz, then the speed of data exchange between the RAM and the CPU will be limited precisely by the capabilities of the motherboard. That is, the speed will be no more than 1066 MHz.


Speed ​​depends on many factors. Highly big influence this parameter is affected by the number of slats used. Dual channel RAM is an order of magnitude faster than single channel RAM. The ability to support multi-channel modes is indicated on a sticker located on top of the board.

These designations have the following form:

To determine which mode is optimal for a particular motherboard, you need to count the total number of slots for connection, and divide them by two. For example, if there are 4 of them, then you need 2 identical strips from the same manufacturer. When they are installed in parallel, Dual mode is activated.

Working principle and functions

The functioning of the OP is implemented quite simply, writing or reading data is carried out as follows:

  • an electrical signal is applied to the required line;
  • the transistor opens.
  • the electrical charge present in the capacitor is applied to the desired column.

  • Each column is connected to an extremely sensitive amplifier. It registers the electron flows that occur when the capacitor is discharged. In this case, the corresponding command is given. Thus, there is access to various cells located on the board. There is one important nuance that you should definitely know. When an electrical impulse is applied to any string, it opens all of its transistors. They are directly connected to it.

    From this we can conclude that one line is the minimum amount of information that can be read during access. The main purpose of RAM is to store various kinds of temporary data that are needed while the personal computer is turned on and the operating system is functioning. The most important executable files are loaded into RAM, the CPU executes them directly, simply storing the results of the operations performed.

    Also in the cells are stored:

    • executable libraries;
    • key codes that were pressed;
    • results of various mathematical operations.
    • If necessary, everything that is in RAM, the central processor can save to the hard disk. And to do it in the form in which it is necessary.


      In stores you can find a huge amount of RAM from a variety of manufacturers. A large number of such products began to be supplied precisely from Chinese companies.

      To date, the most productive and high-quality products are the following brands:

      • Kingston;
      • Hynix;
      • Corsair;
      • kingmax.
      • Samsung.

      It is a compromise between quality and performance.

      Table of characteristics of RAM

      Random access memory of the same type from different manufacturers has similar performance characteristics.

      That is why it is correct to carry out the comparison, taking into account only the type:

      frequency range
      Working voltage
      1.8V +/- 0.1V
      1.5V +/- 0.075V
      Number of blocks
      all DQ signals
      TSOP or Fly-by
      Control method
      Automatic calibration with ZQ
      The presence of a temperature sensor

      Comparison of performance and price

      The performance of RAM is directly related to its cost. You can find out how much a DDR3 module costs at the nearest computer store, you should also familiarize yourself with the price of DDR 1. By comparing their operating parameters and price, and then testing it, you can easily verify this.

      It is most correct to compare RAM of the same type, but with different performance, depending on the frequency of operation:

      Operating frequency, MHz
      Cost, rub.
      Speedwork, Aida 64,Memory Read, MB/s

      In Aida 64, testing of all DDR 3 was done on identical hardware:

      • OS: Windows 8.1;
      • CPU: i5-4670K;
      • video card: GeForce GTX 780 Ti;
      • motherboard: LGA1150, Intel Z87.

      RAM is very important integral part PC, greatly affecting its performance. That is why, to increase it, it is recommended to set bars with a high frequency and small timings. This will give a big increase in computer performance, it is especially important for games and various professional programs.

What is random access memory (RAM)? Before proceeding to answer this question, it is important to note that given element any computer and laptop significantly affects its power and performance. Therefore, you need to know how to choose RAM for your computer.

Modern society uses a PC in almost all spheres of life, whether it is work, education or entertainment. That is why its qualitative modernization (improvement) is a very important point. Modern programs require more power and speed from the computer, which means that equipment with outdated components simply will not be able to fully fulfill its main purpose. RAM plays a big role in functionality, which is why many experts recommend upgrading it first.

What is RAM for?

Another name for OP is RAM. This abbreviation stands for "Random Access Memory" (in English - RAM). It is intended for temporary storage of information.

For the normal functioning of the software, it is simply necessary to select a sufficient amount of RAM. OP is, first of all, temporary (operative) memory. The user does not participate in its use. Files are saved by the system for some time in order to ensure the normal operation of a particular program.

What is the structure of the OP?

To give a more illustrative example, we can say that OP is similar to a honeycomb. Each cell is equipped with a certain amount of capacity (1-5 bits) and a personal address. It is in fact a capacitor, ready at any second to fulfill its " official duties”, namely, to record an electric discharge. The data stored (temporarily) in this way is understandable to the computer.

OP types and form factors

Before deciding which RAM to choose for a computer or laptop, you need to familiarize yourself with its types and form factors. So, there are 3 types of OP:

  1. DIMM. Most commonly used in PC.
  2. SODIMM. Most often, this type of RAM can be found in laptops and monoblocks. Differs from the previous species in a more compact size.
  3. FB-DIMM. Equipped with increased support for buffering and high quality of work. Should be selected as RAM for servers.

It is important to consider that the OP must be compatible with the motherboard. How to choose RAM for a computer: prefer ddr3 or ddr4? At the moment, there are 4 types of OP, classified by compatibility with the motherboard:

  1. DDR is obsolete and almost out of production.
  2. DDR2 - like the previous version, it is outdated.
  3. DDR3 is currently the most popular among consumers.
  4. DDR4 is a novelty in the world of computer technology. For latest models processor should choose this type.

What RAM do you have installed?

How to find out this information if the computer was “brought, brought in, installed” and you have never come across its configuration before? One way is to install a program called AIDA64. It will provide information about the type of OP and the number of modules in it. By opening the program and clicking on the tabs Motherboard, then SPD, you will find out all the necessary information. The AIDA64 program can be downloaded here.

You can see information about the type and capacity of RAM right on the board. To do this, you need to remove the RAM stick from the slot and examine the data on the sticker. After reviewing them, you can choose a compatible and suitable OP for a PC or laptop in accordance with the originally installed one.

How to find out the frequency of RAM suitable for a PC?

When answering the question of how to choose the right RAM for a laptop or computer, it is necessary to take into account the frequency of the motherboard and processor. Here are some important points:

  1. It is not recommended to purchase a frequency less than 1600 MHz, of course, if you have a not quite old PC. They are designed for computers with low endurance and performance, and are outdated.
  2. The most relevant option is 1600 MHz. This frequency of the module is relevant for many modern computers and laptops.
  3. 2133 - 2400 MHz. This is the most expensive module of all listed. It should be noted that such a bar is relevant only for programmers and professionals in the field of video processing. For a simple user, the difference between 1600 MHz and 2400 MHz will not be noticeable.

Volume of OP: which one to choose?

To choose RAM according to this indicator, you must be guided by the purpose of the PC.

  1. 2 GB. This is the minimum amount of RAM. If you decide to choose a module with this amount of memory in order to save money, then keep in mind that a computer with 2 GB of RAM will simply not function normally. Of course, if you do not use your computer only for browsing sites.
  2. 4 GB. It is better to choose this option for using the computer for watching movies, listening to audio recordings, light games.
  3. 8 GB is the recommended option. Such RAM will perfectly cope with all programs and modern games.
  4. 16 GB - worth choosing for people who use a computer to make money. Freelancers involved in the development and creation of websites and their designs, programmers, video editors, youtubers who arrange streams - the cost of buying 16 GB of memory will be fully justified.
  5. 32 GB is more of a concern for the future, since at the moment there is no software that needs this amount of RAM.

How to choose RAM depending on the OS

This is a very important point. Even if you are ready to choose the best RAM, you must consider the features and capabilities of the system installed on your computer. For example, note that 32-bit versions of Windows support a maximum RAM of 3 GB. Even if you decide to choose 4 GB of RAM, the system will only use three.
Optimal for all types of RAM will be a 64-bit Windows system. But it is worth remembering that an outdated computer simply will not find suitable drivers for systems of this category. Therefore, before choosing a RAM, make sure that you have a 64-bit system installed and that all applications are functioning correctly. Also, it will not be superfluous to visit the website of the motherboard manufacturer and get acquainted with information about its capabilities and the maximum memory size it supports.

What is a canal?

Many users have never heard such a term as "channel" for all the time they have been working with a PC. But experienced computer scientists, on the contrary, strive to make the work of their OP two-channel, three-channel, four-channel. What does this mean? For example, let's take a two-channel mode. The principle of its operation lies in the use of 2 OP slots at once, combined into one memory bank.

When installing the 2nd channel, experts strongly recommend that you follow the following rules:

  • modules must contain the same frequency;
  • the volume of OP must also be equal;
  • 2 bars - one manufacturer.

Benefits of multichannel

The main and main advantage is the increased performance of the entire system. However, the main question remains about the need for such changes and the real visibility of improvements. It is worth noting that, as in the case of 16 GB of RAM, only representatives of specific professions (programmers, computer graphics designers, etc.) will notice changes towards improvement. For an ordinary user who uses the full list of habitual actions (including spending time playing “heavy” games), the performance of the 2nd slot will be almost imperceptible.

So, we gave a detailed answer to the question of how to choose RAM for a PC. So before you decide on any particular OP, carefully study the capabilities of your computer and your own requirements for your PC.

Have a great day!

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