Aksenov Sergey Valerievich: biography and photo of the head of Crimea. Sergei Aksenov: criminal biography with a “silver” medal Who is Aksenov the new Prime Minister of Crimea biography

Four years ago, in February 2014, the “Russian Spring” began in Crimea. Not wanting to accept the results of Euromaidan, thousands of Crimeans took to the streets with Russian flags. People demanded that the peninsula separate from Ukraine and become part of the Russian Federation. On the night of February 26-27, Russia, as President Vladimir Putin said, “turned its face to the Crimeans” - “little green men” appeared in Crimea, which later turned out to be the Russian army. Preparations began for a referendum on accession. As a result of the referendum, the formula “Crimea is ours” came into use. But if you look closely, few can fully say this. Who are they?

Pyotr Sarukhanov / Novaya Gazeta.

Sergey Aksenov.
Head of the Republic, Head of the Family

Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksenov is a figure with whom many myths are associated. The media accused him of having connections with the Salem group in the 90s, of receiving a fake diploma from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School, and even of being loyal to Ukraine during the “Russian Spring”.

The reliability of the above has not been proven. But the fact that Sergei Valerievich is a strong family man who cares about his family and friends even in the sovereign’s service is absolutely indisputable. So, five members of his family work in the Crimean government.

Father of the head of Crimea Valery Aksenov after the transition of the peninsula to Russia, he moved from the office of the director of the Simferopol Automobile Repair Plant to the office of the deputy chairman of the construction committee of the State Council of the Republic.

After the “Russian Spring”, Sergei Aksenov’s sister-in-law also found herself in the State Council Evgenia Dobrynya, who until March 2014 worked as the secretary of the current head of Crimea in the Russian Unity party. Dobrynya headed the “golden” committee on land issues.

Common-law husband of Evgenia Dobrynya Andrey Dedyukhin in 2014 he became head of the fisheries department of the Republican Ministry of Agriculture. Dedyukhin’s official biography states that from 2000 to 2014 he was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, but no traces of it were preserved in the unified register of legal entities of Ukraine.

Mother-in-law of Sergei Aksenov Lyudmila Dobrynya with the arrival of Russia, she became a member of the Public Chamber of the republic. And her husband Alexander Dobrynya was appointed Deputy Director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Expert Technical Center”.

Sergei Aksenov himself has repeatedly emphasized: it is necessary to end “Ukrainian nepotism” in the Crimean government. “It is necessary to monitor all cases related to conflicts of interest. It is unacceptable if relatives work in the same narrowly focused area, having the opportunity to interact within the same industry,” the head of Crimea said in February 2017 at a working meeting with the chairman of the republican anti-corruption committee, Alexander Akshatin.

However, Aksenov brought his relatives out of harm’s way, declaring that he was “ready to answer for them personally.”

Not only his relatives, but also his family’s business partners, as well as comrades in the Russian Unity party, followed Sergei Aksenov into power. Entrepreneurs took parliamentary seats in the Crimean parliament Sergey Borodkin And Nikolai Vysotsky— ​business partners of Elena Aksenova, wife of the head of Crimea. Borodkin, together with Aksenova, is the founder of Simferopol LLC Hals; Vysotsky worked at Hals as deputy director for commercial issues in 2011-2013.

By a strange coincidence, an advisor to Sergei Aksenov worked in companies affiliated with the family until 2014 Svetlana Babiy and Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic Natalia Fedchun.

Aksenov's business partner Igor Lukashev in 2017 he headed Simferopol.

Another large group in power is Sergei Aksenov’s associates in the Russian Unity party. Three former party members at once - ​ Mikhail Sheremet, Andrey Kozenko And Dmitry Polonsky— ​after the “Russian Spring” they became deputy prime ministers of the government of the republic. In 2016, Kozenko and Sheremet received deputy mandates in the State Duma.

Sergei Valerievich’s comrades in “Russian Unity” sat in the deputy chairs of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Bobkov, Larisa Georgiadi And Sergey Shuvaynikov.

Former member of Russian Unity Alexander Spiridonov headed the Crimean State Committee for State Registration and Cadastre, and was responsible for working with the media in Russian Unity Ekaterina Polonchuk— ​Information and press service of the head of the republic.

Business and a little personal

Members of the family of Sergei Aksenov and his friends in power might not have been noticed if not for ordinary Crimeans. Most of the family’s enterprises operate “quietly” and do not get into scandals. But there are exceptions.

On the night of September 12, 2017, six-year-old Reyana woke up to a Molotov cocktail flying through the window of her children’s room. The explosion first set the mosquito net on fire, then the curtains.

“Reyana ran to wake up the adults,” recalls the girl’s grandfather Vasvi Abduraimov. — We put out the burning window and door. One bottle did not explode.

Investigators classified the incident as “hooliganism.” The attackers were not found. Vasvi Abduraimov is sure that this was an “attempted murder”, and he was the main target.

Abduraimov is a veteran of the Crimean Tatar national movement. Since Ukrainian times, he has been fighting for the legalization of the so-called. “protest meadows” - ​lands unauthorizedly occupied by Crimean Tatars after returning from deportation. People occupied lands without permission, because... The authorities did not offer them any options for resettlement.

One of these “protest clearings”, Strelkovaya, is located in Simferopol. In its place, the Crimean authorities decided to build a multi-storey residential complex “Crimean Rose”, which should be built by the Monolit group of companies.

The conflict between Abduraimov and his associates with Monolit has spread to more than one office. The Crimean Tatars managed to get the issue of development submitted to public hearings, but a group of 80 activists were simply not allowed to attend (even under these conditions, supporters of the demolition of the “protest clearing” won by a margin of only 13 votes). In addition, Center “E” began to put pressure on the residents of Strelkova: eight people were searched on suspicion of possessing extremist literature.

“We stood in the way of a project worth 32 billion rubles,” says Abduraimov. The numbers are real: they were named in the “Monolith” itself. “Crimean Rose” should become the largest construction project in Simferopol - construction will take place on 100 hectares of city land, it is planned to put 500 thousand square meters into operation. m of housing.

Behind the ambitious project are the business partners of Sergei Aksenov’s mother-in-law Lyudmila Dobrynya. The Monolit group of companies includes, for example, Malva Kom LLC, created by Lyudmila Dobrynya and the current adviser to the head of Crimea, Svetlana Babiy, back in 2005. It received Russian registration only in December 2014, when Aksenov’s entire team had already taken their places in the authorities. The current Deputy Minister of Finance of Crimea, Natalya Fedchun, was also associated with Malva Kom - until 2014, she worked in this company as a deputy director.

Another business associated with Lyudmila Dobrynya is a funeral service. In 2015, the Specialized City Ritual Service (SGRS LLC) was established in Simferopol. The general director of the enterprise is Leilya Gemedzhi (concurrently the general director of Escada LLC, founded by Lyudmila Dobrynya back in 1997).

In December 2015, SGRS LLC took part in the tender of the Simferopol administration for the transportation of 720 dead people. The starting price of the contract is 399,600 rubles. The LLC announced its readiness to complete the work for 230,000 rubles. But the company of Sergei Aksenov’s mother-in-law was ahead of individual entrepreneur Vladimir Lukyanov: he offered a price 10 times less - ​23,760 rubles. And he won. But the results of the auction were canceled, and Lukyanov’s business ceased to exist, because Lukyanov himself ceased to exist - he died.

The wife of the head of Crimea, Elena Aksenova, is also a successful businessman. She is one of the founders of Gals LLC, which owns the largest Simferopol shopping center "Ocean", where the premises are rented by the largest retail chains operating in Crimea - Eldorado, Comfy, DNS, the children's goods hypermarket Limpopo, etc.

During the first three years of Crimea as part of Russia, Elena Aksenova’s income increased almost 11 times: from 2.9 million rubles in 2014 to 32.8 million rubles in 2016. In terms of income, she is the seventh among the wives of Russian governors. And her income statement lists a BMW for $120,000, a house of 577 square meters. m, two land plots, three apartments and six non-residential premises.

23-year-old daughter Kristina Manusova does not lag behind her mother. In 2015, she headed Parus LLC, which leases non-residential premises on Kirova Avenue in Simferopol. Now the Porter House restaurant operates in the premises of Parus, and the net profit of the company of Aksenov’s daughter for 2016 amounted to 818 thousand rubles.

Illustration: Alexey Komarov / “Novaya”

Vladimir Konstantinov.
Work connections man

The undisputed No. 2 in Crimean politics is the speaker of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov. He has headed the Crimean Parliament since 2010, i.e. since Ukrainian times. He came to politics from the construction business, where he worked for 19 years, managing large construction companies “Consol” and “Ukrrosbud”.

Unlike Sergei Aksenov, Konstantinov did not lead his family members into power. But after the referendum, his comrades in the Party of Regions and partners in the construction company Consol received positions in the government structures of Crimea.

The Ministry of Construction was headed by the former Deputy General Director of Consoli Sergei Kononov, and the Ministry of Sports is a former economist in the financial department of Consoli Elizaveta Kozhicheva.

The former chairman of the board of Consoli also became deputies of the State Council Vladimir Yasinsky and his assistant Oksana Sergienko. Head of roofing department "Consol LTD" Alexander Didenko became deputy chairman of the State Committee for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Crimea.

The second group of Konstantinov’s people in the Crimean government are his closest associates in the Party of Regions: Efim Fix, Sergei Fedorkin And Olga Sulnikova. All of them became deputies of the State Council. Fix even received the post of vice-speaker of the republican parliament.

There are no salaries, but incomes are growing

Unlike Aksenov, Konstantinov came to the Crimean government as a wealthy man. In 2013, his fortune was estimated at $118.4 million - ​104th place in the list of the richest people in Ukraine.

While still the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament of Crimea, Konstantinov refused his salary (15,300 hryvnia, or 76,500 rubles at the 2013 exchange rate) and instructed the accounting department to transfer it to the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital.

Despite the fact that Vladimir Konstantinov did not receive a salary, his income continued to grow steadily. In 2014, according to the declaration, he earned 2.7 million rubles, in 2015 - 9.1 million, and in 2016 - 83.9 million.

Novaya Gazeta sent a request to the Speaker of the State Council asking him to name the sources of income and the reason for their sharp growth in 2016. There was no answer.

Vladimir Garnachuk, a former assistant to Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Mikhail Sheremet, believes that Konstantinov’s income is directly related to his previous place of work.

“Most likely, Konstantinov is still the beneficiary of Console,” says Garnachuk. “I think the refusal of the speaker’s salary was deliberately invented in order to create a positive image and, using it as a cover, to continue to participate in the company’s activities.

Consol, despite the fact that neither Vladimir Konstantinov nor other officials work for it now, truly remains the largest construction company in Crimea.

In the fall of 2016, in Crimea, by order of the head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, a wave of demolition of permanent buildings took place in the hundred-meter coastal zone of the Black Sea. Local entrepreneurs - ​owners of cafes and hotels - ​sounded the alarm. In Yalta, the demolition of the Hottabych cafe led to its owner, 75-year-old Alexander Strekalin, setting himself on fire near the monument to Maxim Gorky in the city center.

At this time, Consol was quietly building a residential complex in Feodosia consisting of three nine-story buildings and five climatic pavilions 40 meters from the sea. The head of the marketing department of the Feodosia directorate of Consoli, Angelika Karkach, answered the question about the hundred-meter zone directly: “We won’t have any problems.”

And they really don’t have any problems. In January 2016, Sevastopol media reported: in the 16-story elite building built by the company on Antichny Prospekt, there is no heating, elevators do not work, and when the lights are turned off, the water disappears. The Sevastopol municipal services department and the prosecutor's office took on the task of solving the problem of the building's residents and punishing the company. But all they managed to achieve were promises from the management of Consol to eliminate the shortcomings.

The company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 788.6 million rubles.

Vitaly Nakhlupin.
King of the roads

First Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Vitaly Nakhlupin arrived on the peninsula in September 2010 as part of a team of “Donetsk managers”, protégés of Viktor Yanukovych. Initially, he headed the Crimea trolleybus enterprise, but two months later he was promoted to the commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea on budget policy. As chairman of this commission, Nakhlupin met the events of February-March 2014.

The Donetsk team received the “Crimean Spring” with hostility. Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev in February 2014, when the peninsula was already rocked by massive pro-Russian rallies, directly stated that he intended to implement the decisions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Nakhlupin, judging by media reports, also allegedly demanded that Crimean deputies not call a referendum, threatening with arrest for separatism.

However, the referendum took place. Unlike Mogilev and most of the “Donetsk”, Nakhlupin did not leave for Ukraine. Moreover, he managed to integrate into the Russian vertical: first he became a deputy of the State Council of the republic, then the first deputy prime minister of Crimea.

Under the Russian wing, Nakhlupin undertook to supervise the road sector. He is associated with the enterprises Road Transport Construction Company (DTSC) and Kommuntrans. The latter - ​of Donetsk origin - ​appeared in Crimea at the same time as Vitaly Germanovich himself. It regularly received government contracts for the repair of Crimean roads even under Ukraine, and continued to receive them with the arrival of Russia. DTSC was registered in Crimea only in April 2014, at the same address where Kommuntrans was located. The enterprise is managed by Valentin Zavoichinsky, whom Nakhlupin, by his own admission, “knows from his work in the Ukrainian years.”

There is a distribution of roles between Kommuntrans and the Road Transport Construction Company: the first company is responsible for minor repairs of Crimean roads, the second for large projects. Thus, it was DTSC that received contracts from the Crimean government for the reconstruction of the access road to the Simferopol airport (1.88 billion rubles) and for the construction of an interchange at the intersection of the Evpatoria - ​Simferopol highway with the Simferopol - ​Dubki highway (959 million rubles).

In just four years that Crimea was part of Russia, DTSC received government contracts worth more than 3 billion rubles.

According to Novaya’s sources, Vitaly Nakhlupin planned to hire “his own” contractors for the construction of the Tavrida highway, which would connect Kerch with Sevastopol and for which 137 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget. But the contract was eventually given to the VAD company, owned by the “kings of government procurement” Valery Abramov and Viktor Perevalov. “Moscow was not ready to give such an expensive project to a regional company,” the source explained.

In July 2017, the Crimean prosecutor’s office initiated an investigation into the affiliation of DTSC and Kommuntrans with the First Deputy Prime Minister. Nakhlupin responded to this with the words: “Let them check.” It is unknown how the inspection ended, but Nakhlupin’s position in the Crimean government has not been shaken.

During the first three years of Crimea being part of Russia, Vitaly Nakhlupin earned 52 million rubles. He owns an apartment of 142 square meters, two parking spaces and six expensive cars - Mercedes Benz S550, Porsche 911, Porsche Cayenne, Toyota Camry, BMW X6 and Volkswagen Touareg.

Evgeny Dvoskin.

Immediately after the “Russian Spring,” Crimea suffered a financial disaster: on Kyiv’s orders, all Ukrainian banks simultaneously left the peninsula. The first Russian bank in Crimea was the inconspicuous Genbank, which by March 2014 occupied 315th place in the ranking of domestic credit institutions and had only two branches: in Rostov-on-Don and Omsk.

After entering the Crimean market, Genbank began to progress sharply: today it has 117 branches (mainly on the peninsula) and 138th place in the ranking. This is the second largest bank in Crimea, after the state-owned RNKB.

Genbank is controlled by Evgeniy Dvoskin, a man with a very controversial biography. His name is mentioned in a number of criminal cases related to the laundering of criminal proceeds. And not only in Russia, but also in the USA. According to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), during one of the interrogations, Dvoskin spoke about his work as follows: “The essence of my professional activity is that I ensure the safety and stability of the financial flows of my clients coming to certain banks, recommended by me as a financial advisor."

Dvoskin’s name was also associated with the banks Falcon, Migros and the Siberian Development Bank, whose licenses were revoked in 2006-2007 for carrying out questionable transactions worth 3 billion rubles. Dvoskin himself later stated that he had nothing to do with these banks, and information about his involvement in them was fabricated by “corrupt ex-law enforcement officers.”

Having settled in Crimea, Dvoskin acquired a scandalous reputation here too. The media indicated that it was he who most likely could have been the beneficiary of the raider seizure of the Yalta cold storage plant in July 2015.

Kerch developer Illarion Gapitsonov told Novaya Gazeta about another case of raiding that may be connected with Dvoskin. According to him, Dvoskin, with the help of Feodosia developer Roman Lukichev, “squeezed” a five-story new building from him in Kerch.

Evgeny Dvoskin himself denies involvement in the seizure of the new building and calls Gapitsonov’s accusations slander.

Today things are not going well for Dvoskin. In August last year, a temporary administration was introduced at GenBank. At the same time, his wife Tatyana Dvoskina was forced to leave the post of chairman of the board of directors of the bank. Evgeniy Vladimirovich himself explained the introduction of the temporary administration by the “rapid growth of the GenBank,” however, a number of media reported information about the withdrawal of 15 billion rubles from the bank.

Evgeny Kabanov.
Lawless MP

The driving force of the Crimean economy (in addition to subsidies from the federal budget) is housing construction. There are many people who want to live on the sea coast, and prices for apartments in Crimea in some places compete with those in Moscow.

And if the main builder of Crimea is Vladimir Konstantinov, then the main developer on the peninsula is Evgeny Kabanov, owner of the Interstroy group of companies.

Many Interstroy objects are also objects of hatred among Crimeans. For example, Kabanov’s company is actively developing the Seaside Park of Yalta (there were rallies in the city about this), and in September 2017, the developer presented a project for the development of Soldatsky Beach in Sevastopol. It is proposed to build an apart-hotel "Admiral's Lagoon" on the beach, consisting of five four-story buildings. It is important to clarify that the Admiral Lagoon is not a classic hotel. The rooms here are not rented, but sold. Now, at the stage of the zero cycle, - at a price of 69,000 rubles per sq. m. m.

In fact, “Admiral’s Lagoon” is a residential complex with non-residential status.

“Evgeny Kabanov often builds apartments that can be used as residential buildings,” says Viktor Yadukha, editor-in-chief of the Sevastopol portal “Notes.” — Most often, these objects are located in a hundred-meter coastal zone, where it is impossible to build residential buildings. In addition, there is no need to build associated infrastructure for apartments: for example, kindergartens.

In addition to the active development of Crimea, Evgeny Kabanov is involved in lawmaking - he is a deputy of the State Council. True, during the 4 years that Crimea was part of Russia, Evgeniy Konstantinovich did not submit a single bill to the republican parliament for consideration.

Sergei Valeryevich Aksenov is a vivid example of an ordinary deputy who, thanks to his activity in the political field, reached unexpected heights in his career and became the head of the Republic of Crimea after the peninsula became part of the Russian Federation. For organizing the Crimean referendum and the reunification of the peninsula with Russia in 2014, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, and in 2015 he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Crimea.

The majority of the electorate sees the new Crimean leader as a serious, charismatic and self-confident leader who is capable of making Crimea a home for the population and restoring the economy and national economy on the territory of the republic.

Childhood and youth

Aksenov Sergey Valerievich was born on November 26, 1972 in the Moldavian city of Balti. There is no information about parents and childhood. It is only known that the parents Valery Nikolaevich and Nina Semenovna were citizens of Ukraine, and the father of the future Crimean leader at one time chaired the Russian Community party.

At a young age, Sergei was not distinguished by excellent behavior or success - the boy was a strong "average". Aksenov studied at local school No. 6, from which he graduated in 1989 with a silver medal. Having received a certificate of secondary education, he went to Simferopol and entered the Higher Military-Political School, where he received a diploma as a military builder.

Already in his youth, Sergei Valerievich became involved in entrepreneurship in the production and sale of canned food and food products. Over the next 10 years, Aksenov’s biography did not change - the future Crimean head was deputy director in several companies and cooperatives.

In parallel with doing business, Sergei Valerievich continued his studies at the University of Economics and Management, where he first received a bachelor's degree in the Faculty of Enterprise Economics, and later became a master's degree in finance and credit.


Aksenov’s political career started in 2008, when he began to engage in social and political activities in Crimea. Then he joined the “Russian Community of Crimea”, and a year later became co-chairman of the Coordination Council “For Russian Unity in Crimea!” and became a member of the board of the “Civil Asset of Crimea”.

Sergei Valerievich’s activity in the political field was the key to his career growth and allowed him to become the leader of the All-Crimean socio-political movement “Russian Unity”, which had a lot of opponents.

At that time, Aksenov and the movement he led were accused of raider seizures of real estate, but it was not possible to prove specific facts of the criminal activities of the future head of Crimea. This did not prevent Aksenov from becoming a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in 2010, although only 4% of voters voted for Russian Unity at that time.

Thanks to his ideological views, which prioritized the national interests of the Russian Federation, a self-sufficient Russian economy, support for local producers, differentiation of the tax system, providing for the abolition of taxes for the poor, Sergei Aksenov won recognition both among his colleagues and among ordinary citizens. This allowed him to unexpectedly rise to the political pedestal and become chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea.

In February 2014, at the time of the coup in Ukraine, the building of the Armed Forces of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was seized by unknown people who, having expelled the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, immediately changed the Ukrainian flag to the Russian one. On the same day, at an extraordinary meeting, Aksenov was appointed prime minister of the new government of the Republic of Crimea, but still within Ukraine.

A few days later and... O. The Ukrainian leader signed a decree on the illegality of holding elections for the chairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea, noting that they violate the constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the constitution and legislation of Ukraine. Then a criminal case was opened against Aksenov in Ukraine under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code, which provides punishment for the violent seizure of state power. At the court hearing, a decision was made to detain Sergei Valerievich.

During the same period, Sergei Aksenov was also not idle in Crimea. 2 days after taking office, he by decree subjugated all the security and departmental structures of Crimea and turned to the President of Russia for help and assistance in ensuring peace and tranquility on the territory of the peninsula.

The thorny path to the top of power in Crimea for Aksenov was full of all sorts of pitfalls and conflict situations, but the politician withstood all the tests along the way and was among the main organizers of the referendum in Crimea, in which on March 16, 2014, citizens of the peninsula unanimously voted for the exit of the Republic of Crimea from composition of Ukraine and its entry into Russia.

After the official announcement of the results of the Crimean referendum against Sergei Aksenov and a number of other politicians who, according to Ukrainian and European diplomats, were involved in the current events in Crimea, US and EU sanctions were imposed.

Despite the non-recognition and indignant reaction to the referendum in Crimea of ​​the West and Kyiv, on March 18, 2014, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea Aksenov with the chairmen of the coordinating council for the organization of the Sevastopol city administration for life support and the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, Alexey Chaly and, signed with the Russian head Vladimir Putin Treaty on the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation.

As a result of this, 2 new entities were formed in the Russian Federation - the federal city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea.

During the same period, the hotline of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Crimea resumed operation. Crimeans were given the opportunity to contact Sergei Aksenov’s reception desk free of charge with requests and problems. All calls are recorded and, as the press service of the Crimean government assured, are promptly reviewed.

In September 2014, the President of Russia proposed to the State Council of the Crimean Republic the candidacy of Sergei Aksenov for the post of head of the Republic of Crimea. On October 9 of the same year, during a vote of the Council, Aksenov was unanimously elected to this position, and he also retained the post of Prime Minister of the Republic. As a result, Sergei Aksenov, along with the then prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea, became the main symbols of the “Crimean Spring”.

In 2016, Aksenov won the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation, but announced that he did not plan to become a deputy. The head of Crimea, like his deputy prime ministers, resigned from parliamentary powers, and according to the law, the vacant mandate passed to Natalia Poklonskaya, who followed on the list of candidates immediately after the politicians who refused and had already resigned as a prosecutor.

At the end of 2016, the head of Crimea launched an anti-corruption campaign, and already in February 2017, the first arrests began in connection with an audit by the Anti-Corruption Committee. The first to be detained was Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Government Oleg Kazurin, but the head of Crimea is confident that this is not the last arrest, and clarified that the committee “still has questions” for many officials and the Capital Construction Service of the Republic of Crimea.

Sergei Aksenov also promised that from 2017 there will no longer be any preferences for road construction, he also noted that he will pay attention to the road issue. Both he and other politicians personally saw how builders laid asphalt on snow - Aksenov believes that both contractors and officials responsible for road construction should be punished for such a violation.

In March 2017, Sergei Aksenov became a guest of the “Serious Conversation” program, which was broadcast on the “First Crimean” channel. The head of Crimea clarified that in modern realities, democracy in the state should be moderate, while Russian President Vladimir Putin should be given lifelong powers, which can be expanded “up to dictatorship.”

In Sergei Valerievich’s statements, journalists saw a public call for a change in the form of government, which provides for criminal liability. But the Kremlin regarded Aksenov’s speech as his “personal opinion.” Sergei Valerievich himself does not hide his attitude towards the head of state, considering him the guarantor of the security of millions of Crimeans who managed to avoid the war.

Personal life

Due to the fact that the new head of Crimea leads an isolated lifestyle and is known as a serious, uncommunicative and secretive man, Aksenov’s personal life is closed to society. Back in the early 90s, he married economist Elena Dobrynya. Together with his wife, Sergei Valerievich is engaged in entrepreneurial and commercial activities.

The Aksenov family has several private enterprises involved in the sale and rental of private and public real estate, travel companies, as well as companies trading in household chemicals, food and industrial goods.

The governor has two children. Elena Dobrynya gave birth to her husband’s daughter Kristina in 1994, and in 1997 their family was replenished with an heir, Oleg. Currently, the children of Sergei Aksenov are students at prestigious universities. In addition to studying, Aksenov’s daughter has already proven herself in business. Since 2015, the girl has headed Parus LLC in the city of Simferopol. During the first year of work, Christina managed to increase the family’s wealth by 818 thousand rubles.

According to information from the official portal of the government of the Republic, Sergei Aksenov’s income for the first year as Crimean head amounted to 1 million 621 thousand rubles. Sergei Viktorovich’s declaration also states that he does not have his own property - Aksenov rents an apartment, a plot of land and a residential building.

Aksenov’s wife, unlike her husband, who receives a salary for the civil service, earned 3 million rubles in 2014. At the same time, she owns 3 apartments with an area of ​​200 square meters. m and 7 non-residential premises. Also, the wife of the head of Crimea has a number of land plots with an area of ​​1568 square meters. m and a residential building with an area of ​​577 sq. m, while she owns a BMW 750.

It is known that Aksenov’s wife, throughout her husband’s entrepreneurial and political activities, provides him with all-powerful support in all his endeavors. In their free time from work, the family loves to travel. In addition, Sergei Valerievich follows new information trends, he has pages on

Sergei Aksenov is the head of the Republic of Crimea.

Aksenov’s childhood and parents

Sergei Aksenov was born on November 26, 1972, is a native of Soviet Moldova. The parents of the Crimean head are Ukrainians by nationality.

Sergei Aksenov’s father, Valery Nikolaevich, worked at a local factory as a radio equipment controller. In the late eighties he entered politics, becoming a member of the Socialist Party of Moldova. In 1995, after the victory of the socialists in the elections, Valery Aksenov was elected deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Balti municipality. After moving to Crimea, he took an active part in the activities of the Russian Community of Crimea.

Sergei Aksenov graduated from school with a silver medal. Having received a certificate, he entered the higher military school of Simferopol. In 1993, the future politician passed all the exams and completed his studies at the school, but did not receive a diploma. Aksenov himself explained this by saying that he refused to take the oath and did not want to connect his future life with the Ukrainian army. According to Ukrainian Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, he was expelled for indiscipline.


Without receiving a diploma, Aksenov began doing business - he worked as a deputy in three large Crimean companies and cooperatives. The politician himself, speaking about this period of his life, stated that he was engaged in food products, conservation and their supply abroad.

However, the Security Service of Ukraine stated otherwise. In their opinion, Aksenov was a member of the Salem criminal group, which protected many entertainment venues and shops in Crimea.

The first president of Crimea, Yuri Meshkov, published scandalous documents in 2015, which spoke about Aksenov’s criminal past. According to the documents, Aksenov had the nickname “Goblin” and, as a participant in operational reports, had a fairly long track record: extortion, threats and contract killings. Aksenov himself did not comment on this statement. The authenticity of the documents was not confirmed by either the Ukrainian or Russian security forces.

The first person to talk about Aksenov’s involvement in criminal circles was Mikhail Bakharev, who was then deputy head of the Supreme Council of Crimea. In 2009, he accused Sergei Valerievich of illegally seizing two sanatoriums, several residential buildings and a train station in Simferopol.

The reliability of this version is supported by the fact that in 1996 an attempt was made on Aksenov’s life. The vehicle in which Sergei Valerievich and other members of the Salem organized crime group were located was fired upon and Aksenov was taken to the hospital with gunshot wounds. After this, the businessman started personal security. Then there was another attempt on Aksenov’s life with a bomb planted in the house where the businessman lived. The explosive device was found and defused.

During the period of entrepreneurial activity, Aksenov acquired useful connections in government structures - with the then prosecutor of Simferopol, the head of the Crimean branch of the State Property Fund of Ukraine. At the same time, he managed to privatize several companies and real estate properties.

Political activity

In 2008, he became a member of a number of socio-political associations - this is the “Russian Community of Crimea”, where his father was a member, and “Civil Activist of Crimea”. In 2010, the aspiring politician led the Russian Unity movement, which was formed by merging the two above-mentioned organizations. From this organization he was elected a member of the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

In 2014, after a referendum on the annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol to the territory of the Russian Federation, parliamentarians decided by voting that Aksenov was a suitable candidate for the post of head of the regional government. Most states did not recognize the results of the referendum and defined the change in the status of Crimea as aggression on the part of the Kremlin. In the fall of 2014, Aksenov was officially appointed to the position of head of the region.

A criminal case was opened against Aksenov in Ukraine under an article providing for the violent seizure of power. The United States and EU countries imposed sanctions against Aksenov and his associates, who, according to parties critical of the referendum, were involved in the events in Crimea.

Head of the Republic

There are many relatives of Sergei Aksenov in the power structures of Crimea. The father of the head of Crimea is the deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and communal services. His wife’s sister, Evgenia Dobrynya, heads the committee on property and land relations. Evgenia Dobrynya’s husband heads the fisheries department of the Republican Ministry of Agriculture. Father-in-law, Alexander Dobrynya, holds the position of deputy director of the State Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Expert Technical Center”, responsible for inspecting and issuing conclusions on the condition of building structures. Mother-in-law, Lyudmila Dobrynya, is a member of the Public Chamber of the Republic.

Aksenov's son-in-law, Andrei Rostenko, was until recently the mayor of Yalta. In the spring of 2018, he was accused of abuse of power. Aksenov himself called the arrest a “provocation” and the accusations “false.”

Elena Aksenova, the wife of the head of Crimea, is successfully engaged in business and is a co-owner of several large companies in Crimea.

The head of Crimea himself has repeatedly emphasized that the Crimean authorities will put an end to the nepotism that is flourishing in Ukraine.

Not only relatives, but also comrades-in-arms entered into politics with Aksenov. The deputy seats went to two of his wife’s business partners, Aksenov’s business partner, Igor Lukashev, became the head of Simferopol, and three more comrades in Russian Unity received deputy mandates from the State Duma.

In 2018, two more Crimean officials were arrested and charged with taking a bribe: Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Kazurin, who was in charge of housing and communal services, and Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Nakhlupin, who was responsible for the financial block. Experts express the opinion that a series of arrests is a blow to Aksenov’s personnel policy, since he surrounded himself with rather controversial personnel. Some experts predict Aksenov’s imminent resignation from the post of head of Crimea.

As a result of the referendum, the fourth anniversary of which we will celebrate in March, the formula “Crimea is ours” came into use. But if you look closely, few can fully say this. Novaya Gazeta talks about who these people are.

Sergey Aksenov.
Head of the Republic, Head of the Family

Prime Minister of Crimea Sergei Aksenov is a figure with whom many myths are associated. The media accused him of having connections with the Salem group in the 90s, of receiving a fake diploma from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School, and even of being loyal to Ukraine during the “Russian Spring.”

The reliability of the above has not been proven. But the fact that Sergei Valerievich is a strong family man who cares about his family and friends even in the sovereign’s service is absolutely indisputable. So, five members of his family work in the Crimean government.

The father of the head of Crimea, Valery Aksenov, after the transition of the peninsula to Russia, moved from the office of the director of the Simferopol Automobile Repair Plant to the office of the deputy chairman of the construction committee of the State Council of the Republic.

After the “Russian Spring”, Sergei Aksenov’s sister-in-law Evgenia Dobrynya, who until March 2014 worked as the secretary of the current head of Crimea in the Russian Unity party, also ended up in the State Council. Dobrynya headed the “golden” committee on land issues.

Evgenia Dobrynya's common-law husband, Andrei Dedyukhin, became the head of the fisheries department of the Republican Ministry of Agriculture in 2014. Dedyukhin’s official biography states that from 2000 to 2014 he was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, but no traces of it were preserved in the unified register of legal entities of Ukraine.

With the advent of Russia, Sergei Aksenov's mother-in-law Lyudmila Dobrynya became a member of the Public Chamber of the Republic. And her husband Alexander Dobrynya was appointed Deputy Director of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Expert Technical Center”.

Sergei Aksenov himself has repeatedly emphasized: it is necessary to end “Ukrainian nepotism” in the Crimean government. “It is necessary to monitor all cases related to conflicts of interest. It is unacceptable if relatives work in the same narrowly focused area, having the opportunity to interact within the same industry,” the head of Crimea said in February 2017 at a working meeting with the chairman of the republican anti-corruption committee, Alexander Akshatin.

However, Aksenov brought his relatives out of harm’s way, declaring that he was “ready to answer for them personally.”

Not only his relatives, but also his family’s business partners, as well as comrades in the Russian Unity party, followed Sergei Aksenov into power. Entrepreneurs Sergei Borodkin and Nikolai Vysotsky— ​business partners of Elena Aksenova, wife of the head of Crimea. Borodkin, together with Aksenova, is the founder of Simferopol LLC Hals; Vysotsky worked at Hals as deputy director for commercial issues in 2011-2013.

By a strange coincidence, Sergei Aksenov’s advisor Svetlana Babiy and Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic Natalya Fedchun worked in companies affiliated with the family until 2014.

Aksenov’s business partner Igor Lukashev became the head of Simferopol in 2017.

Another large group in power is Sergei Aksenov’s associates in the Russian Unity party. Three former party members at once - ​ Mikhail Sheremet, Andrey Kozenko And Dmitry Polonsky— ​after the “Russian Spring” they became deputy prime ministers of the government of the republic. In 2016, Kozenko and Sheremet received deputy mandates in the State Duma.

Sergei Valerievich’s comrades in “Russian Unity” sat in the deputy chairs of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Bobkov, Larisa Georgiadi And Sergey Shuvaynikov.

Former member of Russian Unity Alexander Spiridonov headed the Crimean State Committee for State Registration and Cadastre, and was responsible for working with the media in Russian Unity Ekaterina Polonchuk— ​Information and press service of the head of the republic.

Business and a little personal

Members of the family of Sergei Aksenov and his friends in power might not have been noticed if not for ordinary Crimeans. Most of the family’s enterprises operate “quietly” and do not get into scandals. But there are exceptions.

On the night of September 12, 2017, six-year-old Reyana woke up to a Molotov cocktail flying through the window of her children’s room. The explosion first set the mosquito net on fire, then the curtains.

“Reyana ran to wake up the adults,” recalls the girl’s grandfather Vasvi Abduraimov. — We put out the burning window and door. One bottle did not explode.

Investigators classified the incident as “hooliganism.” The attackers were not found. Vasvi Abduraimov is sure that this was an “attempted murder”, and he was the main target.

Abduraimov is a veteran of the Crimean Tatar national movement. Since Ukrainian times, he has been fighting for the legalization of the so-called. “protest meadows” - ​lands unauthorizedly occupied by Crimean Tatars after returning from deportation. People occupied lands without permission, because... The authorities did not offer them any options for resettlement.

One of these “protest clearings”, Strelkovaya, is located in Simferopol. In its place, the Crimean authorities decided to build a multi-storey residential complex “Crimean Rose”, which should be built by the Monolit group of companies.

The conflict between Abduraimov and his associates with Monolit has spread to more than one office. The Crimean Tatars managed to get the issue of development submitted to public hearings, but a group of 80 activists were simply not allowed to attend (even under these conditions, supporters of the demolition of the “protest clearing” won by a margin of only 13 votes). In addition, Center “E” began to put pressure on the residents of Strelkova: eight people were searched on suspicion of possessing extremist literature.

“We stood in the way of a project worth 32 billion rubles,” says Abduraimov. The numbers are real: they were named in the “Monolith” itself. “Crimean Rose” should become the largest construction project in Simferopol - construction will take place on 100 hectares of city land, it is planned to put 500 thousand square meters into operation. m of housing.

Behind the ambitious project are the business partners of Sergei Aksenov’s mother-in-law Lyudmila Dobrynya. The Monolit group of companies includes, for example, Malva Kom LLC, created by Lyudmila Dobrynya and the current adviser to the head of Crimea, Svetlana Babiy, back in 2005. It received Russian registration only in December 2014, when Aksenov’s entire team had already taken their places in the authorities. The current Deputy Minister of Finance of Crimea, Natalya Fedchun, was also associated with Malva Kom - until 2014, she worked in this company as a deputy director.

Another business associated with Lyudmila Dobrynya is a funeral service. In 2015, the Specialized City Ritual Service (SGRS LLC) was established in Simferopol. The general director of the enterprise is Leilya Gemedzhi (concurrently the general director of Escada LLC, founded by Lyudmila Dobrynya back in 1997).

In December 2015, SGRS LLC took part in the tender of the Simferopol administration for the transportation of 720 dead people. The starting price of the contract is 399,600 rubles. The LLC announced its readiness to complete the work for 230,000 rubles. But the company of Sergei Aksenov’s mother-in-law was ahead of individual entrepreneur Vladimir Lukyanov: he offered a price 10 times less - ​23,760 rubles. And he won. But the results of the auction were canceled, and Lukyanov’s business ceased to exist, because Lukyanov himself ceased to exist - he died.

The wife of the head of Crimea, Elena Aksenova, is also a successful businessman. She is one of the founders of Gals LLC, which owns the largest Simferopol shopping center "Ocean", where the premises are rented by the largest retail chains operating in Crimea - Eldorado, Comfy, DNS, the children's goods hypermarket Limpopo, etc.

During the first three years of Crimea as part of Russia, Elena Aksenova’s income increased almost 11 times: from 2.9 million rubles in 2014 to 32.8 million rubles in 2016. In terms of income, she is the seventh among the wives of Russian governors. And her income statement lists a BMW for $120,000, a house of 577 square meters. m, two land plots, three apartments and six non-residential premises.

23-year-old daughter Kristina Manusova does not lag behind her mother. In 2015, she headed Parus LLC, which leases non-residential premises on Kirova Avenue in Simferopol. Now the Porter House restaurant operates in the premises of Parus, and the net profit of the company of Aksenov’s daughter for 2016 amounted to 818 thousand rubles.

Illustration: Alexey Komarov / “Novaya”

Vladimir Konstantinov.
Work connections man

The undisputed No. 2 in Crimean politics is the speaker of the State Council of Crimea Vladimir Konstantinov. He has headed the Crimean Parliament since 2010, i.e. since Ukrainian times. He came to politics from the construction business, where he worked for 19 years, managing large construction companies “Consol” and “Ukrrosbud”.

Unlike Sergei Aksenov, Konstantinov did not lead his family members into power. But after the referendum, his comrades in the Party of Regions and partners in the construction company Consol received positions in the government structures of Crimea.

The Ministry of Construction was headed by former Deputy General Director of Consoli Sergei Kononov, and the Ministry of Sports was headed by a former economist of the financial department of Consoli. Elizaveta Kozhicheva.

The former chairman of the board of Consoli also became deputies of the State Council Vladimir Yasinsky and his assistant Oksana Sergienko. Head of roofing department "Consol LTD" Alexander Didenko became deputy chairman of the State Committee for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Crimea.

The second group of Konstantinov’s people in the Crimean government are his closest associates in the Party of Regions: Efim Fix, Sergei Fedorkin And Olga Sulnikova. All of them became deputies of the State Council. Fix even received the post of vice-speaker of the republican parliament.

There are no salaries, but incomes are growing

Unlike Aksenov, Konstantinov came to the Crimean government as a wealthy man. In 2013, his fortune was estimated at $118.4 million - ​104th place in the list of the richest people in Ukraine.

While still the speaker of the Ukrainian parliament of Crimea, Konstantinov refused his salary (15,300 hryvnia, or 76,500 rubles at the 2013 exchange rate) and instructed the accounting department to transfer it to the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital.

Despite the fact that Vladimir Konstantinov did not receive a salary, his income continued to grow steadily. In 2014, according to the declaration, he earned 2.7 million rubles, in 2015 - 9.1 million, and in 2016 - 83.9 million.

Novaya Gazeta sent a request to the Speaker of the State Council asking him to name the sources of income and the reason for their sharp growth in 2016. There was no answer.

Vladimir Garnachuk, a former assistant to Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Mikhail Sheremet, believes that Konstantinov’s income is directly related to his previous place of work.

“Most likely, Konstantinov is still the beneficiary of Console,” says Garnachuk. “I think the refusal of the speaker’s salary was deliberately invented in order to create a positive image and, using it as a cover, to continue to participate in the company’s activities.

Consol, despite the fact that neither Vladimir Konstantinov nor other officials work for it now, truly remains the largest construction company in Crimea.

In the fall of 2016, in Crimea, by order of the head of the republic, Sergei Aksenov, a wave of demolition of permanent buildings took place in the hundred-meter coastal zone of the Black Sea. Local entrepreneurs - ​owners of cafes and hotels - ​sounded the alarm. In Yalta, the demolition of the Hottabych cafe led to its owner, 75-year-old Alexander Strekalin, setting himself on fire near the monument to Maxim Gorky in the city center.

At this time, Consol was quietly building a residential complex in Feodosia consisting of three nine-story buildings and five climatic pavilions 40 meters from the sea. The head of the marketing department of the Feodosia directorate of Consoli, Angelika Karkach, answered the question about the hundred-meter zone directly: “We won’t have any problems.”

And they really don’t have any problems. In January 2016, Sevastopol media reported: in the 16-story elite building built by the company on Antichny Prospekt, there is no heating, elevators do not work, and when the lights are turned off, the water disappears. The Sevastopol municipal services department and the prosecutor's office took on the task of solving the problem of the building's residents and punishing the company. But all they managed to achieve were promises from the management of Consol to eliminate the shortcomings.

The company's revenue in 2016 amounted to 788.6 million rubles.

Vitaly Nakhlupin.
King of the roads

First Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Vitaly Nakhlupin arrived on the peninsula in September 2010 as part of a team of “Donetsk managers”, protégés of Viktor Yanukovych. Initially, he headed the Crimea trolleybus enterprise, but two months later he was promoted to the commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Crimea on budget policy. As chairman of this commission, Nakhlupin met the events of February-March 2014.

The Donetsk team received the “Crimean Spring” with hostility. Crimean Prime Minister Anatoly Mogilev in February 2014, when the peninsula was already rocked by massive pro-Russian rallies, directly stated that he intended to implement the decisions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Nakhlupin, judging by media reports, also allegedly demanded that Crimean deputies not call a referendum, threatening with arrest for separatism.

However, the referendum took place. Unlike Mogilev and most of the “Donetsk”, Nakhlupin did not leave for Ukraine. Moreover, he managed to integrate into the Russian vertical: first he became a deputy of the State Council of the republic, then the first deputy prime minister of Crimea.

Under the Russian wing, Nakhlupin undertook to supervise the road sector. He is associated with the enterprises Road Transport Construction Company (DTSC) and Kommuntrans. The latter - ​of Donetsk origin - ​appeared in Crimea at the same time as Vitaly Germanovich himself. It regularly received government contracts for the repair of Crimean roads even under Ukraine, and continued to receive them with the arrival of Russia. DTSC was registered in Crimea only in April 2014, at the same address where Kommuntrans was located. The enterprise is managed by Valentin Zavoichinsky, whom Nakhlupin, by his own admission, “knows from his work in the Ukrainian years.”

There is a distribution of roles between Kommuntrans and the Road Transport Construction Company: the first company is responsible for minor repairs of Crimean roads, the second for large projects. Thus, it was DTSC that received contracts from the Crimean government for the reconstruction of the access road to the Simferopol airport (1.88 billion rubles) and for the construction of an interchange at the intersection of the Evpatoria - ​Simferopol highway with the Simferopol - ​Dubki highway (959 million rubles).

In just four years that Crimea was part of Russia, DTSC received government contracts worth more than 3 billion rubles.

According to Novaya’s sources, Vitaly Nakhlupin planned to hire “his own” contractors for the construction of the Tavrida highway, which would connect Kerch with Sevastopol and for which 137 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget. But the contract was eventually given to the VAD company, owned by the “kings of government procurement” Valery Abramov and Viktor Perevalov. “Moscow was not ready to give such an expensive project to a regional company,” the source explained.

In July 2017, the Crimean prosecutor’s office initiated an investigation into the affiliation of DTSC and Kommuntrans with the First Deputy Prime Minister. Nakhlupin responded to this with the words: “Let them check.” It is unknown how the inspection ended, but Nakhlupin’s position in the Crimean government has not been shaken.

During the first three years of Crimea being part of Russia, Vitaly Nakhlupin earned 52 million rubles. He owns an apartment of 142 square meters, two parking spaces and six expensive cars - Mercedes Benz S550, Porsche 911, Porsche Cayenne, Toyota Camry, BMW X6 and Volkswagen Touareg.

Evgeny Dvoskin.

Immediately after the “Russian Spring,” Crimea suffered a financial disaster: on Kyiv’s orders, all Ukrainian banks simultaneously left the peninsula. The first Russian bank in Crimea was the inconspicuous Genbank, which by March 2014 occupied 315th place in the ranking of domestic credit institutions and had only two branches: in Rostov-on-Don and Omsk.

After entering the Crimean market, Genbank began to progress sharply: today it has 117 branches (mainly on the peninsula) and 138th place in the ranking. This is the second largest bank in Crimea, after the state-owned RNKB.

Genbank is controlled by Evgeniy Dvoskin, a man with a very controversial biography. His name is mentioned in a number of criminal cases related to the laundering of criminal proceeds. And not only in Russia, but also in the USA. According to the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), during one of the interrogations, Dvoskin spoke about his work as follows: “The essence of my professional activity is that I ensure the safety and stability of the financial flows of my clients coming to certain banks, recommended by me as a financial advisor."

Dvoskin’s name was also associated with the banks Falcon, Migros and the Siberian Development Bank, whose licenses were revoked in 2006-2007 for carrying out questionable transactions worth 3 billion rubles. Dvoskin himself later stated that he had nothing to do with these banks, and information about his involvement in them was fabricated by “corrupt ex-law enforcement officers.”

Having settled in Crimea, Dvoskin acquired a scandalous reputation here too. The media indicated that it was he who most likely could have been the beneficiary of the raider seizure of the Yalta cold storage plant in July 2015.

Kerch developer Illarion Gapitsonov told Novaya Gazeta about another case of raiding that may be connected with Dvoskin. According to him, Dvoskin, with the help of Feodosia developer Roman Lukichev, “squeezed” a five-story new building from him in Kerch.

Evgeny Dvoskin himself denies involvement in the seizure of the new building and calls Gapitsonov’s accusations slander.

Today things are not going well for Dvoskin. In August last year, a temporary administration was introduced at GenBank. At the same time, his wife Tatyana Dvoskina was forced to leave the post of chairman of the board of directors of the bank. Evgeniy Vladimirovich himself explained the introduction of the temporary administration by the “rapid growth of the GenBank,” however, a number of media reported information about the withdrawal of 15 billion rubles from the bank.

Evgeny Kabanov.
Lawless MP

The driving force of the Crimean economy (in addition to subsidies from the federal budget) is housing construction. There are many people who want to live on the sea coast, and prices for apartments in Crimea in some places compete with those in Moscow.

And if the main builder of Crimea is Vladimir Konstantinov, then the main developer on the peninsula is Evgeny Kabanov, owner of the Interstroy group of companies.

Many Interstroy objects are also objects of hatred among Crimeans. For example, Kabanov’s company is actively developing the Seaside Park of Yalta (there were rallies in the city about this), and in September 2017, the developer presented a project for the development of Soldatsky Beach in Sevastopol. It is proposed to build an apart-hotel "Admiral's Lagoon" on the beach, consisting of five four-story buildings. It is important to clarify that the Admiral Lagoon is not a classic hotel. The rooms here are not rented, but sold. Now, at the stage of the zero cycle, - at a price of 69,000 rubles per sq. m. m.

In fact, “Admiral’s Lagoon” is a residential complex with non-residential status.

“Evgeny Kabanov often builds apartments that can be used as residential buildings,” says Viktor Yadukha, editor-in-chief of the Sevastopol portal “Notes.” — Most often, these objects are located in a hundred-meter coastal zone, where it is impossible to build residential buildings. In addition, there is no need to build associated infrastructure for apartments: for example, kindergartens.

In addition to the active development of Crimea, Evgeny Kabanov is involved in lawmaking - he is a deputy of the State Council. True, during the 4 years that Crimea was part of Russia, Evgeniy Konstantinovich did not submit a single bill to the republican parliament for consideration.

There are many rumors about the “secret” biography of Mr. Aksenov - in particular, the name of the “head” of Crimea is associated with large criminal groups that operated in the late nineties, when the leader of the annexed peninsula was “young and full of strength.” In the Russian media, Aksenov, on the contrary, is presented as a simple deputy who “has become one of the people thanks to his work and intellect.” For organizing the Crimean referendum, as well as for further “successes” in the development of Crimea, Aksenov has already been awarded many orders and titles. Over the past couple of years, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the peninsula, and was given an order of merit, naturally, to the Russian Federation, and not to Ukraine. The Russian media characterize the “head” of Crimea as a confident and serious leader capable of making the peninsula a prosperous region.

He is a native of Soviet Moldova. In 1972, in November, he was born in Balti. There is no information about his family, in addition, Sergei Valerievich carefully hides information about his personal life. The media were only able to find out that the parents of the Crimean leader are Ukrainians by nationality. Aksenov graduated from high school with a silver medal, and later became a military builder, having studied at the Simferopol Higher Military School. According to Russian sources, for many years Aksenov ran a variety of businesses - he worked as a boss in cooperatives and companies, but, according to verified information, the future “chosen one” of the people was part of the Salem criminal group. Aksenov even had the call sign “Goblin”, and he was considered a fairly famous person in Crimea. The first to speak about the involvement of the future politician in criminal structures was Mikhail Bakharev, who held the position of deputy head of the Supreme Council of Crimea. In 2009, he accused Aksenov of raider seizures of two sanatoriums, several residential buildings and a train station in Simferopol.

The “head” of Crimea could not withstand such pressure and filed a lawsuit against Bakharev for libel and insult to honor. The judges came to the defense of Sergei Valerievich and ordered his offender to pay one hryvnia as moral compensation. Bakharev did not calm down and filed a complaint with the Court of Appeal. Aksenov lost the case because he did not present to the court a single piece of evidence of his innocence. He later stated that he was outraged by the judges’ decision, since after such “verdicts” any person could be trampled into the dirt and publicly humiliated. Aksenov insisted that Bakharev knew nothing about him and took information from false sites.

With Aksenov’s personal life, everything is as complicated as with his connections with criminal groups. It is known that “Goblin” married a girl named Elena at a very young age, and that he is still married to her – this is what the Russian media write. However, there are rumors that the “head” of Crimea has long separated from his wife and is only creating the appearance of a relationship. Elena and Sergei have two adult children - an eldest daughter and a younger son. Aksenov’s children entered prestigious universities. His wife Elena is considered a fairly successful businessman, and, as many say, after Aksenov entered politics, she earns no less than her husband.

Aksenov entered politics at the age of 36, joining the “Russian Community of Crimea”. Apparently, even then the owner of the annexed peninsula was thinking about returning Crimea to its “historical homeland.” In 2009, Sergei Valerievich was appointed co-chairman of “For Russian Unity in Crimea.” It was during the beginning of his political career that rumors began to circulate that Aksenov was organizing raider takeovers, but, despite his tarnished reputation, the politician gained the required number of votes and entered the Supreme Council of the Republic. Then history is silent about how in a short time Aksenov received the chair of the head of the Council of Ministers.

In the winter of 2014, the building of the Supreme Council of Crimea was seized, people changed the flag of Ukraine to the flag of Russia, and Aksenov was proclaimed prime minister of Crimea. A few days later, Turchynov signed an order declaring that such “elections” were illegal and stated that they violated the Constitution. Criminal proceedings were opened against “Goblin”, accusing him of violent seizure of power. In response, Aksenov issued his own decrees, and in a short time completely subjugated all the structures of the peninsula, after which he began to put pressure on Putin and ask for “assistance.” There is no need to tell the story further - through “joint efforts” a referendum was held in Crimea, and the peninsula joined the Russian Federation, and Aksenov became its rightful owner.

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