Chocolate drink made from cocoa powder. Hot chocolate

Hot chocolate is a classic drink that can warm you up on a cold winter evening, cheer you up and improve your mood. Often it is prepared from ordinary chocolate, even at home. What to do if there is no chocolate at home, but you really want to drink a cup of fresh, delicious, aromatic chocolate treat? Don’t despair, if you have cocoa, you can easily make an equally tasty drink that will be an excellent treat. The drink creates a quiet, comfortable, cozy and homely atmosphere.


You can even cook it at home. What is the difference between a cocoa cocktail and a hot chocolate made from a regular chocolate bar? Powder is a special ingredient obtained by processing seeds. It is important that chocolate must be made from cocoa beans. What is the difference?

The preparation of the drink may differ in recipe and technology, but there are no significant differences in taste. Currently, it is an exquisite dessert, an incredibly tasty drink that can be decorated with whipped cream, seasoned with hot chili pepper or vanilla, and served with marshmallows. Thanks to such additives, the taste will be rich, bright, and interesting.

How to make hot chocolate at home? There are two main and most popular cooking options. One of them involves the use of high-quality chocolate products, and the second - cocoa powder. As for hot chocolate made from cocoa powder, this method will be much more economical, accessible and simpler, but no less original, nutritious and aromatic. The only condition and secret of preparing a quality drink is maintaining the correct proportion of cocoa and milk. Despite the huge abundance of recipes, it is important to choose one that will make you love it for life.

Classic recipe

You can prepare a sweet cocktail using the classic, traditional method, which involves the use of cocoa. To make hot chocolate, the recipe will help you cope with all the difficulties, but they should not arise.


  • fresh milk – 400 milliliters;
  • sugar – 4 teaspoons;
  • vanillin – 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa bean powder - 4 teaspoons.

Cooking technology:

  1. Thoroughly mix vanillin with cocoa and regular sugar.
  2. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and heat, but do not boil.
  3. Slowly, gradually pour the dry mixture into the milk, stirring constantly and vigorously. Pour the resulting cocktail into cups. Bon appetit!

It is important! The cooking process has some peculiarities. As the drink cools, it thickens. To make the taste richer and brighter, you need to add more cocoa powder, but do not overuse it, otherwise it will turn rancid. If you add spices, do not allow the milk to burn to the bottom, otherwise the food will be spoiled and should not be drunk. The duration of cooking chocolate is five to fifteen minutes with constant stirring.

Special recipe with pepper

Many people are interested in the pressing question of how to make hot chocolate from cocoa? The preparation is very simple and unpretentious, so there will be no difficulties.


  • fresh milk – 500 milliliters;
  • cream – 200 milliliters;
  • rum or cognac – 60 milliliters;
  • sugar – 3-4 tablespoons;
  • cocoa – 5 tablespoons;
  • ginger – 5 grams;
  • cinnamon stick – 1 piece;
  • chili pepper – ½ teaspoon.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. In a special container you should combine the liquid ingredients of the recipe, namely milk, cream, alcohol.
  2. After this you need to add chili, cinnamon and ground ginger.
  3. The resulting mixture is sent to the stove, the fire should be low, bring to a boil, without ceasing to stir.
  4. Pour a small amount of liquid into a cup, add cocoa into it, stir, you should get a fairly thick paste. Try to get rid of any lumps.
  5. Pour milk and spices into the resulting mixture, boil and remove from the stove. Discard the cinnamon and pour into cups or glasses. The top can be decorated with whipped cream.

I don’t know about you, but I really love hot chocolate. It used to be that you could buy a bag of hot chocolate at the store, fill it with milk or cream, and you got a pretty good hot chocolate. But that was before. Now I prefer to make hot chocolate at home and only from quality ingredients. I pay special attention to the quality of cocoa powder; I prefer to use very good cocoa powder, because the taste of the entire drink depends on it.

Hot chocolate made from cocoa powder is good on a cold winter evening, especially if someone dear to you makes it for you.

Let's prepare the products according to the list. You can, of course, replace the cream with milk, but then the hot chocolate will turn out mediocre, but we want a holiday, so we take only the best.

Making hot chocolate is easy. First, mix cocoa powder, sugar and starch.

Mix the dry ingredients well.

Add a little cold (NOT HOT!) water and stir everything together. We'll end up with a paste.

Separately, boil the cream in a saucepan and pour it into our mixture, stirring constantly. Place a saucepan of hot chocolate on the fire and heat the drink for just a couple of minutes, do not allow it to boil.

Pour the finished hot chocolate from cocoa powder into small cups and enjoy the aroma and taste of a wonderful drink!

Divine drink! Help yourself!

The most important of all delicacies for us is chocolate! Unfortunately, none of the greats declared this, but they very well could have. Because it is unlikely that any products can compete with chocolate both in terms of richness of taste and number of fans. Moreover, we deliberately do not use the word “sweets”, because chocolate can be not only sweet, but also salty, spicy and even with pepper. Not to mention dark chocolate, which saves not only the vulnerable female psyche from stress, but also brave polar explorers on difficult trips. In general, everyone should always have a bar of chocolate on hand. And if it suddenly doesn’t turn up (and chocolate is a very strange object; if it exists, then it’s immediately gone!), then you can always make chocolate from cocoa powder, even at home.

Cocoa: composition and properties. How to choose cocoa powder
Cocoa powder, from which we will make chocolate at home, can be bought today at any grocery store. But before reaching the counter, this product, accessible and familiar to everyone since childhood, went through a long and difficult path of processing and transformation. Without going into details of the ripening and appearance of cocoa fruits, or the chocolate tree, we point out that the bulk of cocoa beans are grown today in Africa, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Malaysia and Colombia. And the harvest, which ripens under favorable conditions all year round, is often done by children. This work is physically difficult and is paid very sparingly, and from 1000 (!) cocoa beans, to clean which you need to break 40-50 large fruits, you end up with no more than a kilogram of the final product, that is, grated cocoa. But first, the beans need to be thoroughly dried, and only then, packed in bags, they are sent to importing countries that are already engaged in the technologically advanced and safe process of producing chocolate and other products from cocoa fruits, in particular cocoa powder.

First of all, the beans of the chocolate tree are crushed to extract the most valuable product from them: oil, necessary for the food, cosmetics, perfume and medical industries. And from the remaining cake, ground into flour, the same cocoa powder is obtained - not the most expensive of cocoa products, but still very nutritious and has a complex chemical composition. Moreover, it contains even more microelements than cocoa butter and ready-made chocolate, and they are represented by magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus and even copper. There are not very many vitamins in cocoa powder, but a certain amount of fat-soluble A and E, as well as representatives of group B and PP are still present. But this is compensated by the high content of protein, carbohydrates and fats, of which at least 17-20% remains in cocoa powder even after squeezing the oil. Accordingly, the energy value of cocoa powder cannot be low: as much as 380 kcal/100 g. But since it is rarely eaten in dry form, this deficiency is compensated for by adding water and other components of dishes. But the inherent advantage of cocoa always remains its ability to increase strength, vitality and energy, improve mood and the ability to concentrate. All these super-effects are achieved due to the high content of caffeine and theobromine in dry cocoa, potent tonic substances, as well as the natural antidepressant phenylephylamine. Once in the blood, they stimulate blood circulation, nutrition of brain cells and, accordingly, mental activity. As a pleasant bonus, the mechanism for producing joy hormones - endorphins - is triggered, which is why chocolate improves your mood.

For the same reason, large amounts of cocoa are not recommended for people with an easily excitable psyche, and it is generally better not to give it to children under three years of age. But for everyone who wants to cheer up and increase strength and muscle mass, cocoa will only benefit. As well as for patients recovering strength after illnesses, surgeries, etc. In addition to its own nutritional value, cocoa also stimulates the digestive processes and the secretion of gastric juice, which further increases appetite. Perhaps this is why it is so difficult to limit yourself to one piece of chocolate? But you still shouldn’t get carried away with cocoa, despite all its benefits and great taste. Like any product saturated with biologically active substances, it must be present in the diet constantly, but in very dosage, otherwise metabolic problems, allergic reactions and excess weight cannot be avoided. Moreover, all this threatens with excessive consumption of even natural cocoa products, not to mention adapted synthetic drinks and desserts, which are presented in abundance in supermarket windows. The more a product in bright packaging differs in appearance, taste, smell from pure cocoa powder - and this is true for all instant drinks containing cocoa and simply with the taste of chocolate, bars, sweets, confectionery bars with vegetable trans fats, "chocolate » chips and other fast food - the less benefit it will bring to your body's health. And in order to reduce the harmful effects that industrial processing “burdens” natural cocoa in the form of preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, thickeners and other additives, prepare chocolate from cocoa powder at home yourself. This way you will know exactly what it contains and in what quantities.

Chocolate recipes from cocoa powder
You can make both liquid and solid chocolate from cocoa powder at home - it all depends on your desire and the additional ingredients you use. Sugar, milk, butter, natural spices and flavorings - all this makes homemade chocolate tastier, but also complicates the process of making it. We all remember the easiest way to eat cocoa powder from childhood, when, secretly from our mother, we mixed it with sugar and ate it with a spoon just like that, dry. Well, now you can allow yourself to openly prepare homemade chocolate from cocoa powder that is more convenient to eat and beautiful to serve. We won’t make it too difficult, we’ll just offer you a few recipes in order of complexity to choose from:
Thus, by showing imagination and experimenting, you can create even very complex homemade desserts based on chocolate from cocoa powder. Moreover, such exclusive sweets are now at the peak of popularity and, having improved your skills, you may well even find your calling in preparing them, delighting not only your household and close friends, but also many customers. And the number of people wanting to enjoy high-quality chocolate will never dry up. From the time of the discoverers, who considered chocolate to be the food of the gods, to the present day, when cocoa delicacies are not inferior to works of art, making chocolate from cocoa has been and will remain relevant. Therefore, do not deny yourself this pleasure - especially since it is still useless. Bon appetit!

Each of us is special, and because of this we also relax differently. Some prefer active recreation, while others are sure that there is nothing better than relaxing at home while enjoying reading your favorite book. But almost everyone will not be able to resist a cup of aromatic and delicious hot chocolate.

What is the secret to making delicious hot chocolate served in cafes? And why does the chocolate made by your mother in distant childhood remain the most delicious and aromatic for the rest of your life?

Some people believe that the process of making hot chocolate is like an art.

But believe me, you can do many things in this world yourself, while becoming a little closer to the masters who create real confectionery masterpieces.

Hot chocolate recipe

According to the ancient Mayans, hot chocolate was the drink of the gods. You can find a huge number of recipes detailing how to prepare it at home. For more than three centuries, many peoples have created their own recipes that make it possible to obtain hot chocolate of various types and consistencies. Cocoa, confectionery or bar chocolate can serve as the basis for preparing this aromatic drink.

Hot chocolate recipe No. 1

First, you need to completely melt the chocolate bar in a water bath. After this, carefully, stirring occasionally, pour milk into the resulting mass. Do not allow the resulting mixture to boil. After preparation, it is better to pour hot chocolate into ceramic cups.

This amount of ingredients should yield two servings of a fragrant and thick drink. Due to its rather rich and tart taste, it is better to drink it with a small amount of water.

Homemade hot chocolate recipe No. 2

If you don't have a chocolate bar on hand, you can use cocoa powder to make the drink.

Necessary components: cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons, cream - 300 ml, sugar, corn starch, a small amount of water.

Mix starch, cocoa powder and sugar in a saucepan. Then add a small amount of water and mix again. Without letting it boil, heat the cream. By setting the burner flame to minimum, the drink heats up.

After this, the finished drink should brew for about five minutes. It is better to pour thick hot chocolate into cups that are not too large.

If you wish, to give a more refined taste, you can add a little rum or liqueur, use cinnamon or cream for decoration.

With experience, many people try to make chocolate using more complex recipes. Some even try to create a true masterpiece - making real dark chocolate.

Hot chocolate at home recipe No. 3

Necessary components: cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons, almond crumbs - 150 g, milk - 1 liter, starch - 1 tablespoon, granulated sugar or powder, chicken egg - 1 pc., half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a small amount of nutmeg.

An experienced and experienced confectionery chef knows that making dark chocolate at home should not cause any big problems. Even beginners can enjoy this delicious dessert. To prevent the delicacy from burning, it is necessary to use a water bath during its preparation. You cannot add water to real dark chocolate, and cooking takes place at a temperature not exceeding 32 degrees.

Necessary components: cocoa powder - 100g, premium butter - 50g, a small amount of sugar.

It is necessary to melt the butter, then carefully add granulated sugar along the edge of a teaspoon. The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed. The final step is adding cocoa powder. For a richer and more aromatic taste, you can add a small amount of cinnamon to the resulting chocolate. By pouring dark chocolate into special molds and placing it in the refrigerator for several hours, we get a real confectionery masterpiece, prepared independently.

With these recipes, a few simple ingredients and imagination, anyone can feel like a real master pastry chef.

Hot chocolate is loved by both children and adults. A cup of a tasty and aromatic drink will not only warm your home in bad weather, but will also lift your spirits and create a cozy atmosphere for communicating with friends. Perhaps few people know that you can make it at home from the simplest ingredients with minimal time. And chocolate made from cocoa powder is perhaps the best option of all.

The simplest recipe for making a drink is to dissolve a bar of dark chocolate (200 g) in heated milk (50 ml). In a water bath, first melt the chocolate, then pour in the milk. The mixture should be heated, stirring continuously, but not brought to a boil.

You can also buy a dry concentrate in the store, which is then dissolved in the same hot milk. But this is not the natural product that you would like to receive.

But these products are based on a very simple and affordable ingredient - . It is quite possible to make delicious hot chocolate from it, which will be in no way inferior to what you can order in a cafe from a professional barista.

Fortunately, there are quite simple recipes for home. In addition to the main ingredient - cocoa powder (you need real, 100%) you will also need:

  • milk or cream;
  • sour cream;
  • butter;
  • sugar;
  • starch (ideally corn starch, but you can also use potato starch);
  • spices;
  • marshmallows, whipped cream, powdered sugar - for decoration.

Not all of these products will be needed at the same time. You can try different recipes based on what you have at home at the moment. Or experiment, trying to find exactly the option that will satisfy all parameters.

Drink recipes

Once all the ingredients for the chosen recipe are prepared, you have free time and the right mood to prepare hot chocolate at home, you can begin.

  • With milk. First you need to mix five spoons of cocoa and sugar (to taste), you can add a little starch to make the drink thicker. Then pour in about 100 ml of fat milk and place the entire mixture in a water bath. As soon as the composition becomes homogeneous, add another 25-30 ml of warm milk, stir and pour the resulting liquid into a Turk or small saucepan. Next, boil the hot chocolate for about five more minutes, add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg or cloves for flavor, stir, and pour into a cup. You can add a little marshmallow or whipped cream to the drink. You can start tasting.
  • On cream. This recipe makes hot chocolate more delicate; it can be prepared to treat yourself to an amazing “silky” creamy chocolate taste. First you need to grind two tablespoons of cocoa, sugar with a teaspoon of starch. Now you need to add a spoonful of water and mix well until smooth. Separately, heat 250-300 ml of cream without boiling, then mix with the chocolate mixture. Next, put the almost finished drink on the fire, heat it up, but do not boil. The treat is ready, you can pour it into cups and enjoy the pleasant taste.
  • With sour cream. Heat five tablespoons of sour cream, add a teaspoon of butter and stir well. Separately mix 50 grams of cocoa and 100 grams of sugar, pour them into the sour cream and butter mixture, mix well again. Now the drink needs to be boiled, stirring constantly, until it thickens. If desired, you can add vanilla or cinnamon, decorate with whipped cream, powdered sugar or marshmallows.
  • In Creole. If you want a completely unusual taste sensation, you can prepare it according to this recipe. It’s a little more complicated and takes a little longer than in other cases, but it’s still worth trying. You need to mix two tablespoons of cocoa, a raw egg (you can take two quail eggs), sugar to taste, a tablespoon of starch and 2-3 tablespoons of milk. Separately heat a liter of milk and add the prepared mixture to it. Mix everything well, cook for about three minutes, stirring constantly.

You can add almond crumbs, cinnamon, vanillin or any other aromatic spices as desired to the finished chocolate.

There is nothing complicated about making chocolate at home, all the ingredients are available, and the recipes are quite simple. By varying the amount of cocoa, you can change the thickness and taste of the final product. And various aromatic spices, ground nuts, and coconut shavings will help give hot chocolate new, sometimes completely unexpected, taste sensations. Thus, even at home you can prepare a drink no worse than in a cafe. And even tastier, more aromatic and more natural.

photo:, Timmary

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