Decimal conversion. Converting a decimal fraction to a prime fraction and vice versa

Mathematical-Calculator-Online v.1.0

The calculator performs the following operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, working with decimals, root extraction, exponentiation, percent calculation and other operations.


How to use a math calculator

Key Designation Explanation
5 numbers 0-9 Arabic numerals. Entering natural integers, zero. To get a negative integer, you must press the +/- key
. semicolon) Separator to indicate a decimal fraction. If there is no number before the point (comma), the calculator will automatically substitute a zero before the point. For example: .5 - 0.5 will be written
+ plus sign Adding numbers (integers, decimals)
- minus sign Subtracting numbers (integers, decimals)
÷ division sign Dividing numbers (integers, decimals)
X multiplication sign Multiplying numbers (integers, decimals)
root Extracting the root of a number. When you press the “root” button again, the root of the result is calculated. For example: root of 16 = 4; root of 4 = 2
x 2 squaring Squaring a number. When you press the "squaring" button again, the result is squared. For example: square 2 = 4; square 4 = 16
1/x fraction Output in decimal fractions. The numerator is 1, the denominator is the entered number
% percent Getting a percentage of a number. To work, you need to enter: the number from which the percentage will be calculated, the sign (plus, minus, divide, multiply), how many percent in numerical form, the "%" button
( open parenthesis An open parenthesis to specify the calculation priority. A closed parenthesis is required. Example: (2+3)*2=10
) closed parenthesis A closed parenthesis to specify the calculation priority. An open parenthesis is required
± plus minus Reverses sign
= equals Displays the result of the solution. Also above the calculator, in the “Solution” field, intermediate calculations and the result are displayed.
deleting a character Removes the last character
WITH reset Reset button. Completely resets the calculator to position "0"

Algorithm of the online calculator using examples


Addition of natural integers (5 + 7 = 12)

Addition of integer natural and negative numbers ( 5 + (-2) = 3 )

Adding decimal fractions (0.3 + 5.2 = 5.5)


Subtracting natural integers ( 7 - 5 = 2 )

Subtracting natural and negative integers ( 5 - (-2) = 7 )

Subtracting decimal fractions (6.5 - 1.2 = 4.3)


Product of natural integers (3 * 7 = 21)

Product of natural and negative integers ( 5 * (-3) = -15 )

Product of decimal fractions ( 0.5 * 0.6 = 0.3 )


Division of natural integers (27 / 3 = 9)

Division of natural and negative integers (15 / (-3) = -5)

Division of decimal fractions (6.2 / 2 = 3.1)

Extracting the root of a number.

Extracting the root of an integer ( root(9) = 3)

Extracting the root of decimal fractions (root(2.5) = 1.58)

Extracting the root of a sum of numbers ( root(56 + 25) = 9)

Extracting the root of the difference between numbers (root (32 – 7) = 5)

Squaring a number.

Squaring an integer ( (3) 2 = 9 )

Squaring decimals ((2,2)2 = 4.84)

Conversion to decimal fractions.

Calculating percentages of a number

Increase the number 230 by 15% ( 230 + 230 * 0.15 = 264.5 )

Reduce the number 510 by 35% ( 510 – 510 * 0.35 = 331.5 )

18% of the number 140 is (140 * 0.18 = 25.2)

Trying to decide math problems with fractions, the student understands that the desire to solve these problems is not enough for him. Knowledge of calculations with fractional numbers. In some problems, all initial data are given in the condition in fractional form. In others, some of them may be fractions, and some may be integers. In order to carry out any calculations with these given values, you must first bring them to a single form, that is, convert whole numbers into fractions, and then do the calculations. In general, the way to convert a whole number into a fraction is very simple. To do this, you need to write the given number itself in the numerator of the final fraction, and one in its denominator. That is, if you need to convert the number 12 into a fraction, then the resulting fraction will be 12/1.

Such modifications help bring fractions to a common denominator. This is necessary in order to be able to subtract or add fractions. When multiplying and dividing them, a common denominator is not required. You can look at an example of how to convert a number into a fraction and then add two fractions. Let's say you need to add the number 12 and the fractional number 3/4. The first term (number 12) is reduced to the form 12/1. However, its denominator is equal to 1, while that of the second term is equal to 4. To further add these two fractions, they must be brought to a common denominator. Due to the fact that one of the numbers has a denominator of 1, this is generally easy to do. You need to take the denominator of the second number and multiply by it both the numerator and the denominator of the first.

The result of multiplication is: 12/1=48/4. If you divide 48 by 4, you get 12, which means the fraction has been reduced to the correct denominator. This way you can at the same time understand how to convert a fraction into a whole number. This only applies to improper fractions because they have a numerator greater than the denominator. In this case, the numerator is divided by the denominator and, if there is no remainder, there will be a whole number. With a remainder, the fraction remains a fraction, but with the whole part highlighted. Now regarding reduction to a common denominator in the example considered. If the denominator of the first term were equal to some other number other than 1, the numerator and denominator of the first number would have to be multiplied by the denominator of the second, and the numerator and denominator of the second by the denominator of the first.

Both terms are reduced to their common denominator and are ready for addition. It turns out that in this problem you need to add two numbers: 48/4 and 3/4. When adding two fractions with the same denominator, you only need to sum their upper parts, that is, the numerators. The denominator of the amount will remain unchanged. In this example it should be 48/4+3/4=(48+3)/4=51/4. This will be the result of the addition. But in mathematics it is customary to convert improper fractions to correct ones. We discussed above how to turn a fraction into a number, but in this example you will not get an integer from the fraction 51/4, since the number 51 is not divisible by the number 4 without a remainder. Therefore, you need to separate the integer part of this fraction and its fractional part. The integer part will be the number that is obtained by dividing by an integer the first number less than 51.

That is, something that can be divided by 4 without a remainder. The first number before the number 51, which is completely divisible by 4, will be the number 48. Dividing 48 by 4, the number 12 is obtained. This means that the integer part of the desired fraction will be 12. All that remains is to find the fractional part of the number. The denominator of the fractional part remains the same, that is, 4 in this case. To find the numerator of a fraction, you need to subtract from the original numerator the number that was divided by the denominator without a remainder. In the example under consideration, this requires subtracting the number 48 from the number 51. That is, the numerator of the fractional part is equal to 3. The result of the addition will be 12 integers and 3/4. The same is done when subtracting fractions. Let's say you need to subtract the fractional number 3/4 from the integer 12. To do this, the integer 12 is converted into a fractional 12/1, and then brought to a common denominator with the second number - 48/4.

When subtracting in the same way, the denominator of both fractions remains unchanged, and subtraction is carried out with their numerators. That is, the numerator of the second is subtracted from the numerator of the first fraction. In this example it would be 48/4-3/4=(48-3)/4=45/4. And again we got an improper fraction, which must be reduced to a proper one. To isolate an entire part, determine the first number up to 45, which is divisible by 4 without a remainder. This will be 44. If the number 44 is divided by 4, the result is 11. This means that the integer part of the final fraction is equal to 11. In the fractional part, the denominator is also left unchanged, and from the numerator of the original improper fraction the number that was divided by the denominator without a remainder is subtracted. That is, you need to subtract 44 from 45. This means the numerator in the fractional part is equal to 1 and 12-3/4=11 and 1/4.

If you are given one integer number and one fractional number, but its denominator is 10, then it is easier to convert the second number into a decimal fraction and then carry out the calculations. For example, you need to add the integer 12 and the fractional number 3/10. If you write 3/10 as a decimal, you get 0.3. Now it is much easier to add 0.3 to 12 and get 2.3 than to bring fractions to a common denominator, perform calculations, and then separate the whole and fractional parts from an improper fraction. Even the simplest problems with fractions assume that the student (or student) knows how to convert a whole number into a fraction. These rules are too simple and easy to remember. But with the help of them it is very easy to carry out calculations of fractional numbers.

It happens that for the convenience of calculations you need to convert an ordinary fraction to a decimal and vice versa. We will talk about how to do this in this article. Let's look at the rules for converting ordinary fractions to decimals and vice versa, and also give examples.

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We will consider converting ordinary fractions to decimals, following a certain sequence. First, let's look at how ordinary fractions with a denominator that is a multiple of 10 are converted into decimals: 10, 100, 1000, etc. Fractions with such denominators are, in fact, a more cumbersome notation of decimal fractions.

Next, we will look at how to convert ordinary fractions with any denominator, not just multiples of 10, into decimal fractions. Note that when converting ordinary fractions to decimals, not only finite decimals are obtained, but also infinite periodic decimal fractions.

Let's get started!

Translation of ordinary fractions with denominators 10, 100, 1000, etc. to decimals

First of all, let's say that some fractions require some preparation before converting to decimal form. What is it? Before the number in the numerator, you need to add so many zeros so that the number of digits in the numerator becomes equal to the number of zeros in the denominator. For example, for the fraction 3100, the number 0 must be added once to the left of the 3 in the numerator. Fraction 610, according to the rule stated above, does not need modification.

Let's look at one more example, after which we will formulate a rule that is especially convenient to use at first, while there is not much experience in converting fractions. So, the fraction 1610000 after adding zeros in the numerator will look like 001510000.

How to convert a common fraction with a denominator of 10, 100, 1000, etc. to decimal?

Rule for converting ordinary proper fractions to decimals

  1. Write down 0 and put a comma after it.
  2. We write down the number from the numerator that was obtained after adding zeros.

Now let's move on to examples.

Example 1: Converting fractions to decimals

Let's convert the fraction 39,100 to a decimal.

First, we look at the fraction and see that there is no need to carry out any preparatory actions - the number of digits in the numerator coincides with the number of zeros in the denominator.

Following the rule, we write 0, put a decimal point after it and write the number from the numerator. We get the decimal fraction 0.39.

Let's look at the solution to another example on this topic.

Example 2. Converting fractions to decimals

Let's write the fraction 105 10000000 as a decimal.

The number of zeros in the denominator is 7, and the numerator has only three digits. Let's add 4 more zeros before the number in the numerator:

0000105 10000000

Now we write down 0, put a decimal point after it and write down the number from the numerator. We get the decimal fraction 0.0000105.

The fractions considered in all examples are ordinary proper fractions. But how do you convert an improper fraction to a decimal? Let’s say right away that there is no need for preparation with adding zeros for such fractions. Let's formulate a rule.

Rule for converting ordinary improper fractions to decimals

  1. Write down the number that is in the numerator.
  2. We use a decimal point to separate as many digits on the right as there are zeros in the denominator of the original fraction.

Below is an example of how to use this rule.

Example 3. Converting fractions to decimals

Let's convert the fraction 56888038009 100000 from an ordinary irregular fraction to a decimal.

First, let's write down the number from the numerator:

Now, on the right, we separate five digits with a decimal point (the number of zeros in the denominator is five). We get:

The next question that naturally arises is: how to convert a mixed number into a decimal fraction if the denominator of its fractional part is the number 10, 100, 1000, etc. To convert such a number to a decimal fraction, you can use the following rule.

Rule for converting mixed numbers to decimals

  1. We prepare the fractional part of the number, if necessary.
  2. We write down the whole part of the original number and put a comma after it.
  3. We write down the number from the numerator of the fractional part along with the added zeros.

Let's look at an example.

Example 4: Converting mixed numbers to decimals

Let's convert the mixed number 23 17 10000 to a decimal fraction.

In the fractional part we have the expression 17 10000. Let's prepare it and add two more zeros to the left of the numerator. We get: 0017 10000.

Now we write down the whole part of the number and put a comma after it: 23, . .

After the decimal point, write down the number from the numerator along with zeros. We get the result:

23 17 10000 = 23 , 0017

Converting ordinary fractions to finite and infinite periodic fractions

Of course, you can convert to decimals and ordinary fractions with a denominator not equal to 10, 100, 1000, etc.

Often a fraction can be easily reduced to a new denominator, and then use the rule set out in the first paragraph of this article. For example, it is enough to multiply the numerator and denominator of the fraction 25 by 2, and we get the fraction 410, which is easily converted to the decimal form 0.4.

However, this method of converting a fraction to a decimal cannot always be used. Below we will consider what to do if it is impossible to apply the considered method.

A fundamentally new way to convert a fraction to a decimal is to divide the numerator by the denominator with a column. This operation is very similar to dividing natural numbers with a column, but has its own characteristics.

When dividing, the numerator is represented as a decimal fraction - a comma is placed to the right of the last digit of the numerator and zeros are added. In the resulting quotient, a decimal point is placed when the division of the integer part of the numerator ends. How exactly this method works will become clear after looking at the examples.

Example 5. Converting fractions to decimals

Let's convert the common fraction 621 4 to decimal form.

Let's represent the number 621 from the numerator as a decimal fraction, adding a few zeros after the decimal point. 621 = 621.00

Now let's divide 621.00 by 4 using a column. The first three steps of division will be the same as when dividing natural numbers, and we will get.

When we reach the decimal point in the dividend, and the remainder is different from zero, we put a decimal point in the quotient and continue dividing, no longer paying attention to the comma in the dividend.

As a result, we get the decimal fraction 155, 25, which is the result of reversing the common fraction 621 4

621 4 = 155 , 25

Let's look at another example to reinforce the material.

Example 6. Converting fractions to decimals

Let's reverse the common fraction 21 800.

To do this, divide the fraction 21,000 into a column by 800. The division of the whole part will end at the first step, so immediately after it we put a decimal point in the quotient and continue the division, not paying attention to the comma in the dividend until we get a remainder equal to zero.

As a result, we got: 21,800 = 0.02625.

But what if, when dividing, we still do not get a remainder of 0. In such cases, the division can be continued indefinitely. However, starting from a certain step, the residues will be repeated periodically. Accordingly, the numbers in the quotient will be repeated. This means that an ordinary fraction is converted into a decimal infinite periodic fraction. Let us illustrate this with an example.

Example 7. Converting fractions to decimals

Let's convert the common fraction 19 44 to a decimal. To do this, we perform division by column.

We see that during division, residues 8 and 36 are repeated. In this case, the numbers 1 and 8 are repeated in the quotient. This is the period in decimal fraction. When recording, these numbers are placed in brackets.

Thus, the original ordinary fraction is converted into an infinite periodic decimal fraction.

19 44 = 0 , 43 (18) .

Let us see an irreducible ordinary fraction. What form will it take? Which ordinary fractions are converted to finite decimals, and which ones are converted to infinite periodic ones?

First, let's say that if a fraction can be reduced to one of the denominators 10, 100, 1000..., then it will have the form of a final decimal fraction. In order for a fraction to be reduced to one of these denominators, its denominator must be a divisor of at least one of the numbers 10, 100, 1000, etc. From the rules for factoring numbers into prime factors it follows that the divisor of numbers is 10, 100, 1000, etc. must, when factored into prime factors, contain only the numbers 2 and 5.

Let's summarize what has been said:

  1. A common fraction can be reduced to a final decimal if its denominator can be factored into prime factors of 2 and 5.
  2. If, in addition to the numbers 2 and 5, there are other prime numbers in the expansion of the denominator, the fraction is reduced to the form of an infinite periodic decimal fraction.

Let's give an example.

Example 8. Converting fractions to decimals

Which of these fractions 47 20, 7 12, 21 56, 31 17 is converted into a final decimal fraction, and which one - only into a periodic one. Let's answer this question without directly converting a fraction to a decimal.

The fraction 47 20, as is easy to see, by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 5 is reduced to a new denominator 100.

47 20 = 235 100. From this we conclude that this fraction is converted to a final decimal fraction.

Factoring the denominator of the fraction 7 12 gives 12 = 2 · 2 · 3. Since the prime factor 3 is different from 2 and 5, this fraction cannot be represented as a finite decimal fraction, but will have the form of an infinite periodic fraction.

The fraction 21 56, firstly, needs to be reduced. After reduction by 7, we obtain the irreducible fraction 3 8, the denominator of which is factorized to give 8 = 2 · 2 · 2. Therefore, it is a final decimal fraction.

In the case of the fraction 31 17, factoring the denominator is the prime number 17 itself. Accordingly, this fraction can be converted into an infinite periodic decimal fraction.

An ordinary fraction cannot be converted into an infinite and non-periodic decimal fraction

Above we talked only about finite and infinite periodic fractions. But can any ordinary fraction be converted into an infinite non-periodic fraction?

We answer: no!


When converting an infinite fraction to a decimal, the result is either a finite decimal or an infinite periodic decimal.

The remainder of a division is always less than the divisor. In other words, according to the divisibility theorem, if we divide some natural number by the number q, then the remainder of the division in any case cannot be greater than q-1. After the division is completed, one of the following situations is possible:

  1. We get a remainder of 0, and this is where the division ends.
  2. We get a remainder, which is repeated upon subsequent division, resulting in an infinite periodic fraction.

There cannot be any other options when converting a fraction to a decimal. Let's also say that the length of the period (number of digits) in an infinite periodic fraction is always less than the number of digits in the denominator of the corresponding ordinary fraction.

Converting decimals to fractions

Now it's time to look at the reverse process of converting a decimal fraction into a common fraction. Let us formulate a translation rule that includes three stages. How to convert a decimal fraction to a common fraction?

Rule for converting decimal fractions to ordinary fractions

  1. In the numerator we write the number from the original decimal fraction, discarding the comma and all zeros on the left, if any.
  2. In the denominator we write one followed by as many zeros as there are digits after the decimal point in the original decimal fraction.
  3. If necessary, reduce the resulting ordinary fraction.

Let's look at the application of this rule using examples.

Example 8. Converting decimal fractions to ordinary fractions

Let's imagine the number 3.025 as an ordinary fraction.

  1. We write the decimal fraction itself into the numerator, discarding the comma: 3025.
  2. In the denominator we write one, and after it three zeros - this is exactly how many digits are contained in the original fraction after the decimal point: 3025 1000.
  3. The resulting fraction 3025 1000 can be reduced by 25, resulting in: 3025 1000 = 121 40.

Example 9. Converting decimal fractions to ordinary fractions

Let's convert the fraction 0.0017 from decimal to ordinary.

  1. In the numerator we write the fraction 0, 0017, discarding the comma and zeros on the left. It will turn out to be 17.
  2. We write one in the denominator, and after it we write four zeros: 17 10000. This fraction is irreducible.

If a decimal fraction has an integer part, then such a fraction can be immediately converted to a mixed number. How to do it?

Let's formulate one more rule.

Rule for converting decimals to mixed numbers.

  1. The number before the decimal point in the fraction is written as the integer part of the mixed number.
  2. In the numerator we write the number after the decimal point in the fraction, discarding the zeros on the left if there are any.
  3. In the denominator of the fractional part we add one and as many zeros as there are digits after the decimal point in the fractional part.

Let's take an example

Example 10: Converting a decimal to a mixed number

Let's imagine the fraction 155, 06005 as a mixed number.

  1. We write the number 155 as an integer part.
  2. In the numerator we write the numbers after the decimal point, discarding the zero.
  3. We write one and five zeros in the denominator

Let's learn a mixed number: 155 6005 100000

The fractional part can be reduced by 5. We shorten it and get the final result:

155 , 06005 = 155 1201 20000

Converting infinite periodic decimals to fractions

Let's look at examples of how to convert periodic decimal fractions into ordinary fractions. Before we begin, let's clarify: any periodic decimal fraction can be converted to an ordinary fraction.

The simplest case is when the period of the fraction is zero. A periodic fraction with a zero period is replaced by a final decimal fraction, and the process of reversing such a fraction is reduced to reversing the final decimal fraction.

Example 11. Converting a periodic decimal fraction to a common fraction

Let us invert the periodic fraction 3, 75 (0).

Eliminating the zeros on the right, we get the final decimal fraction 3.75.

Converting this fraction to an ordinary fraction using the algorithm discussed in the previous paragraphs, we obtain:

3 , 75 (0) = 3 , 75 = 375 100 = 15 4 .

What if the period of the fraction is different from zero? The periodic part should be considered as the sum of the terms of a geometric progression, which decreases. Let's explain this with an example:

0 , (74) = 0 , 74 + 0 , 0074 + 0 , 000074 + 0 , 00000074 + . .

There is a formula for the sum of terms of an infinite decreasing geometric progression. If the first term of the progression is b and the denominator q is such that 0< q < 1 , то сумма равна b 1 - q .

Let's look at a few examples using this formula.

Example 12. Converting a periodic decimal fraction to a common fraction

Let us have a periodic fraction 0, (8) and we need to convert it to an ordinary fraction.

0 , (8) = 0 , 8 + 0 , 08 + 0 , 008 + . .

Here we have an infinite decreasing geometric progression with the first term 0, 8 and the denominator 0, 1.

Let's apply the formula:

0 , (8) = 0 , 8 + 0 , 08 + 0 , 008 + . . = 0 , 8 1 - 0 , 1 = 0 , 8 0 , 9 = 8 9

This is the required ordinary fraction.

To consolidate the material, consider another example.

Example 13. Converting a periodic decimal fraction to a common fraction

Let's reverse the fraction 0, 43 (18).

First we write the fraction as an infinite sum:

0 , 43 (18) = 0 , 43 + (0 , 0018 + 0 , 000018 + 0 , 00000018 . .)

Let's look at the terms in brackets. This geometric progression can be represented as follows:

0 , 0018 + 0 , 000018 + 0 , 00000018 . . = 0 , 0018 1 - 0 , 01 = 0 , 0018 0 , 99 = 18 9900 .

We add the result to the final fraction 0, 43 = 43 100 and get the result:

0 , 43 (18) = 43 100 + 18 9900

After adding these fractions and reducing, we get the final answer:

0 , 43 (18) = 19 44

To conclude this article, we will say that non-periodic infinite decimal fractions cannot be converted into ordinary fractions.

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In this article we will look at how converting fractions to decimals, and also consider the reverse process - converting decimal fractions into ordinary fractions. Here we will outline the rules for converting fractions and give detailed solutions typical examples.

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Converting fractions to decimals

Let us denote the sequence in which we will deal with converting fractions to decimals.

First, we'll look at how to represent fractions with denominators 10, 100, 1,000, ... as decimals. This is explained by the fact that decimal fractions are essentially a compact form of writing ordinary fractions with denominators 10, 100, ....

After that, we will go further and show how to write any ordinary fraction (not just those with denominators 10, 100, ...) as a decimal fraction. When ordinary fractions are treated in this way, both finite decimal fractions and infinite periodic decimal fractions are obtained.

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Converting common fractions with denominators 10, 100, ... to decimals

Some proper fractions require "preliminary preparation" before being converted to decimals. This applies to ordinary fractions, the number of digits in the numerator of which is less than the number of zeros in the denominator. For example, the common fraction 2/100 must first be prepared for conversion to a decimal fraction, but the fraction 9/10 does not need any preparation.

“Preliminary preparation” of proper ordinary fractions for conversion to decimal fractions consists of adding so many zeros to the left in the numerator that the total number of digits there becomes equal to the number of zeros in the denominator. For example, a fraction after adding zeros will look like .

Once you have a proper fraction prepared, you can begin converting it to a decimal.

Let's give rule for converting a proper common fraction with a denominator of 10, or 100, or 1,000, ... into a decimal fraction. It consists of three steps:

  • write 0;
  • after it we put a decimal point;
  • We write down the number from the numerator (along with added zeros, if we added them).

Let's consider the application of this rule when solving examples.


Convert the proper fraction 37/100 to a decimal.


The denominator contains the number 100, which has two zeros. The numerator contains the number 37, its notation has two digits, therefore, this fraction does not need to be prepared for conversion to a decimal fraction.

Now we write 0, put a decimal point, and write the number 37 from the numerator, and we get the decimal fraction 0.37.


0,37 .

To strengthen the skills of converting proper ordinary fractions with numerators 10, 100, ... into decimal fractions, we will analyze the solution to another example.


Write the proper fraction 107/10,000,000 as a decimal.


The number of digits in the numerator is 3, and the number of zeros in the denominator is 7, so this common fraction needs to be prepared for conversion to a decimal. We need to add 7-3=4 zeros to the left in the numerator so that the total number of digits there becomes equal to the number of zeros in the denominator. We get.

All that remains is to create the required decimal fraction. To do this, firstly, we write 0, secondly, we put a comma, thirdly, we write the number from the numerator together with zeros 0000107, as a result we have a decimal fraction 0.0000107.


0,0000107 .

Improper fractions do not require any preparation when converting to decimals. The following should be adhered to rules for converting improper fractions with denominators 10, 100, ... into decimals:

  • write down the number from the numerator;
  • We use a decimal point to separate as many digits on the right as there are zeros in the denominator of the original fraction.

Let's look at the application of this rule when solving an example.


Convert the improper fraction 56,888,038,009/100,000 to a decimal.


Firstly, we write down the number from the numerator 56888038009, and secondly, we separate the 5 digits on the right with a decimal point, since the denominator of the original fraction has 5 zeros. As a result, we have the decimal fraction 568880.38009.


568 880,38009 .

To convert a mixed number into a decimal fraction, the denominator of the fractional part of which is the number 10, or 100, or 1,000, ..., you can convert the mixed number into an improper ordinary fraction, and then convert the resulting fraction into a decimal fraction. But you can also use the following the rule for converting mixed numbers with a fractional denominator of 10, or 100, or 1,000, ... into decimal fractions:

  • if necessary, we perform “preliminary preparation” of the fractional part of the original mixed number by adding the required number of zeros to the left in the numerator;
  • write down the integer part of the original mixed number;
  • put a decimal point;
  • We write down the number from the numerator along with the added zeros.

Let's look at an example in which we complete all the necessary steps to represent a mixed number as a decimal fraction.


Convert the mixed number to a decimal.


The denominator of the fractional part has 4 zeros, but the numerator contains the number 17, consisting of 2 digits, therefore, we need to add two zeros to the left in the numerator so that the number of digits there becomes equal to the number of zeros in the denominator. Having done this, the numerator will be 0017.

Now we write down the integer part of the original number, that is, the number 23, put a decimal point, after which we write the number from the numerator along with the added zeros, that is, 0017, and we get the desired decimal fraction 23.0017.

Let's write down the whole solution briefly: .

Of course, it was possible to first represent the mixed number as an improper fraction and then convert it to a decimal fraction. With this approach, the solution looks like this: .


23,0017 .

Converting fractions to finite and infinite periodic decimals

You can convert not only ordinary fractions with denominators 10, 100, ... into a decimal fraction, but also ordinary fractions with other denominators. Now we will figure out how this is done.

In some cases, the original ordinary fraction is easily reduced to one of the denominators 10, or 100, or 1,000, ... (see bringing an ordinary fraction to a new denominator), after which it is not difficult to represent the resulting fraction as a decimal fraction. For example, it is obvious that the fraction 2/5 can be reduced to a fraction with a denominator 10, for this you need to multiply the numerator and denominator by 2, which will give the fraction 4/10, which, according to the rules discussed in the previous paragraph, is easily converted to the decimal fraction 0, 4 .

In other cases, you have to use another method of converting an ordinary fraction to a decimal, which we now move on to consider.

To convert an ordinary fraction to a decimal fraction, the numerator of the fraction is divided by the denominator, the numerator is first replaced by an equal decimal fraction with any number of zeros after the decimal point (we talked about this in the section equal and unequal decimal fractions). In this case, division is performed in the same way as division by a column of natural numbers, and in the quotient a decimal point is placed when the division of the whole part of the dividend ends. All this will become clear from the solutions to the examples given below.


Convert the fraction 621/4 to a decimal.


Let's represent the number in the numerator 621 as a decimal fraction, adding a decimal point and several zeros after it. First, let's add 2 digits 0, later, if necessary, we can always add more zeros. So, we have 621.00.

Now let's divide the number 621,000 by 4 with a column. The first three steps are no different from dividing natural numbers by a column, after which we arrive at the following picture:

This is how we get to the decimal point in the dividend, and the remainder is different from zero. In this case, we put a decimal point in the quotient and continue dividing in a column, not paying attention to the commas:

This completes the division, and as a result we get the decimal fraction 155.25, which corresponds to the original ordinary fraction.


155,25 .

To consolidate the material, consider the solution to another example.


Convert the fraction 21/800 to a decimal.


To convert this common fraction to a decimal, we divide with a column of the decimal fraction 21,000... by 800. After the first step, we will have to put a decimal point in the quotient, and then continue the division:

Finally, we got the remainder 0, this completes the conversion of the common fraction 21/400 to a decimal fraction, and we arrived at the decimal fraction 0.02625.


0,02625 .

It may happen that when dividing the numerator by the denominator of an ordinary fraction, we still do not get a remainder of 0. In these cases, division can be continued indefinitely. However, starting from a certain step, the remainders begin to repeat periodically, and the numbers in the quotient also repeat. This means that the original fraction is converted to an infinite periodic decimal fraction. Let's show this with an example.


Write the fraction 19/44 as a decimal.


To convert a common fraction to a decimal, perform division by column:

It is already clear that during division the residues 8 and 36 began to be repeated, while in the quotient the numbers 1 and 8 are repeated. Thus, the original common fraction 19/44 is converted into a periodic decimal fraction 0.43181818...=0.43(18).


0,43(18) .

To conclude this point, we will figure out which ordinary fractions can be converted into finite decimal fractions, and which ones can only be converted into periodic ones.

Let us have an irreducible ordinary fraction in front of us (if the fraction is reducible, then we first reduce the fraction), and we need to find out which decimal fraction it can be converted into - finite or periodic.

It is clear that if an ordinary fraction can be reduced to one of the denominators 10, 100, 1,000, ..., then the resulting fraction can be easily converted into a final decimal fraction according to the rules discussed in the previous paragraph. But to the denominators 10, 100, 1,000, etc. Not all ordinary fractions are given. Only fractions whose denominators are at least one of the numbers 10, 100, ... can be reduced to such denominators. And what numbers can be divisors of 10, 100, ...? The numbers 10, 100, ... will allow us to answer this question, and they are as follows: 10 = 2 5, 100 = 2 2 5 5, 1,000 = 2 2 2 5 5 5, .... It follows that the divisors are 10, 100, 1,000, etc. There can only be numbers whose decompositions into prime factors contain only the numbers 2 and (or) 5.

Now we can make a general conclusion about converting ordinary fractions to decimals:

  • if in the decomposition of the denominator into prime factors only the numbers 2 and (or) 5 are present, then this fraction can be converted into a final decimal fraction;
  • if, in addition to twos and fives, there are other prime numbers in the expansion of the denominator, then this fraction is converted to an infinite decimal periodic fraction.


Without converting ordinary fractions to decimals, tell me which of the fractions 47/20, 7/12, 21/56, 31/17 can be converted into a final decimal fraction, and which ones can only be converted into a periodic fraction.


The denominator of the fraction 47/20 is factorized into prime factors as 20=2·2·5. In this expansion there are only twos and fives, so this fraction can be reduced to one of the denominators 10, 100, 1,000, ... (in this example, to the denominator 100), therefore, can be converted to a final decimal fraction.

The denominator of the fraction 7/12 is factorized into prime factors as 12=2·2·3. Since it contains a prime factor of 3, different from 2 and 5, this fraction cannot be represented as a finite decimal, but can be converted into a periodic decimal.

Fraction 21/56 – contractile, after contraction it takes the form 3/8. Factoring the denominator into prime factors contains three factors equal to 2, therefore, the common fraction 3/8, and therefore the equal fraction 21/56, can be converted into a final decimal fraction.

Finally, the expansion of the denominator of the fraction 31/17 is 17 itself, therefore this fraction cannot be converted into a finite decimal fraction, but can be converted into an infinite periodic fraction.


47/20 and 21/56 can be converted to a finite decimal fraction, but 7/12 and 31/17 can only be converted to a periodic fraction.

Ordinary fractions do not convert to infinite non-periodic decimals

The information in the previous paragraph gives rise to the question: “Can dividing the numerator of a fraction by the denominator result in an infinite non-periodic fraction?”

Answer: no. When converting a common fraction, the result can be either a finite decimal fraction or an infinite periodic decimal fraction. Let us explain why this is so.

From the theorem on divisibility with a remainder, it is clear that the remainder is always less than the divisor, that is, if we divide some integer by an integer q, then the remainder can only be one of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ..., q−1. It follows that after the column has completed dividing the integer part of the numerator of a common fraction by the denominator q, in no more than q steps one of the following two situations will arise:

  • or we will get a remainder of 0, this will end the division, and we will get the final decimal fraction;
  • or we will get a remainder that has already appeared before, after which the remainders will begin to repeat as in the previous example (since when dividing equal numbers by q, equal remainders are obtained, which follows from the already mentioned divisibility theorem), this will result in an infinite periodic decimal fraction.

There cannot be any other options, therefore, when converting an ordinary fraction to a decimal fraction, an infinite non-periodic decimal fraction cannot be obtained.

From the reasoning given in this paragraph it also follows that the length of the period of a decimal fraction is always less than the value of the denominator of the corresponding ordinary fraction.

Converting decimals to fractions

Now let's figure out how to convert a decimal fraction into an ordinary fraction. Let's start by converting final decimal fractions to ordinary fractions. After this, we will consider a method for inverting infinite periodic decimal fractions. In conclusion, let's say about the impossibility of converting infinite non-periodic decimal fractions into ordinary fractions.

Converting trailing decimals to fractions

Obtaining a fraction that is written as a final decimal is quite simple. The rule for converting a final decimal fraction to a common fraction consists of three steps:

  • first, write the given decimal fraction into the numerator, having previously discarded the decimal point and all zeros on the left, if any;
  • secondly, write one into the denominator and add as many zeros to it as there are digits after the decimal point in the original decimal fraction;
  • thirdly, if necessary, reduce the resulting fraction.

Let's look at the solutions to the examples.


Convert the decimal 3.025 to a fraction.


If we remove the decimal point from the original decimal fraction, we get the number 3,025. There are no zeros on the left that we would discard. So, we write 3,025 in the numerator of the desired fraction.

We write the number 1 into the denominator and add 3 zeros to the right of it, since in the original decimal fraction there are 3 digits after the decimal point.

So we got the common fraction 3,025/1,000. This fraction can be reduced by 25, we get .




Convert the decimal fraction 0.0017 to a fraction.


Without a decimal point, the original decimal fraction looks like 00017, discarding the zeros on the left we get the number 17, which is the numerator of the desired ordinary fraction.

We write one with four zeros in the denominator, since the original decimal fraction has 4 digits after the decimal point.

As a result, we have an ordinary fraction 17/10,000. This fraction is irreducible, and the conversion of a decimal fraction to an ordinary fraction is complete.



When the integer part of the original final decimal fraction is non-zero, it can be immediately converted to a mixed number, bypassing the common fraction. Let's give rule for converting a final decimal fraction to a mixed number:

  • the number before the decimal point must be written as an integer part of the desired mixed number;
  • in the numerator of the fractional part you need to write the number obtained from the fractional part of the original decimal fraction after discarding all the zeros on the left;
  • in the denominator of the fractional part you need to write down the number 1, to which add as many zeros to the right as there are digits after the decimal point in the original decimal fraction;
  • if necessary, reduce the fractional part of the resulting mixed number.

Let's look at an example of converting a decimal fraction to a mixed number.


Express the decimal fraction 152.06005 as a mixed number

All fractions are divided into two types: ordinary and decimal. Fractions of this type are called ordinary: 9/8.3/4.1/2.1 3/4. They have a top number (numerator) and a bottom number (denominator). When the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is called proper; otherwise, the fraction is called improper. Fractions such as 1 7/8 consist of an integer part (1) and a fractional part (7/8) and are called mixed.

So, fractions are:

  1. Ordinary
    1. Correct
    2. Wrong
    3. Mixed
  2. Decimal

How to make a decimal from a fraction

A basic school mathematics course teaches how to convert a fraction to a decimal. Everything is extremely simple: you need to divide the numerator by the denominator “manually” or, if you’re really lazy, then using a microcalculator. Here's an example: 2/5=0.4;3/4=0.75; 1/2=0.5. It's not much harder to convert an improper fraction to a decimal. Example: 1 3/4= 7/4= 1.75. The last result can be obtained without division, if we take into account that 3/4 = 0.75 and add one: 1 + 0.75 = 1.75.

However, not all ordinary fractions are so simple. For example, let's try to convert 1/3 from ordinary fractions to decimals. Even someone who had a C in mathematics (using a five-point system) will notice that no matter how long the division continues, after zero and a comma there will be an infinite number of triples 1/3 = 0.3333…. . It is customary to read this way: zero point, three in period. It is written accordingly as follows: 1/3=0,(3). A similar situation will occur if you try to convert 5/6 into a decimal fraction: 5/6=0.8(3). Such fractions are called infinite periodic. Here is an example for the fraction 3/7: 3/7= 0.42857142857142857142857142857143…, that is, 3/7=0.(428571).

So, as a result of converting a common fraction into a decimal, you can get:

  1. non-periodic decimal fraction;
  2. periodic decimal fraction.

It should be noted that there are also infinite non-periodic fractions that are obtained by performing the following actions: taking the nth root, logarithm, potentiation. For example, √3= 1.732050807568877… . The famous number π≈ 3.1415926535897932384626433832795…. .

Let's now multiply 3 by 0,(3): 3×0,(3)=0,(9)=1. It turns out that 0,(9) is another form of writing unit. Likewise, 9=9/9.16=16.0, etc.

The question opposite to that given in the title of this article is also legitimate: “how to convert a decimal fraction into a regular one.” The answer to this question is given by an example: 0.5= 5/10=1/2. In the last example, we reduced the numerator and denominator of the fraction 5/10 by 5. That is, to turn a decimal into a common fraction, you need to represent it as a fraction with a denominator of 10.

It will be interesting to watch this video about what fractions are:

For information on how to convert a decimal fraction to an ordinary fraction, see here:

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