Charger on tl494. Practical schemes for universal battery chargers

Another Charger assembled according to the scheme of a key current stabilizer with a control unit for the reached voltage on the battery to ensure its shutdown at the end of charging. To control the key transistor, a widely used specialized TL494 microcircuit (KIA491, K1114UE4) is used. The device provides adjustment of the charge current within 1 ... 6 A (10A max) and output voltage 2 ... 20 V.

The key transistor VT1, diode VD5 and power diodes VD1 - VD4 must be installed through mica gaskets on a common radiator with an area of ​​200 ... 400 cm2. The most important element in the circuit is the inductor L1. The efficiency of the circuit depends on the quality of its manufacture. As a core, you can use a pulse transformer from a 3USCT TV power supply or similar. It is very important that the magnetic circuit has a slot gap of approximately 0.5 ... 1.5 mm to prevent saturation at high currents. The number of turns depends on the specific magnetic circuit and can be within 15 ... 100 turns of PEV-2 wire 2.0 mm. If the number of turns is excessive, then a low whistling sound will be heard when the circuit is operating at rated load. As a rule, a whistling sound occurs only at medium currents, and with a heavy load, the inductance of the inductor decreases due to the magnetization of the core and the whistle stops. If the whistling sound stops at low currents and with a further increase in the load current, the output transistor starts to heat up sharply, then the area of ​​​​the core of the magnetic circuit is insufficient to operate at the selected generation frequency - it is necessary to increase the frequency of the microcircuit by selecting resistor R4 or capacitor C3 or install a larger inductor size. In the absence of a p-n-p power transistor in the circuit, you can use power transistors n-p-n structures, as shown in the figure.

As a diode VD5 in front of the inductor L1, it is desirable to use any available diodes with a Schottky barrier, rated for a current of at least 10A and a voltage of 50V, in extreme cases, you can use medium-frequency diodes KD213, KD2997 or similar imported ones. For the rectifier, you can use any powerful diodes for a current of 10A or a diode bridge, such as KBPC3506, MP3508 or the like. It is desirable to adjust the shunt resistance in the circuit to the required one. The output current adjustment range depends on the ratio of the resistances of the resistors in the output circuit 15 of the microcircuit. In the lower position of the variable current adjustment resistor slider according to the diagram, the voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit must match the voltage at the shunt when the maximum current flows through it. The variable current adjustment resistor R3 can be installed with any nominal resistance, but you will need to select a constant resistor R2 adjacent to it to obtain the required voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit.
The variable output voltage adjustment resistor R9 can also have a large variation in nominal resistance of 2 ... 100 kOhm. By selecting the resistance of the resistor R10, the upper limit of the output voltage is set. The lower limit is determined by the ratio of the resistances of resistors R6 and R7, but it is undesirable to set it less than 1 V.

The microcircuit is mounted on a small printed circuit board 45 x 40 mm, the rest of the circuit elements are mounted on the base of the device and the heatsink.

The wiring diagram for connecting the printed circuit board is shown in the figure below.

Options printed circuit boards in lay6

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The circuit used a rewound power transformer TC180, but depending on the magnitude of the required output voltages and current, the power of the transformer can be changed. If an output voltage of 15V and a current of 6A is sufficient, then a 100W power transformer is sufficient. The radiator area can also be reduced to 100 .. 200 cm2. The device can be used as a laboratory power supply with adjustable output current limitation. With serviceable elements, the circuit starts working immediately and requires only adjustment.


So. We have already considered the half-bridge inverter control board, it's time to put it into practice. Let's take a typical half-bridge circuit, it does not cause any special difficulties in assembly. Transistors are connected to the corresponding outputs of the board, standby power is supplied 12-18 volts. 3 diodes are connected in series, the voltage at the gates will drop by 2 volts and we will get just the right 10-15 volts.

Consider the schema:
The transformer is calculated by the program or simplified by the formula N=U/(4*pi*F*B*S). U=155V, F=100000 hertz with RC ratings of 1nf and 4.7kOhm, B=0.22 T for an average ferrite, regardless of the permeability, only S remains from the variable parameter - the cross-sectional area of ​​the ring barrel or the middle rod Ш of the magnetic circuit in square meters.

The throttle is calculated by the formula L \u003d (Upeak-Ustab) * Tdead / Imin. However, the formula is not very convenient - the dead time depends on the very difference between the peak and stabilized voltage. The stabilized voltage is the arithmetic mean of the sample from the output pulses (not to be confused with RMS). For a fully adjustable power supply, the formula can be rewritten as L= (Upeak*1/(2*F))/Imin. It can be seen that, in the case of full voltage regulation, the inductance is needed the more, the lower the minimum current value. What will happen if the power supply is loaded with less than current Imin .. And everything is very simple - the voltage will tend to the peak value, it seems to ignore the inductor. In case of adjustment feedback, the voltage will not be able to rise, instead, the pulses will be crushed so that only their fronts remain, stabilization will come due to the heating of the transistors, in fact a linear stabilizer. I consider it correct to take Imin such that the losses of the linear mode are equal to the losses at maximum load. Thus, the adjustment is kept in the full range and is not dangerous for the power supply.

The output rectifier is built according to a full-wave circuit with middle point. This approach makes it possible to halve the voltage drop across the rectifier and allows the use of ready-made common cathode diode assemblies, which are no more expensive than a single diode, for example MBR20100CT or 30CTQ100. The first digits of the marking mean a current of 20 and 30 amperes, respectively, and the second voltage is 100 volts. It is worth considering that there will be a double voltage on the diodes. Those. we get 12 volts at the output, and the diodes will have 24 at the same time.

Half-bridge transistors .. And here it’s worth considering what we need. Relatively low-power transistors like IRF730 or IRF740 can operate at very high frequencies, 100 kilohertz is not the limit for them, moreover, we do not risk a control circuit built on not very powerful details. For comparison, the gate capacitance of the 740 transistor is only 1.8nF, and the IRFP460 is as much as 10nF, which means 6 times more power will go into capacitance transfusions each half-cycle. Plus, it will tighten the fronts. For static losses, you can write P=0.5*Ropen *Itr^2 for each transistor. In words - the resistance of an open transistor multiplied by the square of the current through it, divided by two. And these losses are usually a few watts. Another thing is dynamic losses, these are losses at the fronts when the transistor passes through the hated mode A, and this evil mode causes losses, roughly described as the maximum power multiplied by the ratio of the duration of both fronts to the duration of the half-cycle, divided by 2. For each transistor. And these losses are much more than static. Therefore, if we take a more powerful transistor, when
can do more easy option, you can even lose in efficiency, so do not abuse.

Looking at the input and output capacitances, you may want to put them excessively large, and this is quite logical, because despite the operating frequency of the power supply of 100 kilohertz, we still rectify the mains voltage of 50 hertz, and in case of insufficient capacitance, we will get the same output rectified sine, it is remarkably modulated and demodulated back. So it is worth looking for ripples at a frequency of 100 hertz. For those who are afraid of "high-frequency noise", I assure you that there is not a drop of them there, it was checked with an oscilloscope. But an increase in capacitances can lead to huge inrush currents, and they will certainly cause damage to the input bridge, and overestimated output capacitances will also cause the entire circuit to explode. To remedy the situation, I made some additions to the circuit - an input capacitance charge control relay and a soft start on the same relay and capacitor C5. I don’t answer for the ratings, I can only say that C5 will be charged through the resistor R7, and you can estimate the charge time using the formula T = 2nRC, the output capacitance will be charged at the same rate, charging with a stable current is described by U = I * t / C, although not accurately, but it is possible to estimate the inrush current depending on time. By the way, without a throttle it doesn't make sense.

Let's look at what happened after the revision:

And let's imagine that the power supply is heavily loaded and at the same time turned off. We turn it on, but the capacitors do not charge, the resistor on the charge just burns and that's it. Trouble, but there is a solution. The second contact group of the relay is normally closed, and if the 4th input of the microcircuit is closed with a built-in 5 volt stabilizer on the 14th leg, then the pulse duration will decrease to zero. The microcircuit will be turned off, the power switches are locked, the input capacitance will be charged, the relay will click, the charge of the capacitor C5 will begin, the pulse width will slowly rise to the working one, the power supply is completely ready for operation. In the event of a decrease in the voltage in the network, the relay will turn off, this will lead to the shutdown of the control circuit. When the voltage is restored, the starting process will be repeated again. It seems like I did it correctly, if I miss something, I will be glad for any comments.

Current stabilization, it plays a more protective role here, although adjustment with a variable resistor is possible. Implemented through a current transformer, because it adapted to a power supply with a bipolar output, and there it’s not all that simple. The calculation of this transformer is very simple - a shunt with a resistance of R Ohm is transferred to the secondary winding with a number of turns N as a resistance Rnt \u003d R * N ^ 2, you can express the voltage from the ratio of the number of turns and the drop on an equivalent shunt, it must be greater than the drop voltage diode. The current stabilization mode will begin when the voltage at the + input of the opamp tries to exceed the voltage at the - input. Based on this calculation. Primary winding - wire stretched through the ring. It is worth considering that an interruption in the load of a current transformer can lead to the appearance of huge voltages at its output, at least sufficient to breakdown the error amplifier.

Capacitors C4 C6 and resistors R10 R3 form a differential amplifier. Due to the R10 C6 chain and the mirrored R3 C4, we obtain a triangular drop in the amplitude-frequency characteristic of the error amplifier. This looks like a slow change in pulse width with current. On the one hand, this reduces the feedback rate, on the other hand, it makes the system stable. The main thing here is to ensure that the frequency response drops below 0 dB at a frequency of no more than 1/5 of the PWM frequency, such feedback is quite fast, in contrast to the feedback from the LC filter output. The start frequency of the -3db cutoff is calculated as F=1/2pRC where R=R10=R3; C=C6=C4 Own Gain

The scheme is considered as the ratio of the maximum possible voltage (dead time tends to zero) on the capacitor C4 to the voltage of the saw generator built into the microcircuit and translated into decibels. It raises the frequency response of the closed system up. Given that our compensating chains give a 20 dB drop per decade starting from 1/2nRC and knowing this rise, it is easy to find the intersection point with 0 dB, which should be no more than at 1/5 of the operating frequency, i.e. 20 kilohertz. It is worth noting that the transformer should not be wound with a huge margin of power, on the contrary, the short-circuit current should not be very large, otherwise even such a high-frequency protection will not be able to work on time, but what if a kiloampere pops up there .. So we don’t abuse this either .

That's all for today, I hope the diagram will be useful. It can be adapted for a power screwdriver, or make a bipolar output to power the amplifier, it is also possible to charge batteries with a stable current. For the full piping of tl494, we turn to the last part, of the additions to it, only the soft start capacitor C5 and the relay contacts on it. Well, an important note - the control of the voltage on the half-bridge capacitors forced us to connect the control circuit with a force so that it would not allow the use of standby power with a quenching capacitor, at least with bridge rectification. Possible Solution- half-wave rectifier type diode half-bridge or transformer in the duty room.

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TL494 in a complete power supply

More than a year has passed since I seriously took up the topic of power supplies. I read the wonderful books by Marty Brown "Power Sources" and Semenov "Power Electronics". As a result, I noticed a lot of errors in the circuits from the Internet, and recently I see only a cruel mockery of my favorite TL494 chip.

I love the TL494 for its versatility, probably there is no such power supply that could not be implemented on it. In this case, I want to consider the implementation of the most interesting half-bridge topology. The control of the half-bridge transistors is made galvanically isolated, this requires a lot of elements, in principle, a converter inside the converter. Despite the fact that there are many half-bridge drivers, it is too early to write off the use of a transformer (GDT) as a driver, this method is the most reliable. Bootstrap drivers exploded, but I have not yet observed the explosion of GDT. The driver transformer is a conventional pulse transformer, calculated using the same formulas as the power transformer, taking into account the buildup scheme. Often I have seen the use of high power transistors in GDT drive. The microcircuit outputs can deliver 200 milliamps of current, and in the case of a well-built driver, this is a lot, I personally swung the IRF740 and even the IRFP460 at a frequency of 100 kilohertz. Let's look at the scheme of this driver:

This circuit is connected to each output winding of the GDT. The fact is that at the moment of dead time, the primary winding of the transformer turns out to be open, and the secondary windings are not loaded, so the discharge of the gates through the winding itself will take an extremely long time, the introduction of a supporting, discharge resistor will prevent the gate from charging quickly and eat a lot of energy wasted. The circuit in the figure is free from these shortcomings. The fronts measured on a real layout were 160ns rising and 120ns falling at the gate of the IRF740 transistor.

The transistors that complement the bridge in the GDT buildup are similarly constructed. The use of a bridge buildup is due to the fact that before the tl494 power trigger is triggered upon reaching 7 volts, the output transistors of the microcircuit will be open, if the transformer is turned on as a push-pool, a short circuit will occur. The bridge is stable.

The VD6 diode bridge rectifies the voltage from the primary winding, and if it exceeds the supply voltage, it will return it back to capacitor C2. This happens due to the appearance of a reverse voltage, all the same, the inductance of the transformer is not infinite.

The circuit can be powered through a quenching capacitor, now a 400 volt k73-17 is working at 1.6 microfarads. diodes kd522 or much better than 1n4148, replacement with more powerful 1n4007 is possible. The input bridge can be built on 1n4007 or use a prefabricated kts407. On the board, kts407 was mistakenly used as VD6, in no case should it be put there, this bridge must be made on high-frequency diodes. The VT4 transistor can dissipate up to 2 watts of heat, but it plays a purely protective role, you can use kt814. The remaining transistors are kt361, and replacement with low-frequency kt814 is highly undesirable. The master oscillator tl494 is tuned here to a frequency of 200 kilohertz, which means that in push-pull mode we get 100 kilohertz. We wind the GDT on a ferrite ring 1-2 centimeters in diameter. Wire 0.2-0.3mm. There should be ten times more turns than the calculated value, this greatly improves the shape of the output signal. The more wound - the less you need to load the GDT with resistor R2. I wound 3 windings of 70 turns on a ring with an outer diameter of 18mm. The overestimation of the number of turns and the mandatory loading with the triangular component of the current are connected, it decreases with an increase in the turns, and the loading simply reduces its percentage effect. The printed circuit board is attached, but it does not quite correspond to the circuit, but there are main blocks on it, plus a body kit for one error amplifier and a series stabilizer for power supply from the transformer. The board is made for installation in the section of the power unit board.


The charger is assembled according to the scheme of a key current stabilizer with a control unit for the reached voltage on the battery to ensure that it is turned off after charging is completed. To control the key transistor, a widely used specialized TL494 microcircuit (KIA491, K1114UE4) is used. The device provides adjustment of the charge current within 1 ... 6 A (10A max) and output voltage 2 ... 20 V.

The key transistor VT1, diode VD5 and power diodes VD1 - VD4 must be installed through mica gaskets on a common radiator with an area of ​​200 ... 400 cm2. The most important element in the circuit is the inductor L1. The efficiency of the circuit depends on the quality of its manufacture. As a core, you can use a pulse transformer from a 3USCT TV power supply or similar. It is very important that the magnetic circuit has a slot gap of approximately 0.5 ... 1.5 mm to prevent saturation at high currents. The number of turns depends on the specific magnetic circuit and can be within 15 ... 100 turns of PEV-2 wire 2.0 mm. If the number of turns is excessive, then a low whistling sound will be heard when the circuit is operating at rated load. As a rule, a whistling sound occurs only at medium currents, and with a heavy load, the inductance of the inductor decreases due to the magnetization of the core and the whistle stops. If the whistling sound stops at low currents and with a further increase in the load current, the output transistor starts to heat up sharply, then the area of ​​​​the core of the magnetic circuit is insufficient to operate at the selected generation frequency - it is necessary to increase the frequency of the microcircuit by selecting resistor R4 or capacitor C3 or install a larger inductor size. In the absence of a power transistor of the p-n-p structure, powerful transistors can be used in the circuit n-p-n structures, as it shown on the picture.

As a diode VD5 in front of the inductor L1, it is desirable to use any available diodes with a Schottky barrier, rated for a current of at least 10A and a voltage of 50V, in extreme cases, you can use medium-frequency diodes KD213, KD2997 or similar imported ones. For the rectifier, you can use any powerful diodes for a current of 10A or a diode bridge, such as KBPC3506, MP3508 or the like. It is desirable to adjust the shunt resistance in the circuit to the required one. The output current adjustment range depends on the ratio of the resistances of the resistors in the output circuit 15 of the microcircuit. In the lower position of the variable current adjustment resistor slider according to the diagram, the voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit must match the voltage at the shunt when the maximum current flows through it. The variable current adjustment resistor R3 can be installed with any nominal resistance, but you will need to select a constant resistor R2 adjacent to it to obtain the required voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit.
The variable output voltage adjustment resistor R9 can also have a large variation in nominal resistance of 2 ... 100 kOhm. By selecting the resistance of the resistor R10, the upper limit of the output voltage is set. The lower limit is determined by the ratio of the resistances of resistors R6 and R7, but it is undesirable to set it less than 1 V.

The microcircuit is mounted on a small printed circuit board 45 x 40 mm, the rest of the circuit elements are mounted on the base of the device and the heatsink.
Printed circuit board:

Wiring diagram:

The circuit used a rewound power transformer TC180, but depending on the magnitude of the required output voltages and current, the power of the transformer can be changed. If an output voltage of 15V and a current of 6A is sufficient, then a 100W power transformer is sufficient. The radiator area can also be reduced to 100 .. 200 cm2. The device can be used as a laboratory power supply with adjustable output current limitation. With serviceable elements, the circuit starts working immediately and requires only adjustment.

Another charger is assembled according to the scheme of a key current stabilizer with a control unit for the reached voltage on the battery to ensure that it is turned off after charging is completed. To control the key transistor, a widely used specialized TL494 microcircuit (KIA491, K1114UE4) is used. The device provides adjustment of the charge current within 1 ... 6 A (10A max) and output voltage 2 ... 20 V.

The key transistor VT1, diode VD5 and power diodes VD1 - VD4 must be installed through mica gaskets on a common radiator with an area of ​​200 ... 400 cm2. The most important element in the circuit is the inductor L1. The efficiency of the circuit depends on the quality of its manufacture. As a core, you can use a pulse transformer from a 3USCT TV power supply or similar. It is very important that the magnetic circuit has a slot gap of approximately 0.5 ... 1.5 mm to prevent saturation at high currents. The number of turns depends on the specific magnetic circuit and can be within 15 ... 100 turns of PEV-2 wire 2.0 mm. If the number of turns is excessive, then a low whistling sound will be heard when the circuit is operating at rated load. As a rule, a whistling sound occurs only at medium currents, and with a heavy load, the inductance of the inductor decreases due to the magnetization of the core and the whistle stops. If the whistling sound stops at low currents and with a further increase in the load current, the output transistor starts to heat up sharply, then the area of ​​​​the core of the magnetic circuit is insufficient to operate at the selected generation frequency - it is necessary to increase the frequency of the microcircuit by selecting resistor R4 or capacitor C3 or install a larger inductor size. In the absence of a power transistor of the p-n-p structure, powerful transistors of the n-p-n structure can be used in the circuit, as shown in the figure.

As a diode VD5 in front of the inductor L1, it is desirable to use any available diodes with a Schottky barrier, rated for a current of at least 10A and a voltage of 50V, in extreme cases, you can use medium-frequency diodes KD213, KD2997 or similar imported ones. For the rectifier, you can use any powerful diodes for a current of 10A or a diode bridge, such as KBPC3506, MP3508 or the like. It is desirable to adjust the shunt resistance in the circuit to the required one. The output current adjustment range depends on the ratio of the resistances of the resistors in the output circuit 15 of the microcircuit. In the lower position of the variable current adjustment resistor slider according to the diagram, the voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit must match the voltage at the shunt when the maximum current flows through it. The variable current adjustment resistor R3 can be installed with any nominal resistance, but you will need to select a constant resistor R2 adjacent to it to obtain the required voltage at pin 15 of the microcircuit.
The variable output voltage adjustment resistor R9 can also have a large variation in nominal resistance of 2 ... 100 kOhm. By selecting the resistance of the resistor R10, the upper limit of the output voltage is set. The lower limit is determined by the ratio of the resistances of resistors R6 and R7, but it is undesirable to set it less than 1 V.

The microcircuit is mounted on a small printed circuit board 45 x 40 mm, the rest of the circuit elements are mounted on the base of the device and the heatsink.

The wiring diagram for connecting the printed circuit board is shown in the figure below.

PCB options in lay6

Thank you for the prints in the comments Demo

The circuit used a rewound power transformer TC180, but depending on the magnitude of the required output voltages and current, the power of the transformer can be changed. If an output voltage of 15V and a current of 6A is sufficient, then a 100W power transformer is sufficient. The radiator area can also be reduced to 100 .. 200 cm2. The device can be used as a laboratory power supply with adjustable output current limitation. With serviceable elements, the circuit starts working immediately and requires only adjustment.


Who has not encountered in their practice the need to charge the battery and, disappointed in the absence of a charger with the necessary parameters, was forced to purchase a new charger in the store, or assemble the necessary circuit again?
So I repeatedly had to solve the problem of charging various batteries when there was no suitable charger at hand. accounted for hastily collect something simple, in relation to a specific battery.

The situation was bearable until the moment when there was a need for mass training and, accordingly, charging the batteries. It was necessary to make several universal chargers - inexpensive, operating in a wide range of input and output voltages and charging currents.

The charger circuits proposed below were developed for charging lithium-ion batteries, but it is possible to charge other types of batteries and composite batteries (using the same type of cells, hereinafter - AB).

All presented schemes have the following main parameters:
input voltage 15-24 V;
charge current (adjustable) up to 4 A;
output voltage (adjustable) 0.7 - 18 V (at Uin = 19V).

All circuits were designed to work with power supplies from laptops or to work with other PSUs with DC output voltages from 15 to 24 Volts and are built on widely used components that are present on the boards of old computer PSUs, PSUs of other devices, laptops, etc.

Memory diagram No. 1 (TL494)

The memory in scheme 1 is a powerful pulse generator operating in the range from tens to a couple of thousand hertz (the frequency was varied during research), with an adjustable pulse width.
The battery is charged by pulses of current limited by the feedback formed by the current sensor R10 connected between the common wire of the circuit and the source of the key on field effect transistor VT2 (IRF3205), R9C2 filter, pin 1, which is the "direct" input of one of the error amplifiers of the TL494 chip.

The inverse input (pin 2) of the same error amplifier is supplied with a comparison voltage regulated by means of a variable resistor PR1 from the reference voltage source built into the microcircuit (ION - pin 14), which changes the potential difference between the inputs of the error amplifier.
As soon as the voltage on R10 exceeds the voltage value (set by the variable resistor PR1) at pin 2 of the TL494 chip, the charging current pulse will be interrupted and resumed again only at the next cycle of the pulse sequence generated by the chip generator.
By adjusting the pulse width at the gate of the transistor VT2 in this way, we control the charging current of the battery.

Transistor VT1, connected in parallel with the gate of a powerful key, provides the necessary discharge rate of the gate capacitance of the latter, preventing "smooth" locking of VT2. In this case, the amplitude of the output voltage in the absence of AB (or other load) is almost equal to the input supply voltage.

With a resistive load, the output voltage will be determined by the current through the load (its resistance), which will allow this circuit to be used as a current driver.

When the battery is charging, the voltage at the output of the key (and, therefore, at the battery itself) over time will tend to grow towards the value determined by the input voltage (theoretically) and this, of course, cannot be allowed, knowing that the voltage value of the lithium battery being charged should be limited to 4.1 V (4.2 V). Therefore, a threshold device circuit is used in the memory, which is a Schmitt trigger (hereinafter - TSh) on the op-amp KR140UD608 (IC1) or on any other op-amp.

When the required voltage value on the battery is reached, at which the potentials at the direct and inverse inputs (pins 3, 2 - respectively) of IC1 are equal, a high logic level will appear at the output of the op-amp (almost equal to the input voltage), forcing the HL2 charging end indicator LED and the LED to light up. optocoupler VH1 which will open its own transistor, blocking the supply of pulses to the output U1. The key on VT2 will close, the battery charge will stop.

At the end of the battery charge, it will begin to discharge through the reverse diode built into VT2, which will turn out to be directly connected to the battery and the discharge current will be approximately 15-25 mA, taking into account the discharge also through the elements of the TS circuit. If this circumstance seems critical to someone, a powerful diode should be placed in the gap between the drain and the negative terminal of the battery (preferably with a small forward voltage drop).

The TS hysteresis in this version of the charger is chosen so that the charge will start again when the voltage on the battery drops to 3.9 V.

This charger can also be used to charge serially connected lithium (and not only) batteries. It is enough to calibrate the required response threshold using a variable resistor PR3.
So, for example, a charger assembled according to scheme 1 operates with a three-section sequential battery from a laptop, consisting of dual elements, which was mounted instead of a nickel-cadmium battery for a screwdriver.
The power supply unit from the laptop (19V/4.7A) is connected to the charger assembled in the standard case of the screwdriver's charger instead of the original circuit. The charging current of the “new” battery is 2 A. At the same time, the VT2 transistor, working without a radiator, heats up to a temperature of 40-42 C at the maximum.
The charger is turned off, of course, when the voltage at the battery reaches 12.3V.

The TS hysteresis remains the same in PERCENTAGE when the response threshold is changed. That is, if at a shutdown voltage of 4.1 V, the charger was re-enabled when the voltage dropped to 3.9 V, then in this case, the charger is re-enabled when the battery voltage drops to 11.7 V. But if necessary, the hysteresis depth can change.

Charger Threshold and Hysteresis Calibration

Calibration occurs when using an external voltage regulator (laboratory PSU).
The upper threshold for TS operation is set.
1. Disconnect the upper terminal PR3 from the memory circuit.
2. We connect the “minus” of the laboratory PSU (hereinafter LBP everywhere) to the negative terminal for the AB (the AB itself should not be in the circuit during setup), the “plus” of the LBP to the positive terminal for the AB.
3. Turn on the memory and LBP and set the required voltage (12.3 V, for example).
4. If the indication of the end of the charge is on, rotate the PR3 slider down (according to the scheme) until the indication (HL2) goes out.
5. Slowly rotate the PR3 engine up (according to the diagram) until the indication lights up.
6. Slowly reduce the voltage level at the LBP output and monitor the value at which the indication goes out again.
7. Check the level of operation of the upper threshold again. Fine. You can adjust the hysteresis if you are not satisfied with the voltage level that turns on the memory.
8. If the hysteresis is too deep (the charger is switched on at a too low voltage level - below, for example, the level of the AB discharge, unscrew the PR4 slider to the left (according to the diagram) or vice versa, - if the hysteresis depth is insufficient, - to the right (according to the diagram). hysteresis depth, the threshold level can shift by a couple of tenths of a volt.
9. Make a test run by raising and lowering the voltage level at the output of the LBP.

Setting the current mode is even easier.
1. We turn off the threshold device by any available (but safe) methods: for example, by “planting” the PR3 engine on the common wire of the device or by “shorting” the LED of the optocoupler.
2. Instead of AB, we connect a load in the form of a 12-volt light bulb to the output of the charger (for example, I used a pair of 12V lamps for 20 W to set up).
3. We include an ammeter in the gap of any of the power wires at the input of the memory.
4. Set the PR1 slider to the minimum (maximum left according to the diagram).
5. Turn on the memory. Smoothly rotate the PR1 adjustment knob in the direction of increasing current until the required value is obtained.
You can try to change the load resistance in the direction of lower values ​​​​of its resistance by connecting in parallel, say, another of the same lamp or even “short-circuit” the memory output. The current should not change significantly.

In the process of testing the device, it turned out that frequencies in the range of 100-700 Hz turned out to be optimal for this circuit, provided that IRF3205, IRF3710 (minimum heating) were used. Since TL494 is not fully used in this circuit, the free error amplifier of the chip can be used, for example, to work with a temperature sensor.

It should also be borne in mind that with an incorrect layout, even a correctly assembled pulse device will not work correctly. Therefore, one should not neglect the experience of assembling power impulse devices, which has been repeatedly described in the literature, namely: all “power” connections of the same name should be located at the shortest distance relative to each other (ideally, at one point). So, for example, connection points such as the VT1 collector, the terminals of the resistors R6, R10 (connection points with the common wire of the circuit), terminal 7 U1 - should be combined at almost one point or through a direct short and wide conductor (bus). The same applies to the drain VT2, the output of which should be "hung" directly on the "-" terminal of the battery. The IC1 pins must also be in close "electrical" proximity to the AB terminals.

Memory diagram No. 2 (TL494)

Scheme 2 does not differ much from scheme 1, but if the previous version of the charger was designed to work with an AB screwdriver, then the charger in scheme 2 was conceived as a universal, small-sized (without unnecessary setting elements), designed to work both with composite, series-connected elements up to 3, and with single ones.

As you can see, to quickly change the current mode and work with a different number of series-connected elements, fixed settings are introduced with trimmer resistors PR1-PR3 (setting the current), PR5-PR7 (setting the charging end threshold for a different number of elements) and switches SA1 (selecting the current charging) and SA2 (selection of the number of battery cells to be charged).
The switches have two directions, where their second sections switch the mode selection indication LEDs.

Another difference from the previous device is the use of the second error amplifier TL494 as a threshold element (switched on according to the TS scheme), which determines the end of the battery charging.

Well, and, of course, a p-conductivity transistor was used as a key, which simplified the full use of the TL494 without the use of additional components.

The procedure for setting the thresholds for the end of charging and current modes is the same, as well as for setting the previous version of the memory. Of course, for a different number of elements, the response threshold will change multiples.

When testing this circuit, a stronger heating of the key on the VT2 transistor was noticed (when prototyping, I use transistors without a radiator). For this reason, you should use another transistor (which I simply didn’t have) of appropriate conductivity, but with better current parameters and lower open channel resistance, or double the number of transistors indicated in the circuit by connecting them in parallel with separate gate resistors.

The use of these transistors (in the "single" version) is not critical in most cases, but in this case, the placement of the device components is planned in a small-sized case using small-sized radiators or no radiators at all.

Memory diagram No. 3 (TL494)

In the charger in diagram 3, an automatic disconnection of the battery from the charger with switching to the load has been added. This is convenient for checking and researching unknown ABs. The TS hysteresis for working with the AB discharge should be increased to the lower threshold (for switching on the charger), equal to the full AB discharge (2.8-3.0 V).

Memory scheme No. 3a (TL494)

Scheme 3a - as a variant of scheme 3.

Memory diagram No. 4 (TL494)

The charger in scheme 4 is no more complicated than the previous devices, but the difference from the previous schemes is that the battery here is charged with direct current, and the charger itself is a stabilized current and voltage regulator and can be used as a laboratory power supply module, classically built according to the "datashit" canons.

Such a module is always useful for bench tests of both battery and other devices. It makes sense to use built-in instruments (voltmeter, ammeter). Formulas for calculating storage and interference chokes are described in the literature. Let me just say that I used ready-made various chokes (with the range of indicated inductances) during testing, experimenting with a PWM frequency from 20 to 90 kHz. I didn’t notice any particular difference in the operation of the regulator (in the range of output voltages of 2-18 V and currents of 0-4 A): slight changes in the heating of the key (without a radiator) suited me quite well. Efficiency, however, is higher when using smaller inductances.
The regulator worked best with two 22 µH chokes connected in series in square armored cores from converters integrated into laptop motherboards.

Memory Schematic #5 (MC34063)

In diagram 5, a variant of the SHI-regulator with current and voltage regulation is made on the PWM / PWM MC34063 microcircuit with an “add-on” on the CA3130 op-amp (other op-amps can be used), with the help of which the current is adjusted and stabilized.
This modification somewhat expanded the capabilities of the MC34063, in contrast to the classic inclusion of the microcircuit, allowing the implementation of the smooth current adjustment function.

Memory Diagram No. 6 (UC3843)

In diagram 6, a variant of the SHI controller is made on the UC3843 (U1) chip, the CA3130 (IC1) op-amp, and the LTV817 optocoupler. The current regulation in this version of the memory is carried out using a variable resistor PR1 at the input of the current amplifier of the microcircuit U1, the output voltage is regulated using PR2 at the inverting input of IC1.
At the "direct" input of the op-amp there is a "reverse" reference voltage. That is, the regulation is carried out with respect to the "+" supply.

In schemes 5 and 6, the same sets of components (including chokes) were used in the experiments. According to the test results, all of the listed circuits are not much inferior to each other in the declared range of parameters (frequency / current / voltage). Therefore, a circuit with fewer components is preferable for repetition.

Memory diagram No. 7 (TL494)

The memory in scheme 7 was conceived as a bench device with maximum functionality, therefore there were no restrictions in terms of the volume of the circuit and the number of adjustments. This version of the memory is also made on the basis of the SHI current and voltage regulator, as well as the option in diagram 4.
Additional modes have been added to the scheme.
1. "Calibration - charge" - for pre-setting the voltage thresholds for the end and repetition of charging from an additional analog regulator.
2. "Reset" - to reset the memory to charge mode.
3. "Current - buffer" - to transfer the regulator to current or buffer (limiting the output voltage of the regulator in the joint supply of the device with the voltage of the battery and the regulator) charge mode.

A relay was used to switch the battery from the "charge" mode to the "load" mode.

Working with the memory is similar to working with previous devices. Calibration is carried out by switching the toggle switch to the "calibration" mode. In this case, the contact of the toggle switch S1 connects the threshold device and the voltmeter to the output of the integral regulator IC2. Having set the necessary voltage for the forthcoming charging of a particular battery at the output of IC2, using PR3 (smoothly rotating) they achieve the ignition of the HL2 LED and, accordingly, the operation of relay K1. By reducing the voltage at the output of IC2, HL2 is quenched. In both cases, control is carried out by a built-in voltmeter. After setting the operation parameters of the PU, the toggle switch is switched to the charge mode.

Scheme No. 8

The use of a calibration voltage source can be avoided by using the charger itself for calibration. In this case, it is necessary to decouple the output of the TS from the SHI-regulator, preventing it from turning off when the battery charge ends, determined by the parameters of the TS. One way or another, the battery will be disconnected from the charger by the contacts of relay K1. The changes for this case are shown in Scheme 8.

In calibration mode, toggle switch S1 disconnects the relay from the plus of the power source to prevent inappropriate operation. At the same time, the indication of the operation of the TS works.
Toggle switch S2 performs (if necessary) forced activation of relay K1 (only when the calibration mode is disabled). Contact K1.2 is required to change the polarity of the ammeter when switching the battery to the load.
Thus, a unipolar ammeter will also monitor the load current. In the presence of a bipolar device, this contact can be excluded.

Charger design

In designs, it is desirable to use as variables and tuning resistors multi-turn potentiometers in order to avoid torment when setting the necessary parameters.

Design options are shown in the photo. Circuits were soldered on perforated breadboards impromptu. All the stuffing is mounted in cases from laptop PSUs.
They were used in the designs (they were also used as ammeters after a little refinement).
On the cases there are sockets for external connection of AB, loads, a jack for connecting an external power supply unit (from a laptop).

For 18 years of work in North-West Telecom, he has manufactured many different stands for testing various equipment being repaired.
Designed several, different in functionality and element base, digital meters pulse duration.

More than 30 rationalization proposals for the modernization of units of various specialized equipment, incl. - power supply. For a long time I have been more and more engaged in power automation and electronics.

Why am I here? Yes, because everyone here is the same as me. There are a lot of interesting things for me here, since I am not strong in audio technology, but I would like to have more experience in this particular direction.

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