Targeted subsidies for housing: how the new mechanism will work. Housing subsidies for new categories of citizens will appear in zhirovkas in the fall Subsidies for pensioners in Belarus for

June 8, Minsk / Corr. BELTA/. In Belarus, more than 120 thousand citizens can apply for non-cash housing subsidies on an identifying basis, a BELTA correspondent was told at the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services.

Belarus is expanding the system of non-cash housing subsidies to partially pay for housing and communal services provided to the population. The President of Belarus signed the corresponding decree No. 225 on June 7. “According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, we have more than 120 thousand citizens belonging to those categories that can also apply for non-cash housing subsidies on an identifying basis,” the ministry said.

The right to receive non-cash housing subsidies on an identifying basis is additionally granted to citizens caring for children under three years of age, disabled children under 18 years of age and receiving corresponding benefits from labor, employment and social protection.

The department emphasized that the purpose of Decree No. 225 is to expand the number of citizens who can receive subsidies on an identifying basis. "Besides, previous document was in effect for more than a year, during the work process minor shortcomings appeared, for example, in the interaction of organizations that carry out data transfer. In the appendix to Decree No. 225, we have prescribed a number of small innovations, thanks to which the time for administering the procedure, costs, as well as the workload of the specialists who deal with this are reduced,” noted the Ministry of Housing and Utilities.

Data on those households that can count on a subsidy will be transferred by government agencies to NKFO ERIP OJSC. “There, the system will automatically identify those families that fall under this benefit and transmit information local authorities authorities. That is, there will be no personal decision by anyone from the authorities - the subsidy will be calculated automatically and allocated to everyone who is entitled to it,” the department stated.

In the first quarter of this year, 20.7 thousand families received subsidies in the amount of Br416.5 thousand.

As reported, the right to receive non-cash housing subsidies on an identifying basis is additionally granted to citizens caring for children under three years of age, disabled children under 18 years of age and receiving corresponding benefits from the labor, employment and social protection authorities.

Subsidies will be provided to those receiving benefits for the care of a group I disabled person or a person who has reached the age of eighty. At the same time, assistance to citizens will be provided based on data from the information resources of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection without the need to collect any documents.

The right to receive subsidies on an application basis is also granted to citizens or families who do not have their own housing and live in rented apartments or in dormitories of non-state owned enterprises. As before, the subsidy is provided provided that the monthly payment for housing and communal services for standard consumption exceeds 20% of the average monthly total family income in the city and 15% in rural areas.

From January 1, 2019, subsidies will not be provided to citizens included in the list of able-bodied people who are not employed in the economy and who pay for services at tariffs that ensure full reimbursement of the economically justified costs of their provision. At the same time, family members living with them have the right to receive subsidies. -0-

Alexander Gorval, head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of Belarus, answered people's questions about targeted housing subsidies during a press conference at the Belta agency. Intex-press has collected the most important questions and answers.

Question: What is a state housing subsidy, what does it replace and why?

Answer: In general, loan payments will not be much higher than those provided under the 13th decree. Decree No. 240 introduces new system state support. This does not mean that everything that was before is destroyed or abolished. This is an additional mechanism that is aimed at attracting additional credit resources, because preferential loans are becoming less and less every year. Subsidies will be targeted. Thanks to them, loans from commercial banks will become more accessible. For example, if a bank loan is now given at 17-20% for housing construction on general terms, and this loan is taken by a person who is entitled to a subsidy, then he will be compensated for either the interest, or both the interest and the principal debt. For example, a large family with three children will be repaid with interest for using the loan (refinancing rate + 2%, that is, at the current refinancing rate they will repay 14% of interest rate on the loan), and the principal debt (95%).

Question: What does a young family need to do to receive a targeted subsidy if we are just standing in line for those in need of improved housing conditions?

Answer: Wait your turn. As soon as it is suitable, the executive committee will propose construction, and if you are eligible for this, you will be given a subsidy.

Question: Is a family with one child in need of improved housing conditions covered by Decree No. 240?

Answer: Yes , for one child there is also a subsidy for repayment of the principal debt. But we have to wait until it’s our turn. People thought that since we were talking about commercial loans, subsidies would be provided without a queue. But that's not true.

Question: Is a young family with two children entitled to a subsidy if the family is not low-income?

Answer: No. If the family is not low-income, then there is no government support.

Question: The decree does not understand anything at all about the construction of individual houses. Is there a general queue for apartments and houses?

Answer: The queue for apartments and for the construction of houses is common, but the financing is separate. Every year, a government decree determines the amount of state support that will go to multi-apartment and individual housing. If a person whose turn has come wants to build a residential building, then he will receive money from resources for individual housing. For those who want to build an apartment, money will be taken from resources for multi-apartment construction.

Question: When will it be possible to see a list of commercial banks lending to construction with targeted subsidies?

Answer: The list of commercial banks will appear after Decree No. 240 comes into force on August 6, 2017. A list of those residential buildings that will be built in accordance with this decree will also be published.

Question: We are a family of four, raising a disabled child. Now we have been offered to build an apartment (shared construction), but we have not signed the contract yet. Previously, we had the right to a preferential loan and a one-time subsidy. How will we build now (after Decree 240)?

Answer: You have the right to be included in the list of families raising disabled children. Such families have certain preferences, but they can only be received on a first-come, first-served basis. To receive subsidies under Decree No. 240, three conditions must be met: the queue for housing must come up, the applicant must fall into certain categories and obtain permission from the executive committee.

Question: Is it possible to get a subsidy when buying housing on the secondary market?

Answer: No. Decree No. 240 does not subsidize the purchase of housing, but only construction and reconstruction. That is, if a family buys housing on the secondary market, no subsidy is issued.

Who is eligible to receive a targeted housing subsidy?

Low-income families registered as needing improved housing conditions, who:

    have many children;

    in which children with disabilities are being brought up or in the family there are people with disabilities of the first and second groups since childhood;

    live in residential premises declared unsuitable for habitation;

    have lived in dormitories for at least 10 years.

Important. Young and large families who have entered into loan agreements to receive commercial loans for housing construction before August 6 inclusive will be able to receive financial support from the state on the same terms (according to Decree No. 585).

It mitigates the consequences of rising prices for housing and communal services for vulnerable categories of the population. About who has the right to a subsidy, what expenses are subsidized - these and other questions are answered by the head of the settlement center of the city of Orsha of the Vitebsk Regional Settlement and Reference Center. Teresa Parusova.
According to subclause 1.2 of clause 1 of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated August 29, 2016 No. 322 “On the provision of non-cash housing subsidies” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 322), non-cash housing subsidies (hereinafter referred to as BHS) are provided to the owner of residential premises, the tenant of residential premises of the state housing stock , a member of the developer organization (hereinafter referred to as the citizen), and in the case of members of his family living together with the citizen - to the citizen and members of his family living with him (hereinafter referred to as the family).
A citizen (family) living in a city or town whose monthly payment for housing and communal services, as well as reimbursement of electricity costs, exceeds 20 percent of the average monthly total income has the right to receive housing and communal services. As well as citizens (families) living in a rural locality, whose monthly payment for housing and communal services, as well as reimbursement of electricity costs, exceeds 15 percent of the average monthly total income.
Non-working pensioners and non-working adult disabled people, if able-bodied family members do not live with them, receive a subsidy automatically. Provided that their spending on housing and communal services exceeds 20 or 15 percent, respectively. This is called the revealing principle.
Others can apply for the provision of BZS by submitting an application for the provision of BZS. The application and package of documents must be submitted to the settlement center. This is called the declarative principle. The application and documents are submitted by the owner of the residential premises, the tenant of the residential premises of the state housing stock, a member of the organization of developers (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) at his place of residence to the organization that carries out accounting, calculation and charging of payments for housing and communal services. At the same time, there is no provision for the possibility of submitting an application for the provision of BZS by the owner of a residential premises who is not registered in this residential premises at the place of residence or is registered in it at the place of stay.
– Which payments are subsidized and which are not?
– Subclause 1.1 of clause 1 of Decree No. 322 establishes that non-cash housing subsidies are a form of state support for citizens for partial payment of housing and communal services for maintenance, major repairs, sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building, hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewerage), gas, electricity and heat supply, supply of liquefied petroleum gas from individual bottled or tank installations, elevator maintenance, management of solid municipal waste, as well as reimbursement of expenses of organizations operating the housing stock and (or) providing housing and communal services for electricity consumed for lighting of auxiliary premises and operation of equipment, including elevators, in an apartment building, in residential premises of state and private housing stock .
Payments for basic types of housing and utility services consumed in excess of established standards, as well as payment for additional types of housing and communal services: maintenance of locking and intercom devices, video surveillance, and so on. That is, those that a person can refuse.
– How to calculate family income and the amount of subsidy?
– According to the identifying principle: the average monthly total income of a citizen (family) for the calendar quarter preceding the quarter in which the decision to provide a subsidy was made is taken into account. According to the application: the average monthly total income of a citizen (family) for the six months preceding the month of applying for the provision of BHS is taken into account. The income of a citizen (family), which is taken into account in the BHS calculation, is determined by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 27, 2016 No. 778 “On determining the total income for the provision of non-cash housing subsidies” and the annex to this resolution.
The decision to provide BZS is made by the local executive and administrative body. The size of the housing and communal services for each recipient will be determined individually by the decision of local executive committees, taking into account the area of ​​the residential premises, the number of citizens living in this residential premises, the volume of housing and communal services consumed and other factors.
– How long is the subsidy given, and who does not receive it?
– According to the identifying principle - for a quarter, i.e. for three months, according to the declarative principle - for six months.
BHS is not provided to a citizen (family) if for the calendar quarter preceding the quarter in which the decision to provide a non-cash housing subsidy on an identifying basis is made, or for six calendar months, preceding the month of applying for a non-cash housing subsidy on the application principle, the citizen and members of his family living together with him owned more than one residential premises or one residential premises and more than one share in the right of common ownership of residential premises in the Republic of Belarus, with the exception of large families; rented out residential premises under a lease (sublease) agreement; were the owners of the property of a private unitary enterprise, the location of which is the residential premises in which a citizen (family) lives, as well as unemployed people who were not registered as unemployed in the department of labor, employment and social protection.
– How do you know that a subsidy has been provided?
– The amount of the subsidy provided is indicated in the notice of the amount of payment for housing and communal services and payment for the use of residential premises (in the form).

Photo by the author.

Leonid Skorobogaty

On August 6, 2017, Decree No. 240 of July 4, 2017 “On state support citizens during the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises.” We offer short review decree (Questions can be asked in the comments. Confidential information can be sent to ).

The decree provides for two types of subsidies - subsidies for paying interest on loans*, and subsidies for repaying the principal debt on these loans.

Subsidies for paying interest on loans

1.2. the right to receive a subsidy to pay part of the interest is granted to:

  • military personnel (including employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.);
  • citizens who have the right to receive priority residential premises for social use;
  • tenants of residential premises for social use from among orphans;

low-income citizens from among:

  • large families;
  • citizens whose families include disabled children or disabled children of groups I and II;
  • disabled people for whom a connection between the disease and the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has been established;
  • veterans of combat operations on the territory of other states;
  • citizens living in residential premises recognized in accordance with the established procedure as unfit for habitation;
  • laureates of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus - in agreement with the Ministry of Education or the Ministry of Culture, respectively;
  • citizens who were awarded scholarships from the President of the Republic of Belarus to talented young scientists - in agreement with the Academy of Sciences;
  • citizens living for at least 10 years in dormitories or in residential premises of a private housing stock under residential rental agreements;
  • citizens carrying out construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in populated areas with a population of up to 20 thousand people* and in satellite cities**;
  • judges and prosecutors;
  • young families with two minor children on the date of approval of lists for receiving preferential loans.
  • low-income citizens carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region (territory of Krichevsky, Klimovichsky, Krasnopolsky, Kostyukovichsky, Slavgorodsky, Cherikovsky and Khotimsky districts);

1.3. Of these, the following have an extraordinary right to a subsidy for interest payments:

  • large families;
  • disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood 1-2 years;
  • Chernobyl victims;
  • veterans;
  • living in unsuitable premises;
  • Presidential Fund laureates;
  • citizens dismissed from military service(including employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) by age, health status, staff reduction;
  • persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

Subsidies for repayment of loan principal

1.4. the right to a subsidy for the repayment of the principal debt together with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is granted:

  • large families with three or more minor children;
  • young families, but not all, but only from among orphans, disabled people, Chernobyl victims, winners of the Presidential Fund, prosecutors, as well as those living in unsuitable premises, in a dormitory or in a rented apartment for more than 10 years, or building housing in a small populated area point, satellite city or south-eastern region of the Mogilev region.

1.5. foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus enjoy the right to receive subsidies on an equal basis with citizens, unless otherwise provided by laws and international treaties.

The procedure for providing subsidies is determined by the Council of Ministers.

1.6. citizens entitled to subsidies can receive a choice of either a subsidy or a preferential loan according to Decree No. 13 of January 6, 2012;

1.7. subsidies are provided for

  • construction of residential premises in economical residential buildings, the list of projects of which is approved by the Ministry of Architecture and Construction;
  • construction (reconstruction) of single-family residential buildings;
  • reconstruction of residential premises.

1.8. Interest subsidy amount:

  • for large families with three minor children - in the amount of the refinancing rate increased by 2 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan;
  • for large families with four or more minor children - in the amount of the refinancing rate increased by 3 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan;
  • for large families with at least three children under the age of 23 – in the amount of the refinancing rate increased by 2 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan;
  • other citizens - in the amount of the refinancing rate reduced by 2 percentage points, but not more than the interest rate on the loan;

1.9. The interest payment subsidy is provided starting from the next month after the bank issues the loan on a monthly basis throughout the entire loan repayment period.

1.10. A subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is provided to large families in the following amounts:

  • if there are three minor children - in the amount of 95% of the principal amount of the loan;
  • if there are four or more minor children - in the amount of 100 percent of the principal amount of the loan.

Subsidies for young families:

  • at the birth (adoption) of the first child - in the amount of 10% of the principal amount of the loan;
  • at the birth (adoption) of a second child - in the amount of 20% of the principal amount of the loan.
  • for persons from among orphans - 35% of the principal amount of the loan;

1.11. A subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is provided starting from the month in which repayment of the principal debt on the loan begins on a monthly basis throughout the entire repayment period.

1.12. subsidies are not provided for the repayment of overdue and extended debt on the principal debt of the loan and interest for its use;

1.13. the maximum standardized cost of residential premises for the provision of subsidies should not exceed 90 percent (for large families - 100 percent) of the cost of construction (reconstruction) of the standardized dimensions of the total area of ​​residential premises taken into account.

During the construction of residential premises in rural areas, as well as during the construction large families residential premises in settlements with a population of up to 20 thousand people, settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region and satellite cities, the cost of residential premises is determined taking into account the cost of outbuildings in the amount of up to 20% of the cost of housing.

When the family composition of the subsidy recipient increases due to the birth (adoption) of children, the standardized cost of the residential premises is recalculated;

1.14. subsidies are provided in accordance with the priority of citizens in need of improved housing conditions.

12. The Council of Ministers is given the right to explain issues of application of this Decree.

Also read:

Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 08/04/2017 No. 582 The procedure for providing a subsidy for the payment of interest on a loan for the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises and a subsidy for repaying the principal debt on this loan.

On August 29, the president signed a decree on non-cash housing subsidies. Speaking in simple language, some citizens will be helped to pay for utilities. The system will be operational on October 1. The system is currently being tested. The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services says that preliminary about 10% of families will receive assistance from the state. So who gets subsidies? And how to get them?

Who should I write a statement to?

Non-cash housing subsidies for utility bills will be awarded in two ways: identifying and declarative. In the first case, you don’t need to do anything - the system itself will check everything and add the subsidy to the allowance. In the second case, you need to write a statement.

The identifying principle applies only to pensioners and people receiving a disability pension. The ERIP system will analyze how much a pensioner receives and how much he pays for utilities. If a communal apartment costs more than 20% of a city dweller’s pension or 15% of a village resident’s pension, then the state subsidizes the difference. This will be a non-cash payment. In the fat, a separate line will indicate how much money was received from the state, and housing and communal services payments will be reduced by the same amount. In this case, there is no need to write a statement. Now, if you have not received a subsidy, and you think that this is unfair, then write a statement.

Important! Working pensioners and disabled people must write an application for a subsidy themselves.

If you simply receive a small salary and fall under the formula (see “Be in the know!”), you must write an application to the clearinghouse to receive a subsidy.

If a pensioner lives with an able-bodied son or daughter (or they are simply registered in this apartment), in this case you also need to write an application for a subsidy.

When and where should the application be submitted?

Applications for subsidies must be submitted to the settlement and reference center. Applications are accepted from October 1st.

What public services does the state subsidize?

Firstly, only those utilities that fit into the consumption standard. If you have excess water, electricity, square meters, then only the subsidized part of the communal apartment will be calculated for you. You will pay for everything above the consumption standards yourself.

Secondly, the state subsidizes only basic housing and communal services plus reimbursement for lighting, cleaning of the entrance, and electricity, which is spent on the movement of the elevator. Heating is also subsidized. But for those services that you can refuse (maintenance of an intercom, video camera, TV channels, radio, etc.), the state will not provide assistance.

Example 1

Your utility bill is 50 rubles, and your pension is 200 rubles. At the same time, your standard consumption is 30 rubles, excess consumption is 15, and additional services cost 5 rubles. In this case, you are not entitled to a subsidy.

Example 2

The utility bill is 50 rubles, and the pension is 100 rubles. At the same time, standard consumption costs 30 rubles, excess consumption - 15, and additional services - 5 rubles. In this case, you are entitled to a subsidy of 10 rubles. In total, together with the help of the state, you will pay 40 rubles.

What income will be taken into account when calculating the subsidy?

The full list of income that will be summarized will be determined by the Council of Ministers closer to October 1. It is clear that pensions and salaries from the main place of work will be taken into account. But whether to take into account income from abroad, scholarships, alimony, etc., will be decided by the government. It is only known that they will be calculated based on accrued payments - that is, without taking into account the taxes that you will pay.

According to the identifying principle (disabled people, pensioners), income and utilities will be calculated in three last months. In the same way, the subsidy will be issued for three months. Next, the system will again analyze income and utility bills. Let us remind you that the system will do this automatically. According to the application principle, they will analyze income for the last 6 months and also give a subsidy for 6 months - so that people do not have to often carry papers and obtain permission.

Will parasites receive a subsidy?

No, unemployed citizens will not receive a subsidy. Only those unemployed people who are registered at the employment center and have grounds for state assistance will receive it.

Likewise, there is no subsidy for those who own two apartments or if you rent out an apartment, room, corner, etc. It is believed that you yourself can earn money for utilities.


What is the formula for calculating the subsidy?

There is a very simple way to find out if you are entitled to a subsidy. For example, in Minsk two pensioners live together. They need to add up their pensions and divide by five (20% of income is obtained) and compare the resulting amount with the cost of zhirovka (basic utilities within the limits of consumption standards). If your utility bill exceeds 20% of your total income, then you are entitled to a subsidy.

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