What does the pentacle mean. The mystery of symbols

What is a pentagram and how does it work

Today I dined at a Japanese restaurant, before that I went to the pharmacy and the market. And everywhere good Christians looked unkindly at my neck, where in honor of the holiday hung a silver inverted pentagram on a lace. I bet anything, none of them could objectively explain this symbol. 🙂

Let's talk about the most common stereotype of the near-esoteric world - pentagram... What is this symbol, how does it work, what controls it, how it is associated with the elements and China. And most importantly - what does it have to do with it demons and higher powers. At the same time, we will answer the question - how does it all work in general, this is the influence from above (below? ...), through what happens obsession? It's all about one thing.

The symbol of the five-pointed star has been known to people and non-humans since archaic times and not only in the physical world. It was used in Babylon and Ancient Egypt, it was designated royal and divine power, in particular - it was a symbol of the goddess Ishtar, one of the seals of Solomon and one of the signs of Alexander the Great. Greek mathematicians called five-pointed star pure perfection, as it is the encrypted symbol of the golden ratio. FROM Lucifer the pentacle is connected only in the sense that the trajectory of the planet Venus, whose genius is chronically confused with the biblical Devil ohm, when observed from the Earth forms pentagram.

And if we speak without cleverness and terms, then pentacle (pentagram or pentalpha) Is just a schema 5 elements, so succinctly. Every ray pentagrams- this is a certain element and the influence coming from it. The physical world and people are characterized by 5 elements: Fire, Water, Air / Metal, Earth and Life, for other layers and worlds they can be radically different. This division did not arise out of nowhere - each element and its influence are determined by the planet and the planetary genius who controls it and is most active in the region. The ancient Greeks called pentagram Pentalfa, which means "five letters alpha", since the symbol consists of 5 alphas, and they deduced the following scheme:

ύ - ύδωρ - Water, upper ray.
Γ - Γαια - Earth, upper left.
ί - ίδέα - Ether, lower right ray.
έ - έιλή - Fire, upper right corner.
ά - άήρ - Air, lower left corner.

In China, the same symbol shows the same scheme of elements, only instead of Air they highlight the element of Metal (they have one planetary patron, guess who), and instead of Ether - Tree, the element of Jupiter. This is the designation of the Wu-sin scheme, that is, the balance of the elements within the nth object or person, the balance of the influence of planetary geniuses on it. 5 elements controlling each other - the same 5 rays.

Wu Xing scheme:

What is interesting here is that in itself pentacle is not static and the same for everyone. In humans, 5 elements prevail, but in other species and in other layers it will be the same pentacle with OTHER elements. For example, demons are dominated by the element of Darkness or Shadow, while the rest of the rays can be occupied with anything, for example, the scheme: Darkness-Shadow-Time-Earth-Air. Where does such a variegation of this people come from, their ability to influence various spheres and sciences - whoever has what is inside is what rules. For some elemental, the essence of the element, it will be Water-Light-Earth-Life-Air. The number of variations is almost endless, and the scheme is the same - a pentacle. There are slightly more complex schemes, for example, among the most ancient gods and inferns, this scheme can include 6 rays or duplicate one element.

A complete diagram of the elements, based on the "human" pentacle looks something like this:

In the same way, it is correct to build rituals, where the elements play an important role. If you apply such a scheme instead of the Small Runic Ritual, it will turn out very strong and bright, I advise 🙂 Wiccans do this as a rule.

Technically, there isn't much of a difference, inverted pentagram or not, but traditionally an inverted star is considered a talisman against evil and influences (it is, as it were, closed), coming from the elements included in the Pentacle. It blocks work against you. Straight pentagram- direct connection to these elements, filling with them.

This symbol has never carried any negative meaning, on the contrary (what is wrong with help, power and protection?). But in the second half of the 19th century, at the suggestion of a French occultist Eliphasa Levi who correctly grasped the connection Satan, Lucifer and Venus, but then suffered delirium, which turned out to be very tenacious in the minds of people, the symbol acquired a notorious connection with the biblical Satan, satanism and evil. And the further, the more firmly the information went to the masses that such a useful pentacle is the essence of evil and a sign of someone bad.

Later, in the 20th century, a demoniac Anton LaVey(oh-wey), the head of the Church of Satan, added oil to

fire by depicting this symbol on their Satanic Bible. We have already forgotten Venus with its trajectory, and geniuses, and Macedonian ... pentagram means Satanists!!! ". Idiots are like that, yeah. And more people do not know anything about it and do not want to know, despite the fact that 200 years ago this symbol was calmly depicted on Christian cathedrals and seals of monarchs. So that.

But it is through this symbol, or rather the elements in it, that the subtle plane influences the physical! This is the schema of the soul. Roughly speaking, if a certain entity influences you (no matter good or bad), it acts through the element in you. The easiest way to connect is through water, this is how most of the religious egregors work (why baptism takes place in water, did you not think?), Just enters the body through the "water" corner of the pentacle, which is the soul. In exactly the same way, an essence can take possession of a person, entering through the element that he repeats with this essence. That is, a larva, roughly speaking, is a piece of land, and enters through this segment into the human body.

The influence of the "higher powers" follows exactly the same principle: a person has many channels carrying the elements through the body (you can look for a plate for the distribution of organs by the elements), and if you hit any of them well (and these can!) runs in, screams and grabs onto the damaged area. Was stung in a ray.

So think now, at whom and why you are looking unkindly 🙂

(c) Mylene maelinhon\ Material site

An article about 13 elements.

They were very popular at all times. There are such categories of people who strive to comprehend the secrets and secrets of magic. For this, they are ready to browse the vast in search of answers to various questions. And it should be noted that there is simply a huge number of very different symbols that act as magical elements. They all have a specific focus and are used to achieve different goals and for various rituals. In this review, one should talk about such a magical sign that is known to everyone. This symbol has become the culprit of numerous disputes regarding its meaning and secrets. However, it was not possible to fully solve it. We are talking about a five-pointed star - a pentagram.

One of the most famous magic signs

Today, almost everyone can tell what a pentagram looks like. This image, which resembles the correct one, can be found almost everywhere. The symbol is often painted on a wall or other surface. The pentagram can be seen as a decoration, in the form of a picture made on a book cover. Even on women's handbags, there is a similar symbol that acts as a fastener.

The symbol was constantly changing and acquired a huge number of meanings.

The pentagram is enough, which is characterized by having a rich history. The pentacle (picture in a circle) was used by Druids and Sumerians, Greeks and Egyptians, Jews and Templars, magicians and scientists. To date, the pentagram has nothing to do with scientific research. It is completely occult.

Throughout its history, the pentagram has changed quite a lot. This image has been constantly transforming. The pentacle in the Hebrew scriptures was included in seven seals. It meant the name of God. In Egypt, in ancient times, the pentagram was considered a symbol inherent in the underworld, in which Anubis ruled. The Celts believed that the pentagram was a sign inherent in the goddess Morgana.

Scientists who tried to find their vocation in alchemy meant a protective symbol under the pentagram. This is due to the opinion that the summoned demon was unable to cross its contours. In this regard, great attention in the design of the sign was given to continuous lines. In magic, it was believed that the four rays of the pentacle meant the elements. The magician was perceived directly as the fifth ray. And the pentagram enclosed in a circle is a symbol that speaks of the magician's domination over the elements.

What is the meaning of the pentagram?

Each corner of such a symbol is assigned a certain value corresponding to the element. The upper angle was understood as a spirit, a person. The upper right ray represents water and the upper left ray represents air. The lower left corner should be understood as fire. The earth is enclosed in the lower right corner.

There are a variety of ways in which you can draw a pentagram. Accordingly, there are different types of pentacles. All methods are not equivalent, as they differ in their starting point. Namely, the inscription is from her. Also, pentagrams can differ in the last segment and in the direction in which the writing was carried out (clockwise or counterclockwise).

What types of magic symbols can be distinguished?

Among the main types of the pentagram are:

  1. Constructive or destructive symbols.
  2. Pentacles that summon or banish.
  3. Pentagram in a circle, meaning the elements and spirit.
  4. A straight and inverted five-pointed star.

The pentagram should be attributed to one of the basic elements inherent in ritual magic. Therefore, the choice of its style must be approached with special responsibility. The success of the conceived ritual will depend on this. For example, the pentagrams of the demons of the fire element imply that the latter must draw the segment that corresponds to the element of fire.

What can you tell about the five-pointed star, which is depicted upside down?

No less popular is the pentacle, which must be drawn upside down. Such a symbol is the sign with the corner facing down. Quite often, the inverted pentagram is applied in the form of a goat's head, the horns of which act as the upper corners, and the beard implies the lower ray.

Such symbolism means the triumph of matter over the spiritual component, the power of black magic over all elements. It is used to summon elemental spirits. However, such a pentacle can also be used in other ritual actions. An inverted pentagram inscribed on a photograph of a certain person can either increase or decrease his strength. Much will depend on the location and method of location.

The most popular symbol among Satanists

Satanists believe that this symbol is the original depiction of the devil. However, this is not at all the case. Since ancient times, the inverted pentagram has meant the star of the magicians. She stood for power (intellectual and physical). Such a symbol is able to multiply the flow of energy.

At the present stage, the pentagram of Satan, as many call the inverted symbol, is the most popular sign among Satanists. And unlike a simple pentagram, a huge value in the reverse image is assigned to a person, and not to a spiritual component.

The book that made a lot of noise at the time of its publication

Beginning in 1966, the inverted symbol began to be called nothing more than the pentagram of Satan. The book The Satanic Bible was published this year. It was she who infuriated all true magicians and pagans. The cover of this scripture contained an image of a reverse pentacle, next to which were inscribed concentric circles and the five Hebrew letters that make up the name "Leviathan." In this book, the author tried to expose the vile image of the Devil. And it was he who called the inverted symbolism "the seal of Baphomet" in the book.

The image that was inherent in Baphomet

And it may seem that throughout the entire time the reverse pentagram, the pictures of which you can see in the course of reading this review, is firmly connected with the name "Baphomet". And then the question arises as to who he is. Unfortunately, in the "Satanic Bible" the image was presented in a blurred form. Traditional Satanists refer to Baphomet as a mistress who sometimes washes her hands in the blood of her enemies. This name has been associated with Satan since the 10-11th century. It was during these times that the reverse pentagram was very popular. Pictures of Baphomet carried the image of a mature woman who sat naked on a pile of skulls. In her hands she held the head of a priest who had been sacrificed. And, according to experts, this image appeared long before the peak of the popularity of reverse symbolism.

What is the most common inverted star image?

The revival of the cult of Baphomet was due to the actions of the Templars. However, in their teachings, the inverted pentacle did not carry any isoteric meaning and was used to a greater extent for its own purposes. A little later, other images of Baphomet appeared. The Order of the Nine Angles depicted him as an anthropomorphic creature with a goat's head, female breasts, cloven hooves and a huge phallus of steel.

The goat's head means the presence of devilish powers. However, the symbol on the forehead suggests that male and female magic are combined with each other. Man and beast, the lower and the divine - all this takes place in a similar image. The Lady of Blood, in turn, symbolizes everything that is associated with cruelty, darkness and temptation. She is considered the Goddess of Evil. Accordingly, the symbol of the reverse pentagram is inherent in it, which was used only for black purposes.

The signature that was characteristic of Satan

Therefore, there is no doubt that the inverted pentagram, the photo of which you can see in the review, if it was not originally a symbol of Baphomet, then became associated with it. This is a kind of signature. However, there are areas that have not been fully explored. The documentary history was not able to find out everything.

The inverted pentagram, the photos of which are quite common, implies not only turning over everything righteous. It also carries in itself everything that is forbidden, dark and dangerous. It is preferred by those rulers who are unable to bow before anyone. For the sake of their goals, they can destroy absolutely everything.

Is everything as complicated as it might seem at first glance?

Is everything as clear as it was presented above? Naturally, there are a huge number of people who will associate inverted symbolism directly with the devil. However, in ancient times, such a pentacle primarily meant the descent of spirit into matter. And if the direct pentagram presupposes active action, when it is the spiritual component that dominates the elements, then in the opposite state the spirit descends on us from above, saying that there is a condescension of grace. And it should be noted that only an experienced magician is capable of working with an inverted pentagram.

Absolutely everything sinful was attributed to the inverted star

In a way, Satan means an inverted person. The pentagram symbol is used as a true sign - a straight star with five rays, into which a person is inscribed. The inverted pentacle depicts the head of a goat, which symbolizes the animal nature. Based on all this, it is worth knowing that Satan is a person who commits a sin, identifies himself with him. In a broad sense, the Devil should be understood as the whole complex of evil, born of all human souls that exist on Earth. This is precisely the meaning of the reverse star in some sources.

The pentagram does not allow you to see what evil really is. Everyone sees in it the meaning they want, focusing on their knowledge and on any sources. However, in different materials, the pentacle has different meanings. And this must be taken into account.

A huge number of meanings and secrets that are not fully understood

The pentagram from "Supernatural" has gained particular popularity. In this situation, she acts as a protective symbol, which is able to save from the intrigues of demons and various evil. The five-pointed star can be drawn on doors, windows, or walls. It is believed that with the help of such an action, a person will be able to keep his property intact and safe from damage or theft.

However, this is only one meaning that the pentagram from "Supernatural" had. In reality, this sign was perceived from the position of a powerful amulet symbolizing power, authority. For example, in Babylon, this sign could often be found on royal seals. According to modern science, under the pentagram was a symbol of the ruler's power, spreading to all directions of the world. A ruler whose power can not be opposed by anything. And this is only a small fraction of the meanings that were attributed to such a symbol.

Secrets and secrets never cease to attract attention

Based on all of the above, we can say that there is nothing strange in the fact that the pentagram has gained great popularity. Many seek power. A large number of people want to have power that is inaccessible to anyone else but them. In this regard, they often turn their attention to the secrets and secrets of the pentagram. We hope that this review helped you to understand at least a little what the pentacle hides underneath in forward and backward forms. And if you want to fully understand what is hidden under this magical sign, then you should not focus your attention on only one source. You have to look through a huge number of books to understand the small number of meanings of the five-pointed star. But there are a huge number of them. Therefore, we should wish you success in this difficult endeavor!

Almost everyone has heard of such a symbol as the pentagram, the meaning of which in the art of magic cannot be exaggerated. In films and TV series on occult themes, comics, books and other indispensable companions of the life of a modern person, this symbol is ubiquitous. Find out in more detail about what the pentagram is, where it came from and what it is used for.

In the article:

Pentagram - the meaning of a sacred symbol

Initially and up to the present day, the five-pointed star had the meaning of a talisman and, a symbol designed not to let evil into the house, to protect residents from bad thoughts and other people's negative energy. Or, conversely, do not let evil out. To protect the dwelling in ancient times, the pentagram was applied to the doors, thresholds and bearing supports of the house to give them strength and durability.

Agrippa's Occult Philosophy

The pentagram should be created very carefully - from left to right, in no case allowing interrupted or trembling lines. The slightest gap destroyed all the protective power of the symbol and allowed the evil that found the loophole to fall with redoubled force on the one who made a mistake. So, it happened to the infamous Faust in the poem of the same name by the famous classic writer Goethe.

In addition, in his titanic work "Secret Philosophy" or "Occult Philosophy", Agrippa Nettesheimsky described the pentagram as the embodiment of the personality of a whole and integral person. According to this medieval scientist, the four rays of the star symbolized the four elements and corresponded to human limbs - legs and arms. The fifth limb, the head, coincided with the fifth ray, which is a symbol of the spirit that controls all the elements. This interpretation later brought Agrippa the glory of a warlock and a sorcerer.

The modern dual view - with a ray (top) up or a ray (apex) down, the pentagram began to have only closer to the twentieth century. The mystic and occultist Eliphas Levi, who was very fond of Agrippa's Occult Philosophy, made a lot of efforts to make the pentagram have a clear division into a weapon of white magic and a means of black magic. The symbol with the top up is the purity of the spirit that dominates the world, and the top down is the sign of the perverted human nature and freedom of the darkest passions.

Of course, for the layman, this symbol remains a symbol of Satanism and rockers. But the pentagram, whose meaning has changed over the centuries, is more than just a sign of the church of devil worshipers. In different eras, with different rulers, religions and states, its meaning was either positive or negative. However, magicians and witches, as well as other occult practitioners, astrologers and esotericists have always been closely associated with a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle.

What does the pentagram mean now and what it meant to our ancestors

As mentioned above, in modern times this symbol has spread everywhere and is mainly associated with Satanism, summoning demons, occult practices and all the other negative things associated with magic. The history of the pentagram is closely intertwined with the history of Christianity - the Catholic priests declared the pentagram a devilish symbol necessary for.

During the revelry of the Inquisition, they began to call her "the leg of the witch" and the gift of the devil. Since then and to this day, there is an opinion among the inhabitants that only servants of the forces of darkness wear clothes and jewelry with similar signs. After the sixties of the last century, the sex revolution, the birth of the culture of rock, the pentagram is no longer so stigmatized a symbol, but in the mass consciousness it is still an attribute of informals and renegades.

Reproduction of the first metropolis of Uruk, which existed in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the Southern Mesopotamia on the territory of Iraq

The first images of the five-pointed star date back to three thousand five hundred BC. Plates with symbols embossed on clay were discovered by archaeologists in the ruins of the ancient city of Uruk. It is believed that the pentagram was a symbol of Venus and meant its movement along the celestial trajectory. In addition, the sign was associated with two stars - Phosphorus and Eosphorus, Morning and Evening. It is worth noting that Lucifer, aka Dennitsa, was originally called the Morning Star - probably for such a connection with Satan, the pentagram was declared by the churchmen as a devilish seal. What the pentagram of light forces means has become not entirely important anymore.

In ancient Egypt, this symbol was associated with the dog-headed Anubis, the god of the dead. For the Egyptian dead, the pentagram means the stars that do not shine in the afterlife. Sometimes she was depicted on the statues of the pharaohs and on the ceiling of the tomb.

In Babylonia, the five-pointed star was a symbol of the sun god Shamash

The pentagram was most widely known in Babylon as a talisman and talisman, protection from evil. It was drawn not only on residential buildings, as we have already said, but also in stores and warehouses in order to protect the goods from pests and thieves. In addition, the pentagram was used as a designation of royal power, extending to all cardinal points. Therefore, the pentagram was often used in seals. According to a slightly different interpretation, the early Sumerian pentagrams are tied to the goddess of fertility and love Ishtar, as well as to the Sumerian afterlife called Duat.

The Greek followers of the scientist Pythagoras, the so-called Pythagoreans, believed that the world consists of five elements - fire, water, air, earth and ether as a connecting element. We have already talked about Agrippa, the medieval author who laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the occult and its symbols. So, according to him, the Pythagorean pentagram served as an ideal reflection of their doctrine, was the hallmark of this closed society, which grew up on the basis of the Pythagorean school.

The Jews associated the pentagram with sacred texts, the so-called Pentateuch. It was received by the prophet Moses as a gift from God. Alexander the Great, who conquered half of the world, followed the example of the ancient kings. He used it as his seal. This occult sign and the famous Order of the Knights Templar did not ignore either. Emperor of Rome Constantine the Great, who made Christianity the state religion. And even one of the Knights of the Round Table from the legend of King Arthur used this sign. Arthur's nephew, Sir Gawaine wore a golden pentagram on his shield, painted red, as a display of the main virtues of a knight at the end of each peak. These virtues are nobility, politeness, chastity, courage, and their crown is piety.

The emblem of the five wounds of the crucified Christ

The pentagram in Christianity before the acquisition of the meaning of the witch's attribute was a symbol of the Suffering of Christ, since Jesus was crucified with a crown of thorns on his head, as well as with nails in his hands and feet. Ironically, some apostates from church dogmas and followers of Greek teachings considered her to be a symbol of an omnipotent intellect. In addition, in the early Christian teachings, what the pentagram means was the torment of Christ mentioned earlier, and union with God as a perfect being.

According to some assumptions, the Arab magicians used the pentagram of the floor called "the seal of Solomon". Under this guise, the European occult practices of medieval Europe learned about its existence from the Arab grimoires brought by travelers from the East. It should be noted that the seal of Solomon is understood at the same time as a pentagram and a similar symbol - a hexagram, most often associated with the Chinese tradition of magic.

The five-pointed star acquired its modern features in the Renaissance with the help of the works of various mystical researchers. For example, the Prague alchemist and astrologer Tycho Brahe in his book “Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum” created an image of a five-pointed star, on the tops of which he depicted the letters of the Divine name from another popular mystical teaching - Kabbalah. Thus, combining two occult traditions, he replenished the types of pentagrams with the so-called "Pentagramaton".

Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum

Eliphas Levi, mentioned in the first subtitle, had a hand not only in the division of symbols into white and black. With his submission, the inverted pentagram became the sign of Stana and Baphomet, who appears in the form of a black goat. He used in the image of Baphomet and an ordinary star with the top up, successfully contradicting himself.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the author of "The Key to Black Magic" Stanislav de Guaita published an image of a pentagram, around which he wrote the name of the biblical monster "Leviathan" in Hebrew, placing "Samael Lilith" between the rays. Later, the founder of modern Satanism, the enterprising American La Wei made this image (without the last inscription about Samael and Lilith) his trademark, all rights of which are protected by copyright law.

It is believed that the pentagram is a symbol of redemption, embodied in something fleshly, some living and thinking being. This idea lies at the root of all Abrahamic, that is, Christian religions - the atoning sacrifice serves by its death to the cause of continuing the life of future generations. Suffice it to recall the replacement of human sacrifices by large and small ruminants, which symbolized people who give their lives to the deity.

Pentagram - a symbol of magic and its types

The most famous types of pentagrams can be. The figure of Solomon is undoubtedly extremely important in religious, mythological and magical history. The creation of these symbols, namely, that Solomon himself is questioned by the skeptics, however, they bear his name. It is believed that from David, his father, Solomon at the beginning of his reign received a special sign - a star with six ends, which was composed of two triangles of regular shape superimposed on each other.

Solomon's big key

Solomon placed this gift in his ring and seals, which gave him power over the spirits. It is believed that it was on the basis of the six-pointed Solomon star that medieval European magicians drew their five-pointed pentagrams, slightly modifying them. Perhaps this prompted the Grand Inquisitor Thomas de Torquemada to call this light symbol "the pentagram of the devil" or "witch's foot."

The nickname for the positively charged white pentagram, the five-pointed star with the apex upward, is "Druid's Foot." This pentagram is a symbol of white magic and is used in rituals to limit any forces in influencing the outside world. Most of the pentagrams that are sold as jewelry in all sorts of shops are symbols of white magic and protection. However, when acquiring any amulet and talisman, you should be extremely careful. It is not for nothing that magic pentagrams are divided into light and dark. And the designation of the pentagram as a symbol with many interpretations can be very different from the one for which you first took it. Before acquiring the amulet, you should find out what the pentagram that attracts you means.

In our time, the types of pentagrams are represented by three branches of magic. That is, these signs are protective, personal and with the symbols of the nine planets inscribed on them. Personal are closely related to. They are compiled individually, taking into account many factors. First of all - the date of birth of a person, the date of the name day and the name of the guardian angel, the sign of the horoscope, the planet and the elements, under the auspices of which the child was born.

This is perhaps the most powerful of the pentagrams, as it establishes a close energetic connection between the human aura, the guardian angel and the heavenly patron. Pentagrams with the symbols of the planets are primarily aimed at fulfilling any desire, making it come true. They are compiled purely individually, taking into account all the characteristics that rarely coincide even in the most similar people. Signs like these become instruments of white magic.

The most ancient of all may be pentagrams of protection, which are rooted in the very creation of amulet symbols. They were made by our distant ancestors from bone, iron and other materials. A protective pentagram is an assistant in a specific situation, during a long journey or good luck in business, or recovering from a serious illness. White magicians claim that special rituals are needed to awaken the protective properties of the amulet.

The symbol of evil and destruction - the five-pointed inverted star, on the contrary, does not need additional incentives, conspiracies and energizing. Negative events and negative emotions charge it with power if the owner does not have special knowledge to use or cancel such energy. In any case, the use of black magic in one way or another leads to bad consequences, which then become extremely difficult to correct.

Being a symbol with a thousand-year history, created at the dawn of civilization in the ancient Mesopotamia, the pentagram to this day remains an extremely popular amulet, talisman, trade brand used with enviable frequency. It is almost impossible to untangle the layers of meaning accumulated over the centuries. Due to the troubled periods of human history, centuries of persecution and, at times, diametrically opposed interpretations of the positions of prominent figures in the occult, everything was mixed up. However, the pentagram carried its original - protective meaning through the millennia and remains a talisman of enormous power to this day.

In contact with

Many signs that are found in modern times among the ancient peoples had a completely different meaning. And the most common and ancient symbol that has survived to this day is the pentagram. Naturally, now it has acquired a completely different meaning than before, thanks to modern literature and cinema. She is credited with mysticism, she is even demonized, considering her a symbol of the devil.

What does the sign look like?

What is the pentagram? Its meaning is ambiguous. It is a regular pentagon with equal height isosceles triangles on each side. From Greek the meaning literally translates as "five lines". In other words, it is a correctly constructed geometric figure with five ray symmetries.

If you depict this sign without taking your hands off, you get the most ancient symbol discovered by historians. Over the long centuries of the existence of the pentagram, a large number of meanings were attributed to it. Even the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations denoted a star with this sign. Their outlines are sometimes found on archaeological sites that date back to the seventh millennium BC. But there is an opinion that such a symbol appeared long before that.

Pentagram among the ancient peoples of the world

Later, this symbol no longer designated the stars, but the feelings of a person. In addition, male and female principles were attributed to him, as well as three dots, symbolizing harmony, health and mystical powers. The pentagram, the meaning of which is multifaceted, also expresses the victory of spirituality over materialism, symbolizes safety, protection, and assistance to travelers on the road.

The Egyptians called the pentagram the "Star of Isis" and associated it with the underground womb of Mother Earth. When studying ancient Egyptian writing, you can stumble upon a hieroglyph, which is depicted in the form of this symbol. Translation of the hieroglyph literally - "educate", "teach". For the Celtic nation, this symbol was the designation of the goddess of death and war - Morgana, and it was called the "Druid's Trail". From the excavations of ancient Greek culture, they learned that the pentagram was called "pentalpha", denoting the combination of five letters, namely alpha.

What else interesting will the pentagram tell us? The meaning of this symbol was important for the Jews, who associated it with the sacred five books received by Moses as a gift from God. Throughout history, the pentagram has existed among many peoples and had completely incompatible meanings.

Duality of symbol

The pentagram was interpreted in two ways in ancient times. It was believed that this symbol was the strongest protective amulet, capable of protecting from any evil. For example, in Ancient Babylon, the pentagram was depicted at the entrance to shops and warehouses. Traders believed that its properties would protect their goods from theft and damage. In the same place, in Babylon, some initiates believed that it symbolized power and authority over the world. Therefore, it was possible to meet her on the rings and thrones of rulers. Modern scientists believe that for them this sign personifies the power of man, which extends to the four cardinal directions.

Study of the pentagram by Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans

Pythagoras was the first to study this symbol as a geometric figure. According to the ancient scientist, this is a perfect sign. Therefore, Pythagoras made him a secret symbol of his school, which has a philosophical and mathematical direction. Thanks to this sign, the Pythagoreans could recognize each other. They appreciated its unique property, which is expressed in the fact that the symbol is easy to depict with one stroke of the pen, without ever tearing off the hand from the paper and without catching the lines already drawn.

It is believed that the Pythagoreans began to accept the pentagram as a symbol of the entire earthly world. In their teaching, it was believed that the whole world consists of five elements, namely: Fire, Water, Air, Earth and Spirit. To reflect this doctrine symbolically, they began to write five letters around the pentagram:

  • ύ - water;
  • Γ - earth;
  • ί - idea;
  • έ - fire;
  • ά - air.

This symbolism has become part of the worship of nature, the assignment of divine properties to it. This is how the modern pentagram appeared. The meaning of the sign lies in the personification of life and its manifestation in nature. Thus, this symbol smoothly turned from a sign that protects against evil spirits and evil, into a symbol of dominion and patronage. One of the old legends says that it was the pupils of the Pythagorean school who attributed the properties of power over the world to the pentagram. They believed that each element is very important. And the corners of the symbol are the embodiment of these elements, namely:

  • The lower left corner of the star stands for Earth, physical endurance and stability.
  • The lower right corner symbolizes Fire, courage and bravery.
  • The upper right corner means Water, this is a manifestation of intuition and emotion.
  • The upper left is considered the element of Air, it is responsible for art and intelligence.
  • And the highest point is a symbol of Spirit, our spiritual Self.

What else was the pentagram (star) associated with among the ancient Pythagoreans? The meaning of this symbol implied the presence of five shelters of primitive chaos, placed in Tartarus during the creation of the world. It was believed that darkness was hidden in these shelters, bearing in itself the source of wisdom and the soul of the world. To represent this truth, the figure was turned over. It is believed that it was this inverted pentagram that became the progenitor of the first devilish sign.

The meaning of the pentagram in Christian Europe

For Christians in Europe, the five-pointed star has also become an important symbol. The meaning of health, copied from the ancient world, remained, but the symbolic designation of the five senses, the fingers of a person, was added to it. Also, the pentagram was given the meaning of the five wounds of Christ. Well, and a positive meaning - the five joys of His Mother Mary, which she experienced for the perfection of her own son.

One of the main meanings of the pentagram for Christians was the human nature of Jesus. With the onset of the Renaissance, the five-pointed star took on more importance. Examining this symbol, you can see that it resembles a man with arms and legs spread out to the side, whom Leonardo da Vinci portrayed in his drawings. When atheism and humanism began to develop, the pentagram became a symbol of the human personality as the new highest value of the coming era.

The meaning of the pentagram in numerology and magic

If we consider numerology and magic, then there are two meanings for the pentagram. The first, for an ordinary figure, is a man, the second, for an inverted figure, the Goat of Mendes. The latter carries an occult, diabolical meaning. This sign is the main symbol of Satanism, it is customary to call it the sign of Baphomet. This inverted pentagram had a negative meaning, since the head of a goat was inscribed in it.

Since 1983, this symbol has been a registered trademark. The sign of Baphomet, or the pentagram of the devil, whose meaning is negative, belongs to the world's largest satanic organization, which is officially registered and is called the Church of Satan. This pentagram is a symbol of Tartarus, Hell - the place where the fallen angels are imprisoned. The sign looks like a distorted person who has no head, since there is no apex on the figure. Here the physical universe is considered the lower world, it is indicated by the lower point.

Pentagram in Chinese symbolism

In the main category of Chinese philosophy Wu Xing also lies the pentagram. The meaning of the symbol indicates the basic parameters of the universe. If we carefully study this philosophical movement, then we learn that the figure is two cycles that interact with each other:

  • Mutual generation. From wood comes Fire, from Fire - Earth, from Earth - Metal, from Metal - Water, from Water - Wood.
  • Overcoming. Wood is able to defeat the Earth, Earth - Water, Water - Fire, Fire - Metal, Metal - Wood.

Pentagram as a magic symbol

In magic, there is a positive and negative image of this sign. The five-pointed star with the main apex at the top is called the "Druid's Foot" and is considered a symbol of white magic. The inverted sign is called "Goat's hoof", or "Devil's horns." The article presents this pentagram (photo), its meaning for black magic is also revealed.

White magicians associate this sign with the domination of discipline over world processes. Black magicians, in turn, consider such a symbol destructive, contrary to the fulfillment of spiritual tasks. It is because of this that the sign is attributed to evil.

Pentagram as a symbol of a perfect person

The five-pointed star is also symbolized as a perfect person, since it reflects both his physical and spiritual essence. Thus, the ends of the star are credited with the meaning of love, wisdom, truth, kindness and justice. All of them are directly related to the soul, intellect, spirit, heart and will, respectively. It is worth noting that the pentagram was also used at the court of King Arthur. The knights who wore this symbol attached their meaning to the star, namely: each facet of the symbol meant nobility, chastity, politeness, courage and piety. It is because of these properties that the sign was used by the secret order of the Templars.

Double pentagram

There is also a double pentagram, where a person is inscribed in it in accordance with his harmony with the elements and ether, namely: will combine with earth, heart with water, intellect with air, soul with fire, and spirit with ether.

This symbol indicates that a person lives in the Universe, harmoniously fitting into it and fulfilling his destiny. The double pentagram symbol is still used in charms and amulets around the world. It helps the owner to find harmony with himself and others, to know his own path and walk along it without getting lost.

The use of the pentagram in the modern world

Despite the fact that this symbol is already very many centuries old, modern people use it to this day. The most common use of the pentagram in modern times has become the creation of protective amulets and amulets. Moreover, the duality of this symbol has remained to this day. Thus, on the market you can buy a symbol of evil and destruction - an inverted star.

A pentagram in a circle has a positive meaning - a light protective amulet. It is believed that he is able to create a shield on the mental and astral levels and protect a person from the influence of lower beings living beyond the material world. If you are looking for protection, then the pentagram "star in a circle" will suit you. Its meaning is the protection of the owner. This is exactly what a modern person needs. In addition, such a sign protects against negative influences from other people and is able to repel any energy attack.

So, we have considered almost all types of pentagrams and their meaning. From this we can conclude that such a symbol is the most ancient and combines a lot of knowledge and beliefs.

What is a pentacle

One of the most honorable places in a row of magical instruments, together with a black mirror, is occupied by a pentacle. The pentacle is a metal (most often copper or silver) or cardboard disc about nine centimeters in diameter with mysterious drawings applied to it, which are symbolic images of various types of subtle energy. The pentacle plays the role of a mediator between man and the subtle-energetic world. A pentacle made according to all the rules and magically charged will attract the corresponding energy, and therefore, contribute to the realization of the purpose for which it was intended. The pentacle can be worn with you, embroidered on clothes or on the cover of a magic mirror, stored in a secret place and mentally refer to it for advice, applied to the back of a magic mirror, and included in rituals.

History of the pentacle

The magic of pentacles is a very ancient esoteric culture that contributes to the spiritual development of a person and the improvement of his life and has proven its right to exist through the experience of many generations. Pentacles have been common since the days of Pythagoras. The pentacle was called Pentalpha and represented the first letter of the Greek alphabet (five-pointed star) crossed five times. This symbol meant life or health.

In Babylon, the pentacle was used as a protective amulet, protecting from many ailments. He was often depicted on clay pots to ensure the preservation of the contents.

In the Judeo-Christian tradition, the pentacle depicted on the ring of King Solomon was associated with the secret names of God.

The most widespread pentacles were in paganism. Among the Neoplatonists, the inverted star personified the horned god Pentamorph, who appeared to people in animal and human guises. The Hermeticians also had a five-pointed star as the symbol of the Man of the Microcosm. Later, the idea was formed that the pentacle facing upwards denotes God, and the inverted five-pointed star denotes the devil.

Currently, the pentacle can represent both God and man.

One look at the picture of the pentacle, you; of course, it turned out to be enough to understand - this is nothing more than the famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci, which was given a little earlier: a man inscribed in a five-pointed star.

The symbolism of the pentacles

Each sign on the pentacle has its own special occult meaning. We will not dwell on the pentacular symbolism now. If you are interested, you can refer to the occult reference literature for comprehensive information. To work successfully with pentacles, you do not need to know the interpretation of each icon, read aloud or quote the words and letters inscribed on them. It is enough to understand that the set of symbols that are applied to the pentacle - letters, numbers, geometric shapes, images of animals and objects - is an individual projection of the Divine world and a symbolic image of the Higher Energies with which the magician is going to work. And this is not surprising: the art of representing things of thought and phenomena in the form of symbols has as ancient a history as humanity itself.

Pentacle manufacturing technology

You need to make the pentacle with your own hands, in the early morning, at sunrise, during the full moon. Your soul should be calm and easy. If you are worried or worried about something, or you are offended at someone, angry, reschedule the making of the pentacle to another day.

Enter the state of a magician by doing the "Junior Magician" exercise. Wash your hands with cool water and dry with a clean white towel. Extend your right hand forward and draw seven crosses with it in the air - above you, at your feet, to your left, to your right, in front and behind your back. Thus, you will open the doors to the world of the Divine Spirit.

Light three wax candles. Sit at the table set aside for occult studies, and in ink draw on a cardboard or metal disk with a diameter of 9 cm pentaclpo one of the patterns on the next page, depending on what you are pursuing. Put in front of the candles
ready pentacle and say the following spell: "O Great Gods, strong, benevolent and just, filled with mercy and magnanimity, for your glory this pentacle, may it bring peace and humility to the world. Give it your strength, grant power over events; may it will serve for the good of all who live in all worlds. May it be so. "

Now pray to the goddess Aphrodite. Now she serves as the embodiment of the Cosmos, the Primordial Mind, which awakens to respond to your request. Say: "Oh, Aphrodite, give me your strength; grant your protection. The pentacle that I hold is a symbol of the Earth. Know and remember, oh Goddess, that he is the letter of the Law, courage, power that cannot be shaken. With the help of of this pentacle of the Earth, establish your power over my deeds, help me in my endeavors, grant strength and the Law of justice. " Imagine how your pentacle is gradually filled with Divine energy and enters into contact with the Higher Mind.

Magical charging of the pentacle

The crafted pentacle must be magically charged.

Dip the finished pentacle in melted wax (this substance perfectly absorbs information), then place it on your left palm, and use the tips of your right hand to move in a clockwise direction, imagining the final result that you want to get with the help of of this pentacle. Imagining yourself as a successful, rich person, transform this mental image into an energy ball of arbitrary diameter and imagine how it smoothly flows out of the fingertips of your right hand and is "absorbed" into the pentacle.

Now place the pentacle between your palms and bring them together in a prayer gesture. The thumbs should touch the heart area. Cast the spell three times: "O eternal and infinite Spirit! I invite you with love: I ask you with faith: fill this pentacle with strength and energy!

Rules for the use of pentacles

After charging the pentacle, no one except the owner should see or touch it. You cannot transfer your pentacle to others, in the wrong hands, just like a magic mirror, it will not work. The pentacle should be carried with you or kept at home in a secluded place, so that, if necessary, be able to establish energetic contact with it, that is, clearly imagine it and mentally turn to it for help. Help, as a rule, comes in the form of information, ideas, insights that come from nowhere in the head. The main thing at this moment is to relax, open up to the world as much as possible and carefully look around. The pentacle can also be used in magical rituals.

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