Yoga therapy “healthy spine” with Tatyana Dudina, TV channel “Live” - ““a person is as young as his spine” (c). when everything hurts and nothing helps, you should try this gentle yoga course for the back

More and more more people Today people are turning their attention to this type of healing of the body, such as yoga therapy. The reasons for this are:

The sedentary (office) lifestyle of many of us, which causes poor posture,

Illiterate fitness training leading to serious injuries and illnesses,

Poor nutrition that contributes to weight gain excess weight, which negatively affects our joints.

What opportunities does yoga therapy offer us? What are the contraindications? How quickly can you get rid of diseases with the help of yoga therapy?
Certified practicing yoga therapist Tatyana Dudina answers these and many other questions.

EY: Tatyana, why did you choose yoga therapy out of the many types of yoga?

Tatyana Dudina: When I first became acquainted with scientific yoga therapy, it captured my imagination. This interesting science explains exactly how asanas (postures) and other yoga methods affect the body. Just imagine! It turns out that certain yoga poses can change blood pressure, slow down the heartbeat, or stimulate the production of certain hormones. And if you know about this influence and know how to use it, you can successfully treat many diseases! This is especially important for me, because when my clients come to me with words of gratitude, this is the best reward for me.

EY: I wonder how scientists learned about this effect of yoga on the body?

Tatyana Dudina: In India, there are special scientific yoga institutes (Sri Yogendra Institute in Bombay, Kaivalya Dham Institute in Lanavala), which, with special care, conduct research on the effects of yoga techniques on the human body. For example, multiple studies have been conducted on changing the position of organs during uddiyana (a special yogic retraction of the abdomen), and filling the intestines during basti (a yogic cleansing procedure). A large number of studies were devoted to the influence of the Om mantra on various parameters of the functioning of the human body (for example, changes in the level of heart rate, the level of stress hormones in the blood). Some studies take several decades! Since the 60s of the twentieth century, research has continued in the West. On this moment, several thousand such studies have already been conducted!

The results of these studies are used by modern yoga therapists who recognize the scientific approach to yoga. For scientific yoga therapy, it is important not only to know which specific asana to use for a particular disease, but also to be able to describe the mechanism of action of each pose or breathing technique on the entire body.

EY: Tatyana, where did you study yoga?

Tatyana Dudina: My acquaintance with yoga happened in childhood. My grandfather was seriously involved in yoga - he practiced the hatha technique. My father studied yoga as philosophy and psychology, so in our house there were many different books and literature on this topic. They all seemed very interesting to me, and the illustrations for them were mysterious and bewitching. Growing up, I began to attend all courses, conventions and any learning programs dedicated to yoga. Now a hefty stack of certificates from these events takes pride of place on my shelf. Among them: International Yoga Federation (International Yoga Federation), certificates of Ashtanga Yoga Center, American Institute of Vedic Research. Specifically in yoga therapy, I received diplomas from the Academy of Traditional Health Systems and the Institute of Integrative Psychology Professional Development in the program “Yogatherapy as a method of integrative body-oriented psychology.”

I am very grateful to my grandfather for helping me understand the responsibility of a yoga teacher! He said that you cannot teach until you have at least five years of experience behind you. That you need to be very responsible in what you do. That it is necessary to constantly improve. He talked about how important it is not to stop practicing independently, not to be lazy, and to strive for new knowledge.

I always work only with a diagnosis made by a professional doctor. When creating a set of yoga exercises for a specific person, I rely on information obtained from various scientific sources and studies, on the knowledge of my teachers and my own experience.

EY: Is yoga therapy a new direction in yoga?

Tatyana Dudina: Such a phenomenon as yoga therapy has existed for a very long time! Ancient yogic texts, such as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, describe conditions that are obstacles to yoga. Among these obstacles, diseases are named, and ways to eliminate them are described, i.e. actually yoga therapy.

Medieval texts such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Dhevanda Samhita, Yoga Vasishtha, Yoga Yajnavalkya Samhita write about the influence of asanas and pranayamas (breathing exercises) on human health, and their effect on various diseases, and also give specific recommendations on ways to eliminate these violations.

Thus, we can conclude that yoga therapy is perhaps as ancient a science as yoga itself!

EY: Are there any contraindications for yoga therapy?

Tatyana Dudina: As a rule, there are contraindications to yoga classes in a group. If we talk about individually selected sets of yogic practices, we can say that there are practically no contraindications. For example, even bedridden patients can do shavasana (yogic relaxation technique) or yoga nidra. In this case, the positive effect of visualization and mental work with the muscular system will contribute to improved mood and well-being and a speedy recovery.

EY: What diseases do you most often get addressed with?

Tatyana Dudina: Nowadays, many people are suffering from illnesses caused by stress. Such as hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, hypertension, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc. Many pathologies associated with the spine, for example, various types posture disorders. It is very common to treat injuries after incorrect yoga: most often these are hernias and protrusions of the intervertebral disc in various parts of the spine.

EY: Do you mean injuries after self-study?

Tatyana Dudina: No, I mean, classes in fitness clubs, and even yoga centers with instructors who have not undergone proper training and do not understand the basic rules of biomechanics. Many instructors take 2-day courses and begin teaching a week after the start of training. There are also those who have been training themselves for no more than 1-2 months and have no certificates at all. Unfortunately, this situation is not regulated by anyone, and almost anyone can be allowed to teach.

Under the guidance of an illiterate instructor even the simplest asanas can greatly harm your health! For example, incorrect bending, which is done regularly and with effort, can first cause protrusion, and subsequently a herniated disc!

EY: Yes, the situation is very unpleasant...

But let’s return to yoga therapy: is it possible to help everyone?

Tatyana Dudina: There are diseases to combat which there are many methods in yoga. Such diseases include, for example, varicose veins veins, tachycardia. Yoga has many ways to influence the causes of these diseases. But, for example, scoliosis is difficult to treat, because this is a structural change in the bones, it is difficult to do anything about it. In general, yoga, like Ayurveda, as well as all eastern practices, works slowly but surely. The result depends not only on the yoga therapist, but also on the person himself, his desire and regularity of practicing.

We see amazing changes in clients who exercise regularly. Lasting improvement in well-being. Some even look younger!

The main thing is desire, faith and aspiration. And then everything will work out!

EY: How is the lesson going? How often should you do yoga therapy?

Tatyana Dudina: Before starting classes, we conduct a consultation. At which all the features of a person’s health and his wishes are clarified. Then, taking into account all the features, I create an individual set of yoga techniques. The complex lasts 15-20 minutes. I see your surprise! general, yoga therapy differs from hatha yoga in that it needs to be taken as a medicine 2-3 times a day. Therefore, yoga therapy complexes contain only yoga methods that directly affect the cause of the disease. By exercising regularly and often, it is quite easy to get a lasting health effect.

EY: That is. does a person practice independently at home using an individually selected complex?

Tatyana Dudina: Absolutely right. The practitioner can practice anywhere and at a convenient time. You can meet with a yoga therapist 1-2 times a month to correct the complex and answer questions. The results from such classes are higher, but the cost, on the contrary, is lower compared to classes with an instructor 2 times a week for 1.5 hours.


If you looked at my review, then most likely you are familiar with back problems firsthand. This scourge modern society few people bypass - sedentary lifestyle life or, conversely, excessive stress, genetics, overweight, lack of nutrients in the body, injuries - all this only lengthens the queues to neurologists, whose “cliente” last years significantly younger.

Unfortunately, I feel the same way about this young guard. Cervical osteochondrosis and the periodic vascular manifestations associated with it (such as dizziness, spots in the eyes, pressing headaches) bring cheerful variety to my life.

But I realized one simple thing: movement is life. And if in youth this phrase is perceived exclusively as an aphorism of the ancient Aristotle, then with age it turns into a hard-won attitude of the upright “homo sapiens”... If you want to live not in a form crouched in pain, do physical exercise.

One of the fitness programs aimed at restoring and maintaining good health of the back (and us along with it) is Yoga therapy "Healthy spine" with Tatyana Dudina.

The program airs on the ZHIVI TV channel, is available in the video library on its website (for a fee, except for the first two lessons), and if you try, you can also find it on torrents. I have a subscription because I like many of the programs from this channel (for example, "Joint gymnastics" ).

To date it has only been filmed one season - 15 lessons of 25 minutes . There seems to be no continuation in sight.

What is the essence of Yoga Therapy “Healthy Spine”?

The “Healthy Spine” gymnastics video course is based on the simplest asanas from hatha yoga. Special attention is given to the spine, cervical and lumbar regions. Yoga Therapy online video lessons will help you cope with back problems, osteochondrosis, and strengthen your muscle corset.

Conducts classes Tatyana Dudina - hatha yoga and yoga therapy trainer . This is perhaps the most positive instructor I have ever met. It seems to me that she is all woven from peace, and her voice is so smooth and viscous that you could fall asleep to it right on the mat (if not for the exercises). The smile literally never leaves her face.

At the same time, her approach to yoga cannot be called frivolous. On her website she admits:

"...Yoga is a very powerful tool for changing the body, with its help you can heal, but you can also cripple. Unfortunately, after watching many “yoga-videos-free-super-course” I feel not only sad, but also scared, such the feeling that 90% of yoga instructors do not have the necessary knowledge of anatomy and biomechanics and teach with big mistakes. This leads to a large number of injuries and reduces the effectiveness of the practice..." (Tatiana Dudina).

And she's absolutely right. Despite the fact that I have been practicing for several years, both of my injuries, which occurred at different periods of my life, are connected specifically with yoga. There are several reasons for this - insufficient explanations on the part of the instructor, misunderstanding on my part, demonstration of a frankly dangerous technique for performing asanas, poor-quality warm-up, as well as my irrepressible desire to move forward at all costs and go beyond the limits of my capabilities... However, I didn’t give up the practice because I still believe that despite my shortcomings, yoga has much more benefits than harm. It's all about a competent, careful approach.

This program aims not only to improve health, but also to reduce injuries when working with the back to a minimum. All exercises are very soft, gentle, the definition fits them perfectly "therapeutic". Many of them can be found in exercise therapy courses. This is a variety of “cat”, “downward facing dog”, “child’s pose”, light “cobra”, rotations various parts body to improve joint mobility, deflections and lateral bends.

Yoga belts are often used as additional equipment. (instead of which you can use a belt from a robe, or any other handy “strap”). On the one hand, this helps to make the exercise easier, and on the other hand, it helps you step a little beyond your capabilities:

Particular attention is paid to the feet and knees , since the condition of the spine also depends on their mobility.

Each class includes a series of pleasant twists. from a lying position. Do you like these exercises? I just love it - pleasant sensations are guaranteed. The muscles stretch and the spine becomes more mobile.

Emphasis is placed on compliance with safety regulations , that is, the presenter explains, among other things, how to correctly move from one pose to another with the least load on the back and joints. The training goes smoothly and evenly, without jerks. The instructions for each exercise are thorough. Thanks to all of the above, the program is also suitable for older people.

And of course, since this is yoga, at the end of each class, students will do shavasana - a relaxing “corpse pose”.

Who is this program suitable for and for what purposes??

All the exercises in this course are so simple that they require virtually no effort - especially from those who are no longer new to the world of fitness. The program will not help you build muscle or lose weight. But this is exactly what you need when certain reasons a person cannot complete a full workout, but still wants to exercise (and just needs to do it to make it easier) - for example, they have back pain, or a person is recovering from an illness.

I came across yoga therapy when I had an exacerbation of osteochondrosis - my neck was limited in movement on one side, and I was plagued by headaches. The neurologist did not prohibit me from training, on the contrary, she advised me to do yoga (excluding all kinds of intensive activities such as jumping, sudden movements, etc.).

I studied as follows: one lesson in the morning as exercise and another one or two in the evening. Despite the ease of the complex, after exercise you feel better, blood circulation is restored, you feel fresher and more energetic. In a word, it’s more pleasant than if I just lay down on the sofa and suffer about the fact that I’m not feeling well. Thus, the program helped me survive an acute period during which I could not bear a full load. However, here you need to be guided by your well-being and the doctor’s recommendations. I am one of those who (at my own responsibility) do not like to give up training, even when my health is not ideal - this way I try to help myself, replenish my energy. But everyone decides for themselves.

I recommend the Yoga Therapy “Healthy Spine” program, not to fitness luminaries, but to those who are just starting to practice, recovering from an illness, or would simply like to help their spine.

Thank you for attention!

I am glad to each of you.



Tatyana Dudina is a certified yoga therapy trainer and has been helping people recover from various diseases using yoga for more than ten years as part of the “Healthy Spine” project. How to get rid of back pain forever."

Tatyana specializes in treating not only the back and spine with the help of yoga, but also disorders of the musculoskeletal system, disorders of the digestive system, diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs, as well as various women’s diseases.

Tatyana Dudina started practicing yoga with early childhood. First at home. Then, when in her hometown The first fitness center opened - already professionally in this center.

In 2002-2007, Tatyana studied at the Faculty of Economics of the Moscow State University Applied Biotechnology. During this time, she continued to practice yoga persistently.

After graduating from university, Dudina studied yoga professionally. She has completed a large number of courses and trainings dedicated to yoga. He has a very large number of certificates for completing this professional training.

Tatyana began treating people using yoga therapy back in 2003. Until now, she continues to improve in yoga, seeking new knowledge and mastering new methods of treating diseases with the help of yoga.

All her life Tatyana Dudina has been trying to help people recover from the diseases that torment them with the help of the sacraments of yoga. And she does it very well. That is why Tatyana has a very high reputation as a highly qualified specialist among her environment and patients.

Within the framework of the project “Healthy spine. How to get rid of back pain forever” many thousands of people have already been cured. thanks to effective methods Tatyana Dudina treatment using yoga therapy. On the Internet you can easily find and read real grateful reviews from people who were cured using her methods. You will also find a lot of interesting information about treatment with yoga.

For those who want to understand how they can be cured with the help of yoga therapy, Tatyana Dudina released a free master class.

Free master class “Yoga therapy for beginners. 10 most effective yoga techniques for back pain"

Getting rid of back pain and osteochondrosis! Improving your posture!

Paid video courses by Tatyana Dudina

Video course “A quick way to get rid of back pain”

Guaranteed complete relief from back pain in 8 sessions

For people of any age and any physical fitness

This course included the latest achievements of yoga institutes around the world. The effectiveness of the video course has already been tested by hundreds of people who have given the most positive feedback to the exercises presented in this course. Well " Fast way get rid of back pain" is suitable even for those who have never practiced yoga.

The course has three participation packages: basic course, extended course and premium package.

As a bonus to this course, depending on the package chosen, two more full-fledged courses are offered:

How to quickly and easily get rid of osteochondrosis .

Yoga therapy against cervical osteochondrosis .

Money back guarantee for Tatyana Dudina's courses

Video course “How to quickly and easily get rid of osteochondrosis”

As a bonus, this course comes with a full course by Tatyana Dudina “Yoga therapy against cervical osteochondrosis” .

Just like the previous course “A quick way to get rid of back pain”, the course “How to easily and quickly get rid of osteochondrosis” is intended for people of any age who are just starting to practice yoga.

If for any reason this course does not help you get rid of osteochondrosis, then Tatyana Dudina will return the money paid for it.

Yoga therapy with Tatyana Dugina will allow you to always have a healthy spine and forget about back pain forever.

Watch also the video of yoga classes for beginners from Nikolai Vysochansky, which allow you to restore and maintain health and mental balance, as well as recover from serious illnesses.

This master class is intended not only for those who already have back problems, but also for those who want to prevent such problems, as well as for yoga and exercise instructors who want to improve their skills and learn how to apply yoga techniques in their work!

BehindThe class is conducted by a certified yoga instructor - Tatyana Dudina:

Certified Yoga Therapist with over 13 years of experience.
Author and course leader: Yoga therapy healthy back; and other popular DVD programs
Owl Film.
Author of video lessons: Healthy spine; on the Live TV channel;
Leading yoga specialist of the Yoga-Seychelles project - luxury yoga tours on

From the horse's mouth: Tatyana Dudina:

“During my yoga therapy practice I was able to help
relief from back pain for many people. For some, in person at personal appointments, still
to more people in absentia, through video programs and articles. Big
a number of people contacted me after they had visited many doctors
and tried many expensive drugs and procedures. And I made a rule that
The most sustainable effect can only be achieved through a set of measures. For example, if you
a person has weak back muscles, and many body systems work in disharmony, then
physiotherapeutic procedures and medications will be useless.
This master class is designed not only for those who already have back problems, but also
for those who want to prevent such problems."

What will you get at the master class?

Unique techniques yoga for back health:
You will learn the most effective yoga techniques against back pain. This knowledge
based on many years of experience of yoga therapist Tatyana Dudina. This course is
the quintessence of knowledge gained at dozens of seminars and trainings over 13 years
(full list of certificates and diplomas on the website, the latest
scientific achievements in the field of yoga therapy, as well as practical experience
obtained by Tatyana from interactions with dozens of patients.

Theory and practice:
You will not only hear about the possibilities of yoga therapy for the back, but also apply
this knowledge on yourself. A practical lesson awaits you in which Tatyana
will tell you how to perform this or that yoga technique correctly and incorrectly,
indications and contraindications, how to correctly integrate this or that yoga technique into your practice, will show a variety of yoga asana options for different occasions
(for example, if you have bad knees, it will be impossible to make a traditional cat,
but there are no less effective options that are performed in others
Opportunity to ask Tatyana a question, receive personal recommendations and

Useful gifts (DVD and online courses by Tatyana Dudina on yoga therapy for the back).

Individual approach
Before the lesson, you will fill out a special form in which you will indicate all your wishes and
goals of yoga practice, attach MRI images and other tests. On the second day
seminar, Tatyana will conduct testing for you, highlight the possibilities of yoga
therapy specifically in your case, the option of the complex that you can
use, will adjust the execution technique, warn about contraindications
for your case.

Mini group
Classes are held in a mini-group of no more than 6 people.

High efficiency.
You will receive a clear, well-structured set of exercises for 15-20
minutes, adjusted specifically to your characteristics and tasks. That's why
you can practice the complex at home and benefit every day.

Together with Tatyana, you will do the exercises that suit you and you will easily be able to
repeat your complex at home.
Opportunity to ask Tatyana a question, receive personal recommendations and
chat with her in an informal setting.
Communication in pleasant company and a friendly environment
After class, aromatic tea with healthy sweets awaits you! You can
relax and unwind in a cozy atmosphere.

Immediately after completing the master class:

You will feel much better (because your back pain will be less or even worse)
will leave)
Feel increased range of motion and less stiffness
Feel more confident, because you can now cope on your own
with back pain!

A month after completing the master class:

The need for medicines
Improved mood and quality of life
Normalizes sleep and reduces anxiety
The figure will become slimmer and posture will improve
You will feel confident in yourself and your abilities
You will have more free time, because you no longer need to waste time on
visiting chiropractors and osteopaths.
During the master class we will do the following exercises:
exercises for deep work with muscles, removing pathological ones from them
muscle “clamps” (trigger zones),
exercises for proper (safe) strengthening of the back and abdominal muscles,
dynamic and relaxation practices,
techniques for working with hands and feet,
exercises aimed at improving the nutrition of the intervertebral disc,
exercises to relieve axial load from intervertebral discs.

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is suitable for anyone who cares about their health. To complete your degree
Physical fitness can be of any kind; experience in yoga is also not required.
The course will be highly effective for such disorders as osteochondrosis, hernias, protrusions
intervertebral disc, muscle hypertonicity and pain associated with them.


Contraindications to certain exercises may include abnormalities in the structure of the vertebrae,
osteoporosis, vertebral artery syndrome, presence of tumor formations, stenosis
spinal canal, vertebral instability, as well as uncompensated
diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute febrile conditions.

Master class structure:

June 16:
12:30 – 15:30 Master class “Yoga therapy against back pain” Theory and practice. You are not only
find out the most effective yoga techniques against back pain, but also learn how to do them correctly

June 17:
12:30 – 15:30 Individual work with each participant. Analysis, testing, individual
recommendations (indications and contraindications for you), selection of an individual complex. After
In this lesson you will not only have an individually selected set of exercises, suitable
exactly for your case, but now you will know about your contraindications when practicing yoga
(which is very important if you regularly study in the studio).
15:30 – 16:30 Tea and answers to questions. Presentation of gifts

What you need to get to the master class:

1. Register for the master class (write to [email protected],
WhatsApp or Viber 89161117419)
2. Get feedback(you may have contraindications)
3. You can pay in advance or at the master class (if you pay in advance there is a discount

Cost of participation:
Standard (one day) RUB 3,200 if paid before June 12(after 3600 rub.)

What's included in the price:
master class “The most effective techniques against back pain” (duration 4.5 hours)
tea party After class, you will be treated to aromatic tea and healthy sweets.
DVD program “Healthy Back” by Tatyana Dudina as a gift
free access to the online course “Yoga therapy against osteochondrosis”

What's included in the price:
master class “The most effective techniques against back pain” (duration 4 hours)
individual analysis and personal recommendations on the second day of the seminar
individually selected set of exercises
“tea party” after class you will find aromatic tea with healthy sweets.
As a gift DVD program “Healthy Back” by Tatyana Dudina
As a gift, access to online courses “Yoga therapy against osteochondrosis”, “Quick way
will get rid of back pain" and "Yoga therapy against cervical osteochondrosis"

Location: Moscow, Odintsovo district, 12 km from MKAD

Telephone: 8-916-111-74-19 (Tatiana)


Healthy back with Tatyana Dudina

Master class on yoga therapy and individual work with each participant.

The class is taught by a certified yoga instructor - Tatyana Dudina:

  • Certified Yoga Therapist with over 12 years of experience.
  • Author and presenter of the course “Yoga Therapy for a Healthy Back” and other popularDVD programs Owl Film.
  • Author of video lessons “Healthy Spine” on the “Live” TV channel.
  • Leading yoga specialist of the projectYoga&Seychelles - luxury yoga tours to the Seychelles.

First hand:

Dudina Tatyana: « During my yoga therapy practice, I was able to help many people get rid of back pain. Some in person at personal receptions, even more people in absentia, through video programs and articles. A large number of them came to me after they had visited many doctors and tried many expensive drugs and procedures. And I came up with the rule that the most sustainable effect can only be achieved through a set of measures. For example, if a person has weak back muscles, and many body systems work in disharmony, then physiotherapeutic procedures and medications will be useless.

This master class is designed not only for those who already have back problems, but also for those who want to prevent such problems ».

What will you get at the master class?

  • Individual approach

If you fill out a special questionnaire before the class, then at the master class Tatyana will better highlight the possibilities of yoga therapy in your case, and will also show you a variant of the complex that you can use.

  • Mini group.

Classes are held in a mini-group of no more than 6 people.

  • High efficiency.

You will receive a clear, well-structured set of exercises for 15-20 minutes, adjusted specifically to your characteristics and tasks. For this complex you can practice at home and benefit every day.

  • Together with Tatyana you do the exercises that suit you and you can easily repeat your complex at home.
  • Opportunity to ask Tatyana a question, get personal recommendations and chat with her in an informal setting.
  • Communication in pleasant company and a friendly environment
  • After class, aromatic tea with healthy sweets awaits you! You can relax and unwind in a cozy atmosphere.

Immediately after completing the master class:

  • You will feel much better (because your back pain will become less or even go away)
  • Feel increased range of motion and less stiffness
  • Feel more confident, because you can now cope with back pain on your own!

A month after completing the master class:

  • Reduced need for medications
  • Improved mood and quality of life
  • Normalizes sleep and reduces anxiety
  • The figure will become slimmer and posture will improve
  • You will feel confident in yourself and your abilities
  • You will have more free time, because you no longer need to waste time visiting chiropractors and osteopaths.

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is suitable for anyone who cares about their health. To pass, your level of physical fitness can be any; experience in yoga is also not required.

The course will be highly effective for such disorders as osteochondrosis, hernias, protrusionsintervertebral disc, muscle hypertonicity and pain associated with them.


Contraindications to certain exercises may be anomalies in the structure of the vertebrae, osteoporosis, vertebral artery syndrome, the presence of tumors, spinal canal stenosis, vertebral instability, as well as uncompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system, acute febrile conditions. If you are unsure whether yoga therapy is right for you, write a question to , WhatsApp or Viber 89161117419). Our specialist will advise you.


Tatyana, I bought a yoga course for the spine from you for the reason thatback pain started and problems with the spine, especially at night; in the morning it was difficult to get out of bed, it took a lot of time to get back on my feet.

After your course of yoga for the treatment of the cervical spine and yoga for the back, after the first time of class, I felt that warmth spread throughout my entire spine and throughout my back and I felt much better.

I practiced this system for two weeks, the results were excellent. To begin with, I did exercises for the cervical spine, the movements were all easy and accessible, after that I switched to exercises for the entire back, but the main thing in this exercise is that Tatyana reminds me to smile and continue to do the exercises easily, gently with rest.

At the moment, the back pain has stopped, I can sleep at night, and for me this is the main thing. Thank you very much for your back health courses. Gratitude for your work for us lazy ones

- Tatiana -


Hello Tatiana!

I am very grateful to you for the yoga therapy courses for the back. Previously, I was involved in more energetic sports, such as shaping, etc. After 50 years, I wanted something calmer, but at the same time effective. Moreover, there were problems with my back. I know that they can only be solved by creating a muscle corset. I began to look for solutions and saw you on the “Live” channel, Tatyana. After the first lesson, I realized that yoga would help me. Additionally, I bought yoga therapy courses so as not to depend on television programs, and began to practice. I feel lightness not only in my back, but throughout my whole body.
I also really like your smile and friendliness, the most detailed presentation of each pose. Thank you very much!

- Lyudmila -


I had not done yoga before this trip.
I must say that I was very pleasantly surprised! I thought yoga was something very boring and uninteresting, I thought that I would count the minutes until the end of the class. Everything turned out to be quite the opposite! The classes are very interesting and exciting! Tatyana explains everything very clearly, carefully checks the correctness of execution, pays great attention to injury safety, while trying to find individual approach to everyone. For advanced yogis, he gives exercises and recommendations for developing and improving practice.

Irina Novikova (participant of LUXURYoga tour March-April 2017)


Thank you Tatyana for the wonderful daily practices, so neat and gentle. Thank you for such professionalism and individual approach to everyone! For your attention, sensitivity, willingness to answer all questions, and greet every morning with smiles!

Yulia Polishchuk (participant of LUXURYoga tour January 2015)


Yoga teacher Tatyana is an unusually bright, open and talented teacher. During yoga classes, she manages to give exercises in accordance with your individual training, and this despite the fact that there are many people in the group, and she does this carefully, unobtrusively and unnoticed by others. During theoretical yoga classes with Tatyana, I learned a lot that many people don’t know about, which once again confirmed her professionalism.

Natalia Batetnikova (participant of LUXURYoga tour May 2014)


I took a yoga tour only for the sake of my back health. Because I’m new to yoga, so I was a little worried, but it turned out that all my worries were groundless. Tatiana is very attentive to everyone and everything you do. I highly recommend it to all beginners, as well as those who care about their health. Tanya, I am very, very grateful, because... In just 2 weeks I saw real results!!! Feeling of a second birth in the back. I hope for my hard work and continue to study at home. And I will sincerely miss the evening stretches that I loved)

Ulyana Yuferova (participant of the yoga tour July 2013)


Tatyana devotes a lot of time to health, explaining why certain things are important, gives an understanding of what yoga is, pays attention to each participant, which inspires respect and trust. In addition, her love of life, optimism, internal and external beauty charges you not only with interest and love for yoga, but also with a positive attitude in general.

Nelya Nazarova (yoga tour participant August 2013)


Tatyana, good afternoon! I have osteochondrosis of the thoracic and cervical spine. Periodic dizziness and frequent neck tension caused anxiety. It happened that I even had to lie in bed for several days.

I started attending a yoga class, but soon realized that without a careful or individual approach to myself, I could end up in trouble. And so it soon happened. After a too active start, my back “twisted” and I had to recover for 2 weeks.

At first I tried your course for beginners, it didn’t seem enough - I bought a course to help with osteochondrosis and now I calmly and happily study at home, sometimes every other day, sometimes every day. I alternate courses - "Back pain " And "Osteochondrosis ».

I felt a clear relief in the neck area, freedom of movement appeared and the fear of becoming incapacitated due to dizziness disappeared. I feel that my body is in good shape, my posture has improved , I think I started holding my back differently.

But what is most interesting and unexpected is that I began to get enough sleep in less than 7 hours, whereas before even 8 hours was not enough for me. In addition, I follow your short videos that appear on Facebook, save and use some.
Because I attended a yoga class for some time, then I want something more complex and serious, but I understand that this also requires an individual approach. I recommend your course to everyone I know with similar problems. I wish you success!

- Best regards, Olga -


I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana for her professionalism, optimism and consistency in the classroom.

Organizer: Tatyana Dudina

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