A lesson with a presentation for children of the senior and preparatory groups “Trees of our land. Coniferous trees presentation for the lesson on the world around (middle group) on the topic Deciduous and coniferous trees presentation

Alexandra Melnikova
A lesson with a presentation for older children and preparatory group "Trees of our land"

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 104 of general developmental type

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Presentation for senior and preparatory children.

Topic: Trees of our region.

Educator Melnikova Alexandra Alexandrovna.

St. Petersburg 2013

Purpose: Expansion of knowledge and ideas of children about trees growing in our city.

Description: Acquaintance of preschoolers with trees takes place in the form of travel slides.


Enrich children's ideas about trees;

Enhance the vocabulary of children;

Develop thinking, speech, imagination, cognitive interest, the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

To cultivate a respect for nature.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, now we will go on an interesting journey through the forests and trees of our region. First, I will ask you a riddle, and you will try to guess which tree is in question.

Educator:So the first riddle:

Horny knots

Winged fruits

And a leaf - with a palm,

Long stem.

Children's answers.

Educator: Now listen to me, I'll tell you a little about this tree.

Maple is a tree or shrub with falling, simple, lobed, rather large leaves. Maple fruits have light peculiar wings, with the help of which the seeds are carried by the wind around the area.

In autumn, these plants are painted in bright colors: lemon, yellow, red, orange or burgundy. Their color depends on the type of maple. Maple is an inhabitant of cities and towns.

Educator:The following riddles, listen carefully and find out the answers.

He in the forest, like a knight, will rise,

Will give acorns on time.

Both the forester and the lumberjack

We are familiar with him. It.

And you don't even need to guess -

Right there, let's call it right away,

If only someone tells

The fact that there are acorns on it!

Children's answers.

Oak is a large, deciduous tree and is also called an evergreen tree.

The oak has a powerful root. Its leaves are elongated. Oaks are propagated by acorn seeds. They are oblong with a shiny brown or green shell. There are brown caps on the top of their heads. Acorns are good animal feed. But, if it is natural for animals to eat acorns, then for people the fruits of an oak are inedible. Oaks are long-lived giants.

Educator:And here is the next riddle.

Slender girl

chintz dress,

black boots,

in the spring - earrings.

Children's answers.

Birch is a graceful deciduous tree with thin hanging branches. Birch has white bark, with black markings. Leaves are dense, triangular or diamond-shaped, with serrated edges. In spring, birch produces long brown or green earrings. In autumn, the birch groves are covered with gold from the bright yellow foliage.

Birch can often be found on city streets, in parks and squares.

Educator: And again a riddle, and what kind of tree is it?

In May, warmed up, turned green,

I put on the bunches in the fall.

There is bitterness in the scarlet berries.

What kind of tree?

Children's answers.

Rowan is a deciduous tree or shrub with a height of 4 to 8 m. Its bark is gray. Leaves are compound, long, consisting of 9 small leaves. White small flowers are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. Rowan fruits are orange-red berries with a bitter taste.

At any time of the year, rowan is a decoration of streets, gardens and parks.

Educator: But this is a more complex riddle. Listen carefully.

On the branches on a spring evening

White candles opened.

The giant is holding the candles.

What's his name?

Children's answers.

Chestnut. It is a large, tall tree with large branches. The leaves of this tree are also large. The flowers are small, collected in earrings. Fruits - chestnut - chestnut-colored nuts.

Beautiful shiny dark brown chestnuts are a favorite toy for children. However, I warn you not to taste chestnuts, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

Place of growth: usually grows in parks and gardens.

Educator: Riddle.

She lowered her branches into the water

And I was sad about something.

Look how beautiful

Bent over the river.

Children's answers.

Willow is a tree or shrub of various sizes and shapes. It has thin and flexible branches and narrow, elongated leaves with a sharp tip. The flowers are small. She loves wet areas and settles near rivers, streams, ponds and swamps, often found in damp forests, wet meadows and ditches.

Educator: Oh, what good fellows, we listen to the next riddle.

There are trees in the forest

Even on a quiet day they tremble.

Along the winding path

The leaves rustle.

Children's answers.

Aspen is a slender tree, up to 30 m high, with light greenish-gray bark. Leaves are oval-cordate (heart-like, gray-green in color, jagged at the edges.

In autumn, aspen acquires a bright yellow or orange-red color, and in spring, brown-brown catkins appear.

Educator:And now a riddle about the favorite tree of children.

Who in summer and winter

In a spiked resin coat?

In the autumn rain and in drops

Doesn't take off his fur coat.

Children's answers.

Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree. The cones are pendant, oblong and grow at the ends of the upper branches. Spruce is a long-lived tree. She lives for many years.

Spruce is a favorite plant of city alleys, parks and squares.

Speech exercise for the development of language flair.

Educator: And now we'll play a little. I will begin the phrase, and you will try to finish it:

“The oak has leaves. ?

At the aspen? - ... aspen

By the birch? - ... birch

Rowan? -… mountain ash

Maple? -… maple

At the poplar? - ... poplar trees "

So our fascinating journey through the forests of our region has come to an end. What do you remember and like the most?

Children's answers.

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Slide captions:

Conifers Kravtsun M.G. the reader primary grades MBOU Egorlykskaya school №1

Guess riddles.

What kind of girl is this: Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman, She does not sew anything by herself, And in needles all year round. Spruce

It is many hundreds of years old. He is wearing a green sheepskin coat. Although it grows in the deep taiga, He is always honored. After all, for adults, for children He is very rich in cones. And in the cones, whatever you say, the nuts are delicious inside. Cedar

A relative of the tree has Thornless needles, But, unlike the tree, those needles fall off. Larch

This grandmother is a hundred years old, she does not have a hump, She sticks out high, Looks far away, Death will come for the old woman - Grandma will become a hut. Pine

Conifers are one of the most ancient groups of plants, which are about 300 million years old. Representatives of conifers: cypress, yew, cedar, fir, juniper, pine, spruce, etc. Conifers in abundance, in one form or another, grow all over the world, in all parts of the world. Quite often, conifers dominate other plants. The size of an adult coniferous tree can reach 100 meters in height (the tallest coniferous tree is the evergreen sequoia - 115.2 meters). In addition, representatives of coniferous trees are not only the tallest, but also the thickest - the Mexican Taxodium (11.42 meters in diameter), the oldest - the Durable Pine (4700 years) and the largest - Giant sequoia (with a volume of 1486.9 m³) representatives of the flora. In Russia, the most common are spruce, pine, fir, cedar, juniper.

Record holders

Thick -Taxodium Mexican (11.42 m. In diameter)

Old - Durable Pine (4700 years old)

Large - Giant sequoia (with a volume of 1486.9 m³).


Name 5 conifers (spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch) 2. Who is spruce friends with in winter? (spruce is friends in winter with crossbills, woodpeckers and squirrels) 3. Why do spruces have a triangle shape? (the snow slides off them easily and does not break branches). 4. What coniferous tree drops needles for the winter? (larch)

5. Does pine or spruce have longer needles? (near a pine tree) 6. What climate do conifers like? (cold climate) 7. What birds feed on coniferous cones? (crossbill, nutcracker) 8. Which coniferous tree has cones - berries? (juniper)

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Presentation "Conifers"

The presentation introduces students to the features of conifers, as well as their use on the farm. The presentation can be used in the lessons on the study of the surrounding world in grades 1-2 ...

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Slide captions:

Coniferous trees

Prepared by Nadezhda Vasilievna Petrova St. Petersburg GBDOU kindergarten No. 11 25.10.2015 2

Scots pine Evergreen tree up to 40m high. Root length up to 30 m. The crown is highly raised, conical, and then round, wide. The pine tree lives on average up to 350 years. 25.10.2015 3

Needles of a pine Needles are triangular or flattened, located on shortened shoots in two, long and narrow, rigid, smooth, prickly (up to 8 cm long), usually remain on shoots from 3 to 6 years. 25.10.2015 4

Pine "blooms" in late May - early June 10/25/2015 5

Pine cones and seeds 10/25/2015 6

Pine Applications Pine wood is widely used. Rosin and turpentine are obtained from pine resin, with deeper processing, solvents, fragrances, adhesives are obtained. 25.10.2015 7

Norway spruce 10/25/2015 8 Evergreen spruce is the oldest tree in the Russian forest. Reaches 30 m. Spruce is frost-hardy, shade-vigorous.

Spruce needles Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral, sitting one by one on leaf pads. The length of the needles is up to 2 cm. The lifespan of each needle is six or more years. 25.10.2015 9

Spruce cones and seeds 25.10.2015 10

Spruce use Spruce wood is used in construction, is consumed in the pulp and paper industry, as well as for manufacturing musical instruments, containers, sleepers, telegraph poles. 25.10.2015 11

At Christmas and New Year it is customary to put christmas tree. 25.10.2015 12

Larch In favorable conditions, larch grows up to 50 meters and lives up to 400 years. In autumn, larch turns yellow like deciduous trees, and in winter its needles crumble. 25.10.2015 13

Larch needles Larch needles are soft, tender, flattened, bright green in color. They grow in bundles of 20-30 pieces together. The length of the needles reaches 40 mm. 25.10.2015 14

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