Artillery holiday. Artillery Day (Rocket Forces and Artillery Day)

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery has become one of the most memorable days in the history of the Armed Forces and is celebrated on November 19. The calendar day was chosen because it coincides with a significant historical event - the victorious liberation of Stalingrad from the German invaders, which began with the counter-offensive of Russian troops. On this day, artillery soldiers are congratulated with special honor.

The turning point and such a significant battle for the outcome of the war was successful thanks to one of the key roles played by the artillerymen. In 1964, the holiday received a new name - Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. The Russian people sacredly honor and preserve the examples of unbending steadfastness, heroism, and courage of all the soldiers participating in this war, the heroes of thousands of battles who repelled enemy forces.

The entire experience of using artillery and missile forces in armed conflicts proves the enormous role of their maneuverability, efficiency and firepower. Heroic traditions are worthily continued by modern generations of military missile and artillery troops of the RF Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve their combat skills, the high level of which guarantees the completion of the necessary tasks in a wide variety of combat conditions. To celebrate this holiday, demonstration shooting, exercises, and parades are held.

Happy Rocket Forces Day!
I only wish the best.
Not knowing attacks and defeats,
More personal achievements.

Awards, medals, orders,
Have calm peaceful days and dreams.
May your sky be clear
And the look is cheerful and radiant.

And in your personal life, let everything be -
Wife, family, relatives,
Car, cottage and apartment.
I wish you happiness and peace!

I'm rocket troops
I recognize from afar -
By intelligence and dexterity,
Excellent preparation.

Well done, artillerymen!
Everyone is fit, broad-shouldered,
Wait to argue with them,
Don't put your finger in your mouth.

So that everyone knows the deer,
What troops day is it today?
For the soul and in honor

On Missile Forces Day, I sincerely wish you good health, peaceful skies and unearthly happiness! May your life be filled with colorful events, sincere love and reliable friendship! I wish you every success, fulfillment of all goals and good spirits!

Happy Missile Forces and Artillery Day
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Wish you great luck,
Send a big bouquet of kind words.

Let only joys happen in life,
Every day brings pleasure
All intended targets are hit,
And the reward is coming to you!

You hold the rank of artilleryman,
And here, undoubtedly, there is a reason for pride.
I wish you to be agile and fast in life,
And have no excuses for sadness.

I wish you happiness, joy, success,
Health, strong friendship and good luck.
So that you can only see bursts of laughter,
I'm proud of you, you're a real macho!

Happy Rocket Forces and Artillery Day to you!
Please accept my congratulations.
Let peace and warmth warm your soul.
Let there be no doubts in life.

Let all battles end
Only by your victory.
Let health flow over the edge,
May summer always shine in your heart.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Those who were artillerymen
Who served in the missile forces,
Thank you for the clear sky!

And we want to tell you:
“There is no one more courageous in the world,
May we not see war
And our children grow up in peace.”

There is no stronger force yet,
Than rocket troops
The artillery is coming
He doesn't lag behind either.

Well, happy holiday to you all,
Success awaits you ahead.
You are brave for the country,
For Russia, they are so needed!

Be happy, cheerful,
Very happy on holiday
And let there be health,
And sadness will go away!

On the day of artillery and rocket troops,
I wish not to meet with evil,
I wish you strength and noticeable joys,
So that everything around is surrounded by goodness.
Success comes from many achievements,
And also happiness and great respect.

Congratulations to you, rocket scientists.
On a special day I want
About all your successes
Today I will not remain silent.

Thank you all for your service,
Happiness and health to you,
Rainbow and bright life,
Without frustration, troubles and dramas.

Congratulations with a rocket
We send for you:
Let's launch... With this date -
Rocket Forces Day - now
We are glad to congratulate you again.
Artillery troops
We will forever honor and glorify!
Oh, it's not an easy task...
No matter how difficult
... service days for cool guys,
Borders of your country
We wish you to be protected.

Congratulations: 135 in verse, 20 in prose.

Picture on Missile Forces Day

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We should thank a very specific branch of the military for the fact that our country has not yet been occupied and disappeared from the face of the Earth - namely, the Strategic Missile Forces. It is their presence and constant combat readiness that guarantees reliable protection of the Russian Federation from aggression by any of the world powers. Every day, thousands of military personnel - soldiers and officers - take up mandatory combat duty in missile silos and mobile complexes. It would be strange if such a power, capable of destroying all life on the planet, but standing exclusively guarding the world, would remain without its own memorable date.


Today, the status of this memorable day is regulated in accordance with a presidential decree establishing a list of military holidays, issued in 2006. But the history of this date is much older. It was chosen for a very specific reason - precisely on December 17, but back in 1959, the Rocket Forces, which had a strategic purpose, were first created.

Over the past years, they have repeatedly:

  • reformed;
  • resubordinated;
  • merged with other branches of the military and separated with them.

However, the tasks facing the Strategic Missile Forces did not change.

The first holiday of the Strategic Missile Forces (not to be confused with the Day of Artillery and Missile Forces) was established in 1995 by presidential decree dated December 10th. And the Decree of 2006 canceled the previous one, downgrading the status of the holiday to an ordinary memorable date, since the Strategic Missile Forces turned from a type of armed forces into a branch of the military. However, such a decrease did not affect the scale of the celebration.


  • those who sit at the launch consoles;
  • all military personnel ensuring the combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces;
  • civilian specialists;
  • support staff;
  • scientists from their own research institutes, available in the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces, higher educational institutions, factories that produce equipment for this type of troops, training grounds, etc.

This date is celebrated not only by those who served or are currently working in the Missile Forces, but also by civilian and military retirees who were involved in the Strategic Missile Forces in the past.

The scale of the event is evidenced by the fact of the annual reception in the Kremlin, organized on December 17. In all military units and branches of the military, ceremonial formations and meetings are held, awards are presented and new ranks are conferred. There are also traditions associated with the church - many divisional churches are given icons of St. Elijah of Muromets, who is the heavenly patron of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Until 1995, the day of the Strategic Missile Forces was celebrated on November 19 as the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, which was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 17, 1964.

At the present stage of its development, the Strategic Missile Forces include three missile armies located in Vladimir, Omsk and Orenburg and including 12 missile divisions of constant readiness.

The missile divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are armed with six types of missile systems, divided by type of deployment into stationary and mobile. The basis of the stationary grouping is the RK with missiles of the “heavy” (RS-20V “Voevoda”) and “light” (RS-18 “Stillet”), RS-12M2 (“Topol-M”) classes. The mobile-based grouping includes the Topol mobile ground-based missile system (GGRK) with the RS-12M missile, the Topol-M with the RS-12M2 monoblock missile, and the Yars PGRK with the RS-12M2R missile and a multiple warhead in a mobile and stationary deployment options.

The Strategic Missile Forces currently have about 400 launchers with ICBMs. The share of new RCs in the Strategic Missile Forces grouping will constantly increase. It is planned that by 2022 the Strategic Missile Forces will include 100% of new missile forces.

During its history, the Strategic Missile Forces were never used for their intended purpose as a military force, but together with other components of the strategic nuclear forces they were visibly present in solving many military-political problems.

The Strategic Missile Forces contain more than two-thirds of the nuclear carriers of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, capable of solving tasks of hitting targets on enemy territory in a matter of minutes.

Every day, about six thousand people are at combat posts as part of the duty forces.

Since the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces, over five thousand missile launches have been carried out, including about 500 combat training during the operational and combat training of troops.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

November 19 - Russia. The holiday was established in 1964 and is celebrated to commemorate the services of artillery in the defeat of the Nazi invaders at Stalingrad.

November 19 - the beginning of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad in 1942. At the beginning of the operation, on November 18, the artillery of the Southwestern and Don Fronts with a powerful fire strike inflicted heavy losses on the enemy and disrupted the entire system of its defense, which allowed Soviet troops to launch a counteroffensive, which ended in the encirclement and defeat of German troops at Stalingrad. Until 1964, this holiday was called Artillery Day, because the Missile Forces and artillery as a branch of the military were created in the early 60s on the basis of the artillery of the ground forces and the missile weapons introduced into the troops.
Along with infantry and cavalry, artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military.
The first mention of the combat use of artillery in Rus' dates back to 1382, when, defending against the invasion of Tokhtamysh’s troops, Muscovites “fired from big cannons.”

Until the 16th century, carriages as such did not exist. The trunks were installed on special oak logs.

Count Arakcheev played a huge role in the transformation of our artillery in the 19th century. He introduced a system of guns of the 1805 model. Of the many dozen types of guns that were in place under Catherine II, only the following were to remain in the field artillery: 12-pound guns of medium and smaller proportions, a 6-pound gun of smaller proportions, as well as unicorns: 1/ 2-pounds, 1/4-pounds on foot, 1/4-pounds on horseback. All these cannons were cast from the so-called “artillery metal”, containing 10 parts copper and one part tin. To aim the guns at the target, before each shot, a quadrant was installed on the barrel along which the gun was aimed. Immediately before the shot itself, it was removed so that the shot did not throw off the aim, and then installed again.

On June 21, 1941, the Soviet government decided to mass produce M-13 rockets, BM-13 launchers and form military missile units. The first salvo of Katyushas was fired at the enemy on July 14, 1941. Then the battery under the command of Captain IAFlerov struck a concentration of German trains at the Orsha railway junction. The combat effectiveness of the weapon exceeded all expectations. Subsequently, rocket artillery was successfully used in all major operations of the Great Patriotic War. In terms of its power, it had no equal among other means of fire destruction of the enemy.

Heroic traditions are worthily continued by modern generations of military missile and artillery troops of the Russian Armed Forces. They fulfill their military duty with honor and nobility, master the latest weapons and equipment, improve their combat skills, the high level of which guarantees the completion of the necessary tasks in a wide variety of combat conditions.

Artillery still plays a vital role as the main striking force in land battles. By the way, it was not Stalin who called artillery the “god of war” for the first time, but the French general Jean Baptiste Vaquette de Gribeauval, who with his military reform laid the foundation for Napoleonic victories.

Happy holiday, gods of war!

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated annually on November 19 on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" as a memorial day established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving defense problems and state security and designed to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increasing the prestige of military service.

Artillery is one of the oldest branches of the military. The first information about the appearance of artillery in Rus' dates back to 1382. It was then that, when defending Moscow from the troops of Khan Tokhtamysh, Muscovites used the first artillery pieces against the besiegers - “mattresses” (guns that fired “shot” - pieces of iron, rubble, small stones) and “great cannons”.

Artillery became an independent branch of the military, capable of supporting the actions of infantry and cavalry in battle in the 16th century and was served by gunners and squeakers until the end of the 17th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, artillery was divided into field (including regimental), siege and fortress. At the end of the 18th century, horse artillery finally took shape, and at the beginning of the 19th century, artillery regiments and brigades began to be formed. In the 1840s, mountain artillery appeared.

In the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, Russian artillerymen used indirect fire for the first time; Then the mortars appeared. By the beginning of the First World War (1914-1918), artillery was divided into field (light, horse, mountain), heavy field and heavy (siege). During the war, anti-aircraft and self-propelled artillery were born, and somewhat later - anti-tank artillery.

Today, the Missile Forces and Artillery are a branch of the Ground Forces, which is the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combined arms operations (combat operations). They are designed to gain and maintain fire superiority over the enemy; destruction of its nuclear attack means, manpower, weapons, military and special equipment; disorganization of systems for command and control of troops and weapons, reconnaissance and electronic warfare; destruction of long-term defensive structures and other infrastructure; disruption of operational and military logistics; weakening and isolating the enemy's second echelons and reserves; destroying enemy tanks and other armored vehicles that have penetrated into the depths of the defense; covering open flanks and joints; participation in the destruction of enemy air and sea landings; remote mining of terrain and objects; light support for night operations of troops; smoke, blinding enemy targets; distribution of propaganda materials and other tasks.

Organizationally, the Missile Forces and Artillery consist of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including mixed, high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions, as well as artillery of combined arms brigades and military bases.

In accordance with the activity plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, a set of measures is being carried out aimed at qualitatively improving the structure, combat strength and strength of the Missile Forces and artillery.

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