Divination and prediction of the future on the wheel of fate. Wheel of fate divination

Probably, every person deep down believes in fate and believes that it can be predicted in advance, and sometimes even changed. This is really possible if you use accurate fortune-telling and at the same time do not abuse the appeal to higher powers. In particular, it is for this purpose that divination "Wheel of Fate", which will help you find out what events await you in the near future, and, if possible, influence their course by making the right decision.

Seriousness and only seriousness!

Everything with the help of which you turn to fate itself for help necessarily requires a responsible and serious approach from you. Your task is to ask a question that really concerns you and, at least for a while, forget about frivolity, because you are asking for help from fate itself. Of course, the questions should not be momentary, but rather serious, otherwise the fortune-telling virtual “Wheel of Fate” will work in vain.

This method of getting predictions is based on the principle of roulette: you just need to scroll it once, and your fate will answer everything. questions asked giving the most specific and accurate answers.

We choose the easy way!

Most easy way get a prediction from fortune - use the online version of fortune telling. It is the easiest to use and at the same time gives you the opportunity to use divination quickly, without even getting up from your computer. At the same time, fortune-telling “Wheel of Fate” online also guarantees you clarity and accuracy of answers.

The first step is the promotion of the roulette presented on the page. Click on it and a small form will pop up for you to enter your question. Ask it as briefly and accurately as possible, leaving no chance for fate to be distracted by trifles! Then click on the “get an answer” option, and the roulette will show you the right option.

Thus, you can ask about everything that interests you, and fortune-telling “Wheel of Fate” online will tirelessly answer all questions for free, allowing you to make the right decision in the right situation and never make a mistake in it!

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination Bucket of fate. An excellent example of the definition of what was, is and will be. An excellent feature of this layout is the study of not only the values ​​​​of the cards that have fallen out, but also their combinations. With all this, fortune-telling is not difficult and accessible to a fortune-teller of any qualification. This divination is one of the variations of divination of what was, what is, what will be. And talks about all the events in this context.

Online divination technique:

Take an unplayed deck of cards that contains all the cards from sixes to aces, for a total of 36 pieces. Then shuffle it well, spending a few minutes on this, and remove it once with your left hand towards you. After that, put two cards in a row with pictures up the first and third from the deck, this will be the bottom of the bucket - your past, then two cards from the top seventeenth and nineteenth in a row is your present and then two cards on the right, 33 and 35 in a row, this there will be a bucket handle - your future, proceed with the interpretation.

To find out the future, the Wheel of Fate is often used. It gives answers to questions of interest in various areas: in relationships, study, work, etc. It arose as a result of many years of observation in medieval times. Differs in simplicity and unambiguity of answers.

Divination rules

In order for the accuracy of the magical action to be high, it is worth remembering the following prohibitions:

  • you cannot use the Wheel of Fate several times a day;
  • ask the same question multiple times
  • ask about frivolous;
  • hurry;
  • use the circle for fun.

Otherwise, fate will turn its back on a person.

The first fortune-telling was carried out with the help of a grain. They threw it on a circle and looked at the number of the area. Her interpretation was learned from a special book.

The easiest way to predict today is online fortune telling. It helps you get a fast response. The page shows a circle divided into 45 identical sectors. If you click on the Wheel, it will scroll and a certain number will fall out, which will be the answer.


Fortune telling with the help of the Wheel of Fate gives different interpretations.

Numbers of the first semicircle

Here are the following values:

  1. Loss of valuables. To increase your fortune, it is better to listen to intuition.
  2. Acquaintance with a good man who will give good advice.
  3. Losses as a result romantic relationship. The unfavorable period will quickly end.
  4. Gossip and intrigue from a person from a close circle.
  5. Good time, but you have to be on the alert, because the enemies weave intrigues.
  6. Parting with a friend or lover, but a new interesting acquaintance awaits ahead.
  7. The collapse of plans due to arrogance.
  8. The embodiment of the plan with the help of a friend.
  9. Opportunity to earn income. It is worth saving money so that debts do not accumulate.
  10. Changes in personal life. Obtaining unpleasant information about your partner.
  11. Exhausting confrontation with competitors. Relatives are waiting for help from a fortune teller.
  12. The revival of past relationships, broken by stupidity.
  13. Trouble in personal life and at work. Patience will help you overcome difficulties.
  14. The need for help from loved ones. It is worth carefully reviewing the circle of communication, because there is an unfriendly person in it.
  15. Someone weaves intrigues against the fortuneteller, but it will turn out to be a winner.
  16. Big losses. An influential person will help overcome difficulties.
  17. Someone is trying to make friends for their own benefit.
  18. The possibility of obtaining large profits, it is important to take the initiative.
  19. You should not take revenge on enemies, because this can turn against the fortuneteller. It is better to forgive all grievances.
  20. To carry out the plan, you need to ask for help from an old friend.
  21. Punishment for deeds. It is better to take the blow courageously.
  22. An interesting journey with income, but this money will not bring happiness.

Numbers of the second semicircle

The values ​​are as follows:

  1. A handsome young man who cannot be trusted will become an obstacle to the fulfillment of desires.
  2. Unrequited love, suffering, disappointment.
  3. Help an unpleasant friend.
  4. A trifle will spoil the relationship with a loved one.
  5. Change thanks to a good friend. It is better not to reveal your feelings to others.
  6. Realization of a dream after a series of troubles.
  7. The intrigues of envious people, the destruction of plans.
  8. Gossip, flattery of ill-wishers.
  9. Realization of a dream with the help of a friend who will require a fee for assistance.
  10. Happy love, passion. We must not forget about health.
  11. The situation has reached an impasse. A loved one can help.
  12. Trouble at work due to slander of colleagues.
  13. Successful trip, profit, meeting with an interesting person.
  14. A new relationship that needs to be steered in the right direction.
  15. Material losses due to inattention to detail. Lies from loved ones.
  16. Disappointment in a partner, which will lead to parting.
  17. No need to try to get easy money.
  18. You should not realize your desires, forgetting about the interests of others.
  19. People around want to use a person for their own purposes.
  20. Opportunity to start a new business that will lead to success.
  21. The onset of a favorable period.
  22. The need to end a relationship with a partner will reveal his true face.

Other ways of divination

There is also a method for predicting the future called the Wheel of Destiny "The Wisdom of Stones".

He is not very famous and there is a simple explanation for this. For divination, you must have 20 precious and semi-precious stones. Among them should be a medium-sized diamond, so the method requires large material costs. Amulets are stored in a leather or silk bag.

For divination, you will also need a circle divided into 12 parts. Each corresponds to a zodiac sign. Cabalistic symbols should also be present for a more accurate interpretation of the answer. Before starting the magical process, you need to focus on the question and visualize it. Next, a few random stones are taken out of the bag and thrown onto the Wheel of Fate, constantly thinking about the question asked.

If you are interested in predictions in a particular area, use the following types of fortune-telling:

  • Wheel of fate: love;
  • Wheel of fate: health;
  • Wheel of fate: compatibility;
  • Divination cards of crystals.

Big divination: WHEEL OF FATE Cards Lenormand


Virtual fortune-telling in the form of the Wheel of Fate does not replace live communication and the wisdom of magicians. But if you don’t have time to go to a specialist, you should take advantage of the possibility of online services. They will help you decide what to do in the future for free.

Applying this method of prediction, a person must formulate a specific question and for some time forget about frivolity. Otherwise, fate may turn away from the fortuneteller.

Oh, how many times the fate of an invisible force
Burned the beaten paths
So that I forcefully resurrect myself,
Barely able to find hope...
And then to crying: “Yes, what is it!
Do not poison my nights and days!"
The universe gave me peace...
But the peace is...


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Turn to face you! When? You can find out with the help of a wonderful divination combining the wisdom of astrology and numerology - divination Wheel fortune. This divination originated over five hundred years ago. Creator's name divination Wheel fortune is lost, but it is known that he was an excellent occultist. Amazing Roulette wheels Fortune gives you the opportunity to choose twice - the sign of the zodiac and the number, and after ...


Wise Roulette wheels Fortune makes it possible to choose the sign of the zodiac and the number, after which the interpretation of the future is given. At one time, fortune should turn to face you, you can find out about her favor with the help of a wonderful divination combining knowledge of astrology and numerology - divination Wheel fortune. Tell fortune - and luck will certainly reveal your plans!


Know your destiny- cards call out in this rather complicated, but interesting divination. Fate any person is complex and confusing. Therefore, to find out what is destined for destiny will have to make an effort. Divination on the maps destiny not simple, but its results are worth it to spend time and energy on the ritual. Follow the description divination on the maps, and you can find out your destiny.


Cupid, but also a means of a fateful choice! If you are faced with the choice of "to be or not to be", if you need an exact answer "Yes or No", use fortune-telling Arrow fate. Before execution divination Arrow fate the question needs to be clearly defined. Then use the mouse cursor to bring the Arrow fate in motion. Stopping, the arrow will indicate the answer to your question.


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