Why dream of spitting according to the dream book. Folk signs and superstitions Spit on myself

Today, the habit of spitting is considered a sign of bad manners, but our ancestors believed that saliva is a powerful magical remedy that brings good luck, heals illnesses and averts misfortune. It is these beliefs that determine a huge number of signs and customs associated with spitting (including on oneself).

Accidentally spitting on yourself - what's the point?

Accidentally smearing your face or hands with your own saliva (for example, trying to spit into the wind) is a sign of trouble. This is a kind of warning: the “spit on” person will either be beaten, or get drunk to an inappropriate state with all the ensuing consequences, or become a victim of unfounded offensive gossip.

But if you accidentally spit on your own clothes, this means an unexpected new thing. However, if you think about it, this sign looks quite logical, because a soiled outfit will probably have to be sent to the wash, or even to the dry cleaner. Why not buy a new one?

An interesting fact: it is believed that the last sign can be “strengthened” by patting yourself on the left shoulder three times (always with your right hand!). According to legend, such manipulations will help you get additional money, which should be enough to completely update your wardrobe.

Is it possible to attract good luck by spitting on yourself on purpose?

In some European countries (for example, in England), until recently it was believed that you could protect yourself from harm if you spit on your right shoe before putting on your shoes and leaving the house. Whether similar signs existed in Rus' is not yet known for certain. But the fact that the Slavs deliberately spat on their palms before a battle or hard physical work in order to enlist divine support and gain additional physical strength is a proven historical fact.

In addition, our ancestors believed that by specifically spitting on your clothes (usually on your pants or the hem of your dress), you could neutralize some bad omens. For example, it was believed that dropping money on freshly plowed ground would lead to imminent and inevitable death. But if you smear your clothes with saliva and sincerely read a prayer (usually the “Our Father”), no trouble will happen.

Spit 3 times over your left shoulder - get rid of obsession, evil eye, slander, the consequences of a bad dream.

If you spit on a place bitten by a mosquito or a bee, it will heal.

In your hearts, spit in the direction of the person who made you angry in order to get rid of him - to forget about him...

By the way, perhaps the best way to rid someone of a stye on their eye is to lightly spit on it, and then offer a cookie with the words: “Barley, barley! Here’s a cookie for you, you can buy whatever you want, buy yourself an axe, cut yourself across!”.

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Other folk signs and superstitions.

Sign of knocking down a dog.

Since ancient times, our smaller brothers have been considered akin to an otherworldly force - they are connected to it by threads invisible to humans and are under its protection, therefore, to harm any living creature...

Signs about cats.

A cat has been next to a person for 10,000 years. She is his faithful companion and assistant. During all this time, their mutual love did not end. Touching faces...

A sparrow flew into the house. Signs.

One of the most unfavorable signs is the uninvited, unexpected invasion of a sparrow into your home. A sparrow flew into the window...

Man: activities and vices
Signs: whistle, spit, slander. Signs of dreams

Whoever swears in vain: without any particular need, as a joke or feignedly, will sooner or
misfortunes will come too late,
because this is a great sin.

If you forget something while visiting and come back, it means that soon again
meet the owners.

If you had to return home for something, you definitely need to look at
mirror, otherwise there will be no way.

By fasting, strict life, and fasting, you can earn yourself a rosy bride.

If you get lost in the forest, you need to take off your right foot and put it on inside out

If a person gets lost in the forest, this means that he was “bypassed” by the goblin (goblin
drives). It is necessary to take off all the clothes you are wearing and put them on inside out;
They also take off their shoes and turn over the insoles in their boots, etc. This gives strength
the influence of the devil disappears and the way home is found.

You cannot sew anything on yourself or anyone else: you will sew up all the memory (and
you can sew up other abilities), in case of emergency you need to take it in
the mouth of some small thing from the person who will sew it up, for example, thread.

When you go to confession, you need to ask those around you for forgiveness,
bowing beforehand: “Forgive me.” “God will forgive,” you will hear in response.

When the forest oak begins to bloom, then you can start swimming.

Before your first swim, you need to throw a piece of the top crust of bread into the water so that
do not drown while swimming; if the crust sank before the person took a bath,
then it’s better not to swim this summer. Prayer to Saint Nicholas saves you from drowning.

Anyone who has not yet tasted the meat of a young bird (no matter wild or domestic) will not
must bathe because he will get a fever the first time he bathes.

If someone enters the hut while the baby is bathing, he must remain there
until the end of bathing, because his very arrival exposes the child to danger, and leaving
- greater danger; at the end of bathing the child, the mother should pour out a little
bathing water on the visitor's feet, thereby washing away the danger to the child.

The girls wash themselves with the first snow from the roof of the bathhouse to be white and clean.

If a cigarette goes out, someone remembers. The third should not from one cigarette
Lighting a cigarette means death. It is a sin to light a lamp.

If people sitting in the same group suddenly all become silent at the same time, then this
means that a quiet angel flew between them.

Identifying a person means a wedding or a deceased person.

If you step over a firebrand (a burnt piece of wood), the urine will not stick

If you step over someone's hat or cropped hair, then their owner
your head will hurt.

It is a sin to put on your left foot before your right.

No more fish will be caught on a fishing rod that a woman steps over.

If a pregnant woman steps over a broom or clamp, she will give birth

If you step over a lying person, he will not grow. If somebody
accidentally stepped over a small child, then he must
step back over it, backing away, otherwise
the baby will grow slowly.

If in any home a child cries a lot with his mouth open, accompanying his
crying with a loud cry: “Ah-ah!”, there will be trouble in that house.

If anyone choke or choke, he must certainly put in a loaf of bread.
on the crown or rub the bridge of the nose with the index finger of your right hand.

You need to be as careful as possible with spitting, remembering that it, like
a spoken word cannot be taken back. If necessary, spit in
left side and several times: here the spit, most likely, can fall on
the devil, whose spitting is all the more fruitful the more sinless he is at the time
a person (praying, leaving church, using consecrated objects, etc.).

Spitting in a person's face is a great sin, since it constantly rests on him.
the right hand of God or a guardian angel, and spitting can offend them.

To drive away the evil one, you need to spit three times over your left shoulder.
You should never spit over your right shoulder, because your guardian angel is behind it,
whom you can thereby insult and drive away.

If you spit and accidentally get it on your dress, it means that in
there will certainly be a renewal soon or you will have to endure the lies in vain.

Anyone who choked in conversation wanted to lie. Who will choke on the first sip?
the dinner guest is in a hurry. Choking at dinner in someone else's house - after a year
to be here again. If someone chokes on the first piece or the first
sip, this means that someone is in a hurry to have dinner with him.

If, after sweeping, leaves from a broom remain on the floor, then this portends
arrival of guests.

If the house is swept before sunset, then everything bad will come out of the house.
You can’t sweep the floor in the house after sunset, as you can sweep away all the happiness and

You need to sweep the floor from the threshold to the middle of the house, and not vice versa, so that all the goodness comes out
not to sweep away the house, but to multiply it.

If the dirty linen is not swept out of the rooms at night, then an angel will not fly into the house, because
he can catch his wings on rubbish. By evening the rubbish should be swept up and the room
tidied up so that the Mother of God or the angels, when they visit, can walk in clean and
Don't prick your feet on the rubbish.

If someone has left home, they should not sweep up litter in that house until
the one who left will not cross the river, or at least not for a while, so that
no trouble happened to him and so as not to cover his traces forever.

When sweeping the floor, you need to stand aside so as not to be swept; such
No one will take a person as a godfather. If, while sweeping the floor, you sweep the guy's legs, then
the girls will not love him or he will not find a bride: the brides will
go around it. You can’t sweep a room with two people, otherwise you’ll lose one of your own.

If you stretch, you need to point your body and arms in the empty direction, and not
to your neighbor or animal - your laziness will be transferred to both.

If a cat or dog is stretching in your direction, then it is, on the contrary,
a favorable sign indicating upcoming profits.

After each oath, one of a person’s veins freezes: if the oath was
false, then the oathbreaker’s twelve veins freeze at once, so everything
oathbreakers do not live long.

All objects that have been in the hands of a person who has given a false oath are desecrated.
and become harmful until the oathbreaker is cleansed

If a conversation between several people breaks down and everyone goes silent, then, according to
For some, this means that at that time a quiet angel flew by, while for others, in
This is the time a fool was born.

Laughing is not good: being beaten.

You can't whistle in a room - all its inhabitants will die out. Old people whistling
They cross themselves and say: “God is with us!” They think that whistling is whistling
devilry. Whoever whistles, the Mother of God turns her face away from him.

Whoever whistles the key will blow his memory and forget where he put what. At home
You can’t whistle: if you whistle everything you’ve acquired, the house will be empty. Whistling in the forest at night
You can’t, otherwise you’ll wake up the sleeping devil and he’ll get so carried away that he’ll get lost for a long time
have to. Sailors believe that in calm weather you can whistle the wind, which
The whistle gradually becomes fresher.

If two people say the same word together, it means that there will be guests or,
at least someone else will come for something.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means growth.

He who cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

If a small child laughs in his sleep, then at this time angels are playing with him,
waking up and even disturbing him at this moment is great and even dangerous, since the angels
then they won't come anymore.

If you had a scary or unpleasant dream at night, then when you wake up you need
immediately say the following words three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep!” - and three times
spit over your left shoulder.

A dream seen on a holiday comes true no later than half the next day; They say:
"Holiday sleep - until lunch."

Sleep on Friday or Wednesday is valid all day, and on other days only until

A man, wanting to know what kind of bride he will have, lies down in a new place and
says: “I’m lying down in a new place so that the groom can dream about the bride.” It's a girl
says: “I lie down in a new place so that the bride will dream of the groom.”

When dreams are told, the listener must first say: “Be kind,”
and at the end of the story, he must not interpret the dream badly, otherwise it will happen
trouble. If someone tells his dream at night, then before telling
him, he must say: “I am telling my dream not to people, but to the lamp,” otherwise it will turn out

When all people have fallen asleep at night, the night angel goes around the sleeping people;
stopping in front of the undressed, he says: “This is a man!”, and passing by
undressed, says: “This is a deck!” With what words the undressed person usually

In spring and autumn, you need to refrain from sleeping during sunset, as during this time
moment, most likely, a person gets a fever or some kind of
other internal disease; it often happens that, without having time to somehow enter into a sleepy state,
the fever hurries to do this immediately upon his awakening, and the one who wakes up then
clearly hears that he is being called by name, although he does not see the caller, then he calls
fever; as soon as a person responds, the fever takes over him, so
a prudent person should not respond without making sure that he is not being called
a ghost, not a man.

He who sleeps on his face will not live long, especially for a child; on the right
to sleep on your side - to sleep with your guardian angel; It's dangerous to sleep with your mouth open -
sleeping demons can penetrate through him and begin to torment him, which will cause
bad dreams; It’s not good to sleep on your back: it will suffocate the brownie.

You should never sleep along the floorboards (only dead people are placed along the floor),
but you should definitely lay your bed across the boards; should not lay down the bed and
sleeping at the threshold of the door: the brownie does not like this;

You can’t sleep with your wife before driving, otherwise a breakdown will occur.
car or cart.

You can't sleep at sunset: you won't live long

Stumbling in front of your house means misfortune at home; if a traveler stumbles on the way to
home, then this foreshadows his participation in an brewing domestic quarrel; if he
stumbles on the threshold of the entryway or at the gate of the house, then he will end up on a ready-made home
quarrel; if you go to ask for something or receive a debt and stumble while doing so, then
you won't get anything; stumbling while leaving the house is a sign of failure.

The girls are washed with silver (that is, with water that was poured during the first spring thunderstorm).
a silver spoon is thrown) so that the girl is white and rich.

You can’t sew up your clothes or sew on buttons: you’ll sew up a memory; from
girls cannot sew anything for their wedding dress, otherwise they will get married in
second time; on Monday you can’t sew or cut, otherwise you’ll make a mistake; if when sewing
the knots are untied, then the person for whom the clothes are sewn is unskillful (inept);

If a seamstress or a Swiss pricks his hand with a needle, this means that the sewn item will come out
successful and the customer will like the sewing. While sewing, you should not eat bread, poppy seeds,
hemp, otherwise there will be lice in the laundry; on memorial days they don’t sew anything, because
that whoever sews these days stabs the dead (parents) in the eyes with a needle.

If you sneeze once when leaving home, then there will be no road and best of all
To stay home; if you sneeze twice, then nothing bad will happen and you can
calmly continue on your way.

If someone sneezed during a conversation, then this is a sign confirming
what was said (both bad and good).

When a certain thought comes into someone's head and it happens that someone else
This is the time when you accidentally sneeze, it means that your plan will really come true.

Sneeze on Sunday - be visiting or expecting guests; sneeze in
Monday - for profit or for a gift; sneeze on Tuesday - they will ask for a debt;
sneeze on Wednesday - you will be praised; sneeze on Thursday - they will make you angry or annoyed
will introduce; sneeze on Friday - you will see someone you don’t like or receive a letter;
sneeze on Saturday - hear about a dead person.

With the exception of painful cases, a person sneezes when the devil brings it to him.
him some tobacco. To prevent this from happening again, you need to cross yourself and cross yourself
space in front of you.

A fool always laughs loudly, but a prudent person smiles quietly.

He who often laughs a lot is not without stupidity and cannot hide anything; who
laughs very little, he is witty and hardworking.

If anyone passes between two women, he will incur slander,
in vain.

If someone pretends to be sick out of laziness, then he cannot avoid illness.

If one person reaches towards another, then he catches up with the latter

Drunkards don't like to eat dairy.

The amethyst stone, which in such
cases, you must carry it with you at all times.

If someone is born evil, then nature places a special sign on him: such a person
it can be either oblique, or red-haired, or burry, or lame; on the contrary, beautiful
Outwardly, a person, as a rule, cannot be evil.

There are people who themselves are unhappy and bring unhappiness to others, and if anyone
If he takes such a person into his house out of pity, then the whole house will be filled with misfortune. That's why
One cannot help but feel sorry for such people, but one must avoid them.

If you spit on yourself, there will be a renewal.

If you choke in someone else's house, you'll be there again in a year.

If a person is afraid of tickling, it means he is jealous.

He who resembles his mother is happy.

If a married woman does not wear earrings in her ears, then she is destined to become a widow. For widows
wearing earrings is a sin.

Those who smoke tobacco have a pale matte color to their body.

To prevent anything mentioned in a conversation from coming true, you have to knock on wood.

A person born on Halloween will be able to see spirits and talk to them.
There is not a single vice that would be so harmful to the well-being of people as envy, for
those who are infected with it not only sadden themselves, but also darken
the joy of others - Rene Descartes

Strange! A person is indignant at evil coming from outside, from others, - what
cannot eliminate, and does not fight against his own evil, although this is in his
authorities - M. Aurelius

To sin is a human matter, to justify sins is a devilish matter.
- L.N. Tolstoy

People are too pathetic and weak to be evil. All they want
to be kind, but they don’t know how, they can’t. This inability to be kind is what
we call evil - a devilish thing - L.N. Tolstoy

Hello, my name is Masha. And for a year now I have been suffering from persistent depression, I spat on myself, my hands gave up... In general, everything is fine with me, but not the way I wanted! Four years ago I broke up with a young man (he was narrow-minded, drank, smoked and, as it turned out, not only cigarettes), and I decided that I needed to change something in myself so that such people would not stick to me. After seven months, I was unrecognizable: a bunch of friends, in the center of attention, athletic, tanned, cheerful, I was on top. I thought that now I would definitely meet a person worthy of me. And after a while I met him, he was caring, played sports, was smart and had a number of other positive qualities. I was happy. Two years later we got married. And everything changed... I was mired in everyday life, he began to retrain me in his own way, I adored shops, sports and hung around wealthy people. He forbids buying clothes (with my own money), says that I already have a lot of them, he doesn’t want to improve my standard of living. I stopped going to fitness, gained seven kilograms, and nothing makes me happy anymore, I want to lock myself in a room and so no one can see me... I don’t even want to go back to the fitness club, I’m ashamed that I’ve gotten so fat! I cry all the time!!! I have lost confidence in myself... I understand perfectly well that you cannot fully help me, but maybe you can give me some advice! Thank you very much in advance!

Masha, Voronezh, 22 years old

Psychologist's answer:

Hello, Masha.

What do you do? Do you work, do you have a profession? What is “bogged down in everyday life”? Did you do all the same housework before before your husband? What did he retrain you in in his own way? What was it? How can you describe your depression, what kind of condition is it? How is your day?

Sincerely, Lipkina Arina Yurievna.

Natural phenomena and animal behavior predict certain events in our lives. Some plants and rituals can bring prosperity into the home. But there is a list of signs associated directly with a person. Thus, by certain parts of the body one can determine the character and fate of a person. And by adhering to ancient signs and advice, you will attract success in business. With the help of signs that our ancestors carried through the centuries, you will learn when it is better to start a new business, how to protect yourself and your loved ones from misfortune. Learn to read the clues that are given to us from above. After all, everything in the world is natural, the main thing is to just take a closer look at the signs around us and then you will find out from your own experience whether this or that sign is true.

  • If you accidentally spit on yourself, you will get a new thing.
  • Passionate people have crackling hair on their heads.
  • If you cut your own hair, you shorten your life.
  • Do not throw cut or lost hair into the wind - it will lead to headaches.
  • Dandruff appears to warn of danger.
  • When a person's first gray hair appears, it cannot be pulled out. This is a symbol of your happiness. By tearing it out you will deprive yourself of happiness.
  • Angry people have coarse hair.
  • You can’t swing your leg, by doing this you’re shaking the devil and incriminating yourself.
  • Your back ache, your joints are twisting - it means rain.
  • To reach out to another person is to give him your happiness.
  • It is bad luck to accept gifts and congratulations before your birthday. This could lead to the death of the birthday boy.
  • Don't say hello across the threshold - it will lead to a quarrel.
  • If you run your ring finger over a wound or scratch, it will heal faster.
  • Many signs are dedicated to warts. But they carry a bad meaning for their owner. If a wart appears on the face, expect disappointment in love affairs. A wart on the nose means bad news, most often. Warts on a beard warn of serious illnesses. The appearance of warts on a person’s body is also a sign of imminent deception or betrayal; in this case, you can expect a dirty trick from any person in your environment. The mitigating factor for the appearance of warts is the side on which they appeared; in all signs, the right side brings good luck, wealth, and prosperity. And the left one - illnesses, quarrels and troubles. Wherever a wart appears on your body, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Take a pea, circle the wart three times and throw the pea over your left shoulder, and the wart will go away after the pea. Warts can also be treated with celandine juice.
  • If there is a ringing in the right ear - good news, in the left - bad news.
  • If your ear itches, it means it will rain.
  • Ears are hot - someone is discussing. The right one is on - they say good, the left one is bad.
  • When there is silence during the feast, someone is born.
  • To avoid breeding devils, wipe the water from your hands with a towel, but under no circumstances shake it off. There is a sign: the more you are afraid, the more devils you will create.
  • On your first day of work, before leaving the house, stand on a chair, stand for a couple of minutes, and then walk away without looking back. This sign will help you gain trust and respect in your new job.
  • To step over a person is to stop his growth. It is especially dangerous to step over children. To neutralize this sign, it is advised to step back.
  • Step on someone's foot - you will quarrel. To prevent this from happening, you need to attack in response.
  • Jealous people are afraid of tickling.
  • Moles that a person does not see on his body bring good luck.
  • If a woman always has an acorn with her, she will preserve her youth forever.
  • You need to cut your nails on Tuesday and Friday - this will bring profit.
  • Long laughter will make a person cry.
  • My nose itched. Towards the feast - the tip, to the deceased - the bridge of the nose.
  • The left nostril itches - expect news, the right - a fight cannot be avoided.
  • If a person has a straight nose, then his character is strong and purposeful. Such people set goals for themselves and go towards them. Having a hooked nose can make a person overly aggressive. Those with big noses have enormous ambitions.
  • To be healthy, sleep with your feet when going out.
  • Not recognizing a person is to his wealth. You need to tell him, “You will be rich.”
  • By sneezing, you confirm the truthfulness of your own or someone else’s words. This sign is due to the fact that when a person sneezes, his condition is close to death, and before death the whole truth comes out.
  • When a man’s beard is thicker on the right side, then his character is firm and persistent; when the left side is thicker, then the man is gentle and compliant.
  • When eyebrows grow together, happiness goes away.
  • The eyebrows itch, the left one means there will be a meeting with the enemy, the left one means a meeting with a loved one or friend.
  • The left eye itches - for tears, the right - for a meeting.
  • The smaller a person's eyes, the more envious and stupid he is.
  • The owners of gray-brown eyes have a dual character.
    Blue, blue and gray eyes are found in people with an impulsive character.
    Green eyes give confidence to their owners, perhaps thanks to this they achieve their goals, show hard work and reliability.
    Brown-eyed people, although beautiful, are capricious.
    It is brown-eyed people who can cast the evil eye, sometimes even without knowing it.
  • If an eyelash falls out, make a wish and blow on it.
  • The back of the head itches - to sadness.
  • If there are two napes on the head, then there will be two wives.
  • Thin lips speak of a person’s secrecy, while full lips, on the contrary, indicate a good disposition and a desire to help people.
  • The left hand itched for the money, the right for the meeting.
  • Small hands are more common among managers, this is due to the fact that small hands are characteristic of aristocrats.
  • Large hands are a sign of an analytical mind.
  • Hairy arms for wealth. Hair color also matters. Dark hair is characteristic of passionate individuals with a quick temper, while blond hair speaks of a person’s softness and pliability.
  • A pimple on the tongue indicates talkativeness and slander.
  • If you bite your tongue, someone remembers and scolds you.
  • If you itch your mustache, expect some sweets.

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Folk signs and superstitions, do you take them seriously? In general, there are many opinions on this matter. Don't listen to someone who confidently declares that all this is nonsense. After all, even science does not have a clear answer here.

Even the most inveterate pragmatist is a little superstitious at heart. Surely, when getting ready for an important meeting, he will not remain indifferent to the sight of a black cat crossing his path. Why is a woman with an empty bucket worth it? — I am sure that the reaction will be far from positive.

Why do we, one way or another, believe in omens? Because thanks to them, we first of all try to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our home from troubles and illnesses, as well as achieve material well-being and health.

Our ancestors have accumulated vast folk experience, which we rely on in everyday life, calling it intuition.

Signs for every day

A good omen is:

- get out of bed in the morning on your right foot;
— leaving the house to meet a woman with a baby;
- see a man in a tuxedo in the evening;
- receive a silver item as a gift;
- sneezing before eating means good news;
- when you lend, hold a rusty nail in your hand so that the debt is repaid in time;
— when going on a date, wear round jewelry.


- accidentally spit on yourself - means new clothes;
- if your hand itches: the right one - for money or profit, the left - for waste;
- if the eye itches: the right one - to look at your loved one, the left one - to tears;
- if the neck itches - to beatings or feasts;
- if the back of the head itches - to sadness;
- if your elbow itches - to your chagrin;
- if your cheeks itch - to tears;
- if your cheeks are burning, someone is remembering;
- if your ears itch - good news;
- if the nose itches - to drink or news, the bridge of the nose - to the deceased (sad news);
- if the eyebrow itches: the right one - for a date with a friend, the left one - with a deceiver;
- if there is a ringing in the ear: in the right ear - to good news, in the left - to bad news;
- if the ear is on fire: the right one - they are telling the truth, the left one - a lie;
- itching in the leg - good news;
- bite your tongue - someone scolds;
- a fly fell into food or drink - a gift.

Wedding signs

- He gave me a cute scarf - this is a sign of separation.
— The young people gave the photo to each other - signifying separation.
- For an unmarried girl or an unmarried man to sit on the corner during a feast - seven years of being single or being a girl.
- Giving yellow flowers or a wristwatch means a quick separation.
— The groom should not see the wedding dress before the celebration, otherwise life will not work out.
— Wear comfortable shoes to a wedding, preferably old ones, so that your feet don’t get sore. If you don't get calluses, you will be happy. It is advisable to wear wedding shoes to holes after the celebration. By giving shoes to others, you are giving away your family happiness.
— Before the wedding, in the old days, when dressing the bride, women cried; if you cry tears before the wedding, there will be a marriage without tears. Therefore, try to cry on the way, but not for long, the bride should not cry.
- If the wedding ring is lost or falls during the wedding, the newlyweds will face a quick divorce.
— The bride should not wear a dress with a large cutout on the back, and the longer the skirt, the longer the married life will be.
- You cannot let anyone try on your wedding attire and wedding rings, either before or after the wedding - this will lead to quarrels in the family.
— Only a happily married woman puts earrings in a bride’s ears.
“Only her mother removes all the hairs and specks of dust from the bride’s dress in order to protect the bride from damage and the evil eye.
— To marry with your parents’ rings is to repeat their fate.
— A wedding ring cannot be put on a glove - it means divorce.
- If the groom steps into a puddle in front of the bride's house, the husband will be a drunkard.
- If on your wedding day it suddenly rains, snows or a blizzard breaks out - this is a sign of wealth and prosperity.
— If the heel of a bride’s shoes breaks, family life will be “lame.”
— If the bride’s dress is torn, the mother-in-law will be angry.
— If the bride’s bridesmaid is an unmarried girl (but not divorced), this means a happy family life.

Signs during pregnancy

- You can’t cut your hair during pregnancy - the baby may be born prematurely.
— A pregnant woman should not look at terrible things - the child will be born ugly.
— It is recommended to hide the pregnancy for as long as possible, so as not to jinx it.
- A pregnant woman should not eat in secret - the child will be born shy.
- A pregnant woman should not sit on the threshold, or step over a log, log, etc. - this will lead to a difficult birth.
- A pregnant woman should not sit cross-legged - the child will be born with squint or crooked legs.
- Meeting a pregnant woman is good luck.
— Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream means you will achieve success in business.
— A pregnant woman should not pet a cat or pick it up - the child will have many enemies.

Signs for birth

- The belly is sharp and protruding - there is a boy inside, round and wide - there is a girl inside.
- During pregnancy, hair grows more intensively on the legs - a boy will be born. If the hair doesn't grow, it's a girl.
- The father and mother are already married or engaged at the time of conception, then a girl will be born, and if not, then a boy. The boy, as it were, will replace his father and become a man in the house.
- If a woman loves more, a girl will be born. On the contrary - a boy.
— Spouses have frequent sexual intercourse until a girl is born, and if with a break of several days, a boy is born.
“A man wears tight underwear, the baby will be a boy, if it’s loose, the baby will be a girl.”
- If conception occurs on the day of ovulation, a boy will be born. If a couple of days before - a girl.
- The expectant mother sleeps with her head closer to the north - a boy will be born, to the south - a girl.
— During pregnancy, a woman’s legs become larger than they were before—it’s going to be a boy.
- If a woman becomes prettier during pregnancy, a boy will be born. Her appearance began to deteriorate - she was a girl.
- Cravings for sweets, fruits - a girl will be born. If you like salty or sour, as well as meat and cheese, it’s a boy.
- A slightly swollen nose, this sign indicates a boy.

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