Proper rest or how to learn to relax. Health benefits of rest What is proper rest

Everyone knows that it is important for each of us to rest. But not everyone knows what proper rest is. Some people don’t even think about the fact that without such rest it is impossible to live a healthy and happy life.

Periodic rest and relaxation is something that is extremely necessary for our body and psyche. Therefore, every person needs good sleep, 7-8 hours a day. In addition to sleeping during the day, we need to find time for rest and relaxation. American scientists have proven that a person who rests for 10-15 minutes every hour and finds about an hour to rest after lunch works much more productively and has better health.

The importance of active recreation in introducing a person to a healthy lifestyle cannot be overestimated. Proper rest improves health, increases endurance, hardens, develops strength, will, courage, initiative, perseverance, independence, discipline, responsibility, and increases work activity.

Scientists have calculated that 72 thousand nerve endings are concentrated in the legs, which are connected to various parts of the body. A “sedentary” lifestyle does not allow them to be used fully, but active walking puts pressure on these points, and they stimulate the activity of internal organs.

It is very important to maintain health, beauty, and ability to work at any age. Currently, there is an accessible opportunity for active recreation. One of the most important types of active recreation is tourism, including travel associated with active modes of movement along the route, hiking, cycling and skiing.

A common type of active recreation is various types of physical exercise, training, such as swimming, running, skating, walks in the park, in the forest, etc. In recent years, fitness, shaping, aerobics, and yoga have become very popular types of recreation. Even a 5-minute exercise at the workplace can completely relieve fatigue and restore strength for further work.

In our city, in recent years, sports, health and bath complexes, health centers have been actively developing; in the summer, children and youth health camps operate, where children restore their health and gain strength for the new school year. There is a wide variety of types of active recreation and it is very important that everyone understands their importance for health and chooses for themselves what they like best, because movement is life, and it should be interesting, full of strength and positive energy!

You can read more about the good habit of “Good rest” and its importance for your health in our library...

The weekend is over, but there is no energy to work. Sound familiar?

Even on Monday you can come tired, and no work will stubbornly enter your head. But the thing is that we absolutely do not know how to relax. Without rest, naturally, we cannot work normally, and our productivity drops. Therefore, learn to rest properly!

There are 8 rules for those who want to relax efficiently and productively

1. Get off the carousel

Realize that rest is necessary. Very necessary. After long or labor-intensive work, you need an equally long and deep rest. Don't forget to slow down. The work to rest ratio must be correct.

2. When you rest, you don't do anything wrong.

Rest is not a crime. Don't feel guilty for simply allowing yourself to relax - it's not only your right, but also a necessity.

3. Take time for yourself

Pamper yourself. Think only about yourself. It's not selfishness, it's just that no one will do it for you. There will always be those who will encroach on your time. And only your decision is what to give it to.

4. Play

Take part in active recreation, sports games and do not reproach yourself for wasting your time - for serious matters, let the office remain. Be a carefree child sometimes!

5. Don't be a workaholic

There is nothing good about being a workaholic - it is a real disease that can lead to depression, excessive physical and emotional stress, and lack of physical energy. Don't become dependent on work - it's just a part of life, but not the whole of life.

6. Learn to stop

The fact that you cannot relax even after work can lead to overexertion, insomnia, increased fatigue and a nervous breakdown. Just force yourself to do absolutely nothing for 30 minutes. Nothing at all. Lie down and dream.

7. Plan your vacation correctly

Vacations were not invented so that during it you would develop new projects or go on business trips. Plan your vacation until the very last day and don’t look back at those who come back from vacation early or haven’t been on it for several years: unlike them, you take care of your health, and it pays in full with your energy and productivity.

8. Don’t confuse working vacation with vacation

Just because you were sent to a conference does not mean that it can be considered a vacation. Of course, this is not office work, but even there you have to study, communicate, learn from experience, and report. This is not a vacation, this is also work. Vacation is when you left your mobile, smartphone and laptop at home.

There is an expression: “To have a good rest, you need to work hard.” Work well - rest well, because on the contrary, this expression also makes sense - “To work well, you need to rest well.”

You love and know how to work, but you feel sorry for the time to rest. But look around: the world is built on the principle of duality. Man and woman, day and night, good and evil, plus and minus... Anyone who tries to do without the other half is like a madman cutting off one of his own hands. The ideal way of life is to find a middle ground in everything. Adequate rest is as important for energy and health as movement, breathing, and nutrition.

The great magician Houdini said that it is not at all difficult to pull a rabbit out of a top hat. Anyone can do this. It's hard to put him there. Rest is a kind of skill to put a rabbit in a hat.

To work well, you need to rest well. One of the most ancient peoples in the world is the Jews. They know how to survive and take leading positions in any country. If you compare the successes of this people with their numbers, it becomes clear: there is a lot to learn from them. One of the main secrets of survival, energy and success of Jews is the ability to rest. 54 Sabbaths and approximately 25 holidays and semi-holidays are one of the main foundations of Judaism. In a year they get almost three months of complete rest, when they are forbidden to even think about everyday matters. As you can see, learning to rest is just as important as learning how to breathe correctly. Overwork is something that will set you back two steps when you took the decisive first one with such difficulty.

"Rest rejuvenates the body, mind and spirit, is important for physical and mental health, reduces our body's need for oxygen by fifty percent, reduces cardiac workload by thirty percent, reduces high blood pressure, improves short-term and long-term memory.
To do this you need to do regular short breaks during the working day. Use the formula to stop worrying. Dedicate one day of the week to complete rest. Doing breathing exercises is especially important when you feel nervous or stressed."
Adam Jackson, writer

Comment on the article "Stop getting tired - learn to relax!"

More on the topic “You have a good rest, rest properly”:

tired of resting. How to proceed?. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. Stop getting tired - learn to relax! How to take a break from family life? I’m tired, I’m very tired, it seems like we went on vacation for the May holidays...

Relax alone? Wife and husband. Family relationships. Vacation alone? Would you go to the seaside for a week alone? Not evaluating correctly is wrong, but it’s simple: go there, live there, go back - will it be normal to be alone, won’t it be boring/hard/uninteresting?

Stop getting tired - learn to relax! How to rest properly? Man and woman, day and night, good and evil, plus and minus... Anyone who tries to do without the other half is like a madman cutting off one of his own hands.

Section: Survey (I forgot how to relax and have fun). Do you know how to relax? Separately from your loved ones? Stop getting tired - learn to relax! It sounds banal, but in the era of monetary and career values, many have simply forgotten how to rest well.

Is it good to rest separately??? I haven't looked here for a long time. I myself became the initiator of such a vacation, sensing that rest was simply necessary. The birth went well. Stop getting tired - learn to relax! To work well, you need to rest well.

Mentally say thank you to your parents for the good things and forgive them for... the parents' next vacation before graduation. Maybe give negative assessments of her behavior, or something like “I’m tired of you,” “I wish I could rest,” etc. I’ve seen that children don’t let their parents go when...

And that's how we relax... :). Vacation with children. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development A week of rest has already passed. We swim, sunbathe and try to relax:) I already miss you.

Stop getting tired - learn to relax! Symptoms of overwork are as follows: the feeling of fatigue after exercise does not go away for a long time. The site runs thematic conferences, blogs, and ratings of kindergartens and schools... We have hysterics after kindergarten.

Children relaxing in the camp, as well as adult hotel guests, enjoy assessing the rest throughout the day. Rest for us began with determining the country in which we could relax, the length of stay in it and Stop getting tired - learn to relax! How to rest properly?

Have a nice weekend everyone... And here's what I want to say... Wish me a successful flight! I am especially afraid of cheerful pilots, dispatchers and customs officers: ((And Maria is doing the right thing in not letting go:)) your task is to protect the child in your belly like the apple of your eye!

Stop getting tired - learn to relax! As you can see, learning to rest is just as important as learning how to breathe correctly. Cool, take everything from life, it will come in handy someday. so that's great! come back rested, healthier and happier!!

Study or relax? Here below we have already discussed the problem when a child needs to work out in the summer - the majority are against it, as I understand it. Maybe it’s better for you to stay for a second year? Maybe the teacher won’t emphasize spelling there?

how to relax in a week. World Mind, help!! We have: 1. vacation 1 week exactly. Seriously. Now the weather is wonderful at night, the embankments are so nice, you can still climb around the center. You can take a boat, there are different price options.

Svetochka, have a good rest. Gain strength for the most important task. And it’s even better to do this thing on vacation :)) Now we won’t see each other soon. Svetik, happy arrival and RELAX! Come back rested and just as cheerful. p.s. and since August 13th I have been...

After some weekends, I want another weekend. We are not always talking about some extraordinary events that disturbed the peace on Saturday and Sunday. But there are people who go to work on Monday cheerful, and during the working week they don’t seem to get tired at all. What is their secret, and what prevents everyone else from having proper rest?

What prevents us from relaxing?

Many people don’t even realize that they need to learn to relax. Why else study if after a hard day at work it’s so nice to plop down on the sofa in front of the TV? Tea with something tasty, beer or wine, TV shows or the Internet - what else is needed for happiness? On the weekend you need to do what you don’t have time to do on weekday evenings, and then it’s time to pull the strap again. This is if there are no children. Otherwise, there’s no time to turn around, what kind of rest is there? I wish I could live to see my vacation.

In order to learn how to properly rest and relax, you need to know what prevents us from doing this. And the main enemy, not surprisingly, is not the lack of free time.

  • Boredom and monotony
  • Vanity and pursuit of new sensations
  • Belief in the help of alcohol
  • Lack of daily routine

All of the above harms proper rest, turns a vacation into a season of hard work in the country, a tourist trip into a race to see the sights, and makes one evening indistinguishable from another.

The lack of new impressions and their excess are closely intertwined. Boredom occurs when there is nothing to captivate. The variety of information at a certain point begins to get boring. Alcohol, having a brief effect on the nervous system, gradually increases nervousness and does not allow you to relax completely. There is no need to explain about the habit of going to bed after midnight and working without a break until your feet reach your favorite chair.

You may have heard about people who died in the prime of life. Remembering them, they say: “He worked a lot, didn’t rest at all, didn’t know how to relieve stress. I haven’t been on vacation for many years, there’s constant stress at work, and now I’m stressed out.”. People mourn and sigh, but do not draw the main conclusion. Rest is a necessary part of human life.

Anyone who works a lot must be able to rest. Rest
is necessary for a person to the same extent as labor. The human body can develop and exist normally only with the correct alternation of work and rest. Rest is a powerful factor in the development of personality and its abilities, and the promotion of health.
A healthy lifestyle, a joyful mood, a feeling of happiness and beauty is impossible if you are constantly just working. You simply won’t have the strength and time to enjoy life, lead a healthy lifestyle and enjoy all the delights of this world.

Of course, there are many people who spend their lives idle, but you can also get tired of idleness, and not everyone can afford it. Most people work and, accordingly, need proper rest.

But, unfortunately, not many people know how to truly relax - to free themselves from fatigue and stress and gain strength for new things. Many people do not allow themselves to rest, considering it selfishness or a waste of money. You can often hear the phrases: “I have no time to rest, if I rest, who will feed the family?”

Moreover, working hard (so-called workaholism) is often welcomed and encouraged in every possible way by the surrounding society, despite the constant stress at work, so to speak, professional stress. And if you overstrain yourself and, at best, end up with a nervous breakdown and a hospital bed, who will feed your family?

So how to relieve stress? As you know, a person sleeps and rests for himself. We work all day, earn money, authority, take care of children, do a bunch of household chores. Only some of these things are done for yourself. Basically, at work, we want to earn respect and
approval of colleagues and managers, i.e. We try for them, and only a little for ourselves.

We wash, wash, clean, prepare food - for the whole family, and only a little for ourselves.

When we rest or sleep, we do it only for ourselves. Only then do we feel good when we get enough sleep or have a full rest. At first glance, it seems that since we do this for ourselves, then, in fact, we do not receive anything for it. And if we do work for the sake of loved ones, we receive love from them in return. We buy the love of loved ones for our hard work. Or we work from morning to evening for the sake of material well-being, afraid of missing out on profits while away from work.

Imagine a workhorse that must take us quickly to our goal. If you whip a horse, it will run. If you whip a horse harder, it will run faster. If you whip hard and often, she will rush at full speed. How long can she carry on like this? NO. Then she will fall dead and in order to continue what we started, for which we whipped this horse, we will need another. The same thing happens to a person who whips himself for the sake of family and work, for the sake of material well-being. The man falls dead. What now, not try for yourself and your family? Give up everything and do nothing, you ask?

No, of course not. Imagine that you are the owner of that horse and you love this horse madly. This horse is working for your benefit. Will you whip her, drive her at full speed? No! You will take care of her, care for her and cherish her. After all, you love her and want her to be with you as long as possible. She will carry you through fields and forests when necessary, but then she will graze in the meadow because she needs food and rest. So that tomorrow we can move on towards our dreams.

Now realize that this horse is your own life. If you care for and cherish her, she will take you where you need to go. And this will be good for you and all your family and friends. Because love for another person begins with love for yourself.

By taking care of ourselves, giving ourselves the opportunity to rest, we do ourselves good. We have a lot of strength to do good to others.
When we feel good, we are relaxed and satisfied. We radiate happiness and cheerfulness, i.e. We charge our family and those around us with this happiness. Our performance improves, our head becomes clearer. This makes it possible to work more fruitfully and, as a result, get more fruits that the whole family can enjoy.

Organize your work so that you always have time to rest and it will pay off handsomely.

When I'm tired, I become very irritable and can even lash out at my family. I love my family very much, but in moments of extreme fatigue I lose control of myself. I learned to recognize these moments in time and, most importantly, I was able to explain to my family that I needed rest. And rest for me is loneliness. When no one talks to me, asks me for anything or asks for anything. When I am alone with my thoughts, it is easier for me to relax without being distracted by anything.

If possible, I take the child to my parents, my husband goes about his business and I devote time to myself. I go shopping or
At home I watch a good movie, read and don’t do any homework.

I also like to read interesting magazines and books. And recently I began to periodically re-read Anastasia Gai’s book
« Don't fly with elephants, or the principles of happiness". I don’t read much, I’ll open one or two chapters, read it and realize that my soul has become calmer. Even when I read, I feel as if a stream of energy is being poured into me. It’s an interesting feeling and after that I understand that I have rested and have a lot of strength and energy.

There is also a rule at my work - do not give compensation to anyone for vacation. And all employees are required to take vacation twice a year
two weeks – I think this is a good rule! I always spend one of these vacations away from home to relax and gain new impressions. Something new to see, something new to try. This helps me change my life for the better. Because It is sometimes difficult to imagine that you can live completely differently until you see another life with your own eyes. In the following articles I will talk about how I travel and what valuable things I saw that helped me make my life more interesting.

Good luck and love to all of you, Larisa Kim

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