Surprise for the birthday girl. Birthday surprise ideas for loved ones and loved ones

In each of us, regardless of age, there lives a child for whom a birthday is associated with magic and the fulfillment of desires. But often the presents received on this day are secretly given to relatives or acquaintances, and there is simply no place in the house for “things necessary in the household”. Therefore, it is better to give the birthday man something unusual.

To bring joy to a loved one, you just need to be a little more attentive to his desires. After all, you must have heard what he dreams about. Or try to imagine yourself in his place. A tenth frying pan will not bring great joy to a woman, a man will be skeptical about a set of socks or a cheap cologne, and children do not perceive clothes as a gift at all.

If you want to surprise the birthday boy with an unexpected surprise, you will need imagination, creative solutions and enough time to prepare. Indeed, in one evening on the eve of the celebration, it is unlikely that it will be possible to come up with and do something worthwhile.

DIY surprises

Exclusive gizmos made by hand in a single copy are highly valued. Therefore, if you have any talent in the field of needlework, in this case it will definitely come in handy for you. After all, clothing items, various accessories for interior decor, jewelry handmade are valued very dearly.

You can please your beloved friend, mother, niece, for example, with an original fashionable summer handbag, knitted with your own hands and intricately decorated with laces, beads, flowers. The bag can also be sewn from leather or thick fabric or use the macrame technique. The bag can be completed with a cosmetic bag, a wallet and a mobile phone case made in the same technique.

If you are a decoupage master, present a chic set of glasses, artfully decorated with ribbon flowers, beads and seed beads. Similarly, you can arrange a bottle of good wine. Such an original hand-made surprise will not only delight the birthday girl, but also cause amazement and envy of the guests. After all, such a set will be an exclusive decoration of the festive table and it is impossible to meet a second one.

With your own hands, you can embroider a picture or sofa cushions with ribbons or beads, which will serve as a decoration for the living room. If the craftswoman has artistic talent, she can embody the portrait of the birthday man in her creation, then this gift will be especially valuable and will cause universal admiration.

Men whose hobby is making original things with their own hands can also surprise with their art on their birthday. Graceful carved wooden photo frames, wall panels, a set of cutting boards for the kitchen or an amazingly beautiful hot stand will not leave any housewife indifferent.

Collective surprises

If the birthday boy is a work colleague, a collective surprise can be prepared for him. Having sent him with some important task from the office for two hours, quickly cover festive table, decorate the room with many balloons and DIY posters with original congratulations. Congratulate the hero of the occasion who has returned from a short "business trip" in chorus on his birthday and seat him at the table. You can also give him comic awards made in advance with your own hands on this day.

A theme party arranged in the office in honor of the hero of the occasion will also cause him a pleasant surprise. Prepare, for example, impromptu costumes and props of the Indians and cowboys of the Wild West. On the walls you can hang announcements in which the sheriff announces a reward for the capture of wanted dangerous criminals, the most important of which is the birthday boy. Country music will be in the background. Indians, decorated with feathers, and cowboys in hats meet the birthday boy.

As accessories for creating an entourage, you can use everything that can somehow be connected with the theme: horseshoes, whiskey bottles, if there is a guitar and cacti, they will also be in the theme. Organized during the celebrations, competitions such as lassoing, water pistol shooting, dart throwing and peace pipe lighting will create an atmosphere of general fun.

Romantic surprises

For a loved one on his birthday, an ideal surprise would be a romantic evening organized without his knowledge or presented with unusual experiences.

Remove everything unnecessary from the room, place a lot of heart-shaped candles around the perimeter on the carpet, put a bottle of good wine in the center, two glasses, beautifully decorated fruit desserts. Of course, for dinner you need to cook something more substantial.

Filled with gel are suitable for decoration. Balloons and rose petals sprinkled on the carpet. For more comfort, place a few sofa cushions on the floor. By the time the birthday boy arrives, turn on the bewitching music, turn off the lights in the room and light the candles. Such a surprise will certainly touch your soul mate.

An unforgettable surprise will be the launch of Chinese "sky lanterns" into the night sky - paper balloons with burners attached to their base. As the air heats up, the lanterns slowly and beautifully fly up, becoming like small sparkling stars. Balls can be additionally decorated with your own hands to make them look unusual. Watching a flock of lanterns flying into the night sky is very touching and romantic.

Balloons are liked by both children and adults, and when they are present in large numbers, the atmosphere of the holiday is felt immediately. original surprise and an addition to any gift will be a huge bunch of multi-colored balloons filled with gel, which will be under the ceiling throughout the holiday, decorating the room. If at the end of the holiday the birthday boy is not sorry to part with them, he will be able to launch them into the starry sky together with the guests.

Surprise dreams

The fulfillment of the most cherished desires of the birthday man will be the most pleasant present for him. If he has been dreaming of trying or acquiring something for a very long time, try to “work as a magician” and make his wish come true.

Organize, for example, a parachute jump or riding a troika of horses, if you are sure that the hero of the occasion has long dreamed of such a gift. The emotions of this day will be remembered by him for a long time.

A noisy party with the performance of songs in the karaoke club will give the birthday person the opportunity to feel like a pop star, and a photo session in the amusement park will remind the impressions of this day for many years.

Each of us has a person who wants to arrange a real birthday surprise, and not just give a gift. We want this surprise to really cause a storm of positive emotions and be remembered for a lifetime. You can come up with it yourself if you have time and desire. However, a loved one will not be upset if you use a ready-made idea, the main thing is that it should not be repeated.

Idea 1: Birthday surprise for a friend

Sometimes a friend can replace a sister. Therefore, she wants to make the best birthday surprise, of which there are a sufficient number of options. For example:

Option one: photo session

Probably, there is no such girl who would not dream of a photo shoot with a professional photographer and does not like to be photographed. Why not give your friend a certificate for a photo shoot or make her happy by taking a picture together?

However, it takes a little effort to make everything go well. You should choose a good photographer by looking at their portfolio and reviewing their work reviews. Alternatively, you can take a few pictures of yourself to appreciate his professionalism.

Option two: an unexpected surprise

Surely, a pleasant and unexpected surprise for a friend will be the creation of a holiday with the help of the hands of the friends themselves. For example:

Option three: an inexpensive surprise

It also happens that there is no great financial opportunity to make a friend original gift. In this case, you should not be upset either, since you can make a surprise for your girlfriend's birthday with your own hands. For example:

  • Buy 2 T-shirts - for yourself and a friend, order photo printing on it. The image can be a general photograph or a cool inscription.
  • Make a collage of joint photos, the best memorable events. It can be diluted nice words, wishes.

Your girlfriend will love it for sure "Sun from tea bags"

Required Tools:

  • Cardboard.
  • PVA glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Wooden clothespins.
  • Ornamented paper.
  • Tea bags.

Work process:

  1. Cut out a ring from cardboard.
  2. Glue it on one side with cloth or paper.
  3. Cut strips of ornamented paper (according to the width of the clothespins).
  4. Glue on one side.
  5. On the other side, glue clothespins around the perimeter of the circle.
  6. Attach a loop.
  7. After complete drying, clamp tea bags into clothespins.

Idea 2: Birthday surprise for a girl

Every guy who is in love with his girlfriend wants to surprise her on her birthday. Of course, if the meetings drag on for years, and age allows, then the girl is waiting in most cases for an engagement ring. However, besides this, there are other nice gifts.

Option one: an ocean of emotions

You can make an incredible surprise for a girl even with a modest budget. However, it will be necessary to work hard, because by choosing this option, the birthday girl will receive congratulations "from all sides." You can leave a congratulations to her:

  • On asphalt near the house.
  • Send her a text message.
  • Leave a message using voice mail.
  • Call her on her own.
  • Record and send a video greeting.
  • Insert a postcard in the mail or in the door.
  • Send flowers by courier.
  • Send a telegram by mail.
  • Order congratulations on the radio.

As a result, the last surprise gift should be handed to her personally. What it will already be depends on personal preferences and opportunities.

Option two: have a good time

Study, work and other "charms" of life take a lot of time and because of them it is not always possible to spend enough time together. A birthday can be exactly the day when there will be an opportunity for just the two of you to spend time together. In this case, you can do the following:

  • Have a picnic in nature warm time of the year.
  • Ride on a boat, steamer.
  • Book a table for two at her favorite cafe or restaurant.
  • Visit a water park or an amusement park.
  • Go to the cinema, concert.
  • Jump with a parachute, bungee.

Option three: an unforgettable experience

Or it may be that, nevertheless, on his birthday, the guy decides to confess his love to his girlfriend. However, here's the problem - how to do it in an original way and not like others?

  • Arrange a romantic date. For example, a romantic mime meets a girl at a certain time and makes a nice present (balloons, flowers). He escorts you to the appointed place (square in the park or a table in a cafe), and there is already waiting for a beautifully decorated place and pleasant music sounds, in this incredible atmosphere, an offer is made to your favorite!
  • Order a flash mob. Incendiary dancers gather a jubilant crowd, in the center of which there will be a girl! Professional, bright and unusual dance flash mobs can be varied with signs, t-shirts, flowers, balloons, beautiful costumes, gifts, favorite music and an unusual scenario in any unexpected place. The finale of the surprise will be complemented by unforgettable applause from the crowd and shouts of “Agree!!!” and, of course, the cherished "Yes!".

Helpful hints:Alternatively, you can make your own slide show. Choose photos from the very first days together to the future. The latter can be developed by adding pictures of the wedding ceremony, the birth of children, and so on.

Idea 3: Husband's Birthday Surprise

Surprising a husband's birthday becomes a difficult task for many women. However, it is easily resolved if you use such a surprise option as

Search for a gift by envelopes with tasks

How it all happens:

Envelope 1.

Hello my dear cat

I'll play with you...

You solve riddles

And get gifts!

Step by step you go

Find the treasured key here

Quickly open the envelope

And get to work!

And now, my golden

Go wash your hands

Where is the washing powder

You will find something, my friend!

If you need a hint,

Send me sms!

Just don't forget -

Everything is free only in a fairy tale!

You will be indebted

And not a pie!

You owe me a wish and a love confession!

(there is a gift letter with a kiss and the next envelope)

Envelope 2.

You passed the test

But it is only the first.

You found my kiss

And now probably

Then go to the corridor

And poke around a little!

Raise something

Find a present there!

If so, don't forget

You can take my hint

Send SMS

And you get the answer!

(there is a beautifully designed power of attorney on the heart and the next envelope)

Envelope 3.

Now go to the living room

What will be ahead?

Between the closet and the wall

Find a surprise, you are my dear!

(There is another envelope with gifts - coupons for desires that should be fulfilled at his first request. For example, a massage, a gentle kiss, lying in bed all day and, of course, an envelope with a new test:

Envelope 4.

You are tired, poor thing,

Delicious food awaits you in the kitchen.

Where do I bake pies?

Find my gift there.

(There are delicious heart-shaped sweets and another envelope)

Envelope 5.

Now baby you gotta

Guess if you can

The place where the envelope is.

It has a nice present!

It is only necessary that first

You worked hard for glory.

It will be easy to do this -

You answer all questions.

And from the letters that are in red,

You will make this place!

(The task is accompanied by a crossword puzzle with personal questions: "where was our first kiss", "my favorite sweet" and so on. Having guessed all the words, from the letters that are in red cells, the beloved must add the name of the place where he is waiting for a T-shirt with the inscription "I love you!" and the penultimate envelope with the encrypted location of the key).

Envelope 6.

You passed all the tests

Deserves my recognition

But to enter the room,

Still need to find the key

He lies not in the field,

He does not hang on the fence,

There is none and where you are

Received my prizes.

He is in the place

Where sometimes a little crowded

There are scarves, keys...

Seek more carefully!

I wear this thing

I walk down the street in it,

It's cozy and warm...

The key is waiting for you in it for a long time!

Find him soon

And come into our bedroom!

The key is found, the door to the room where the wife is sitting. For example, candles are placed around, and a festive dinner is on the table. And then the wife shows him with a gesture that he was silent and did not ask anything ... And she hands him the last envelope.

Envelope 7.

Where is your tool?

There you will receive a present!

There, a beautiful cup with the inscription: "Beloved (name) for leading role in my life" or any other gift.

Idea 4: Birthday surprise for a friend

You can and should make a birthday surprise for a friend. For this there is a large number of options depending on whether a friend is a beloved young man, or a good friend. For example:

You can arrange such a surprise for your beloved guy:

Alternatively, offer to play roulette.

Required Tools:

  • Roulette.
  • Question sheet.
  • Little gifts.

Game process:

  • The guy is spinning the wheel.
  • The pointer falls on a specific question.
  • He must answer each question - right or wrong.
  • If not, the guy doesn't get the gift.
  • If correct, then you should give him a present.

A guy friend can make the following surprise:

  • A ticket to the game of his favorite team.
  • Quest for the birthday "Search for a gift".

How is it happening?

A friend is given a note that will indicate the location of the next clue. And, having found the next pointer, you will need to look for another one, and so on. The end result is a found gift or congratulation.

Several types of hints:

  • A ball on the ceiling or furniture with a message inside.
  • Soft toy with a message.
  • If the journey will be outdoors. You can nail leaflets with pointers-arrows that lead to the nearest store with a furniture gun on the trees, and the seller will give the seeker a gift or the next note.
  • You can draw the whole map! Only fantasy will play a big role here! You can persuade your friends to participate, and then the trip will turn into a real holiday for everyone!

Helpful hints:a great option would be if you write on the steps in his entrance several reasons why he is best friend. For example, he knows how to stand up for friends, he is a courageous, intelligent, attentive interlocutor. You can not only do it on the steps, but for example, arrange a jar with the same reasons.


Liana Raymanova October 14, 2018, 20:55

When a loved one celebrates a birthday, I want to make this day unforgettable for him. You can bring this idea to life not only with the help of gifts, but also by organizing exciting surprises for him.

How to organize gift giving?

An original surprise for a man on his birthday can be unusual gift giving. Surprises from his beloved will give him special pleasure.

Surprise Day

Can make a day of surprises young man, putting small souvenirs in the most unexpected places. Let him see a greeting sticker on the mirror and a small souvenir in a beautiful box in the morning in the bathroom. For breakfast in a closed plate, give him an original keychain. Then, of course, feed and a delicious breakfast! In a portfolio for work, put a gift in the form of a diary or a CD with records of your favorite band. Let him find him at work and enjoy a good day! And in the evening, arrange a luxurious romantic dinner, learn belly dance and perform for your loved one! Such a day of surprises will be remembered by a loved one for a long time, despite the fact that the gifts had a small value.

When you want a birthday to remain in a person’s memory for a long time, give him gifts in an unusual way.

How to give a ring?

An unusual surprise for a birthday in the morning for a loved one can be the presentation of a ring. Hide the jewelry box in a house slipper. When she gets out of bed and wants to put on her shoes, she will be surprised that something is bothering her. How bright for her will be the moment when she realizes that this is a new ring!

Gold ring with diamonds, SL(price link)

How to give a gift in a restaurant?

You can organize a drawing of a birthday girl in a restaurant. Arrange with the waiters so that they knock over the container on it. And fill the container with rose petals, small coins.

You can give a gift with the words that there is an amazing rarity inside. It is available in Russia in a single copy, costs a lot of money and is awarded to a woman in honor of such significant event. When the birthday girl opens the box, she will see only fragments from the vase. Of course, this will not be a real gift! Say that the dishes are beating happily and give her a real present!

Gift-draw for the birthday girl

Ideas for small birthday surprises for loved ones are inexhaustible. But you should prepare for them in advance and carefully. think about every little detail, so that there are no overlaps.

A gift can be hidden in an original way under the guise of the most ordinary things. Then you get cool gifts with a birthday surprise.

hidden decoration

Everyone knows the way how to hide the decoration in a drink or a cake, but you can make it even more interesting. Arrange with a pizzeria that they put a decoration in pizza or sushi. Order food delivery so that your beloved hears about your order. At dinner, seemingly so ordinary and unromantic, she discovers an ornament in a box of restaurant food.

How to give a small present in an original way?

A pleasant birthday surprise at a party will be the delivery of an unexpected package. Arrange for a huge box to be delivered at the end of the event. Let there be many more boxes in it according to the principle of nesting dolls. Put a present in the very last box. Even an insignificant souvenir in such a situation evoke strong emotions. And if there is a paid trip, there will be no end to joy!

We present a small present in an original way

How to organize a congratulation?

You can not only give a gift in an unusual way, but also congratulate the birthday man so that he I remember my birthday for a long time.

Unexpected meeting

You can arrange an unexpected birthday surprise at home. Agree with friends and relatives that no one will congratulate the birthday man on this day. Let him be a little upset! But in the evening, meet him with a noisy company, present gifts and have fun celebrating his birthday by dancing until the morning!


An interesting surprise for the birthday boy will be the presentation of an invitation to a country walk. Have a picnic in nature with barbecue and fishing. Such a gift is especially good in warm weather. It will appeal to people who prefer to relax in nature, away from the noise of the city.

For lovers of extreme entertainment, give a parachute jump, someone is more suitable for a horseback ride.

Do not limit your imagination and make this day the brightest moment of your life! Emotions, pleasure are always remembered much more often than the usual presentation of a gift.

Holiday event invitation

A cool idea to invite a birthday boy to a party is not really in a simple way. Print a receipt for a non-existent fine in the name of the person in whose honor the event is being organized. After reading official words warning to immediately pay off debts, indicate the phone number that a person must call to find out about the details and details. When the frightened hero of the occasion calls, invite him to a party or leave a note on the answering machine with information on where to arrive.

Original congratulations in public transport

For such a congratulation, you will have to take into account many of the smallest details: agree with the driver and the conductor vehicle, make sure that at the right time the birthday girl is in it, but the effect produced will be worth it. Arrange for the controller to try by all means to disembark a person, insisting that his ticket or travel card is not valid. Then the driver should intervene with the words that you can’t mock a person on his birthday. Let him do it with speakerphone. Without any doubt, all passengers will join the driver's congratulations.

Congratulations to a loved one in public transport

Original congratulations at work (study)

If you want to do unusual congratulations for your colleague, you will have to agree with the authorities so that the birthday called to his office for a serious conversation. This can be done through a loud announcement or ask one of your colleagues to do it. Let the hero of the occasion be warned that the director (dean, rector) is very angry today, probably something terrible has happened!

When the birthday boy enters the office, the director must, in a stern voice, announce a forced reprimand to the employee and punish him in the form Suspension from work for a day without saving wages . And it is done in honor of such a wonderful event as a birthday! Of course, any person will be delighted with an unexpected day off! For many, this will already be a gift! (Try to agree that the person is still paid for that day).

Congratulations birthday boy at work

Congratulate your loved ones in unusual, funny ways, and their reaction and pleasure will thank you for your concern!

How to congratulate a friend in an original way? What surprise to prepare for a friend on her birthday?

Or maybe it will be a handmade birthday surprise for a friend or a themed surprise for her?

Surprise - donated emotions, which are much more valuable than material gifts. A good, kind birthday surprise for a girlfriend should cause a storm of positive emotions, be remembered for a long time, which you would like to tell friends and family about.

How to guess with a surprise gift for a girlfriend?

It is necessary to know well its tastes and preferences, character and disposition, values ​​and desires. And even better - the limits of permissibility, otherwise a public, noisy, sometimes frank surprise may not come in place. The person will be uncomfortable!

The financial preparation of friends plays an important role. As a rule, a company of friends / girlfriends prepares a surprise - it's cheaper, and the choice is wider. Moreover, the approach to choosing the theme of a surprise for a friend’s birthday should be chosen based on the proverb: “One head is good, but two, three, etc. - better!".

On the other hand, the attention of loved ones and a charge of bright emotions for a birthday require a minimum of financial investment, but great physical costs from friends.

From our review, you will learn about possible surprises for a girlfriend for her birthday, about their diversity: by type of gift / surprise, by financial opportunities, we will talk about classics for special girlfriends, and about creativity, originality.

Birthday gift/surprise ideas for a friend

creative ideas

Rain of balloons

Original, beautiful, spectacular for a girl. Inflate a lot of balloons (preferably with gas), hide behind the door, fix with a film or attach to the floor so that they do not fall out. In the morning, a beloved friend will open the door - they will soar up (gas balloons) or fly from the ceiling (ordinary inflatables) at her.

Quest Wishes of friends

You can approach the celebration of the birthday of your beloved friend in a creative, fun, student-like way. Prepare wish sheets in advance, paste them in a certain way, according to the wish sheets, a friend will reach a certain point where the gift is located and receive her gift, vivid emotions or wishes, a guide to action, an invitation to a mini-party, etc.

Song from friends

A close friend, the soul of the company, will be surprised if a group of friends write the words and music for the song just for her. You can write your own words, suitable for your company, and music can be used as a backing track of a famous hit;

Sweet present

Creatively designed sweets, for example, in the form of a huge bouquet, will please a friend on her birthday. The fantasy of friends is the most important thing. You can arrange both independently and with the help of a specialist.

The bouquet can be filled not only with sweets, but also with notes with wishes, money in candy wrappers, comic poems or prose;

Theme evening\meeting\birthday

For example, you can organize an evening in the style of the Red Carpet and give your friend an Oscar statuette. It is necessary to beat this presentation very eloquently, brightly, unusually - this requires well-coordinated preparation from friends and a great desire to make a creative birthday surprise for your beloved girlfriend.

Important! A gift of this kind is presented with a certain eyeliner: music, words, poems, a legend, etc., a spectacular presentation of a surprise - 50 percent of success from the surprise itself!

High-quality surprise preparation - 90% success if you want to congratulate in an original way. In addition, all these events bring friends together, save money for already poor students / friends, make the surprise unusual and thoughtful from all sides. Group creativity is a mass of positive emotions, a firework of feelings and sensations.

Do not discount the ideas of cooking and hand-made. Cookies, muffins decorated with mastic and cream inscriptions, intricate mastic figures, gingerbread and cap-cakes, etc.

Rollerdrome, karting, skating, etc.

With a noisy company, you can go rollerblading / skating, and then sit in a cozy cafe with your favorite company;

BOX with a surprise

Ideal for students, teenagers who decide to congratulate their girlfriend in an original way. You can fill the box with anything: bright butterflies, balloons with wishes, purchased or wild flowers (bright dandelions are also suitable).

Ideas backed by a good amount

! Gift Certificate in SPA services- an appropriate surprise for those who care for themselves and improve their beauty. A visit to the SPA is a holiday for any friend or group of friends. Gathered together, you can feel like queens;

! Free strip dance class introduction to sports involving the use of a pylon. Classes will be interesting for an active girlfriend, they will leave a lot of impressions and amazing inspiration for new achievements;

! "Hobby class". The surprise of such a plan is based on the interest of a beloved friend. It can be anything, needlework, animals, books, scrapbooking, decoupage, quilling, embroidery with ribbons, beads, etc.;

When everything is OK with money from friends! A creative approach is what you need!

Friendly Flashmob for a beloved friend. Flash mob is an action when a large\small group of people\friends in public place, performs predetermined actions\scenario. Recently, this is a very fashionable, highly emotional form of attracting attention, congratulations, and conveying emotions.

Important! To organize a flash mob, a leader is required who has the skill of an initiator. He must be able to organize the clarity of the actions of a group of people, think over the plot / scenario and bring it to life.

An unusual congratulation in the form of a flash mob surprise will be appreciated by any girlfriend of any age. It is better to record everything on video, and then watch the video with the whole friendly company - this is a firework of emotions and laughter.

Extreme - a surprise for a friend

If your girlfriend is a fan of active sports: she constantly attends fitness, runs in the morning, skiing, skating, rollerblading like a professional, then a trip to an interesting sporting event will be an excellent surprise for her birthday:

From such surprises, a friend will be guaranteed to be overwhelmed with emotions.

Important! When choosing a creative surprise birthday greeting for a friend, it is important to give a lot of impressions to a loved one, to give attention and understanding to the desire to show the existing potential. Only in this case the surprise will bring real joy.

Attention! You should not prepare trite and hackneyed surprises, for example, buying a huge soft toy. This is a one-time experience that will only collect dust.

Actual "Classic"

If there are no ideas on how to congratulate a girlfriend or you don’t want to take risks, but you really want to please a person, then you should consider the classic options for birthday surprises for girlfriends. Ideas for universal surprises:

Festive enchanting atmosphere and surprises- secrets. A table in a bar - restaurant or cafe, decorated in advance according to the theme of the event, is a great surprise for your beloved girlfriend on her birthday. It is worth taking care of the “secrets” of mini-surprises in advance, which will “accidentally” open throughout the party.

What could it be? These can be congratulations in balloons, a small box with a surprise inside a birthday cake, a courier with flowers, a visit by an animator with a song from friends, etc. The scope of surprises for a friend depends on the wild imagination of friends and their financial capabilities.

Collective photo session with a progreat option surprise for a friend of any age. A very fashionable surprise today and almost a win-win, because every woman loves to be photographed. A certificate for a classic or creative themed photo shoot with make-up and change of outfits will delight any girl and woman.

Printing house exclusive. It is quite easy to make an extraordinary gift from a group of friends!

One of the options, for example, is a "special number" of a famous fashionable, glamorous magazine with a photo of a birthday girl on the cover. A surprise for a friend on objects will look spectacular: a mug, a pillow or a bag with an individual motif, etc.

Today, in the century modern technologies, to make any thing in an exclusive and single copy according to an individual sketch is quite simple. The main thing is to do everything in advance.

Options for the very brave and determined

When choosing alternative surprises for a friend's birthday, you should focus on the interests, health, preferences, phobias of your beloved friend. By themselves, alternative offers are quite attractive!

Variants of today's popular extreme surprises: parachuting, horseback riding, scuba diving or the opportunity to fly in a wind tunnel. But not every such birthday surprise for a friend may like to suit her.

Important! Even the most ordinary photo shoot can turn into a stunning surprise if it is not just a photo shoot, but a thematic shoot. The most daring friends will be happy to be invited to a nude photo session.

Do-it-yourself birthday surprise for a friend

If there is no possibility of large spending on a surprise for best friend, then you can cook something with your own hands.

Creative - T-shirt. Buy paint for painting on fabric, an ordinary T-shirt, for example, in the oversized style, jeans to make a life-affirming inscription. The inscription can have an original meaning or be read only through a mirror!

The ability to accurately “hit the target” and give what you want is another criterion for a great birthday.

DIY surprise ideas:

  • — Large knit scarf;
  • - Expensive Lip Balm;
  • - Bath bombs
  • — Handmade soap with decorative elements;
  • — Half-sun skirt;
  • - Body Scrub;
  • - Photo frame with a significant photo;
  • - Plaid;
  • - Mittens or a fashionable hat;
  • - Designer kitchen board;
  • — Organizer;
  • — Pillow anti-stress;
  • - Mat;
  • - Lamp;
  • - Soft toy - jewelry.

How to make a friend happy on her birthday?

Give nice things

Find out from the environment what your girlfriend is fond of, how she relates to some things, how she spends free time. Having collected information, you can choose the right, but not expensive gift / surprise.

Party is a surprise

Find a place for a party, book a table or order food, music, invite other friends and bring a birthday girl there under a fictitious pretext. In the style of American comedies - a friend enters, everyone jumps out and shouts “Surprise!” Together, firecrackers and serpentine are fired;

Early leave

There is no better surprise than an unscheduled vacation or weekend!

Important! it is very important to think ahead of time of all the nuances of the upcoming surprise - vacation. Think over: buying tickets for transport, paying for housing and working out the route. You can buy an all-inclusive package. Aerobatics - work out the issue of leave at work and negotiate with relatives outside a friend.

Surprise for the lady!

If you are at a loss what surprise to make, give your friend your favorite fragrance or a silver pendant in an unusual design.

Gift ideas for ladies:

  • Making a gift depends on the preferences of both the giver and the recipient;
  • Bright, flashy colors of paper - for energetic and cheerful people;
  • Pastel and calm shades of packaging - for calm and gentle personalities;
  • Thematic packages - for fans and admirers of a certain direction;
  • Matryoshka packaging - for lovers of puzzles;
  • Discreet packaging - for business and serious people;
  • Creative design - for creative individuals;
  • Design ideas for decoration - for connoisseurs of certain styles.

It is important to present well

  1. In verse, prose or stormy wishes;
  2. Just hand over;
  3. Quest;
  4. Surprise;
  5. By courier;
  6. On the holiday;
  7. Alone;
  8. Company.

Whatever gift/surprise option you choose, be it an expensive certificate or a cake made by yourself, the main thing is the feelings and emotions with which this present was prepared and will be presented.

Friendship gives ample opportunities - friends know a person. Her dreams, passions and interests, desires of a friend or fears / phobias, income and attitude towards gifts - everything you need to make an amazing, extraordinary, unusual birthday surprise for a friend, create the perfect gift or turn an ordinary birthday into a surprise holiday .

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