An activity with elements of the game “good and bad habits.” Extracurricular activity for younger students

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1 Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten 31 “Snegirek” Card index didactic games, promoting the formation of healthy lifestyle habits in preschoolers through familiarization with their body. Prepared by teacher Smolentseva E.V.

2 “Dunno came to us” Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the structure and activity of the body. To encourage children to see the implausibility of a proposed situation. Understand the dependence of a person’s physical capabilities on the structure of his body. Game activities: Children listen carefully to Dunno’s story. As the story progresses, they notice fables and mark them with chips. At the end of the story, the teacher asks the children to count how many fables and which ones each of them noticed. Then the children explain the mistakes they noticed in Dunno’s story. Materials: Dunno doll, chips, chest with incentive prizes. “Lay out healthy products” Purpose: to clarify children’s knowledge about healthy products, their importance for human health and good mood. Play activities: Children are offered a display with pictures depicting various products. You need to look at and select pictures with healthy foods (rich in vitamins) and explain your choice. Material: display screen, didactic pictures depicting different types of products (ice cream, pasta, milk, yogurt, fish, candy, etc.). “What would happen if” Goal: To form children to treat themselves (their bodies) carefully, carefully, and with understanding. To promote the ability to establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships and relationships of our internal organs. Game actions: The teacher introduces children to various situations and plays them out. Asks the children what would happen if this happened to him (Did you have no teeth? Did you stop breathing? If you got your feet wet?) Material: didactic pictures with situations. “Wonderful bag” Purpose: to clarify the name of fruits and vegetables, to practice naming them and identifying them by touch, and the ability to write a story and description. Game actions: The teacher brings a wonderful bag of vegetables and fruits to the group. The willing children take turns trying to identify the fruits by touch. Children compose a descriptive story according to the following scheme: size, shape, color, smell, taste, benefit. If the child has completed the task, he receives the fruit. Material: Wonderful bag, fresh fruits, vegetables. “Groceries Store” Purpose: To consolidate the names of products, their general concepts (dairy, meat, fish, bakery). Foster a culture of communication. Game actions: The teacher and the children organize a grocery store situation. Children think about what products they would like to buy and why. IN

3rd order, buyers purchase products for themselves and their families, explaining their choice. Material: display screen, dummies or didactic pictures of products (dairy, meat, bakery, fish). Homemade paper money, handbags. Four pictures: milk, fish, meat, flour. “Letter from Pochemuchka” Purpose: to consolidate children’s ideas about the structure and activity of the body and individual organs. Create a desire to give advice on healthy lifestyle. Game actions: Children take turns taking questions (colored cards) from Pochemuchka’s envelope. The teacher reads, the children listen to the question briefly and answer it clearly. Materials: large colored envelope with a stamp (on the envelope is the address of the school, group), colored cards with questions for the children. “Hairdresser” Goal: to expand ideas about the types and means of hair care, to form the concept of “neat” appearance"using different types of hairstyles. Game actions: The teacher offers children a set of pictures with ways to care for their hair (comb their hair, wash their hair, style their hair with rubber bands, use only their own comb, touch their hair clean hands etc.) Another group of pictures shows the shortcomings in the appearance of children. Children choose a “problem” picture and select methods of care, suitable hairstyles, and give advice on hair care. Material: didactic pictures with methods of hair care, with shortcomings in the appearance of hair. “Sources of Safety” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about objects that may be objects of danger, to practice choosing objects according to the described situation. Game activities: The teacher invites the children to work independently with didactic pictures. Place pictures of dangerous situations under the red card, and non-dangerous situations under the white card. Children explain the choice. Material: didactic pictures depicting dangerous and non-hazardous situations, a folding folder according to the TRIZ good-bad method with a red and white card. “If I do this” Purpose: To promote children’s ability to distinguish between impending danger and find a way out of various situations. Develop intelligence and sanogenic thinking. Game action: The teacher asks a question, the children listen carefully and answer it clearly. After listening to the teacher’s story, the children continue

4 it after the words: “There will be danger if I do this,” or “There will be no danger if I do this.” Material: box with incentive chips. “What is good and what is bad” Goal: To develop children’s ability to distinguish good behavior from bad. Reinforce the idea that good behavior brings joy, health and vice versa. Play actions: Children express their attitude towards good and bad behavior with facial expressions and gestures (bad behavior - angry face, shaking a finger; good behavior - smiling, nodding their heads approvingly.) Children answer the teacher’s questions. “What do you know about” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure, work, characteristics of their body, and the rules of caring for it. Development of attention and memory. Game actions: Children sit on chairs in front of the teacher. The teacher who is driving throws the ball to the child and asks: “What do you know about (for example, about muscles?” The child who caught the ball answers. The rest of the children listen carefully, those who wish to complete the answer. Material: ball. “We are writing a letter to a sick friend” Purpose: To assist children’s ability to show sympathy for the sick person, to be interested in his well-being, to find words of support: Children are invited to write a letter to a sick friend. The teacher asks the children to think about what they would like to write, what words of support to say. Then everyone composes a letter together. They put a beautiful envelope with a letter and pre-prepared gifts (drawings, photographs, applications, etc.) The letter is sent to a sick friend (at the request of the children themselves, together with their parents. Material: a large envelope, a sheet of paper for writing, drawings, applications, etc.). made by children’s hands. “Healthy and unhealthy food” Goal: to reinforce the idea of ​​which foods are healthy and which are harmful to the body. Bring to an understanding of the contradiction: I like this food, but it’s good for my body. Game activities: Children are given pictures with images of food products. You need to put pictures of healthy food under the green card, and pictures of unhealthy food under the red card. Material: didactic pictures depicting food products, a folder using the TRIZ method, good and bad, with green and red cards.

5 “Pick a Pair” Goal: To promote children’s ability to correlate objects depicted in pictures with the functions they perform, to consolidate acquired ideas about organs, their functions and systems of the human body, and to develop logical thinking. Game activities: Children receive pictures depicting internal organs and images of objects similar to them in the functions they perform (heart motor, brain computer, stomach pan, etc.). The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures and tell how the work of organs and objects is similar, and arrange the pictures in pairs. Material: didactic pictures depicting internal organs, various items. “Finish the sentence” Goal: To develop the ability to understand the causal relationships between behavior and consequences. Promote a conscious attitude towards your health. Game activities: the teacher organizes a game with children in a circle with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child, starting a sentence, and the child continues it. For example, “If I eat a lot of sweets, then”, “If I do exercises every day, then”, “If you eat unwashed fruits, then”, “I will play sports so that”. Material: ball. “Who is faster” Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about various sports. To develop an interest in sports and a desire to engage in them. Game actions: Doctor Gantelkin’s doll comes to the children and brings pictures with different types sports. Children stand in a circle. Gantelkin suggests showing children the sports they are familiar with using facial expressions and movements. One by one, the children stand in the center of the circle and show the intended sport. If the children in the circle guess right, the child receives a picture from Gantelkin. Material: Doctor Gantelkin doll, pictures from various types sports. “Human” Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the “inner kitchen” of a person, about the holistic process occurring in the digestive organs. Game actions: teams of girls and boys, when given a signal, assemble a person’s “kitchen” from cut pictures ( internal organs digestion: mouth, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines). Then the resulting images are compared. The one who posted it quickly and correctly wins. Material: cut-out pictures depicting the internal digestive organs.

6 “Plants that heal” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about medicinal plants (appearance, place of growth) and methods of their use. Expand understanding of the benefits of medicinal plants for human health. Game actions: Doctor Pilyulkin opens a pharmacy. Nearby on the table there are pictures with situations: a tired heart, a bad tooth, warts, a cold, etc. Children choose a picture and go to the pharmacy for advice from Pilyulkin to find out which medicinal plant can help. The doctor tells customers what the plant looks like, where it grows and how it is used (in the form of a decoction, fresh leaf, juice, etc.) Material: Doctor Pilyulkin doll, “Pharmacy” screen, didactic pictures with problem situations, herbariums medicinal plants (illustrations). “What assistant is missing?” Purpose: to show children the importance of each individual sense organ. Develop a cognitive attitude towards the world around you and yourself. Game actions: large colored paper models of an eye, tongue, ear, nose, and hand lie face down on the floor or shifted tables. The teacher informs the children that there are human “scouts” lying here and let the children guess who he is talking about. Then the children are given the task of collecting each scout into a single whole. Material: paper models of eyes, tongue, ear, nose, hand. “Who helped” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the senses as analyzers that allow a person to interact with the external environment. To form knowledge about memory and mind, as necessary for a person to understand the world. Game actions: the teacher plays with the children in a circle with a ball. The teacher begins the sentence, and the child finishes it. For example, “The soup helped me recognize it by its smell”, “I can look at a beetle”, “I recognize my mother by her voice with the help”, “Cold and hot water they will recognize my...", "Helped me understand what an apple tastes like," etc. Material: ball.

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teacher of the highest qualification category.

Purpose of the lesson: developing in students a clear understanding of the consequences of habits on human health.


To develop students’ knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle;

Promote the desire to acquire healthy habits and get rid of bad ones;

Foster an active life position and a responsible attitude towards your health.

Form: dialogue with game elements

Preliminary work: developing a script, making cards for the exercise, compiling and writing a list of habits, selecting fiction.

Equipment: cards for the exercise, list of habits, pencils.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time

Educator: Guys, there is a card on the table in front of you. What is written on the card? (Annex 1)

Children's answers

Educator: Your task is to cross out repeated letters. From the remaining letters, add and read a word.

Children do the task

Educator: What word did you come up with?

Children's answers

Topic message

Educator: How many of you guessed what our lesson will be devoted to today?

Children's answers

Educator: Today we will talk about habits, try to understand the habits each of us has and their impact on our health.

Educator : What does the word “habit” mean?

Children's answers

Educator: IN " Explanatory dictionary"D. Ushakova habit means “a course of action, state, behavior, acquired by someone over a certain period of life, which has become ordinary, permanent for someone in life”

A habit is something we do almost without thinking, acting as if automatically. For example, the habit of going to bed early, brushing your teeth, making your bed, and so on.

Habits are formed through repeated repetition. When a person performs the same actions, he gets used to repeating them without thinking.

Seeing how a habit is formed will help usgame "Habit".

Game description:

Children stand in a circle. If the leader’s command begins with the word “Please!”, then everyone performs various movements: “Please sit down,” “Please turn around,” “Please raise left hand" and so on. There should be quite a lot of such commands so that the participants in the game get used to executing them. At a certain moment, the teacher does not say the word “Please” in front of the team, and then the children should not follow his instructions.

Game discussion:

Educator: Having gotten used to executing commands, many of you were not able to switch right away and executed the command when you should not have executed it. Our habits are formed using the same principle: we only have to repeat this or that action many times, and it becomes fixed in our consciousness in the form of a habit.

Each person develops many habits throughout his life. Many habits can affect a person's health.

What are the habits that help maintain human health called?

Children's answers

Educator: What are the names of habits that are harmful to human health?

Children's answers

Working with cards

Educator: I have a task card. It lists a list of habits.

1. Let's read the list of habits together.

2. Select useful habits from the list and put a “+” next to each one.

3. Select from the list bad habits and put a “-” next to each

List of habits: (Appendix 2)



Wash your face

To confront

Brush your teeth

Maintain hygiene

Nail biting

Maintain a daily routine

Put things back in their place

Skip class


Sitting in front of the TV a lot

Fulfill homework

Miss lessons

Temper yourself


Attend clubs

To tell the truth

Be rude

Be lazy

Don't respect elders


(After completing the task, a discussion is held)

Physical education minute

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces

One two Three!

Educator: We have already told you that habits can be useful and harmful. I suggest you listenpoem “In the Land of Bad Habits” by N.I. Salova (Appendix 3)

Discussion of the poem


Who do you think will be more pleasant for you to communicate with: a person who has bad habits or a person who has good habits?

Children's answers

Educator: Of course, you are right, a person who has bad habits not only harms his health, his relationships with people also deteriorate. On the contrary, a person who has healthy habits not only gets sick less often, but it is more pleasant to communicate with him, since a smart appearance, precision and neatness evoke positive feelings in those around him.

What should you do to avoid acquiring bad habits?

Children's answers

Educator: What do you think can be advised to someone who wants to get rid of a bad habit?

Children's answers.

Lesson summary

Educator: The lesson has come to an end. Let's summarize. What did they talk about today?

Children's answers

Educator: What habits are considered useful?

Children's answers

Educator: Which ones are harmful?

Children's answers

Educator: What do bad habits lead to?

Children's answers

Educator: Can a person get rid of a bad habit on his own?

What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers

Educator: The following conclusions can be drawn:

There are different habits: good and bad.

Good habits can be developed

We must try to behave in such a way as not to acquire bad habits.

Willpower helps you not have a bad habit.

Annex 1

Appendix 2



Wash your face

To confront

Brush your teeth

Maintain hygiene

Nail biting

Maintain a daily routine

Put things back in their place

Skip class


Sitting in front of the TV a lot

To do homework

Miss lessons

Temper yourself


Attend clubs

To tell the truth

Be rude

Be lazy

Don't respect elders


Appendix 3


Not in some ancient kingdom,
In a modern state
The children attended school
Read smart books

Passionate about literature
Made friends with physical education,
We went to sections and circles,
For others they were considered an example.

They cared about everything
Only Vovka got tired of it.
Threw my bag and diary
Our exemplary student.

Dropped out of music school,
For sports training
He also waved his hand,
In general, the guy became different.

He said goodbye to dad and mom,
Set off on the path
Look at the high beams
So they live there or not.

He walked through forests and fields.
Behind two then hills
The city grew up in front of him.
And everywhere you look - everything is smoke

Vovka began to cough and sneeze.
What is this city called?
And in response everyone says:
"This is ours TABACO - hail »

Well, what’s not here:
Brands of different cigarettes,
And the pipe tobacco is here,
And a smoking mixture.

Whatever you want, take it all -
Smoke for your health.
I chose the mixture and took a drag.
He doesn’t remember how he woke up.

He sees a dwarf grandfather nearby
(This means he has been smoking for many years).
Blinking his dull eyes,
Yellow teeth flashing,

He says: “Son, run!
There are no friends here, everyone is enemies
I'm not scaring you, but keep in mind...
Will you stop growing?

Frequent cough and shortness of breath
They'll take you away, boy..."
Vovka realized that tobacco
Health's worst enemy.

The fugitive barely made it out.
I thought: “Everything seems to be over!”
Well, how did you come to your senses?
I went around the world again.

I wandered for a long time or not,
But he wandered into the New World.
Like a river full of wine
Alcohol is a country.

The people live here are noisy.
Young and old drink.
Women and men drink here,
Even if there's no reason

They don't care
Without housing and without work.
You won't find guys there -
Everyone is in the children's homes.

They themselves are dirty and sick.
At night, during the day - always intoxicated
We're glad Vovka came by.
Invited to sit at the table

Although the hero is very brave,
I was scared, by the way.
It was drilling in my head: “Yes,
I will never drink!”

Fortunately, I was an athlete -
Two jumps and he took off like a bird
He keeps a covenant in his heart:
“There is no road to that country”

But the fairy tale does not end.
The young man has matured and grown up.
Gives no rest, no sleep
This miracle side
The rains cried at night:
“Don’t go there, boy!”
The wind howled angrily through the chimney:
"Don't tempt fate!"

Only Vovka cannot be appeased,
He walked about five blocks.
Finally here she is
Drug addiction - country

The syringe king sits on the throne,
With him is a needle in a golden crown,
Nearby is my daughter Nesmeyana
Their joy is Marijuana.

There's a baby running around here
Black-Eyed Hashish.
He enters decorously, slowly,
Mother - old lady Anasha

Who is that strange gentleman?
-Their uncle is Heroin
And at the door, a little to the side,
Place of the Poppy Straw

Young people are having a blast here
Well, not life
And the sheer drive
Everything I've heard is nonsense
Well, what's the problem here?

They don’t drink, but everyone is drunk.
The eyes are languid and crazy.
They talk out of place,
All movements are random.

And sometimes it breaks,
The doctor suddenly doesn’t have time...
Vovka yelled: “What a problem!
I won’t come back here!”

He wandered for a long time,
I even met Lenya.
I also found out what AIDS is
Poisonous to health.

And then I got sad
I remembered school and loved ones.
He began to dream about his friends
And he decided to return

Opens the doors of the house -
How warm and cozy it is!
His family has been waiting for a long time,
Classmates, friends.

He found bags, a diary.
Vovka is a student again
Come on, the sun is brighter than the spray!
After all, a healthy lifestyle

Must live in every house
So that you can be friends with him

What most often prevents a person from becoming successful and rich? Brown University experts are sure: these are bad habits. This conclusion was made after their 5-year study. No, we are not talking about addiction to tobacco, alcohol and junk food, but about habits that harm personal effectiveness.

According to the findings of scientists, these include:

  • Various kinds of part-time jobs (the habit of not investing money, but looking for additional income is the lot of poor people).
  • Gambling and other gambling (thirst for “easy” money that will “fall out of nowhere”).
  • Reading exclusively fiction (rich and successful people read manuals and monographs that help improve their professional level).
  • The habit of taking out loans (rich people are accustomed to relying on the resources they have, refusing to buy or purchasing things at a more reasonable price).
  • Lack of budget planning (84% of rich people organize their financial affairs, while among the poor this figure is 20%).
  • Lack of a “financial cushion” (the rich regularly save at least a small amount of money, unlike the poor, who are accustomed to living “paycheck to paycheck”).

Our whole life consists of habits - certain well-formed actions, established ways of behavior in certain circumstances. Every small habit, even if it seems insignificant, can bring a person closer to his dream or, on the contrary, move him away from it.

By developing the habit of not smoking in the morning on an empty stomach or after a meal, you will bring your goal of “becoming healthy” a little closer; By purchasing products not spontaneously, but according to a pre-compiled list, you are taking the first steps towards the goal of “learning to save.”

By the way, psychologists advise not to wage an irreconcilable fight against bad habits, but to focus specifically on mastering new ways of behavior that are useful for you. By forming and consolidating new habits, you can more easily achieve your goals.

Forming Good Habits: Six Important Factors

The formation of a new way of behavior does not happen immediately. To do this, you need to go through six steps, each of which is important in its own way.

  1. Analyze your existing habits and understand what exactly needs to be changed in your behavior.
  2. Make sure that new way behavior will help you cope with your tasks.
  3. It is clear and precise to formulate exactly what habit it is desirable to acquire.
  4. Determine which existing modes of behavior will contribute to the formation of a new one, and which ones will interfere.
  5. Publicly announce your intention to form a new habit.
  6. Find a suitable company: several or at least one like-minded person.

Let's look at each stage in a little more detail.

Stage 1

Over the course of several days (3-5 will be enough), observe yourself and analyze your own habits, both useful and not so useful. Ask yourself questions:

- Why do I do it this way?

- Can this be done differently?

For example, when you are going to have lunch, sitting comfortably in front of the monitor, stop and separate these actions. If you are hungry, eat in the kitchen and then start browsing the sites.

Stage 2

Think about how exactly your new habit will help you achieve your goal. Have you stopped eating flour and sweets? Have you started jogging in the morning and given up cigarettes? This will help you become healthier and more beautiful.

As you begin to develop a new way of behavior, always keep in mind the end result you want to achieve. Ask yourself, “How will my new habit help me achieve what I want?” Users who set goals on the SmartProgress resource work to form a wide variety of habits: write at least 10 pages of a new book every day, regularly perform a set of exercises, devote half an hour a day to studying foreign language or Java programming. And they write reports about their successes, which in itself is also a very useful habit.

Stage 3

Precise formulation helps you clearly understand what exactly you want to achieve and what skill to develop. For example, the phrase “Do exercises every day” is too vague. It is better to formulate this way: “Every day from 7.00 to 7.30 do a set of exercises

for stretching/strengthening a specific muscle group/general development.”

It is believed that it takes 21 days to form a new habit, but this is an average. The more complex and unusual a new way of behavior is, the longer it will take for it to become natural and necessary. So, train yourself to start your morning with a glass warm water with lemon you can do it in 21 days, and to form a habit proper nutrition or daily training may take two or three months.

Stage 4

Each mode of behavior does not exist in isolation, but in conjunction with others. Determine which already fully formed habits will help you organically incorporate new order actions into the overall picture of your behavior. For example, you decide to create a menu for the week. This useful habit is reinforcing for many others:

  • spend money economically on groceries;
  • prepare your own healthy and tasty food;
  • follow the principles of proper nutrition;
  • rational use of available products;
  • calculate your budget for the week, etc.

Stage 5

By publicly declaring your intention to form a healthy habit, you gain additional incentive that will not allow you to give up at the first difficulties and inconveniences. You can make a public commitment by simply telling numerous friends and acquaintances about it, publishing a post on a page on a social network, on your favorite forum.

Or you can use the SmartProgress service, which has a special function - “word price”. By making a commitment, you risk a certain amount, which is deposited into your account and “frozen.” If you didn't keep this promise, you lost your money! This kind of “whip” is extremely effective.

Stage 6

Like-minded people who are ready to enthusiastically support your idea and start forming a new habit “for company” are great. You want to skip a workout, but a friend is already calling you and making an appointment to go to the gym. You want to eat a piece of cake, but your friend has already surpassed you in terms of the number of kilograms lost. Developing new habits together is more fun, faster, and more effective: mutual support, responsibility to each other, and a healthy spirit of competition help.

A new way of behavior will become firmly established in your life if

- you clearly understand why you need this;

- it does not contradict the usual way of life, it is approved and supported by the environment;

- the results from its “implementation” quickly become noticeable and tangible (you become slimmer, feel better after quitting smoking, you start working faster and have time to do more).

Remember that every new good habit is a step towards your success.

A cycle of classes with children of senior preschool age

Rationale for conducting classes

The family as a social institution, for various reasons, began to change significantly. One of the unfavorable factors that destroys a child’s peace of mind is drunkenness, and with it the immoral behavior of the parents. and drinking is associated with imitation of adults, movie characters, idols...

Someone may object: they say, it’s too early to talk about this with preschoolers. But prevention must be carried out from childhood. Our observations show: most children in the older group have tried wine and beer, which they tell their peers about.

Since children live in an environment where it is not uncommon to find a drunk adult, they are very good at figuring out who is drunk and who is not, and what types of alcoholic drinks exist. When in shaping classes healthy image In life, the children were once asked about their attitude towards the drunkenness of adults, then in relation to their fathers, the children were more peaceful, but they reacted negatively to the drunkenness of their mothers. What can you expect from children if, before they learn to read and write, they learn from adults how to navigate what they can drink?

And then, at a parent meeting, after conducting a raid check on the kindergarten, noting the state in which parents came to pick up their children, we proposed holding a series of conversations with children of senior preschool age on the prevention of social harms.

There were no objections from parents and teachers - after all, it is up to us, adults, to decide how to live, how to raise our children. We must not forget that by our very existence, by our behavior, we are an example to follow, and raising children must begin with ourselves.

Purpose of the lesson: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​human health as the most valuable and dear; form an idea about harmful influence smoking, alcohol on the human body; develop the ability to resist the bad influence of others.

The conduct of such classes depends on the contingent of families (complete, dysfunctional, problematic, single-parent) and on the selection of children in the group. If children of older preschool age have a well-developed ability to express their own thoughts (“I think...”, “It seems to me...”, “I noticed...”), then our conversations go well. They should be asked the question more often: “What do you think?”

We must not forget that preschoolers have a well-developed visual-figurative thinking, so we use drawings with the structure of human internal organs through which fluid moves. We show how the human body reacts to alcohol and juice, to the condition of the skin of a healthy person and a smoker.

It’s good to end such conversations with reflection: “I liked (didn’t like) the lesson because...” when children express their opinions, say what else they would like to hear about. You can invite them to discuss the information received at home, find out the opinions of their relatives, and then simulate various situations during trainings. The most important thing is to understand the importance and relevance of this problem.

Target: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​human health and ways to preserve it.

Basic concepts: health, daily routine, personal hygiene, habits (bad, good).

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Guys, today we will talk to you about our health. What kind of person can be called healthy? (Who feels good, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t get nervous over trifles, doesn’t go hungry, doesn’t beg...)

The teacher summarizes the children's answers.

Human health depends on many reasons:

  • diseases (some diseases are inherited, from mom and dad);
  • prevention, treatment (it’s bad when treatment doesn’t start on time, there’s no doctor or medicine nearby);
  • environment (what kind of people live nearby, can they come to the rescue in difficult times);
  • lifestyle (how a person lives, what his habits are, his character, his daily routine, whether he does physical exercise, exercise, whether he drinks alcohol, smokes).

IN. Each person, depending on age, work and occupation, has his own daily routine. What is a daily routine? (This is something that a person constantly does at a certain time of day.)

Game "When I do it."

IN. Is the daily routine of an adult different from the daily routine of a child? What are these differences? (Children play more, sleep more, don’t get up so early, don’t go to work.)

Human health also depends on food. How should you eat to be healthy? (Before eating, you need to wash your hands thoroughly, eat slowly, and do not talk while eating.)

Right. You must always keep your body clean in order to look good, wash your face, brush your teeth, comb your hair only with your own comb, and constantly change your underwear before going to bed.

A person lives among people, they are all very different. What's different about them? (Eye color, hair color, height, weight, everyone has their own thoughts, everyone thinks and acts differently.)

Game "We are so different."

IN. On the count of 1, 2, 3 - everyone run to me! The teacher invites children with a certain color of hair, eyes, those who help their mother, never fights, never speaks swear words...

IN. We, guys, need to learn to live among people and be able to live without bad habits.

Game situation.

IN. You are playing in the yard. An older boy comes up to you and offers you a cigarette. What will you do? What will you tell him? What if he insists and intimidates you? (The child answers.)

That's right, you should never do what is considered a bad habit - smoking, drinking alcohol, fighting, swearing bad words. And if you are forced to do something that you don’t want, then it’s better to tell your mom or dad, older brother or sister.

Game training: "".

IN. Please answer, what should I do to be healthy, strong, and resilient? (Exercise, brush your teeth, eat well, don’t smoke...)

Habits and health

Target: to form in children of senior preschool age an idea of ​​useful and bad habits; develop the ability to resist the bad influence of others.

Basic concepts: habit (useful, harmful).

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the hall, the teacher watches the children who sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

IN. Why are you positioned like that on the carpet? I didn’t tell you anything, what should you do? (Some of the children begin to get up, some remained sitting, some began to make excuses that we always sit like this, it’s so convenient for us.)

Yes, a person is accustomed to the way he usually locates himself at his workplace. We just get used to some constantly repeated actions or feelings, for example, someone goes to bed early, someone goes to bed late, someone brushes their teeth before bed, and someone doesn’t... (Children name other habits.) Someone he constantly screams, fights, offends others, and some wouldn’t hurt a fly. People get used to their favorite clothes, place of residence, food...

A habit is developed as a result of repeated repetitions, when a person does something many, many times, and then does not even think about how to do it differently, but simply performs the usual actions. (For example, a child eats carefully, is not late for kindergarten, helps his mother...) Those habits that do not interfere with a person’s health are called useful.

Training “My good habits”.

IN. When I meet everyone, I always say hello, brush my teeth before going to bed... (Each child completes the answer.)

Habits that are harmful to health are called harmful.

Invite the children to name them (eating a lot of sweets, sitting for a long time watching TV, talking while eating, interrupting adults when talking...)

IN. But there are very, very bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs. And if a person does this (including a child), then his internal organs deteriorate - the heart, liver, stomach, kidneys, and the person begins to get sick. But the worst thing is that he himself does not know about it, he thinks that he is healthy, but in fact he suffers from diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction, and gets used to smoking.

Gradually, he begins to see and hear worse, his memory is lost, his behavior changes - he staggers (he may even fall), he is angry (screams at everyone). In this state he is very dangerous.

The life of an alcoholic becomes uninteresting - all he does is, when he wakes up, he looks for alcohol. A person gets used to this bad habit very quickly, and then he himself cannot stop.

Have you ever met such people on the street? They are very different from other people. Do you remember what they look like? They are called homeless people, drunkards, and they always look unpleasant. But once they were normal, beautiful, neat people. This is what vodka does to a person. Now only treatment will help these people, but most often they refuse it.

Game "Imagine that..."

Invite the children to imagine how the son or daughter of an alcoholic feels, why are they ashamed? What should you do to avoid becoming like this? After all, many people try vodka already in childhood.

IN. Some of you are not used to getting up early in the morning, and they start waking you up. How will you react to this? (We cry, we don’t want to get up, we ask to sleep a little, we get offended, and even when we get up, we can’t wake up right away, we walk around lethargic, sleepy.) Or vice versa. They tell you to go to bed early, and you toss around, hide under the covers, be capricious... But then they ask you one day, two, three, you understand that you can’t change your mother, she will still wake up early. And you will develop the habit of getting up early, without crying, and enjoying the fact that you have time to do everything.

But bad habits such as alcohol, smoking, and drugs are difficult to get rid of on your own, without the help of loved ones and doctors.

Alcohol, once in the blood, poisons it and weakens the body. This is how a person lives - weak, sickly. And if an alcoholic does not drink, his “alcoholic cells” require reinforcement - “food” (alcohol). And so - every day. A person can no longer live without alcohol. It is especially difficult to get rid of this bad habit if it was formed in childhood. Children's body He gets used to alcohol faster, since he is still young, all his organs are just beginning to form.

Let's think about what you learned today, and let's learn only good things.

“Imagine that...”

Target: to form a negative attitude towards alcohol in children of senior preschool age.

Material: paper, pencils, felt-tip pens, pictures for viewing and comparison.

Progress of the lesson

The lesson takes place in the form of a mini-conversation.

IN. Imagine, children, that suddenly, as if by a magic wand, bad habits such as... (children prompt) disappeared. Everyone stopped smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs. That was?

Children’s reasoning: “People would get sick less, stores would sell only juices and ice cream, adults wouldn’t fight in the family, wouldn’t yell at children, there would be no orphanages, there would be no abandoned children, money would be spent on good food, sweets, clothes..."

IN. What would life be like? Why don't some adults like it? Why are there so many drunks?

Because many adults already suffer from a disease such as alcoholism. And if such a conversation had been had with them in childhood, perhaps many would not have become alcoholics. It all depends on the person. If he understands that this cannot be done and does not harm himself, then he is not in danger of illness.

Now imagine for a minute that everyone suddenly began to drink alcohol and smoke - men, women, old people, and children... What would happen?

Reasonings of the children: “All the beauty would be lost, no one would go to work, to kindergarten, shops would not work, because the sellers would be drunk, buses would not run or there would be accidents, there would be dirt all around”...

IN. So, draw a picture, dear guys, what kind of life do you like: without bad habits, when a joyful mom and dad relax with you in nature, do you all go to the circus together? Or maybe someone likes this kind of life, when everyone is just thinking about how to get alcohol and cigarettes and doesn’t see anyone around?

Children's drawings. If desired, they talk about their drawing.

"Advertising and Health"

Preliminary work: Explain to children such concepts as “advertising”, “product”, “buyer”, “advertiser”.

Products are items, clothing, food products that are manufactured for sale.

The buyer is you and me, these are the people who purchase goods in a store or on the market. Having bought this or that product, people draw their own conclusions about it. This is called customer reviews. This way others can read it and decide whether they need this thing or not.

Progress of the lesson

The children sat down in a way that was comfortable for them: some on a chair, some on the carpet. Music sounds, then suddenly... an advertisement about “Alice - chocolate cream", then about chewing gum"Orbit"...

IN. What does it sound like? How did you guess? Where did you hear this? How often? (Children's answers.)

The teacher suggests naming some other advertisement. Children call “Doctor Diesel”, “Red Bull”, beer “Fat Man”.

Children are given a beautiful bottle in the shape of a bunch of grapes, a golden sticker on it, an unusual cork, pink color liquid in a bottle.

“A pink, transparent drink that you just want to drink all of it from this bottle that resembles a ripe bunch of grapes. Drink everything for your health! This is a delicious drink - it’s true!”

IN. So is advertising always true? Do they advertise alcoholic drinks? (Children call advertising about beer.) Why, when they advertise alcohol and cigarettes, do they only praise their appearance, and not talk about how they adversely affect human health? (Nobody would buy it.) What is the goal of advertisers of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes? (They are not interested in people’s health or the fact that children watch the advertisement.) Advertising simply has its own techniques. In order to attract people, advertising producers alcoholic drinks resort to the following techniques: they present alcohol as a symbol of growing up (drink beer and you feel like an adult), demonstrate that people who drink alcohol are interesting and unusual. They never mention health.

A famous artist or actor claims that she or he uses this product all the time. And since they use it, people think that the product good quality. The advertisement also says that all people use this product and a person does not want to remain different from everyone else. “Advertising” characters are always happy and cheerful. They always achieve success, and it seems to us that we will achieve everything too.

There are also a lot of jokes and humor in advertising, so that people quickly remember funny pictures and phrases. Do you see how much various techniques you need to know to make an advertisement. Let's do it, come up with a truthful advertisement for beer and alcoholic beverages.

“All that glitters is not gold,” says the old proverb. This is a clear, golden, light, foamy beer that is drunk with such pleasure today by both men and women, both boys and girls, even boys and girls (and this is very bad), but the consequences of consumption are irreversible. (Children are shown drawings - a man with a big belly, a red nose, an unkempt woman with a string of bottles, children (teenagers) standing near the school and drinking beer, being late for class, and the kids, afraid of the consequences, imagine themselves with “huge red ears, nose ".)

The teacher once again convinces his pupils of how important it is from childhood to accustom oneself to morning exercises, the correct daily routine, and a healthy lifestyle. He says that there is no need to smoke cigarettes or try wine. Then a person’s whole life will be full of bright joy, good health, and happiness.

Extracurricular activity for children of primary school age “Good and bad habits”

The extracurricular event is intended for children of primary school age, educators, and teachers.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing ideas about good and bad habits.

1. Continue to form and consolidate ideas about good and bad habits; 2. Create conditions for the development of such analytical abilities of students as the ability to analyze, compare, compare, generalize, and draw conclusions; 3. Contribute to the development of a culture of relationships when working in pairs, groups, and teams.

Materials and equipment: 1. computer; 2. film “Bad Habits”; 3. physical exercise “Panda”; 4. poems about good and bad habits; 5. sheets with text (bad and good habits) Appendix No. 1; 6. mugs made of green and red paper; 7. sheets of paper size A 4; 8. scissors; 9. glue;

Progress of the event:

1.Organizational moment
2.Introductory conversation
Hello guys!
Today we will talk about bad habits and their impact on health.
What do you think habits are?
Give an example of habits.
Habits are what we do almost without thinking, acting as if automatically.
How are habits formed?
To form a habit, you need to repeat an action many times every day.
A person has many different habits.
What are the habits?
Habits can be useful and harmful.
Give examples of useful habits (children give examples).
Useful habits: washing your face, brushing your teeth, doing exercises, making your bed, maintaining a daily routine, putting things in their place, not being late and many other useful habits. They help maintain health, become stronger and more beautiful, organize life conveniently and comfortably, save time, and make a person freer.
But, unfortunately, there are also bad habits.
Now we'll watch a movie about bad habits

3.Watching the movie “Bad Habits”

4. Discussion of the film you watched
What bad habits are mentioned in the film? (children call habits)
What is harmful to human health? What is the harm?
Bad habits have a bad effect on the human body; once a person develops them, it is sometimes not easy to give them up. They harm human health, cause addiction and lead to serious illnesses and sometimes death.
Remember what not to do!
Skip school, be rude to elders and disrespect them, sit a lot in front of the TV or at the computer, eat too much sweets, bite nails, walk in inappropriate places where there is a danger to life, try unfamiliar substances, take alcohol or drugs.

5. Physical exercise “Panda”

Now we'll play. You will listen to poems and, if the text talks about a useful habit, then show a green circle, if it talks about a bad habit, a red circle.

You, grandpa, have lived
One hundred years in the world!
Tell us please
What's the secret?
-There is no secret here, -
Grandfather answered us, “I obeyed the adults.”
Until old age!
- Who doesn't clean their nails?
And he doesn’t cut his hair,
The one of his friends
It's pretty scary.

After all, with dirty nails,
Long and sharp
They can very easily
Confused with monsters.

Who broke the big vase?
I confessed, but not right away.
Let them think a little
Let them look at the cat:
Maybe it was broken by a cat?
Maybe it's not my fault?

At the saddest
In the world of a crocodile
- Terrible toothache
It never went away.
I can tell you why
But just a secret:
The crocodile loved candy
That's all it's all about!

All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
It’s not in vain that they say when we meet
“Good afternoon” and “Good evening.”

Unearthly beauty,
Take your finger out of your mouth!
Girls and boys,
Don't suck your fingers.
Dear children,
Fingers are not candy.

Sent by mom - kvochka
To my dear son's school.
She said: - Don't tease!
Don't fight! Don't get cocky!
Hurry up, it's time for you!
WELL, no fluff or feather!
An hour later, barely alive,
The cockerel is going home.

Who said we fought?
We didn't fight, we fought.
True, we are a little
And they pinched and pricked.
True, we crushed each other,
And they butted and kicked.
Of course, we were separated.
Of course, we resisted.

Who came to visit us?
TARARAM came to us. As soon as I arrived, right away
His pranks began.
I scattered the books all over,
I painted everything on the walls,
He threw a chair over the window,
I put a cat in the refrigerator,
Hid grandma's slippers
I put rags in the soup for taste,
Well, in the room, in the corner, I drilled a hole in the floor.

Tanya even picks at sour cream!
What she is looking for is known only to Tanya.
Dipping my finger, capricious Tanya,
Probably looking for a cow in sour cream!

Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always
And if it helps someone, someone
Your kindness and your smile.

7. Practical task
We watched a movie, talked about good and bad habits, listened to poems and played, and now this is the task for you: from the proposed list of habits, choose good and bad habits, stick a green circle on one sheet, select and stick useful habits, on the second sheet - red circle and bad habits (children show their work).

8. Summary of the lesson
In order for you not to forget what habits we talked about in class, we made the following reminder. On the first page read the proverb:

“If you sow a habit, you will reap a character,”
sow character, reap destiny”
Some of us have good habits and bad ones. It is rare to meet a person who has only good, healthy habits. Good habits help maintain health and make our lives easier.
But bad habits must be fought, and willpower will help you defeat them. Each of you is the master of your life and your health. The most important thing is for you to say today: - no to bad habits!
Thank you all very much! I really enjoyed working with you!

Appendix No. 1
- Brush your teeth
- Skip school
- Make the bed
- Eating too much sweets
- Exercise
- Try unknown substances
- To be polite
- Take alcohol or drugs
- To be neat
- Smoking
- Wash your hands before eating
- Be rude to elders and disrespect them
- Be hardworking
- Sitting a lot in front of the computer and TV
- Walk in inappropriate places where there is a danger to life
- Bite your nails
- Listen carefully to the teacher in class

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