Ancient beliefs and primitive art in Belarus. Ancient beliefs and primitive art in Belarus Questions and tasks

Schedule of classes 6 "B" class


1. Belarusian (301)

2. Mathematics (204)

3. Geography (103)

4. Informatics (206) / Labor (m) (107)

5. English / Spanish (307/313/101)


1. Mathematics (204)

2. Belarusian (301)

3. Belarusian (301)

4. Physical education

5. History (104)

6. Russian (305)


1. Biology (102)

2. Russian (305)

3. Informatics (206) / Labor (e) (106)

4. Mathematics (204)

5. Belarusian (301)


1. Russian (305)

2. English / Spanish (307 / 313 / 101)

3. Physical education

4. Mathematics (204)

5. Physics (202)

6. Russian (305)


1. History (104)

2. Russian (305)

3. Belarusian (301)

5. English / Spanish (307 / 313 / 101)

6. Mathematics (204)

7. Class hour (305)


1. Akulova Daria

2. Alexandra Berdashkevich

3. Gavrilchik Violetta

4. Ermakov Alexey

5. Zagday Christina

6. Kovalenok Albina

7. Kostin Vladislav

8. Polina Kupratsevich

9. Kurash Oleg

10. Maslakova Anna

11. Matyas Vladislav

12. Melnikova Anastasia

13. Mikheenko Julia

14. Plisko Timofey

15. Podsadnik Veronica

16. Podsadnik Michael

17. Rybakov Andrey

18. Skachikha Maxim

19. Shapovalova Ulyana

20. Shevchenko Ksenia

21. Shestakov Maxim

22. Yazyonok Cyrus

23. Yarmilov Yuri

Calendar-thematic planning

Date Conducted. Lesson topic, plan for studying new material Concepts Number of hours Study guide material
18.02. The culture of our trades 1. Faiths of primitive people 2. Mythology 3. Plowing abrads 4. Primitive crafts Myth, mound, sculpture, ornament § 7
21.02. Our region
Lesson abagulnennya
25.02. control
Section II. The life of the population of Belarusian lands in the early Syarednevyakovy ў V–IX centuries.
28.02. Balts on the territories of Belarus 1. Territories of resettlement 2. Flames of the Balts 3. Pastelishcha Baltas on the territories of Belarus 4. Gaspadarka and handl 5. Arts and feats Balty, “Burshtynavy Shlyakh” § 8
04.03. Pakhodzhanni and dispersal of the Slavs 1. Forefathers of the Slavs 2. First stars of the Slavs 3. Paths of the dispersal of the Slavs 4. Entry of the Slavs to the territory of Belarus. Praradzima, Slavs § 9
07.03. Uskhodne-Slavic tribes on the territories of Belarus 1. Slavic-Baltsk ўzaemadzeyanna 2. Kryvіchy-palachani 3. Drygavіchy 4. Radzіmіchy Kalanizatsy, slavyanizatsy, syuz flames. kryvіchy, drygavіchy, radzіmіchy § 10
11.03. On the way and dzyarzhava 1. Princes, friends. 2. War apalchenne 3. People's gathering - vecha 4. Z'yaўlenne garadoў 5. Tribal princesses Knowledge, prince, danina, friendship, military apalchenne, vecha, tribal princesses § eleven
14.03. Gaspadarka, ramity and handful of the former Slavs 1. Development of farming and life 2. Development of literacy 3. Ramestry and crafts 4. Gandal Malaya syam’ya, susedskaya abshchyna, ramity, beekeeping § 12
18.03 Religion and mythology of the descendant Slavs 1. Cult of selling 2. Spirits 3. Pagan gods. Saints 4. Myths and Falls 5. Abrady The cult of prodkaў, pagans (multiple gods), svyatsilishcha (kapishcha), idal, abrad, tryzna § 13
Material culture 1. Arnament 2. Dekaraty-na-prykladnoe artifice 3. Zhylle 4. Adzenne 5. Zbroya Decarats § 14


date Activity accounting Notes
10.02.2014 Participation in the kick-off conference in Polotsk state university. Acquaintance with the methodological, pedagogical and psychological aspects of practice. Arrival at the place of internship (Secondary school No. 6 in Polotsk). Acquaintance with the teacher-methodologist (Belevich V.I.), as well as with the school administration. School tour.
11.02.2014 I was present at the lesson of the teacher-methodologist, which was held in the class assigned to me for the duration of the internship (6 "B"), in order to familiarize myself with the methods and techniques of teaching. The teacher-methodologist conducted a combined lesson. Key dates and concepts were written on the blackboard. Homework was checked using a frontal survey. Explanation new topic with questions to the students (thereby checking the material covered). Half of the class was active.
I was present at the lesson on Russian literature at 6 "B" in order to get acquainted with the class, as well as determine their levels of knowledge and activity. The students answered the poem by heart. Most of the class was not prepared for the lesson.
Acquaintance with the class teacher. Discussion of the upcoming event in the class dedicated to the holiday "February 23". Inspection of the classroom (No. 305. Russian language and literature)
12.02.2014 She was present at the lesson of computer science for boys of the 6th "B" class, in order to determine the level of interest in information technology. The boys were active, answered all the questions with almost no errors. The task on computers was treated with great interest.
I was present at the mathematics lesson of the 6 "B" class, in order to familiarize myself with the composition of the class.
Consultation with a teacher-methodologist regarding the conduct of history lessons.
13.02.2014 She was present at the lesson on "Social Studies" in the 10th grade, conducted by a student-probationer of the 5th year Ivanova D.A., in order to familiarize herself with the academic work in the senior classes. Ivanov D.A. to check homework, I chose to conduct c.r. (for preparation 5 min.) and 15 min. for writing. New theme "Democratic Society".
I was present at the lesson of the teacher-methodologist on the history of Belarus in the 7th "A" class, in order to observe the use of material teaching aids in the lesson To check homework, a dictation was used (a sentence is read out, students write down the missing words, dates.). Explanation of a new topic with reference to the textbook. Introduction of new terms (highlighting key words from the definition of a term).
Attended the EHI "Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists"
Consultation with the class teacher on the upcoming extracurricular activities dedicated to the holiday on February 23.
14.02.2014 Visiting a lesson of a teacher-methodologist on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class.
Analysis of the lesson of the teacher-methodologist 02/14/2014 6 "B" class History of Belarus Belevich Valentina Ivanovna "The emergence of inequality in society" To check homework, a frontal survey was organized, this fact made it possible to achieve active participation in the survey process of all students. Written work was also carried out on the students' knowledge of the features of the Bronze and Iron Ages, which made it possible to take into account the level of students' knowledge of the material covered. To introduce the new topic, a heuristic conversation was held, which allowed the students to identify the goals of the upcoming lesson themselves. During the explanation of a new topic, the teacher asked questions related to past topics, which allowed students to apply the already acquired early knowledge in practice. To assimilate the material, students were asked to draw up a logical chain, which consisted of such links as "transition to agriculture" → "increase in the role of men" → "The emergence of patriarchal families" → "Improvement of tools" → "the ability to live in separate families" → "transition to neighboring community" → "the emergence of private property" → "the stratification of society" → "the emergence of inequality". Later, a logical explanation of the chain by the students themselves followed. When reporting homework, all the requirements for preparation were clearly voiced.
14.02.2014 Visiting a lesson on the history of Belarus of a teacher-methodologist in the 11th grade. "Recovery National economy in the post-war years"
Attending a lesson on "Social Studies" in the 11th grade, conducted by a 5th year student-probationer Pinchuk M.I. "Development of culture and strengthening the health of the nation." Work in groups (by Ministries).
Visiting a lesson of a teacher-methodologist on the history of Belarus in the 6th "A" class. Topic: "The emergence of inequality in society."
Attending a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 10th grade, conducted by a 5th year student-trainee Pinchuk M.I. "Industrialization".
15.02.2014 Paperwork. Preparation for a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class.
17.02.2014 I was present at a geography lesson in the 6th "B" class, in order to determine the level of geographical knowledge of students. Plisko T., Kovalenok A., Shestakov M.
Consultation with a teacher-methodologist regarding the lesson on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class.
18.02.2014 4th year student-trainee Plavinskaya A.Yu. was present at the lesson on the history of Belarus. "Culture of our ancestors".
Attending a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 10th grade, conducted by a 5th year student-trainee Pinchuk M.I. "Collectivization"
Conducting a lesson in the 6 "B" class on the history of Belarus Topic: "Culture of our ancestors"

"Culture of our ancestors" 18.02.2014

The purpose of the lesson: To create conditions for the presentation of students about the culture of our ancestors, their beliefs and art.

Lesson objectives:

· organize educational and cognitive activities of students in the study of beliefs, mythology, rituals and primitive art of our ancestors;

· to create conditions for the development of skills to describe cultural monuments.

· contribute to the formation of a sense of respect for the cultural and historical past of our country.

Lesson type- combined.

visual material: educational board, textbook (illustrations in a paragraph), handouts for written work.

During the classes

Lesson stages Teacher activity Student activities Notes
Organizational Greetings, checking absentees in the class, determining the readiness of students for the lesson. Starting to check homework, I distribute handouts (9 people) to 3 options for students. Checking for a textbook, diary, workbook and pen on the table. See app. 1.1.
Checking homework The main stage of checking homework is a frontal survey: 1. Let's remember the main stages in the formation of a human team? Explain why this happened? 2. Please tell us how property inequality appeared in society? (Why was private property formed among the upper strata of the population? 3. What is patriarchal slavery? What is the difference with simple slavery? 4. What is "CITY"? On page 28 of the textbook there is a drawing of an Iron Age settlement, explain what caused their construction? 5. How can we learn about inequality nowadays? 6. What else comes across during excavations from things? 7. Why did they put various items with the dead? Expected student answers: 1. Human herd, maternal clan, paternal clan, tribal community, neighboring community. 2-4. To answer, call 1 person, others complement. 5. We can learn about inequality through archaeological excavations. 6-7. Belief in the afterlife.
Preparing students for learning new material So today we have to find out why people began to believe in an afterlife, what were the beliefs of primitive people, their rituals and customs.
Posting new material The topic of our lesson: "The culture of our ancestors" (write down) 1. Beliefs of primitive people Why do you think religious beliefs arose in antiquity? Why is a thunderstorm thundering, what is this phenomenon? We can explain, but still some are afraid of her. From this it follows that people began to believe in the supernatural forces of nature. Given the climate on the territory of Belarus, what forces of nature were revered, what plants, animals? And why? The man began to revere that on which his life depended. Do you think the primitive man had dreams, did he faint? So it was believed that at such moments the human soul leaves the body and walks somewhere. It was impossible to wake a person abruptly, otherwise they thought that in a dream the soul travels somewhere and suddenly does not have time to return back, as a result of which the person could simply die. Or when we sneeze, what do we do? - Close your mouth. With us, this, of course, is a rule of hygiene, but our ancestors feared that the soul could fly out of the body! The students answer that people were afraid of thunderstorms, animal attacks, crop failures. Since the teacher's story is supplemented by the students' answers, the explanation of the new material can be characterized as a conversation. The students look at the ornament on p. 29 textbooks.
2.Mythology 1. Let's remember what a myth is? On the Belarusian lands there are many myths about gods, the origin of various natural phenomena, about trees, about a fern flower (remember the Kupala holiday - whoever finds a fern flower will be happy). Also, since we have many lakes and rivers - about their origin and about the creatures that were there .. 2. What myths do you know or maybe what mythological creatures have you heard about? 3. What do you think our ancestors wanted to explain with the help of the Belun myth? If students find it difficult to answer question asked, you can look up the answer in the dictionary at the end of the textbook. Write the definition in a notebook. Students remember myths. Us. 30 textbooks read the myth "about Belun"
3. Funeral rites Let's go back to the fact that people began to believe in the afterlife, and that is? What do you think is cadaverization and cremation? The deceased was given everything that he would need in the afterlife. On the territory of Belarus, there was a custom to pour "mounds" over the graves. The average height was 1-2 meters. The largest number of burial mounds was found in the Vitebsk and Gomel regions. Students on p. 31 textbooks deal with decorations. Pupils try to define the concept of "mounds", after which the definition from the textbook is read out and written down in a notebook.
4. Funerary art 1. Do you think our ancestors had their own art? (Did you sing? Dance? Draw?). How does this relate to our topic today? One example of art is sculpture By the end of the Stone Age, ornament flourished. They depicted what they saw, what they worshiped. (Circle, rhombus). You can draw on the board or show pictures in a book. Reading the definition of the term "sculpture" on p. 31 textbooks. Consider decorations on page 31.
Consolidation of acquired knowledge What is mythology? Which historical value myths, legends? What are mounds? What is a sculpture?
Summarizing Reflection. Students evaluate their work in the lesson on a 10-point scale on handouts. Homework: Preparation for the lesson-generalization on pages 33-36 of the textbook.
18.02.2014. Attending a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 7th "A" class of a 4th year student-intern Lubchenko O.V. Topic: "The state system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the middle of the XIII - XIV centuries."
Consultation with the class teacher of the 6th "B" class regarding the extracurricular activities dedicated to the holiday on February 23. Selection of contests, questions for quizzes, rehearsal of poems with girls.
19. 02.2014. Analysis with a teacher-methodologist of a lesson on the history of Belarus. Consultation on the lesson-generalization of Section I.
20.02.2014. Attending a lesson in social science in the 10th grade, conducted by a 5th year student-intern Trukhina N.V. "Political parties and public associations". Checking homework - frontal survey.
Visiting a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 7th "A" class, conducted by a 4th year student-intern Lubchenok O.V. "Economic life ON". Analysis of the completed written work. Checking homework (diagram on the board). Handout (pictures). The story of new material with questions to the students.
21. 02.2014 Conducting a credit lesson on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class. Lesson-generalization "Belarusian lands in ancient times". Handout (cards for filling in the periodizations of ancient times and the Middle Ages). Frontal survey with some tasks on the board.

Generalization lesson on the topic "Belarusian lands in ancient times»

The purpose of the lesson: Generalization, systematization with elements of control and correction of already acquired knowledge.

Lesson objectives:

· Create conditions for repetition and generalization of students' knowledge on the topic "Belarusian lands in ancient times";

· To promote the development of skills to locate historical objects on a historical map, name the dates of historical events, compare historical events and reveal cause-and-effect relationships between them.

· To promote the formation of cognitive interest in the past of their region, respect for its historical heritage.

Lesson type- a lesson of repetition and generalization of knowledge.

visual material: Educational board, handouts for written work, textbook.

During the classes

Lesson stages Teacher activity Student activities Notes
Organizational stage Greetings. Every school has a "Time Machine" (history room) and I often travel back in time. Today I'm going to take a trip to Ancient Time! I packed my hiking backpack, but I also need knowledge! I ask you to help me! Your knowledge will be very useful to me! I hope everyone is well prepared and come to my rescue. The teacher appears before the student in the costume of a traveler/tourist.
Checking homework, summarizing the material. 1. For starters, I need your cartographic knowledge! 1. A student on a historical map shows: The borders of modern Belarus; rivers: Zap. Dvina, Neman, Dnieper, Pripyat; the boundary of the last glacier; the sites of the first settlements of the Stone Age man.
2. So that I do not get lost in time, please fill in the signs that I will take with me. 2. Fill in the periodization on the cards. The answers are put in the teacher's backpack. See app. 1.2.
3.(The dates are written on the board in advance) I call the students one by one to explain the dates.
4.(Orally answer) ancient time; Middle Ages; Parking; Appropriating economy; Producing economy; Hoe farming; Slash-and-burn agriculture; arable farming; sedentary lifestyle; crafts; tribal community; Elder; Tribe; maternal family; paternal family; Large patriarchal family; Settlement; The stratification of society; Sculpture; Myth. 4. The expected answers of the students.
5. (To the board 1 person - writes consecutive dates) 24 thousand years BC – Yurovichi site 21 thousand years BC - Berdyzh site 3 thousand years BC - the transition to animal husbandry 2.5 thousand years BC - the penetration of the Indo-Europeans 2 thousand years BC. – extraction of flint by the mine method of the 7th century. BC. - early Iron Age 10th century AD - early high medieval. 5. The student who sets the dates later tells what was under these dates, if it is difficult - the help of classmates.
6. Location of natural and historical phenomena according to the time of their occurrence. Assignment on p.35 of the textbook.
7. Determine the main reasons. Assignment on p. 35 textbooks
8. Prove that: · The tools of labor of ancient people were constantly improved; Many inventions of ancient people are used by people of our time. Students verbally respond
Summarizing Thesis repetition of the studied. Homework: Review what you have learned.


1. 21.02.2014, 6 "B" class

History of Belarus

2. Teacher: Telego Bozena Alexandrovna.

3. Lesson-generalization " Belarusian lands in ancient times»

This lesson has a significant place in the system of lessons, as it is a generalization lesson, which contributes to the systematization of previously acquired knowledge and their correction

The purpose of the lesson: Generalization, systematization with elements of control and correction of already acquired knowledge.

The goals and objectives of the lesson were determined in accordance with the rationale for the objectives of education.

Lesson type- a lesson of repetition and generalization of knowledge.

Main stages:


Summarizing by section


To test the knowledge of students, the following types of methods were carried out: a frontal survey, writing on periodization cards, checking cartographic knowledge, arranging dates in chronological order, identifying the causes and consequences of phenomena, proving phenomena using their own argumentation.

The optimal choice of verification methods is obvious, since the maximum number of students is involved.

The principle of consistency was partially implemented, due to the difficulties that students encountered in answering. Nevertheless, the activity of the class was at a high level, since the tasks were differentiated and many of them required personal statements and arguments.

Lesson time was used rationally, even though some of the planned tasks were not completed.

The idea of ​​this lesson was realized precisely in the form of a generalization, because this type of lesson is, firstly, provided by the program, and secondly, the need to systematize students' knowledge for further application.

In preparing for the lesson, the characteristics of weaker students were taken into account, since they need more time but awareness of a particular topic, and even more so a section. Therefore, in the generalization lesson, there were many tasks designed for minimal knowledge of the basic provisions.

The conditions of the lesson were created in a slightly unusual way (the teacher came in a traveler's suit and with a large backpack). This decision was prompted by the fact that usually generalization lessons are held in stressful conditions for the student (high brain activity, awareness of control), therefore, to defuse the situation and to educate children in the quality of mutual assistance, I chose the above conditions.

The tasks set were achieved more than at the required level and therefore good educational results were achieved, while it was possible to avoid overload and overwork of students.

In this lesson, the disadvantage was that, due to the time limit of the lesson, it was not always possible to “be in character” (i.e., a traveler), but at certain moments of the lesson it was a necessity in order to keep discipline in the class.

From this lesson, you can make a choice that you should not be afraid to experiment, as this will help to establish a good atmosphere in the classroom and the attention of children is riveted to the subject being studied as much as possible.

21.02.2014 Attending a lesson of a teacher-methodologist on the history of Belarus in the 11th grade.
Visiting the lesson of the student-trainee Plavinskaya A.Yu. on the history of Belarus in the 6th "A" class. Lesson-generalization "Belarusian lands in ancient times".
Attending a lesson in social science in the 10th grade, conducted by a student-probationer of the 5th year Pinchuk M.I. Topic: "youth policy"
Conducting an extracurricular activity in the 6th "B" class dedicated to the holiday on February 23. The story "From the history of the holiday." Conducting a quiz "The most, most, most ...", holding contests.
Conducting a conversation with the student under study on the psychological aspect.
22. 02. 2014. Paperwork. Preparation for the upcoming lesson on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class.
24.02.2014. Consultation with a teacher-methodologist about a lesson on the history of Belarus, preparation of written work for students.
25.02.2014 Conducting a lesson on the history of Belarus in the 6th "B" class. Control of students' knowledge. Paperwork. Handout with assignments (2 options). At the end of the lesson there is an oral analysis of the written work.
A selection of the database: Management as a science and art.doc, Boileo-Depreo Nicola. Poetic art -

  1. Course content, periodization of the history of Belarus. Concepts of the origin of the Belarusian people and the name "Belarus". Sources and main studies on the history of Belarus.

  2. Primitive Society in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages in Belarus.

  3. The settlement of the territory of Belarus by the Slavs (Krivichi, Dregovichi, Radimichi). Kievan Rus.

  4. Ancient beliefs and primitive art in Belarus.

  5. The first principalities on the territory of Belarus: Polotsk and Turov.

  6. The origin of feudal relations, the socio-economic development of Belarusian lands in the 9th - mid-12th centuries.

  7. Feudal fragmentation in Belarus. The disintegration of the Polotsk and Turov principalities into specific principalities.

  8. The struggle of the Belarusian principalities with the crusaders and the Mongol-Tatars. Foreign policy situation at the end of the XII - the first half of the XIII centuries.

  9. The culture of the Belarusian lands in the 9th - the middle of the 13th centuries. Spread of Christianity on the territory of Belarus.

  10. Prerequisites for the creation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Activities of Mindovg. Internal position ON in the second half of the XIV century.

  11. The place of the Belarusian lands in the political system of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Foreign policy and internal political situation of the ON in the XIV century.

  12. The heyday of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania under Vitovt, the Union of Krevo and the Battle of Grunwald. Civil War in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1432-1436.

  13. ON: political system, authorities and administration, judicial system, administrative-territorial division of the ON (XV - XVI centuries)

  14. Stages of enslavement of the peasantry. Economic development And social relations in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the XIV-XVI centuries.

  15. ON during the reign of Casimir and Alexander Jagiellonchikov. The struggle of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the Moscow principality at the end of the 15th - the first half of the 16th century.

  16. Formation of the Belarusian nation. Culture of Belarus XIV - XV centuries.

  17. Union of Lublin in 1569 and the formation of the Commonwealth. Place ON in the political system of the Commonwealth.

  18. Religious processes in the Belarusian lands in the 15th - early 17th centuries.

  19. The development of Belarusian culture in the 16th - early 17th centuries: from the Renaissance to the counter-reformation.

  20. F. Skorina and the development of book printing and education in Belarus in the 16th – first half of the 17th centuries:

  21. ON at the turn of the 16th - 17th centuries: wars with Sweden and the Moscow principality.

  22. Belarus during the wars of the middle of the XVII century: the anti-feudal Cossack-peasant war of 1648-1651, the war with the Moscow principality of 1654-1667.

  23. Belarus in northern war 1700-1721 Political crisis and gentry anarchy.

  24. Socio-economic crisis in Belarus in the second half of the 17th - first half of the 18th centuries.

  25. Culture of Belarus in the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries. Age of Enlightenment.

  26. The political crisis of the Commonwealth and attempts to reform it. The uprising of T. Kosciuszka and sections of the Commonwealth.

  27. Belarus as a part Russian Empire: changes in the political, socio-economic, religious and cultural spheres.

  28. Belarus in the Patriotic War of 1812

  29. Secret societies and socio-political movement in Belarus in the first half of the 19th century. Rebellion 1830-1831

  30. Reform P. Kiselyov. Socio-economic development of the Belarusian lands in the first half of the XIX century.

  31. The development of the culture of Belarus in the first half of the XIX century.

  32. Preparation and abolition of serfdom in 1861. Features of the bourgeois reforms of the second half of XIX V. in Belarus.

  33. The development of capitalist relations in Belarus in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

  34. National liberation uprising of 1863-1864 K. Kalinovsky and his role in the history of Belarus.

  35. Socio-political movement in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century. in Belarus: populists and the formation of political parties.

  36. Culture of Belarus in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. National revival and the newspaper "Nasha Niva".

  37. Belarus during the revolution of 1905-1907. BSG activities.

  38. Stolypin agrarian reform in Belarus and the completion of the bourgeois reforms.

  39. First World War and the situation in Belarus: political, social and economic aspects. Belarusian national movement during the war.

  40. February Revolution of 1917 in Belarus and the situation in the region in February - October 1917

  41. The October Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of Soviet power in Belarus.

  42. Formation of Belarusian statehood in 1918-1919: from the BPR to the BSSR.

  43. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 1918. Belarus during the years of the Soviet-Polish war. The second proclamation of the BSSR.

  44. The policy of "war communism" and the BSSR in the years of the New Economic Policy (NEP).

  45. Belarusianization policy: development of education, science and culture in the BSSR in the 1920s-1930s.

  46. Industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the BSSR, their results.

  47. Repressions and social and political life in the BSSR in the late 1920s - 1930s.

  48. Peace of Riga and the position of Western Belarus in the Polish state. National liberation movement in Western Belarus, political parties.

  49. Culture of Western Belarus 1920 - 1930s. TBSH and B. Tarashkevich.

  50. Beginning of World War II. Reunification of Western Belarus with the BSSR. The first events of the Soviet power in Western Belarus.

  51. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Defensive battles on the territory of Belarus. Nazi occupation regime on the territory of Belarus.

  52. The struggle of the Belarusian people against the Nazi invaders (partisans and underground fighters). Collaborationism.

  53. Liberation of the BSSR from the Nazi invaders. The results of the war for the BSSR.

  54. Belarus in the international arena. Participation of the BSSR in the founding of the UN. BSSR in the second half of the 1940s - the first half of the 1950s.

  55. Socio-economic development of the BSSR in the second half of the 1950s - the first half of the 1980s.

  56. Socio-political life in the BSSR in the second half of the 1950s and the first half of the 1980s. The state of education, science, literature and art.

  57. BSSR in the second half of the 1980s. Perestroika policy and features of its implementation in the BSSR.

  58. Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Belarus. Socio-economic development at the turn of the XX - XXI centuries.

  59. Belarus at the present stage: socio-economic and political situation.

  60. International position and foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus.
61. Culture of the Republic of Belarus in 1990 - 2000s. Main achievements and directions of development
1. Content of the course, periodization of the history of Belarus. Concepts of the origin of the Belarusian people and the name "Belarus". Sources and main studies on the history of Belarus.

History object- This is a set of phenomena of life about-va throughout history. the essence of people. The emergence of history is caused by the need for about-va in understanding their past and studying the prospects for further development. Main function- scientific knowledge. activity.


1) Ancient society. (100 thousand years BC - V century AD).

2) Middle Ages. (5th century AD - XV century AD).

3) New time (XVI - 1918).

4) Newest time(1918 - ...).

Methodological approaches in the study of history:

- formational(materialistic understanding of history based on the study of general economic formations)

1) primitive society

2) slave system

3) feudal system

4) capitalism (divided into capitalism and imperialism)

5) communism (divided into socialism and communism)

1) savagery (people lived in families and used stone tools)

2) barbarism (the invention of pottery)

3) civilization (writing, the transition from the appropriating household to the producing one + the emergence of states)

Sources according to ist. Bel.:


Written (narrative)



Cinema-photo-phono documents

Auxiliary ist. Sciences Keywords: archeology, archeography (study and publication of historical materials), toponymy (study of geographic names), anthropology, numismatics (coins), heraldry (coats of arms).

Bel. national historiography begins to form at the beginning. 19th century - Bobrovsky, Danilovich ("On the Lithuanian Chronicles" wrote about the ON). Late 19 - early. 20c - Efim Karsky ("Belarusians"), Dovnar-Zapolsky ("Fundamentals of the statehood of Belarus"), Lastovsky (editor of "Nasha Niva"), Ignatovsky ("1863 in Belarus: Narys padzey"), Picheta.

Origin of Belarusians (=ethnogenesis) 5 theories:

  1. Krivichi-Dregovichi-Radimichi (authors: Karsky, Picheta, Dovnar-Zapolsky)

  2. Krivichi (Lastovsky)

  3. Old Russian (Bel. are part of the Old Russian people. Author: Korneichik) According to this theory, Kievan Rus led to the formation of the Old Russian people. The result of the collapse in the XIII century. of this state was the formation of three new ethnic groups: Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian.

  4. Baltic (Bel = Slavs + Balts; authors: Sedov, Shtykov) on the territory of modern Belarus before the Slavs lived the Balts (Livs, Prussians, Yotvingians, Zhmuds, etc.). Baltic names testify to this.

  5. Finnish (Bel=Slavs+Finns;
Origin of the name "Belarus":

White color of clothes, hair, skin.

Freedom, independence of the territory, not captured by either the crusaders or the Tatars.

The Orthodox faith is "pure", ex. from paganism.

The special privileged position of the Polotsk and Vitebsk lands in comp. ON

2. Primitive society in the era of the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages in Belarus.


1) Stone (from 3 million years BC to 3 thousand years BC)

1. Paleolithic (100 (40) -10 thousand BC):

a) lower (150 thousand years BC)

b) middle (150-35 thousand BC; Mousterian era)

c) upper (35-10 thousand BC)

2. Mesolithic (9-6 thousand BC)

3. Neolithic (5-3 thousand BC)

2) Bronze (2 thousand BC - early 1st millennium BC)

3) Iron (1st millennium BC - IV-V AD)

Stages of development of the primitive community:

1. Primitive herd

2. Early tribal community (matriarchy)

3.Late tribal community (patriarchy)

4. Decomposition of the primitive society, the beginning of the formation of classes


Austrolapithus (skillful) - archanthrope (upright walking) - paleoanthropist (Neanderthal) - neoanthropist (Cro-Magnon).

First man appeared in Belarus in the Middle Paleolithic (100-40 thousand years ago); species is a Neanderthal. Processed silicon tools were found near Svetilovichi, the villages of Obidovichi, Kleevichi.

On the territory of Belarus (near the villages of Berdyzh and Yurovichi, on the banks of the rivers Sozh, Pripyat), late Paleolithic human sites have been discovered, whose age is 26-24 thousand years. Flint implements, bones of a mammoth, a bull, a reindeer were found here ... People lived in a maternal-tribal community. They were engaged in hunting, fishing and gathering together.

About 11 thousand years BC. warming and mass settlement of the territory of Belarus begins, mainly along the river basins.

Occupations of primitive man:

Appropriating economy: hunting (driven, individual with the use of a bow, arrows), fishing, gathering, beekeeping.

5 thousand years BC people are moving to a settled life, pottery and weaving are emerging. The main material for tools is flint. Near the village of Krasnoselsky, mines for its extraction were discovered. At the end of the Neolithic, a NEOLITIC revolution occurs (transition from an appropriating household to a producing one)


Agriculture and animal husbandry are becoming the leading occupations of people. Spinning and weaving became more common.

Agriculture: hoe (Spanish stone or horn hoe); slash-and-burn (ice; Spanish harrow-bunch); plowed (wooden ralo with an iron coulter).

In the family and society, the man occupied a dominant position. stands out tribal nobility(council of men - warriors, military leaders), the former equality is violated, private property arises.

Infiltrate Belarus Indo-Europeans, who came from Asia Minor. as a result of their mixing with local tribes, three peoples arose - Germans, Slavs and Balts. The first Indo-Europeans were the Balts, who came to our territory 3 thousand years BC.

There were no local deposits of copper and tin in Belarus, the alloy of which gives bronze, so they were brought mainly from the Caucasus.


From iron ore V cheese-houses(kilns made of clay) smelted flashy iron. Domnitsa was found near vil. Labenshchina, Minsk region.

Property inequality has arisen, which leads to wars. People begin to build fortifications - settlements. Unions of clans are united into tribes, and the formation of the beginnings of statehood begins.

3. Population of the territory of Belarus by the Slavs (Krivichi, Dregovichi, Radimichi). Kievan Rus.

In the first centuries AD, under pressure from the Goths who came from Scandinavia, the Slavs began their migration. As a result of the "Great Migration of Peoples", the Slavs were divided into three large groups: southern (Bulgarians, Croats, Slovenes, Serbs, Macedonians), western (Poles, Czechs, Serb-Luzhians), eastern (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians).

The territory of Belarus was settled by East Slavic tribes: Krivichi, Dregovichi, Radimichi.

DREGOVICHI. (from "drygva" - a swamp) settled between the river. Pripyat and Zap. Dvina in Polissya.

Krivichi. (from “blood”, close in blood or “crooked territory”, hilly, on which they lived) settled in the upper Dnieper, Zap. Dvina, Volga and Lake Peipus. Those who lived in the upper reaches of the Zap. The Dvins were called Polochanachi. Polotsk Krivichi had their own "reigning", i.e. primary public education. They gathered at veche meetings to discuss common affairs, rituals, and trade relations. In Bel. lived part of the Krivichi-Polochan + Smolensk and Pskov Krivichi. The first mention of the Krivichi dates back to 856, and the last to 1162.

RADIMICHI. (by the name of Prince Radzim) settled along the river. Sozh., their center was Gomel + Krichev, Chechersk, Rechitsa and Rogochev. They were the weakest, and failed to create their own statehood, because. in 885 the prince of Kiev obliged them to pay tribute to him, and before that they paid tribute to the Khazars. In 984 Prince of Kiev Vladimir Svyatoslavovich sent an army led by the governor to the Radimichi, a battle took place on the Peschan River, in the result of which the Radimichi were defeated.

The statehood of the Eastern Slavs began to take shape in the 2nd half of the 1st millennium AD. and finally took shape in the X century. Its center was Kyiv, so the Old Russian state is usually called Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus is a medieval state in Eastern Europe that arose in the 9th century as a result of the unification of East Slavic tribes under the rule of the princes of the dynasty Rurikovich. However, the Rurik Empire was not centralized. public education. It was a political association of feudal lords around the Grand Duke in order to repulse the constant raids of external enemies and collect tribute from their own population. The territory of modern Belarus was located on the western outskirts Kievan Rus. In the beginning, the Polotsk and Turov principalities existed here. With the development of feudal relations, some principalities made attempts to get out of the power of Kyiv. Kievan Rus is the first early feudal state in Eastern Slavs, which is largely due to the feudal economic structure that prevailed at that time. The formation of Kievan Rus accelerated the formation of the Old Russian people with certain economic ties on the basis of territorial, cultural and linguistic community, and contributed to the strengthening of its unity.

4. Ancient beliefs and primitive art in Belarus.

The inability to explain natural phenomena gave rise to people's belief in the existence of supernatural forces. The spiritual culture of the primitive society was:

With the advent of agriculture and animal husbandry, new beliefs of people were born. They began to deify the sun ( sun worship, solar symbolism testifies to the cult of the Sun), sky, rain .... The main gods (by the end of the 10th century): Perun (the god of warriors, weapons, wars, thunder and lightning), Stribog (sky and the universe), Give God (the sun, nature), Makosh (the god of the Earth and fertility).

There was 2 types of burials:

Corpse position (mounds were poured),


Great importance was attached clothes e (symbolic ornament, embroideries along the edges of clothes to protect against evil spirits). was distributed ancestor worship(dzyady, rainbow). There were ceremonies, round dances, conspiracies, spells, songs….. Previously, there was a cult of ghouls (vampires), coastlines (mermaids), brownies. In the Bronze Age, belief in the afterlife appeared, rituals appeared sacrifices, funeral, wedding There were sacrificial pits with idols, temple(pagan temple, place of sacrifice).

The attitude of ancient people to the surrounding world was expressed not only in religion, but also in art. His first monuments were figurines (of women, men, an elk, a duck; in the Eliseevichi camp, in the Bryansk region, figurine of a woman dated to the Upper Paleolithic). In the Bronze Age, an ornament appeared (the appearance of a corded ornament is associated with the Indo-Europeans). Appearance musical instruments(first - percussion). The first archaeological find fife made from bird bones. It belonged to the Upper Paleolithic, found at the Asovets site. There were various kinds of jewelry - silver, bronze pendants, skillfully made beads.

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Primitive man came to Europe approximately 40-35 thousand years ago. People of that time are called Cro-Magnons. In appearance, they are similar to modern ones. Cro-Magnons began to settle in the south of Belarus. The oldest human settlements (cities) were found by archaeologists on the banks of the Pripyat and Sozh rivers near the villages of Yurovichi and Berdyzh in the Gomel region. They existed approximately 24-21 thousand years BC. e. The remains of a hearth, flint tools, as well as bones and skulls of mammoths used for housing construction were found here.

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The primitive system on the territory of Belarus is divided by scientists into three periods (depending on what materials the tools were made of): Stone, Bronze, Iron Ages. The most important achievements of primitive people were the mastery of fire, the invention of pointed secant, cutting, and piercing tools.

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The Stone Age on the territory of Belarus ended approximately at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. During this period, several advances of the glacier occurred. Period The main types of occupations of the Paleolithic Driven hunting, gathering. Mining fire. Manufacture of hand axes, scrapers. Construction of primitive housing. Mesolithic Hunting, fishing. The appearance of the bow and arrows. Manufacturing of bone tools. Neolithic The origin of agriculture and animal husbandry. Intertribal ties. Sedentary lifestyle. The emergence of ceramics, weaving. Silicon processing. Sawing, grinding and drilling of stone. Mining. The invention of the boat.

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The peculiarity of the occupations of the people of the Stone Age was that they took everything ready-made from nature. Such an economy is called consumer (appropriating). Primitive people gradually began to engage in individual hunting. In this they were helped by a dog - the first animal tamed by man. Flint was an indispensable material for the production of tools. It was mined in primitive mines - vertical wells 3-5 m deep, found by archaeologists near the village of Krasnoselsky, Volkovysk region.

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The first known collective of people was the primitive human herd. The Cro-Magnons already lived in tribal communities, uniting 50-70 blood relatives. The head of the community was an elected elder. Gradually, the clans united into tribes. Kinship was originally conducted along the maternal line, since the woman played a decisive role in the life of primitive society. This order is called the maternal clan, or matriarchy.

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The Bronze Age on the territory of Belarus lasted from the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. until about the end of the 8th century. BC e. At that time, items made of copper and bronze came from the south to the territory of Belarus. People began to tame more and more animals, and then switched to breeding them. The first domestic animal was a pig. There is a transition from hunting to animal husbandry and from gathering to agriculture. It meant the transition from a consumer economy to a productive economy.

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At first, agriculture was hoe farming, when the hoe served as the main tool of labor, and then slash-and-burn. Ancient people carved the forest, uprooted and burned stumps, used the ashes as fertilizer, cultivated the land with a knotty harrow. Sickles were used for harvesting, flour was obtained on grain graters. To preserve grain, as well as milk obtained from bred animals, flat-bottomed pottery was made.

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During bronze age Indo-Europeans gradually began to penetrate the territory of Belarus - numerous tribes of nomadic livestock breeders who originally lived in Asia Minor. During the period of settlement in Europe, as a result of the mixing of Indo-Europeans with the local population, tribal associations of Germans, Slavs, and Balts arose.

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The Iron Age on the territory of Belarus began around the 7th century. BC e. People have learned to get iron ore. It was called marsh, because they found this raw material by its brown color in a swamp or under turf in a meadow. The ore was smelted in raw-blast furnaces made of clay, a porous mass - bloomery iron. Gradually developed agriculture, which became arable. When cultivating the land, a wooden ralo with an iron head was used.

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1. Stone Age

A) paleolith

b) Mesolithic

V) Neolithic Chalcolithic

2. Bronze Age.

3. Iron age.

animism(belief in spirits and souls) totemism fetishism

macrolites - -microlites -

Finno-Ugrians. neolithic "revolution".


Milogradskaya Zarubintsy lined ceramics, Dnieper-Dvinsk

Formation of the Belarusian-Lithuanian state. Expansion of the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 13th-14th centuries.

Reasons for the unification of the Belarusian-Lithuanian lands:

1. Foreign policy: from 13th century west. and northwest. the lands of Rus' began to be threatened by the crusaders, and from the south by the Tatars, + complex relations between the Bel. and Moscow lands.

2. Internal political: feud. fragmentation into white lands could lead to the disappearance of white. state-in.

3. Economic: the transition from nature. households to commodity-money, the expansion of trade and crafts created a conditional. for unification. Polit. reasons prevailed over the economy. On white lands there was a desire for unification, but there was no watering. kernels. Lithuanians, despite the lower stage of development, had such a center. Therefore, the power of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania became the foundations of the new state.

Lithuania was first mentioned in German chronicles in 1009, and in Slavic chronicles in 1040. This area was located in the south of modern Lithuania and the north-west of Belarus. The unification process lasted more than 100 years: from the 2nd quarter of the 13th century. on the 3rd thurs. 14th century The center of the association was Novogrudok, because. he had high level economy development, the princes and the nobility were interested in uniting + the remoteness of the principality from the areas of the German and Tatar threats. At the origins of the formation of the GDL was the Grand Duke of Lithuania (VKL) Mindovg. In the 40s he was invited to Novogrudok, in 1246 he converted to Orthodoxy and became a prince. With the help of the power of Mindovg in the late 40s - early 50s. 13th century reclaims Lithuania for himself, uniting it with Novogrudok. Realizing that this step would cause a negative reaction from the Galician-Volyn princes, Mindovg entered into an alliance with the Livonian Order, for diplomatic reasons in 1252. accepts Catholicism and is crowned in Novogrudok. By this act, the entire Catholic world of that time recognized the independence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, equalized it with others European countries. In 1263 Mindovg was killed by the people of Traynata. 1263-1264, Troynyata was the prince, but Mindovg’s servants killed him and Voyshelk (Mindovg’s son; 1264-1267) became the prince, who conquered and annexed the Baltic lands of Nalshany and Devoltva to his possessions, and also united the Novogrudok, Pinsk, Polotsk and Vitebsk lands. From 1270-1282 VkL - Troyden. He waged a stubborn struggle with the Teutonic Order, Galicia-Volyn principality, significantly expanded ON. Under Viten (1293 - 1316), the unity of the new state was achieved. Introduced the coat of arms "Pursuit" + Vtebshchina, Polotchina were attached.

Ways of land entry into the GDL:

Military capture (Principalities Western Bel.)

Dynastic marriages (Prince of Vitebsk)

Treaties between princes (Polotsk, Menskoe, Pinsk princes.)

War of 1812 and Belarus

Political and socio-economic transformations on the territory of Belarus in the late 18th - early 19th centuries. were generally positive. However, a certain part of the local nobility did not support them, as they lost many "gentry liberties" from the time of the Commonwealth. This dissatisfaction manifested itself in the course of repulsing the French invasion in 1812. On June 12 (24), 1812, the 600,000-strong army of Napoleon, in which 120,000 were Poles, crossed the Neman, along which the border between Russia and Prussia passed, and invaded the territory Belarus. In order to gain support from the Polish and local Belarusian landowners, on the eve of the war, Napoleon promised to revive the Commonwealth within the borders of 1772. "Therefore, a significant part of the local gentry did not support the defensive measures of the tsarist administration, and in particular, kept food warehouses until the arrival of Napoleon's troops.

The retreat of the 1st and 2nd Russian armies under the command of Generals M. Barclay de Tolly and P. Bagration across the Belarusian lands was accompanied by battles with the Napoleonic troops. They took place near Vishnevo, Volozhin, Ivenets, Bakshtami, Volkovysk, Korelichi, Rakov, Bobruisk, Nesvezh, Borisov, Svisloch, Igumen, Beshenkovichi, Rudnya, Old Bykhov. The most significant battles took place in the area of ​​the Mir metro station, where Platov's Cossacks defeated ten Polish uhlan regiments, as well as near the town of Romanov in the Slutsk district. With the forces of three divisions, manned mainly by Polotsk, Vitebsk and natives of the Vilna region, M. Barclay de Tolly stopped the 25,000th French vanguard near the villages of Ostrovno and Komary. Three-day battles took place here, in which almost 4 thousand people died on both sides. Similar battles took place near Polotsk (between Klyasti-tsy and Yakubov). All this allowed Barclay de Tolly to avoid the general battle that Napoleon was so eager for.

At the same time, the rearguard of General Raevsky, consisting of two divisions, largely manned by Grodno residents, held the corps of Marshal Davout near Mogilev. In the battles near the villages of Saltanovka, Dashkovka and Novoselki, Russian soldiers showed courage and heroism, which allowed Bagration to transfer his army to the left bank of the Dnieper. The 3rd army of Tormasov fought with the Napoleonic troops in the Pruzhany region and near Kobrin, where he forced the 4:000th corps of Marshal Rainier to lay down their arms. A significant number of Belarusians fought as part of the Russian troops, and not only on the territory of Belarus. For example, the 24th Infantry Division, staffed by natives of the Minsk province, heroically defended the battery of N. N. Raevsky in the battle of Borodino on August 26, 1812.

Already in July 1812, most of Belarus (except for the southern counties) was occupied by the troops of Napoleon and his allies - Austria, Saxony, Poland, etc. The advance and deployment of a large number of troops was accompanied by various kinds of requisitions and robbery. In August, Napoleon gave the order to collect from the five conquered provinces 528 thousand tons of grain, 100 thousand tons of oats and 53 thousand cows.

A new administration was also created. Vilna, Grodno, Minsk provinces and Belostok region were subordinated to the newly created commission of the provisional government in Vilna. The latter, in turn, was subordinate to the imperial commissioners. The commission was headed by the former chairman of the first department of the Minsk Main Court Kaminsky. The Polish aristocrat Branikovsky became the governor of Minsk. In the Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces, commissions of "Polish rule" were established, the apparatus of which was staffed by the Polish gentry and subordinated to the French command. Soon the provinces were transformed into departments, which were controlled by French governors and commissaries.

The gentry, who not so long ago swore allegiance to the Russian Empire, became the conductor of the policy of the new authorities. As for ordinary people, then they rose to fight the Napoleonic troops. The Belarusian peasants expected the abolition of serfdom from Napoleon (as happened in Poland, where the peasants received personal freedom in 1807) and therefore, at the beginning of the war, they began to attack the panorama estates, directing French marauders on them. But Bonaparte did not dare to free the peasants. On the contrary, he ordered the dispatch of military teams to pacify the rebels. As a result, hopes for the French as liberators from serfdom did not come true, and many peasants, having taken their livestock and property, went into the forests and started a guerrilla war. They attacked forage wagons, small groups of soldiers. The most famous were the actions of partisan detachments in the village of Trostyanka, Igumensky district, the villages of Yesmany, Mozhany, Staroselye and Klevki, Borisov district, the village of Voronki, Drissensky district, and especially the village of Zhartsy, Polotsk district, under the command of the peasant Maxim Markov. Fedor Mironov, a serf peasant woman from the village of Po-Gurshchina, Polotsk district, heroically showed herself as a scout.

Moving deep into Russia, Napoleon was forced to leave a 100,000-strong detachment of soldiers in Belarus to fight partisans, protect communications, collect provisions and fodder. Before the Battle of Borodino, Napoleon sent an additional 10,000 soldiers to help the 12,000 French Vitebsk garrison, which the partisans actually kept under siege.

The final defeat of the Napoleonic army, which began to retreat from Moscow on October 7, 1812, was completed on Belarusian soil. October 23 Russian troops under the command of P. Wittgenstein, with the participation of the St. Petersburg and Novgorod militias and Belarusian partisans, they liberated Polotsk. On October 26, Vitebsk was occupied. Then, significant forces of P. Wittgenstein's corps headed towards Borisov - across the way from Napoleon's main forces. At the same time, the army of P. Chichagov, stationed in Volhynia, occupied Brest and headed for Minsk through Slonim, defeating a strong enemy detachment near Koidan-vo on November 3. November 4 Russian army took Minsk, and on November 9 - Borisov. The path to the retreat of the Napoleonic army was thus blocked.

In mid-November, Napoleon's army approached Borisov and began to cross the Berezina near the village of Studenki. Here the French lost more than 20 thousand soldiers and officers. From the encirclement to the west, the insignificant remnants of the "great" army managed to break through. On November 22, her last organized detachment was defeated near Molodechno. From Smorgon, Napoleon, leaving the remnants of his troops, fled to Paris in the clothes of a Polish officer. At the end of December, less than 30,000 French soldiers, left over from a once thousands-strong army, were forced out of Belarus.

The war brought enormous disasters to the Belarusian people. Belarus has lost a million inhabitants, that is, every fourth. Some died from hostilities, others from starvation and epidemics. Part of the Belarusian regiments of the “great army”, in which 25 thousand of our compatriots served, was defeated, part went to Europe to fight in a foreign land. Vitebsk, Polotsk, Minsk, Grodno and other settlements were looted and burned. In Minsk in 1811 there were 11,200 inhabitants, and at the end of 1812 - only 3480. In Vitebsk at the beginning of 1812 there were 7800 male inhabitants, and in 1813 - only 2415. As a result of the war, the livestock was almost halved livestock and crop areas.

On December 12, Alexander I signed a manifesto proclaiming "forgetfulness of the past, universal forgiveness." The authorities did not pursue either the participants in the war against Russia, or those who worked under Napoleon in government. This saved many estates from ruin and prevented emigration. The nobility of Vilna arranged a ball in honor of the emperor of Russia in the same hall where a similar ball in honor of Napoleon had been held a few months earlier.

The first human settlements on the territory of Belarus. Life in the conditions of a primitive society (100 thousand years BC - 5th century AD)

1. Stone Age began 3 - 2.5 million years ago and ended 2.5 - 1.8 thousand years BC. In turn, the Stone Age is divided into a number of stages:

A) paleolith(ancient stone age) - 3 - 2.5 million - 10 thousand years BC The Paleolithic, due to its great length, is divided into the lower (early) - 2.5 million - 150 thousand years BC, the middle (Mousterian era) -150-35 thousand years BC. and upper (late) - 35 - 10 thousand years BC;

b) Mesolithic(Middle Stone Age) - 9 - 5 thousand years BC;

V) Neolithic(New Stone Age) - 4-2 thousand years BC Many scientists single out the last period of the Stone Age as a separate one - Chalcolithic(copper-stone age), when, along with stone, copper tools, jewelry, and weapons were also used.
On the territory of Belarus in the middle of the 4th - the middle of the 3rd millennium BC. There were several Eneolithic cultures.

2. Bronze Age. The period in the history of mankind, when bronze mining spread, from which tools, weapons, and jewelry were made. On the territory of Belarus, the Bronze Age began at the turn of the 3rd - 2nd millennium BC.

3. Iron age. The final period in the history of primitive society, which is characterized by the appearance and big booty iron and the manufacture of tools and weapons from it. On the territory of Belarus, the Iron Age falls on the 7th-6th centuries. BC. - VIII c. AD

The first people who appeared on the territory of Belarus in the Mousterian era (150 - 35 thousand years ago) were Neanderthals. The penetration of Neanderthals into the territory of Belarus is evidenced by archaeological finds near the villages of Svetilovichi, Abidovichi, Berdyzh. At this time, primitive art and rituals were born. There was, in particular, a funeral ritual.

During the late Paleolithic period (35 - 10 thousand years ago), a person of a modern physical type appeared on the territory of Belarus - a neoanthrope, or Cro-Magnon man. It was the heyday of the tribal system. Cro-Magnons built dwellings from bones, animal skins, poles, and inhabited caves. More than 100 types of various tools (knives, chisels, scrapers, drills, etc.) were made from flint wafers. Hunting was carried out for mammoth, reindeer, primitive bull, woolly rhinoceros, wild horse, arctic fox, etc. The fine art of the Late Paleolithic is impressive. Many scientists associate Paleolithic drawings with magical rites, in which the beginnings of the first religious beliefs were already present - animism(belief in spirits and souls) totemism(belief in a supernatural relationship between the human race and an animal or plant) and fetishism(worship of inanimate objects, which are given supernatural properties). A woman played a leading role in the Late Paleolithic community. She was engaged in gathering, cooking, was the keeper of the hearth, the traditions of the collective, those cults, legends and myths that were formed among primitive hunters and gatherers.

In the Mesolithic, man entered the territory of northern Belarus. Mesolithic sites were found not only in Polissya, Ponemanye, but also in the Dvina and Upper Dnieper regions. During the Mesolithic period, some regions are characterized by the manufacture macrolites - massive, roughly crafted tools that served as axes, adzes, pickaxes, for others -microlites - small flint products, pieces of plates from which the blades of tools were made. A bow with arrows, wooden canoes were widely used, a dog was tamed.

In the Neolithic period, the population increased significantly on the territory of Belarus. It lived mainly on the territory of Polissya, Ponemanya and Posozhye. In the 3rd millennium BC. on the territory of Podvinya and Posozhye appeared Finno-Ugrians. At the beginning of the Neolithic on the territory of Belarus leading role fishing played a role in the economy. From the 4th millennium BC in the south-west of Belarus there is a gradual transition from an appropriating (gathering, hunting, fishing) to a producing (agriculture, animal husbandry) economy, stretching over the rest of the territory for almost two millennia. They began to make pottery, improved the production of stone tools (flat retouching, grinding, drilling), tamed large cattle and pigs, sowed barley and flax. The transition of the ancient population from the appropriating to the producing economy was called in historical science neolithic "revolution".

At the beginning of the Bronze Age, tribes began to penetrate the territory of Belarus. Indo-Europeans. The resettlement of the Indo-Europeans and the establishment of contacts with the local population was accompanied by the processes of assimilation of the local pre-Indo-European population. The victory of the Indo-European language, its absorption of the previously widespread languages ​​is explained by the fact that the Indo-Europeans were at a higher level of economic and cultural development. The Indo-Europeans, who first came to the territory of Belarus, belonged to the Baltic branch.

In the early Iron Age, important changes took place in the production and distribution of blacksmithing, the manufacture of iron tools, which were significantly ahead of bronze and stone in their productivity. Blacksmithing became widespread, since iron was obtained from local raw materials - swamp or lake ore, which was available in significant quantities. The use of iron tools made it possible to significantly expand the area under agriculture.

Several large tribal groups lived on the territory of Belarus with their own characteristics of material culture and burial ritual. Tribes settled in the Middle and Upper Dnieper regions of Belarus Milogradskaya cultures, which at the end of the 1st millennium BC. changed tribes Zarubintsy culture. A significant part of middle Belarus in the 7th century. BC. - IV century. AD occupied by tribes of culture lined ceramics, and in the north were the tribes Dnieper-Dvinsk culture. Ethnically, they were Balto-speaking tribes.

1. What did primitive people draw on the walls of caves?

2. What did the inhabitants of ancient Egypt believe in?

1. Beliefs of primitive people. Observing the change of day and night, the seasons, lightning and thunder, the life of plants and animals, the ancient man could not understand and correctly explain what he saw. Disease and death fixed anxiety and horror in the minds of our distant ancestors.

Gradually, people began to have ideas about supernatural forces, supposedly capable of causing such phenomena. This was the beginning of religious ideas.

Man began to revere that on which his life depended - the sun, earth, water, fire. In his imagination, man animated all nature - he inhabited it with the spirits of the earth, the sun, thunder, lightning, vegetation. Our distant ancestor believed that trees have a soul, have feelings and can help in difficult times.

Sleep, fainting, death, primitive people explained the exit of the spirit (soul) from the body. This is how the belief in an afterlife arose.

2. Mythology.Myth- it's ancient folk tradition about legendary heroes, gods, about the origin of various natural phenomena. Our distant ancestors developed their own mythology.

Since ancient times, myths about trees (oak, birch), about a fern flower (whoever finds it will be happy), about the origin of individual rivers, lakes, and swamps have been widespread on Belarusian lands since ancient times.

Belarusians, like other peoples, sought to explain in myths the world. There were numerous legends about mermaids, goblin, brownies. An interesting legend was created about how Belun from a handful of earth, which grew very quickly, created the entire Universe.

This is interesting* One day Belun saw a ball floating past him. A mournful meow could be heard from there. Belun freed a prisoner from the ball. They turned out to be hell. Belun told him about his desire to create the Universe and ordered him to go down to the bottom of the sea to take a handful of earth there. He obeyed. But while the devil was descending, the thought came to his mind that he himself could create the Universe. Therefore, the devil took handfuls of earth from the bottom of the sea, and hid a little more in his mouth in order to fulfill his plan. Returning, he gave the land to Belun. He commanded: "Earth, grow!" A handful of earth began to grow and grow and turned into dry land. But at this time, the earth hidden in the devil's mouth also began to grow. His cheeks swelled and the earth began to bulge out of his mouth. The frightened devil took to his heels, leaving behind a path of earth that formed mountains and hills.

But in Polissya they say that when the devil reached their area, the stocks of land in the mouth ran out, and therefore their land remained a lowland and swamps formed here.

Belarusian mythology is a valuable source for studying the spiritual culture, beliefs and customs of our ancestors.

3. Funeral ceremonies. The custom of burial is associated with the emergence of the beliefs of ancient people that the soul of the deceased continues to exist even after the death of a person.

The most common were two burial rites. According to the first rite, the body of the deceased was buried in the ground, according to the second, it was burned on fire. Fire was considered a sacred force. The deceased was given to him.

Ancient people believed that the deceased “in the next world” needs everything that he used during his lifetime. Therefore, the deceased was given his things, which he supposedly would need in the “afterlife”. These were tools and household utensils, jewelry, weapons.

On the territory of Belarus there was a custom to pour mounds over the graves. Dergay is a mound of sand or other soil.

The average height of the mound was 1–2 m. The largest number ancient burial mounds found in the Vitebsk and Gomel regions.

4. Primitive art.

Primitive art is associated with religious beliefs and rituals. Hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age already knew how to carve figures of people and animals out of wood, stone, and bone.

An example of ancient art is sculpture- Creation of a three-dimensional image. This is evidenced by two figurines of people found in a parking lot near the village of Osovets, Beshenkovichi district, Vitebsk region.

One wooden figurine. She quite accurately conveys the image of a man at the end of the Stone Age. Another image is carved from a horn. It gives an idea of ​​a man with a long face, a high forehead and a sharp chin.

Ancient people made jewelry from the teeth of a wolf or a bear. Jewelry was worn around the neck, sewn on clothes. At the same time, they served as amulets. Their wearing, according to the then ideas, protected a person from danger, gave him strength in the struggle for existence.

At the end of the Stone Age, ornamentation of pottery reached its peak in Belarus. There were such parts of the ornament as a circle, a rhombus, cruciform figures. These signs were symbols of the Sun and other heavenly bodies, fertility, the eternity of nature, its cycle.

Questions and tasks

1. Explain the concepts: myth, sculpture, barrow. 2. How did the ancient man imagine the world around him?3. Who is Belun in ancient Belarusian mythology?4. What are the two main burial rites in the Belarusian lands.5. How are religious beliefs and primitive art related?6. What was the meaning of the ornaments in the form of a circle and a rhombus?7. At what parking lot in Belarus were figurines of people found?8. What was the significance of amulets in ancient times?

History of Belarus from ancient times to the middle of the XIII century. : studies. allowance for the 6th grade. general education institutions with Russian. lang. training / G. V. Shtykhov. S. N. Temushev, V. V. Rakut; ed. G. V. Shtykhov, Yu. N. Bokhan; per. from Belarusian, lang. L, G Kiseleva. - Minsk: Ed. center BGU 2009, 143 p.: ill.

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