How to keep baked goods made from yeast dough fresh. Note to the housewife: how to keep baked goods fresh and soft on the second day

Who doesn’t love delicious, hearty pies with different fillings? Perhaps today this is the most a traditional dish national cuisines of the Slavic people. Pies have always been and will remain a symbol of home comfort and warmth, because it is not for nothing that many people associate them with childhood, when grandmother or mother prepared them. By the way, in old times The skill of the housewife was assessed precisely by how she knew how to cook pies. And there is nothing strange in the fact that there are incredibly many recipes for pies in the world. Each housewife has her own family recipe for pies, but not everyone, unfortunately, knows how to properly store pies.

How and where to store pies correctly

Regardless of what kind of pies we are talking about, general view they are one thing: fried or baked dough with a filling inside. Unfortunately, such a dish does not remain fresh for long - no more than 2 days. There are few options for where to store pies, especially since it also depends on what dough they are made from.

The most important condition for storing pies after baking is the lack of oxygen access to them.

If the pies are still hot, then just cover them with a clean and dry towel. If they have already cooled down, then cling film will help preserve them as long as possible. So, before storing the pies, it is enough to wrap them in cling film - this will protect the dough from contact with air.

If the pies are already a little stale, you can use this method of “reanimating” them once: cover them with a damp cloth and put them in the oven or microwave.

By the way, contrary to the general belief that an uncut pie lasts longer, it is still worth noting that this is not the case. On the contrary, it is the cut pie that lasts longer.

How to store yeast dough pies

Here are a few secrets on how to properly store pies if they are made from... yeast dough:

  • immediately after baking, the pies must be placed on a wooden surface and covered with a dry, clean towel;
  • The pies should be allowed to cool, this way they will “rest” after baking and will remain fresh longer;
  • Do not stack the pies when they are still warm;
  • Before storing pies made from yeast dough, they need to be folded with the filling facing each other;
  • yeast pies are stored well in plastic containers or bags, if possible, excluding access to oxygen;
  • Yeast pies last even longer after baking if you place them in the refrigerator.

How to store fried pies

Fried pies are one of the most favorite delicacies of many people. They are often prepared for snacking and are preferably kept fresh for as long as possible. But, unfortunately, not many people know how to store fried pies. So, as for fried pies, immediately after baking you should do the same with them as with yeast ones. But in order for them to last as long as possible, you need to place them in a plastic container and put them in the refrigerator.

Making homemade baked goods is a very labor-intensive process that takes a lot of time. This is probably why housewives rarely try to bake, but they try to bake a lot, so that it’s enough for more than one occasion. And here a completely logical question arises - how to preserve baked goods so that they do not become stale, moldy and retain their original taste and appearance.

Freshly baked roll, pie or kulebyaku, immediately after directly removing them from the baking sheet, must be placed on a wooden plate or board and covered with a dry, clean towel. Thanks to this, the cake will be juicier and tastier and can be stored longer. After allowing the pastry to cool slightly, cut it into pieces and serve it.

How to keep baked goods fresh for a long time? First of all, you need to let it cool. Cheesecakes, shanezhki, buns, as well as pies, need rest after the oven. You shouldn’t pile them up; it’s best to lay them out on a plate. This ensures that the baked goods will not stick together and will not become deformed under the weight of each other.

In order to keep an open fruit or berry pie fresh, it must be filled with sour cream whipped with sugar. This will prevent the pie from drying out, and besides, sour cream goes well with berries or fruits. It is necessary to allow the sour cream to be absorbed and then you can cut the pastries and serve.

Any remaining baked goods after consumption should be placed in plastic bags or plastic containers with lid. It will be perfectly stored in them until the right time. The main thing to remember is that you only need to pack cooled baked goods, otherwise they may become damp and lose their taste.

Open pies, cut into pieces, must be folded in pairs, facing each other with the filling. As for the tall kulebyaks, they should be wrapped in separate pieces to prevent the filling from falling out. In this case, you can use small breakfast bags. They must be wrapped tightly so as to completely block access to air.

How to preserve baked goods for longer long term? You can place it in plastic bags, and those, in turn, in the refrigerator. Before serving, simply reheat the baked goods by placing them in the microwave or oven. You should only reheat the amount of baked goods that you plan to eat at one time. This is due to the fact that frequent processes of cooling and heating the baked goods will noticeably worsen its taste.

Baked goods can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week. If there is a need to preserve the baked goods for a longer period, then you can put them in the freezer. To do this, individual baked goods must be packaged in parchment paper or special plastic bags. In this way, you can preserve the baked goods for up to one and a half months.

Many housewives often wonder how to keep baked goods fresh and soft on the second day. Indeed, if you love and know how to tinker with dough, the result is often a huge mountain of pies or several hearty pies. Immediately after the oven, they resemble fluff - just as airy, fluffy, tender, and porous. But literally the next day, if stored incorrectly, all the charm and allure of such delicacies is lost, as they become dull and tough. What can be done to prevent this from happening? There are actually several secrets!

General rules

There are several general rules, the observance of which will allow you to not only store flour products for as long as possible, but also ensure that they are soft and fluffy:

  1. Regardless of what dough the baked goods are made from, remember: a cut pie will last longer than one that you decide to leave whole. Yes, yes, this is such a “break of the pattern”!
  1. It is equally important to let the baked goods cool on their own. Cover it with a dry and clean towel. When pies or bread “rest” in this form, their freshness is preserved many times longer.
  1. Other important rule– this is a lack of contact with oxygen. To do this, you can use cling film or clean plastic bags. But in this way you should store baked goods that have already cooled on their own.

On a note! By the way, the pies (each individually) can be thoroughly sealed in food foil. This material also reliably protects delicacies from direct contact with air, ensuring freshness and softness of the pies.

A few secrets you probably didn't know about

There are other secrets that will allow homemade bread products to remain airy, like fluff, even on the second day:

  1. Do not stack hot pies in a heap, this will cause them to become gloopy and lose their fluffiness.
  1. Let the finished baked goods cool and “rest” on a wooden surface. It’s worth getting a separate cutting board for this – it’s worth it!
  1. To store pies made from yeast dough, you can use not only plastic bags, but also plastic containers. The main thing is to exclude air access to them as much as possible.

By the way, such baked goods retain their freshness perfectly if, after cooling, you put them in the refrigerator.

If you have already lost precious time and home-made baked goods have become hard, “reanimate” them by covering them with a damp towel and sending them to the microwave or oven. They will become tender and fluffy again!

Preparing homemade baked goods from yeast dough is a long, labor-intensive process that takes quite a lot of time and takes a lot of effort. And it’s not always possible to prepare as much baked goods as you can eat at one time. There is always a certain amount of buns, pies and pies left, which over time lose their attractiveness and taste.

We have prepared for you an informative and interesting article on how to preserve the freshness of baked goods.

Simple ways to keep baked goods fresh

No matter what kind of baked goods you make, they need to be properly cared for after they come out of the oven. If you have prepared a pie, pies or bread, then after cooking you need to place them on a wooden tray (a cutting board will do) and cover with a linen towel. Make sure that the towel is not synthetic. So the baked goods should stand until they cool down.

If you bake pies, then after cooking they do not need to be placed on top of each other. All pies should be placed on a large dish and not cover each other. This will help prevent the pies from sticking together, as well as their subsequent deformation.

How to preserve baked goods made from yeast dough for a long time

If you are preparing to store baked goods for a long time, then immediately after they have cooled, put them in containers and put them in a dark place, where they can be stored for about a week. But if you are trying to preserve filled pies, it is better to immediately put them in the refrigerator. But they are stored for no more than five days. Then the filling will gradually deteriorate.

Few people know, but baked goods can be frozen. It can be stored in the freezer for about a month. Then you simply defrost and eat them. After you remove the baked goods from the refrigerator and defrost, you can briefly put them in the oven and let them brown a little.

If you're trying to bring stale bread back to life, a microwave can help. Take the bread and put it in the microwave to warm up for a minute. You won't believe it, but after this the bread will look as if it was just baked. But there is a little trick here. This bread should be eaten immediately after microwave oven. Otherwise, it will simply turn into a cracker, and you will no longer be able to restore it to its proper form.

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