Mayakovsky nocturne on the downpipe flute to read. Analysis of the poem "Could You?" Mayakovsky

06.08.2013 20:40:43

Victor! Thank you very much for appreciating my work. I will not be indebted to say that I really like your technique of reading poetry, and I learned a lot from you. And the fact that this “work is difficult and there are no kopecks for it,” I realized again in the Izba - a reading room, when I began to write down poems and put them up for the audience to judge. But even that, one cannot do without Mayakovsky, paraphrasing him, one can say that “recording poetry is the same extraction of radium. In grams of extraction, in years of labor. Exhausting a single word for the sake of a Thousand tons of verbal ore. But then, if it worked out, then you are the King! And you are absolutely right when you say that sometimes it takes less time to write the poems themselves than to record them.
If you have time, listen to a short poem by Al. Blok “Night, street, lantern, pharmacy… Many times I took up this poem, but then I gave it up because it didn’t work out, and returned to it again. Too bad I like it! And yet I did it!
Sincerely, Vladimir

Many people know this poem by Mayakovsky. And the phrase "Could you play the nocturne on the drainpipe flute?" remember by heart. And what does it actually say?

So here is the poem:

"I immediately blurred the map of everyday life,
splashing paint from a glass;
i showed on a platter of jelly
oblique cheekbones of the ocean.
On the scales of a tin fish
I read the calls of new lips.
And you
nocturne play
we could
on the drainpipe flute?"

What is a "day map"? Not at all a geographical map, as many people think. This is "Carte du Jour" (literally translated "card of the day") - this is how the daily menu used to be called. Now such an expression does not occur, it is used only in a slightly modified form. Waiters in a restaurant may ask: "Will you take a menu (a specially selected set of dishes) or A la Carte (when you have to choose a dish yourself)?"

"I immediately blurred the map of everyday life,
splashing paint from a glass "...

In general, Mayakovsky was sitting in a restaurant, apparently waving his arms, and he poured wine over the menu. What did he eat there? It is clear that fish jelly. Only it was previously poured into a special metal mold for solidification, not on plates, so that the aspic looked like a real fish.

"...I showed on a platter of jelly
oblique cheekbones of the ocean.
On the scales of a tin fish
I read the calls of new lips.

He ate fish in aspic, and opposite was a young lady who so wanted to please. It was an ordinary gray St. Petersburg evening. It was raining outside the window, overflowing water cascaded down the drainpipe. How else can a poet impress the opposite sex? - Immediately write poems about the most ordinary things. Like, who else can do that?

"And you
nocturne play
we could
on the drainpipe flute?"

He immediately wrote down what happened on the back of the menu. And then for many years various "researchers" thought out what the poet wanted to say. For example,

Could you play the nocturne on the drainpipe flute?

This house is located in Dresden, Germany.

It is called Neustadt Kunsthofpassage. The drains on this house are made in such a way that when it's raining- music is playing.

I immediately smeared the map of everyday life, splashing paint from a glass; I showed the oblique cheekbones of the ocean on a dish of jelly. On the scales of a tin fish I read the calls of new lips. Could you play the nocturne on the drainpipe flute?

Funnel Wall (wall of funnels) - this is the name of this musical house

What do you associate rain with? With cold and damp? Or maybe romance? But Dresdeners associate rain with music. Why? Because they have an unusual house - when it rains outside, it plays music. Romantic, isn't it?

This building, unusual in all respects, is not an official landmark of the city of Dresden (Germany), however, it certainly deserves special attention. Funnel Wall (wall of funnels) - this is the name of this music house and is located in the Neustadt / Neustadt district. Downpipes, ebbs and funnels are attached to its outer walls, which make melodious sounds during rain.

Surprisingly, these pipes are made in the form musical instruments which, of course, adds a special charm to the building. In such structures, it is extremely important to insulate the joints of polyurethane pipes for their durability.

Could you?

I immediately smeared the map of everyday life
splashing paint from a glass;
i showed on a platter of jelly
oblique cheekbones of the ocean.
On the scales of a tin fish
I read the calls of new lips.
And you
nocturne play
we could
on the drainpipe flute?

V. Mayakovsky

What is this? I often had a question. And then one day, the plot came into view.

Young man. In love. Unrequited. Although there are options here. But let's take a look at this one.
There is no hope. I'm tired of all. This is the daily map.
Where to go? To a restaurant, probably.
There is a dish of jelly, and paint in a glass.
After such paint on a dish of jelly, you can easily see at least oblique, at least some other cheekbones. Even the ocean. Ocean. Romance. Sail. Element. Eternity. And what about some eccentric girl?

By the way, in those days, a restaurant menu was also called a card.

From the window on the opposite building you can see a huge sign in the shape of a tin fish. Yes, even if there is an abyrvalg in this building. Doesn't matter. And the fish are straight from that very ocean.

The poet is in love. The scales of the fish are represented by inviting lips. A lot of them. And it does look great.
And they are called. My name is! Here you can add more colors.

Rain is rattling in the drainpipes. And the poet wants to hear the nocturne. And hears him. This is what it is to play.

Could you? - the title of the poem.

The poet could.

And I would like to. Maybe someday I can.

And another option - mutual love - perhaps next time.


Good afternoon
Great layout! I love the work of V.V. Mayakovsky, but this work is especially catchy!
Of course, I tend more towards the second option, because all such lyrics are from unrequited love.
Thank you!

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Read the verse "Could you?" Mayakovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich can be found on the website. Written in the early period of creativity (1913), the poem reflects the position of the author, who seeks to declare a new word in art. Although the theme is not new: the deep demarcation of the poet and the crowd, the confrontation between the layman and the creator, Mayakovsky reveals it with the help of innovative methods, a fresh form, offering his bright, imaginative perception of the world and comparing it with the dull everyday.

The poem "Could you?" - a challenge to everything familiar, monotonous as "weekday", repeating after an equal period of time. However, this gray everyday day can be changed in the poet's imagination in the same way as the usual contours geographical map. They can be erased, blurred, smeared if you splash a different paint on the card from a glass. In the perception of a mundane layman, jelly is a trembling mass on a porcelain dish, the poet's eye saw on it "oblique cheekbones of the ocean", and fish scales for him - "the call of new lips." The comparison is unexpected and non-standard. The poet avoids patterns, which in his perception are the personification of everything inert, mercantile and grounded. But in order to see this, you need to be able to notice poetry in what is usual and everyday and be surprised at what leaves another indifferent. Only a romantic can hear the sounds of a flute in the simple murmur of a drainpipe, and a poet, using verbal forms, can play a nocturne on it.

Being in search of new futuristic forms, Mayakovsky created works that met with mixed reviews from his contemporaries. But according to Pasternak, the poet cannot be denied mastery and "proud democracy." The text of Mayakovsky's poem "Could you?" can be downloaded in full on the site or taught online in a literature lesson in the classroom.

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