How to get rid of polyps in the cervix. Traditional medicine for the treatment of polyps in the uterus

Polyps in the uterus is a disease that is usually mild, but it should not be underestimated. Two types of polyps develop in the female genital organs. A so-called cervical polyp can develop in the cervix, and an endometrial polyp can develop in the uterus itself.

Most polyps can be effectively treated at home. However, if the disease is detected at a late stage, surgery is indispensable. Therefore, every woman should carefully monitor her health in order to prevent such interference.

    • What are uterine polyps?

      These are small pieces of hypertrophied mucous membrane in the uterus.

      • The most common polyp, which resembles a mushroom, as it has a hat and a leg.
      • A polyp without a leg has the appearance of lumpy growths on the surface of the uterine mucosa.

      Both types of neoplasms can develop almost anywhere in our body. But most often polyps grow on the mucous membrane of the nose, esophagus, maxillary sinus, vocal cords in the larynx, sometimes in the ear. They colonize the intestines, mucous membranes of the uterus, anus.

      Some patients will inherit a tendency to develop a polyp in the uterus. Their appearance is associated with diseases that are included in the FAP group (infectious diseases that occur as a result of an attack by the bacterium Burkholderia mallei).

      Why do polyps appear?

      This disease is not associated with cancer, and is considered safer than, for example, fibroids. The main cause of polyps in the uterus is an excess of the hormone estrogen. Therefore, during treatment, it is necessary not only to eliminate the polyp in the uterus, but also to adjust the hormonal background of the woman. How to do this, read our today's article.

      look interesting video about polyps in the uterus:

      Symptoms of polyps in the uterus.

      At an early stage, the disease does not make itself felt. When the active growth of the polyp in the uterus begins, the following symptoms appear:

      • spotting between periods;
      • bleeding after intercourse;
      • prolonged menstruation;
      • discomfort during intercourse

      Whether it is necessary to carry out treatment?

      The presence of a polyp in the uterus is dangerous because, if left untreated, a woman's pregnancy is difficult. Often the disease causes miscarriages. However, in general sense polyps are not life-threatening.

      Treatment of polyps in the uterus

      Treatment of polyps in the uterus can be successfully carried out at home, calling on the power of herbs to help. We'll show you how to do it quickly and easily. ethnoscience will help you avoid expensive surgery and restore women's health.

      Decoction of geranium

      In the treatment of a polyp of the uterus, the herb will help herat platipetalium (small geranium, flat-leaved geranium). We recommend preparing such a decoction: pour 2 tablespoons of grass with a glass of water, bring to a boil and boil under the lid for 5 minutes. Then turn off the heat and keep the potion under the lid for another 30 minutes. Drink 1 glass of medicine 2 times a day until the polyp disappears completely.

      Herbal collection №1

      A good effect in the treatment of a polyp in the uterus gives such a collection:

      • Yarrow - 100 g;
      • Oak bark - 100 g;
      • Sage leaf - 100 g;
      • Rhizome bought - 50 g;
      • Plantain leaves - 50 g;
      • Chamomile flowers - 50 g;
      • Calendula flowers - 50 g

      How to cook: mix herbs. For 2 tablespoons of the mixture, add 1/2 liter of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, then strain. This potion in the form of heat is used to irrigate the vagina before going to bed. You can also soak a tampon in an herbal tea and insert it into your vagina overnight. Continue treatment until the polyp is completely gone. This herbal medicine is good in that it helps to restore normal hormonal levels and the performance of the uterus.

      Herbal collection №2

      Another effective recipe for the treatment of polyps in the uterus:

      • Yarrow flowers - 30 g;
      • Calendula flowers - 30 g;
      • Oak bark - 30 g;
      • Shack grass - 30 g

      How to cook: 4 tablespoons of herbs are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled under the lid for 15 minutes. Then you need to leave the broth to infuse for 15 minutes and strain. Use the resulting medicine to irrigate the genitals, preferably in the evening. Before performing the procedure, make sure that the liquid is not too hot and not too cold. Continue treatment until the complete disappearance of the polyp in the uterus.

      Herbal collection №3

      From a polyp in the uterus, such a medicine will save:

      • Oak bark - 30 g;
      • Chamomile - 30 g;
      • Melissa leaves - 30 g;
      • Sage leaves - 30 g;
      • Thyme herb - 30 g

      How to cook: 3 tablespoons of the herbal mixture is poured into 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes, and then insist another 30 minutes. This decoction should be irrigated every other day for 2 to 3 weeks. Then take a break and, if the symptoms of the polyp have not disappeared, repeat the course. In general, the more courses of irrigation with this drug you spend, the better your female hormonal system will function - and it is known that it is because of hormones that polyps appear. These herbs also normalize.

      Herbal collection №4

      As soon as you notice the first symptoms of polyps, prepare this potion:

      • Yarrow - 100 g;
      • Oak bark - 100 g;
      • Sage leaves - 100 g;
      • Plantarium grass - 50 g;
      • Ophiuchus rhizome - 50 g;
      • Plantain leaf - 50 g;
      • Potentilla grass goose - 50 g;
      • Chamomile flowers - 50 g;
      • Calendula flowers - 50 g

      Invocation: mix herbs, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 1/2 liter of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, strain and use warm to irrigate the vagina before going to bed. You can also make tampons from this drug, or wash the external genitalia with it during the day. The longer you continue the treatment course, the more stable the effect will be.

      Herbal collection №5

      The following collection will save you from a polyp in the uterus:

      • White nettle flowers - 100 g;
      • Chamomile flowers - 100 g;
      • Yarrow grass - 50 g;
      • Grass shepherd's bag - 50 g;
      • St. John's wort - 50 g;
      • Mint leaves - 50 g;
      • Calendula flowers - 20 g;
      • Hop cones - 20 g

      Mix herbs, take 1 teaspoon of raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water, insist under the lid for 25-30 minutes. Have a hot drink before bed. Strain it before drinking. Continue treatment until the complete disappearance of the polyp in the uterus.

      Propolis in the treatment of polyps in the uterus

      In the treatment of uterine polyps, propolis can help. This biologically active agent is good because it has no contraindications, and can be used even in pregnant women. Propolis can be used both externally and internally.

    1. So, every morning it is recommended to chew a small piece of propolis on an empty stomach (or put it on the cheek).
    2. At night, it is good to prepare therapeutic tampons: pour 5 g of the product into 100 ml of boiling water, wait a couple of minutes, then moisten the tampon with it and insert it into the vagina.

    Very soon, there will be no trace of a polyp in the uterus. You should also know that propolis tampons are useful for erosion, myoma and. In general, this product is indispensable for women's health.

    Douching with vinegar

    Douches may be used to help treat a uterine polyp aqueous solution vinegar. This remedy is good in that it changes the pH in the vagina, stopping the growth of polyp cells.

    • In order to prepare the solution, you must mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar with a glass of warm water.
    • Douching should be used daily until all unpleasant symptoms disappear.
    • Additionally, you can use other methods of treating polyps in the uterus.

    Canadian goldenseal

    This unique plant will help to improve the functioning of the uterus and effective treatment polyp because it contains phytoestrogens.

    • Pour a tablespoon of Canadian goldenseal with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for 15 minutes, then strain.
    • With the resulting infusion, douche every evening until the complete disappearance of the polyp in the uterus.
    • Additionally, other treatments can be folk remedies.


    In order to stimulate blood circulation through the cervix (which will help dissolve the polyp), you can use alternately hot and cold sitz baths.

    • Fill a large bowl with hot water and another bowl with cold water.
    • Sit in hot water for 3 minutes and then sit in a cold bath for one minute.
    • Repeat 3 times, finishing with a cold bath and immediately put on warm clothes.
    • Use contrast baths every other day until the complete disappearance of the polyp in the uterus.


    Highly effective remedy for the treatment of a polyp in the uterus - this is celandine. However, remember that this plant is poisonous, so it is not recommended to exceed the dosage.

    • So, you need to take 1 cup of fresh chopped celandine grass, place it in a two-liter thermos, and pour boiling water (if there is no thermos, use any vessel, but wrap it with a warm blanket).
    • Infuse the remedy for 10 hours, then strain, pour into a jar and refrigerate.
    1. In the first week, every morning you need to take half a teaspoon of celandine infusion,
    2. in the second week - 1 teaspoon,
    3. then take 1 tablespoon of medicine for a week,
    4. for week 4, increase the dosage to 2 tablespoons, and then gradually reduce the dose to 1 teaspoon.

    After such a course, there is usually no trace of a uterine polyp, but in more severe cases it is necessary to repeat the treatment (after a two-week break). Additionally, you can use daily douching with tincture of celandine, as well as use other means of treating a polyp in the uterus.

    Upland uterus

    The upland uterus is the most famous remedy for all female diseases, including a polyp in the uterus.

    • Treat as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of dried grass with a glass of boiling water, wait until the infusion cools down, strain it and take half a glass 2 times a day before meals.
    • Additionally, you can use another treatment for uterine polyps with folk remedies (for example, douching with acetic solution).


    Wintergreen will help with a polyp in the uterus. This herb will not only remove the neoplasm, but also restore the normal functioning of the uterus, relieve the inflammatory process and relieve erosion (if you have all these diseases).

    An infusion of wintergreen is prepared as follows:

    • Brew 2 teaspoons of herbs in a thermos with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours.
    • During the day you should drink the medicine in small portions.

    Remember that it is not recommended to exceed the dosage (this is fraught with complications). Continue treatment until the complete disappearance of the uterine polyp.

    Shiitake mushrooms

    Women who suffer from a polyp in the uterus need to get dried shiitake mushrooms. Grind 100 g of raw materials and pour 1.5 liters of cold boiled water. Close the lid and leave in a dark, cool place for 2 weeks. Then strain the drug and use for douching 2 times a day. Soon the polyp will resolve. Also, shiitake mushrooms eliminate other diseases of the uterus - endometriosis, and even cancer at the initial stage.

    Laundry soap

    Surprisingly, ordinary laundry soap helps in resorption of the polyp in the uterus.

    • Just cut a bar of soap into small pieces (about the size of a medical candle), and insert into the vagina at night.
    • Until the morning, the remedy is most often completely absorbed. If this does not happen, the soap will come out of the vagina naturally.
  • genital organs. On the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus are formed neoplasms, largely benign. If the process is not intervened in time, the polyps will grow so much that it will be possible to solve the problem only by surgical intervention.

    Endometrial polyps are divided into types according to the type of structure.
    glandular . They are mainly formed in the organs of young women. They are called so because they are based on iron and stroma.
    Glandular fibrous . May appear at any age. They develop from connective tissue with a small percentage of iron.
    Fibrous . They consist only of connective tissue.
    Adenomatous they are precancerous. Are diagnosed mostly in postmenopausal women. They contain atypical cells, from which cancer can subsequently develop.

    The reasons

    There are several reasons. In the first place is hormonal failure, excess estrogen or lack of progesterone. Abortions and intrauterine devices are among the traumatic consequences of the development of polyps. Obesity, diabetes and hypertension are factors that influence the occurrence of polyps in the endometrium. Diseases of the small pelvis, past infections, low immunity and stress can also give impetus to the development of polyps.

    The first is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Profuse or scanty discharge of blood during menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen, which is aggravated by sexual contact. In advanced cases, purulent discharge from the uterus. These symptoms may be in other diseases, so you need to see a doctor and get tested. If you are still diagnosed with an endometrial polyp, you can not delay, start treatment immediately. Folk healers offer their own recipes that can be used as an addition to traditional treatment.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    For oral administration

    Berry - nettle remedy
    A tasty and healthy medicine will turn out if you combine the bottom of a spoonful of dried blackcurrant with three tablespoons of rose hips and two tablespoons of nettle. Grind everything , separate one spoonful and pour two glasses of boiling water . Leave to infuse for an hour. Prepare and drink the infusion for a month every day, half a cup four times a day. You can add sugar or honey.
    Two tinctures
    For treatment, you will need to put two different tinctures and be treated or complex.
    Diaghileva . Grind the angelica root and fill it with vodka one by one. Put in a cupboard for fourteen days, from time to time take out the jar and shake the contents.
    Saffron . Fill a one - liter jar with saffron stigmas , cover with dry red wine and leave for three weeks in a dark place .
    Both tinctures are ready, start treatment. Before each meal, pour into two glasses a quarter of boiled chilled water and drip fifteen drops of angelica root infusion into one, twenty drops of saffron tincture into the other. Drink one after the other half an hour before meals. Attention ! Not during pregnancy!
    Pumpkin yolk oil
    Hard boil seven eggs. Take out the yolks and grind them to a paste. Pumpkin seeds , peeled , also grind and take six tablespoons of the resulting pumpkin slurry . Combine everything, add five hundred ml of quality unrefined sunflower oil and put on a steam bath for a quarter of an hour. Remove, cool. For treatment in the morning, eat one spoon five days in a row. Five days break. Continue to be treated according to the five-five scheme until you have used all the remedy.
    A decoction based on a boron uterus

    Prepare an herbal mixture of two tablespoons of borage uterus, cinquefoil, angelica roots, one tablespoon of cumin, cinnamon and nettle taken. Mix the herbs and take one spoonful of the mixture. Pour two cups of boiling water over and put in a steam bath for half an hour. Cool and strain the decoction. Treat with a decoction for three months, starting in the second decade of the menstrual cycle. Take one third of a glass three times a day.
    Boron uterus tincture
    The upland uterus is the first medicinal plant that is used in gynecological problems . In addition to complex collections, in which it is included, you can make a simple infusion. Chop up the grass powdered state and fill five spoons with a bottle of vodka. Send for infusion in a dark cabinet for two weeks. It should be treated with tincture one hour before meals, taking forty drops three times a day.
    Burdock and chamomile
    For a decoction, take one spoonful of chopped burdock roots and the same amount of dandelion root. Pour into a small saucepan, pour half a liter of hot water and put on low heat for half an hour. Cool , strain and start treatment . One glass of decoction should be drunk a day in small sips. Decoction treatment - two months.
    Rhodiola rosea tincture

    Weigh fifty grams of Rhodiola rosea roots and chop as finely as possible. Pour a glass of medical alcohol and leave to infuse for ten days. Take drip - twenty drops three times a day for one and a half months.
    Bear bile tincture
    If you manage to get bear bile somewhere, make a tincture on it - a very effective remedy. Pour thirty grams of dry bile with half a liter of medical alcohol. Leave in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally. Every day in the morning, prepare chamomile infusion - it will come in handy for treatment. Three times a day, thirty minutes after eating, pour a third of a glass of chamomile infusion, drip twenty-five drops of bear bile tincture into it and drink. To achieve the result, treat for one month.
    Poison milestone tincture
    The name of the plant speaks of its toxicity, so it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage and carefully count the drops. Weigh twenty grams of dry milestone roots, grind them and pour one liter of vodka into a jar of raw materials. Put in a dark cabinet for two weeks. Strain well so that not a single piece remains in the tincture. On the first day, take one drop thirty minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner. On the second day - two drops each ... and so bringing the number of drops to ten. Then start taking the tincture in descending order, i.e. nine - eight, etc. Take a week off and start the next course.
    Poison milestone tincture can be used for tampons - we will talk about this below.


    Tincture milestone and burnet
    Their burnet for tampons need to prepare a decoction. Pour one spoonful of burnet roots with a glass of hot water and boil over low heat for about twenty minutes. Cool , strain , add ten drops of poisonous milestone tincture , the recipe of which was given above . Soak a tampon in the medicinal composition and insert into the vagina before going to bed. Remove in the morning.
    Garlic swabs
    Also, tampons with garlic mixture are administered all night. For them, crush two large garlic cloves, put on a wide bandage folded in several layers, twist a tampon and insert it until morning. Three, four weeks will be enough for the treatment.
    Healing mix
    For this course of treatment, several different tampons are used.
    On the first day in the morning, a tampon is inserted with a gruel of baked onions wrapped in it. In the evening, it is changed to a mixture of grated fresh onions. With adding equal quantity economic soap, also crushed on the grater.
    In second day in the morning and on the night put tampons With soap and bow.
    AT third day With morning enter tampon With wrapped in him homemade cottage cheese With adding spoons honey and spoons gruel aloe. AT dinner and in the evening change tampons on the fresh With so same composition.
    AT fourth dayhow in third.
    sea ​​buckthorn oil
    Highly simply conduct treatment swabs With sea ​​buckthorn oil painting. Folk healers claim, what oil sea ​​buckthorn wonderful manages With resorption polyps. Enter tampons in the evening and leave them before morning.


    Mushrooms shiitake
    These mushrooms sell in stores dried in briquettes. Exactly in such form them comfortable use. Thirty grams shiitake interpret before states powder, pour two glasses hot water and leave on the two weeks. After insistence use for medical douching.
    Difficult collection
    Prepare for medical infusion three spoons celandine, on tworepeshka, calendula and Hypericum and one spoon bodyagi. Separate one spoon vegetable mixtures, pour in her three hundred ml boiling water, cover and leave on the six hours. Before using strain and douche twice in day.
    Infusion celandine
    For decoction Narvit fresh celandine, rinse his and loosely lay down in liter crockery before top. Pour boiling water and leave before cooling down. Straininfusion ready for applications. FROM infusion celandine need do microclysters, because the he very saturated. Dial small, children's enema and spend procedure. Get treated two weeks, then on the such same interval time interrupt treatment, and repeat well.
    Decoction herbs

    douching With data decoction help to you not only in fight With polyps, but and restore microflora, and will render preventive action against thrush.
    Prepare on two spoons leaves rosemary, sage and yarrow and fouroak bark. All herbs and bark grind, pour in in saucepan, add two With half liters boiling water and put on the the fire on the half an hour. Remove, cool down, strain. douche received decoction twice in day.
    Collection against polyps
    Folk the medicine claims, what after treatment douching from given decoction watering disappear without a trace. cook herbs: on one spoon oak bark and chamomile, three spoons nettle and five spoons knotweed. Separate two spoons from thoroughly mixed mixtures, pour in liter boiling water and boil five minutes. Farther act So, how described in previous prescription.
    Decoction hemlock
    Highly simple and quick recipe decoction for douching. one spoon dry herbs hemlock pour glass cool boiling water, put on the the fire and bring before boiling. Remove, cool down. Strain, add floorliters warm water and douche on evenings in flow months.

    Video - Endometrial polyp. Treatment with folk remedies

    Polyps in the uterus are small, mushroom-shaped growths attached to the uterine lining or cervix. They are benign neoplasms and rarely transform into malignant tumors. Polyps are most common in women approaching menopause. The main reasons for the appearance of such tumors are called: hormonal disorders, blockage or proliferation of blood vessels, disruption of the endocrine system, diabetes, inflammatory processes, abortions, hereditary factor and inactivity.

    Symptoms of polyps can be such signs: violation of the regularity of menstruation, heavy bleeding, the appearance of leucorrhoea, spotting in the middle of the cycle or after intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen, infertility. The most common treatment is hormone therapy. If this treatment does not give an effective result, surgical, laparoscopic or hysteroscopic surgery is used. Polyps in the uterus are often treated in combination with folk methods. They help to quickly get rid of the formed outgrowths. What are these recipes?

    It will improve the hormonal background, metabolic processes in the body such a folk remedy. Take six tablespoons of pumpkin seeds, well dried in the sun. Grind them in a coffee grinder. Seven mashed yolks of hard-boiled eggs are added to this mass and half a liter is poured corn oil. Then the mixture is put on a steam bath for 20 minutes to warm up. Take this remedy once a day half an hour before meals according to the scheme: five days - drink, five days - break. The polyps will gradually dissolve. The treatment is long.

    Such a folk remedy on herbs will help to avoid surgery. A healing infusion is prepared with dried herbal ingredients: black currant berries (1 part), nettle leaves (2 parts), May rose hips (3 parts). All are shredded. Take a spoonful of the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. One hour means insist. Taken orally four times a day. You can add some sugar. Single dose: half a glass.

    Microclysters and douches from polyps

    Expert opinion

    Polyps of the uterus, like many neoplasms on the skin and mucous membranes, appear as a result of human infection with a certain virus. The danger of this disease lies in the fact that the polyp becomes an obstacle to carrying a pregnancy, as well as to conception. In some cases, this formation can transform into a malignant tumor, so patients with a similar diagnosis should be observed by a specialist.

    Alternative methods of treatment (the use of infusions and decoctions based on medicinal herbs) can be used in the complex therapy of a uterine polyp. These funds help to restore balance in the hormonal sphere, improve the blood supply to the organ and prevent excessive stimulation of the central nervous system.

    Golden mustache tincture and its use

    Treatment of folk remedies for polyposis is often successful with the help of such houseplant like a golden mustache. And although it is long-lasting, it is effective: the work of the endocrine glands improves, the hormonal background improves, inflammation in the reproductive organs is removed and polyps decrease. To prepare the remedy, you will need a golden mustache plant. It must be quite mature.

    Take 20 knees from the processes, cut them and pour vodka or diluted alcohol. This will require half a liter of alcohol. Infuse the remedy in a dark place for at least 10 days. Take the tincture inside as follows: 20 drops are poured into half a glass of water. Consume twice a day 20 minutes before meals. Treatment regimen: 30 days - taking a tincture, 10 days - a break and taking it again. Typically, treatment lasts at least eight months.

    Dioxide-contaminated foods and hormone-containing meats should be avoided to prevent polyps. Don't get cold. Have a regular sex life. Move more. Do not forget to visit the gynecologist.

    Unfortunately, no woman is immune from the appearance of polyps in the uterus. But you should not fall into a panic state if the gynecologist has made this diagnosis, since this is a benign neoplasm and in the early stages of its detection it can be cured without surgical intervention.

    Of course, in most cases, the treatment of this disease, regardless of its location in the cervical region or in the uterus itself, is carried out by taking medications, but you should also know that you can get rid of it using folk remedies.

    It is this method that is the most conservative and has practically no contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Observing all the rules for cooking, and applying on a daily basis throughout the course, the result will not be long in coming.

    Symptoms and possible complications

    Naturally, disease internal organs It's pretty hard to diagnose on your own. But if you pay due attention to your body and periodically visit your doctor, then nothing is impossible.

    The first symptoms indicating the presence of polyps in the uterus or cervix are the following:

    By the way, the manifestation of these symptoms may also indicate other diseases of the female reproductive system, therefore, first of all, you need to contact a specialist for a diagnosis, and only after confirming the alleged diagnosis, start fighting the disease.

    It is not only possible, but also necessary, to treat polyps in the uterus using folk remedies, since their use allows not only to get rid of the disease, but also to significantly strengthen the immune system.

    In many cases, the disease appears due to weakened immunity and a person's stay in frequent stressful situations. And also because of abortions (especially in adolescence), hormonal disruptions and chronic diseases of the reproductive system. Therefore, we can safely say that 90% of the female population is at risk.

    It is important to remember that during the treatment period you need to observe proper nutrition and lead healthy lifestyle life - this is perhaps one of the main aspects of a successful recovery when using traditional medicine. In addition, you should not expect that recovery will come as early as 2 days after applying the recipe.

    It is required to be patient and go through the entire course of treatment from beginning to end, and if necessary, repeat it. Since the methods of alternative medicine are perhaps the slowest, but also the safest for the body as a whole.

    Patients who delay treatment of cervical polyps over time may face more serious problems:

    • miscarriage of a fetus of a spontaneous plan;
    • infertility;
    • the appearance of unreasonable bleeding;
    • the transformation of a polyp into a malignant tumor.

    Of course, there is little pleasant in the above list of upcoming events, but all this can be avoided if you monitor your health. And no matter what methods ( drug treatment, folk remedies or an operating method) were used, the most important thing is getting rid of a rather simple, but very insidious disease - polyps in the uterus.

    Effective recipes to fight the disease

    As it turns out, the plants and herbs that a person encounters in his Everyday life and often considers them weeds, can help cure a number of diseases. For the treatment of cervical polyps, the following recipes should be used:

    Other therapies and possible contraindications

    In addition to the above methods of treating this disease, to get rid of polyps located in the cervical region, folk recipes suggest using specially made tampons. To apply this method, you will need a piece of clean gauze and a large clove of garlic, grated on a medium grater.

    Gauze must be folded in 2 layers, put garlic on it and form a kind of tampon. It needs to be inserted into the vagina as deep as possible and left to act overnight. I would like to immediately note that there may be a feeling of severe discomfort, since after the insertion of a tampon, a burning sensation may occur in cases where it becomes unbearable, the treatment should be stopped.

    Practitioners also do not deny the possibility of treatment with folk remedies, the following recipe for tincture from the hog uterus is considered the most recommended.

    It is necessary to take dry, highly crushed raw materials in the amount of 5 tbsp. l. and pour it with 500 ml of vodka. Cork the vessel with the contents and place in a dark place for 14 days to infuse, shaking from time to time. It should be taken 40 drops 60 minutes before the main meal 3 times a day. Course treatment lasts 21 days. This method is not suitable for those women who drive a vehicle.

    Using the means of alternative therapy, it is still worth remembering some contraindications to their use;

    In cases where the patient has no contraindications, any of the above means can be treated for the disease. But in cases where there is intolerance to at least one component from the composition, it is not worth the risk, it is better to choose another alternative.

    I chose the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies because I am allergic to certain medications and do not tolerate anesthesia well. I try not to bring the disease to a cardinal method of solving it and apply all layers of strength to defeat the disease by treating uterine polyps with herbs and folk remedies.

    Disease Definition

    Uterine polyps are an increase in the volume of the lining of the uterus. One or more growths appear on it, which can be pear-shaped or finger-shaped. Polyps are localized mainly on the sides of the uterus.

    The disease most often occurs in women in adulthood and old age. But sometimes it visits very young girls.

    Polyps of the uterus - symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of uterine polyps are usually the following:

    1. Failure in the menstrual cycle.
    2. Painful sensations in the female genital organs, similar to contractions during childbirth.
    3. Constant discharge from the vagina, which can be either white or blood-colored.

    But there are cases when the patient cannot independently detect signs of uterine polyps. In this case, in order to avoid the situation when the disease is extremely advanced, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist's office and do an ultrasound of the genital organs.

    Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies and medicines must be carried out without fail. The disease has enough serious consequences. Polyps can develop into a malignant formation, or break inside the uterus, causing bleeding, which is especially dangerous during childbearing.

    Polyps of the uterus - the causes of the disease

    The main and main reason for the development of such a disease as uterine polyps is a hormonal disorder in the functioning of the female body. This can happen, as against the background of stress, nervous breakdown, and as a result of the existing chronic disease and severely weakened immune system. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies in this case should be carried out only in combination with the treatment of getting rid of the primary disease.

    Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies

    For the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies, we recommend using the following recipes:

    1. Mummy. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies with the help of mummy helps most patients of the beautiful half of humanity. Mummy can be bought at any pharmacy. Every day you need to swallow one tablet or capsule of mummy on an empty stomach in the morning. After that, you need to drink 3 sips of a little warm milk or grape juice. The course of treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using mummy should last 3 weeks. After that, the body should take a break from alternative treatment for about one month. Then you can start taking the mummy again. And so continue for six months.
    2. Pumpkin. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies can be carried out using pumpkin seeds. They need to be ground in a coffee grinder to make a powder. Then take 6 tablespoons of pumpkin seed powder and add to them 7 hard-boiled egg yolks and 0.5 liters of vegetable oil. Mix everything thoroughly and put on water bath. Sweat the remedy for uterine polyps for 20 minutes. Then wait until the folk remedy has cooled down. You need to take it when you are treating uterine polyps with folk remedies, according to this scheme. In the morning, drink 1 teaspoon of the medicine. Continue treatment for 5 days. Then rest for five days too, and drink the infusion again. The course of treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using pumpkin seeds should be continued until the medicine runs out.
    3. Burdock + dandelion. These medicinal plants must first be mixed in equal proportions. Then you need to brew a tablespoon of herbal collection with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The container must be placed in a water bath and simmer for half an hour. After waiting for the infusion to cool and filter it. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using this infusion should be done according to this scheme. During the day, you should drink a glass of infusion. You need to drink it often enough, but 1 sip. The course of alternative treatment of uterine polyps according to this prescription should last 2 months.
    4. Saffron + angelica. First you need to grind the angelica roots. Then you need to add vodka to it in the same proportion as the roots. Put in a dark place to infuse. It should not pass light and get moisture. Leave for fourteen days. Periodically, the vessel must be taken out and its contents shaken. At the same time, you need to prepare a tincture of saffron. It is necessary to prepare a 1 liter jar of stigmas and pour red wine on top of them. Leave for 21 days to infuse in a dark, dry dough at room temperature. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies should be carried out with two drugs at the same time. Three times a day, thirty minutes before you eat, add 15 drops of angelica tincture and 20 drops of saffron tincture to a quarter cup of boiled water. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies according to this scheme cannot be carried out during pregnancy.
    5. Mushrooms called shiitake. It is necessary to take 30 grams of powder from these mushrooms. They need to be filled with 0.5 liters of water room temperature. Put to infuse for fourteen days. Shake the contents periodically. A folk remedy for uterine polyps is used for douching.
    6. Rosehip + lingonberry + nettle. You need lingonberry leaves to prepare this recipe. They should be mixed with 6 teaspoons of nettle and rose hips in the amount of 4 teaspoons. But before you do all this, the ingredients need to be crushed. Then 4 tablespoons of herbal collection should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover and leave for 4 hours. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using this infusion is carried out according to this scheme. 2 times a day you need to drink 1 glass of infusion.
    7. Golden mustache. You need to collect 50 divisions of the golden mustache. Top them with 2 cups of vodka. Put for ten days to insist. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using a golden mustache is carried out as follows: take a third of a glass of boiled water and add 20 drops of tincture to it. You need to drink a remedy for uterine polyps thirty minutes before eating. In total, there should be two doses per day. The course of alternative treatment of uterine polyps should last 1 month. Then you should take a break for 10 days. To completely get rid of uterine polyps, you need to go through 5 such healing courses.
    8. Celandine. Only a fresh plant is used in the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies. It must be poured into a liter jar and not crushed. Pour boiling water on top. Leave to insist. Wait for the infusion to cool and filter. Take a baby enema. Use it to douche into the vagina. You need to do 2 such procedures per day. The course of treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies using celandine lasts fourteen days. After that, be sure to rest for 2 weeks.
    9. Watercress. Every day, eat it at least 1 tablespoon three times a day.
    10. Onions + laundry soap. First, one onion should be baked in the oven. There is no need to clean it. After kneading it, putting it first on cheesecloth, folded in 4 layers. Wrap the onion in cheesecloth and form into swabs. They need to be inserted into the vagina at night. An even greater effect in the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies can be obtained if the baked onion is mixed with laundry soap, which must be grated on a fine grater. Also form a tampon and insert it into the vagina.
    11. Aloe + milk + honey. First, take fermented milk and heat it over a fire. It should roll up. It forms curd flakes. Mix them with chopped aloe leaves and honey. Put the mixture on cheesecloth. Form tampons that are used in the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies.

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