Lesson summary of preparing salads. "Preparing fruit salad"

Lesson in the senior group “Fruit salad”


Encourage children to care about their health (help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition; food should not only be tasty, but also healthy).

Introduce children to the process of preparing a cold dish - fruit salad.

Formation of safe behavior skills in the kitchen.

Formation of basic cooking skills.

Formation of basic skills in organizing the workplace.

Software tasks:

Continue to introduce children to a variety of salads.

To consolidate children's knowledge of the names and beneficial properties of fruits, in what form they are consumed by humans. Expand knowledge about where fruits grow.

Develop skills for safe handling of dangerous objects (knives) in everyday life.

Develop the ability to use a knife correctly (cutting fruit).

To promote joint activities between children and adults, during which the need of preschoolers to communicate with adults, to understand their world, the desire to take direct part in the activities of adults is satisfied, and their own experience is acquired.

Cultivate neatness, love of work, and the desire to bring joy to yourself and others.


Apples, pears, bananas, oranges, yogurt.


Cutting boards, knives, bowl, tray, salad bowl, napkins, aprons.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, today in class we will learn how to prepare a salad. What salads do you know? (vinaigrette, beetroot, spring, etc.)

Right. Who can tell what vegetables are used in vinaigrette salad? (potatoes, beets, carrots, peas, cabbage)


This is a vegetable salad. Vegetables are good. But I also want fruit!

Guys, I suggest you make a fruit salad today.


Guess guys

You are my riddles:

1. A bun weighs on a branch,

His ruddy side shines. (apple)

2. Kids know this fruit

Monkeys love to eat it.

Maternity hospital he is from hot countries

It grows in the tropics. (banana)

3. This fruit is oblong,

Rich in vitamins.

It is boiled, it is dried,

It's called... (pear)

4. Bright, sweet, poured,

The cover is all gold.

Not from a candy factory -

From distant Africa. … (orange)

Well done! All the riddles have been solved!

And now I will tell you about fruits.

Orange is a fruit that many associate with the sun. Thanks to its beneficial properties, it gives people energy, improves health and is an important product that every person needs to have in their diet.

China is considered the birthplace of the orange. "Orange" means Chinese apple.

Orange contains vitamins: P, A, B1, B2 and large amounts of vitamin C.

Orange supports and strengthens the body, and helps effectively fight viral diseases.

And most importantly, do not overuse this fruit - allergies may occur - especially in small children.

The shape of a pear resembles a light bulb. The pear contains a huge amount of useful substances - fiber, sucrose, glucose, fructose, carotene. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, P, E, C. Pears are used as an antimicrobial agent. Pears contain a lot of macro- and microelements: iron, which is necessary for the synthesis of healthy blood cells. The pulp contains many potassium ions, which contribute to the normal functioning of the heart and muscles. A decoction of dried pears helps with cough.

Apple – This fruit is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Apples benefit everyone. Raises hemoglobin, strengthens blood vessels. A fresh, juicy apple is rich in vitamin C, which will help strengthen the immune system.

Baked apples - restore the functioning of the digestive system. A decoction of dried apples replenishes the body with useful substances. Apple juice destroys germs.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit native to Brazil. It has a lot of beneficial properties and vitamins. It includes potassium, magnesium, vitamins: C, PP, B12, B1, B2. In addition to them, pineapple contains many useful trace elements and minerals. Its pulp contains ascorbic acid, proteins, sugars, dietary fiber and water.

Bananas grow in southern countries. The fruits of a banana tree are cut unripe; they will better withstand transportation and storage. After all, they have a long way to go before they hit store shelves. They are transported by sea under special conditions. The fruits are packaged in a special film.

Bananas contain a large amount of potassium, which is good for our brain, heart and muscles.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, PP, which improve memory, attention, and are good for hair health.

Yogurt is a fermented milk product usually with fruit additives. It is considered a traditional Bulgarian drink. There are yogurts - milk, cream, fruit, dietary.

Pectin – regulates digestive processes.

Now you can start working.

Before starting any work in the kitchen and after finishing it, you must wash your hands with soap.

Be sure to wear an apron so you don’t have to wash all your clothes later. For girls, it is better to tie their long hair in a ponytail or with a scarf.

Fruits must be washed clean.

About dishes. When you finish cooking, you will have to wash it.

Be careful in the kitchen and don't get distracted.

Kitchen: gas - one, fire - two, knives - three, in general, keep your eyes open!

The stove and all electric kitchen aids must only be used in the presence of an adult.

Permission must be asked for each use.

Choose knives that are not too large. They are stored in specially designated places. Wash them with warm water and a cloth, holding the blade away from you.

Wash any dishes not with your hands, but with a cloth or sponge.

If you spill something on the kitchen floor or spill cereal, it’s better to clean it up right away. Otherwise, you may end up on the floor, slipping in the water or on your croup.


Now you can start working. But first, the guys need to wash their hands.

Children go wash their hands and return to the tables (instead of a physical education minute).

Guys, every dish has a recipe. Look at the fruit salad recipe diagram. (Image is displayed)

What should you do first? (peel the fruit)

Then? (cut them)

After? (put in a bowl)

After? (stir, season and place in salad bowl)

And since this salad is unusual and fruity, we will season it with Yogurt.

Guys, when you use a knife, you need to hold it by the plastic handle, and use a metal blade to cut the fruit - like this. You must use the knife very carefully so as not to cut yourself.

Children, together with the teacher, peel and cut fruit into cubes. Oranges are peeled from films and partitions and cut. The chopped fruits are placed in one large salad bowl. Add yogurt and mix (if the yogurt is sour, you can add sugar).

The salad is ready, now you can treat all children and adults.

Let's just tidy up a little.

The lesson is over. Thank you all for your participation.

Vegetables are the main source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and carbohydrates.

In their composition they contain flavoring, coloring, aromatic substances, nitrogenous and tannin (astringent) substances, pectin (the substance of the middle plates and cell membranes). Many substances contain phytoncides - bactericidal substances.

(Students' answers.)

  1. Appetizers (salads, vinaigrettes)

Vegetables are widely used to prepare cold appetizers - salads.

What is a salad?

equipment and utensils, and what

(Students' answers.)

  • pickled;
  • salted (sauerkraut);
  • fruits.

(Students' answers.)

Primary processing of vegetables

  • Sorting (by size)
  • the washing up
  • Peeling (peeling)
  • Washing
  • Slicing
  • Cooking
  • Frying
  • Extinguishing
  • Passaging
  • Baking
  • Allowance

Forms of cutting vegetables

Potatoes are cut into strips (square cross-section 0.2*0.2 cm, length 4-5 cm) for deep-frying. Carrots, parsley, celery, beets, onions -

Potatoes are cut into cubes (from 0.7 * 0.7 mm to 1 * 1 cm, 3.5-4 cm long) for frying, soups, borscht; carrots, parsley, celery - for broth with vegetables.

Large cubes (2*2 cm) - for potatoes in milk; medium (1.5*1.5 cm) - for soups; small (0.5-0.5 cm) - for garnish, cold dishes.

Potatoes, carrots, beets are cut into slices (0.1-0.2*1-1.5 cm) in cabbage soup, salads, vinaigrette.

In circles - potatoes 1-2 cm thick for deep frying and the main method, carrots are cut 0.1 cm thick for soups and side dishes. Onions are cut into slices 0.1-0.2 cm thick for barbecue, frying, and marinades.

Onions are cut into small cubes (0.3*0.3 cm) for kharcho soup, large ones - for soups and cabbage soup.

Cabbage is cut into pieces (2*2 cm) for cabbage soup, borscht, and chopping is also used - chopped strips for minced meat.

What can you season salads with?(Students' answers.)

Salad dressing

  • Mayonnaise
  • Sour cream
  • Vegetable oil
  • Vinegar
  • Hot sauces

Rules for preparing salads

  1. To taste, salads are spicy, sweetish; salads with pickled and salted vegetables are sour.
  2. The color and smell of dishes are characteristic of the fresh products from which they are prepared.

Vegetable salads

  • Served before the main course.
  • The main thing when processing vegetables is to preserve the color and vitamin content in them.

To prepare salads.

  1. Practical work.

Exercise for hands.

Tasting of dishes.

Methods for rating dishes

  1. Team assessment
  2. Teacher assessment
    • Was the salad tasty?
    • Was it aesthetically designed?
  1. Fixing the material.
  • What are the benefits of salads?
  1. Summing up the lesson.
  1. Homework.

Thanks for the work.

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"Lesson summary on the topic "Vegetable dishes. Salads""

Vegetable dishes. Salads

Lesson type: combined.

Type of educational work: working with vegetables.

Object of labor:"Preparing a dish for Sunday breakfast - salad."

Working hours: 90 minutes (2 lessons).


    To develop in students the knowledge and ability to perform primary and heat processing of vegetables, prepare dishes from fresh and boiled vegetables.

    Develop creative thinking, attentiveness and accuracy in work.

    Foster a work culture.

Equipment and utensils: knives, colander, cutting boards, grater, fork, spoon, plate, salad bowl.

Products: fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, leaf or head lettuce, bell peppers, onions and green onions, dill, parsley, eggs, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil.

Didactic support: presentation “Vegetable dishes. Salads"; posters depicting methods of cutting vegetables and decorating vegetable dishes, “Primary processing of vegetables”, “Techniques for cooking food”, “Table setting when serving salad”; technological cards: “Green salad with sour cream and egg”; “Green onion salad with egg”, “Tomato and cucumber salad”; chalk images on a blackboard; textbook.

Equipment: computer, screen.

Dictionary: salad, tasting.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Preparation of jobs.

    Setting the topic and learning goal.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the role of vegetables in human nutrition, sanitary and hygienic requirements for processing products for salads, recipes for preparing healthy vitamin salads, forms of cutting vegetables and learn how to prepare salads from fresh and boiled vegetables.

    Survey of completed material.

    What equipment and utensils are used to prepare hot drinks?

    What are the requirements for hot drinks?

    List the sequence of steps when brewing tea?

    What first aid do we provide for burns?

    New material.

Rational human nutrition is impossible without vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables are the main source of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and carbohydrates.

In their composition they contain flavoring, coloring, aromatic substances, nitrogenous and tannin (astringent) substances, pectin (the substance of the middle plates and cell membranes). Many substances contain phytoncides - bactericidal substances.

Vegetables help stimulate the appetite, improve the absorption of food and allow you to significantly diversify your diet. Vegetables also have medicinal properties, which are used in both folk and scientific medicine. Vegetables are used as dietary products for certain diseases.

What dishes can you prepare from vegetables?(Students' answers.)

A wide variety of cold and hot dishes are prepared from vegetables

    Appetizers (salads, vinaigrettes)

    First courses (vegetable soup, cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup, etc.)

    Main courses (fried or boiled potatoes, stew, cutlets)

Vegetables are also used to prepare side dishes for fish, meat dishes and juices.

Vegetables are widely used to prepare cold appetizers - salads.

What is a salad?

Salad is a cold dish of finely chopped vegetables, eggs, meat or fish, fruits (write the definition in a notebook).

To prepare the salad you need the following set equipment and utensils, and what we will find out by opening the textbook on page 212 (I. A. Sasova).

What products do you think can be included in the salad?(Students' answers.)

Products included in the salad can be:

    raw (radish, green salad, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, sweet peppers);

    boiled (beets, potatoes, carrots);


    salted (sauerkraut);

    products that have undergone complex and lengthy processing (sausages, smoked fish, canned food);

To prepare a salad, do you need to know two types of food processing? Which ones?(Students' answers.)

Mechanical cooking of vegetables

Primary processing of vegetables

    Sorting (by size)

    Peeling (peeling)

Important! Peeled potatoes left without water quickly darken, so when peeling the potatoes, place them in a bowl with water.


Thermal cooking of vegetables

  • Passaging



To prepare a salad, vegetables are cut in different ways depending on what dish is being prepared.

Vegetables are chopped manually or using devices (vegetable cutter, shredder, grater, special knives).

Forms of cutting vegetables

Straws(square section 0.2 * 0.2 cm, length 4-5 cm) cut potatoes for deep frying. Carrots, parsley, celery, beets, onions - for cabbage soup, borscht, pickles, vegetable soups.

In small blocks(from 0.7 * 0.7 m to 1 * 1 cm, length 3.5-4 cm) cut potatoes for frying, soups, borscht; carrots, parsley, celery – for broth with vegetables.

Cubes large (2*2 cm) – for potatoes in milk; medium (1.5*1.5 cm) – for soups; small (0.5-0.5 cm)– for garnish, cold dishes.

Slices(0.1-0.2*1-1.5 cm) cut potatoes, carrots, beets in cabbage soup, salads, vinaigrette.

In circles– potatoes 1-2 cm thick for deep-frying and the main method, carrots are cut 0.1 cm thick for soups and side dishes. Onions are cut into slices 0.1-0.2 cm thick for barbecue, frying, and marinades.

Onions are cut into small cubes (0.3*0.3 cm) for kharcho soup, large ones for soups and cabbage soup.

Cabbage is chopped checkers(2*2 cm) for cabbage soup, borscht, chopping is also used - chopped straws for minced meat.

To decorate vegetable dishes, cut stars, scallops, gears, “roses” and so on. To decorate the salad, lettuce leaves, parsley, dill, celery, and brightly colored products included in the salad (tomato, cucumber, pepper) are used.

What can you season salads with?(Students' answers.)

Salad dressing

  • Vegetable oil

    Hot sauces

To diversify the taste of the salad, add sugar, mustard, and ready-made hot sauces.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for processing products for salads (textbook by I. A. Sasova, p. 211)

    View products. Remove defective parts.

    Wash the vegetables. Vegetables need to be peeled immediately before cooking, otherwise they lose a lot of vitamins.

    Thoroughly rinse all greens and fresh vegetables, first with raw water and then with boiled water.

    Keep boiled foods separate from raw ones. After heat treatment, products must be cooled.

    Boil vegetables in an enamel bowl. This helps preserve nutrients and vitamins, especially vitamin C.

    It is recommended to cut the salad ingredients and season it with sauce immediately before serving.

    Prepared but undressed salads can be stored for no more than 12 hours, and seasoned salads for no more than 6 hours.

    Do not keep salads in metal containers.

    When processing vegetables, you should use a stainless steel knife, since vitamin C is destroyed by contact with iron.

    Cutting raw and cooked vegetables should be done on different cutting boards.

    When decorating salads, use only edible decorations.

Rules for preparing salads

    In salads, use and combine any products that are compatible to your taste.

    Vegetables should be equally cut.

    Each salad requires its own dressing.

    Proper use of salt (salt before serving).

    When creating a menu, make sure that products are not repeated.

    Vegetables for salads can be prepared in advance (1-2 hours before serving).

Requirements for the quality of salads

    Boiled foods for salads should be soft, but not mushy.

    To taste, salads are spicy, sweetish; salads with pickled and salted vegetables are sour.

    The color and smell of dishes are characteristic of the fresh products from which they are prepared.

Salad preparation sequence

    Study the set of products included in its recipe.

    If the composition includes boiled products, then they must be prepared in advance so that they have time to cool.

    Then the raw products are processed - washed, peeled, cut. Some of the products are prepared for salad decoration.

    The chopped products are placed in a large bowl, mixed and seasoned.

    The dressed salad is placed in a heap in a salad bowl and decorated with prepared products.

Table setting when serving salad.

Vegetable salads

    Delicious and nutritious snacks, they are appropriate on any table.

    They are made from raw and cooked vegetables.

    Served before the main course.

    Used as an independent dish and as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

    They should be juicy and fresh, combined with subsequent dishes.

    The fresher the vegetables, the more vitamin C they contain.

To prepare salads.

What safety rules must be followed?

    when using electric heating devices?

    when working with hot dishes and liquids?

    when working with a knife and accessories?

    Practical work.

Students go to the kitchen, select equipment and utensils for preparing salads.

Project "Sunday Breakfast" - salad.

Students follow safe work rules (when using electric heating devices, when working with hot dishes and liquids, when working with knives and tools).

Exercise for hands.

    Analysis and evaluation of completed work.

Tasting of dishes.

Methods for rating dishes

    Evaluation of the prepared dish by the girls themselves

    Team assessment

    Teacher assessment

    • What will you consider when evaluating a salad?

      Was the salad tasty?

      Was it aesthetically designed?

      Did you manage to use products rationally and preserve vitamins?

      Was the salad expensive or cheap?

      Did you come up with it yourself, or did you use a ready-made recipe?

      Did everything work out? What would you do differently if you started working again?

      What grade will you give for preparing the salad?

The teacher summarizes the typical mistakes of students.

    Fixing the material.

    How do you decorate fresh vegetable salads?

    What are the benefits of salads?

    What forms of cutting vegetables are there?

    In what form are vegetables used to prepare salads?

    Is it possible to make a fruit salad?

    What are the sanitary and hygienic requirements for processing salad products?

    Summing up the lesson.

What did you learn in class today?


Thanks for the work.

Zarechneva Elena Viktorovna

Class: 6

Target: prepare fruit salad, observing sanitary and hygienic rules and safety rules when working.


  1. Updating knowledge about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits.
  2. Formation of skills in working with information, using technological schemes in practical work.
  3. Improving group work skills, communication and reflective skills, and safe work skills.
  4. Development of memory, attention, oral speech.
  5. Cultivating a conscious attitude towards one’s health, rational nutrition, as well as accuracy and hard work.

Equipment: box for the game, a set of fruits, fruit costumes for the scene (cook, grapefruit, banana, apple, kiwi, tangerine, orange, Doctor Aibolit), table “Content of vitamins in fruits”, technological scheme for preparing fruit salad, magnets, aprons, scarves , knives, cutting boards, salad bowls, salad spoons, portion plates, ice cream by weight, signs with the names of salads for groups, a laptop (for musical accompaniment).

Form of organization of student activities: collective, individual, group.

Technologies, methods and techniques: health-preserving, game, story, conversation, dramatization, work with tables and diagrams, self-test and self-assessment, work in groups, practical work, reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Hello, sit down! Today for our lesson we will need a table “Content of vitamins in fruits” and a pen; as well as overalls (apron and scarf), fruit, dishes (cutting board, knife, salad bowl) and your good mood!

II. Communicating the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson

The topic of our lesson is “Preparing fruit salad.” Today in the lesson we will talk about the benefits of fruits, the content of vitamins in fruits; We will use the technological scheme in practical work; improve group work, communication and reflective skills.

III. Game “Guess the Fruit!”, filling out the table “Content of vitamins in fruits”

The teacher puts fruits in the box (apple, banana, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, tangerine). Students must guess what is in the box by asking questions. The questions are posed so that the teacher can only answer “YES” or “NO.” After the children correctly name the fruit, the teacher shows it and gives a short message about it.

I suggest you play. The game is called “Guess the fruit!”.

I have fruit hidden in a box. To find out what fruits I have hidden, you will ask me questions about color, taste, etc., and I will only answer “YES” or “NO”. But we will not only play, we will also learn about the benefits of certain fruits. To do this, you must listen carefully to my story and fill out the table that is on your desk. Let's look at the table.

(The table is pre-drawn on the board. The teacher explains and shows how to fill out the table correctly, pronounces the letter designation of vitamins.)

fruit fruit Vitamins

After the game we will check which of you listened to me carefully.


Banana pulp contains vitamin C, which will help cope with winter colds and infections. B vitamins An indispensable remedy against stress and insomnia. Found in bananas and vitamin E, it makes our skin smooth and elastic, and is also responsible for a good mood.


Apples contain vitamin A. This vitamin is necessary for normal metabolism and bone formation. Vitamin C has an anti-inflammatory effect, increases resistance to infections. B vitamins, are necessary for the body for the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Also present in apples vitamin G. It is also called the “appetite vitamin.” It is necessary for normal digestion and growth.


Tangerine fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system; in addition to those mentioned, tangerines contain vitamin D, especially necessary in winter, and vitamin K for vascular health.


One kiwi fruit can provide a person with a daily dose of vitamin C. In addition, kiwi contains vitamins E, A, PP And group B. Kiwi helps normal digestion and is a wonderful anti-stress remedy. In addition, this fruit strengthens the human body's immune system and its blood vessels.


Oranges contain vitamin C, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B present in oranges is involved in the production of hemoglobin, which is necessary for carrying oxygen to various parts of the body.


Grapefruit will satisfy a person's daily need for vitamin C, which we need to protect against colds and flu. In addition, grapefruit contains a lot vitamin PP, which helps fight insomnia and fatigue, as well as vitamin D

- So, you guessed all the fruits! Well done! As the game progressed, you filled out a table. Let's check how carefully you listened to me.

(Students check their data with the data in the table on the board and do a self-assessment. You can ask 1-2 people)

fruit fruit Vitamins
Orange + +
Banana + + +
Grapefruit + + +
Kiwi + + + + +
Mandarin + + + +
Apple + + + +


From 16 to 20 – WELL DONE!

From 11 to 15 – BE MORE CAREFUL!

– We learned that fruits are valuable food products, as they contain a large amount of various vitamins. Most vitamins are not formed in the human body, but enter it only with food. Remember that not all vitamins can withstand heat treatment, so it is better to eat fruits fresh.

Which fruits do you think are healthier? (Children's answers)

- Let's listen to what the fruits themselves have to say!

IV. Scene “Fruit dispute”


On an unusual night I fell from a shelf
In our library there is a magazine about nutrition.
On an unusual night, what will not happen!
I hit the floor and the pages opened...
And they rolled out cool from the pages
Bright fruits in different directions.
Do you want to hear their conversations?
So, come on, sit quietly!

(The fruits come out and start arguing)


Meet children, I'm grapefruit,
I am a large, juicy, tasty fruit.
I'm a little bitter, but it doesn't matter,
But I will always help
For those who want to lose weight,
For those who often get sick.
I will rejuvenate the body
I serve people with all my heart.


I am an overseas guest, banana,
I swam across the ocean.
The sun asked me
Transfer my power to you.


And I'm a ripe orange
Sunny's cheerful son.
I'm beautiful, mischievous.
It will be fun with me
Jump, have fun,
Sing, play, frolic.


Under the rough skin
The juicy fruit is mine,
It's green and grainy
Tender, sweet and meaty.
I'm called Kiwi
My pulp is delicious -
A storehouse of valuable vitamins,
For the health of precious ones.


Me on New Year's Eve
Everyone invites you to your home.
I decorate the Christmas tree too,
And the kids are treated to food.
I keep it under the skin
The ball is juicy and sweet.
Slices in a ball - candy,
To make the children happy.


I am strong, crispy,
The miracle is real.
Yellow and red -
The skin is satin.
The apple is ruddy
All the best for children!

(Doctor Aibolit appears)


Enough! Can't listen to you again!
It's time to end the dispute!
To be healthy and strong,
Bright fruits love
All without exception!
Each has its own benefit and taste!
So that you are beautiful,
So as not to be whiny,
So that any business is in your hands
They argued and seethed,
So that the songs can be sung louder,
To make life more interesting
Everyone, both adults and children
Remember my advice:
All year round - winter and summer -
There is no life without fruits!

Banana(to orange) :

You and I are friends now
Together we are one family!

Kiwi(apple) :

You're helpful and so am I.
Now we will help people!

Mandarin(grapefruit) :

We need to be chopped into a salad,
Get vitamins!

All fruits:

Vitamins are life!
Everyone needs to be friends with them!


Their dispute ended happily
This only made our food better!

– Thanks to all the fruits!

– We learned that all fruits are good for health.

– What fruit dishes do you know?

– Today we will prepare a fruit salad.

V. Study of the technological sequence of preparing fruit salad

In order to prepare fruit salad correctly and tasty, let's look at the technological sequence of its preparation.

(Students and the teacher name technological operations, the teacher gradually draws up a diagram on the board)

Where should we start preparing the salad? (from primary fruit processing)

Primary processing of fruits:

  • sort through, remove rotten and damaged fruits;
  • rinse with running water, rinse with boiled water;
  • remove inedible parts (stems, leaves), rinse again

– What will we do with the prepared fruits?

Subsequent processing of fruits:

  • orange
  • grapefruit peel, remove the partitions, leaving only the pulp, divide into pieces;
  • banana
  • kiwi peel, cut into cubes;
  • mandarin peel, divide into slices, cut into cubes;
  • apple peel, core, cut into cubes.

– What else needs to be done to get a ready-to-eat dish?

Final technological operations:

  • carefully combine the chopped fruits and mix;
  • place on serving plates;
  • add a scoop of ice cream;
  • serve

Technological sequence for preparing fruit salad

Fine. We have already prepared a fruit salad in words, but now let’s prepare it in practice.

VI. Division into two groups

A nursery rhyme is used to divide into groups:

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.

To work, we need to split into two groups. Please all stand in a circle. I have prepared a counting rhyme for you. The student who completes the words of the counting rhyme leaves the circle and takes his place at the group’s desk. Groups are formed on a first-come, first-served basis.

(Division into groups)

Thank you, well done!

VII. Instruction, distribution of responsibilities in groups among students for operations

One group will prepare fruit salad "Om-Nom-nom- ka» , and the other - "Tutti Frutti".

– What products will you use to prepare the salad? (each group names its products)

– What kind of dishes will you use? (cutting board, knife, salad bowl)

– What sanitary, hygienic and safety rules will you follow when preparing salad?

  • wash your hands with soap;
  • put on an apron and scarf;
  • How will you use the knife?

Safety rules when working with a knife:

  • cut food carefully so as not to hurt your fingers;
  • do not lift the knife high above the cutting board;
  • if necessary, pass the knife only with the handle forward
  • After finishing work, clean the workplace, dishes, and wash your hands.

– Now, please, distribute the technological operations for preparing fruit salad in each group.

(The number of fruits in the salad corresponds to the number of students in the group, so each student must choose one fruit for himself. There are 8 people in total in the class.)

- So, let's get to work!

VIII. Practical work “Preparation of fruit salad”

Before doing work, students wash their hands with soap and put on aprons and scarves. The work is carried out according to the technological diagram, which lies on their tables. The teacher conducts targeted walk-throughs, monitoring compliance with safety rules when performing work.

IX. Lesson summary, reflection, assessment

Let's summarize our lesson.

– Why should fruits be consumed every day? (They contain vitamins and nutrients)

– Is it possible to use any other fruits to make a fruit salad? (Yes)

– I think that you will definitely try to make your own fruit salad at home. Moreover, there will be a holiday soon - March 8th and you will be able to please your mother with a delicious gift!

– Now reflect on your joint productive activities: what worked and what didn’t? (Ask one person from each group)

Our lesson was full of useful information that you will definitely need in life. You all worked actively, interestedly and deserve good marks, “A”! In addition to good grades, today you will enjoy a deliciously prepared salad! Well done!

X. Tasting of ready-made dishes

Let's try! (Guests can also be invited to try dessert)

XI. Cleaning workplaces

List of sources used:

  1. 1september.ru – script for the extracurricular event “Dispute between vegetables and fruits”.
  2. 1september.ru – an open lesson on technology in the 7th grade on the topic “Fruits and berries. Dishes made from them.”
  3. 1september.ru – technology lesson “Fruits and berries. Decorating dishes with fruits”
  4. medicall.ru – about the benefits of fruits
  5. sestnoe.ru – fruit salad recipe
  6. viki.rdf.ru ​​– children's presentations
  7. www.meals.ru – about the benefits of our favorite fruits
  8. www.say7.info – fruit salad recipe
Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about fruits and how to prepare them. Introduce children to the process of preparing a cold dish - fruit salad.

Interchangeability of areas:social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, physical development


Educational: expand and clarify children’s knowledge about fruits, develop children’s skills in using a table knife and kitchen board; develop the ability to comply with safety rules during work; strengthen self-care skills;

Educational: exercise children in the formation of adjectives;

Educational: cultivate a desire to help adults, encourage the fulfillment of work assignments; receive joy from joint work and completed work.

Vocabulary work:salad bowl, fruit, plum, apricot, pear, season, chop.

Preliminary work:

Conversation “What are salads made from? What fruits can be put in fruit salad? " Introducing children to various salads; guessing riddles about fruits; consultations for parents. Explanation of safety rules for using a knife. Demonstration of cutting products; didactic games “Vegetables, fruits”, “Who works with what”.
Equipment: colored chips, envelopes in the color of the chips (with cut-out pictures inside), an apron and cap for the teacher. Aprons and scarves for children. Cutting boards and table knives, bowls for chopped fruit.

Dishes: salad bowl, sockets, cutlery, napkin holders, tray. Fruits: apples, kiwi, pears, bananas, plums, grapes - peeled, seeded, cut into quarters. For salad dressing - ice cream.

Tape recorder and recordings of classical music for children.

Progress of joint activities

The teacher offers the children to take one chip each. Children gather at the tables; on the tables there are envelopes with the same color chips as the children's. Children are thus divided into groups of 4 people.

The envelopes contain cut-out pictures. Children collect them.

Educator: You did a good job. Tell us who has what.

Children's answers: apples, bananas, pears, kiwi.

To the caregiver: How to call all these pictures in one word?

Children's answers: these are fruits.

Educator: - Guys, do you know what can be made from fruits?

Children's answers: Drinks are made from fruits - juice, compote, lemonade. Fruits are used to make fillings for cakes, pies, and pastries. You can also prepare fruit salad, fruit yogurt, fruit jelly, ice cream. In stores you can buy sweets with fruit filling and fruit marmalade.

Educator: Your grandmothers and mothers probably know how to make fruit jam. Now we’ll find out what jam made from different fruits is called.

Didactic exercise “Fruit jam”

Apples are made into... what kind of jam? Apple.

Plums are used to make... what kind of jam? Plum.

They make... what kind of jam from pears? Pear.

Bananas are made into... what kind of jam? Banana.

Apricots are used to make... what kind of jam? Apricot.

Educator gathers children in a circle, reads a poem by Marina Borisovna Radionova“How we prepared the salad”:

To treat the guys in the group,

We decided to make a salad

But what should we put in our salad?

We need to ask everyone about this!

There should be a banana in the salad!

Roman immediately exclaimed.

And here are Sabina and Albina

They want to put tangerines.

Georgy, putting the toy aside,

I decided to put a pear in the salad.

I really love apples

And I only put them in the salad!

Our Eva announced to everyone

And she immediately put on her apron.

Can I have some yogurt?

Seryozhka asked quietly,

I’ll be glad to put it there,

Our salad will become more tender!

Everyone got down to business together

Work soon began to boil.

Work with the knife carefully

Otherwise they might get hurt!

Let's add some yoghurt and there you go.

The duty officer calls everyone to the table.

Our salad turned out great

And all the guys say:

Mom can’t cook something so delicious,

After all, we did it ourselves!

Educator :-Would you like to learn how to cook to help your mother? Children's answers.

Educator reports the topic of the activity:

Today we will learn how to prepare fruit salad. I will be a cook, and you will become my assistants - cooks. We will have to use knives, remind me how to use a knife correctly.

Children answer, the teacher clarifies and summarizes the children’s answers:

The knife is passed with the blade towards you, they cut with it only on the kitchen board, the knife is taken only after they say “Get to work.” Cut the fruit on a board and place it in a bowl.

The teacher suggests preparing your fingers for work, it is carried outfinger game “We shared an orange”:

We shared an orange (Left hand in a fist, right hand clasping it)
There are many of us - but he is one.
This slice is for the hedgehog (With our right hand we open our fingers one by one

This slice is for the siskin, on the left hand, starting with the little finger)
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - peel! (Shake both brushes)

Educator :-Now our fingers are ready to work, what else do you guys think the chef needs to do before work?

Children's answers.

Educator : - That's right, you need to wash your hands with soap.

Children are encouraged to wash their hands and put on aprons and headscarves (in lieu of a PE minute). Children go to their desks.

Educator : - Guys, every dish has a recipe. Look at the fruit salad recipe diagram. (Image is displayed)

─ What needs to be done first? (peel the fruit)

─ For that? (cut them)

─ Later? (put in a bowl)

─ After? (stir, season and place in salad bowl)

─ And since this salad is unusual and fruity, we will dress it with ice cream.

─ Guys, when you use a knife, you need to hold it by the plastic handle, and use a metal blade to cut the fruit - like this. You must use the knife very carefully so as not to cut yourself.

After that, he offers to start working and turns on soft music.

During the work, the teacher provides assistance, encourages, praises the children, explains that apples are very rich in iron and magnesium, which improves human blood. And pears have a lot of potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamins D and C. But bananas have a lot of vitamins A, C, B and potassium, which promotes heart function. Bananas are native to South India and have been grown for 10 thousand years.The birthplace of kiwi is China. By eating one kiwi a day, a person receives the daily requirement of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and helps fight diseases and stress.

All fruit plants grow and bear fruit well when there is a lot of light and warmth. What does light and warmth give? (sun) And the sun gives us these wonderful gifts.

─ Guys, what should we call our salad? (children's suggestions)

When the fruit is cut, the child tops the salad with ice cream in a salad bowl.

The salad is laid out on sockets, taken away and placed on the table. At this time, children wash their hands and take off their aprons. The teacher invites the children to the table and wishes them a bon appetit.

Educator: Children grow healthy

If fruit is chewed,

1 child Because fruits are

The best products.

All without exception!

There is no doubt about it.

2 reb. Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide

Which one is tastier?

Which one is more needed?

Educator: To be healthy

Eat the gifts of the garden!

Vitamin relatives -

Children of a sunny day!


1. “Introducing preschoolers to the secrets of the kitchen”

edited by O.V. Dybina, M., 2003.

2. Shorygina T.A. "Fruits. What are they?

A book for educators, tutors and parents. M., 2007.

Program content:

Expand children's understanding of fruits, their benefits for humans, recognize fruits using various analyzers.

Tasks by area:

Cognitive development:

Develop cognitive, research and productive activities;

Develop tactile sensation;

Continue to classify the offered products into fruits.

Speech development:

Enrich your vocabulary with new words;

Convert nouns into genitive adjectives.

Social and communicative development:

Learn to use a technological map for the sequence of preparing fruit salad;

Develop an interest in learning culinary subtleties and helping adults prepare food;

Foster a value attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results, continue to develop diligence;

Learn to use a knife.

Preliminary work:

Excursion to the kindergarten catering unit, conversation on safety rules for using a knife, hygiene rules when preparing food, making sandwiches;

Working with parents: introducing children to cooking together; fostering hard work and self-service.

Vocabulary work: fruit dessert, ingredients, cooking.

Material and equipment: box, bag, natural fruits (apple, pear, banana, kiwi, orange, kiwi, grapes), plate with pieces of chopped fruit, technological map of the sequence of preparing fruit salad, aprons, caps, fruit cutting boards, knives, salad bowls, yogurt.

Children, together with the teacher, enter the group. They greet guests in Russian and Chuvash. Dunno enters.

Dunno: Hello.

Children: Hello.

Dunno: Guys, my little friends gave me a parcel. But I don't know what is there. He takes out a bag from the parcel. Oh, how interesting, what is this? Some kind of bag, and there’s something in there.

Educator: Dunno, wait, don’t rush. I know an interesting game called “Wonderful Bag” and I invite you to play it. You must determine by touch what is there. Having studied what lies there, you should say about the size, shape, quality of the surface. (Children's answers: for example, this is an apple, it is large, round, smooth.). The game “Wonderful Bag” is played.)

Educator: Well done, what can you call in one word what you and I guessed? (fruits). You correctly guessed all the fruits by touch, but what do you think about the properties of an object we can learn with the help of our eyes? (Shape, size, surface.) Yes, that’s right, we can learn about the properties of an object with the help of our hands and eyes. What do you think will help us recognize the taste? (language). And now I propose to play another one game "Find out by taste". The children sit down and close their eyes on the chairs. The teacher gives each child one by one a taste of the fruit. The children and the teacher discuss what kind of fruit it is.

Educator: Why do you think a person needs fruits? (Children's answers.) What can you make from fruits? (Children's answers.) Yes, and you can also make a salad from fruits! What will it be called? (Fruit.) Fruit salads are served for dessert instead of or along with sweet dishes. That's why fruit salads are sometimes called fruit desserts. Fruit salad is rich in vitamins that our body needs to keep us healthy. You see, Dunno, what a useful package your friends sent you.

Dunno: Yes, now I know what fruits are and what they are needed for, but I want to try fruit salad, but I don’t know how to make it.

Educator: Don’t be upset, Dunno, our guys will help you with this. Really, guys?

Educator: But, before we start preparing the salad, let’s remember its sequence and list the products that we will need to prepare it (considering the technological map for the sequence of preparing fruit salad).

Educator: What dangerous object can we use in our work? (knife). What is the most important rule we should know before we start cooking? (you must wash your hands and fruits thoroughly). And before we start cooking, we must put on aprons. (Children wash their hands, put on aprons and caps on their heads with the help of adults.)

Educator: Today we will learn to be independent, learn how to prepare a salad so that you can please your loved ones at home. But first, let’s remember the safety rules when working with a knife. The knife is passed with the blade towards you, they cut with it only on the kitchen board, the knife is taken only after they say that you can start working, we will cut the fruit into cubes, this is one of the cutting methods used in cooking. After cutting the fruits on the board, transfer them to a plate.

Independent activities of children.

After completing work, the children clean their workplace, wash their hands, Dunno helps the children tidy up. The teacher dresses the salad with yogurt.

Educator: You see, Dunno, it’s not difficult at all, but it’s tasty and healthy.

Dunno: Yes, now I know this and I will teach my friends how to make fruit salad and we will be strong and healthy. Thank you very much guys!

Educator: Now take your places at the table, and we will try our fruit salad.

Bon appetit.

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