Can a man be a woman's friend? Psychology. How does a man behave with a woman?

“A lot of people, especially young people, believe that sexual compatibility is a critical thing for saving a marriage. Therefore, it is believed that before getting married, a man and a woman must check how compatible they are with each other.

— Sexual compatibility is one of the components of the relationship between a man and a woman, and this concept has the right to life. But to save a marriage, physiological compatibility is far from decisive. After all, a family cannot be built on sex alone. Sex without love is a one-night stand that emasculates a person energetically and spiritually. And if people love each other, then they automatically become sexually compatible, because sex only complements the depth of the relationship between a man and a woman.

— Many people cannot understand what can go wrong in sex? Can you explain it on a physiological level?

- For example, he has a duration of sexual intercourse of five minutes before ejaculation, and she has eight minutes before orgasm. And some kind of sexual incompatibility may arise. He is “already”, and she is “still”, and if this is repeated day after day, it can lead to psychological breakdowns. But a woman can be brought to orgasm not only with the penis; there are many ways to do this. different ways, a man must love a woman, and then everything will be fine with them.

— Are these time periods rigid and cannot be changed artificially?

- Of course they can! Most often it is the woman who adjusts, it is more convenient for her. A woman can adapt, and a man too. There are methods that allow you to do this for hours.

There are statistics in St. Petersburg that show that the duration of sexual intercourse for a woman is 8 minutes, and for a man - 7 minutes. If you look at these statistics, all our women are unhappy because we stop sexual intercourse a full minute before they reach orgasm. But this is far from true. If a couple is loving, then everything happens normally, at the same time, with pleasure.

Loving couples adjust not only to the duration of sexual intercourse, but also to physiological parameters. There are situations when a woman has a vagina N cm, and a man’s penis length during erection 3 N see. Surprisingly, during sexual intercourse, a woman experiences an elongation of the vaginal neck, and she does not experience pain, even when the man inserts the penis to its full depth. It all very much depends on personal relationships.

— And contraction is also possible if the penis is shorter than the vagina?

- If a woman does not love a man, the vaginal contraction does not occur, and he rushes about in her from wall to wall and does not understand what is going on. But the fact is that she doesn’t love you, she doesn’t “hug” you, neither with her hands, nor with the walls of her vagina...

Moreover, if a man and a woman love each other, it is unlikely that the man will suffer from impotence. Physiology in this matter is secondary. The problem with an erection depends on whether there is personal contact between a woman and a man, whether they are attractive to each other, spiritually close or not.

What does physiology depend on? From the flow of blood. And the flow of blood into the penis depends on the desire to possess this person, on love. I always say: if you don’t love a woman, don’t go to the cinema with her (understanding the word “cinema” is somewhat different), because you may experience erectile dysfunction at that moment, and you will remain with this memory for the rest of your life. But if there is love, then such a violation can be restored.

- So, science confirms the existence of love?

- Yes, science confirms the existence of love.

— Some young girls believe that a woman who lost her virginity before marriage has a better chance of maintaining a relationship - after all, she knows a lot in bed.

- This is far from true. There is an opinion that all prostitutes will be good wives in the future. This is a myth; such women morally represent the destroyed remnants of Atlantis. And men, like finely structured structures, sense lies, even if they are veiled. And not every man will like the fact that his wife or fiancee showed him “wow” in bed.

- Which she was taught by no one knows who.

- That's it. It would leave a bad taste in my mouth... No, I am not a supporter of premarital sexual intercourse.

— There is a myth that promiscuity, not to mention sexually transmitted diseases, benefits the body. There is an opinion in society that some philanderer who changes partners left and right will not have health problems. And someone who abstains may have “spermotoxicosis.” So which is better - abstinence or debauchery?

- If you choose between abstinence and revelry, I would choose abstinence. The body and all its functions suffer from irregular sex life.

- She can be regular, but with different women.

- He also suffers with different women, because different woman- these are different flora. Today you are faced with one flora, tomorrow with another, the day after tomorrow with a third... Try to adapt your body and immunity to different floras! It's extremely hard! Manifestations of dysbacteriosis begin, men come with complaints that ulcers have opened on their penis. You examine it and there is no infection nearby. A decrease in cellular immunity on the glans penis and foreskin leads to disease.

— What changes occur in a person? I saw these “Don Juans”, they were somehow destroyed, they looked like the living dead.

- Yes, they are destroyed, we see emptiness in their eyes. It is not for nothing that the great ones said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Well, if we see emptiness, then what kind of soul can we talk about? Such people are destroyed, both internally and externally.

- How often do you see a person who walked around for ten years and then became a good husband? Good not in the sense of making money, but faithful and loving.

- It happens sometimes. These are people worthy of respect. This can be compared to alcoholism, people who use drugs or other vices. This is a vice, and if a person was able to get rid of it, then this person, firstly, is worthy of the deepest respect, and secondly, his family has good chances. He overestimated the situation, he let it pass through himself, his blood, his soul.

— People who consider abstinence harmful are often promoters of masturbation. They say if you can't have a relationship, then this is a necessity. Is masturbation a substitute for sexual intercourse?

— Masturbation is a surrogate for sexual intercourse. But, of course, it is not a full replacement. It does not train the prostate gland in the same way as intercourse with a loved one.

The prostate gland is the most important organ for a man’s health, producing the liquid component of sperm. During natural sexual intercourse, the muscular membrane of the prostate gland contracts, and it squeezes out all the contents, from all the nooks and crannies. This happens because the emotional component is included. If we work one on one with ourselves, then this component will not exist, even if we consider porn. With masturbation muscle does not work in full force. She throws something out, but leaves a significant amount within herself, which leads to stagnant, congestive phenomena, that is, prostatitis. As a consequence, sexual dysfunction occurs, because it is possible to achieve ejaculation even if the penis is not fully erect. But this cannot happen during sexual intercourse. It's like money - either you have it or you don't. It’s the same here: either you have an erection and will have normal sexual intercourse, or you don’t have an erection.

— Summing up our conversation, it turns out that if you meet a person, you need to think not sexual compatibility, but about whether you are suitable for each other, what are the feelings between you, is there love between you and can you keep it?

- Absolutely right. There is a French joke: young people met, went to bed, and in the morning he says to her: “darling, let’s go to the cinema, it brings us together so much.”

Do you feel the depravity of what is happening in this anecdote, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the bright thought that was expressed by this man in the morning? I would advise the people who met: first, to sort out your feelings, second, to define your positions, either you love or you don’t love. That is, first go to the cinema, and then go to bed.

We need to get to know each other, walk around, hug, kiss, hold each other’s hands, look into each other’s eyes, warm each other’s feelings. And sexual intercourse should be like the apogee, like the final and strengthening pinnacle of this relationship. And it’s better for you if this climax comes already in marriage. This sequence of relationships is most acceptable, at least for me.


What is a woman, who is a woman and how is she different from a man? The Lord God created men and women for a reason - they are different from each other. In addition to the fact that everyone has their own functions, energy moves in us differently.

The Vedas say that every person has 7 mental energy centers, the most active, they are often called chakras. In fact, there are more of them, but the main ones are 7. We are designed in such a way that in men and women the energy in these centers moves differently. Some clockwise, some counterclockwise. What gives the activity or passivity of the chakra. And it turns out that we completely complement each other.


We'll start from the bottom. The lowest chakra is muladhara. It is responsible for survival and offspring, and it is designed in such a way that in a man this chakra is active, and in a woman it is passive. That is, a man gives energy, and a woman receives it.

This means that this male function is to give protection. Protection for a woman's survival. Provide basic security. Our task is to focus on our responsibilities. The duty of a woman in this place is to learn to accept. Most of us have problems with this. According to the idea, we must completely trust a man and rely on him that he can take care of us.

We, many of us, have all sorts of birth scenarios and other traumas. Very often we do not allow a man to take care of us at all. Very often women say: “Oh, I would like a strong shoulder.” But in practice, it turns out to be so scary to trust that it’s easier to do everything yourself.

If a woman begins to take care of survival, for example, herself and her children, then the chakra begins to work according to the male type, it begins to be active. If a woman has a husband nearby, then there is nothing left for him, and his chakra becomes passive. That is, he begins to receive, and the woman begins to give. And it is very difficult to reverse this situation later.

Because in order for a woman to somehow change this situation, she needs to give up this, like jumping from a high mountain without a parachute. You must understand that if you have a husband or a young man, but at the same time you prefer to take care of your safety on your own, then you thereby take on a male function, and this damages both your femininity and his masculinity.

Even the Vedas say that a man is the enjoyer, and a woman is the one through whom one enjoys. This suggests that our task, as women, is to create a comfortable and cozy world for men. Very often women protest against this point, saying - how is this possible, why should we serve them, why should we please them and fulfill all their desires? What kind of worldly injustice is this?

In fact, everything is fair here. Because out of 7 chakras - 3 are active in women, 3 are active in men and 1, the top one, works the same for everyone. Therefore, there is no injustice in this, there is simply a division of roles. It is important for us to understand that a man also gives something, and our task is to give him pleasure and fulfill his desires - and then everything is not so bad.

This includes any pleasures, including sexual pleasures, pleasures of food, and order in the house. That is ideal woman must create a world for a man in which he can easily be, he will be comfortable, and his basic desires will be satisfied. And not only will they be satisfied, but he will experience some kind of pleasure from this. There is a significant difference in this.

Let me give you a simple example. My husband and I have a favorite restaurant, and the food there is very tasty. That is, at the same prices - amazing cuisine, where even the fries are amazing. And just yesterday we arrived, and it was closed. But a restaurant was open nearby, and we decided to go to it. It turned out that the prices there are the same, and the food is delicious, but it doesn’t have any special zest, a piece of soul. It turns out that you seemed to have eaten deliciously, but you no longer received such pleasure.

It's the same in the family. Can a man cook some simple fried potatoes or scrambled eggs in the morning, with such an attitude - “eat and leave me alone.” And you can do this in such a way that he gets pleasure every time at breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Accordingly, you can do the same thing, for example, with sexual relations. Can be done marital duty and say “when will this all end?”, but you can make sure that the man really enjoys the process. Let it not be every day, not even every week. Let it be a monthly carnival. But what!

Next we move on to the third chakra - manipura. This is money, vital energy, achievements. It is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women. That is, a man gives to a woman. The woman accepts. And here women have a problem again.

I very often receive letters saying that I cannot take money from a man. Or I’m ashamed to ask my husband for money for some blouse. Usually this often happens when a woman worked, supported herself, and then got married and went on maternity leave. And it turns out that she doesn’t work, wants to buy something, but is ashamed to ask her husband.

And this is where a very serious conflict occurs. Because if a woman refuses to accept money and life energy, then the man either stops giving it and moves to a slightly different position, or he has less of it. That is, one of the reasons why men also earn a little is that the woman does not ask for anything. The woman says that she doesn’t need anything, “I don’t need boots, I haven’t worn out my skates yet.”

If a woman has such an attitude towards herself, an attitude towards money and an attitude towards a man, then the man will not earn much, because he simply has no need. Men are very ascetic by nature. You've probably seen the apartments of bachelors; they generally don't need much. There's a bed, a stove, one frying pan, scrambled eggs for breakfast and that's it. And you don't need anything.

Sometimes in this situation a man stops earning money and becomes a gigolo. Or he finds someone who will stimulate him to achieve with her desires.

Therefore, it is our responsibility as women to learn to accept money, gifts from men, and accept some achievements and deeds that they do in our name.

There is another option, when a woman suddenly starts earning a lot. She begins to think that this is her most important goal in life - to provide for her family, feed her family, “this wimp can’t do anything,” and so on.

That is, if a woman decisively takes on activity in this regard, then the man has nothing left. The woman took everything. He just has to accept. Then he becomes domestic, henpecked and all that. And this is a woman’s responsibility - that we have taken upon ourselves something that is not ours.

The next chakra, Anahata, is the heart chakra. She is responsible for love and sympathy. This is our feminine chakra. That is, we, as women, must give, and men must receive. On the contrary, it turns out to be uncomfortable.

Most of you probably had a fan who fulfilled all your whims, who did everything you wanted - flowers for you, and this, and that. And he looks into your mouth, and it’s just such love, and it greets you in the evening and sees you off in the morning. And you look at him and understand good man, good guy, but I can’t love. And I also blame myself for not liking such good things.

Simply because the man took upon himself the activity of this chakra, this center. He started giving, and the woman has no other options. She can't love. And love is our feminine everything.

If a woman cannot love and be fulfilled in this place, then it is very difficult for her. And that’s why such relationships most often don’t work out. Therefore, this is just a beautiful picture - “I want my husband to look after me romantically, do this and do this, and love me like this and love me like this.” If this happened to you, you wouldn’t really be happy about it at all.

Therefore, rejoice if your men do not take responsibility for this center from you and allow you to realize yourself in it. Then you can open up completely in this, do some pleasant surprises to your loved one and somehow pamper him.

This does not mean that all his life he will only accept and give nothing in return. Most likely, he will also do something for you, but it will not be at this center. This will be, for example, at the level of the third chakra - that is, he will give some gifts, or at the first - he will somehow begin to take care of you in terms of living space or some other basic things.

Therefore, do not expect unearthly romance and fulfillment of your whims from a man, because it is our responsibility to fulfill desires, give pleasure and love. This is a woman's responsibility. The man will repay you with something else. Gifts and a feeling of security.


The fifth chakra is Vishuddha - communication, self-expression. A man gives - a woman receives. The man is active.

It is very important for a man in life to express himself, to realize himself. For a woman, the main fulfillment is family. Realization outside the family is secondary.

If a woman has learned to give Love through the fourth center, then this energy rises higher in a man, and he no longer just wants to earn money, not just to provide for his family a basic level of. He already wants to leave his mark on history, some kind of legacy. He wants to improve this world in some way - at this level, men often begin to do great things, global feats.

And all these feats are done in the name of women. Our job in this place is to receive. Joyfully and with love. How princesses and queens receive honors from fighting knights. So that they have someone to carry out crusades for, defend their homeland or save the planet from an environmental disaster.

Therefore, if you want your man not just to survive and work, but to actually realize himself and change the world, learn to love him. The energy of your love can raise the energy in him to the fifth center.

In addition, it is also a center for communication and public relations. For example, it is good if family friends are friends of the husband. You are not the one who brings him into your company and forces him to communicate with your friends. And he introduces you to a certain circle, creates some kind of communication for you and builds connections between families.


The sixth chakra is ajna - clairvoyance. A woman gives - a man receives.

In theory, every wife should be her husband's main assistant. And her main help is not to do what he doesn’t like. And to provide him with what he does not have by nature. Clairvoyance.

Let's say a woman always gives very good advice to my husband. She has intuition, and she very often feels and says, “I don’t like this guy with whom you want to sign a contract.” A man in an ideal situation listens to her feelings. If he has enough significance in his three centers - he is realized as the head of the family, as a breadwinner and he has a certain mission - he will easily take into account his wife’s recommendations.

A woman very often feels certain things, and she says - “listen, I don’t like this person, let’s not work with him, or, I feel, this will not end well.” Some time passes - and this is how everything happens.

This often happens to me - when I don’t like a person, although there are no apparent reasons for this. I haven't told my husband before. And then a situation happens - and the person reveals himself from not the best side.

I realized that my task was to protect my husband. And I started telling him. At first he waved it off. But after a couple of serious situations, he began to ask my opinion regarding people. Especially regarding partnerships and joint ventures with someone.

The seventh chakra works the same for everyone - it is our connection with God. It doesn't matter whether we are men or women. First of all, we are souls, and the soul has no gender.

Gender differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the mission for which we were born. Gender creates a framework for us that we can fill in the way we like. We can say that by giving us female body, The Lord narrowed the circle of throwing and more clearly outlined the role that we must play here.

We usually have the biggest imbalances in the four lower chakras. They create the basis for harmony on higher levels. Therefore, we have a big task in this life - to learn to accept from a man the first and third chakras. And besides, learn to give in the second and fourth way. This is exactly what we most often fail to do.

We talked about this with expert in the field of interpersonal relationships, practicing psychologist, Yulia Kuzmina.

Maya Milich, “”: Is there friendship between a man and a woman?

Yulia Kuzmina: Friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Most often, a woman then suffers from such relationships. If a woman is free, then she is in search of her young man, and is always in certain expectations. Starting to communicate with a man, she begins to get used to his presence. A man is designed in such a way that he immediately determines what he wants or does not want from a person. Of course, unless he has a hidden intention to have some kind of on-duty or “weekend” relationship. A man understands himself better, who he needs, and he is more likely to allow a female friend to be close to him. Most often, what a woman calls friendship is more like friendship without obligations for a man.

Even after an affair has already taken place, it is best to transform the relationship into a friendly one and understand that there is no friendship between a man and a woman. There are friendships. You need to understand that an element of friendship is still respect, some kind of interaction.

M.M., “”: So friends of opposite sexes always balance on the brink of falling in love on one side or the other?

Yu.K.: Certainly. You can't command nature. In theory, falling in love can be on both sides, and some things can be completely unconscious. Our consciousness is largely responsible for friendship and respect, and it lays down some things, like: “No, I decided to be alone,” or the girl says: “I’m currently looking.” At the same time, a memory of a specific person may still live in her soul, but her soul is already asking for a new object. And when a new harmless object appears who treats her with respect and understands her, then the woman begins to develop a certain inner feeling and desire for that same love.

In addition, friends cannot help but like each other's appearance. Friends are people with whom we unconsciously share interests, outlook on life, temperament or approach to life.

Learning to be friends

M.M., “”: How married man How to properly build your relationship with a female friend so that your wife does not get jealous? That is, to maintain only friendly relations and not allow a woman to become an “alternate airfield”?

Yu.K.: If you are married and you already have a female friend, then at least it is worth clearly understanding that you have already officially decided on your positions regarding each other.

But the fact is that men are somewhat gullible. They believe that if they once agreed with a woman to be friends, then they can tell her about their love and personal affairs, and consult. But, if you have a wife or just a lover, then the main advice to a man is to very carefully, prudently, and from time to time check with your female friend that between you there is friendship and only friendship. It is very important to maintain and maintain distance, so that later there is no “cold” war, so that one day you don’t have to tell a woman friend: “I don’t know what you came up with for yourself.” Because a woman may perceive your friendship as a promise of something more, and in the end it will be you who will become uncomfortable in this relationship, the whole burden of guilt and personal dissatisfaction will be on you.

Every girl, sooner or later, may have the idea that such a wonderful, wonderful man can be more than a friend to her. And the gender mechanism will turn on, flirting will begin. These are all steps in one direction - desire, passion and love.

Therefore, in friendship with a woman, it is important to keep your distance and periodically clarify the format of the relationship, because a woman lives and acts more unconsciously. Therefore, for her, the transition from friendship to love can happen unconsciously and without warning. And if this happens, then it will be you who she will complain about.

M.M., “”: What can friendship with a woman give a man?

Yu.K.: I’ll probably say a terrible thing now, but this is the same thing that communication with a psychologist gives: relaxation, understanding of something that interests a man in a gender issue, emotional support, “swaddling”, when, for example, a woman says: “ Yes, she didn't appreciate you. You're so cool".

It's certainly awash in support. Some of what I named can be called the word “vest,” but there are different phases of emotional support, when a man comes and reasons. What do friends usually say? “Don’t worry. Nonsense. She will appreciate you later.” A girl will say the same thing to her friend, but we support our friends.

Of course, friendship with a woman is an expansion of competence. A man, communicating with a female friend, begins to receive more information about the world of women in general. About how to be popular correctly, how to manipulate correctly. We ourselves tell important secrets about ourselves to our male friends. And they, reading between the lines, understand how they can influence us to achieve what they want faster and easier.

Let's try to answer the question: can a woman, without pursuing absolutely any selfish goals, be friends with a man? To do this, she will have to be honest with herself. Is she flirting with her friend? Does he talk about his affairs with other men? Does he know about the men with whom she was previously intimate or who she is currently attracted to? Has this friend been romantically involved in the past? Affirmative answers put such friendship in great doubt. It is likely that either a woman is in love with a man or vice versa. Friendship is a cover here, and sooner or later it may be revealed.

The psychology of men is such that they consider every woman as a potential sexual partner. Perhaps, if he is friends, he simply hasn’t figured out how to move on to a new stage of the relationship. Or he is in love with his girlfriend, but, knowing that there will be no reciprocity, he finds, with the help of friendship, the only opportunity to communicate with her. And of course, in the depths of hope, he has hope that a woman will appreciate him, so caring and understanding. But maybe later...

So he's a friend. But if he gives a woman expensive gifts, it makes her think. Why, out of friendship, did he not give something modest and symbolic? Does he help a woman with everything and is ready to rush to her around the clock at her first call? It may well be that love is hidden in his soul behind his good intentions.

If a woman takes a friend along to go shopping, and he simply withstands this test stoically, this is also a reason to try to sort out the relationship. Only a man in love can endure this nightmare for more than half an hour.

Women love to discuss their boyfriends with friends. If a friend always takes the woman’s side, it is difficult to call his attitude friendly. A very likely version is that he is waiting for her - when her friend realizes that of all the representatives of the stronger sex she knows, he is the best.

Alcohol is an excellent indicator. If, after drinking wine, abstract conversations continue different topics, then this is really a friend. But his kisses and hugs indicate that he has become bolder, relaxed, and friendship is out of the question.

In any case, according to psychologists, in friendship between representatives of opposite sexes there is absolutely always sympathy, without which friendship clearly cannot exist. The same psychologists also say that friendship between a woman and a man is still possible. And not only between relatives. But relationships of this kind have always been different and complex, and such friendships are more fragile and short-lived than friendships between representatives of the same sex.

As shown sociological research, women expect trust, understanding, and spiritual closeness from friendships with men. During sexual contact between friends of different sexes, women overwhelmingly consider themselves to be used and have an extremely negative attitude towards this. Men's opinion on this matter is exactly the opposite - in their opinion, sex is absolutely not an obstacle to true friendship, but, on the contrary, only strengthens relationships. Polar opinions on this issue often lead to misunderstanding and resentment between friends. Therefore, it is better to immediately discuss such things and try to treat each other with understanding.

A true friend is a great happiness in any case. And what friendship will be like in each specific case always depends on both the woman and the man.

Since ancient times, people believed that just being friends woman and a man cannot, and they were allowed to live together only after marriage. Now times have changed dramatically and so have the relationships between men and women.

Nowadays, no one is surprised when a man and woman work together, play sports, relax, travel and spend weekends. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that a romantic relationship arise between them. A man and a woman, of course, can just be friends, but pure friendship between them is quite a rare occurrence. What prevents a man and a woman from just being friends?

One of the most important reasons obstructing friendship between a woman and a man is sexual attraction. Women expect more trust and emotionality from intergender friendships, which becomes the cause of sexual tension. If between friends of the opposite sex it comes to intimate relationships, then the woman can no longer accept the man as a friend. She expects him to declare his love and propose marriage.

Men believe that sex cannot become cause of friendship destruction, it only makes it stronger. In their opinion, only sexual attractiveness makes friendship between a woman and a man possible. However, men are sure that friendship between a man and a woman cannot be compared with sexual relationships. Friendship brings much more satisfaction and benefit than sex. It is of higher quality and higher quality.

With a female friend you can communicate on more interesting and relevant topics than with male friends. Women believe that having a man friend is great happiness. Friendship with him is easier and more honest than with friends. Next to a male friend, a woman feels protected and strong; she can communicate with him without a shadow of envy and malice, which accompany many representatives of the fair sex when communicating with friends.

It is very difficult to distinguish friendship between woman and a man from love. Just like from hatred, from friendship to love - one step. Apparently, therefore, public misunderstanding can become a serious obstacle to the continuation of friendly relations between a man and a woman. Family members, work colleagues and friends see people of different genders not as friends, but as lovers. This most often becomes the reason that prevents a man from being friends with another woman other than his wife or a woman with another man other than her husband.

Indeed, friendship can be distinguished from love. not easy, they have many common features. But friendship is more than love. People who love each other idealize reality and the object of their love. In most cases, lovers are united only by sexual attraction, and there is no friendship between them. Very often lovers do not find general theme for communication, they do not trust each other, they are jealous and create scandals on the topic: “Who owes whom?”

Friendship between man and woman is built on mutual trust, community of interests and affection. True friends spend time together, communicate and help each other in difficult situations. They are always there, regardless of the circumstances. You don’t need to share anything with a friend; he doesn’t betray or cause trouble. Life is much more interesting with friends, especially if they respect each other and have common views. True friends do not envy, they rejoice from the bottom of their hearts for their friend’s successes and accept him for who he is.

To find out what feelings experiences your friend comes to you, ask him the question: “What attracts him most about you?” If he answers that he likes your appearance and demeanor, then most likely he has more tender feelings for you. Friends don't pay attention a lot of attention on each other’s figure, clothes, hairstyle and other external qualities; there is no jealousy or mistrust between them.

Friendship between a woman and a man It is very fragile and can easily and easily be damaged. To prevent this, do not give even the slightest reason for the possibility of other relationships than friendship. Don't be overly interested in your friend's personal life and avoid situations that might trigger intimacy between you.

Don't communicate with friend on topics related to his sex life, do not tell him about his personal life in such detail that he becomes interested in you as a member of the opposite sex. Is it really possible to behave this way?

Not right was A.P. Chekhov, who claimed that a man can be friends with a woman only after sleeping with her? That is, without romantic relationships, there can be no friendship between a man and a woman. Undoubtedly, sooner or later, issues regarding love and sex will arise between friends of the opposite sex. Even if friends are not in love with each other, various reasons they may think: “Why not try?” Nature takes its toll, nothing can be done about it.

Don't believe it with human fishing, which suggests to you: "Let's remain friends!" There cannot be true friendship between people who once had romantic feelings for each other. They usually say this only in order not to offend the rejected lover. Even if some kind of relationship develops between you, then this is no longer friendship, but clean water flirting in which you will live with the intention that one day he will finally understand that he was mistaken and will invite you not to be friends, but to live together.

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