Gray Cardinal value of expression in psychology. "Gray Cardinal": the value of phraseologism and examples of consumption

You are honest, hardworking, principled. And he is not. You act in the open, and he is a cheat. You want to be in sight and on the mouth. And he prefers shadow. Who will quickly overcome the career ladder and take the first prize? Do not hurry with the answer, it is not so obvious. After all, you are just a top manager. And he is a gray cardinal.

How to calculate the SC?

As you know, it is very difficult to look for a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there. Gray cardinal on both gray to be easily hid on any background, fall into a ham in any situation, and even then .... But then it will be late, so if there are the slightest suspicions that the company has a gray cardinal, it is necessary to calculate it immediately. And for this you need to determine who exactly we are looking for, and from whom a potential danger can come from.

Psychological portrait of SC.

Immediately exclude from among the suspects of bright, emotional employees, expressed extroverts.

We pay attention to those who avoid publicity, do not seek to get into the first rows, but not deprived of ambition.

Most often with gray cardinals become phlegmatics with hidden thirst for power or people with a strong character, but with a lot of complexes.

For such a role, people are competent, loving to draw up diagrams, plans, develop a strategy.

Gray Cardinal is a bad communicator at the same time, but a good psychologist, "Expert of Human Souls".

In addition, this is a person who does not value people does not have friends and does not seek them to acquire.

The very satisfaction of such a "character" brings the situation about which he can say "I did it, but no one knows about it."

Often, Gray Cardinal is an employee who is close to the leader by mutual agreement. In this case, he can play the role of his antipode according to the principle of "bad investigator - a good investigator"

If you do not feel psychological talent and you cannot distinguish phlegmatics from a choler, then the "360 degrees" method will help detect a shadow figure. Although, according to Svetlana Chumakova, most often there is no need for a serious and expensive study, since it is usually a gray cardinal and so everyone knows everything in the company, even if they hide it.

Another hint on the way of finding our character may be the position he occupies, or the role he plays in the company.

Most often SK becomes:

HR-director or one of his deposits
Consultant, adviser or personal coach leader
Secretary or Personal Assistant Manager
One of the deputy heads
Wife or lover leader
Astrologer, fortune teller or another "Spiritual Mentor"

All other members of the team take this post much more difficult, due to the remoteness from the carrier of power. But it does not mean - it is impossible. As practice shows, almost any employee can become a gray cardinal.

When the subject is detected, it's time to move to the solution of the second, much more complex task.

How to get rid of SC?

In order to free themselves from the influence of favorites and the gray cardinals, which led her to power, Empress Ekaterina Great started an expensive and adventurous project, which was in history as the "section of Poland". And although its goal was achieved: both Potemkins and Orlov were removed from the throne, this method can hardly be considered particularly effective. How is today with the smallest losses parting with a gray figure behind his back?

Anastasia Kulikova, a leading consultant consulting center "Step": - the availability of such a "character" in the company is a certain element of corporate culture. Probably you can fight it: collect compromising, look for allies and "be friends against". But it is hardly worth spending forces for this, if only you yourself do not plan to take his place. The reason is simple: "Mr. Richelieu" arises in the company not so much due to their own efforts, how much because the General Manager has a need for such a figure.

Marina Knyazeva, psychologist-consultant, Lambre company: - It does not mean to get rid of the company. A gray cardinal, or informal leader, it is necessary to highlight his own activity, may have to even increase him in position. If the influence of the informal leader is positive, then his appointment to the leading position will benefit and Him: He will switch its energy into a peaceful direction, and the team: people will reach him. If the influence was negative, then becoming one of the power of the preconditions, he will lose the authority of the oppositionist in the eyes of the people. But the most important thing in this situation is to learn how to manage a gray cardinal, and for this it is necessary to understand what control levers he uses. "Controlled" Gray Cardinal can be very useful than the company, but the exiled informal leader can bring tremendous harm, especially if it is really a valuable figure. His competitors can shelter him, and a person with such a warehouse of the nature of the resentment does not forgive and forgets for a long time. So, before getting into a fight, think about how it can end.

Vasily Pigin, managing partner of Dialog Management Management Consulting: - The easiest way to calculate a gray cardinal is to determine who is endowed with the maximum volume of "undeserved" privileges. So, in order to get rid of such an informal leader, you just need to make a secret explicit. Change the decision-making process and the distribution of the goods so that they become transparent, and Cardinal will leave ... But whether the gray cardinal can not become the official leader in this case? Perhaps yes, but he will be very difficult to overcome the habit of manipulating others, since this problem is from the field of internal beliefs.

How to become SC?

But perhaps you have a task of a different plan. You intend to get into the gray suit "Underground". About how this is done, says Andrei N., Deputy HR Director: - In every even the most prosperous firm there are submarine stones, currents, and at times there are even sunken submarines. Our no exception, I understood it almost immediately. And I decided to risk and go into this complete danger of a submarine adventure in search if not the treasures of the dead captains, then at least a better position, salary, and in the future and ... But about that later.

A month later, I realized that none of the heads of departments, deputy chief and their deputies are not going to retire, die or look for another place of work, and, therefore, there is nothing to think about moving on a career ladder by Honest performance of your work. One thing remained to become an informal leader. But how? Applying all the knowledge gained at the Institute, and the experience of previous places of work, I developed a plan of action, which began to strictly execute. If you are in a similar situation, and you do not have another opportunity to realize your ambitions, you can take it into service. As the time has shown, I chose absolutely correct tactics.

Strategic Power Capture Plan:

To find the current informal leader (it is not difficult) or a gray cardinal (much more difficult). And to save its location or at least to pay attention to him. As: For this, you just need to face it more often in a variety of situations, always provide him with minor services, to be called orders.

Become an indispensable employee not only for his immediate chief, but also for his boss. How: to perform a little more work than is entrusted with, to predict, which else can entrust, always be aware of what is happening in the team, at customers, in competitors, etc.

Gradually, but regularly expanding its powers, first capturing a part of the capabilities of his colleagues, and then the boss. How: Replace the sick or left on vacation, and after returning part of its most important powers to leave with you.

Make friends with people, in the office of the chef and have an impact on it. How: find out what they are interested in, are fond of, where they go, and begin to be interested in the same, visit the same places.

Copy the working style of your boss. How: to work at a time when the chef works, stick to the same style in clothes, as well as possible, to treat all other employees.

Become a member and soul of an existing informal organization or association in the office. How: actively participate in all their events, offer your ideas on this topic.

In no case:

* Tighten into the struggle of various bosses among themselves, in the most acute cases take sick or vacation;
* demonstrate your real opportunities and power until the time comes;
* Tell anything compromising anything about yourself, nothing more concrete;
* Show how you really treat the boss, and even more so for his boss;
* argue on important issues, while you can defend your opinion on trifles, so as not to seem like a person
absolutely no opinions.

I can guarantee that if you accurately perform these rules, then the biggest one is six months later in your favorite office will change: it is not dependent on your post to treat you first wary, then carefully, then respectfully, then with caution, and then ... it all depends only on You: Way to take power to your hands - save. As for me personally, I did not miss such a pleasant opportunity. But the most important thing is to never feel about the struggle for informal leadership too seriously. It's just a game. Otherwise, instead of the gray cardinal mantle, you can get a strait shirt.

Literature "In the topic": D. McGovern "Martin Borman. Gray Cardinal in Brown Uniform, "2000," Phoenix ";
V. Kraskova "Gray Cardinals Kremlin", 1999, "Modern writer"

So, the gray cardinal is exposed, is evident and expelled from the company. Now you can finally work quietly. If only during the righteous struggle, you did not have to do this, and around you did not have a new gray guard that helped you in the struggle for sole leadership ... Although it is also not so scary, because now you know how to calculate the gray cardinal and how to get rid of it . And the occupation is, as practice shows, very fascinating.

Phrase "Gray Cardinal".

Throughout his life, a person has a common person to meet with incomprehensible phraseologists, phrases and expressions. And often people, learning the importance and meaning of the expression of interest, are little interested in its origin and the meaning of it in former times. So is I. expression Gray Cardinal

And therefore we will analyze who is accepted in society to call gray cardinals and where did this expression come from?

Gray Cardinal expression occurred During the reign in France, the monarch Louis 13. But in fact, at that time, Richelieu rules, who was carrying a red hat, which is put on to wear Cardinal, as a result of which he was called "Red Cardinal." But the Father Joseph, who did not have an official post was called a gray cardinal, because he wore a gray rjas, intended for the wearing monks of the Kapuchin Order, in which he consisted.

Currently, the expression Gray Cardinal can be heard in several values:

1. possessing significant power;
2. Lack of high official status;

From this we can conclude that in which the expression would not be used now, it happened from people who did not have official power, and managed it through other persons who occupied official posts.

The value of the expression "Gray Cardinal" in Wikipedia

A serious policy is not peculiar to publicity. Most of the "masses of the masses" had the so-called "gray cardinals". They precisely they made fateful decisions, while remaining in the shade.

Father Joseph.

The expression "Gray Cardinal" appeared in France XVII century. With all of your childhood, the image of the Duke Richelieu - "Red Cardinal". In the works of Dumas, he appears a cunning and cunning man, in fact, Richelieu was a talented politician and patriot of France. But even he could not alone fight with a powerful Spanish clique at the French court. His faithful assistant and member of all intrigues was a man named Francois Lecher du. He once dreamed of a military career, but suddenly changed his views and kneaded into the monks of the Order of Capuchins under the name Joseph. Because of the unwarter brown vestments, it was called "gray", but respectfully called "Pre-Restorement", as well as his high-ranking patron, although Cardinal Father Joseph became only before his death, in 1638.
"Two people are the embodiment of the French politics of the early 19th century: one, Richelieu, was her architect, and the other, Father Joseph, - her rod" - wrote about him French historian Pierre Benua.
Joseph's father was afraid and hated contemporaries, and now the current historians have not yet decided, he was a genius or a villain. During the thirty-year war, he significantly increased taxes, because of which many French were in extreme poverty. But the Father Joseph himself led a ascetic lifestyle: he was fed on bread and water, went on foot and even died in full poverty. He peaks the international policy of Louis XIII, flooded Europe and East with his spies, intrigued against England and France, fought with Protestants. On the other hand, he is called a heartless man and even a sadist. He believed that the goal justifies any means. Stern ascetic, sincere patriot, devotee friend, religious fanatic, unprincipled politician, cunning intrigue - all this one person, still remaining a mystery to us, "Gray Cardinal" Duke Richelieu.

Adolf Fredrik Munk

"Gray Cardinals" helped their patrons not only in the war, but also in love. The Swedish king Gustavi III did not get along with his wife Sofia Magdalena, as they rumored, due to non-traditional sovereign preferences. But, nevertheless, the queen was to give birth to the heir to the throne. During the help of Gustav III, he turned to his chamber-on-name Adolf Frederick Munk.
According to one of the versions, the young man managed to reconcile the king and the queen, and Sofia Magdalena won the legal heir. On the other, the king, the victims of Fiasco, sent to the Queen of the handsome Mukka, who managed to seduce Sofia (then it is he who follows the Father to the heir, the future Gustavu IV). One way or another, but the Munk was generously awarded and the king, and the queen, received the title of Baron and the post of intention of the Royal Palace.
Later, Munk took a place in the Swedish knightly Order - the Order of Seraphim, which in prestiges can only be compared with the legendary round table of King Arthur. By that time, the Munk was already carried by the county title. It is rumored that the grace of these former Page received not at all for his advice, but for sharing the bed with the king Gustav.
Gustav III listened to the munct and in love, and in war. During the conflict with Russia, the king, on the advice of Mukka, has established the release of fake Russian coins (and the fake came out high-quality, only crowns were distinguished above the heads of the sticker eagles). Having won on the economic front, Gustavi III turned and hostilities, but after several victories decided not to continue.

Li Lianin (1848-1911)

East is a delicate and European mind incomprehensible, and "gray cardinals" there are appropriate. The most influential people under the Chinese yard were eneuged. But not everyone (they could be in the service of the emperor more than 30 thousand), and the main ones serving the imperial family and the most favorite concubine of the Son of the Sky.
One of the many eunuhs at the court was Lianin. According to the legend, he was only a student of a shoemaker, but, having heard, what influence can be achieved by Eunuch, he squeezed himself and, having decided, went to arrange the imperial service.
At the court of a young servant Lee Lianin met with the concubine of the fifth (the lowest) rank of Lan Ke. She was in opal - the emperor visited her only once and did not find it an attractive nor interesting. So it would have to live to live life in the far corner of the garden, serving the other concubines if it were not for the help of ENUOV. Making a bet on a young beauty, Lianin hired her teachers, she studied music, drawing, love mastery. In response, Even received a significant part of its monetary content. In the next meeting with the emperor, Lan Ke was able to please him, and soon gave birth to the only heir to the male floor. After that, the concubine received the name of the ChiSi - Merciful and Nice Happiness. In the future, this brutal and ambitious woman will become the last government of the perishing empire.
Together with his patroness rose to the top and la Lyanin. He accepted the title of "nine-step-fellow Mr." - only one rank below the Imperial. He was the only one who could sit in the Empress, and even on her throne. Together with the Chiysi, they won the state treasury, made a bribery of legal practice. In the struggle for power, either Even, nor his ladies were bent the most vile methods.
Li Lianin has long survived his ladies. According to one of the versions, he was poisoned, unknown only by whom: too many hated and afraid of this person.

Joseph Fushe

Some shadow inrigans can not serve as one ruler, but a few. Special unprincipled in this matter was distinguished by French politician Joseph Fushe.
He received an excellent spiritual education and was formally monk that he did not interfere with him mocking over the Catholic Church and emphasize his atheism.
Fushe's French revolution met with joy - she opened a lot of new opportunities before him. He joined the batch of Jobs and actively supported their politics of terror. Fushe played for the execution of Louis XVI, during an uprising in Lyon, hundreds of people were shot at the order of Fushe.
But as soon as the popularity of such methods went on a decline, Fuschae went over to the moderate wing and began to condemn the terror. He even participated in the overthrow and execution of his former Robespierra comrades.
In August 1799, Fushe was appointed Minister of Police. Here his tendency to intrigue was made in full: he collected compromising materials on the strengths of this world, created an extensive spy network, a whole state of provocateurs and "ministers of the law", which, in fact, were hired killers.
At this time, Napoleon's star was welcomed in France. Fushe made a bet on the ambitious Corsican and did not lose. After the public coup, Fushe keeps his post, but does not enjoy the confidence of the emperor. And it is not in vain: already in 1809, the anticipation of Napoleon's fall, Fushe is negotiating with royalists, Republicans and the British, expecting who will suggest him more.
After the restoration of Bourbons, among their most devoted supporters, it is, of course, the Chief of Police Joseph Fushe. But Napoleon who returned from the exile, Fushe met as a liberator, and the emperor again appoints it to the same post. After Waterloo, Fushe is promoting the second restoration, and as a thanks to Louis XVIII again appoints it to the Minister of Police. Thus, Fushe was able to preserve his post and his head at five governments in the most unstable for France times. Even more surprisingly, Fushe graduated from his days in his own bed, being in voluntary exile in Austria, surrounded by the family, which left 14 million francs.

Heinrich Johann Friedrich Osterman

Our country of intrigue "Gray Cardinals" also did not bypassed the party. With Peter I, many bright politicians appeared in Russia, the so-called "Petrov's nest chicks", one of the mensticks worth it. But some preferred to remain in the shadows and help the power of their advice. One of these shadow figures was Count Heinrich Osterman, which in Russia was painted simply by Andrey Ivanovich.
The future companion of Peter was born in Westphalia, in the family of pastor, and studied at Jen's University. But the young man got involved in a duel and he had to run from punishment in distant Russia.
Osterman quickly learned Russian and came to the service at the Embassy Order - the prototype of the modern Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There he noticed Peter I, who needed talented diplomats. Osterman participated in the conclusion of Nesteadt world with Sweden, a profitable trading agreement with Persia, Union with Austria. Successes on the diplomatic field brought Andrei Ivanovich Baron title. It was according to his advice, Peter I transforms an outdated Embassy order to a colleague of foreign affairs. According to Osterman's instructions, the "Range Tabel" is drawn up - a document that brought, finally, the order in the confused system of the Russian bureaucracy.
Like many of his "gray" colleagues, Osterman was distinguished by Vidness. After the death of Peter the Great, he supported Ekaterina I and was appointed vice-chancellor and a member of the Supreme Secret Council. With Anna Ioannovna received the count title. Anna Leopoldovna made him Admiral General. And only Elizabeth dared to get rid of the powerful intriguer, and then at the last moment replaced the execution of a lifetime reference.

Mikhail Suslov

Mikhail Suslov's path to "Gray Cardinals" Brezhnev lay from the lowest. Mikhail Andreevich was born in the poor peasant family, after the revolution became Komsomol, already in 1921 he joined the Bolshevik Party. He received economic education and even taught at Moscow State University.
A huge leap of his career makes in the postwar years. Under Stalin, Suslov was responsible for the ideological sphere. He led the fight against "rooted cosmopolitanism" edited the newspaper "True", was a member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee. Publicist Zhores Medvedev even calls Suslov "Secret General" and believes that it is his Stalin wanted to see his successor.
In Khrushchev, Suslov also answered ideological questions. It was on his initiative that troops were introduced into rebellious Hungary. In 1962, Suslov assigned the title Hero of Socialist Labor. But he answered this with black ungratefulness, setting up in 1964 the shift of Khrushchev from the post of first secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.
With Brezhnev, Suslov still remained in the shadows, although his role increased. He was now responsible for culture, education, censorship and of course, as before, for the ideological sphere. Suslov was heard by the conservative and dogmake, with his name, the persecution of the intelligentsia, the arrests of dissidents, links of Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov were connected.
The most public act in the biography of Suslov became, perhaps, his funeral. They were shown on television, and the whole country was plunged into a three-day mourning. Suslov died at 79 years old, a few months before Brezhnev, did not see the collapse of the idea, for which he fought, albeit very peculiar, all his life.

Edward Mandel House

In 1876, Edward Hauz, together with his friend, Oliver Morton was involved in the presidential election campaign. Morton's father was a senator, and the young men were able to get "for the scenes" of the country's political life. It was then, Edward understood an important thing. "Only two-three in the Senate and two or three in the Chamber of Representatives, along with the president, really rule the country. All others are only fake figures ... Therefore, I did not strive for official posts and did not try to act, "he will write later.
Having received the inheritance, Edward gladly engaged in business, but it was only a game for him. It truly occupied his only politics. In 1892, he does, at first glance, a rash step: at the governor elections in the Republican to the roots of Texas, he supported the candidate from the Democrats of James Hogga. Howes Hogg's election campaign huddled, and his candidate wins.
The next 10 years of Hause was the adviser of the four governors without taking any official posts. But only in 1912, during the next presidential election, he goes to the global political arena. Howes helps to come to power Woodrow Wilson, who meets his "gray cardinal" thanks and friendship. The further policy of Wilson was determined by the financial circles of the United States, and above all - Hauz, who called himself "the authorities standing behind the throne."
Thanks to Hawa Politics, the United States actively began to interfere in European events. The League of Nations has practically been his brainchild, as well as many decisions of the Paris Conference, who completed the I World War. One project of Hausus, fortunately, was still not implemented: he believed that the rest of the world would be calmer to live if there was not one state in the place of Russia, and four.
At the end of the life of Hauz left a big policy and engaged in literary creativity
Vera Fotodayev

Grey Cardinal

Grey Cardinal
From French: Eminence Grise. Literally: Gray Highness.
In France XVII century. So they called the Cardinal Assistant (from 1622) Richelieu (1585-1642) of the Kapochinsky Monk Father Joseph François Le Clerk du Trumbay, who was the right hand of the Cardinal and had a considerable effect on him, while holding him in the shade. Father Joseph wore a gray sutane (hence the nickname), unlike his cartridge, closed in the Cardinal Mantle of Scarlet.
In modern language, the nickname "Gray Cardinal" is usually meant by Richelieu himself, meaning a huge influence that he rendered on the King of France Louis XIII fair (in 1624, Cardinal Richelieu became the head of the Royal Council, that is, the actual ruler of France).
Allegorically: about who acts behind the scenes is secretive, in the shadows, but at the same time actually defines the actions of the formal leader (disinforced).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.


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    SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Cooking (6) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

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    grey Cardinal - About who has a lot of power, but does not occupy a corresponding high position and remains in the shade. The turnover is associated with the name of the monk - the father of Joseph, a trustee, the inspiration and participant Intrigue Cardinal Richelieu ... Directory of phraseology

    Cardinal, a, husband. 1. Catholics: the highest (after dad) spiritual san, as well as a person having this San. 2. Neism. The same as Punzovaya (in color of the Cardinal Mantle). Gray Cardinal Person with great power, but not occupying ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    cardinal - I. Cardinal A, m. Cardinal m., Lat. Cardinalis. 1. The highest spiritual san in the Catholic Church, the distinctive sign of which is a red hat and mantle; Face having this san. Bass 1. There are such cases in which the smallest number ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

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    Adj., Upotr. Very often morphology: gray, sulfur, gray, sulfur; gray; nar. SERO 1. The gray is called color, intermediate between black and white, as well as the object of this color. Gray building. | Gray screen. | Gray sinel. | Car gray. | ... ... Explanatory dictionary Dmitrieva

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The origin of the phraseology "Gray Cardinal"

The expression "Gray Cardinal" appeared in France in the 17th century during the Board of King Louis XIII fair (1601 - 1643).

Becoming in the eight of the king of France and Navarre Louis needed care and mentors to make the right decisions in state issues. Such a mentor and advisor for Louis was Arman Jean du Plesi, Duke de Richelo or, as habitual, Cardinal Richelieu (1585 -1642), which became the head of the Royal Council in 1624. In fact, the power was in the hands of the Richelieu, by the way, called "Red Cardinal" because of the Red Hap, which he had to be worn on the etiquette. Louis XIII was mostly interested in balls, ballet, performances, hunting, and love intrigues, and he was involved in politics and state affairs.

In turn, Cardinal Richelieu was his faithful adviser to the monk of the Kapuchinsky Order Someone Father Joseph or the world of Francois Lekle du, which, which was actually called "gray cardinal."

Father Joseph - "Gray Cardinal"

Born in the family of the nobleman, Francois, at first elected the path of the military, but 1599 sharply changed his life and joined the Order of Capuchins, where he showed himself as a wonderful speaker and a preacher, which was his fame, and after the death of Heinrich IV and growing influence in the French court. Soon now, the Father Joseph was noticed by Richelieu and gradually became his "right hand", the closest assistant and comrades. Becoming in 1624 by the head of the stationery Richelieu (not the highest position), the father of Joseph, together with the four brothers, began to fulfill the particularly important and secret tasks of his benefactor. The result, he sought, not particularly worrying in the choice of funds, but always with fantasy and fiction, his own ability to conduct intrigues to envy himself.

Father Joseph was an excellent politician, a skillful and flexible diplomat, possessed a surchacial intelligence and excellent intuition. Undoubtedly, he enjoyed full trust of the Cardinal, therefore he had a great influence on the Richelieu, advising and directing his patron at a particular political channel, could enforce some of the solutions favorable and the Order of Capuchins at the highest state level, which was successful and did .

As for the ideology, it was higher than that of the Richelieu himself and was imbued with the spirit of Catholicism and the fight against the Protestant faith, distributed at the time in France, Spain and especially in England, where even the Richeliele survived and was considered the enemy number one. With all this was immensely devoted to his benefactor.

Many considered the Father Joseph receiver Richelieu. By the way, the Richelieu himself tried to knock out a Cardinal cap for him for a long time, but Roman Kuria prevented this in every way, counting the Father Joseph his opponent and the opponent. Cardinal he still became shortly before his death, never after having survived the Richelieu, who was very worried about the death of his faithful associate and a friend. His historical phrase is known:

"I lost a support, I lost my consolation, my only help and support, the most trusted person."

This man was awarded the nickname "Gray Cardinal" because of his gray raincoat, in which he constantly walked. Well, his position in society became the characteristic of this nickname.

The life of the Father Joseph, by nature a secret, imperceptible and dislike, was shrouded in secret and has many white spots. Despite this, everyone knew perfectly who was the Father Joseph and were afraid of him.

Famous German historian Leopold background Rank (1795 - 1886) found many acts and documents made directly under the supervision of Joseph's father in the Paris National Library.

English writer and philosopher Oldos Leonard Huxley (1894 - 1963) described the livelihood of Joseph's father in his book "Gray Highness: Etude about religion and politics."

Popularization of the expression "Gray Cardinal" served Nov. Duma "Three Musketeers", where there is only one phrase, but very accurate for the time described in the novel:

"This threat finally intimidated the owner. After the king and the cardinal, the name of Mr. de Treville, perhaps most often mentioned not only by the military, but also by the citizens. It was still true, Father Joseph, but his name was not uttered anyway as a whisper: so great was the fear of "Gray Pre-Protection", friend Cardinal Richelieu. "

In the novel "Twenty years later, A. Dumas also only slightly mentioned Father Joseph:

"The commandant of Bastille was at the time Mr. Du Ruttle, the brother of the Grozny Favorite Richelieu, the famous Kapuchin Joseph, called" gray Cardinal».

The value of the phraseology "Gray Cardinal"

Thanks to the nickname Father Joseph, the expression "Gray Highness" or "Gray Cardinal" began to be used in the meaning of a certain imperceptible person, which, remaining in the shadow, as a skillful duck manages important and significant cases. But "Gray Cardinal", which does not occupy such a high post or at all of the non-official status at all, is simply necessary for its "red cardinal", which in the hands there is official power. It is through it that "Gray Cardinal", being behind the scenes and being a particular conductor, in one way or another, guides the "Red Cardinal" by that expensive, which is beneficial to him or the interests of both cardinals, which is more often coincided.

By the way, "Red Cardinal" himself very often needs a "right hand", trusted face, "gray cardinal" (call, as you want), which he needs for not the most favorable cases, when it is directly and honest, it does not work and required Not quite legitimate actions that should remain in secret. Then they enter the game "Gray Cardinals", inconspicuous, smart, dodgy intrigues with excellent intuition and flexible in matters. And sometimes in this relationship is incomprehensible to who manipulates whoever led by, and who really is in the hands of real power.

The main components of the phraseology "Gray Cardinal" is the possession of significant authorities and the lack of a high official position of the head. And from the qualities of "gray cardinal" can be distinguished by mystery, secrecy, inconsistency, the presence of mind and intuition. In the present time, the expression "Gray Cardinal" is used in the main policy and business, although now the boundaries of these concepts so mixed up that sometimes it is incomprehensible to who among them, a business politician or a businessman in politics.

As in the Russian, and in foreign history, there are many examples of the existence of "gray generals", some of which were allocated and indeed were powerful.

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