Arachne glyphs and their meaning. Arachne glyphs

30 Sep

Graphic Magic: Runes, Glyphs and Sigils

A large, long overdue article on the varieties of graphic magic: what is graphics, runes, sigils, glyphs and other autowriting. How it all works and how it differs from each other.
You will need to start from the stove, because many do not quite imagine even the basic principle of operation of this whole chest of miracles.

In fact, any kind of magic It is simply the transfer of energy from one place to another. Remelting, infusion, transfusion, movement and other manipulations with volume and substance. Energy is also a substance. It fills everything around - people, objects and objects, entities own it, it moves along large and small highways and streams that gather into egregors, they pass it on to each other, select it, give it ... Everything moves like a car on the flow and frequency of energy - on gasoline.

And the essence of any magical manipulation is to take this energy somewhere and move it to where it is needed more. For example, ask for a “canister” from a deity (or express it from an enemy, or generate it) and pour it into yourself into financial channels. Or move from financial to health, where there is now a more urgent need.

Absolutely ALL practices stand on this principle, every single one. Though rituals, even runes, even conspiracies of Siberian grandmothers- find fuel, get it and send it to a sore spot. But then the magic is already beginning to be divided according to the techniques of “canister spill” - who, what and how. Some pour energy charges into lines and letters, directing the flow of forces graphically, others into words, and others beat sound waves into a tambourine. Folk and traditional magic most often has a clear regional focus: somewhere they write formulas, somewhere they speak with a word, somewhere they conduct energies through rituals, and somewhere they summon spirits and ask them to direct what is needed where and with their hands.

In the latitudes of the CIS, folk magic is all conspiracies and familiar to us "babkino" mumbling. The Slavs really loved the magic of the word more, when the energy message and charge were turned into sound and verbal, poetic form. Conspiracies- a strong thing in capable hands, but the method has its drawbacks and is not suitable for all problems.
Scandinavians and people of the East of different latitudes were more inclined to draw and write with ink. Graphic Magic Method easier and works even for beginners.
Graphic Magic- this is one of the largest and oldest sections of practical esotericism. Calligraphy and hieroglyphs, runes and letters, glyphs, sigils and autowriting - it's all there, variations on the theme of redirecting energy from one place to another with the help of signs. Wrapping an energy charge in a visual and graphic form is no worse than a word or a ritual.

The principle of operation of any graphics is quite simple - the lines on the carrier gain energy and transfer it from the source (operator, deity, egregor) to the place where it is needed. We lose energy by investing it in runes, we feel a little worse, but we fill our money channels with the help of a sign sharpened for this direction. A simple and understandable transfer of forces from where they are needed less to where they are more.

Graphic magic can be roughly divided into four types:
1. Runes and letters
2. Sigils
3. Glyphs
4. Calligraphy and Autowriting

They differ mainly in how the program and energy for its work are laid in them.

Coordinates in the worlds by autowriting

autowriting is a method of divination and magic, when without looking they draw different scribbles, thinking about a question or a person, and then decipher the result or put energy into what happened. The method is peculiar, but it is with it that personal sigils and cipher signs are most often created, which make sense only for the author and initiates. Autowriting suggests that the meaning is put into random scribbles at the will and desire of the master. What and how he wanted - he painted what he wanted, then he laid it.
It is impossible to read and calculate the meaning of the auto-letter and scribbles from the outside. This is a completely individual cipher, where the author alone knows what he wanted to put there. It is akin to how we memorize complex words by some personal associations that only we understand.

calligraphy can be attributed to the same place, only the encryption of signs and symbols there goes more according to the artistic principle, but they are just as capable of conducting energy and working. Moreover, calligraphy can be made up of both letters and lines, everything to the taste of the author.

Runes and letters can be conditionally called separate pieces of the puzzle, endowed with a clear meaning. Each rune is a small piece of a large picture, which denotes one specific concept that was originally embedded in this sign. We cannot invent the meanings of letters, runes and letters ourselves, but we can use ready-made meanings and make formulas from different “pieces”. These are, in fact, just letters that can conduct and direct energy, but there is little sense from one letter, which is why we make formulas from 3-5-7+ runes to make up a concept and a program. lovers of one rune conquer the world or carefully wear it around your neck, pursuing a difficult goal - rather strange people. It's like trying to make an intelligible text with a plot out of the letter F. A good letter, pleasant, but more is needed for the semantic load.
Runes and letters distinguished by speed, but short-term work, such a schedule works on average for a month or two, sometimes a little longer. It is noticed that distorted, encrypted and hidden runes work longer than explicit ones. Runes it is very difficult and reluctant to “recharge”, that is, the formula from the runes must be destroyed and a new one put in, otherwise the repeated result will be miserable, the letters seem to have worked out and exhausted.

Glyphs- already more complex structures, the next stage of graphics. One glyph- this is a kind of mini-formula embedded in one graphic sign. It can be said that one glyph meaning equals 2-3 runes. And if rune denotes a concept (eg. Raido is "movement“), then the glyph already carries the semantic load of the whole process, for example, a successful movement on a trip, with cutting off negative events and lines. For one Raido it is difficult to reel in luck, and lines, and the designation of the trip, we will need some more signs, but one glyph it can be done. If runes are puzzle pieces, then glyphs are separate mini-plots of this puzzle, for example one tree from the picture.
Several glyphs already form a whole composition with meaning and a broad program of work.
They work longer and more powerfully than runes, as the text of words makes more sense than individual letters. Glyphs are easily recharged several times in a row and easily endure wiping from the carrier (the program remains for a specified period). Glyphs can be tattooed, they just need to be re-specified every few months.

Sigils- the highest level of expression of graphics. Sigil- this is a whole semantic canvas, which contains a complex program of work, designed for endless repetition if necessary. This is already a whole puzzle, with a plot, details, a bunch of data and information.
Sigil can be compared to a QR code, a sign for reading a large amount of information from a small picture.
Everyone has seen these black and white squares, from which a phone or tablet easily reads a bunch of data. In a sequence of squares, a two-dimensional code is encrypted, from which quite a lot of things are extracted - numbers, names, stamps, bills and other information. Sigil- the essence is the same graphical code, but readable for a subtle plan.

Sigil of the Moon

These signs can already be plowed for centuries, stuffed with tattoos, worn with amulets and anything else you can do with them, unlike runes, which have a time limit for working and dying. The sigil works when it is given attention and nourishment, not by a set deadline or stipulation. A reservation is given to her once and for all, then she simply turns on and off the air, depending on the activity of the operators.

Old Sigil of Asmodeus

The most famous are all kinds of seals of different entities.
These summoning seals are widely used by gods and other higher entities for "short dialing" from their priests and simply those who seek help. They can be compared with a personal phone number, which is not given to everyone and not always. But only for those who already have an established connection with the bearer of the sigil.

This is in an ideal world, of course. In fact, one person once got a piece of fast communication, while others adopted the QR code at the speed of light. That is why personal sigil any creature always has 50 pieces, and they differ in the level of trust: the less people know this particular sigil, the faster the response to it. And sometimes, in general, the response itself is built on knowledge: if you know this sign from somewhere at all, then you have the right to “call” into it. Personal ones are often updated, especially the most famous ones, so very old signs are most often non-working or intercepted by someone smaller. Roughly speaking, for the sigil of Belial he himself has been gone for 2000+ years, but the “number plate” has long and firmly been intercepted by a demonic trifle, which will very willingly come to you. If you want to know a fresh personal number, look for acquaintances yourself.

Sigil is always an encryption of the whole program, so the range of their application is huge. These are challenges, and the conduction of energies, and complex work with lines of probability, and the designation of anything. May be sigil that encodes your desire or purpose in life. There may be a sigil denoting the planet Venus or the Necro layer. Or is it just a schematic representation of the flow of energy along the lines and the purpose of this action. They don’t have any clear construction rules, nothing depends on the complexity or simplicity of the drawing either, because on the subtle plane they are reflected in a completely different way.

Nether Sigil

In general, the difference between haldramündom(encrypted runic pattern) and sigil rather blurry, because they have the same essence. But to make multifaceted signs from encrypted and stylized runes and letters is just one way to create a sigil.

Quite often they are invented and simply as a reflection of the author's vision of the goal or an energy cast from what he wants to get in the end. Therefore, somewhere here in meaning they merge with autowriting, as one of the methods for creating this type of graphics. Roughly speaking, if the author sees THIS way as a graphic reflection of high-frequency energy, then why not? The main principle here is: it works or it doesn't work.

There is one important aspect of this whole case, which for some reason is not covered anywhere and by anyone. Namely, no graphics are tightly tied to a certain pantheon of gods or a layer, or an egregor... It's just a record of the energy flow. Like Latin, for example, they are not the letters of one particular language, although they have an exact source of origin. Simply put, the runes may be the invention of Odin personally, but they are not (c) Scandinavian pantheon. you can write runes an appeal to Shiva or Hekate, they calmly perceive such a record and the formulation of a request, even faster than other types of appeal.

From this scheme, again, graphics mixing follows: if you take a large piece from one puzzle, and complement it with suitable small pieces from another puzzle, then everything together will work and look harmonious and good. The main thing is not to overload the graphics with unnecessary letters (hello to fans of 100700 runes in one stave) and clearly understand what and why you are doing.

Rune Art. Glyphs. Symbols and Paganism

In Graphic Magic, not only runes are used in staves, but also glyphs, letters, and symbols. For example, a pentagram also applies to Graphic Magic, any use of seals, signs, magic figures is part of Graphic Magic. cursed glyphs.
The King David alphabet can be attributed to a rare combat glyph, which is convenient to use for attack and / or damage.
Part of the glyphs resembles the Icelandic runes of the black row, that is, by various methods it causes harm, physical and energy wounds, breakdowns, and can be used to make runic formulas heavier.
Working with the alphabet is quite easy, but it "eats" a lot of effort.

It should be noted that these glyphs should only be used in EXTREME cases, when all adequate and legal means have been exhausted.
Therefore, please correlate your strengths and grievances with reality, because you have a powerful weapon in your hands, the use of which you may later regret bitterly.

1. Doping.
Optimization of one's own forces for war helps to open up a second wind, gather your will into a fist and take a fighting stance.

2. Hairpin,
Denno and powerfully preventing the enemy from living. It can be both causeless aching pain and insomnia, or both exhaust and weaken the enemy.

3. Hook.
Creates a situation where the victim feels "on the hook", in a trap and without a weapon. May be applied with a caveat to serious physical injury.

4.Tempers willpower and stamina.

5. Shuriken.
Throws projectiles at the enemy from a long distance, bypassing any defenses. Can inflict any wound, ranging from cuts to open fractures.

6. Bomb.
A huge fireball that can destroy the victim's house, or some area of ​​her life.

7. Maneuver
Distracting the attention of the enemy, trick, trick.

8. The last blow.
Finish off the enemy, incapacitate and knock out. Secret pin.

9. Bow and crossbow, stretching
The symbol pours a lot of troubles and defeats on the head of the enemy.

10. Evasion.
Smooth evasion from an attack if your defenses are unreliable or broken. Damage will deviate and fly away from you.

11. Fire
The symbol causes burns or serious damage to large areas of the skin, loss of skin (for example, due to a fire or an "accidental" dousing with something acidic or boiling water).

12. Hook
Glyph that rips out flesh - inflicts severe injuries, provokes fractures and rotting.

13. Gallows,
The symbol dooms the enemy to death - attracts to the person all possible probabilities to go to the forefathers.

14. Fetters.
The symbol tightly binds something, for example, its other work or people to each other. It is especially fun to attach hating people to each other so that they suffer from joint communication.

15. Broken.
Breakdown of physical combat readiness, causes nausea and weakness.

16. Optimization.
Bringing a warrior to combat readiness, optimizing forces.

17. Mutilations.
The symbol helps with serious injuries and disability.

18. Migraine.
The symbol helps to inflict pain, which is comparable to torture of the head and brain (migraines, insomnia, blood clots, etc.).

19. Col.
We put the enemy on a stake. It is possible in the literal sense.

20. Torture.
The symbol contributes to the infliction of pain, which is comparable to the torture of internal organs (oncology, pain, hernia, inflammation)

21. Madness.
The symbol contributes to the infliction of pain, which is comparable to mental torture, manifests itself in the form of causeless horror, panic, insomnia, migraines.

22. Morok
A confusing symbol causes panic and despair - a person cannot collect thoughts in a heap.

23. Rogatin
The symbol changes the movement and strength of the negative energies of the enemy against himself and returns the induced to the author of this action.

24. Headache
The symbol contributes to inducing a headache. Just a headache that doesn't go away.

25. Corruption.
The symbol performs an insidious work for a slow and painful shrinking from the light.

26. Severing ties with the outside world
The symbol hits the organs of perception, can turn into a down or crazy.

27. Abortion.
The symbol causes bleeding, in pregnant women or forced abortion ("with meat" option). Can be used to break through latent diseases.

28. Moral breakdown.
The symbol evokes a sense of doom, morally breaks the victim.

What is a glyph anyway? From the point of view of science, a glyph is an element of writing, a graphic representation of a grapheme. A grapheme is a unit of text. A glyph is a unit of graphics. So, any written - that is, displayed graphically - word can be considered a glyph.

From the point of view of magic, a glyph is a symbol, an attempt to express a certain energy essence with the help of a symbol, which in one way or another can affect the subtle or material world. It can also be said that the glyph is an energy seal.

Many glyph systems are known. One of them is the glyphs of Arachne.

In fact, the origin of these glyphs is unknown. Petrov, the author of the book "The Secret Runes of Arachne", which is known only from a six-page fragment, claims that "Glyphs appeared at a time when everyone heard the story of Arachne" and further that, they say, Arachne descended into the underworld, where and acquired these signs, wanting to take revenge on Athena. Perhaps this is the weakest point of the fragment.

If we consider the glyphs of Arachne as a very high-quality and workable remake, Petrov's explanation looks like a weak and almost illiterate attempt to give the glyphs an aura of antiquity and mystery. Glyphs, especially those so viable and working, do not need such a halo at all. It is clear that such things are not just invented, but come from the Subtle World, from the most powerful energy flows, and therefore are valuable in themselves.
Recall that initially the same Petrov gives only nine glyphs: Mashet, Iyu, Kha, Vebru, Fee, Laa, Nudo, Reko, Mis - the remaining seven were found in the hard streaming work of the authors Milen and Cavirra. Nevertheless, these seven glyphs are quite working, perfectly fitting into the overall system.

If, nevertheless, we take into account the statement of Mr. Petrov about the antiquity of glyphs and their connection with myth, then the following picture emerges.

To begin with, let us recall the myth of Arachne. The plot is well known: Arachne, the daughter of the dyer Idomon from Lydia, who was reputed to be a skilled weaver, challenges Athena Pallas to a competition in her art. After losing to her, Arachne tries to hang herself, but Athena takes her out of the noose and turns her into a spider.

There are deep doubts about Petrov's statement that the story of Arachne was on everyone's lips. We learn about the plot outline of the myth from Ovid's Metamorphoses, who reworked the plot of a small Greek myth as part of the story of Athena and her miracles. Ovidiev Arachne is a proud girl, but narrow-minded, it is unlikely that she would be able to return from Hades, and even take revenge on the goddess.

However. If we consider the myth from a metaphysical point of view, the picture changes. The myth becomes deeper and more complex. At the metaphysical level, we are already talking about two Spinners - the Divine Spinner and the Earthly Spinner. Naturally, the Earthly yields to the Divine and perishes, but being reborn by the will of the Divine, it becomes non-living. Death cannot be canceled completely for the Earth, so the Earth Spinner transforms into a Spider. The spider is a symbol of mystery, a symbol of secret connections, a symbol of the Underworld. It is not for nothing that spiders in many traditions are associated with the Necroworld, they are perceived as non-life - not dead, but not alive in the truest sense of the word. And in this capacity, Arachne could already acquire glyphs.

For revenge? Doubtful. Spider Arachne is no longer Spinner Arachne. What is important to the Earth Spinner - glory, honors, victory, is no longer important to the Spider. The spider in this context is knowledge gained and secret power over the essence

And the secret in the case of the glyphs of Arachne is the key word, regardless of the variant of their origin.

Glyphs work precisely secretly, almost imperceptibly. Like little spiders, they run along the lines of probabilities and, with the help of their thinnest cobwebs, correct reality in favor of the operator. The work of the glyphs of Arachne differs from the work of, say, runes or conspiracies in that it does not roughly change, break and distort reality, but gently and quickly adjusts it to the operator.

In this regard, the operator should be very careful and conscious in order to be able to catch the changes and join the new rhythm of the probability lines so as not to slip to the zero reference point.

That is, if in order, then the operation of the operator with glyphs looks like this. The beginning of work is a zero point. This is the state in which the operator is at the beginning of the impact. Work is the application of glyphs to the medium - whether it be a body, an image of any format, a phantom or a physical object; competent stipulation of the expected impact of glyphs with a concentration of attention and energy.
Next comes the work of the glyphs themselves: they either change the probability lines themselves, or energetically pull the operator to the desired lines. And when this happens, as I said above, you need to seize the moment and have time to adjust to the changes on the lines. Then the operator is fully included in the new probability and achieves the desired result.

If the inclusion does not occur, then either there is no result, or it is weak and short-lived. Glyphs are not total in their manifestations, so they should not be left to chance.

Let's take a closer look at a love spell with the help of arachne glyphs - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

In specialized literature, one can often find mention of arachne glyphs. However, what it is, how to use it, and why these symbols are necessary for a knowledgeable person.

In fact, the arachne glyphs are runes. It is believed that these runes, correctly used by a person, can help him completely change and transform his own life. Moreover, such glyphs are also used by many successful people, which is how they explain their own wealth and various benefits.

Among the arachne glyphs, a few stand out in particular. First of all, this is a rune waving. It creates protection for any human activity, but to a greater extent affects his career and financial success. Most often, such runes are used when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person, protecting him from absolutely any misfortune and danger. In fact, this is the strongest sign of all, which is most often used. Before starting to work with him, it is necessary to investigate in detail the runic practice.

Tarlef is a very specific glyph. Most often, it means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now a person is entering the very stage in life when he can decide his future in one way or another. Experts call this glyph neither black nor white, that is, a transitional stage in a person’s life, during which the future will be decided direction of his work.

Of course, many experts also know the glyph dyhal, which characterizes renewal and purification in a person’s life, some changes. Perhaps events will occur that will help change a person’s life, make it better and brighter. In this case, it is worth taking this glyph extremely positively.

There are also negative glyphs. The strongest of them is Bel. This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, old and darkness. Perhaps in a person's life there is someone such that his influence is exclusively negative. Most likely, this person actively sucks the life energy out of the victim, driving him into trouble and apathy. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. In order for this glyph not to have an impact on a person’s life, it is necessary to think about finding the very subject from which all the troubles come.

I'm not jealous, I just have a wild imagination and good logical thinking.

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Becoming "DIADEM" for the test

Consists of glyphs of Arachne:

2. Iyuu - Life, health, physical renewal.

3. Kha - the influence of spirit on matter.

8. Reko - Attack, destruction.

12. Dihal - renewal, purification, reboot.

With the power of glyphs, this becoming creates a protective cocoon around me, cuts off all negative, alien programs, rudely attacks those who want to harm my physical and mental health and my well-being, breaking all the defenses of the enemy.

By the power of glyphs, this becoming destroys psychological blocks, obstacles on my life path, gives strength and energy to win various trials (……….), restores health, protects and adjusts to the right and desired (…), gently points to the right options and situations that I need. Gently cleanses, restoring, removes depression, raises fortitude.

DS works without harm, for my mental and physical health, for the mental and physical health of my relatives and friends (……..) and is included in the work from the moment it is activated by the element of fire and finishes it after it is burned. Let it be so!

Glyphs of Arachne

Date of birth: 1980-07-14

Date of registration: 2012-12-27

Mood: I'm fine

Date of birth: 1993-05-03

Date of registration: 2015-01-17

Date of birth: 1980-07-14

Date of registration: 2012-12-27

Mood: I'm fine

Just be careful with them. A very strong thing.

Date of birth: 1993-05-03

Date of registration: 2015-01-17

Job/Hobby: Working with gods, dead, Runes, Tarot, Letters

Date of birth: 1970-10-20

Date of registration: 2015-03-09

Job/Hobby: tarot and runes

I did it into my own hands for material well-being.

Date of birth: 1967-04-11

Date of registration: 2014-12-22

Date of birth: 1980-07-14

Date of registration: 2012-12-27

Mood: I'm fine

Date of birth: 1970-10-20

Date of registration: 2015-03-09

Job/Hobby: tarot and runes

Date of birth: 1970-10-20

Date of registration: 2015-03-09

Job/Hobby: tarot and runes

Date of birth: 1977-01-01

Date of registration: 2013-11-13

A clear intention is quite enough .. if it’s easier for you, then visualization of the final result, and not a long-term plan) Upon activation .. they start working when applied (this is a dogma .. everything else is amateur performance, but this is a matter of habit and finding oneself in working with them ..Good luck!

Date of birth: 1970-10-20

Date of registration: 2015-03-09

Job/Hobby: tarot and runes

Practice is a great thing. If you don't try, you won't know.

Date of birth: 1984-11-13

Date of registration: 2013-10-13

Just the beginning: in the name of Arachne, the glyph laa and the glyph mis help me. (name) quickly and actively find money for. (only precisely and concisely) for what.

That is, you can apply necroglyphs on yourself, but you can’t activate them with blood. breathing is possible, but not blood?

Date of birth: 1970-10-20

Date of registration: 2015-03-09

Job/Hobby: tarot and runes

The answer satisfied me.

I am familiar with runes and before doing something for myself, I do diagnostic layouts.


Date of registration: 2015-10-01


Date of registration: 2014-04-11

From: From the Legion of Lucifer!

Very hard cleaning. But it cleans specifically and a lot of things (cleansing the negative, settlers, tearing the existence to pieces, removes the hassle, works with family and karma, removes cemetery damage to death, etc.), and therefore it goes very hard. It is better to apply during the weekend, because the physical condition is very serious, until everything is torn off from you. It covers you with a cap: as if it presses down and cuts off everything and everyone byak, and this is not a painless process. And it looks like you don't exist. You are lost from the field of view of "damage", so it flies from where it came from, and you remain clean, but what flew away from you returned from where it came, so to speak, found another owner, and you are already a completely different person with other energy. And while everything is being cut off, you are in this cocoon and it’s very hard, but this is a necessary measure that also works like an impenetrable.

Launches immediately. A buzzing in the ears is the first sign that the purge has begun. Difficulty breathing, head heavy and cloudy. Annoy a strong one, the psycho-emotional background is very unstable, so it’s better not to sort things out, because then you will remember and not understand how you could say and do all this. So refrain from debriefing for this time. The difficult period lasts mostly 3 days. Then the head becomes bright and clear, you begin to look at many things differently, because all the troubles have disappeared. But having become, continue to hold, let him continue to work. It's better not to bet on yourself. Try to draw on paper, or print, circle the letters with your finger and say the names aloud.

"I experienced becoming on the enemy, because there was no other way out - although you have a ban on it here. For three days they threw me up and threw me up And buzzed in my ears like an airplane, I was terribly nervous and ruthless, I wanted to tell the truth to everyone, psychos beat even those - although I never do this) And I couldn’t overpower myself, but I really wanted to know how it would end. At night it was impossible to sleep, as if the veins were being pulled from you. and today the diagnostics showed me complete liberation from the cemetery damage to death! And since I am not to blame for anything, when I drew, having become so, I said In the name of justice, I turn to the sun, judge who is right and who is not. I am so grateful to you, Tsarka, so I have been struggling with this corruption for a long time and this one has become just a miracle and it is not corruption! If a person is a victim, then this is a glorious rebuff to the enemy! THANKS."

"Dear Tsarjka, my friend (not registered on the forum) drew this standing on her stomach. For 3 days she was twisted and sick and in a dream she crushed the lizard so that all the insides of the lizard crawled out on the left side. On the same day, the enemy cut through the entire left side cars on a bollard in the parking lot."

"I'll add my report. I was looking for something strong, they finished me off in a magical war, ghouls, demons, damage, etc. went in formation. Runes, letters for more than a year, but the effect is temporary. And then by chance on this topic and a post from uv. Selena MJ Opened the picture and gasped - the first thought was becoming Tsar!

Although the night stood - already my hands were shaking - I put it on cardboard and closer to myself. And then a sphere formed around me and cut off everything from the outside. And it got a lot easier. It felt like a Deir energy post. The mechanism of work is similar - cut off from everything from the outside and clean only what is sitting inside.

The first two days I was just fine internally. I clearly felt how the dirt was being removed from me in layers, and the boiling began outside - quarrels, noise, fuss, but inside it didn’t seem to concern me. But the lost vision began to appear. And no matter what happened, there was always a feeling of inner support. As if someone is standing nearby and holding, picking up. Household vampires were chopped off. They just stopped seeing me. And they stopped annoying me. And in general - all strong emotions have become part of the study of the negative. And not only induced.

On the third day, hell broke out - pain came. The body was stiff from the groin to the chest, convulsed both outside and inside. The spasms lasted for days. Breathing was simply painful, everything else with tears. Tablets, aiming ligatures, letters - in vain. On the fourth day, the pain went away and it was clearly understood that the curse on the family line for the crime of the ancestor (which I found out by accident and completely forgot) was lifted.

I continue to keep. The work is on. I will unsubscribe.

But according to the intermediate results, the work of the stav is as follows - cleaning the negative, working with the family, removes settlers, demons and the dead, removes blocks and blockages on abilities, cuts off all types of vampires, works out karmic and psychological blocks, especially those tied to magic.

Not for the weak in spirit. Very heavy. It is better to set it during the weekend. Cleaning is difficult, but the enemies will howl, Arachne is for a couple of days, if you take revenge on the current, take revenge, so that you howl like a wolf.

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Glyphs of Arachne

when there is no time to do a ritual or write formulas. It is advisable to draw one at a time, although glyphs are friends with anything.

In fact, the most important thing to consider when working with runes is faith in them. If a person does not believe in the positive impact of the runes, then he is unlikely to succeed, even if he does everything absolutely right. Here it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, as well as carefully monitor compliance with the correct application of runes. If at least one point is applied incorrectly, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to work with runes with confidence in the future.

By the way, many experts prove the positive impact of such symbols. For example, everyone who works in the field of magic tries to use runes at least occasionally, since they can bring not only material wealth, but also peace of mind. In total, 16 runes of this type are currently allocated. You can use them both separately and together with each other. However, their effectiveness does not change.

Laa is another glyph that is of great importance. Most often, this glyph means ambitiousness, a person’s striving forward, his activity. In fact, such a glyph is able to instill in a person self-confidence, a desire to conquer more and more peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.

Glyphs, what is it - the question is practically solved. It remains to characterize the main glyphs and talk about their influence on human destinies.

Tarlef- a very specific glyph. Most often, it means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now a person is entering the very stage in life when he can decide his future in one way or another. Experts call this glyph neither black nor white, that is, a transitional stage in a person’s life, during which the future will be decided direction of his work.

Of course, many experts also know the glyph dihal, which characterizes the renewal and purification in a person's life, some changes. Perhaps events will occur that will help change a person’s life, make it better and brighter. In this case, it is worth taking this glyph extremely positively.

There are also negative glyphs. The strongest of them - belle. This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, old and darkness. Perhaps in a person's life there is someone such that his influence is exclusively negative. Most likely, this person actively sucks the life energy out of the victim, driving him into trouble and apathy. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. In order for this glyph not to have an impact on a person’s life, it is necessary to think about finding the very subject from which all the troubles come.

Glyphs of Arachne

Date of registration: 2016-08-18

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

They are drawn in the same way as runes, negotiated and work.

It is advisable to draw one at a time, although glyphs are friendly with anything.

Date of registration: 2016-08-18

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

Job/Hobby: knowledge, teaching

They can be used both as separate characters and in the form of ligatures or runescripts, moreover, glyphs (glyphs of a negative nature) are readily combined with other graphic systems. They can be applied to artifacts and pendants (amulets, talismans, amulets), to magical/witchcraft inventory, and even to human skin. Various sources contain instructions that when applying glyphs, it is necessary to activate them by pronouncing the name of the rune and the spell: “In the name of Arachne! Runa (name of the rune), grant me / do (this and that)!” Glyphs work without activation. Everything is clear with them, as in the army: the operator gives the order, and the glyphs execute it. Moreover, if the operator clearly specified the intention and realized it, then the glyphs execute the order very quickly. We stipulate everything in our own words, without usi-pusi. Glyphs love the clarity of intent and the confidence of the operator in what he is doing! If you decide to use not single characters in your work, but a ligature or a runescript, then understand that they are built on the principle of a semantic combination of glyphs (in the course of words in a key phrase). If you are not used to, glyphs can consume a lot of energy, but as you develop skills in working with this graphic system, this will pass. (author Elena, magic of timelessness)

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Date of registration: 2016-08-18

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

Job/Hobby: knowledge, teaching

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Date of registration: 2016-08-18

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

Job/Hobby: knowledge, teaching

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Date of registration: 2016-08-18

Location: Naberezhnye Chelny

Job/Hobby: knowledge, teaching

Most often, such runes are used when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person, protecting him from absolutely any misfortune and danger. In fact, this is the strongest sign of all, which is most often used. Before starting to work with him, it is necessary to investigate in detail the runic practice.

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Laa is another glyph that has a lot of meaning. Most often, this glyph means ambitiousness, a person’s striving forward, his activity. In fact, such a glyph is able to instill in a person self-confidence, a desire to conquer more and more peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.

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Experts call this glyph neither black nor white, that is, a transitional stage in a person's life, during which the further direction of his activity will be decided.

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[You must be registered and logged in to see this image]

This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. In order for this glyph not to have an impact on a person’s life, it is necessary to think about finding the very subject from which all the troubles come. (The author of the article is unknown, the site is the theory and practice of magic)

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love spell with arachne glyphs

Killed the beginning, about the "software", the ban on sales, guarantees, etc. formalities, now he will run directly to the courts in which case, to protect his runes

All this is confusing.

Let's all try to create the Webra-Iyu runescript in our palm and share the effect.

In the future, I will start testing for abilities.

Love spell "Flower"

The center of Teyvaz is a man, an object of influence. Berkana - respectively Zhn.Gebo between them - the connection of their destinies, feelings. The gift of love from above.

Glyph “Key to action”. For a quick result, so that nothing interferes with action, to speed up any process.

Glyph For happy love, for a love spell, for harmony in relationships.

Glyph Love, light, harmony. For love spells, building relationships, for the well-being of the family.

Glyph "Getting the Heart", the glyph is used in love spells, to renew faded feelings, is used to awaken love and sympathy, can be used for beauty and charm, to attract sympathy.

The glyph "love and friendship" is used to make new friends, for new acquaintances, for charm and beauty, can be used as a love sign, often used as a sign of a happy home.

Glyphs of Arachne

Date of registration: 2014-04-09

Which until today were completely banned

From the 14th century, 9 pieces were counted, however, the readers were mostly fried.

A kind of magician's travel kit, basic concepts that can be applied instantly when there is no time to do a ritual or write formulas.

They are drawn in the same way as runes, negotiated and work.

1 Waving - Target. Focusing on the target, drawing lines of probability, cutting off the unnecessary. When used, it creates something like a protective cocoon. You go to the goal and no one will turn you off the path

The secret of effective love spells

It happens that unrequited feelings or unrequited love cause great suffering. It seems that the whole world is against you and no one is able to understand human grief. But to find happiness, so little is enough. A beloved person is nearby and confidence in the future is exactly what almost every girl dreams of. Often, an existing problem can be solved with the help of magical influence.

The most effective love spell is faith in a happy future. And if this belief is reinforced and strengthened by a magical rite, then the solution to the problem is best guaranteed.

Strong magical rite: distinctive features

As a rule, all magical effective rites are white and black. Black magic is considered very dangerous. If the instructions are not followed and for many other reasons, the effect of the ritual can be completely opposite. And if we take into account the moment that when the rite is rolled back, the consequences will be visible both on the man on whom the love spell was made, and on the woman who used dark forces to achieve her goals, then the use of this type of influence is best avoided.

White magic is considered relatively safe. If you use a proven love spell, then the result is achieved quite quickly and without frightening consequences.

The main differences between the rites of white magic:

  • love binding occurs without complete submission and breaking the will;
  • conspiracies do not contain orders and curses;
  • love spell acts like a drug addiction: slowly and surely.
  • the bewitched man begins to see the positive aspects of the woman who performed the ceremony.

Thus, the action of white magic is powerful and effective, and possible negative consequences are minimized.

Rite with candles

A very effective and effective way to make a guy fall in love with you is a love spell using candles. For this ritual, you will need three church thin candles.

As a rule, any ceremonies using fire and candles help to strengthen and rekindle extinct feelings or give rise to them. All magical action is carried out at midnight. As the clock strikes twelve, sit down at the table and light the candles. Spend a few minutes daydreaming about your lover.

Concentrating on the candle flame, read the plot:

“In the heart of my beloved, the servant of God (name), I kindle love, I ignite feelings!

As the fire burns and burns, so the heart and the servant of God (name) burns to me.

After reading the plot, you can’t talk to anyone. It's best to go to sleep right away. Effective and efficient, this love spell will help you win a guy's heart.

Ritual and the use of photography

If you decide not to waste time and choose a valid and proven love spell, then it is best to opt for a ceremony using a photograph of your lover. This method of magical influence, with the right choice of photograph and the implementation of the whole process in strict accordance with the instructions, guarantees the desired result.

To perform the ritual, you will need a photograph of your beloved and one church candle. In the photo, the man must be alone, no animals or other people. The quality of the picture should be acceptable: if the eyes are visible, then everything is fine. In no case should you crop the picture by removing unnecessary objects or people. The action of the love spell in this case will be equal to zero, and its implementation will be useless. In addition, select a photograph that was taken no later than a year before the ritual was performed.

Spend the evening at your leisure and try to limit negative thoughts. And late in the evening, you can begin to perform the ceremony. Sit at the table: put a picture in front of you and light a candle. On the back of the photo, write your lover's full name and yours, and enclose both names in a heart you have drawn.

The photo must be set on fire from a candle with the words:

“As a photograph burns, flares up, so the feelings of the servant of God (name) for me will flare up.

When the set fire to the photograph turns into ashes, then it must be collected and blown into the window with the words:

“Just as no one can collect this ashes now, so no one can destroy our love.

The effect of this love spell can manifest itself after a few days. But give the love spell a little time: the magical effect is a very subtle and delicate way, the effectiveness of which can directly depend on your desires and thoughts.

Conspiracy for a gift

Consider this situation: you are in love with a young man, but he is indifferent to you. This may be because he does not know about your feelings or does not see all the advantages. In this case, a valid and effective rite for a gift can help. Naturally, it is very convenient to perform it if a holiday is approaching and you are among those invited.

Be very responsible when choosing a gift. He must be liked by a young man, it is advisable to give something necessary so that he can use it. The action of such a ceremony begins immediately after the gift is presented and intensifies if a person begins to use the thing. This method of magical influence is suitable for any life situation.

Before presenting a purchased gift, you need to read the plot:

“I will give you a gift, and in return I will take your peace.

To be bored, yearned and could not live without me! Amen!"

The charmed thing is given to the guy. Now it only remains to wait for the result. After a week, you can call a young man or arrange a casual meeting.

Strong ritual for sugar

A fairly popular and effective way to kindle love in a man's heart is a ritual with sugar. To do this, you will need to cook a delicious pie or other sweet from the charmed sugar and give the guy a taste. The amount of sugar required for the recipe is poured into a bowl and the plot is read:

“As sugar is sweet and pleasant, so I will be sweet and pleasant to the servant of God (name).

The plot is read three times, and after reading, you can start cooking the culinary dish. The effect of the love spell will increase if you cook something very tasty and the young man asks for more. After preparing the dish, you need to feed the guy with it.

Usually this rite begins to operate after a few days. The guy will be bored and will finally see all your virtues that he did not notice before. Try to consolidate the result, showing yourself only from the best side. In this case, the result will not just be the way you want, but the duration of the love spell will be long. Tune in to a positive result - and it will definitely be so.

A very effective and effective way to attract the attention of a guy and evoke a reciprocal feeling in him is a love spell. Depending on the goals, you can choose the right ritual. The effect of the magical rite can be seen in a week on average. It depends, as a rule, on the exact following of all the wishes and advice in terms of performing the ritual from faith in a love spell.

Happiness was so possible, and so possible, and so possible!

On one important matter, I got into the hieroglyphics of magical alphabets and found for myself another interesting tool - the glyphs of Arachne. They act like runes, only the result from working with them is faster, as, in principle, from working with many other glyphs.
The legend says that this is the magic tool of the same Arachne, which Athena turned into a spider, and that the spider subsequently descended into a certain necroworld and brought this magical alphabet from there to our world. The legend is not very convincing, given that nothing is known about the reasons why Arachne went on such a strange journey, and why and for what she needed such glyphs, and why they were given to her in the necroworld, there are also no explanations. After reading the description of the necroworld, I came to the conclusion that the connection of glyphs with this dimension is not entirely correct - why should creatures from such a specific dimension generally give living (!) People symbols sharpened for victory, enrichment, pleasant emotions and protection from negativity. Someone saw a dark, almost demonic energy in this glyphic row, but my diagnostics show that the power of the glyphs is similar to the power that the Old Testament god Sabaoth once gave to Moses. In principle, if we nevertheless tie this glyphic row to Arachne, then the legs of this image grow from the image of the All-bearing and All-devouring Great White Mother - a goddess that existed at the dawn of mankind. Therefore, glyphs have such an interesting spectrum - the Great All-bearing Mother was unusually prolific and cruel to her own born children, she also gave primitive hunters victory over a strong beast and the opportunity to give birth to children for women of a primitive tribe.

According to legend, these glyphs were brought by Arachne from the realm of the dead, after Athena turned her into a spider.

What are arachne glyphs?
In specialized literature, one can often find mention of arachne glyphs. However, what it is, how to use it, and why these symbols are necessary for a knowledgeable person.

The peculiarity of glyphs
In fact, the arachne glyphs are runes. It is believed that these runes, correctly used by a person, can help him completely change and transform his own life. Moreover, such glyphs are also used by many successful people, which is how they explain their own wealth and various benefits.
In fact, the most important thing to consider when working with runes is faith in them. If a person does not believe in the positive impact of the runes, then he is unlikely to succeed, even if he does everything absolutely right. Here it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, as well as carefully monitor compliance with the correct application of runes. If at least one point is applied incorrectly, then it is unlikely that a person will be able to work with runes with confidence in the future.
By the way, many experts prove the positive impact of such symbols. For example, everyone who works in the field of magic tries to use runes at least occasionally, since they can bring not only material wealth, but also peace of mind. In total, 16 runes of this type are currently allocated. You can use them both separately and together with each other. However, their effectiveness does not change.

Types of runes and features of their use
Among the arachne glyphs, a few stand out in particular. First of all, this is a rune waving. It creates protection for any human activity, but to a greater extent affects his career and financial success. Most often, such runes are used when it is necessary to create an invisible cocoon for a person, protecting him from absolutely any misfortune and danger. In fact, this is the strongest sign of all, which is most often used. Before starting to work with him, it is necessary to investigate in detail the runic practice.
Laa is another glyph that is of great importance. Most often, this glyph means ambitiousness, a person’s striving forward, his activity. In fact, such a glyph is able to instill in a person self-confidence, a desire to conquer more and more peaks, and at the same time never give up, which is also very important.
Tarlef- a very specific glyph. Most often, it means a transitional period in a person's life. This means that now a person is entering the very stage in life when he can decide his future in one way or another. Experts call this glyph neither black nor white, that is, a transitional stage in a person’s life, during which the future will be decided direction of his work.
Of course, many experts also know the glyph Dihal, which characterizes the renewal and purification in a person's life, some changes. Perhaps events will occur that will help change a person’s life, make it better and brighter. In this case, it is worth taking this glyph extremely positively.
There are also negative glyphs. The strongest of them - belle. This sign symbolizes paralysis from the strength of the enemy, horror, fear and darkness. Perhaps in a person's life there is someone such that his influence is exclusively negative. Most likely, this person actively sucks the life energy out of the victim, driving him into trouble and apathy. This is a terrible symbol, because it is almost impossible to cope with it. In order for this glyph not to have an impact on a person’s life, it is necessary to think about finding the very subject from which all the troubles come.
Many people are at a loss as to how they might use glyphs. In fact, this symbol can significantly transform a person's life and change it for the better.
1) Waving- creates around the operator something like a protective cocoon, and leads him to the goal. Cuts off everything unnecessary on the way, shows those who interfere. If the goal is difficult to achieve, it will lead in a safe way. It helps to a greater extent career and financial success.
2) Iyuu- Life, health, physical renewal. Allows you to develop your body in the right way. Sharpens perception, sense organs, awakens natural abilities.
3) Kha- the influence of spirit on matter. It can be used to destroy psychological blocks, obstacles on the path of life. It will give strength to win in different tests. Battery with energy.
4) Webru- the key to the element of water. It will help to unravel difficult situations, hide your affairs. It will give eloquence, help to get out of the conflict, while maintaining neutrality. The body will give flexibility, improve the water balance in the body. Stability, stable position.
5) Fee- The split of ties, the unraveling of probabilities. Helps to reject the most unavoidable possibility. Removes protection, negativity. Move things off the ground.
6) Laa- works as an accelerator. Quickly transfer through unpleasant moments. Increase immunity in diseases. It gives activity, the desire to move forward, to conquer peaks.
7) Nudo- will give access to the necessary information, severely demolishing all barriers.
8) Reco- Attack, brute destruction. Breaks ideas, body, things. Can do massive damage. It can be directed to everything except the removal of the negative. Breaks defense very well.
9)Miss- will indicate all possible options, and situations that will come in handy. It will show the way to achieve the goal, and what you need to strive for.
10) IO- drive, circuit. The same magic circle, cuts off the influence from outside, will help to move away from the world. You can use it for yourself or for someone else. Suitable for creating traps or heavy defense.
11) Tarlef- point of transition, transformation. It will help to concentrate, as if stopping the subjective time. It will help to reach other levels of perception, develop intuition.
12) Dihal- update, cleanup, reboot. Removes depression, discouragement. Gentle restorative cleansing.
13) Vet- the key to the elements. By default, it leads to a balance of the elements in the body. With the right intention, it will strengthen some, weaken others.
14) Arett- Pulling the components together. Suitable for enrichment, accumulation potential.
15) Belle
- horror and paralysis. To induce nightmares, phobias, fears. Will give the rabbit a dislike for the right topic, man.
16) Hato- skill, subtlety. It will help develop talents, achieve an ideal in something, help develop in any activity.
Various sources contain indications that when applying necroglyphs, it is necessary to activate them by pronouncing the name of the rune and the spell: "In the name of Arachne! Rune (name of the rune), grant me / do (this and that)!
P.S. Since Arachne was a weaver and got glyphs in the necroworld, such an activation is not without meaning, since the appeal goes to her.

Rules for compiling rune scripts:
The rune script is built on the principle of a semantic combination of runes. At the same time, there are no mismatched runes in the Arachne rune set.
Example: a rune script is built according to the course of words in a key phrase. For example, we need to create a runic amulet to protect life (or health). The key phrase, based on the meaning of the runes, will sound like this - "protection of life." Accordingly, the script itself will look like: Mis - Iyu. In this case, the script Iyu - Mis, will have a different meaning: "Life of the shield" (life energy for the shield). Also, it should be noted that there is a script of the form:
Mis - Iyu - Mis (the energy of protection goes to the life of the subject, and the energy of life goes to recharge the shield).
When applying a rune script, you must cast the following spell to activate it: "In the name of Arachne, the runes [Names] bestow [indicate the function of the runic script in accordance with their meaning]."
The only thing that can be said about the magic of the Arachne runes is that an activation spell on a rune or a rune script is best done in a state of meditative concentration. The runes themselves can be applied in various ways, on the choice of which their action does not depend.

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