How do you know your potential or what you are capable of? What is your energy potential, how can you find out? Creativity test online.

It has long been known that a person is happy when he does what he loves and enjoys it. But for some reason today many people feel uncomfortable in their workplace. Is it because they chose the wrong direction of activity? Even in the last century, a great artist correctly noted: “The crow should not be like a cow, and the little frogs should not fly under a cloud!” But how to determine your purpose? Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Teacher-Researcher at TSPU Irina Yuryevna Sokolova talks about this.

It all starts at birth

“At one time, while working at a technical college, I helped many students decide on a professional path,” says Irina Yuryevna. - It seems like, you look, a person has a mathematical mind, and the intellect of a diplomat, so maybe he doesn’t need to become a machine operator, but manage people.

Every person has potential, it is important to discover and develop it in time. Each of us comes to earth already with inclinations, that is, with physiological characteristics and the type of nervous system.

Intelligence is formed in the process of education, training, as a response to the mind to overcome certain difficulties. By socializing, the child will either develop his natural talents or drive them into a corner.

The parents’ task at this stage is to observe what the child likes best: drawing, dancing, writing stories, singing, building multi-story buildings or collecting a herbarium.

The definition of left-handedness - right-handedness is of great importance. Since it is known that the left hemisphere, which is considered dominant in right-handed people, is responsible for logic, analysis, speech and mental activity, for storing and processing factual information, and mathematical abilities.

The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition, imaginative thinking, imagination, processing of non-verbal information, musicality, spatial orientation and emotions.

In children under 7 years of age, the cerebral hemispheres are in the formative stage, interhemispheric connections are actively developing, so left-handedness can be hidden. To recognize which hand is dominant, you need to go through the following tests.

Tests to determine left-handedness-right-handedness

Determine the dominant eye. The child is invited to look through a kaleidoscope or telescope (to which eye he brings it first (L, R).

Interlocking fingers: upper position of the thumb (L, R).

Cross your arms over your chest: “Napoleon pose”, which hand is on top – L, P.

Determination of the size of the thumb nail.

On which arm (L, R) is the venous system more developed?

Determine which hand is 1-2 mm longer.

Observe which leg starts the movement.

Which hand holds a pen, fork, spoon, brushes teeth, shoes.

Which hand combs your hair?

Which hand cuts the paper, unlocks the door.

More than half of the answers are P - right-handed, L - left-handed, if three or four questions revealed a left-handed reaction - hidden left-handedness. It is necessary to develop the child’s abilities based on the functions of the dominant hemisphere.

Personality types

I.P. Pavlov proposed a classification of personality types based on the characteristics of the nervous system. The scientist divided all people into three types, depending on the mechanism of work and interaction of the right or left hemisphere.

Artistic personality type (the functions of the right hemisphere are active) - a person perceives the world through images, does not analyze or attach importance to details.

Thinking type (the functions of the left hemisphere are active) - a person is prone to logical thinking, resorts to analysis, and calculates the situation.

The middle type is the most common, corresponds to balance between the left and right hemispheres, between logical thinking and artistic perception.

Research by psychophysiologists indicates that nature inherent in every person the potential of a “thinker” and “artist” - a creative personality, which is associated with the intravital properties of the nervous system, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres, on the basis of which various human abilities and types of talent develop. But, unfortunately, in modern schools, children develop more of the “thinker” type, leaving little attention to the artistic type. In this case, a very important potential of the individual remains unused, which is why the choice of a professional path suffers.

M.S. Kagan identified five potentials in the structure of each personality:

1) Epistemological. It is determined by the amount and content of information that a person has, based on knowledge about the natural and social world, and the ability to cognize it. The set of information depends on the natural mindset, education and practical experience of the individual.

2) Axiological potential of the individual. This is the system of values ​​(ideals, aspirations, goals, beliefs) that is acquired by a person in the process of socialization.

3) Creative. Abilities obtained from nature and independently used for certain actions, for creative or destructive, productive and reproductive work, as well as the degree of their implementation in a particular area.

4) Communication potential. It is characterized by the degree and form of its communication, the nature and strength of establishing contacts with other people. The essence of interpersonal communication is expressed in the paradigm of social roles.

5) Artistic potential of the individual. The level of artistic needs, the intensity of their use, the method of satisfaction.

In each person the three “I”s are combined in varying proportions.

An individual is a person as a biological being, living according to the program of nature, his tasks are: to protect himself, to survive.

Personality is a person as a being living in a certain society and pursuing goals set by society.

Individuality is a person who can live according to his own program, set his own goals, create, create.

A personality is determined not only by its character and temperament, but by the volume and quality of knowledge, a value system and the ability to communicate with the outside world. The highest task of any person is to develop individuality, based on the potential of the individual.

Temperament type

Also, already in elementary school, it is possible and necessary to identify the type of temperament of a child, comments the educational psychologist, which depends on the physiological processes of the brain and their relationship: excitation, inhibition.

Extroverts (choleric, sanguine) are impulsive individuals who tend to splash out their feelings; introverts (phlegmatic, melancholic) are reflective types, prone to internal experiences and withdrawn behavior.

Impulsivity-reflectivity are two sides of one of the methods of cognitive activity, knowledge of the characteristics of which is important for the teacher to take into account in the process of educational activities in relation to each student. Thus, it was found that, according to their individual characteristics, reflective students (“later maturing”) most often have an inert nervous system and perceive information visually well. Impulsive schoolchildren, as a rule, have a mobile nervous system, they perceive information better by ear; according to psychophysiologists, they are considered “early maturing.” When constructing educational and cognitive activities, it is very important to take into account the relationship between impulsiveness and reflectivity for the effective formation of intelligence and unlocking the child’s potential.

To determine impulsivity-reflectivity, you can take the following test.

Impulsiveness-Reflectivity Test

Methodology “Comparison of similar drawings”

The technique is used to diagnose the cognitive style of impulsiveness-reflectivity. This cognitive style, in accordance with the original assumption of J. Kagan, characterizes individual differences in the tendency to make decisions quickly or slowly. This stylistic property manifests itself most clearly in conditions of uncertainty, when it is necessary to make the right choice from a number of alternatives. Impulsive subjects tend to react quickly in a multiple choice situation, and hypotheses are put forward without analyzing all possible alternatives. Reflective subjects are characterized by a slow pace of reaction in such a situation, hypotheses are tested and refined many times, the decision is made on the basis of a thorough preliminary analysis of the signs of alternative objects.


The subject is presented with 2 training sheets, then 12 main sheets, on each of which there is an image of a familiar object (standard figure) on top, and at the bottom there are 8 almost identical images of the same object in two rows, among which only one is completely identical to the standard figure. The subject must find and indicate an image that is completely identical to the standard figure.

See sheets of drawings below.


“Now you will see one picture and several similar ones. You need to find in this picture exactly the same picture as the one above and show it. For initial training, you will be shown two demo cards. Further tasks will not be so simple. Find as quickly as possible a picture that is as similar as possible to this one above, and show it right away.”

Processing and interpretation

Picture numbers are counted from left to right, top to bottom.

demo-1 – 1; demo-2 – 5;

leaf – 4; steamboat – 7; flower – 1; lamp – 8; teddy bear – 4; cat – 1; cowboy – 8; glasses – 4; chicken – 5; airplane – 1; scissors – 5; dress – 5.

Indicators of impulsivity/reflectivity:

latent time of the first response (sum);
total number of errors.

Reflective individuals are above the median response time and below the median number of errors, while impulsive individuals are below the median response time and above the median number of errors.

On average, approximately 2/3 of the sample falls on reflective and impulsive subjects, 1/3 – on two special categories of subjects, called “fast/accurate” and “slow/inaccurate”.

People with an impulsive style quickly make hypotheses in a situation of alternative choice, but they make many wrong decisions. People with a reflective style, on the contrary, are characterized by a slower pace of decision-making; accordingly, they make few mistakes due to a thorough preliminary analysis of hypotheses.

Eight Types of Intelligence

As the child grows up, his intellect develops, continues Irina Yuryevna, and by the age of 10, the type of intelligence can be determined. H. Gardner identified eight types of intelligence; having learned which of them predominates in your child, you can gradually direct him to one or another professional area.

Linguistic intelligence - a person uses various language styles to convey information ( poet, writer, editor, journalist).

Musical intelligence - a person enjoys composing, listening and performing music ( musical performer, composer).

Logical-mathematical intelligence - a person knows how to explore, thinks in categories, finds relationships between structures through the manipulation of symbols, signs, is inclined to organize actions ( mathematician, scientist).

Spatial intelligence - a person is able to perceive objects through images, unfold a picture in the mind, create spatial compositions ( architect, engineer, surgeon).

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence - a person feels the need and is endowed with the ability to move, implements these skills in sports, performing arts, and manual labor ( dancer, athlete, mechanic).

Interpersonal intelligence - a person is able to notice and understand the needs and desires of other people, capture people’s moods, and anticipate their behavior ( political leader, educator, psychotherapist, diplomat).

Intrapersonal intelligence - a person knows how to manage his feelings, control them, skillfully using them in transmitting and processing information ( e.g. religious leader, philosopher, writer).

Naturalist intelligence is the ability to explore living nature and the connections between its components ( biologist, botanist, farmer, livestock breeder, veterinarian).

Choosing a path

Taking into account the opinion of I.P. Pavlov that a person is “a system that develops and self-develops, supports itself and even improves itself,” we can conclude that a person has the potential for self-regulation, self-development, self-education and self-actualization. Taking into account temperament, personality type and type of intelligence, one should not forget about the important principle of harmony of bodily, mental and spiritual nature, the psychologist summarizes.

Unrealized abilities during life can lead a person to illness. It is also important to use the principle of search activity; if, when choosing a profession or favorite activity, something no longer satisfies you, we are looking for something new. This is where the principles of self-actualization come into force - what you need and is important at the moment - and self-realization - the ability to put your plans into practice.

For professional self-determination, a psychologist must work with the child even at school age, but parents can notice many points and guide him in the right direction.

The age of professional self-determination is 17-20 years old, but even earlier you can not only understand, but feel what you want to do in life.

For an adult, the scheme for choosing a profession is the same; it is enough to remember what you liked to do as a child, what brought you pleasure and, based on your interests, choose a new one or change an old profession.

Yulia Savelyeva

Practice cards for the test:

Steps to realize your own potential

Every person, regardless of race, gender, or any other characteristic, has incredible potential to feel confident, happy, and achieve goals. This is not an easy task, but there are a number of specific steps that will allow you to realize your own potential.

Reflect on yourself

Determine your core life values. To reach your full potential, you need to know your core values ​​in life and live by them. These are the values ​​that shape your view of yourself, others and the world around you. Research confirms that your life will become more meaningful and you will experience a deeper sense of well-being when you live in alignment with your values. First ask yourself the following:

Imagine two people you admire. What exactly fascinates you? What can inspire you? Why? How might these things affect your life?

Think back to a time when you felt completely satisfied or achieved a goal. What was it? What gave you this feeling?

If you could change one thing about your environment, what would it be? Why?

If your house was on fire (with your family and pets safe), what three things would you try to save? Why?

Examine your thematic reactions. Once you've answered the questions above, examine your reactions and try to identify certain themes or patterns. For example, you may admire your mother's dedication and compassion, as well as your brother's work ethic. Perhaps you would save family photos, a wedding dress, and a keepsake. This would mean that one of your core values ​​is your relationship with your family.

These are your values, and they are not “more” or “less” important than other people’s values. Some people value competitiveness, while others value cooperation. There is nothing “wrong” with this.

Identify what is inconsistent with your values. If you feel like you can't reach your full potential, it may be because some aspects of your life are not aligned with your values. You may have been raised to be humble, unable to take pride in your accomplishments, but recognition is a key value for you. Your potential may not be fully realized if you do not recognize your own achievements and also do not receive recognition from others. Think about the aspects that don't align with your values, and then decide what you can change.

Imagine what it would be like to realize your potential. With an understanding of your core values ​​and the aspects of your life that require change, it's time to think about how you envision reaching your own potential. Is this self-development? Career achievements (and even job changes)? Do you want to devote yourself to a relationship? If you find aspects that do not align with your values, then start there.

For example, you value your family very much, but work takes up so much time and effort that you cannot spend the right amount of time with your family. In this case, unlocking your potential may mean finding a less demanding job so you can become the spouse/parent/friend you want to be.

You may be stuck in a mediocre job with no chance of promotion, but your value is ambition. In this case, unlocking your potential may mean changing your career in a direction that will become a new challenge and allow you to grow above yourself.

Visualize who you want to be. Discuss what unlocking your own potential means to you. Is this a way of life? Providing a certain level of income? Ability to play the violin? This is something different for each person. It is important to find your own niche. The final decision should involve an awareness of what is most important to you specifically.

To begin, imagine that you have the opportunity to make your greatest dreams and hopes come true. What would your future life look like? What would you do? Who were you with? How would you feel? Provide all the details. For example, imagine a person who opened his own bakery, imagine where it is located, how many employees there are, what others think about it, and how you feel when you work for yourself.

Explore the strengths and skills that put you in this position in the future. For example, if you own a bakery, then you must understand entrepreneurship, find a common language with people, be goal-oriented, love to work and know how to bake.

What skills and traits do you already possess? Which ones need to be developed? For example, you may be a great baker and willing to work hard, but have no idea how to start a small business.

Learn to develop the highlighted aspects. In this example, you can read reference books on doing business, communicate with other entrepreneurs and attend trainings.

It's normal to change your views after you understand yourself better. Think and ask yourself why you presented this particular version and how achievable it is in theory. If you lose sight of this, you may lose the chance to redefine your potential, as well as all the joy and meaning that comes with it.

Be patient and kind to yourself. Unlocking your potential takes time and effort. It's even more important to have compassion for yourself. Recognize your skills and strengths, as well as areas that need to be developed. Appreciate your daily efforts to reach your true potential.

Avoid the pitfalls of conventional thinking

Recognize and challenge generalizations. Generalization is the application of one person's experience to the whole world. This can prevent you from reaching your potential, you cease to be yourself: by generalizing, you will not be the one who makes mistakes, but simply a “loser”. Where do you get the motivation to reach your potential if you feel like a failure?

For example, you are trying to create a new technology, but so far nothing has worked out. You conducted 7 experiments and all of them failed. Using this example, you can come to a generalization and say: “I will never succeed, because I am a loser.”

In this case, it is better to think the following: “The experiment failed. Nothing, but now I know better what not to do, so I can find a new approach.” You are not a failure. You are a person who learns from your own mistakes and improves yourself.

Recognize mental filtering and combat it. This mental trap holds you back by blurring your attention. By turning on the filter in your mind, you concentrate only on the negative, without noticing the positive sides.

For example, you received a teacher's feedback on your essay, it will be 70% positive, but you can only focus on the three aspects that were criticized.

Learn to look at the situation from the outside. Try to list aspects of the case as objectively as possible. In this case, you can remind yourself: “Seven out of ten comments from the teacher were positive. I can fix the other three. The negative aspects cannot cancel out the positive aspects.”

Avoid all-or-nothing thinking. This approach often puts an end to achievements, since they are never perfect right away. By indulging in this way of thinking, you deprive yourself of the middle level, seeing only the ideal or failure.

For example, when wanting to learn to play the violin, with an all-or-nothing approach, a person will only accept complete perfection. You won't be able to celebrate your gradual progress in mastering the instrument by noticing only the mistakes you made.

Remind yourself that perfection is a high standard that no one meets. One negative moment or mistake does not cancel your successes. Apply this kind of generosity to yourself and others.

Don't indulge in catastrophism. Catastrophism is another mental trap that prevents you from realizing your potential. By indulging in such thoughts, you lose control over them; always expecting the worst to happen. All this frightens a person so much that it prevents him from having the vulnerability necessary for success.

For example, reaching your potential may require leaving an unhappy relationship. But you may fear that you will never love again, end up alone, be miserable for the rest of your days, and die surrounded by forty cats.

One way to combat catastrophism is to require confirmation of each such “problem” from yourself. Is it realistic that you won't find anyone? No. There are billions of people in the world, and you can find happiness with many of them. If you live alone, will you really die alone surrounded by cats? No. Many people live without a partner, but lead a full social life.

There is no need to consider yourself obligated to anyone. This mental trap convinces you to live up to the standards of others. This prevents you from reaching your potential because you are not doing what is right for you, but what is right for other people.

For example, you were told that you “must” have a child by a certain age. If you haven't given birth before this point, it may seem like you're a failure. Think: do you really want to have children, especially right now? Perhaps you are burdened by this feeling of imaginary “should”? When you live in accordance with your own values, such false “obligations” are not important to you.

When thinking about thoughts in which you have to do something, it is important to understand where they come from. If they are caused by fear or pressure from others, then they need to be fought. For example, if you think, “I don’t need to eat these cookies today because I need to lose weight,” then analyze: do you want to lose weight because the doctor said it would be good for you? Or are social boundaries putting pressure on you? In the first case, turn the thought into a positive goal: “Today I will not eat these cookies, because I am trying to improve my health.” In the second case, be kinder to yourself: “I will eat this cookie, because I love myself for who I am, and I am not going to adapt to other people’s standards.”

Have a clear idea of ​​your goals

Make a list of goals. Having imagined how you see yourself, it's time to figure out how to achieve it. You will greatly help yourself in tackling this enormous task if you break it down into a series of digestible, achievable, and specific goals. The trick is to set personal goals that are meaningful to you and can be broken down into a few manageable actions.

For example, you are planning to learn to play the violin; this is a global goal. Then you need to break it down into goals (doable actions) and tasks (specific small steps) that you will implement.

Thus, when learning to play the violin, the goal may be to learn vibrato based on the works of various composers through private lessons.

Then break the goal down into tasks. “Private lessons” may include finding a violin teacher, clarifying the cost of lessons, purchasing a violin, and other understandable actions.

Rank your goals by importance. Determine your most important goals. What do you want to accomplish first? What can you bring to life based on the available time, financial and other opportunities? Are there goals that need to be achieved before others? By focusing on one or two aspects, you won't be overwhelmed by the size of the task. If you feel discouraged, you will be tempted to give up on your goals because they will seem unattainable.

For example, if learning to play the violin means learning the technique of vibrato, all of Vivaldi’s works and how to tune the instrument, then you can consider tuning as a task of first importance, then positioning the vibrato, and then studying Vivaldi’s compositions.

In some cases, certain goals need to be achieved before others. Since Vivaldi's compositions are based on the use of vibrato, you will not be able to fully play the Italian's music unless you first master this technique.

When you get started, prioritize an easily achievable goal to give you an immediate sense of success and ability to cope with all tasks.

For example, start by tuning your violin first, as it is easier than learning to play Vivaldi's music and is also a skill required to play the instrument (your violin should always be in tune).

Create a list of avalanche targets. Once you've ordered your list by importance, choose the first two or three goals and create a list of daily tasks or goals that will help you gradually achieve other, larger goals. An example of such a goal would be practicing vibrato exercises followed by studying compositions by Vivaldi.

Do not take on multiple goals at once or goals that conflict with each other because they take a lot of time, otherwise your effectiveness may decrease.

Break such goals down into smaller tasks. A task is a specific task of a tangible scale that is feasible to achieve a goal. For example, a goal could be 15 minutes of daily vibrato practice, or practicing 10 bars of a Vivaldi composition for 30 minutes a day until you feel you have mastered the material and are ready to take on the next 10 bars.

Achieve your goals. Keep a written list of daily tasks and constantly cross off what you have already completed. Repeat until the goal is achieved, and then set a new one.

For example, after each practice of a composition, cross it off your daily task list. As you master the composition, add the following material to the list.

Improve your way of thinking

Get ready to grow above yourself. Convince yourself that you can work to improve your skills and abilities. Draw the right conclusions from criticism and mistakes. Don't assume that your skills are immutable. Having the right mindset will improve your performance and motivation across a range of situations.

Turn “failure” into an experiential experience. In the process of achieving your potential, you will undoubtedly encounter setbacks and also make mistakes. However, if you evaluate what you can learn from such mistakes for the future, they will not look like barriers to progress.

For example, if you intend to “become a writer” in order to reach your potential, then you need to recognize the many challenges that will need to be overcome. Don't beat yourself up over them. For example, if the novel you wrote was not accepted by the publishing house, then you should not consider this a confirmation of your failure and stop on the path to your goal. Many of the greatest authors of the 20th century repeatedly faced the same problem. Publishers rejected Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind 38 times. Frank Herbert's Dune was rejected 23 times, and JK Rowling's first book in the Harry Potter series was rejected 12 times. In the end, they were able to achieve success because they maintained the right mindset and continued to improve their work.

Realistic look. It is important to understand that you cannot realize your potential overnight. Be realistic. For example, to become the president of your country, you need to spend more than months or more than one year. You will probably have to start with a small position in a government agency, then become a deputy or other kind of politician, and then try to get support to stand for election. This doesn't mean you shouldn't set big goals; this means not forgetting about the realistic and achievable goals that make up the global goal.

By focusing on the smaller goals and objectives that make up your larger goal, you will stay motivated and energized. You will be able to cross small but important achievements off your list.

Think this way: if you decide that your potential is to conquer Everest, there is no need to go to the Himalayas now (this is the shortest recipe for failure). Get in shape, buy the necessary equipment, train hard to climb and find a guide before you see the first mountain in front of you.

Think positively. As you work towards your goal, try to be optimistic about success. Positive thinking inspires you to continue on your path.

Watch the way you think. When reflecting on your progress towards a goal, consider whether you are optimistic or pessimistic.

Having caught yourself thinking “there’s no way I can do this,” try to switch to positive and rational thinking like (if this is your true goal) “others could do it, so I can too” or “what the hell is it, but it will be fun! ”

Research shows that positive thinking has physical effects on the brain. It stimulates those parts associated with imagination, motivation, empathy and global thinking.

Look at others and get inspired. Look to those who (you think) have achieved their true potential or are the kind of person you would like to become; study their behavior and way of thinking, adopt important traits. The inspiration they provide should help you realize your potential.

If possible, ask them how they achieved everything. For example, if you dream of starting a small business, then talk to people in this field. Ask how they achieved success, what skills and character traits were required to achieve this.

Don't idealize your role models. This is especially true for people you have never met in your life. For example, celebrities and athletes. Their success may inspire you, but remember that you usually don't notice their mistakes and failures. Don't let them become so perfect in your mind that you start judging yourself for not measuring up.

Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. It's up to you whether you can reach your potential. Instead of looking for excuses, it is better to find ways to overcome obstacles on the way to your goal.

The way you interpret events in your own life is called locus of control. With an external locus of control, you shift responsibility for events to other people. For example, if you fail an exam, with an external locus of control, you will blame the teacher for the high complexity of the assignments. This way of thinking will prevent you from reaching your potential because you will not take responsibility for yourself.

An internal locus of control involves being responsible for what happens in your life. You cannot control the consequences of your actions, but the actions themselves are always in your hands. For example, failing an exam and admitting that you should have studied more instead of going out with friends taps into your internal locus of control. This way of thinking helps you move forward, because all decisions (wise and not so wise) are made solely by you.

Stay focused

Show character. Achieving goals is not easy. Stay passionate about your goals and keep working hard even when things don't work out. People with character are more likely to achieve success, because passion gives them strength and does not allow them to give in to fate!

If your passion wanes, remind yourself why reaching your full potential is so important and why you were so committed to your goal. Think about the positive consequences of unleashing your potential for others and for yourself.

Stay patient and motivated. It takes a person many hours to become an expert in a particular field; it may take even longer to reach your potential. Recent research has called the 10,000 hour rule into question, but no one would argue that you can't become a master without constant practice and hard work. Don't just think about the end goal, focus on daily and weekly successes.

To stay motivated, you can think of others like Henry Ford or Dr. Seuss, who struggled to succeed for a long time, but persevered and still succeeded.

Stay patient, reminding yourself that realizing your potential is a long process and it's not just the end goal that matters. If you notice that you are becoming impatient or losing your enthusiasm, take a break and rest. Taking a break can increase your efficiency, but continuing to work can reduce your productivity and cause you to burn out emotionally.

Fight fear. There is no need to be overly afraid of failure. “Failure” is a persistent failure to achieve success that defines you as a person. But this is not true. It is important to accept the idea that you are capable of learning from your mistakes. Success often comes after a series of attempts. Your twentieth or even hundredth attempt may be successful.

Consider the example of inventor Myshkin Ingavale, who tried to develop a technique to reduce maternal mortality rates in rural India. It took him 32 tries and 32 failures to achieve his goal, but today his breakthrough has halved the death rate.

Think about the most pessimistic outcome if you try but fail to achieve your goal? Surely things won't be so bad. Then what is there to be afraid of? In reality, people overestimate their likely reaction to possible failure; Don't forget this if you're worried that you'll try and not succeed.

Be proud of your achievements. You are trying to be better and you should be proud of it. In a difficult moment, you always need to pause and feel proud of the work done and all your achievements on the path to realizing your own potential; this way you will increase your chances of persevering and overcoming all difficulties on the path to success.

If you find it difficult to be proud of your own achievements, then try writing yourself a letter like you would write to a friend. Imagine that it was your friend who was doing what you were doing. You would be proud of him, right? They would encourage you to continue what you started and would praise you for your excellent work. So why not treat yourself the same way?

Get social support. By enhancing your sense of belonging and well-being, family, friends, and other social contacts can help you cope with the stress that comes with achieving a goal.

People are capable of being “infected” by emotions in the same way as by a cold. Surround yourself with positive people who are moving towards their own goals. Their dedication and positive attitude will definitely rub off on you.

Don't give up without a fight, but be flexible in changing your goals as you know yourself better.

Improve gradually and set achievable goals.

There is no need to cool down quickly. Perseverance, patience and awareness of the gradualness of success will reliably protect you from despondency. Remember, the best things in life take time.


There is no need to be too upset if you fail to achieve what you want. Instead, take a break and focus on other aspects of your life, including enjoying the present moment as much as possible.

0 - these are people in a large degree of drawdown, or in an energy minus. The main characteristic is the “sucking” of energy from others. When you come into contact with them, you usually lose your energy. Such negative energy negatively affects life and relationships with other people.

1 is weakened energy. For one reason or another. Often this is a consequence of the low energy of the silver thread. This energy potential is slightly below average. It is difficult for people with such energy to compete in society with other people, to achieve results, to make their opinion heard and taken into account.

2 is the average energy level for society. A normal healthy state of energy, without any special distortions, for a person who has not done much in any energy practices. Or he didn’t do them at all, but has good health and energy. This is a good base to start energy practice and move on to the next category.

3 are people with strong, leadership energy. Or they are already established leaders in society, highly productive specialists, businessmen. Or these are people who are already actively engaged in energy practices, and due to this they have received great advantages over others in society.
They have influence, they can do what others do not have the strength to do, they can achieve results where others fail. This state of energy already allows us to have a fairly good social level. However, here too there are often certain shortcomings in the energy sector.


4 is a special category of people, to which I include only energy practitioners, or people with “magical” energy from birth. These are people with an energetic configuration that allows them to influence ongoing events and be conductors of forces. Such people are usually already psychics by default. Here, energy deficiencies and “blank spots” are also often encountered, due to which such people cannot fully realize their potential.


Sometimes it’s worth thinking about how well your potential has been revealed, and what you should strive for.

This test will help you determine your maximum level. Have you reached your potential, or do you still have room to grow? Are there hidden abilities within you that you don't know about, or are you using everything you have?

Take the test and maybe it will tell you.

Below the test you can find 5 useful tips on how to develop your potential.

How to develop your potential

1. Try to understand what exactly your potential is.

Simply put, unlocking your potential means developing yourself to become the best version of yourself.

Try thinking about the following:

* What have you always wanted to do, achieve or achieve?

* Did you want to become a better person, for example kinder or more confident?

* Is there a desire to become stronger or lose weight?

2. Try to confidently move towards your goal.

First you need to clearly understand that the goal you have set for yourself is achievable. This could be a daily task or a longer-term goal. After that, get down to business.

In fact, the most difficult part is getting started. Once you overcome it, you will begin to move confidently towards your goal.

3. The main thing is to take small but confident steps.

You've set a goal and it's time to start moving. However, when starting, you may have to stop more than once and think about everything again, because sometimes the path to the goal may be more difficult than you initially thought.

Try to approach the matter in a way that makes you feel comfortable.

4. Accept the idea that failure and defeat are part of life.

While developing yourself and striving for your goals, there will definitely be failures. It's actually another way to figure out what really works and what doesn't. Failures help a person understand his true strength, and also help him realize mistakes and find ways out of different situations.

Every person born on this earth has his own specific potential. How do you know what your potential is? By what criteria is it determined? Am I capable of achieving success with what I potentially have? We will try to briefly answer these questions, although an entire dissertation could be devoted to this. And I immediately became interested in what the word potential means and I plunged into the research process...
So, potential is the totality of all available opportunities and resources in any area or sphere. This definition refers to human potential (there are also definitions for physics and biology). A synonym for the word potential is opportunity.
The etymology of this word is: “Derived from French. potentiel “might be”, borrowed in the 19th century and having its source in Lat. potential "strength, power". And again: “Derived from noun. potential, from lat. potentialis “powerful”, further from potentia “strength, power”, further from pot;ns “mighty”, part. praes. act. from posse “to be able, to be able” from adj. potis “mighty, capable” + esse “to be”.
Already, based on the definition, it is clear that we are talking about some kind of force, power hidden within us, but which can be realized. How can we determine what is hidden in us?
If you have children, then you probably remember how, when a child is born, a doctor comes to your home and at the first examination asks a lot of questions (Who are your parents, grandparents? What were you sick with? Etc.).
For what? She creates a family tree to see the child's health potential and thus determine the milestones for the child's future development. Some features of its potential.
As we grow older, certain qualities and properties may stand out to us. And most often, these characteristics of ours will subsequently influence our further development of personality (where to go to study, choice of profession, etc.).
It turns out that human potential has certain specifics:
Systematicity: human potential has systemic properties and cannot be reduced to a simple sum of a list of people’s qualities.
External conditioning: for the formation and realization of human potential, conditions and factors “external” to it, the nature of the environment of its existence, as a rule, are of decisive importance.
Opacity: human potential is characterized by hidden properties that can become apparent when certain conditions change.
Strategicality: the properties of human potential determine the possibilities of human development both in the near future and in the more distant future.
Based on this research, we see that certain conditions are necessary to realize potential. But in order to realize it, we must first find out what is inherent in us?
So, take a piece of paper and analyze your life. To do this you need to answer certain questions:
What family was I born into? (who are the parents, their special qualities, professions, what they have achieved, etc.)
What is my social status (peasant, worker, boss, intellectual, single mother, mother of many children, disabled, pensioner, etc.)
What talents and abilities do I have?
What is my character?
Is learning easy for me?
Am I ready to change quickly?
Can I manage my time correctly? (diary, goals, priorities)
Can I manage my finances correctly? (maintain a budget, invest)
Do I have leadership abilities? (organizer, leader or follower)
What is the opinion of others about me? (characteristic, attitude)
By answering all these questions, you can see what you roughly have. But in order to see and reveal to you the full potential placed in you by the Creator, you need to turn to God the Creator and He will help you see and realize what you were created for on this earth.

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When meeting new people, building romantic, friendly or professional relationships, there is often a need to find out the characteristics of a person, his personal qualities, abilities, talents, i.e. its potential. And this is in no way connected with the desire to receive something from this person, to derive some benefit from interaction with him. Knowing a person’s potential helps to adapt to his individual characteristics, choose a certain strategy of behavior, determine the tasks that he is capable or unable to perform, predict possible prospects for relationships with him, and in some cases even understand whether he can be relied on and whether it is worth having with him. is their business, or this person cannot be trusted and it is better to stay away from him. In any case, the ability to determine a person’s potential helps people in different areas of life. And if we look at this issue more globally, many companies and organizations are willing to spend a lot of money to get a universal formula for assessing human potential. However, such a formula has not yet been found. There are, of course, certain algorithms and tests that allow you to do this, but there is no single method that gives a 100% result.

But we will not engage in either the invention of this algorithm, or the compilation or description of various methods, but will consider the presented issue from the position of an ordinary person, i.e. Let’s just give some fairly simple recommendations with which you can roughly assess a person’s potential. And these recommendations apply to absolutely any aspect of life, so you can safely take them into account.


Scientists studying the instinctive and genetically determined behavior of people have proven that the skills that parents had before conceiving a child are transmitted to him at the genetic level. One of the main principles for determining the potential of a person’s personality is to study his parents (or at least get to know them). For example, if one of the parents made a huge amount of effort to master any skill, then the child will most likely easily “get used to” the new field, because The skills acquired by the parent are transferred to the child and he no longer experiences difficulties in this area, because adapted to them in advance.

The other side of the same issue is genetic predisposition to something. In a child, it can be congenital - transmitted from parents in genes. If, for example, we take one of the most negative human pathologies - alcoholism, then a child, even if he has a number of positive qualities or talent for something, may have a predisposition to alcohol abuse if one of the parents was an alcoholic. But this is also the case with positive predispositions: if, for example, the child’s mother was a professional vocalist, then the child will also have a subconscious desire to sing and a predisposition to do so.

These are all just examples. But you can navigate by them. Look at the person’s parents, if possible, get to know them, talk to them - this way you can at least roughly determine, as they say, his “breed.”

Ability to concentrate

Among other human abilities, the ability to... is of great importance. Why? The answer is quite simple. For example, if the question concerns professional activity, then the ability to concentrate allows a person to focus all his attention on a certain process or solving certain problems. If the question concerns everyday life and relationships, then this same ability indicates a person’s high energy potential, as well as the fact that he is able to withstand high loads, his resistance to stress, which is very important in the modern pace and rhythm of life. And, as a result, all this, although not a 100% guarantee, significantly increases the chances that this particular person will achieve high results and success in life.

Communication skills and influence on others

To be able to determine the potential of a person’s personality, you need to take a closer look at how sociable he is, how he finds a common language with people, whether he knows how to competently express his thoughts and influence others. But here it is important to keep in mind that communication in no case should have a negative connotation, i.e. be conflicting. Even if a person is talented and interesting, but is overly prone to creating conflict situations, this suggests that interaction with him can be complicated by even minor disagreements.

The higher a person’s ability to find compromises, avoid “sharp corners” and negotiate, the greater the likelihood that he will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation without creating problems and the higher his potential in general. As a rule, non-conflict (but not “soft”) people are much more likely to lead a harmonious life and achieve high results in life than those who are used to deciding everything with their “fists.” In addition, this also speaks about the direction of thinking: whether it is negative or positive. It's no secret that it is much easier, more pleasant and interesting to communicate with positively minded people than with their opposites.

Optimism and luck

A person's mood is directly related to his luck. And in addition to other factors that need to be taken into account when assessing a person’s potential, you need to keep this one in mind. Many people, even those acting according to a clear pattern and following a plan, suffer. They may pretend that everything is fine, but if they are subconsciously set up for failure or are used to thinking pessimistically, then luck is rarely on their side. This, of course, is not some kind of rule or truth in the highest authority, but if you pay attention to people in general, you can easily notice that it is optimists who achieve the highest results in life - their optimism contributes to the fact that luck smiles on them much more often .

When communicating with a person, pay attention to his mood. It is easier to work and build relationships of any kind with an optimistic person. With a pessimistic person, on the contrary, it will be more difficult. And in order to more accurately determine this, you just need to see what he himself is looking for in various life situations: positive or negative moments? Any situation is always neutral and our attitude towards it is more important. And the attitude towards situations is the attitude towards life in general.

Habits, interests, hobbies

What does a person like? What does he like? What do you do in your free time? What motivates him? Look at these factors from a critical point of view - it will immediately tell you a lot. If a person likes to idle around, at any free minute, and occupy his time with a bunch of useless activities, this indicates a low level of his potential in general. If he is constantly busy with something significant, doing physical exercises or spiritual practices, planning new projects, striving for and trying not to waste time on nonsense, then the general indicator of his potential is at a very high level.

You can easily find out about all this by how a person behaves in his everyday life, what his beliefs are, what he talks about, what he thinks about. People are quite rarely capable of radical personal transformations and in most cases remain the same as they were before. Therefore, if you want to assess a person’s potential, try to see the person’s lifestyle: ask leading questions, observe, if possible. Remember: the more a person strives for self-development, professional, personal and spiritual growth, the higher his potential.

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