Leukocytes in the blood are normal. What are leukocytes? What do leukocytes show in urine and blood? Changes in blood eosinophil levels

The species composition and functions of leukocytes are diverse. The reaction to events occurring in the body is instantaneous. In most cases, leukocytosis is considered a protective reaction, but there are other reasons for the increase in the number of white blood cells.

The population of leukocytes (Le) is quite organized, it even seems that they almost have intelligence, since they know everything: what is happening and where, they unmistakably go to the lesions, recognize “theirs” and “theirs”, kill unwanted “guests”, which are often infectious agents. They respond to problems in the body by increasing activity and increasing content in the peripheral blood. Leukocytosis is the name of this process.

There is a strict hierarchy in their population: who is destined to command and who is destined to execute flawlessly. Precisely impeccable, because otherwise the complex structure of interactions will be disrupted and then the body will not cope. That is why, as soon as a person enters the hospital, the first thing they do is take the “two”, that is, leukocytes, since leukocytosis is an important diagnostic sign of many diseases.

Causes of leukocytosis

In order not to be frightened and to correctly assess the situation when the test is taken and a clear increase in white blood cells is observed, you need to know causes of leukocytosis, which can be very diverse:

  • Any acute infectious process, even ARVI, even influenza, even, God forbid, plague or cholera will give leukocytosis, since leukocytes, being immunocompetent cells, will definitely react;
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases localized in any organ also give rise to leukocytosis, although not as pronounced, since the body seems to get used to it and does not fight so actively;
  • Due to the fact that white blood cells rush to places where there is a problem, damaged tissue for injuries leukocytes will definitely “call” for help;
  • Leukocytosis will manifest itself and food taken, therefore it is not recommended to take it before taking the test. Digestive (food leukocytosis) occurs when leukocytes enter the circulation from the blood depot and accumulate in the submucosal layer of the intestine after a heavy meal (protective function). This is a physiological process, however, it will make a person nervous, and it can also mislead the doctor;
  • With obvious manifestations allergies It is better not to take the test - leukocytes will definitely be elevated, the same applies to people with autoimmune diseases, because the body is in constant struggle;
  • An increased level of white blood cells can be observed during severe pain and emotional stress, because white blood cells will not remain indifferent to pain, severe physical And psycho-emotional stress;
  • Leukocytes can “sense something foreign” when entering the body of some medicinal substances in and, “deciding” that they need to fight, begin to multiply intensively;
  • Leukocytosis in children is caused more often than in adults; the reasons for its occurrence are all of the above factors, but, in addition, one must take into account that the child’s body reacts faster and more often to any influences. Children love active games, run around a lot, and if they take a test immediately after physical activity, leukocytosis is guaranteed. Elevated levels of white blood cells perform a metabolic function in newborns, so a high level is also not a warning sign;
  • A physiological process such as pregnancy, also leads to leukocytosis, since the woman’s body begins to prepare to protect itself and the child long before childbirth, so an increased level of white blood cells during pregnancy is a completely natural phenomenon. Leukocytosis in pregnant women usually prevents infection from entering the woman’s body during childbirth and stimulates the contractile function of the uterus;
  • The leukocyte formula of a man is more stable if he is not into gluttony, does not engage in strength sports and does not particularly work hard on heavy muscular work, since in them these factors under physiological conditions constitute the main causes of leukocytosis. What does it have to do with myogenic, causing an increase in white cells by 3-5 times, leukocytosis can be both redistributive and true due to increased leukopoiesis;
  • Disturbance of leukopoiesis in the bone marrow, not associated with physiological effects, is the worst reason for an increase in the number of white cells, because then we will no longer be talking about the body’s reaction, but about a specific disease.

In connection with the above, there are types of leukocytosis, which formed the basis for its classification.

Classification and characteristics of white blood cells

Approximately half a century ago, the lower limit of normal leukocytes fluctuated between 5.5-6.0 G/l; currently this level has dropped to 4.0 G/l, or even less. This is due to widespread urbanization, increased radioactive background, and the use of a large number of medications, sometimes unjustified. However, leukocytosis has not disappeared anywhere and, under certain circumstances, makes itself felt as a symptom of some disease, since it is not an independent nosological unit.

The following types of leukocytosis are distinguished:

  1. Physiological ( redistributive or, as they used to call it, relative), caused by the redistribution of an increased number of white blood cells between the vessels of various organs;
  2. Pathological (reactive or absolute), associated with a violation of leukopoiesis in the pathology of the hematopoietic organs or arising as a response of the body to infectious, purulent-inflammatory, septic and allergic processes.

The classification of leukocytes and leukocytosis is based on the types of white blood cells, their functions and behavior. White blood cells, depending on the presence or absence of specific granules in the cytoplasm, are divided into two rows: granulocytic And agranulocytic.

What kind of cells are these - leukocytes? Why do they behave this way and why do they care? What do the terms " neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocytosis” that doctors often mention? Why is leukocytosis dangerous or is it not dangerous at all?

And you can understand this if you know the basic properties of leukocytes.

Basic properties of leukocytes, their tasks and functions

The size of leukocytes, depending on the type, ranges from 7.5 to 20 microns; they contain many enzymes (peptidases, lipases, diastases, proteases), which in a quiet state are isolated (in lysosomes) and are called lysosomal enzymes. Leukocytes perform their functions outside the vessels, and they use the vascular bed only as a road. They are characterized by an amoeboid movement, with the help of which they penetrate the endothelium of the capillaries ( diapedesis) and are directed to the lesion ( positive chemotaxis). The reverse movement of leukocytes from the source of irritation is called negative chemotaxis.

If we talk about the norm of leukocytes, then the range of variation here is quite wide (4.0-9.0 G/l), moreover, blood taken from a finger contains information about only a sixth of white cells, because their main habitat is tissue. And in order to understand where is the norm and where is the pathology, of course, you need to know what the population of leukocytes is, what tasks it performs, what they are needed for and whether it is worth worrying at all if suddenly a large content of white cells is detected.

The lifespan of leukocytes depends on the type and ranges from several days to 20 years or more. Those leukocytes that have turned into “memory cells” are destined to live long, since even after a long period of time they are obliged to recognize the “foreign” that they met many years ago. Having “remembered” it, they must immediately “inform interested” species. They, in turn, must “give the command” to destroy the stranger.

The main tasks of white blood cells can be represented as follows:

  • Leukocytes take part in the formation of cellular and humoral immunity, which makes them protective function;
  • They enter the gastrointestinal tract, capture nutrients and transport them into the blood, which is especially important for newborns who, while breastfed, receive ready-made, unchanged maternal immunoglobulins along with milk, which can protect a small person from many infections. That is why a child under one year old is not afraid of, for example, the flu. Nature has thought of everything, giving leukocytes metabolic function;
  • Dissolve (lyse - lysis) damaged tissues and carry out histolytic task;
  • They destroy various bookmarks that are not needed at all, even in the embryonic period - morphogenetic function.

A detailed blood test involves counting not only the total number of leukocytes, but also the percentage of all types of white blood cells in the smear. By the way, the percentage ratio must be converted into absolute values ​​( leukocyte profile), then the information content of the analysis will increase significantly.

Granulocyte series

The progenitors of leukocytes (myeloblasts), belonging to the granulocytic series, originate in the bone marrow, where they pass through several stages and do not enter the bloodstream until the end of maturation. In the peripheral blood, under some pathological conditions (or purely by chance - 1 cell), metamyelocytes can be found. These are young (juvenile) cells, they are also the precursors of granulocytes. However, if for some reason young ones appear in the blood, and at the same time they can not only be seen, but counted in a smear, then it is possible to judge shift left(for leukemia, infectious and inflammatory diseases). An increase in the smear of old forms indicates shift formula to the right.

formation of blood cells from stem cells in the bone marrow

Cells of the granulocyte series are endowed with pronounced enzymatic and metabolic functions, therefore their characteristic neutrophilic, eosinophilic and basophilic granularity is closely related to the activity of the cell and for each type it strictly specific, i.e., cannot transform from one type to another.

Representatives of granulocytes

Uncontrolled malignant proliferation (reproduction) is called (not to be confused with leukocytosis). In this disease, leukocytes cease to perform their function, since they could not differentiate due to a failure in hematopoiesis. Thus, leukemia is dangerous not so much due to the increased growth in the number of white cells, but rather due to their lack of skills to perform their functions. Treatment of leukemia is a difficult task for hematologists, which, unfortunately, is not always solved successfully. It depends on the form of leukemia.

Many people believe that white blood cells exist to indicate the presence or absence of inflammation, but meanwhile, the scope of activity of white blood cells is very wide. If leukocytes (in particular, T cells) were not affected by HIV infection, we would probably be able to defeat AIDS.

Leukocytes are elevated in the blood during inflammatory infectious and autoimmune processes; the level of increase corresponds to the reactivity of the immune system, its ability to resist the invasion of infection into the body. Why leukocytes in the blood increase and why leukocytosis develops in inflammatory diseases is discussed in this article.

Leukocyte analysis

The level of leukocytes in the analysis is designated WBC - from the English. white blood cell or white blood cells. Cells in the selected sample are counted under a microscope. By comparing the result with the normal values ​​of leukocytes, the level of excess of the norm or the degree of their decrease in the blood plasma is determined.

To carry out the analysis, a venous or capillary sample taken on an empty stomach in the morning is examined. On the eve of the analysis, thermal procedures, sports, hypothermia, and overeating are not recommended.

Leukocytes - what are they?

Leukocytes are living cells of the immune system, produced in the bone marrow, maturing in the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. They are responsible for cellular immunity and the production of humoral immune defense factors.

Thanks to the increased content of leukocytes in the blood, the body protects itself from infection, foreign antigens, and gets rid of its own modified cells, which serves as protection against cancer.

There are 5 types of white cells in the human immune system:

  • granulocytes (granular);
    • neutrophils – segmented, band;
    • basophils;
    • eosinophils;
  • agranulocytes;
    • monocytes;
    • lymphocytes.

The proportional ratio of species varies depending on age, gender, and human health. This ratio is called the leukocyte formula and is also determined in a detailed general analysis.

One of the characteristics of the leukocyte formula is a cellular shift to the right or left, which means:

  • shift to the left - the appearance of young, immature forms;
  • shift to the right – the presence of “old”, mature forms of cells in the sample.
  • children:
    • first day – 9-30;
    • 5-7 days – 9 – 15;
    • 1 year – 5 – 12;
    • 6 years – 5 – 12;
    • 12 years – 4.5 – 10;
  • adults:
    • men – 4 – 9;
    • women – 4 – 9;
      • women during pregnancy - 8 - 12.

Exceeding the norm is called leukocytosis. This phenomenon may be of a natural physiological nature. An increase in content is observed after a hearty lunch, physical work, visiting a steam room, or taking a hot bath.

This type of increase is reversible; leukocytosis is able to independently return to the normal range of values. Pathological leukocytosis is caused by diseases, and this condition must be treated.

A decrease in the number of white cells in the body that does not reach the lower limit of normal is called leukopenia.

The degree of deviation from the norm reflects the severity of the disease and characterizes the patient’s condition.

Reasons for the increase

Such a high level of leukocytes is observed in the blood in 98-100% of cases with chronic leukemia, and up to 60% of cases with acute leukemia. Periods of sharp leukocytosis in leukemia are followed by a decrease in levels to 0.1* 10 9 /l.

A high level of leukocytes in the blood is observed during sepsis; the analysis values ​​can rise to 80*10 9 /l.

The cause of significant leukocytosis in the blood may be purulent peritonitis or abscess. An increase in leukocytes in the blood of an adult to 16-25, with accompanying symptoms of acute pain in the abdominal area, sometimes indicates an attack of appendicitis.

An increased level of leukocytes in the blood, exceeding 20, means that a complication of appendicitis is developing, increasing the risk of perforation of the wall of the cecum, and penetration of pus into the abdominal cavity. In elderly people with appendicitis, especially in the first days of inflammation, leukocytosis sometimes does not develop.

The causes of increased leukocytosis in the blood are:

  • respiratory diseases – bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • diseases of the ENT organs – otitis media, sinusitis;
  • meningitis;
  • bacterial infections – pyelonephritis, appendicitis, cholecystitis, cystitis;
  • arthritis;
  • helminthiases;
  • hepatitis;
  • rubella;
  • diarrhea, intestinal diseases;
  • injury;
  • blood loss;
  • renal failure.

Signs of leukocytosis

A common abnormality in adults with inflammatory diseases is leukocytosis, which means a condition in which there is an increase in white cells in the blood. The appearance of leukocytosis in the body is associated with the development of a condition that causes an increased number of leukocytes in the blood.

Leukocytosis appears in adults:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • unsatisfactory health;
  • decreased appetite, weight loss;
  • dizziness;
  • insomnia;
  • blurred vision;
  • sweating;
  • muscle pain.

In each case of leukocytosis, especially with significant deviations from the norm, it is necessary to look for the cause that caused this condition.

If leukocytes are elevated in the blood, it is imperative to do a detailed analysis, examine the content of red blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin, which will make it possible to get an accurate idea of ​​the nature of the inflammation.

Leukocytosis in women

During pregnancy, an increase in a woman's white blood cells to 10-12 is considered normal. But if a pregnant woman’s blood leukocytes are elevated to 15–20, this corresponds to exceeding the norm for an adult, and a high level means that there is a hidden source of infection in the body, which is the cause of leukocytosis.

A diagnosis cannot be made based on the analysis of leukocytes alone, but additional examinations must be carried out. Developing inflammation is indicated by an indicator such as an increased ESR, the meaning of which can be read in the article “ESR in the blood.”

White blood cells in a woman’s blood may be elevated to 10 with diffuse mastopathy, which increases the risk of cancer, which means that even such a small deviation from the norm should be a reason to consult a doctor. In this disease, breast cells are replaced by connective tissue, and the likelihood of degeneration of a benign fibroadenoma into a malignant tumor increases.

Why are leukocytes in a woman’s blood significantly elevated, what does this mean?

The cause of an increase in leukocytes in the blood of nursing women after childbirth may be mastitis. This disease is characterized by leukocytes elevated to 10-12 in the blood test, combined with deterioration in health and temperature, which means that a condition such as inflammation develops in the body.

A doctor should treat the developing inflammatory process, and if weakness or sweating appears, a woman should not waste time on self-medication, but should definitely visit a doctor.

An increased content of leukocytes is sometimes found in a woman’s blood due to acute inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis). If the disease is caused by chlamydia, then it can proceed secretly for a long time.

With high leukocytes in the blood and increased ESR, tuberculous adnexitis occurs, the cause of which is penetration through the lymph or hematogenous route of Koch's bacillus from a pulmonary tuberculosis focus.

Leukocyte counts in men

In an adult young man, an increase in leukocytes in the blood to 11 may be normal. With age, the level of leukocytes in plasma decreases, and in elderly men leukocytosis is sometimes not observed during infectious diseases.

Elevated leukocytes in adult men and women are observed during myocardial infarction; their level in the blood can exceed 11 and reach 14-15, and this means that there is an area of ​​necrosis in the tissues of the heart.

An inflammatory process develops in it, due to which myocardial tissue is destroyed, which results in significantly increased leukocytes in the blood test. If you examine the leukocyte formula in this condition, you can detect an increase in neutrophils.

Why can there be increased concentrations of leukocytes in the blood of an adult man? What does this mean?

Leukocytes in the blood of men are increased to 9-13 in acute cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, prostatitis, testicular inflammation, this means that inflammation is maintained in the body, many immune factors are produced that enhance the production of immune cells. The cause of a prolonged increase in leukocytes in the blood may be a stroke.

The reason why a man has elevated leukocytes in his blood and a high temperature may be an operation to remove prostate adenoma, especially if not many days have passed since the intervention. Such changes may be signs of inflammation, which sometimes appears after surgery due to wearing a catheter.

Leukocytosis in children

It should be taken into account that the norm in children is higher than in adults. And the younger the child, the higher the permissible leukocyte count.

Elevated leukocytes to 15 in a child’s blood with a cough, fever, or chest pain indicate the possibility of bacterial pneumonia, and the higher the ESR, the higher the risk. ESR values ​​in children with pneumonia can reach 30 mm/h.

What does it mean if a child’s blood count shows very high levels of leukocytes, why is this possible?

A large number of leukocytes in the blood, an increased ESR from the first days is observed not only with pneumonia, but also with croup and acute bronchitis. If, when pneumonia is suspected, there are a lot of leukocytes in the blood, but less than 10, then with a high probability this means that pneumonia is caused by mycoplasmas, Haemophilus influenzae.

Based on the analysis, it is possible to recognize the beginning of a tuberculosis process in a child, as evidenced by a moderately increased number of leukocytes in the blood and an increase in ESR. With this disease, leukocyte counts are not always elevated; sometimes there is even a decrease in the number of white cells in the blood. But more often the level of leukocytosis reaches 10 – 15 * 10 9 /l.


A decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood or leukopenia is observed in diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • brucellosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • malaria;
  • renal failure;
  • AIDS;
  • diabetes;
  • alcoholism;
  • Cushing's syndrome.

A reduced number of white cells in a child can mean general exhaustion of the body and loss of strength. A decrease in indicators in children with rubella, chickenpox, hepatitis, bone marrow dysfunction, and severe allergies is typical.

Leukopenia can be hereditary, but most often the decrease in levels is explained by a decrease in the production of white blood cells in the bone marrow.

The cause of leukopenia may be:

  • taking contraceptives, painkillers, some antibiotics, medications that lower blood sugar in diabetes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • AIDS;
  • chemotherapy;
  • viral hepatitis.

If the indicators deviate from the norm, the leukocyte formula is examined. Changing the percentage of different forms of leukocytes, as well as conducting additional biochemical blood tests, make it possible to create a more detailed picture of the patient’s health status.

Leukocytes in the blood play one of the main roles, so their rate should be taken into account when taking a general analysis. They are colorless and vary in size, ranging from 6 to 20 microns. Quite often they have different shapes - irregular or round.

Leukocytes have one rather important feature - they move freely in the form of a single-celled organism, without being guided by anything else. All of them perform similar functions among themselves, therefore they protect in the blood from pathogenic foreign substances, as well as from dead cells and antigens.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood of an adult

It is worth noting that there are approximately 1000 times fewer leukocytes compared to red blood cells. Thus, in an adult, leukocytes are in the following norms - from 4.0 to 9.0 per 10 to the ninth power. In children aged approximately 5-10 years, the number ranges from 5.0-11.0 to 10 to the ninth power. Children aged 1 to 5 years typically have a leukocyte count in the blood of 6.0-16.0 per 10 to the ninth power.

In the first days of life, a newborn has a general indicator of 9 to 30 per 10 to the ninth power, including 15 to 20 per 10 to the ninth power - the norm. All of the above indicators may vary slightly, especially for children, because during development the body can show itself differently. This also applies to the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Types of leukocytes in the blood

Today in medicine there are two types of leukocytes - granulocytes or granular. In turn, these two varieties have some other divisions and functional features. The second type of leukocytes includes the following - non-granular or agranulocytes. In medicine, they are divided by size into large and small, presence in the blood and urine. Based on this, we can say that each type of leukocyte, when it changes, indicates the existence of a particular disease in the body. In particular, we are talking about the presence of tumors, infections or colds in the body.

If there is the slightest increase to 15 - 20 or, conversely, a decrease to 5, then treatment measures must be taken. As a rule, in such situations, additional tests and observation are prescribed.

Exceeding the normal state in the circulatory system and in the urine is called leukocytosis in medicine. It can occur against the background of a certain pathology or during normal situations. For example, it could be poor nutrition. In this case, the level of leukocytes in the blood should be regularly monitored, especially if repeated tests show more than 14 - 20 or less than 5.

The occurrence of problems against the background of the disease is more complex, therefore it is subject to detailed observation and treatment accordingly. Here it is important to restore not only the level of leukocytes in the blood, but also to cure the disease that contributed to this as quickly as possible. It is also very important to take into account indicators in urine.

Types of leukocytosis in the blood

As already stated above, leukocytosis is a disease characterized by an excess of the norm of leukocytes - from 10 to 20, and in children up to 30. Since the state of leukocytes changes depending on food intake, the norm changes accordingly. Therefore, it is better to take blood and urine tests on an empty stomach.

There are physiological and pathological leukocytosis - white blood cells increase due to the presence of diseases. In this case, the deviations are different. Therefore, with a physiological increase, the following is observed:

  • 2-5 hours after eating 9-12;
  • after psycho-emotional stress – the increase reaches 14 or more;
  • after taking a cold or hot bath, an increase to 20 is observed;
  • after physical activity in the aisles 14 - 15;
  • after childbirth during breastfeeding - the indicator ranges from 12 to 16 or more;
  • especially before menstruation - from 10-14 to 20;
  • during pregnancy, especially recently from 11 to 16.

Based on such features, it is important to take tests several times to establish the appropriate norms and average value. If the first time the leukocytes showed from 11 to 16, then it is possible that the second time the blood test may show the level of leukocytes in the blood from 11 to 14 or even up to 20. It all depends on your previous actions, emotional state and other indicators. The same thing can happen in urine, even though the level there is not as sensitive compared to a blood test.

It is important to donate blood on an empty stomach, then the tests will be reliable and deviations several times will be insignificant.

Pathological leukocytosis

In this case, it is important to remember that there are some features of the analysis. If the indicators were exceeded, for example, from 11 to 15 or 16, then perhaps the following is observed in the body:

  • inflammatory process or the presence of chronic failure in aisles 12;
  • the condition after severe blood loss is observed at indicators from 11 to 14;
  • after heart attacks of the heart, lungs or kidneys from 11 to 15;
  • after burns, a change from 12 to 15 or 16 is possible;
  • during a purulent process, leukocytes range from 11 to 14, and in some cases from 12 to 16;
  • with meningitis, otitis, erysipelas or pneumonia, an increase is observed from 12 to 16.

The level of leukocytes in the blood can vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body, so the indicator 14 - 15 is not always high, and 5, in turn, is low. The same applies to urine analysis, and even more so if a person’s serious illness is noticeably progressing. Acute leukocytosis is considered to be between 15-16 and 100. In this case, urgent assistance to the patient and appropriate treatment is necessary.

Decreased leukocytes in the blood

Since leukocytes can not only be increased, but also decreased, which is also explained by some disturbances in the functioning of the body at a certain time. The level of white blood cells in the blood is considered low when readings from 5 to 9, all other white blood cells above are considered elevated.

If the blood test shows 5 or more, then this is normal and there is no need to worry. Significant violations are everything below 5. Such violations are most often observed in cancer, in the initial stages of development of leukemia, in anemia and lack of vitamin B12.

Today, a blood test is a mandatory and fairly accurate diagnostic method. Using laboratory research, based on information about the content of leukocytes, red blood cells, platelets and data on the level of hemoglobin, the general condition of the body is determined. The presence of significant deviations from the norm serves as a signal of possible pathologies and diseases.

Leukocytes are called white blood cells. These are the constituent elements of blood with an irregular round shape and a size of 6 to 20 microns. They play a leading role in protecting the body from intoxication.

The volume of white blood cells is the most significant indicator of how normally the human body functions. Based on their content, the doctor can make a preliminary assessment of the patient’s health status, taking into account age and gender.

Role and functions of leukocytes

It is characteristic of leukocytes that they can move freely and penetrate the walls of blood vessels. They perform the most important functions:

  • Absorb pathogenic microorganisms of a foreign nature.
  • Eliminate antigens and dead cells, removing them from the body.
  • They break down and bind harmful substances.
  • They produce antibodies.

These functions are performed thanks to enzymes contained in leukocytes.

White blood cells create protective barriers against the development of various ailments. When they clear the body of infection, a large number of them die.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood of men and women

In people who have reached the age of sixteen, age ceases to affect the content of leukocytes in the blood. This indicator is measured per liter.

The norm for men Its value is considered to be: from 4 to 9?10 9.

Most laboratories focus on this interval, regardless of gender. Although it also occurs more precise norm for men: (4,22–9,05)?10 9 .

During the day, the actual reading may vary, increasing in the late afternoon. However, if a person is healthy, then he does not go beyond the norm.

A woman’s body is naturally geared toward bearing and giving birth to children. Therefore, his defense mechanisms and ability to adapt are somewhat better developed than those of men.

Normal for women is the content of leukocytes ranging from four to 9?10 9. It may increase due to normal physiological processes:

  • Premenstrual period.
  • Finding yourself in an interesting position.
  • Postpartum consequences.

Pregnancy is a considerable burden on the body and requires the use of significant reserves and capabilities. The immune system begins to work in a more intense mode. As a result, the bone marrow and lymph nodes additionally produce some white blood cells. The leukocyte formula does not change.

During pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester, the number of leukocytes can approach 15?109. Their maximum quantity is concentrated in the uterus to protect the fetus.

Taking painkillers can contribute to the fact that the number of leukocytes is below normal. A woman takes such medications during menstruation or for headaches.

Antibiotics, tablets that help lower blood sugar, also cause a decrease in white blood cell levels. The use of hormonal contraceptive drugs can cause changes in the composition of the blood. Therefore, they should be taken with caution. And if a drug constantly has a negative effect on the level of leukocytes, then it should be abandoned and replaced with a safer one.

The norm of leukocytes in the blood of children

A newly born baby has a significantly higher level of white blood cells than adults. It should be no less than 10 and no more than 30×10 9 per liter.

Already in the first week of life, the norm drops to (9.0–15.0)?10 9 .

In children from six months to two years old, the lower limit of normal decreases to 6.6, and the upper limit rises to 17.2.

Both boundaries gradually decrease with age:

  • Up to 3 years: (5.50–16.50)?10 9
  • From 3 to 6 years: (5.0–14.50)?10 9
  • From 6 to 10 years: (4.50–14.0)?10 9
  • From 10 years to 16: (4.5–12.5)?10 9

Closer to fifteen years of age, the normal white blood cell count is in the range from 4.2 to 10.5, that is, approaching the level for adults.

A slight excess in the white blood cell count may reflect a mild or moderate illness. If a child has a cold, then the white blood cell count is (7.5–9)?109. When an infectious disease lasts for a long time, they work hard to absorb and digest harmful particles. While clearing the body of infection, white blood cells die and their number in the body decreases.

Preparing for blood collection for analysis

  • Time of day: morning, afternoon, evening.
  • Stomach full of food: time of last meal.
  • The state of the body in relation to the load: the person is overtired or has just woken up after a full night's rest.
  • Emotional state: the presence of stress, psychological overload, or, conversely, a calm and even state.
  • Staying in the sun for a long time.
  • Visit to the bathhouse, sauna.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Taking certain medications.

Before the analysis, you should not overheat or overcool the body, or engage in intense sports or physical activity. At least eight hours before it you need to give up spicy and fatty foods and not overeat. You should also consult your doctor about taking certain medications. Some of them may distort the analysis results.

Blood should be donated early in the morning on an empty stomach. It is under such conditions that the most correct data can be obtained.

Leukocytes: analysis decoding

The results of the analysis can record:

  • increased number of white blood cells (leukocytosis);
  • the level of leukocytes is below normal (leukopenia);
  • violation of the structure of the leukocyte formula.

Causes of leukocytosis can be:

  • bacterial and viral infection;
  • allergy;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant tumors;
  • the presence of severe injuries with tissue rupture;
  • heart attack

When leukocytosis it is necessary to further investigate which particular group of leukocytes led to their excess growth. Depending on this, there may be leukocytosis:

  • Neutrophilic – its presence most often indicates a bacterial infection and an inflammatory process that has been going on for quite a long time. In rare cases, neutrophilic leukocytosis accompanies malignant processes in the bone marrow.
  • Eosinophilic - it appears along with allergies, and can act as a reaction to some type of medication. It also indicates inflammatory processes occurring in the body.
  • Basophilic - just like eosinophilic leukocytosis, it accompanies individual intolerance, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen, and thyroid gland.
  • Lymphocytic - the number of leukocytes of the corresponding group increases when diseases such as measles, chickenpox, and rubella enter the body. Severe viral infections (hepatitis) and tuberculosis are also accompanied by a significant increase in the level of lymphocytes.
  • Monocytic is observed in those who are recovering from infectious diseases, as well as in patients who have long suffered from tuberculosis. Sometimes appears in cases of cancer.

A low white blood cell count is most often symptomatic. Leukopenia acts as a temporary hematological sign of multiple pathologies. Less commonly, it can be a manifestation of individual ailments, which are accompanied by a periodic or constant decrease in the number of leukocytes.

Leukopenia is caused by such causes:

  • Lack of substances that are necessary to create new white blood cells:
    • folic acid;
    • gland;
    • copper;
    • vitamins B1 and B12.

    This is the most common cause and causes a slight drop in white blood cell levels. If the situation does not return to normal, then to correct their content, it is first necessary to formulate a complete diet. When this is not enough, drug treatment is prescribed.

  • Disappearance of leukocytes in the blood. There are several reasons for this.

    First, there was a redistribution of leukocytes. They rushed to the tissues that were damaged by the infection and partially left the blood vessels. That is, leukocytes are produced and present in the body, but their number in the blood decreases.

    Secondly, white blood cells are destroyed when the body is affected by severe forms of influenza, hepatitis or has been intoxicated. Leukocytes die in the fight against toxins, and their number in the blood rapidly decreases.
    Malfunctions of the bone marrow. It is in it that the creation and maturation of all groups of leukocytes occurs.

  • Therefore, any pathology of the bone marrow leads to a decrease in their number. Failures can cause:
    • Poisoning with heavy metals, arsenic, benzene, toluene.
    • Chemotherapy necessary in the treatment of malignant diseases.
    • Radiation and radiation therapy.
    • Autoimmune damage – they lead to the destruction of one’s own cells, including those in the bone marrow, mature white blood cells located in the bloodstream.
    • Displacement of leukopoietic tissue, responsible for the production of new leukocytes, by tumor metastases.

A decrease in white blood cells leads to a decrease in the body's resistance. This means that even a mild cold can turn into huge problems. Therefore, you constantly need to keep the level of leukocytes in the blood under control and not be lazy to undergo preventive examinations, take all tests and, first of all, a general blood test.

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