Priest tarot card combination. V

Tarot cards have long been one of the best divination tools. With their help, you can predict the future, make important decisions and get answers to questions. Each card has its own meaning, depending on what position it is in and what other cards are nearby. One of the important and powerful symbols in the layout is the Hierophant tarot card. It symbolizes truth, which is known through faith. And it is also an image of patience and generosity. The priest teaches how to apply accumulated knowledge and experience, not only his own, but also that of others. There is dedication to the idea and communicating it to others. The Tarot Hierophant, whose meaning depends on the adjacent cards and position, can symbolize a spiritual teacher. You can turn to him for the right advice and help. This is the image of a sage who shares his knowledge and experience, both life and spiritual.

Tarot cards are used not only for fortune telling, but also for meditation, allowing you to know yourself and your purpose. The priest plays an important role in this matter.

One of the important and powerful symbols in the layout is the Hierophant tarot card

Basic meaning

The card is represented in the form of a man sitting on a throne. There is a crown on his head. He is dressed as a cleric, holding a scepter in his left hand, symbolizing faith. The image of this man and all the elements speak of religion. The right hand raised upward symbolizes blessing. Near his feet are also depicted priests who venerate him. Depending on the type of tarot, the man may be already old and have a beard, or in the form of a handsome young man.

The central meaning of the card is a respected representative of the religion. He decides what is best for everyone to do.

The person who sits on the throne has the image of a gentle and good-natured person. His power is represented in the form of imperious faith and unearthly kingship. He is not a master who orders, but helps to submit to a higher power. Outstretched hands speak of the sacrament of marriage and the union of two opposites. Flowers on the map symbolize what is happening, the reason for the development of situations and possible solutions to them.

The High Priest controls the observance of prohibitions and the implementation of commandments. Rules and meaning are the central meaning of the card. There is also a goal here to comprehend what is happening based on faith.

The fifth lasso teaches and educates, and the dark forces test what a person has learned. Temptation reveals weaknesses that need to be worked on.

Straight position

If the card is upright, it says the following:

  • showing kindness;
  • understanding;
  • conclusion of a marriage;
  • useful advice;
  • mercy and generosity;
  • religious orientation;
  • the ability to follow your own path, if you have faith in its correctness;
  • inspiration.

The Hierophant is interpreted in different ways. There are two directions in which the map can be interpreted. In the first case, it will mean the control of a professional and his teaching as a spiritual mentor. In the second meaning, we can talk about a person’s obedience and principles. If morality is observed, all desires will be fulfilled.

The 5th lasso speaks of spiritual maturity, wisdom and authority of the image. It can portend an understanding of the truth and the acquisition of new knowledge. The meaning may include mercy, good advice and the pursuit of new things.

Based on which cards are located nearby, dad can also mean marriage, true friendship, or a return to previous traditions. It is also a symbol of the transfer of experience and knowledge, as well as the application of someone else's, understanding and forbearance. It teaches you to be strong and trust. This is the image of a person who knows how to learn from his mistakes and benefit from them. In his life there is inspiration and an idea to which he is devoted. All actions have a positive result for people. This tarot lasso can also speak of the influence of a spiritual nature that the teacher turns out to have.

Inverted position

If a card is reversed, its meaning will be different. The high priest in this case will symbolize greed, a manifestation of weakness, and incorrect advice. This suggests that you need to take a closer look at people who can take advantage of your kindness. Boundless kindness and generosity can lead to exhaustion. This may be a sign that difficulties will arise in the relationship. The main interpretation also includes:

  • exhaustion;
  • bad advice;
  • excessive kindness;
  • enslavement;
  • lack of recognition;
  • loss of authority;
  • lack of traditions;
  • weakness.

The High Priest in an inverted position will symbolize greed, a manifestation of weakness

The High Priest in an inverted form can indicate that there is a different way of thinking and the use of unconventional methods of solving difficult situations, since traditional ones will not give a positive result. The card warns that there may be bad advice from another person, as well as lies and weakness.

The image also symbolizes shame, slander and dubious advice that can bring negative consequences. These may also be untrue facts that relate to the material side. Sometimes this is non-compliance and complete disregard for the rules of good behavior, lack of a correct outlook on life, excessive kindness to others who do not deserve it.

If we consider symbol in the aspect of family, it can mean excessive daydreaming and laziness. This may indicate that the upcoming marriage will not take place. The psychological level symbolizes an excess of kindness and generosity. In such conditions, kindness begins to irritate, and generosity becomes stupidity.

The image speaks of emotionality and vulnerability, lack of comfort and inconvenience. When the meaning is reversed, it is impossible to influence and change circumstances.

Value at a higher level

The high priest symbolizes a person who has the power to promote or destroy. A person must decide for himself whether he should bow to a person in order to achieve further advancement. It is worth taking a closer look at your actions; you are striving to increase power over people by solving their important issues.

Whatever the deity that is believed in, it does not often come down to earth to talk to humanity. In many religions there are personalities through whom the will of the deity is transmitted. The priest occupies a high position of authority if the religion is well organized.

The meaning of the card can also speak about various organizations that have a religious, educational or philosophical orientation. Each of them has power over the thinking of its participants. In such organizations there are authorities or one person who knows the truth, which must be obeyed or be expelled.

You need to decide what is most important to you, your own choice of road or the advice given by the tarot. At this level of development there is an opportunity to know the will of God. The decision made influences the further development of the spirit.

The Thoth Tarot is not the best card. The priest uses his power to enhance his personal influence on others. This card allows you to choose what is more important: the personal interests of the soul or submission to other people.

The Emperor is the personification of the male way of thinking. He should always be the first and keep everything under control. He has many responsibilities that cannot be avoided, since everything rests on him.

Importance in Career Aspect

The Thoth Tarot symbolizes important actions that are taken on the basis of faith in one’s cause. The mission and the important role of the work are clearly expressed. This card speaks of honesty, determination, honest actions, confidence in achieving plans, as well as the conviction that the matter is worthwhile. This could be career advancement. The image personifies the classical educational system, formal training. The transfer of your experience and knowledge, as well as the use of others, is visible.

The card in the upright position speaks of mutual understanding and good-natured relationships, as well as various acquaintances. There is a possibility that someone will help with business and give practical advice.

When inverted, the card can talk about specific events in which morale and morality will be tested, which did not allow taking part in various tricky matters. There is a risk of being deceived or betrayed.

The card in an upright position speaks of mutual understanding and good-natured relationships.

Meaning in relationships and love

In relationships, the card symbolizes community and social laws. There may be love or marriage vows involved. Based on which cards are located nearby, the priest can talk about a wedding, a strong marriage and true friendship. The interpretation may be to unite two people who strive for the same goal or faith. There is something more here than the usual manifestation of passion and sympathy. In some cases, the pope says that the right person will appear at the moment when the necessary spiritual stage has been reached, which will allow the relationship to develop in the right direction. There must be some kind of spiritual connection that creates a relationship between two people.

The fifth lasso symbolizes the choice of a partner who may not meet personal needs and compatibility. Here the emphasis is more on the idea of ​​a person.

In some situations, the priest may talk about the desire to re-educate his partner and instill in him certain qualities. Cards located nearby may indicate a tendency to save a neighbor from some kind of addiction, drunkenness, drug addiction, etc.

A symbol of moral values ​​and spiritual views, it can indicate good support.

A card that is in an upright position speaks of growing trust and mutual passion for each other. The predominance of the ideal becomes much stronger, and relationships become stronger, under the influence of morality and spiritual values. Regarding events, it may mean the goal of getting married.

If the card is reversed, the interpretation will speak of a fake relationship in which there is a lie. This portends a lack of trust and mutual understanding. The wedding ceremony may be disrupted. One of the partners may not be serious in their intentions, which will not lead to the creation of a family and strong relationships.

Combination with other cards

The Hierophant, when combined with other tarot cards, has different meanings. If the lunge card is next to the Jester, this indicates that there is some originality in actions and thinking.

The Priestess in combination with the Priest is one of the kindest signs. The images symbolize spiritual wisdom, which is supported by justice and benevolence towards the world around us. These are spiritual sages who guide you on the right path in life.

The Thoth Tarot, which appears with the Emperor, speaks of following the rules. If you adhere to the canons, your goals will be achieved. Self-discipline and principles are the basis for any growth, spiritual, material, career, etc.

The Priest in combination with other tarot cards has different meanings

The combination of the Priest and Lovers cards suggests that the choice will be based on the call of the heart. No influencing factors are taken into account here; the choice is based only on personal feelings. 5 tarot with the Devil, speaks of a conflict with a strong person. And there is also a risk of falling under its negative influence, which will lead to ignorance and lack of one’s own opinion. If the Tower is present in the reading, there is cause for concern. It promises a loss of trust, a possible crisis in both business and spiritual directions. A person can lose ground under his feet and find himself in a very difficult situation.

The meaning of the combination of the Priest with the Sun manifests itself in the form of an understanding of everything that happens. It speaks of a clear vision of the goal and how to achieve it. In the tarot, which shows the Pope with the World, it foretells the successful completion of affairs. During this period, no serious tests are predicted. If the two of wands falls out, we can talk about individuality. A person achieves excellence and stands out from the crowd.

The Five of Wands in combination with the Hierophant has a bad meaning. It foreshadows a quarrel with relatives, and the nearby Hermit promises unpleasant events. It symbolizes the betrayal of a partner. A love relationship after such a quarrel may end in separation.

If there is a seven in the layout, it indicates the presence of one’s own opinion and beliefs that are not based on general rules. This is the symbol of a lone wolf. The Three of Cups and the Priest is the opposite of the previous meaning. There is no opinion here. Many actions are performed based on public opinion.

The Six of Cups and Pentacles are considered a very good meaning in the love aspect. They indicate a happy marriage that will last a long time. There is complete mutual understanding between the partners. The Three of Pentacles speaks of team spirit. It symbolizes unity and mutual support. The Eight of Pentacles speaks of academic success. A person will receive new knowledge that will greatly help him in life.


Sun in Sagittarius: preacher, teacher, religious leader.

Straight position:

The HIGH PRIEST symbolizes the search for truth through revelation, the bridge between the Divine and the Human. The card means that you are bringing too much energy into the project, and it needs organization. This is a symbol of tolerance and condescension, the ability to learn and benefit from the experience of others. This is a person who is devoted to an idea and brings it to people.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: trust in God, excessive kindness and inappropriate generosity, impressionability, vulnerability, discomfort.

5. Priest (upright position)

General value:

A very sparse map. Does not promise money, sex, or everyday life. Map of contacts, relationships.

Means advice, good news. Can often talk about a friendly drinking session.


1. Work is not monetary: teaching, Sunday schools, church, etc. Doesn't mean any profit.

Good relationships within the team and with partners. Dating, non-business connections.

Getting information about work and advice. Passing an interview (but not an exam)

2. Good health does not mean, but a person is strong in spirit. Often found in pensioners (“iron old men”)

3. Friendship. Platonic love. Family (not in the sense of marriage, but parents, children and other close relatives). In combination with love cards - respect, spiritual connection between partners.

Relationships of goodwill, mercy, leniency.

Rarely can mean a church marriage (in combination with marriage cards)

4. A friendly, sociable, talkative person. Capable of creative pursuits. Writer, philosopher, artist, poet, esthete. Benevolent moralist. Can be religious to the point of hypocrisy. Likes to give advice. Can be a bore and a talker (will talk to anyone).

5. Focus on spiritual ideals. Talk, make contact. Think about friendships. Show kindness. Arrange a friendly meeting.

Go to church. (sends everyone to Nikolai the saint)

6. The answer is “yes” to spiritual questions, the answer is “no” to material questions.

5. Priest (reversed position)

General value:

A slide towards earthly ideals and aspirations.


1. Betrayal, double-dealing, and violation of obligations are possible. Cunning, hypocrisy towards you; hooking up. It doesn’t concern finances yet, but their turn will come.

False, incorrect advice, especially when looking for a job. Making decisions for a person (“they married me without me”). Intrigues in the team.

2. Neither this nor that. Most likely, health is normal, but the questioner is too worried (suspicious), which is the cause of the disorder.

3. Lie. Advice to stop talking and get down to business (not only in spiritual, but also in physical relationships). Please note that the partner is not an ideal image from the imagination, but a real living person)

4. Cunning, hypocrisy, desire to appear different from what one is. Envy, hidden ill will.

5. Warning: be careful in relationships, beware of lies, slander, gossip.

6. Confidentiality of information. Imprecise question. It is impossible to give an answer. There may be money received through unseemly means (not very clean)

General value:

The priest personifies the world of faith and deepest trust, based on the steadfastness of chosen values. In ancient times, he was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to any matter. This has a deep meaning, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves in particular serve as the basis for faith in life, in the future. In addition, this card symbolizes the path of ethics and virtue, that is, those moral principles that determine our life plans.


This card means that we are concerned about the meaning of all our activities as a whole, starting from the very subject of our activities and ending with issues of life support, success, reward and recognition. A priest is a search for deep meaning, a “super task”, a true calling. Along with this, the card can also indicate specific situations in which our moral character, our morality, are subjected to all sorts of tests, which until now have not allowed us to participate in any dark machinations.


The search for the meaning of life, a “strength test” of our spiritual principles and our value system. At the same time, the objective side of life is almost of no interest to us in this case. On the contrary, the Priest personifies our purely subjective experience, our own symbol of faith, which cannot be verified “objectively” in any way, and yet it does not lose any of its value for us. In addition, this card symbolizes a significant increase in our ability of moral judgment, the one that allows us to distinguish good from evil, as well as any deep experiences, including religious ones, that have a great influence on the rest of our lives

Personal relationships:

A period of ever-increasing growth of trust and attraction of partners to each other, when the ideal of a partner becomes more and more exalted, and the partnership itself changes for the better under the influence of the system of moral values ​​and personal virtues of each. At the event level, this card can mean the intention or desire to get married.

In a love relationship

Arcanum Papa appears to be the bearer of a certain hyperidea, which in relationships can manifest itself in the desire to choose a partner in accordance with some ideas, contrary to individual compatibility and personal needs. Sometimes it can mean common views and beliefs, and in the vicinity of complex cards, a desire to remake and re-educate your partner. If the Pope falls on opposite sides of the Prophet, the inverted Wheel of Fortune or the Jester in the Gebo layout, then it is worth thinking about, since there is a tendency to save a partner from drunkenness and gambling addiction or to take patronage over him as over a small child. Since the Pope symbolizes moral values ​​and spiritual views, if positioned well, it can indicate strong support from a partner. Having a bad position, he becomes a kind of moralizer, trying to reason about how an ideal partner should behave. In addition, the Pope and the Devil can manifest themselves in hypocrisy and manipulation in relation to each other, as well as to the outside world. If Pope and Abstinence drop out, there may be difficulties of a sexual nature in a relationship, since it will express the costs of upbringing, as well as the presence of internal prohibitions and taboos. However, in a favorable scenario, the Pope will indicate the good moral principles of the family, the presence of high values ​​in one of the partners, as well as the ability to work to improve relations. The Pope next to the World will express generosity and versatility of character. His presence next to the Beloved will indicate a desire to get married in church.

V. The Hierophant in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card, the marriage is under threat; unrooted views and principles; fermentation of the mind.

With the “Magician” card - unconditional faith in yourself and your abilities; abilities from God.

With the “High Priestess” card - obedience.

With the “Empress” card - the birth of a child in a marriage.

With the "Emperor" card - strict adherence to the rules.

With the “Lovers” card - personal beliefs.

With the Chariot card - an attempt to find God.

With the “Strength” card - submission to moral laws.

With the “Hermit” card - a search for your own value system.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - views that change everything around.

With the “Justice” card there is a moral code.

With the Hanged Man card - outdated views and ossified dogmas.

With the “Death” card - a thorough revision of views.

With the “Moderation” card - reconciliation with yourself and with God; rubbing into each other in marriage.

With the “Devil” card - the kiss of Judas.

With the “Tower” card - a scam; destruction of faith.

With the “Star” card - a rite of purification; confession.

With the Moon card - sectarianism.

With the Sun card - a happy marriage.

With the “Judgment” card - faith that gives strength; views that reconcile us with the past.

With the “World” card - creating a family; reconciliation with other people's views; broadening your horizons.


With the Ace of Wands card there is a flash of inspiration.

With the Two of Wands card - lack of agreement.

With the Three of Wands card - wisdom in action.

With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.

With the Five of Wands card - a quarrel with a parent.

With the Six of Wands card - the search for meaning.

With the Seven of Wands card - temptations.

With the Eight of Wands card - a marriage contract.

With the Nine of Wands card - jealousy.

With the Ten of Wands card - losing faith.

With the “Page of Wands” card - news from parents.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - a spiritual impulse.

With the card “Queen of Wands” - adoption of rank.

With the “King of Wands” card - a spiritual mentor.

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KEYWORDS: Ox, spiritual master, teacher, advisor, initiate, inner guide, spiritual father, supreme transformation.

This card rules the Ox. The throne of the initiate is a bull surrounded by two elephants, whose nature is the same as that of this bull. Four Cherubim - the guardians of the altar - are located in the four corners of the picture: bull, lion, eagle, man, representing different aspects of existence. The bull symbolizes the Earth, matter, the physical. Leo represents the element of Fire, the ability to intuition, willpower, dynamics. Man represents the element of Air (Aquarius), the mental-spiritual plane. The Eagle provides the highest transformation and is associated with the element of Water (Scorpio), the world of emotions.

The Hierophant combined all these elements in himself and brought them to full expression. He is the Awakened, the Fulfilled, the Enlightened. This is the true spiritual master who acts as a mediator between the human and the divine. He is spirit incarnate in flesh (Bull), or the last stage of human development in which the human unites with the divine.

The woman standing in front of him, holding a crescent moon and a sword, is Venus, the ruler of Taurus. She holds symbols of wisdom and emotion, as a sign that they are in balance. The Hierophant united the feminine and masculine in himself and fully developed each.

When masculine and feminine unite, the child Horus is born. He is naked, unprotected, vulnerable, full of openness and faith in Existence. It represents true wisdom expressed in the natural innocence of a child. Everyone who spends time in the presence of the Hierophant is affected by this quality. All defense mechanisms must be dropped in order to fully come into contact with his Being.

His head is surrounded by five white and pink petals, symbolizing love in its purest, most perfect form. This is the love that can see the other and give what is really needed at this moment. It may not always be what the other wants or desires. A true master does not fulfill the wishes of his disciples. Truth is a provocation that can shake us out of the heavy, sweet sleep of the unconscious. Only those who are free from selfish motivations can possess the truth, such as Jesus driving the money lenders out of the temple with a whip.

The snake of transformation at the top of the picture is touched by nine nails. They remind us of the crown of thorns, of the pain and suffering that accompanies any transformation. True transformation can only happen with an attitude of acceptance (Taurus), sensitivity (Dove), faith and surrender to divine love.

The dark background emphasizes the function of the Hierophant, who brings the light of Consciousness into the darkness of ignorance.

INSTRUCTIONS: The search for your “I” leads you to the spiritual worlds. This card may indicate a meeting with a spiritual teacher or master. Be open!

QUESTIONS: Is there any master of wisdom (past or present) that you feel drawn to?

OFFER: Get involved in the teachings of spiritual masters. Seek growth. Be honest, open and receptive in such groups. Listen to the directions of your heart.

STATEMENT: There is only one voice worth listening to - the voice of my own heart.

Uprightthe card means that a person needs to know how he uses his will, because everyone creates his life in accordance with his actions.
The card is a symbol of morality, intelligence: wisdom, it can mean an upcoming marriage, good deeds, strong friendship.
Reversed cardsymbolizes slander, shame, next to the Hanged Man card - betrayal in love. At the moment, the situation is beyond your control, so the best thing to do is to rely on fate and humbly wait to see what ending the development of events will lead you to.
Look for meaning in everything, and devote yourself only to meaningful work.
Trust life.
Don't be proud of what you have achieved, lest you become an aggressive fanatic who is always right.
Religion. Priest. Tradition. Law. Conscience. System of values. Mercy. Inspiration. Parent. Teacher. Guru. Idol. Unity. Family. Faith in God. Trust in life.
Field of activity:
Teacher. Mentor. Cult worker. Iconography. Healer. Missionary. Psychologist. Advisor.
Clergyman. Bookseller. Teacher at school or university. Helpline employee. Psychotherapist. Historian. Librarian. Archivist.
Heart. Infectious diseases.
Probability of the desired event:
Pray and everything will come true.

General value: The priest personifies the world of faith and deepest trust, based on the steadfastness of chosen values. In ancient times, he was considered one of the three guardian angels in the Tarot, providing a favorable outcome to any matter. This has a deep meaning, because trust in general and our trust in ourselves in particular serve as the basis for faith in life, in the future. In addition, this card symbolizes the path of ethics and virtue, that is, those moral principles that determine our life plans.

Job:This card means that we are concerned about the meaning of all our activities as a whole, starting from the very subject of our activities and ending with issues of life support, success, reward and recognition. A priest is a search for deep meaning, a “super task”, a true calling. Along with this, the card can also indicate specific situations in which our moral character, our morality, are subjected to all sorts of tests, which until now have not allowed us to participate in any dark machinations.

Consciousness: The search for the meaning of life, a “strength test” of our spiritual principles and our value system. At the same time, the objective side of life is almost of no interest to us in this case. On the contrary, the Priest personifies our purely subjective experience, our own symbol of faith, which cannot be verified “objectively” in any way, and yet it does not lose any of its value for us. In addition, this card symbolizes a significant increase in our ability of moral judgment, the one that allows us to distinguish good from evil, as well as any deep experiences, including religious ones, that have a great influence on the rest of our lives

Personal relationships: A period of ever-increasing growth of trust and attraction of partners to each other, when the ideal of a partner becomes more and more exalted, and the partnership itself changes for the better under the influence of the system of moral values ​​and personal virtues of each. At the event level, this card can mean the intention or desire to get married.

Arcana Priest in an inverted position. In an inverted position, the Priest lasso is a symbol of slander, dubious advice that brings evil to both you and others. These are also false facts, mainly related to material matters. Attempts to apply non-traditional approaches are now untimely. Don’t refuse to listen to both your inner voice and the advice of more experienced people. Maybe it's time to listen to them after all?

Quintessence: If the sum of the numbers of all cards is 5, then the High Priest is the Quintessence. In this case, the cards advise you to clearly understand the meaning of what you are doing and move forward with an open heart and honest thoughts. This message is often received in those scenarios, the advice of which can only be understood over time.

Hierophant + Jester (V+0)
Escape from responsibility.
You need to find knowledge that will free you from the chain of illusions.
The marriage is under threat.
Unrooted views and principles.
Fermentation of the mind.
Hierophant + Mage (V + I)
Unconditional belief in yourself and your abilities.
Possession of knowledge.
Keep calm, the time will come.
Hierophant + High Priestess (V + II)
Get support from a woman.
Analyze your past to enter the future.
Hierophant + Empress (V + III)
The birth of a child in a marital union.
Good trip.
A creative idea that will be successfully implemented.
Spiritual, religious principles.
Hierophant + Emperor (V + IV)
Strictly following the rules.
Hierophant + Lovers (V + VI)
Restlessness for no apparent reason.
Everything is going well, but soon you will have to make a responsible choice.
Double your caution
Church marriage, traditional marriage, wedding.
Family, loyalty, support.
An agreement based on moral obligations (on parole).
Partnership on parole.
Corporate standards.
The choice of authority, traditions, niche, place of study, teacher.
Personal beliefs.
Can work on two fronts.
Support from a nice influential person.
Waiting for a choice.
Excess can be harmful.
Hierophant + Chariot (V + VII)
Information related to job change.
Drive. Right way.
Academic career.
Authoritative solution, classic method, method.
Consider yourself an authority or refer to authorities.
Integrity, follow the principle.
Self-confidence, self-discipline.
Studying to become a manager.
Departure abroad.
An attempt to find the truth.
Health requires lifestyle changes.
Hierophant + Strength (V + VIII)
Submission to moral laws.
Everything is according to the rules.
Strong man. Patron.
Powerful external support from an older person.
Education by force, discipline.
The struggle of authorities or with authority, pressure from authorities.
Inner core, character, contradiction of morality and instinct, fanaticism.
Security, health.
Hierophant + Hermit (V + IX)
Search for your own value system.
Sage, old man, experienced person, elder of the family.
Wise advice, great experience.
Pay attention to spiritual life.
The teaching of the path, the spiritual search for oneself, the contradiction between personal experience and existing authorities.
The chosen method of action will lead to success.
Your deed will be fulfilled, but with a delay.
Delay in carrying out a just cause.
Adverse consequences due to your excessive demands on life - religiosity, internal morality.
Pass a medical examination.
Hierophant + Wheel (V + X)
Study and reflection will help you change the way you live your life.
Views that change everything around.
A profitable change of location.
Changes in work and relationships.
The money can be good.
Timely assistance in case of problems.
Inheritance, wealth.
Rich, authoritative person, fatalism.
Karma in the male line of the family.
Learn from other people's mistakes.
Studying to become a financier.
The need to work out dogmatics, principles, attitudes.
Hierophant + Justice (V + XI)
Moral code.
Studying to become a lawyer.
Belief in the law (the law is the same for everyone).
High position in jurisprudence.
Social authority, official, bureaucratic apparatus.
Right to property.
Drawing up a marriage contract.
Maintain your balance.
Punishment, condemnation, hypocrisy, moralizing.
Contradiction between personal and social principles.
You need to learn a lesson from the trials that befell you.
Hierophant + Hanged Man (V + XII)
Outdated views and ossified dogmas.
Hermit lifestyle.
Teaching about meditation, learn meditation.
The person withdraws into himself. Afraid of making a mistake.
Treason - real or apparent.
Lives in anticipation of a crash.
Sacrifice for ideals and beliefs.
Suppression by authority.
Victim in the team (scapegoat).
Subordinate, dependent state.
A revolution of faith and principles.
Illness of father, teacher.
Hierophant + Death (V + XIII)
A thorough revision of views.
Loss of authority (falling face down in the dirt).
Loss of place, position, family.
Loss of faith and principles.
Difficult changes. But they won't leave you in trouble.
Perhaps the death of the father.
Hierophant + Temperance (V + XIV)
Reconciliation with yourself.
Grinding together in marriage.
Fast execution.
Successful development.
Everything was in motion.
Nothing is in danger.
An additional boost of energy.
Getting to know a man soon.
Peacemaker, moralist, helper.
Harmonious principles, time-tested.
Inner wisdom is the true teacher.
Gentle education.
A combination of several teachings, principles, opinions.
Success through conversation or writing.
Hierophant + Devil (V + XV)
Kiss of Judas.
False teacher.
Trial. Temptation. Interference.
Satanism, idolatry.
There may be damage.
Criminal authority.
Tricky employer.
A married man has a mistress.
Cheating in an official marriage.
Negative image of a parent, family.
Despotism, dependence on family, team.
Taboos, prohibitions, dogmatism.
Hierophant + Tower (V + XVI)
Destruction of faith, traditions, norms of behavior.
Changing worldview.
The idea of ​​the situation collapsed.
A break up. Divorce.
Dismissal from work.
It takes time.
Hierophant + Star (V + XVII)
Important mission.
Spiritual responsibility.
A good mentor.
Discovery of abilities.
Creative intuition. Inspiration.
Great opportunities for self-realization.
New contacts with people.
Hope for patronage and mentoring.
The doctrine of the future (futurism).
Genetics; faith in a bright future.
Learn astrology, astronomy, divination.
Friendly family, team, club.
Corporate standards.
Hierophant + Moon (V + XVIII)
Changing philosophy.
Disappointment in one's own principles.
Undecided in his faith.
Erroneous beliefs, views, delusions.
Gentile, pagan morality.
Betrayal and betrayal.
Creative imagination.
Can be transmitted through the female line.
Consider your problem more broadly.
Study psychology, psychologist and his help.
Fear of father, authority.
Beware of excess.
Hierophant + Sun (V + XIX)
Happy marriage.
Perfect family.
A team that requires full dedication.
Great wealth.
An exceptional chance.
Complete control over the situation.
Classic authority.
Hierophant + Judgment (V + XX)
Faith that gives strength.
Views that reconcile us with the past.
Deep religiosity, inherited.
Ancestral karma.
Hereditary attitudes, continuation of the father’s work, family, succession.
Return to previous beliefs and memories.
A new step that you need to overcome.
Hierophant + World (V + XXI)
Creating a family.
Reconciliation with other people's views.
Expanding your horizons
Success, internal development.
Cosmopolitanism, religious tolerance, acceptance of other views.
Find your place in life, realization.
Religious trip, pilgrimage.
A traditional country with strong roots.

With the Ace of Wands card there is a flash of inspiration.
With the Two of Wands card - lack of agreement.
With the Three of Wands card - wisdom in action.
With the Four of Wands card - a wedding.
With the Five of Wands card - a quarrel with a parent.
With the Six of Wands card - the search for meaning.
With the Seven of Wands card - temptations.
With the Eight of Wands card - a marriage contract.
With the Nine of Wands card - jealousy.
With the Ten of Wands card - losing faith.
With the “Page of Wands” card - news from parents.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - a spiritual impulse.
With the card “Queen of Wands” - adoption of rank.
With the “King of Wands” card - a spiritual mentor.

V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

High Priest upright with the Major Arcana

Magician - Prostatitis
Mage (trans) - Anti-inspiration
Priestess - Official marriage / Good sign for the whole scenario
Priestess (trans) - Regression
Empress lane - Wrong position
Emperor - Dependence on a strong partner
Emperor (transl.) - Contempt of duty and responsibilities
Lovers - Happy Marriage
Lovers (trans) - Unattainable goals
Chariot - Patronage of the highest military ranks
Chariot (trans) - Difficulty in movement, breakdown
Justice - Objectivity, impartiality
Justice (trans) - Authoritarianism
The Hermit - The Discretion of the Action Leader
Hermit (trans) - Escape from reality, ostrich position
Wheel of Fortune - Lesson of Fate
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Inappropriate actions
Strength - Generosity of talent
Strength (trans) - Stubbornness, bitterness
The Hanged Man - The pursuit of the impossible, unattainable, unreal
Hanged Man (trans) - Atoning sacrifice. Fulfillment of the vow of celibacy
Death - Revision of beliefs, change of fate
Death (transl.) - A new start in life
Moderation - Time is the best judge, patience is the best teacher
Moderation (trans) - Unreasonable actions
The Devil is a bad example. Dangerous influence
Devil (trans) - Doom
Tower - The Overthrow of All That Is Holy
Tower (trans) - Collapse of ideals, illusions
Star - Lessons from the goddess Hera
Zvezda (trans) - Untapped opportunities
Moon - Achieving a goal without visible effort
Luna (trans) - Black Moon - Assyrian Devil Lilith
Sun - Realization of the highest in oneself
Sun (trans) - Sunspots of your life, eclipse
Judgment - Awakening from Hibernation
Court (trans) - The plan carried out
Peace - Break in a series of misfortunes
World (transl.) - Inertia of rest
Jester - The Right Choice
Jester (trans) - Atonement

High Priest upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Broken alliance (any)
2 of Wands (transl.) - Confession, revelation
2 Cups - Profitable partnership
2 Cups (trans.) - “Wild” passion
2 of Swords - Mutually beneficial marriage, connection
2 of Swords (trans.) - Slander, an attempt to discredit an honest person
2 of Pentacles - Spouses in the process of divorce
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Receiving a letter, love note

3 of Wands - Seizure of power
3 of Wands (trans) - Restoring relationships
3 of Cups - "Second Wind"
3 of Cups (trans) - Ending a heartfelt spat
3 of Swords - Groom's refusal to marry
3 of Swords (trans) - Misunderstood Action
3 of Pentacles - "Royal Gift"
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Discord over a trifle

4 of Wands - Meeting on a picnic, in nature
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Disappointment in a lover
4 of Cups (trans) - New wave of relationships
4 of Swords - Funeral of a senior partner
4 of Swords (transl.) - Successes in concerts
4 of Pentacles - Receiving an inheritance from father, brother
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Loneliness, doom

5 of Wands - Long-term courtship
5 of Wands (trans) - Painful discord, quarrel
5 of Cups - Happy News
5 of Cups (trans) - Infatuation with cousin
5 of Swords - Insult from an older and more influential person, partner
5 of Swords (trans) - Funeral, whom - the Arcanum following 5 M will show
5 of Pentacles - Civil marriage
5 of Pentacles (per) - Dissolute partner

6 of Wands - Meeting a rich man
6 of Wands (trans) - Fear of loss
6 of Cups - Meeting with a former boyfriend
6 of Cups (trans) - Restoring love relationships
6 of Swords - Successful journey (usually a business trip)
6 of Swords (trans.) - Publication of a “devastating” article
6 of Pentacles - A sober look at your partner
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Unprecedented greed

7 of Wands - Moving Forward
7 of Wands (trans) - Insecure admirer
7 of Cups - Game of Imagination
7 of Cups (per) - Big maneuvers. Some maneuvers
7 of Swords - Network of Love
7 of Swords (trans) - Need for legal advice
7 of Pentacles - Equality
7 of Pentacles (trans) - Possible deception on the part of a business partner

8 of Wands - Love at first sight
8 of Wands (trans) - Mental turmoil
8 of Cups - Leaving a lover, satiation
8 of Cups (trans) - Satisfied sensuality
8 of Swords - Alienation, dismissal without reason
8 of Swords (trans) - Transport accident (ground)
8 of Pentacles - Young “professional set”
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Greed. "Gobsek"

9 of Wands - Old Maid
9 of Wands (trans) - Disappointment in acquaintance
9 of Cups - Honor restored without bloodshed
9 of Cups (trans) - Holy Innocence
9 of Swords - Decisions made out of compassion. Coercion decision
9 of Swords (transl.) - Remorse, shame for one’s actions
9 of Pentacles - Secure Communication
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Refusal of close relationships, dishonest debtor

10 of Wands - Crime by office
10 of Wands (trans) - Difficulties with business, with superiors
10 of Cups - Virtue
10 of Cups (trans.) - Violence against the individual. Election campaign
10 of Swords - Passing a difficult exam, maturity exam
10 of Swords (per) - Advantageous position
10 Pntacles - Offspring - boys
10 of Pentacles (trans) - The illogical act of a young man

Ace of Wands - Slave dependence
Ace of Wands (transl.) - "Chains", "Shackles"
Ace of Cups - Wealth in marriage (spiritual as well)
Ace of Cups (trans) - Relationship costs in partnership
Ace of Swords - Receiving the Nobel Prize
Ace of Swords (trans) - Long-awaited pregnancy
Ace of Pentacles - Bliss
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - The invaluable virtues of a partner

King of Wands - Magnificent Consort (Gremin)
King of Wands (trans) - The amazingly patient boss
King of Cups - Business success / creative personality
King of Cups (trans.) - An odious partner, sometimes dishonest, a thief.
King of Swords - Great Man
King of Swords (transl.) - "Woe from Wit"
King of Pentacles - Success in commerce
King of Pentacles (trans.) - Forgery. Dishonesty

Queen of Wands - Beautiful Wife (Tatiana Larina)
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Secretary who “aims” to be the boss
Queen of Cups - The Ideal Wife
Queen of Cups (trans) - Vicious Woman
Queen of Swords - Loneliness in Marriage
Queen of Swords (trans) - Female Treason
Queen of Pentacles - Marriage of convenience to a rich woman
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Difficulties in marriage or partnership

Knight of Wands - Concealment of what was done
Knight of Wands (trans) - Real estate section. Privatization of housing
Knight of Cups - Test of your strength
Knight of Cups (trans) - Alphonse
Knight of Swords - Fierce Hatred
Knight of Swords (trans) - Extremely funny situation
Knight of Pentacles - Big Win
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Spending, losses, lack of vigilance

Page of Wands - The Beautiful is Far Away...)
Page of Wands (trans) - Last warning
Page of Cups - Victory at competitions, exhibitions
Page of Cups (trans) - Infatuation with an unworthy person
Page of Swords - Despair, failure of plans
Page of Swords (trans) - Errors in choosing a partner
Page of Pentacles - Rich admirer, son of a famous person
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Luck in gambling

High Priest Reversed with Major Arcana

Magician - Trick, false ideals
Mage (trans) - Black magician, sorcerer
Priestess - Bad sign
Priestess (trans) - Talents in the occult. Informal relationships, marriage on the side, divorced spouses
Empress - Plans Failure
Empress (trans) - Vocation. Awareness
Emperor - Generosity bordering on stupidity
Emperor (trans) - Realization. Addiction
Lovers - Vulnerability
Lovers (transl.) - Orpheus's Path to Hell. Asphodeli
Chariot - Intolerance for other people's shortcomings
The Chariot (transl.) - Pyrrhic victory - a victory won at too great a cost, in some sense equal to defeat
Justice is Pharisaism. Severe humiliation
Justice (trans) - Pointless fight
The Hermit - Wise Guidance. Mentoring
The Hermit (trans) - The Descent of Light
Wheel of Fortune - Shame
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Understanding your purpose
Strength - Mediocrity, Stealth
Strength (trans) - Despotism
The Hanged Man - A debunked hero, an idol. Cheating in love
The Hanged Man (trans) - Violent death
Death - Change of fate. Refusal of marital obligations. Fulfilling the vow of chastity
Death (trans.) - Inertia, stagnation. Resilience to change that cannot be avoided
Moderation - Destabilization, discrediting. Alcoholism in persistent form
Moderation (trans) - Wrong approach to life. Consumerism
Devil - Extraordinary power. Dependence on absolute power
The Devil (transl.) - Powerlessness before the fight
Tower - Aggravation of negatives. Success in photography
Tower (trans) - Oppression
Star - Punishment of the goddess Hera for unfaithful spouses
Zvezda (trans) - Pessimism
Luna - "The Labor of Sisyphus"
Moon (trans) - Sea voyage
Sun - Oblivion of the highest in oneself
The Sun (trans) - Nedorosl
Judgment - Spiritual Death
Court (trans) - Phoenix Bird. Rebirth from the Ashes
Peace - Fulfillment of what you want to the fullest
Peace (trans) - Defeat
Jester - Laziness, idleness, emptiness
Jester (transl.) - False bravado

The Hierophant card is the fifth arcana in the deck. Other names are Priest or High Priest. It symbolizes the constant search for truth, self-knowledge, signs of higher powers. Let's consider the meaning of the Hierophant Tarot in the classical sense. Let's share what the card means in a relationship reading and how it combines with other Tarot arcana.

Priest - Tarot meaning in a relationship reading

The 5th Arcana of the Tarot can have the following meaning in a relationship chart:

  • The personification of harmony in existing friendships and business relationships. The card speaks of a high degree of trust between people. They value existing connections and are determined to maintain them
  • In a reading of the relationship between a man and a woman, the card indicates that the couple is ready for marriage. Now is the best time to start a family
  • The Hierophant card indicates that a person is in search of an ideal partner with whom he will spend the rest of his life. He dreams of a happy and harmonious relationship, is completely ready for it and clearly knows who he wants to see next to him
  • If the Priest card in the layout is surrounded by arcana that have a negative meaning, this may indicate that your partner is not satisfied with the current relationship. He seeks to change and re-educate you, to adapt you to himself
  • If in a reading the 5th lasso falls along with the Wheel of Fortune, this is an unfavorable sign. Your partner is addicted to alcohol or gaming, so he needs to be constantly monitored

Sometimes the High Priest card indicates that your partner will constantly control you, condemn you for behavior that is immoral, from his point of view, and criticize you for qualities that do not correspond to his ideal

Combination with other cards

If the Hierophant card appears in combination with other arcana, the layout can have the following meanings:

  1. Jester - changes in personal life. Possible cancellation of marriage or severance of existing relationships
  2. Magician - you need to believe in yourself. You have a lot of talents - realize them in real life, not paying attention to the opinions of skeptics
  3. High Priestess - you are breaking some rules, which will bring problems in the future
  4. Empress - promises an unplanned pregnancy, but the child will ultimately bring happiness to the marriage
  5. Emperor - it's time to think with your own head, and not just follow generally accepted rules
  6. Lovers - you have your own value system, and social norms are not authoritative
  7. The Chariot - now is the right time to find the purpose and meaning of life
  8. Strength - represents blind obedience to certain rules
  9. Hermit - it’s time to “go into the shadows” and devote time to self-knowledge
  10. Wheel of Fortune - something will happen that will radically change your worldview
  11. Justice - your partner is a highly moral person, so you shouldn’t expect unseemly actions from him
  12. Hanged Man - speaks of conservatism, the inability to change views formed throughout life
  13. Death - you will have to change your principles and views
  14. Moderation - a bright streak will come in the relationship, you and your partner will become closer and begin to trust each other more
  15. Devil - promises unexpected betrayal from a loved one
  16. Tower - predicts an imminent separation or long separation from a loved one
  17. Star - you need to confess and start life from scratch
  18. The moon is a symbol of aggression caused by the unfair attitude of others
  19. Sun - family relationships will be filled with happiness and harmony
  20. Peace - in the future you will create a happy marriage

Watch the video about the meaning of the Hierophant card:

The meaning of the card in a health reading

In health readings, the Hierophant card will tell you about the following:

  • In the scenario of searching for weak points of the body, with which problems are possible in the future, the Hierophant indicates that joint diseases are likely. A person is also susceptible to infectious diseases that are transmitted by airborne droplets. Weak points of the body - kidneys, ears, throat
  • The card indicates that you have chosen the wrong type of physical activity for sports. The load is too much for you, so serious health problems are likely in the future. It’s worth reconsidering the nutrition system - it’s not suitable for you
  • If the High Priest appears in a health chart, this indicates that a person should try vegetarianism and yoga. You should choose calm sports and recreation.

To summarize: the Hierophant card is a sign. It indicates that at this moment in your life you have enormous potential and are capable of moving mountains. You are full of resources that need to be used for the benefit of other people. If you try to harm someone, there is a high risk of self-destruction and degradation.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ Yes-No layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Another name for the card is Hierophant. It means faith, learning, conformity to norms and traditions. The High Priest can symbolize the church. The card also speaks of a strong, highly spiritual person who has an understanding of ethical standards and morality. The arcan has nothing to do with the material or everyday side of life. The card tells the fortuneteller that he needs to act honestly, without deception, in order to avoid not only the deterioration of karma, but also the emergence of many problems.


There is no love in the couple's relationship. The union of two people is based on sympathy, mutual understanding, mutual respect, benefit or friendship. The card can also indicate a family, but not in the sense of husband and wife, but in the sense of immediate relatives. In some cases, the lasso foreshadows a civil marriage, but even in this case, the card does not indicate love between partners.


The card does not portend good health. However, the fortitude of the fortuneteller will not allow him to fall into despair and will help him solve all the relevant problems.


The card indicates that your work will not bring good income. Work activity may be related to teaching at school and so on. There will still be one positive aspect from such work - good relationships with colleagues.

link >>>

✚ For the future

The card draws attention to difficulties and your own deception, that is, you are not lying to others, but to yourself. In personal relationships, it can be a symbol of relationships for profit, and not for love. It will be difficult to do what you have planned or desired in your career, because this requires acquiring additional skills and knowledge. Fill your life with the love that is clearly missing. Open up to the world and start living the sincerity and truth that you have been hiding for so long. Difficult tests await you that you will have to pass.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

Such a card appears if the relationship between a man and a woman is in harmony in every sense, that is, they are interesting to each other both as lovers and as individuals.

Such a couple will make a very strong family, in which neither partner will belittle the other and try to dominate. Relationships between people are reliable and not devoid of passion.

Such passion should not be confused with wild mood swings and heated quarrels, after which an equally heated reconciliation occurs; this is a passion associated with the desire to be near and feel your partner.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

You are an honest and impartial person with moral principles in resolving disputes, whose life is closely connected with religion. The card suggests that now is the right time to acquire new skills; you have great potential; that vegetarianism and gentle sports and recreation are something you should try. Perhaps you will get a mentor/job in a large corporation. There are high spiritual parts in the relationship, marriage is possible.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

This lasso is also called the High Priest and represents compassion, life experience and knowledge. The Hierophant is a teacher and mentor, a wise person who solves problems in the traditional way.

In the field of business relationships and work, the card gives the following advice: collect information, act carefully and wisely, do not indulge in experiments. It can also talk about an imminent period of training or about work that will be associated with searching and processing information or transferring knowledge, teaching.

In plans for the future, this lasso has the following message - act carefully, but be sure to act.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

The map connects partners with spiritual invisible forces on which relationships are completely built. You will exchange thoughts and understand how harmonious a couple you are. Try to talk more, because sincere conversations will only allow you to strengthen the relationship between you. Your love is built on the feelings of kindred spirits. Therefore, you will always be comfortable with such a partner. Sincerity is the key to a happy marriage, which will last for many years and give only peace and harmony.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You are an arrogant person, although you yourself do not always admit it. You demand too much from others and yourself. Stop criticizing loved ones, try to listen to their advice. A wise mentor may appear on your path who will help you quickly follow your chosen path. Otherwise, you may be considered hypocritical, which can play a negative role in the fulfillment of your desire. If any problems arise while fulfilling a wish, a non-standard solution will help solve them. Look at the world more realistically and learn to respect other people's opinions. Only in this case will you have a positive outcome.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

A good time to accumulate knowledge. You strive to find the truth, but you are stopped by the need to follow prohibitions and traditional values.

In this situation, participation in rituals or communication with a spiritual mentor is expected. This is the right way. But the search for truth may not bring anything in return. Be tolerant, honest, forgiving. Gain experience.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The priest is an indicator of purity and innocence. Relationships in this case will develop based on the moral and ideological principles of the partners. The Hierophant performs well in combination with other cards. For example, with the Empress it symbolizes a joint child who will be born in marriage, and with the Court it speaks of a long marriage filled with love. The card itself foreshadows an imminent wedding, which will most likely bring happiness to both partners.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Mercy or cruelty, truth or lies. A man before a choice. The angel helps to find the “golden mean”.

You need advice and you will get it. Now the situation is such that you are not able to comprehend the true state of affairs. Before you do anything, make sure you can trust those around you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Your relationship is quite traditional and develops harmoniously and purposefully. Their basis is morality and decency. If you are planning an engagement or wedding, now is the time to apply and write invitations. Platonic relationships can also lead to serious feelings. You are made for each other, but don’t rush things, let everything happen naturally.

A full description of the map is available at

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

Hierophant in general denotes deep conviction in something, the strength of faith, respect for morality and unwavering adherence to it, regardless of circumstances. This Arcanum can also be interpreted as unconditional trust in authorities, teachers, and older family members. The person who gets the Hierophant is clearly virtuous, ethical, and decent.

Such a card can enhance its meaning depending on the cards drawn in the layout near it. Thus, the Hierophant with the Two of Wands should be interpreted as unparalleled heroism and the fight for justice even to the detriment of one’s own interests; with the Ace of Cups - as the deepest faith in God and the willingness to methodically and strictly follow the traditions and dogmas of one’s religion; with the King of Swords - as a person’s calling to be a judge, lawyer, investigator.

Inverted position

The inverted Hierophant is a cracker, a moralist and a pedant. It symbolizes precisely those cases when the letter of the law is more valuable than a person, and also when hypocritical morality forces one to push away the one who has stumbled and sinned.

In some situations, the Hierophant in an inverted position is interpreted as dissent, betrayal of one's ideals, or disregard for the rules of public ethics.

In combination with some cards, the reversed Hierophant has quite specific and precise meanings. For example, with the Emperor it means pedantry, with the Jester - a futile search for one’s spiritual path due to the inability to do anything consistently and persistently, with Strength - the recognition of brute force as the main authority and argument in solving any issues and problems.

Love and relationships

Straight position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Hierophant symbolizes deep trust between partners, confidence in the strength of the union, healthy morality as the basis of relationships between people. More specifically, the Hierophant is interpreted depending on the situation and features of the layout, as well as based on its combinations with other Arcana. For example, the Hierophant, together with the Empress, symbolizes a child born in marriage (i.e., a legitimate child), with the Court - a happy marriage.

Inverted position

The Hierophant in an inverted form when divining a relationship means failure to keep a word given to a partner, a quarrel before the wedding that leads to a break in the relationship, failure to observe the duties of family members to each other, or indecent behavior of one of the spouses. With the Five of Cups, the Hierophant says that the plans and plans for a person that you cherished are doomed to failure; with the Seven of Cups - that because of your boyfriend (girlfriend) or spouse, you risk being drawn into something illegal or immoral.


Straight position

From the point of view of the professional sphere, career, Hierophant indicates the presence of higher education, a person’s belonging to teaching, and great responsibility to other people. If you are guessing about the situation, then this Arcanum may mean that what is happening is of utmost importance for your whole life. When they make a plan for the future, the Hierophant is advice that a person should follow his calling without wasting time on things that his soul is not in, even if they promise material gain.

In addition, the Hierophant with the Ace of Wands indicates that the right decision or deep understanding will come suddenly, like insight; with the Two of Wands - to justify the risk; with the Ace of Coins - on the fairness of the reward received, material reward.

Inverted position

The inverted Hierophant can mean any adventures and illegal actions. Or the loss of personal authority among colleagues, subordinates, and in the eyes of superiors. Another interpretation option is a project or undertaking that is doomed to failure due to lack of thought, insufficient deep study or understanding of the situation. It would be especially worth mentioning the following combinations for the Hierophant in an inverted position: with the Priestess he is interpreted as secret intrigues, “snagging”; with the Five of Coins - like fraud, scams leading to big money problems; with the Five of Wands - as unreasonable or dishonest behavior that gives competitors (ill-wishers) a head start or even the opportunity to take away part of your business or fame and the results obtained from the project.

Look for the meaning in everything. Strive to understand the essence. Try to do only worthy deeds and not betray what you believe to be true. But be free and do not cling to outdated dogmas and rituals that have become meaningless. And always remember that if you do not see meaning and significance in something, this does not mean that they are not there at all; It is very likely that your understanding or experience is not yet enough to comprehend them.

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