What needs to be done to conceive a child. How to get pregnant: folk ways and signs of conceiving a child

How to conceive a child the first time? All couples who want to have a baby quickly try to answer this question. Is it even possible to cope with such a task? And what are the chances of success? Below we will look at the most useful tips and recommendations for pregnancy planning. This is the only way to conceive in the shortest possible time.

Rapid conception - reality or fairy tale?

How to quickly conceive a child the first time? To answer this question, you will have to study the procedure for fertilizing an egg as a whole. But first, let’s find out whether there is a chance of quickly planning a baby.

Yes, there is such a possibility. Often women say that they got pregnant the first time, even without prior preparation. And this really happens. It all depends on the fertility of the individual woman, as well as external factors.

If you try, every girl can increase the likelihood of successful conception from the first attempts to the maximum. But there are still no 100% ways. Only tips that contribute to the rapid fertilization of the egg.

About fertilization

How to conceive a child the first time? The point is that real life Such situations do not occur very often. In any case, with conscious planning for the baby.

To quickly conceive a child, you need to know how egg fertilization occurs. The female cell matures in the follicles, then it comes out and moves towards the uterus. At this moment, the fastest sperm fertilize the egg, after which the latter attaches to the wall of the uterus. That's all.

What happens if conception fails? The egg dies, and the woman begins her period. This is the period of maturation of a new egg.

The journey of a female cell through the body is about 24-48 hours. Therefore, very little time is allocated for planning the baby. At other times, fertilization cannot occur.

When to plan

How to conceive a child the first time so that everything works out? To do this you will have to follow a lot of different tips. But they cannot be considered a panacea. After all, then the problem of infertility would be solved very quickly.

It is important to choose a day to plan your baby. It will depend on the body of a particular woman. We are talking about ovulation. It is during this period that the egg is ready for fertilization.

If you have sex during ovulation, the chances of successful conception increase to the maximum. To determine “day X,” you can use special test strips, measure your basal temperature (it rises during ovulation), and also visit an ultrasound room.

How to determine ovulation yourself

Is it possible to conceive a child the first time? Yes, but doing this is extremely problematic.

Many people are interested in how to independently determine ovulation. It's not that difficult to do. The thing is that “day X” falls in the middle of the monthly cycle. If a girl has regular periods, there should be no problems with ovulation.

Average monthly cycle is 28 days. In this case, ovulation will occur on the 14-15th day from the beginning of the first menstrual bleeding in the period.

If a woman has irregular periods, it is better to determine ovulation with the help of doctors and test strips.


How to conceive a child the first time? When planning a child, you will have to pay attention to proper nutrition. Oddly enough, it seriously affects fertility. Especially for men.

It is important approximately 2-3 months before the start of planning for the baby to conduct healthy image life and eating right. Avoid fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods as much as possible. Preference should be given to products enriched with useful substances.

It is better for men to eat walnuts and sour cream. Some advise women to give preference to hogweed, sage, and chamomile. They increase fertility.

Both men and women will have to give up fast food and alcohol. Otherwise, the chances of success will decrease.

Additional vitamins

How to conceive a child the first time? Reviews from women indicate that if you deliberately plan to have a baby, getting pregnant right away is problematic. But it's worth trying to achieve your goal. It is quite feasible.

Some people prefer to increase fertility with the help of vitamin complexes. In pharmacies you can buy dietary supplements for men and women.

Women during the period of planning a child most often drink:

  • folic acid;
  • vitamins "Pronatal" and "Elevit".

It is better to find out more detailed information from your gynecologist. Only this doctor will help you choose good vitamins, improving fertility.

Bad habits

How to conceive a child the first time? The next piece of advice that must be followed is to refuse bad habits.

This may include:

  • drug use;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking.

Electronic cigarettes and vapes are also considered bad habits. You will also have to give up some medications. From which ones exactly? This will be communicated to the person by the doctor who treats infertility and helps to quickly conceive a baby.

Activity is everything

How to conceive a child the first time? To do this you will need to follow a lot of rules. But even they do not guarantee success. The main task is to increase a person’s fertility and then predict ovulation.

An active lifestyle and sports (in moderation) improve health and increase the chances of successful conception. It is advisable not only to play sports, but also to give preference to walks in the fresh air.


Many girls ask doctors how they can get pregnant faster. But no one can give an exact answer to this question.

As an additional help, many suggest douching with a soda solution before sexual intercourse. This will reduce the acidity of the vagina. This means that sperm will be able to reach the egg.

There is no need to douche after intercourse. This, on the contrary, will reduce the likelihood of successful fertilization.

Disease Checking

How to quickly conceive a child the first time? Before planning a baby, you will have to undergo a complete examination of the body. This is necessary in order to recover as much as possible by the time of active planning.

Women often have hidden sexual diseases that they may not even be aware of. For example, erosion or thrush. Once sexually transmitted infections and other problems in the genital area are treated, a person can increase their chances of conceiving quickly.

This also applies to men. That is why a couple planning a baby is recommended to go to the doctors together.

Act frequency

Thinking about how to conceive a child the first time, some believe that success depends on the number of sexual acts performed. But this is not entirely true.

Indeed, predicting ovulation is sometimes problematic. And that’s why doctors recommend regularly having unprotected sex.

However, too frequent intercourse reduces sperm quality. This means there must be moderation in everything. For successful conception, it is best to make love every other day, once.

Such sexual activity in the first year of planning usually ends in a successful pregnancy. But only on the condition that the sperm were initially sufficiently motile. In order to verify this, you can do a spermogram.

Choosing a pose

How to conceive a child the first time? Different poses are recommended to accomplish the task. There is no one specific position that contributed to successful conception.

In fact, pregnancy can occur in any position of sexual intercourse. But it is better to take into account the laws of gravity and exclude ejaculation in the “woman on top” position.

Some say that it is best to have sex in the missionary position and place a small pillow under the girl’s butt. In addition, positions in which the penis is located deep in the vagina are ideal.


How to conceive a child the first time? To do this, individual girls mark several non-standard approaches to solve the problem.

The thing is that many people talk about a special exercise after sexual intercourse, which should contribute to successful conception. It is enough to make a “birch tree” against the wall, holding the pelvis and without getting out of bed. This position supposedly promotes the rapid movement of sperm towards the egg.

There is some truth in this. But it is not at all necessary to make a “birch tree”. It is needed, rather, for the placebo effect. It is better to just lie down immediately after the end of sexual intercourse.

About washing

We figured out how to conceive a child the first time. The methods presented to your attention really help. But, as has already been said, they cannot be considered exhaustive.

Should you wash yourself after sexual intercourse? Some people don't do this on purpose. Yes, this slightly increases the chances of successful conception, but personal hygiene is compromised.

The best solution is to rest for half an hour after intercourse. Then the woman can calmly wash herself and take a shower.

For the desperate

Today the issue of infertility is extremely acute. And therefore, couples try to approach planning a baby responsibly.

Sometimes several unsuccessful attempts to conceive lead to non-standard solutions. How to quickly conceive a child the first time?

In some cases, women advise each other to take male sperm into a syringe without a needle, make a birch and inject it into themselves. Stand in this position for about 10-15 minutes. Of course, the procedure is carried out during ovulation.

Unfavorable factors

How to conceive a child the first time? Photos of some products that have a beneficial effect on this process are presented to our attention. What negatively affects the planning of a baby?

Here is a list of factors that have a bad effect on human fertility:

Sometimes problems with conception are caused by a psychological factor - a woman may not be mentally ready for a baby or wants to become a mother very much. All this causes stress and anxiety. This means it negatively affects fertility.


We found out how to quickly conceive a baby. All the suggested tips will really help you cope with the task.

However, in order to successfully conceive, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. This specialist will help the woman prepare for the birth of the baby, and will also give some tips that, in his opinion, contribute to successful conception.

In some cases, you can quickly become pregnant after stopping long-term use of oral contraceptives. This technique is often used to treat infertility in couples.

Pregnancy is a very serious step and not everyone is always ready for it. But when the time comes, many couples very often ask the question: “How to get pregnant correctly?”

In most cases, you can get pregnant through sexual intercourse during ovulation. But even with good health of both partners, this is not always enough. Because the female body will not allow fertilization and fetal development if unfavorable factors arise.

The main reasons that prevent pregnancy:

  • Bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle. The impact of toxins on the egg causes problems with fertilization in a woman. Smoking also negatively affects the functioning of the liver, as a result of which intensive production of androgen hormones begins. In excess amounts, these hormones prevent ovulation, which reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
  • Weight. Problems with conceiving a child can occur in both those who are too thin and those who are overweight women. Often, excess weight or thinness is a hormonal disorder, which leads to problems with egg fertilization. When body weight fluctuates in men, problems arise with sperm production.
  • Stress – This is one of the main signs that prevent pregnancy. Even with good health indicators, couples who experience constant stress cannot become pregnant or safely carry a fetus to term.
  • Nutrition. Improper or unhealthy diet leads to disruption of the functioning of the female and male genital organs. In order to speed up the onset of pregnancy, it is necessary to include in the diet a large number of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, as well as foods rich in vitamins A and E, folic acid. Nuts and dairy products should be present in a woman's diet every day.

Men are advised to eat fish, meat and nuts to increase sperm motility.

  • Caffeine. Some scientific studies have proven that consuming caffeine in large quantities contributes to longer and more difficult conception of a child.
  • Medicines. Taking medications interferes with the maturation of the egg, thereby causing an artificial delay in pregnancy. You should also not take the retinol form of vitamin A; it is better to replace it with the plant form - beta-carotene.
  • Intimate hygiene. Failure to maintain intimate hygiene can lead to diseases that prevent fetal development.
  • Physical exercise. Exercise is necessary in moderation and should never be overdone. Heavy stress on the body can lead to a delay in menstruation and even a lack of ovulation.

What to do to get pregnant quickly?

There are several tips that you can follow to help you get pregnant:

  • After intercourse, you need to lie on your back for a while. This will allow sperm to freely enter the cervix.
  • When conceiving a child, it is advisable not to bring the woman to orgasm. This is due to the fact that during orgasm the cervix begins to rise and the sperm will have to overcome an additional path.
  • One-time sexual intercourse. The first ejaculation occurs with the largest number of sperm, which is why the first intercourse is the most productive.
  • Ovulation is a very important period for conceiving a child. A woman becomes most fertile in the middle of her cycle, since it is during this period that the egg matures.
  • Research by many scientists shows that the greatest chance of getting pregnant occurs in the fall and spring. This is due to the fact that during these periods the body is most saturated with vitamins and minerals that promote fertilization. And male hormones contribute to the production of a sufficient number of active sperm.
  • After sexual intercourse, you need to protect yourself from stressful situations for several days and try to completely relax.

Many experts believe that being in an upbeat mood contributes to proper and active work fallopian tubes. It also helps in moving the sperm towards the goal. Otherwise, the functioning of the tubes is disrupted and sperm do not advance.

In what cases does pregnancy not occur immediately?

Under some circumstances, rapid fertilization is completely impossible.

This is due to a number of reasons:

  • After a miscarriage. Often, miscarriage is caused by serious health problems in the woman, so it is necessary to undergo full treatment before the next pregnancy. Recovery period can last up to six months, and in some cases more.
  • After birth control pills . After stopping taking birth control pills, the female body gradually restores its hormonal levels. Complete resumption of the work of female organs occurs from 1 month to 5 months. And you can get pregnant only after a year.
  • After the spiral. After removing the IUD, regeneration of the inner layer of the uterus will be required. This usually occurs in one or two menstrual cycles. At the same time, experts recommend conceiving a child only after complete recovery (5 – 6 months).
  • After an abortion. It is important to know that abortion is defined as the first day of your period, so pregnancy is possible after the first two weeks.
  • Pregnancy after 40 years. To definitely get pregnant after 40, you need a complete examination of both the female and male body by specialists. You should visit the antenatal clinic every 3-6 months and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

How can a man improve his fertility?

To begin with, the future father, as well as the future mother, needs to adhere to the right lifestyle:

  • get rid of smoking;
  • stop drinking alcohol;
  • establish proper and healthy nutrition;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do not overdo it with physical activity.

In addition, men are contraindicated from wearing tight underwear and taking hot baths. Since temperatures above 37 degrees negatively affect sperm production.

Poses that promote fertilization

Most experienced parents confirm that the position for conceiving a child is very important. The most popular and effective positions, according to most, are missionary, when the woman lies on her back with a pillow under her pelvis or when the man is behind her. It is impossible to single out one most effective pose, because much depends on the physiology and structure of the female organs.

But unfortunately, the effectiveness of individual poses has not been proven by scientists.

Greetings, dear friends! I propose to consider an important topic for many married couples, namely, how to get pregnant and conceive a long-awaited child. Unfortunately, 30% of young people seek help from doctors to find out why they are unable to conceive a child. In the article I will talk in more detail about the causes of infertility, what position is best to have sex in order to get pregnant, is it possible to conceive during menstruation, how to get pregnant with twins.

The best age to have your first child is between 22 and 32 years old. After 33 years, a woman experiences a 4% decrease in fertility, so her chances of getting pregnant and bearing a healthy baby decrease. A woman can safely bear and give birth to a child only if she maintains a correct lifestyle and with the help of consultations with a qualified doctor.

Causes of infertility

Infertility in married couples occurs in 10–15% of cases. Doctors identify a number of reasons why they cannot conceive:

  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes due to individual anatomical features or inflammation;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • abortions;
  • tumors;
  • low sperm count and poor sperm quality;
  • endometriosis;
  • spermatogenesis disorders;
  • unfavorable environmental factors;
  • chronic diseases of the reproductive system;
  • hereditary factors;
  • neurological diseases;
  • disorders at the gene, chromosomal level.

If conception does not occur due to the infertility of her husband or the woman is not married but wants to have children, she can solve this problem without a man by contacting a sperm bank, where donor material will be selected for her.

Infertility treatment

If the couple fails to conceive a child, the doctor, after making a diagnosis, prescribes conservative therapy. In more severe cases, surgery is necessary. If a woman is diagnosed with ovulation failure, she is prescribed hormonal drugs and stimulants.

To quickly conceive, artificial insemination is performed. To do this, you will need the sperm of your husband or donor. A mixture of eggs and sperm is placed into the fallopian tubes. It is possible to perform in vitro fertilization - the surgeon extracts and returns the egg to the uterus.

Sometimes people who have had their tonsils removed experience infertility. This is due to the fact that the tonsils are an important part of the human immune system, protecting the body from various infections. In case of severe inflammation, they are removed to prevent joint disorders, kidney and heart diseases. Surgery reduces the production of immunoglobulins - substances responsible for protecting the maturation of germ cells from pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do to get pregnant

To achieve pregnancy quickly, you should carefully study the factors influencing ovulation. The following actions of a woman can slow down the process of conception:

  • frequent stress - reduces ovarian resource;
  • fasting, dieting - lead to disruption of the female cycle;
  • taking hormonal pills - suppress ovulation;
  • abuse of alcohol, cigarettes, radiation and chemical therapy - lead to intoxication of the body.

Eliminating these factors normalizes ovarian function and helps restore ovulation. In addition, the body must fully receive vitamins and microelements.

Chronic stress can cause hormonal imbalances and sperm damage.

Decreased function can lead to ovarian dysfunction thyroid gland. Under the influence of iodine, which enters a woman’s body with food, the thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones. They regulate the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, are responsible for metabolic processes, mental condition, reproductive and digestive systems.

A lack of thyroid hormones in the body leads to menstrual irregularities, ovarian dysfunction, and prolonged and heavy bleeding during menstruation. A woman may complain of a number of symptoms:

  • increased drowsiness;
  • frequent colds;
  • poor appetite or its complete absence;
  • constipation;
  • hearing impairment;
  • heartbeat disturbance;
  • sudden weight gain;
  • chilliness;
  • pale skin;
  • brittleness and dullness of hair.

If such signs appear, you should be examined by an endocrinologist and undergo a course of treatment.

You can find out more about methods of conception in the video:

Is it possible to get pregnant from lubricant?

This question can often be found on forums, let's figure it out.

The lubricant does not contain genetic material, but when released from the urethral canals along with the lubricant, a small amount of sperm that was previously left there may be released. This may be due to recent masturbation or sex. In this case, it is possible to get pregnant from lubricant, but the probability is very low.

How to get pregnant faster

7 secrets will help speed up the pregnancy process.

healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle does not mean that a woman should play sports all day long. gym. This, on the contrary, can lead to a lack of ovulation. It is enough to practice 45–50 daily and once every 2 days. Pregnancy is promoted by proper nutrition, walking or half an hour of aerobics. It is also important to give up alcohol and smoking.

Proper nutrition

IN flour products, fast food contains a lot of carbohydrates and the carcinogen acrylamide. They have a negative impact on nervous system and genes. Acrylamide is included in potato chips, store-bought cupcakes, pies, bread, French fries.

In order to quickly become pregnant naturally, the body of a woman and a man should receive the following vitamins:

  • vitamin A – plays important role in the work of the gonads;
  • vitamin E – if there is a lack of it, menstrual irregularities are observed, nervous disorders, rapid aging skin;
  • Vitamin B12 – is responsible for fat and carbohydrate metabolism, participates in the formation of blood cells.

Important microelements include:

  • zinc – participates in the production of enzymes and protein synthesis, the production of testosterone and sperm, improves reproductive function;
  • potassium – effective for preventing cervical erosion, reduces the risk of miscarriage;
  • gold – prevents infertility and is useful for impotence;
  • copper – participates in the synthesis of female sex hormones, promotes rapid conception.

To compensate for the deficiency of vitamins and microelements, I recommend including the following products in your diet:

  • vitamin A: sweet potato, pumpkin, liver, dried apricots, Bell pepper, avocado, cheese, mango, salad, eggs, beef, carrots, broccoli, fatty fish, potatoes, watermelon, melon;
  • vitamin E: spinach, vegetable oils, sunflower seeds, avocados, nuts, fish, shrimp, asparagus, broccoli, tomatoes, fruits, berries;
  • vitamin B12: beef, liver, lamb, pork, cod, milk, cheese, shrimp, mussels, turkey breast;
  • zinc: orange, apple, fig, currant, grapefruit, beans, buckwheat, peas, risk, beets, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, ginger, nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, squid;
  • potassium: potatoes, beans, dried apricots, prunes, salmon, avocado, oranges, pumpkin, spinach;
  • gold: corn porridge, special preparations;
  • copper – liver, shrimp, rice, peas, pasta, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, lentils, Walnut, beans, octopus, oatmeal.

Folk remedies

To treat infertility, you can use folk remedies.

  1. Sage tea. Brew 5 g of sage in 250 ml of boiling water, add a little salt. Should be taken after menstruation for 11 days, 10 ml in the morning before meals and at night. Treatment lasts 3 months. If conception does not occur, repeat the course after 2 months.
  2. Linden flower tea. Take 20 g of raw material and pour 1 liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for 2 hours. You need to take 250 ml twice a day for six months.
  3. Ginger. Eliminates cramps during menstruation, normalizes the tone of the uterus, fights infertility and frigidity. It is useful for men to consume ginger in powder form in combination with honey. The mixture can be washed down with tea.
  4. Knotweed grass. Mix 250 ml of herb and 1 liter of boiling water. Drink like tea.
  5. Valerian rhizomes. Baths using a decoction based on valerian rhizomes help in the fight against male infertility. It is enough to take 60 g of crushed raw materials, pour 2 liters warm water and leave for 2 hours. Then you need to boil the product for 15 minutes, filter and pour into a bathtub with water. The course of treatment includes 10 procedures.
  6. Rowan. Rowan tincture treats inflammation of the uterus, appendages, urinary tract, and obstruction of the fallopian tubes. Take 40 drops three times a day.
  7. Natural juices. Normalize hormonal and sexual functions. I recommend taking 100 ml of juice from fresh nettle leaves. After half an hour, you can drink 100 ml of juice from parsley or celery leaves.

Consultation with a doctor

When planning a pregnancy, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. A married couple must be tested for various sexually transmitted infections. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail what medications and vitamin complexes need to drink. A woman should pay attention to folic acid. It helps reduce the risk of neural tube pathologies in the fetus. Reception folic acid 3–5 months before pregnancy helps normalize hormonal levels.

Counting the days of your cycle

To conceive easily, you need to try on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The best time For fertilization, the first 5 days before ovulation, during it and for 5 days after ovulation are considered. During this period, even a virgin can become pregnant if she is deflowered.

To correctly determine the day of ovulation, special kits are available in pharmacies. But most women prefer to measure basal temperature during an irregular menstrual cycle. The thermometer should be inserted into the rectum in the morning. On the day of ovulation, there is a slight increase in temperature.

Many women want to know what day they can conceive during their period. Gynecologists unanimously believe that the likelihood of conception during menstruation is very low. Ovulation usually occurs after the 7th day of the cycle, so in most cases, conception does not occur during menstruation.

Lack of worries and worries

To conceive faster, you don’t need to worry and get hung up on the thought of pregnancy. If you failed to get pregnant the first or second time, this is a completely normal and common situation, and not a reason to panic.

Don't get up immediately after sex

What is the best position to have sex in to get pregnant?

During intimacy, partners must ensure maximum contact so that sperm does not flow out of the vagina and does not move vertically downwards. Scientists have compiled a list of the most successful positions for conception.

  1. Missionary. It may seem boring to many couples, but it is the one that can help you get pregnant faster. In this position, sperm penetrate directly into the uterus, and the chance of leakage is reduced to zero.
  2. On the side. Convenient position for sperm to enter the uterus. Some people used to believe that to conceive a girl you need to have sex on the left side, and for a boy - on the right.
  3. On knees. The position is considered successful for conceiving a boy, as it will help the fastest sperm to enter the uterus. This position is suitable if the uterus is bent.

The cowgirl position is considered unsuitable for conception. Also, the likelihood of pregnancy decreases if a man sits or stands.

If the cervix is ​​slightly higher than usual, then the spouses need to choose a position where the woman lies on her back and the partner is on top.

You can learn more about how to have sex and what the best positions are in separate articles.

How to get pregnant with twins

If you want two children at once, pay attention to 5 tips.

  1. In vitro fertilization. During the procedure, two embryos may be implanted into the uterus. But no doctor can guarantee that both of them will survive.
  2. Cancellation of hormonal drugs. Taking such medications for a long time and then stopping them leads to the fact that the ovaries begin to work harder. Often, after women stop taking hormonal contraceptives, they become pregnant with twins.
  3. Age. The older a woman is, the higher the likelihood of conceiving two children. But after 40 years, the chances of having twins decrease.
  4. Time of conception. To conceive twins, you should have sex in late spring and summer, mainly during daylight hours, since it is during this period that the hormone gonadotropin, which is responsible for the functioning of the ovaries, is produced in the greatest volume.
  5. Number of births. After the birth of a second child, the likelihood of conceiving twins increases by 2 times, after the fifth birth – by 6 times.

How to get pregnant with a boy

Gender depends on the type of chromosome in the sperm. The Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of a boy, and the X chromosome is responsible for the birth of girls. The lifespan of germ cells with a Y chromosome in the female genital organs is 24 hours. They are much more active than sperm carrying the X chromosome. However, germ cells with an X chromosome live up to 72 hours. To conceive a boy, you should make love on the day of ovulation.

How to get pregnant with a girl

To conceive a girl, unprotected sex must occur 3 days before ovulation. Sperm with a Y chromosome will die before the egg is released, so there is a high chance of becoming pregnant with a girl.


We talked about how to get pregnant faster, found out what a woman and a man should do, what habits interfere with conceiving, on which days it is possible to conceive faster and what folk remedies the most effective. Do not believe in omens, myths, conspiracies and superstitions. It is better to consult a doctor who will help determine the reason why you cannot get pregnant and give the right recommendations.

Do you know other ways that help a woman get pregnant? Share your secrets in the comments!

The onset of pregnancy is a woman’s condition when another one grows and develops inside her abdomen. small man. Its occurrence is facilitated by the fusion of the sex cells of a man and a woman. However, when trying to conceive the first time, problems often arise that can be resolved quite easily.

Factors influencing conception the first time

When planning pregnancy, it is important to take into account factors affecting pregnancy.

Factor Description
1. Bad habits If they are present, representatives of both sexes have a reduced chance of conception and an increased risk of complications during pregnancy (if one occurs). Therefore, even before planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to eliminate alcohol, smoking and drugs from your lifestyle.
2. Ovulation The most favorable period for conception is a short period of time before the onset of ovulation. The released egg remains fertile for 24 hours. If calculated correctly, the probability of conception is about 25 percent.

Ovulation disorder caused by various reasons(diseases of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands) prevents conception in general. It is necessary to carry out a number of therapeutic and preventive measures to restore reproductive function.

3. Sperm quality Deterioration of seminal fluid due to testicular diseases, tract obstruction, chronic infectious pathologies is a barrier to the onset of the first pregnancy. It is necessary to carry out appropriate tests to detect violations in a timely manner in order to restore the ability of the sperm to fertilize. You should also lead a healthy lifestyle: optimal physical exercise, normal weight, giving up bad habits; avoid overheating of the testicles and stressful situations (sperm count decreases). A man's physical health guarantees sperm quality.
4. Exercise and stress Excessive stressful situations and physical activity negatively affect positive result during pregnancy planning. It is important to maintain a calm lifestyle, not lift heavy objects, and prepare psychologically for the arrival of your first child.
5. Regular sex Being sexually active at the time of ovulation increases the chance of conceiving the first time.

What is the probability of getting pregnant the first time

Fertilization directly depends on the health of the man and woman and other related factors for its occurrence. In most cases, getting pregnant the first time is approximately 10 - 25%. To achieve the result - the probability is about 30%, it is necessary to adhere to unprotected sexual intercourse for six months with the complete abolition of birth control pills.

What can prevent you from conceiving the first time?

When planning pregnancy the first time, partners must eliminate all possible obstacles to conception. These include:

  • medications, including antibiotics, that adversely affect liver function;
  • intimate lubricants for sexual intercourse create a certain environment leading to the complete destruction of sperm;
  • psychological fixation on the early occurrence of pregnancy prevents conception, as the body begins to block reproduction;
  • diseases of the genitals and genitourinary system do not allow the reproductive organs of the female body to function normally;
  • an incorrect lifestyle also negatively affects the ability to get pregnant the first time;
  • immunodeficiency and weakening of the body prevents conception. It is necessary to conduct a course of rehabilitation general condition women taking vitamins and therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

How to count to determine ovulation

You can determine the appearance of ovulation by characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and increased sexual desire. There are also methods by which you can calculate fertile days:

  1. Calendar. After ovulation, with a 28-day cycle, menstruation occurs on the 14th day, and with a 30-day cycle, on the 16th day. However, if the cycle fails, ovulation may not occur at all and the probability of conception will be about 30%.
  2. Touch. During the day or during the onset of ovulation, the mucus secreted from the cervix thins to facilitate the movement of sperm to the egg. The probability of pregnancy using this method is 50%.
  3. Measuring basal temperature. You can determine the day of ovulation by periodically checking the temperature with a thermometer, inserting it into the rectum for 5-6 minutes, in the morning and without getting out of bed. A sharp jump down, then an increase in the level the next day indicates the beginning of the ovulation period.
  4. Ultrasound (ultrasound examination). This method is the most accurate means of determining the moment of ovulation. This study is done on the 7th day after the end of menstruation by introducing a special vaginal sensor to monitor the development of the follicle and its rupture.
  5. Test to determine ovulation. At home, it is possible to determine the expected date of ovulation using a special test to determine the level of luteinizing hormone in urine or saliva. Before testing, you should limit your fluid intake and avoid urinating for 4 hours for maximum reliability. If the hormone is elevated, there is a chance of getting pregnant the first time by starting sex in the next two days.

How to get pregnant the first time after your period

The occurrence of pregnancy the first time immediately after the end of menstrual bleeding is a controversial issue. Experts consider this process impossible, but practice shows the opposite fact.

The fact is that sperm can maintain its vital activity in a woman’s body for up to 10 days. Having sex during the end or at the end of menstruation, conception can occur precisely at the ovulation stage literally in a week or a little more.

During this time, the follicle will have time to mature and rupture, releasing the egg. Therefore, for a high chance of getting pregnant, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse for at least two weeks from the last menstruation.

How to get pregnant quickly the first time: sex positions

Pregnancy may not occur due to certain structural features of the uterus - deviation to the right or left side, incorrect location, which is called a bend. Knowing about these physiological pathologies, it is possible to conceive a child the first time, while choosing the right position for sex.

  1. Lying on your back or side. Depending on the deviation of the bend, sex should be performed on the appropriate side - right or left. When lying down, it is recommended to place a pillow under the gluteal muscles and bend your knees, pressing them to your stomach, or throw them over the shoulders of your sexual partner.
  2. On all fours or lying on your stomach. In this position, the chance of conceiving the first time increases, since the penetration of the male penis reaches its maximum level. You can also place a pillow under the woman's hips to raise her pelvis.

After sexual intercourse is completed, the woman is recommended to lie on her stomach for 15 minutes with her legs raised up to best reach the sperm and egg.

How to definitely get pregnant with a girl/boy the first time

It is known that gender depends on the set of chromosomes found in the sperm (XY) and egg (X). Calculate the sex of the child, or conceive a boy or girl the first time, perhaps by performing certain techniques.

The conception of a girl is determined by the X-sperm, which moves slowly, is determined by a small amount in sperm and a long existence. Recommended:

  • Before sex, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sperm and provide an acidic environment in the vagina, which kills the Y chromosome. Thus, the X sperm has a chance to fertilize the egg;
  • It is important to avoid orgasm during sex, which affects the contraction of sperm with an X chromosome in the sperm;
  • Having sex before the onset of ovulation ensures a positive result of conceiving a girl.

The conception of a boy is determined by the Y-sperm, characterized by high activity and quantity in sperm with the shortest period of vital activity and strength. Recommended:

  • having sex before the onset of ovulation or during its period in the recommended position “on all fours” has a beneficial effect on the rapid achievement of the egg by U-sperm;
  • with artificial insemination, it is possible to extract X-sperm from sperm. After which the egg merges with the Y-sperm and it becomes possible to become pregnant with a boy the first time.

When accurately planning a pregnancy with a boy/girl, it is recommended to consult a specialist the first time. He will report on all possible nuances that will help achieve the desired result.

How you can get pregnant the first time: traditional methods

Traditional medicine has various useful means to help conceive the first time if both partners are healthy and have undergone the necessary research:

Planning to conceive a child is an important period in the life of a married couple, which is extremely important to take seriously. For successful fertilization and the birth of a healthy child, it is recommended to adhere to the basic rules and tips:

The question “how to get pregnant the first time” worries many couples who have difficulties with this. Therefore, preparation for pregnancy begins long before its onset. At the same time, it is important to create favorable conditions for pregnancy from the first time and its course in the future, observing certain rules and recommendations that apply to both women and men.

For more tips on what helps you get pregnant quickly, watch the following video.

The desire of every person is that children are born healthy, and that conception occurs easily and quickly.

From the moment the couple began planning a pregnancy, every month from negative test brings frustration and makes you doubt yourself.

It is important to initially choose the right path, then there will be no problems and a healthy child will be born.

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Conception is a complex and hidden issue, many of whose secrets have not yet been revealed by scientists. But humanity knows enough to highlight the key points.

A mature egg must unite with a sperm, then a zygote is formed from which the fetus develops. Many factors influence a girl's fertility and the quality of a man's sperm.

Factors that impair fertility:

  • sexually transmitted diseases negatively affect the ability to conceive;
  • age of partners - after 40 years;
  • excess weight;
  • bad habits – drinking alcohol.

Promotes good fertility:

  • regular menstruation;
  • normal weight;
  • Lifestyle;
  • healthy psychological state.

Each circumstance may or may not affect the ability to conceive. A girl's body is strictly individual and sometimes it is difficult to say with certainty what is bothering her. Doctors allow 1 year for trying to get pregnant on your own. If during this time the test does not become positive, they begin to find out the cause and make a preliminary diagnosis of possible infertility.

A blood test for hCG will help confirm the presence of pregnancy.

Plan the floor according to folk signs impossible

The birth of twins can be a consequence of two possible events:

  1. During one cycle, 2 or more eggs are released into the uterine cavity, each of which is fertilized by a sperm. As a result, fraternal twins with a different set of genes are born.
  2. During the process of division, the fertilized egg split into two identical ones. After this, identical twins with the same set of genes are born.

If the reasons for the first event are clear, then the basis for the second remains unknown.

The birth of twins depends on the female reproductive system.

The predisposition to hyperovulation is transmitted only through the female line. This means that if twins were a common occurrence in a woman’s family, the probability of a multiple pregnancy for the girl herself is high. But hyperovulation does not happen in every cycle and does not guarantee the fertilization of several eggs at the same time.

After discontinuation of oral contraceptives, a rebound effect may occur due to increased ovarian activity. As a result, 2 or more eggs are released in the cycle following drug withdrawal.


  1. The conception of a child in a healthy couple normally occurs within a year from the date of cessation of contraception.
  2. You can increase your chances of conceiving a child by counting or identifying ovulation, that is, days favorable for conception.
  3. There are no methods that guarantee pregnancy the first time with a child of the desired gender.
  4. To give birth to a healthy baby, both partners should adhere to the basic rules of pregnancy planning.

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