Gerunds in English.

Technique Gerund

Technique- this is an impersonal form of a verb, which expresses an additional action to the predicate verb, has the properties and properties of the verb.

It has:

Active voice

Passive voice

1. The Active Indefinite Gerung denotes an action that is simultaneously with or follows the action of the predicate verb.

Example: I like drinking coffee- I like to drink coffee.

* In some cases

The Indefinite Gerund can indicate the action preceding the verb. After verbs:

thank, remember, forgive, excuse

- Example: I remember meeting that girl before- I remember meeting that girl.

After the prepositions without, after, on(upon)

- Example: On reading the book they went to the park- After they read the book, they went to the park.

After the verbs require, need, be worth, want, deserve

Example: The bathroom needs cleaning - The bathroom needs to be cleaned.

This car is worth buying - This car is worth buying

2. The Active Perfect Gerund denotes an action that precedes the action expressed by a predicate verb. Formed using having and the 3rd form of the verb.

Example: I`m tired of having read this book- I'm tired of reading this book.

3. The Passive Gerund is formed using being and the 3rd form of the verb. Denotes an action experienced by an object or person. The Perfect Passive Gerund expresses an action that precedes the main action. The Indefinite Passive Gerund expresses the simultaneity of actions.

Example: I hate being betrayed - I hate being betrayed.

Consider the table of gerund formation:

*The gerund is most often used after: Verbs expressing

beginning, end of action and duration (to go, to continue, to start, and so on)

- Example: I start translating the article - I started translating the article.

verbs, adjectives, nouns followed by a preposition

- Example: I`m fond of listening to music - I love listening to music

verbs expressing preference and dislike (to love, to hate, to like, and so on)

Example: I hate cleaning my room - I hate cleaning my room.

  1. Definition: I dislike the idea of ​​going to the park - I didn’t like the idea of ​​going to the park.
  2. Subject: Swimming is a healthy kind of sport - Swimming is a healthy kind of sport.
  3. Circumstance: On reading this magazine I went to bed- After reading the magazine, I went to bed.
  4. Addition: I like watching movies- I like to watch movies
  5. Part of a compound verb predicate: I start reading this book- I started reading this book
  6. Part of a compound nominal predicate: My hobby is knitting - My hobby is knitting.

Many English language learners use the term " gerund"causes sacred horror (it is even more terrible than "!), because there is no such concept in the Russian language. In this post we will not seriously delve into all the intricacies of English grammar. Our task is to get acquainted with this phenomenon and find out what kind of beast this is - the gerund (the gerund) and how we can eat it correctly, or rather use it in speech.

What is a gerund?

There are active and passive, simple and perfect gerunds. We will limit ourselves to the simple active, since this form is most often used in speech.

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A simple gerund is nothing more than form verb+ing , which is something between a verb and a noun. For example, the English phrase I like swimming can be translated in two ways: I like to swim And I like swimming.

  • She was thinking of buying a new house. She was thinking about buying a new house/about buying a new house.
  • I hate getting up early, but I have to. – I hate getting up early / getting up early, but I have to
  • The place is worth visiting. – This place is worth visiting / is worth visiting.

What do you need to know about gerunds?

  • He gave up smoking a few years ago. – He quit smoking several years ago.
  • Though he was tired, he kept on walking. - Although he was tired, he continued to walk
  • Don't be nervous! Stop biting your nails. - Do not worry! Stop biting your nails!
  • Do you like cooking — Oh, I hate cooking! – Do you like to cook? - Oh, I hate cooking!
  • I don't remember locking the door. I think I'll go back and check it. “I don’t remember if I closed the door.” I think I need to go and check.

  • My friend succeeded in translating this difficult text. – My friend succeeded in translating the text.
  • I am looking forward to going to holiday - I’m waiting - I can’t wait to go on vacation.
  • He has always dreamed of visiting Europe. – He always dreamed of visiting Europe.
  • The cold weather prevented the girls from going for long walks. – The cold weather prevented the girls from taking long walks.
  • He’ll never agree to them going on that dangerous voyage. “He will never agree for them to go on this dangerous trip.”
  • Her mother didn’t approve of her drinking so much coffee. Her mother doesn't approve of her drinking so much coffee.
  • I don’t feel like seeing him. – I don’t want to see him.
  • All the happiness of my life depends on your loving me. - The happiness of my whole life depends on your love for me.
  • I insist on telling him the truth! “I insist on telling him the truth.”
  • I stretched my hand to prevent her from falling. “I held out my hand to stop her from falling.

Gerund is an English part of speech that has the properties of a noun and a verb.

  • Thank you for coming.- Thanks that came.
  • Excuse me for being late.- Sorry what I'm late.

As can be seen from the examples, the gerund is translated verb.

In English there are also parts of speech that coincide in form with gerund. This verbal noun And real participle.

If it's clear, what is a gerund, then let's look at its forms:

Gerund forms

Active Gerund Passive Gerund
Present writing being written
Perfect having written having been written

So, as can be seen from the table, The gerund varies by tense and has 4 forms:

  • two in active voice: writing & having written
  • two in passive voice: being written & having been written

Beginners need to learn to use only the basic form in speech - writing(this is the present tense form of a gerund in the active voice).

Execute exercise on gerund as subject and practice translating it.

EXAMPLE. Riding a bike is fun! — Ride a bike- funny!

Exercise 1. Form a gerund from the verb in brackets and translate the sentence.

  1. …too much television gives Mrs Harris a headache. (watch)
  2. …to loud music is bad for your ears. (listen)
  3. I believe … postcards is an interesting hobby. (collect)
  4. … is rather boring. (fish)
  5. …computer games can cause addiction(addiction).

Gerund form in perfect ( having written) , as a rule, can be replaced by non-perfect ( writing). Therefore, there is no need to worry about this!

  • I remember meeting her. = I remember having met her. “I remember meeting her.”
  • After doing such hard work they decided to rest a little. = After having done such hard work for a long time they decided to rest. “They decided to rest a little after doing such hard work.

However, at the initial stage you need to be able to translate sentences with gerunds in two forms: writing & having written.

There is nothing difficult about this if you remember that

  • form writing- translated by subordinate clause in the present or future tense;
  • and the form having written translated by subordinate clause in the past time.
  • She thinks of writing a book. - She thinks that will write a book.
  • She thinks of having written a book.- She thinks that wrote a book.

Gerund. Use cases for beginners

Beginners learning gerunds should remember 4 main cases its uses:

  1. after the verbs of beginning, continuation and end of action;
  2. after verbs of preference;
  3. after prepositions;
  4. after the verb go.

Case I. The gerund is used after verbs expressing the beginning, end or continuation of an action:

1. start , begin , take up (start doing, do)

  • Start reading. - Start reading.
  • I began dancing.- I began to dance.
  • I took up dancing. — I took up dancing.

2. stop, finish, give up ( stop do, quit )

  • Stop talking. - Stop talking.
  • Have you finished writing? -Have you finished writing?
  • Give up smoking. - Stop smoking.

3. go on, continue, keep on ( continue do )

  • Go on writing.- Keep writing.
  • Continue reading.- Continue reading.
  • Keep on asking questions. - Keep asking questions.

Remember these verbs followed by a gerund:

start, begin, take up

stop, finish, give up

go on, continue, keep on.

* * *

Case II. The gerund is used after

  1. enjoy
  2. don't mind
  3. dislike
  4. can't stand
  • I like dancing.
  • I don’t mind playing football.
  • I hate skiing.

Combination Would you mind with a gerund expresses a polite request:

Would you mind waiting a little? —Do you mind waiting a little?


  • I like reading newspapers. (like = enjoy)
  • I like to read newspapers at lunch. (a fact, not a process).
  • I like swimming. (I like the process of swimming.)
  • I like to swim in the swimming pool every week. (expediency, not process)

HappeningIII. Gerunds are used after prepositions.

So, REMEMBER that the gerund is used after any excuses,

EXAMPLE. After visiting the gallery we decided to go to the museum.

as well as in common constructions with adjectives.

Stable constructions “adjective with preposition”

  1. be fond of- be in love
  2. be tired of- get tired from
  3. be proud of- be proud
  4. be afraid of- afraid
  5. be famous for- be famous behind
  6. be ready for- be ready To
  7. be responsible for- reply behind
  8. be good/bad at- have abilities To
  9. be interested in- be interested
  10. be bored with- miss from
  11. be angry with smb for doing smth - to get angry on To wow behind something
  12. be keen on- get involved
  • I am fond of visiting my relatives.
  • He is bored with writing tests.

Also remember two adjectives that are used without a preposition.

  • BUSY – I am busy reading. — I busy because I'm reading.
  • WORTH – The book is worth reading. — This book costsread.

* * *

HappeningIV. The gerund is used after the verb go to express certain types of activities:

  • go shopping – go shopping
  • go skiing – go skiing
  • go fishing – go fishing
  • go sailing – sail on a yacht
  • go sightseeing – go sightseeing
  • go climbing – go to the mountains
  • go swimming – go swimming
  • go riding, etc. - ride a horse, etc.


Proverbs and expressions with gerunds:

  1. It goes without saying. — Self yourself of course.
  2. It’s no use crying over spilled milk. — Tears of sorrow will not help. What to grieve about, what cannot be turned back.
  3. Seeing is believing. — Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
  4. You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs . — Forest chop down, wood chips flying.
  5. There is no harm in trying. — Attempt Not torture.

This is everything you need to know about gerunds (for beginners). Let's move on to gerund exercises?

Gerunds in English are formed by adding a suffix -ing to the base of the verb, i.e. it has the same form as the participle I: work - working, write - writing.

In Russian there is no corresponding form (i.e. gerund).

The properties of the verb in the gerund are as follows:

Active Passive
Indefinite working being worked
Perfect having worked having been worked

I like reading short stories.
I love reading short stories.

3. A gerund can be defined by an adverb.

He likes driving quickly.
He likes to drive fast.

The properties of a noun in a gerund are as follows:

Not began translating a new book.
He began translating a new book. (He began translating a new book.)

Don't like swimming. He loves to swim (swimming).

d) indirect object (or prepositional object):

Not fond of driving. He loves to drive a car.

Don't touch the bench. It is fresh painted.
Don't touch the bench. It has been recently painted.
Don't drink this water.
Don't drink this water. (Do not drink water.)
Do not smoke here.
Don't smoke here. (No smoking here.)

2. There are a number of verbs after which only a gerund is used to convey the corresponding meaning: to stop- stop, to finish - end, to avoid - avoid, to prevent - prevent, to recollect - recall. to fancy - imagine, to imagine - imagine, to delay - save, to forgive - forgive, to pardon - forgive, to excuse - excuse, to mind - mind, to require - demand, to suggest - suggest and etc.

Try to avoid working at night.
Try to avoid working (working) at night.

Forgive my coming late.
Sorry for my lateness.

He suggested studying in the evening.
He suggested studying in the evening.

They often recollect traveling about (in) the Crimea.
They often remember their trip to Crimea.

Stop laughing. Stop laughing.

I don't mind living here.
I have nothing against (don't mind) living here.

Please note: stop in the meaning of cease - stop, stop doing something requires a gerund after itself.

Stop whistling. Stop whistling.

In the meaning of stopping for some purpose (to do something), stop is used with an infinitive after it.

Not stopped to speak to Mary.
He stopped to talk to Mary.

3. There are verbs after which you can use both a gerund and an infinitive with the same meaning. These are the following verbs:

A) to begin, to start - start off, to continue - continue.

I began working. I start work.
I began to work. I start work.

b) to attempt - try, to intend - mean(these verbs are more often used with an infinitive than with a gerund).

Doesn't intend to leave (leaving) the Army.
He intends to leave the army.

V) to love - be in love, to like - like, to hate - hate, to prefer - prefer(after verbs in Present and Past a gerund is usually used, in other cases the infinitive is usually used).

I like walking. (=I like to walk.)
I like to walk.

He hated waiting.
He didn't like to wait.

G) to permit, to allow - allow, to advise - advise(if the person to whom the action relates is mentioned, then the infinitive is used; if not mentioned, the gerund is used).

I don't allow him to drive a car.
I don't let him drive. (The person to whom the action relates is indicated - him - to whom the action relates.)

I don't allow smoking here. I don't allow smoking here.

d) to remember - remember, to regret - regret(a gerund is used after these verbs if the action expressed by the gerund precedes the action expressed by the verbs to remember, to regret).

I regret going there.
I regret going there.

(I went earlier, I regret it now.) e) - to need, need - to want, to require - demand want

(after these verbs a gerund or infinitive is used, but the gerund is more common). The flowers want watering . (= The flowers want.)
to be watered

Flowers need to be watered. (= flowers need to be watered.) and) - to try, try, try - to propose, propose, make an offer - continue, to go on - to be afraid of(verb to try meaning to attempt - try requires an infinitive after itself, and in the meaning of to make the experiment - experiment requires a gerund after itself).

They tried to put
They tried to put wire mesh around the garden.

It is not clear from this sentence whether the net was installed or not. Second sentence using a gerund:

They tried putting wire netting all round the garden.
They tried (did an experiment) to put a net around the garden.

The use of a gerund indicates that they performed the main action, i.e., put up a net, but whether this had a positive result is unknown, i.e., whether it saved the garden from hares, foxes, etc.

Verb try, try in the meaning of to intend - mean requires an infinitive after itself, and in the meaning of suggest - suggest requires a gerund after itself.

I propose to start tomorrow.
I intend to leave tomorrow.

I propose waiting till the doctor gets here.
I suggest you wait until the doctor comes.

Verb propose, make an offer(= to continue) - continue usually used with a gerund, but with verbs such as to tell, to talk, to explain, etc., when the speaker talks about the same topic, but introduces new aspects, the infinitive is used.

Didn't go on talking.
Did not begin by showing us where the island was and went on to tell us about its climate.
He continued talking. He started by showing us where the island was and then went on to talk about its climate.

4. After verbs to go, to come a verb indicating physical activity is used in the form of a gerund.

They are going playing football.
They go to play football.

5. used to + Infinitive expresses a past habit.

I used to smoke.
I used to smoke (but now I don’t smoke).

The verb to use in the form to be used to in the meaning to be accustomed - get used to it used with a gerund.

I am used to standing in queues.
I'm used to standing in lines.

Structure to be afraid of + Gerund means the expression of fear, fear and is usually used with verbs expressing undesirable actions.

I wasn't afraid of falling. He was afraid of falling.
He was afraid of missing his train.
He was afraid of missing his train.

Structure to be afraid + Infinitive expresses that the person (as the subject) is afraid to perform the action expressed by the infinitive.

I wasn't afraid to jump so he stayed where he was.
He was afraid to jump and so he stayed where he was.

6. Gerunds are often included in compound nouns that indicate the purpose of an object: writing table - desk, booking office - ticket office, swimming pool - swimming pool.

7. Gerund is often used after verbs, adjectives and participles as a prepositional object and requiring certain prepositions after itself: to depend on - depend from, to insist on - insist on, to object to - object against, to agree to - agree to, to think of - to think about, to thank for - thank you for, to prevent from - hinder, hinder to succeed in - succeed in, to be proud of - be proud of (someone, something), to be fond of - to love (something), to be sure of - to be sure of (something), to be pleased at/with - to be pleased with (someone, something), to be surprised at - to be surprised (at something), to be interested in - be interested in (something), to be connected with - be related to.

She succeeded in playing the piano.
She achieved success in playing the piano.

He wasn't surprised at seeing her in our house.
He was surprised to see her (when he saw her) in our house.

He insisted on my moving to their house.
He insisted on me moving into their house.

She was proud of winning the first prize.
She was proud that she received (won) the first prize.

8. Perfect Gerund (having worked, having written) is used instead of Present Gerund (working, writing) when the action refers to the past tense.

We were surprised at him having arrived to the conference.
We were surprised that he came to the conference.

9. A gerund in the passive voice (Passive Gerund) is used when the action expressed by the gerund is performed on the person or thing to which it refers.

Present: being worked, being written.
Past: having been worked, having been written.

I remember being taken to the Zoo as a small child.
I remember being taken to the zoo when I was little.

He was punished by being sent to bed without any supper.
He was punished by being sent to bed without dinner.

Complex gerundial phrase

The combination of a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive or general case with a gerund is called a complex gerundial phrase.

In this combination, the gerund expresses an action performed by the person or thing designated by the pronoun or noun. The entire turn is translated by a subordinate clause.

He insisted on her returning home.
He insisted on her returning home.

They objected to their son’s changing his job.
They were against their son changing jobs.

There was no hope of our getting tickets.
We had no hope of getting tickets.

The modal verb May (might) in English expresses permission, a request, the opportunity to perform an action and is translated into Russian by the verbs I can, you can, it is possible, it is possible.

If you are not yet familiar with the gerund, and your level has already exceeded the Pre-Intermediate mark, then it is time to correct this matter. Just don’t scroll through the entire article now and be intimidated by its volume. You are already here - there is no turning back! We will try to make your journey and acquaintance with this form of the verb as pleasant as possible. Let's do this!

What is a gerund

Technique- a special form of a verb with the suffix -ing, which combines the features of a noun and a verb. What distinguishes it from an ordinary noun is a slight shade of meaning of some process. For example:

painting- drawing;
singing- singing;
playing- a game.

In Russian there is no such thing as a gerund. It is only possible to draw a parallel in meaning with verbal nouns with the suffixes “-(e)nie”, “-tie”, “-ka”, “-stvo”, etc., or verbs in an indefinite form. Look here:

Singing in the shower is his biggest joy. - Pe tion gives him the greatest joy in his soul. Or - His greatest joy - sing in the shower.

You don't have to be Sherlock to find gerunds in text. You can easily find it by its characteristic ending “- ing" And there will be no exceptions here.

About communion

However, grammar would not be itself if everything were so simple. Present participle, also known as the present participle, also has the ending “-ing”. Therefore, attention! Don't get confused: gerund is a word that comes from a verb, and acts as a noun. While participle present time in such a role does not perform, but describes some other word. Here for comparison:

Susie hates somebody's singing in the middle of the night. - Susie can't stand someone singing in the middle of the night.

Here “singing” is a gerund, as it serves as a complement, which is typical for a noun.

Waiting for everyone to fall asleep, Mr. Crabster takes a shower and starts to sing. - Waiting, when everyone is asleep, Mr. Crabster takes a shower and starts singing.

Here "waiting" is a present participle because it describes Mr. Crabster's actions.

3. Verbs with the last stressed syllable and ending with “- r" also need a doubled last consonant. However, a stressed syllable must not contain diphthongs (sounds whose articulation implies a transition from one vowel sound type to another):

to sta r- star ring;
to wear - wear ing.

4. If there is a letter “-” at the end of a word l", then it is always doubled, regardless of whether the last syllable is stressed or not.

to tel l- tel ling;
to sel l- sel ling.

5. If the infinitive ends with “- ie", they are replaced by "- y»:

to l ie-l y ing;
to d ie-d y ing.

The negative form is formed using the particle " not", which is placed before the gerund:

I prefer not waiting for too long. - I prefer not to wait too long.
The best thing for you now is not watching. - The best thing for you now is not to look.

Gerund translation

Since there is no form similar to the gerund in the Russian language, it can be translated in different ways. There are 2 main ways to translate gerunds:

1) a noun that conveys the process: painting - drawing, reading - reading:

Counting cash helps him calm down. - Counting money calms him down.
Playing the piano is her cup of tea. - Playing the piano is what she likes.

2) a verb, most often of an indefinite form: painting - to draw, reading - to read, and sometimes, if there is a preposition, with a gerund - drawing, reading.

I am fond of reading books. - I like to read books.
He has gone without saying"Good-bye." - He left without saying goodbye.

Complex gerund forms are almost always translated into subordinate clauses.

Thank you for reading this article. - Thank you for reading this article.
Do you remember taking your umbrella with you? - Do you remember how you took an umbrella with you?

Do you feel your brain boiling? Yes, yes, we are gaining momentum. So we take a deep breath and scroll on.

Gerund forms

The gerund has simple and perfect forms, and can also be used in active and passive voice.

Simple form of gerund ( Simple Gerund) is used for an action that occurs simultaneously with the action of the predicate verb:

She likes visiting her friends. - She likes to visit her friends.
She likes being visited by her friends. - She loves when her friends visit her.

Perfect form of gerund ( Perfect Gerund) is used for an action that precedes the action of a predicate verb:

He is excited about having spoken to her. - He's excited to talk to her.
He is excited about having been spoken to. - He's excited that they talked to him.

Functions of a gerund in a sentence

Since the gerund is something between a verb and a noun, it can take on different functions in sentences. It can be an addition, a circumstance, a subject, a definition. Don't let these grammatical terms scare you, and if something is not entirely clear, then examples will help you.

  • Subject:
Walking is very healthy. - Walking is very good for health.
  • Prepositional complement:
Mary is fond of dancing. - She loves to dance.
  • Direct addition:
Police officer minds your waiting here. - The policeman objects to your waiting here.

  • Circumstance of time:
On coming homeMr. Crabster came across his neighbor. - Upon returning home, Mr. Crabster ran into his neighbor.
  • Circumstance of the course of action:
Instead of doing her home task she watched "The Big Bang Theory". - Instead of doing her homework, she watched The Big Bang Theory.
  • Compound nominal predicate:
My husband's business is selling rabbits - My husband’s business is to sell rabbits.

  • Definition:
Aliens liked her manner of speaking. - The aliens liked her way of speaking.

Using the gerund

The gerund can be used after many verbs and adjectives with fixed prepositions. Let's look at the most common ones. Only get ready, because you will have to remember quite a lot. In general, keep the following lists with you and use them as a cheat sheet until these words finally settle in your head.

Verbs followed by only gerunds:

acknowledge- acknowledge, confirm;
admit- admit, admit;
advise- advise;
allow- allow, allow;
anticipate- to anticipate, to expect;
appreciate- appreciate, evaluate, be grateful;
avoid- avoid, evade;
be worth- to be worth something, to deserve;
can't help- I can’t help but, I can’t help but (resist);
celebrate- celebrate;
consider- consider, think about;
defend- defend, defend;
delay- delay, postpone;
detest- hate
discontinue- stop, interrupt
discuss- discuss
dislike- not to love
dispute- argue, argue, question
dread- to be afraid, to be wary
endure- endure, withstand
enjoy- enjoy
escape- escape, escape, get rid of, avoid
evade- evade, avoid
explain- explain;
fancy- imagine, desire, want;
fear- afraid;
feel like- want, gather;
feign- pretend, simulate;
finish- finish;
forgive- forgive;
give up- give up, refuse;
keep- continue;
mention- mention;
mind- object (only in questions and denials);
miss- miss;
necessitate- force, make necessary;
omit- skip, do not include;
permit- allow, allow;
picture- depict, imagine;
postpone- postpone, postpone;
practice- practice, practice;
prevent- prevent, hinder, hinder;
put off- postpone;
recall- recall;
recollect- remember, remember;
recommend- recommend, advise;
report- report, report;
resent- to be indignant, indignant;
resist- resist, abstain;
resume- summarize, sum up, resume;
risk- to risk;
shirk- evade, evade;
suggest- suggest;
support- support, promote;
tolerate- endure, allow;
understand- understand;
urge- encourage, convince, insist;
warrant- guarantee, vouch.

I suggest waiting for a better chance. - I suggest waiting for a better opportunity.
She burst out crying. - She burst into tears.
She risked her life taking that medicine. “She risked her life taking that medicine.”

Gerund after verbs with prepositions:

accuse of- To accuse of;
agree to- agree with;
blame for- blame for;
complain of- complain about;
consists in- consist in;
count on/upon- count on;
congratulate on- congratulate on;
depend on- depend on;
dream of- To dream of;
feel like- want, gather;
hear of- hear about;
insist on- insist on;
keep from- keep from;
look forward to- look forward to, anticipate;
look like- look like;
object to- object against;
persist in- continue persistently;
praise for- praise for;
prevent from- prevent from;
rely on- rely on;
result in- to lead to;
succeed in- succeed in;
suspect of- suspect;
thank you for- to thank for;
think of- to think about.

I don't feel like dancing with him. - I don't want to dance with him.
I"m looking forward to going to Italy. - I'm looking forward to a trip to Italy.
She suspected her boyfriend of deceiving her. - She suspected that her boyfriend was deceiving her.

To be + adjective/participle + gerund:

be afraid of- to be afraid of something;
be ashamed of- to be ashamed of something;
be engaged in- be busy with something;
be fond of- to love something, to get carried away by something;
be good at- be capable of;
be interested in- be interested in something;
be pleased at- to be content;
be proud of- to be proud of something;
be responsible for- be responsible for;
be sorry for- to regret something;
be surprised at- be surprised by something;
be tired of- tired of that or;
be used to- To get used to.

I'm tired of drinking champagne. - I'm tired of drinking champagne.
She is good at dancing the cha-cha. - She dances the cha-cha-cha well.
I'm sorry for not coming. - I'm sorry I didn't come.

Gerund vs infinitive. Who will win?

In English, there are a number of verbs with which you can use only an infinitive, after some - only a gerund, while some verbs allow the use of both an infinitive and a gerund after themselves. First, let's look at the meaning behind each of these rivals - the gerund and the infinitive. The following table will help you figure this out.

Technique Verb infinitive
Means a generalized long-term action:
Kids started playing here 2 hours ago.
- The children started playing here 2 hours ago.
Precise, shorter action:
She began to wash the dishes 2 hours ago. - She started washing the dishes two hours ago.
Continuous action is associated with both the past and the present:
John regret telling her the truth.
- John regrets telling her the truth.
The action moves more towards the future:
He propose to start the project tomorrow. - He proposes to start the project tomorrow.
To forget (to forget), to remember (to remember) are used with a gerund when we are talking about a perfect action:
Chris forgot answering her message.
- Chris forgot that he responded to her message.
I remember holding the umbrella in my hand.
- I remember holding this umbrella in my hand.
To forget (to forget), to remember (to remember) are used with the infinitive if an action that was never performed is forgotten or remembered:
Mr Crabster forgot to turn off the water tap.
- Mr. Crabster forgot to turn off the water tap.
I remember to find her as soon as possible.
- I remember that we need to find her as soon as possible.

Verbs followed by an infinitive or gerund without changing the meaning of the sentences:

begin- start;
can't bear- cannot bear, cannot endure;
can't stand- do not tolerate;
continue- continue;
hate- to hate;
like- to like, to love;
love- be in love;
prefer- prefer;
propose- suggest;
start- start.

Mary hates to wait for anyone. - Mary hates waiting for someone.
I can't stand listening to his guitar play. - I can't listen to him play the guitar.
I like riding in the mountains. - I love horseback riding in the mountains.

Verbs followed by an infinitive or gerund with a change in meaning.

You need to keep your eyes open with these verbs. Depending on whether you choose an infinitive or a gerund, the sentence will take on a specific meaning:

Verbs + infinitive or gerund with a change in meaning
forget - to forget forget + gerund to forget what has already been done
forget + infinitive
forget what needed to be done
remember - remember remember + gerund to remember something that has already been done
remember + infinitive
remember what needs to be done
stop - stop, stop stop + gerund to stop doing something
stop + infinitive
stop to do something
try - try, try try + gerund try different ways
try + infinitive
try to do something, but often fail
regret - to regret, regret regret + gerund
regret, regret what has been done
regret + infinitive
to report something with regret
quit - stop, stop, quit quit + gerund
stop doing something
quit + infinitive
quit doing something for something else


Well, the acquaintance with the gerund has taken place. As you can see, this topic is very broad, there are many nuances and tables that you just need to memorize. You can use our article as a cheat sheet or sign up for our English courses via Skype to reinforce the topic. For those who read to the end, +1000 to karma. May the force of the gerund be with you!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

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