What is the nationality of the name Ramila. Ramil

From the owners of the name Ramil, as a rule, trendsetters for a narrow circle are obtained. You belong to a rather thin layer of society, representatives of which, regardless of age and social status, claim that they can "afford not to follow fashion." The way it is. You carefully monitor how your body looks on its own, take care of it tirelessly, thanks to which you have the opportunity to change your style at least every day depending on your own mood. That is why you give the impression of youth for a long time, each time appearing in a new guise, which allows you to influence the tastes of others.

Ramil name compatibility, manifestation in love

Ramil, It’s not that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first to you, and you will choose a partner, based mainly on how much they can share your life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, purposefulness and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, if such happens, you will first of all appreciate in a partner the ability to be imbued with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to "embrace the immensity." Your soul yearns for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, for you, one might say, does not exist. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

The wishes of those around you when making a decision, if they are taken into account, then only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that it is possible and necessary to force them to “go in a water team” with you, in the direction you have chosen.

And here is the opportunity to see everything from a different angle. You need assistance from outside, and above all - as a "restraining beginning." Otherwise, you may want to "turn the earth".

But if you are forced to use other people's opportunities, then you need to learn how to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the more chances you have to keep your soul clean and your heart healthy.

The variety of male names confuses future parents who want to name a child with a euphonious name that is attractive in content.


The popular foreign name Ramil is not so common among us, but its beautiful sound attracts with its brevity and originality.

There are several interpretations, where the meaning of the name Ramil is presented in different variations:

1. According to one version, it comes from the Arabic word "raml", which means "fortune telling on sand grains." At its core, it goes back to the common oriental divination on the sand, where the master can read along the lines and dots on the sandy surface.
2. According to another version, "ramala" means "the soothsayer on the sand, the sand and the seller of the sand."
3. Another interpretation is "miraculous, magical, bewitching, miraculous."
4. In another translation, the name stands for "weaving, hurrying, decorating."
The name Ramil has such diverse interpretations. The meaning of a name and destiny are intertwined in the characteristics of a person's character from birth to a mature personality.

Ramil - child

A boy with this name from childhood is distinguished by responsiveness and kindness, leadership qualities and the need for a true friend, justice and rejection of any deception. Excellent organizational skills allow Ramil to rally friends around him and entertain them with an exciting game. Courage and initiative can play a cruel joke with him. To prevent this from happening, he needs a reliable friend next to him, who will straighten him up in time and cool his ardor.

The desire to take risks is in his blood. Parents should pay attention to this zeal and direct it in the right direction. The ideal option would be with classes in the sports section, where Ramil will be able to demonstrate his best qualities. He likes to participate in competitions, defending the honor of the school.

The meaning of the name Ramil also leaves its mark on studies: the boy is usually capable, but does not like to study, so he will not be an excellent student. A sharp mind and an excellent memory allow him to easily memorize the material in the lesson, but the lack of diligence does not allow him to develop his existing abilities by doing scrupulous homework.

However, already from childhood, the child is able to independently allocate time for things that are important in his understanding and have time to do everything planned. Organization and a thirst for activity are in his blood, parents need to correctly and unobtrusively direct them in a direction that is useful for the child.

The meaning of the name Ramil in relations with people

The grown-up Ramil demonstrates openness in communication, chooses people of the same plan as friends, does not tolerate secretive personalities. A teenager is distinguished by independence in judgments and actions, but vulnerability is hidden behind her demonstration. This dreamy and subtle nature is very impressionable. Ramil does not tolerate lies and does not forgive betrayal, he is alien to the thirst for profit and greed. He does not give a second chance to people who have shown their negative qualities in relation to him or close people. Communication ends without clarifying the relationship.

Family relationships

The meaning of the name Ramil contains a craving for beauty, and this quality is manifested in his relationship with women. He prefers affectionate and beautiful ladies; in choosing a companion, he is selective and unhurried.

He marries late, only having settled down, the decision to create a family is made deliberately and carefully. In family life, he manifests himself as a practical, caring and responsible husband who will do everything possible to provide for the family. He always treats his relatives with understanding and will never refuse all possible help. But recklessness, manifested at times, can be the cause of conflict situations in the family.

The meaning of the name Ramil also affects the manifestation of paternal feelings. The masculine principle helps the manifestation of the best parental qualities: he is a caring father. With the birth of children, changes take place in him that make him avoid reckless manifestations even in small things. He loves to play with children, takes an active part in their upbringing. He is alien to dictatorial manifestations. This is a soft and gentle dad, to whom children are not afraid to turn to with a problem.

Professional area

In choosing a profession for Ramil, the meaning of the name, character are decisive.

He is a true connoisseur of beauty, endowed with many talents that help him choose a profession, not guided only by material gain. He will make an excellent designer and artist, journalist and entrepreneur, and organizational skills and leadership qualities will help him realize himself in a leadership position. The list of professions that will make all the aspirations of Ramil come true also includes an art critic, a TV and radio broadcaster, and the director of an art gallery.

Ramil's character: features

What character traits are defining for Ramil? The meaning of the name, character and fate are interrelated, so it leaves its mark on the personality.

Ramil refers to those people for whom the word is not an empty phrase. He is fair and responsible in relation to himself and others, has a difficult character. From the outside, it may give the impression of a reckless and frivolous person, but in reality Ramil is a responsible and hardworking person, accustomed to bringing the work he has begun to the end. The organization that has been inherent in him since childhood helps the owner of the name in his work. A peaceful disposition and the ability to get along with different people allows you to avoid conflict situations. In the character of Ramil, his craving for adventures and risky actions can alert, but they are never associated with meanness in order to achieve their goals.

He enjoys well-deserved respect and will come to the rescue in difficult times, but at the same time he will not allow himself to be manipulated and sit on his neck.

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Name Description: The name Ramil is Arabic and means hurrying, "grain of sand." The Arabs use the word ramla (رملة) for a method of divination in the sand.

The reckless courage of the owner of this name shapes his character. Usually Ramil is a self-confident, creative, cheerful person who is not afraid of risk. As a child, all the yard guys recognize his leadership, as he always comes up with the most entertaining games.

He does not like to study at school, although he could become an excellent student, thanks to his sharp mind and excellent memory. Having matured, he remains the same recklessly bold and addicted. He needs someone who will constantly stop him and make sure that he does not get into another adventure. Without a reliable friend, Ramil's fate may be unfavorable. A thirst for activity always burns in him, but he is able to take unjustified risks, at times he is too dogmatic in his judgments. However, when it comes to work, he is quite responsible, he knows how to properly organize his time.

He does not hide anything from friends, is open in communication, but keeps a little independently, thus trying to disguise his vulnerability. At heart, this is an impressionable, dreamy, subtle person. He does not tolerate lies, betrayal and greed.

Marries, as a rule, late. A beautiful, affectionate and caring woman becomes his chosen one. Having become a family man, he shows himself to be a good and caring husband. At first it is not easy for him to settle down and bear the burden of responsibility for the family, but when his children are born, he becomes more domestic.

As for the professional sphere, the owner of this name is most suitable for work related to creativity or entrepreneurship. A successful designer, radio or television worker, art critic, artist, director of an art gallery can come out of it.

Personality Character: shy, earthy, cheerful, changeable, cheerful, innovative, active, unpredictable, compliant, outspoken, large-scale, impetuous, loud, frequent

Name abbreviations: Ramilchik, Ramilka

Suitable middle name: Damirovich, Ravilevich, Rinatovich, Rushanovich, Takhirovich

Suitable for boys or girls: just for guys

Name pronunciation: hard

Name nationality: Arabic

Famous people with this name: Ramil Khalikov, Ramil Abdrshin, Ramil Saubanov

The name was popular at the beginning of the 21st century

Name Features: rare, popular, foreign, beautiful, sonorous, short,

The meaning of the name Ramil
The meaning and origin of the name Ramil, character and fate.

Source: basmer.ru

The meaning of the name Ramil

The name Ramil means "wonderful", "magic", "sharpshooter".

origin of the name Ramil

Ramil is a male name with Arabic roots. The origin of the name Ramil is associated with the Arabic word, which translates as "magic", "wonderful". There is also a version that the translation of the name Ramil from the ancient Arabic language can mean "sharpshooter".

Characteristics of the name Ramil

Little Rami is usually a lively and energetic child who bravely explores the world around him. The boy is the undisputed leader and ringleader of all children's companies, enjoys great prestige among the children. He does not tolerate deceit, even if it is a lie in the name of salvation. Rami prefers to know the true state of things in everything. Usually the boy is well physically developed, enjoys various sports. Most often, he prefers to engage in martial arts, classical wrestling, football.

The matured Ramil is distinguished by courage, recklessness, often drawn into various adventures. It is very important that a man had a loyal, more reserved friend who could temper Ramil's ardor.

According to the characteristics of the name Ramil, a man with this name is usually a romantic. He loves everything beautiful - nature, harmony in space, beautiful girls. At the same time, he is extremely shy, although he tries to hide it. A man hides his spiritual vulnerability with ostentatious independence, openness in communication.

Ramil is very open to his friends, trusts them boundlessly. A man does not tolerate greed, betrayal and lies. These manifestations of human nature cause rejection in him. If Ramil discovers such qualities in someone he knows, he crosses them out of his life forever.

Usually Ramil treats his relatives with attention, he is always ready to help them. At the same time, having kindness and sensitivity, the man is quite prudent and practical.

As indicated in the characteristics of the name Ramil, a man with this name usually has many talents. He can achieve great success in art or sports. For Ramil, the profession of an artist, art historian, director of an art gallery, radio or television worker, designer is suitable. Often, Ramil becomes a fairly successful entrepreneur.

As a rule, Ramil marries late. He tries to choose a beautiful, caring and affectionate girl as his wife. A man bearing this name often makes a good husband. Sometimes he can do reckless acts, surprising his wife and relatives. But, as a rule, with the birth of a child, Ramil calms down and becomes more calm and homely.

Ramil name compatibility

The name Ramil successfully combines with patronymics Takhirovich, Rushanovich, Rinatovich, Ravilevich, Damirovich.

Good compatibility of the name Ramil with such female names: Maria, Vera, Anna, Anastasia.

Orthodox name days at Ramil do not exist.

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Ramil: Ramil Saubanov, Ramil Khalikov, Ramil Abdrshin, Ramil Garifullin.

Ramil name of what nationality
The article offers to learn about the origin of the name Ramil, about its meaning and characteristics. And also to understand the issue of compatibility of the name Ramil with some patronymics and female names.

Source: ymadam.net

The meaning of the name Ramil: characteristics, fate, profession

The variety of male names confuses future parents who want to name a child with a euphonious name that is attractive in content.


1. According to one version, it comes from the Arabic word "raml", which means "fortune telling on sand grains." At its core, it goes back to the common oriental divination on the sand, where the master can read along the lines and dots on the sandy surface.
2. According to another version, "ramala" means "the soothsayer on the sand, the sand and the seller of the sand."
3. Another interpretation is "miraculous, magical, bewitching, miraculous."
4. In another translation, the name stands for "weaving, hurrying, decorating."
The name Ramil has such diverse interpretations. The meaning of a name and destiny are intertwined in the characteristics of a person's character from birth to a mature personality.

Ramil is a child

The meaning of the name Ramil also leaves its mark on studies: the boy is usually capable, but does not like to study, so he will not be an excellent student. A sharp mind and an excellent memory allow him to easily memorize the material in the lesson, but the lack of diligence does not allow him to develop his existing abilities by doing scrupulous homework.

However, already from childhood, the child is able to independently allocate time for things that are important in his understanding and have time to do everything planned. Organization and a thirst for activity are in his blood, parents need to correctly and unobtrusively direct them in a direction that is useful for the child.

The meaning of the name Ramil in relations with people

The grown-up Ramil demonstrates openness in communication, chooses people of the same plan as friends, does not tolerate secretive personalities. A teenager is distinguished by independence in judgments and actions, but vulnerability is hidden behind her demonstration. This dreamy and subtle nature is very impressionable. Ramil does not tolerate lies and does not forgive betrayal, he is alien to the thirst for profit and greed. He does not give a second chance to people who have shown their negative qualities in relation to him or close people. Communication ends without clarifying the relationship.

Family relationships

The meaning of the name Ramil contains a craving for beauty, and this quality is manifested in his relationship with women. He prefers affectionate and beautiful ladies; in choosing a companion, he is selective and unhurried.

The meaning of the name Ramil also affects the manifestation of paternal feelings. The masculine principle helps the manifestation of the best parental qualities: he is a caring father. With the birth of children, changes take place in him that make him avoid reckless manifestations even in small things. He loves to play with children, takes an active part in their upbringing. He is alien to dictatorial manifestations. This is a soft and gentle dad, to whom children are not afraid to turn to with a problem.

Professional area

In choosing a profession for Ramil, the meaning of the name, character are decisive.

Ramil's character: features

He enjoys well-deserved respect and will come to the rescue in difficult times, but at the same time he will not allow himself to be manipulated and sit on his neck.

The meaning of the name Ramil: characteristics, fate, profession
The variety of male names confuses future parents who want to name their child with an original name that is attractive and content.

Source: www.syl.ru

Ramil - name meaning

Name meaning: wonderful, magical, well-aimed shooter

Short form: Rami

The name Ramil is of Arabic origin, the ancient interpretation of which is associated with the name Rami, which means "shooter". A later version is translated as "wonderful, magical." The difference in pronunciation of the name Ramil in different regions gave rise to the name Ranil, as well as the female counterpart of Ramil. In the modern world, this name is not popular, but is also used to name children.


The strong energy of Ramil predicts an adventurous fate for him throughout his life. Childish spontaneity develops into adult ease and the man does not get rid of it to the end. From what follows such a positive quality of character as truthfulness.

Our hero is so straightforward that he can express an opinion about a person directly to his face, without hiding anything, even if this opinion is mostly negative. The bearer of the name Ramil expects the same directness and honesty from those around him.

Ramil often suffers from his straightforwardness and truthfulness, especially in childhood and adolescence. Ramil has high ambitions, so he often becomes a leader in the team. It is not a problem for a boy to invent a new game or come up with unusual activities.

Ramil inquisitive and eager to know everything about everyone. And this is not a whim, our hero really tries to keep abreast of events in order to help or support a person if necessary. For a teenager named Ramil, it is important to go in for sports, visit sections of a certain direction, where the boy will be able to express himself and dump excess energy.

The cheerfulness and recklessness of our hero often leads to unusual and difficult situational moments, so it is extremely important for him to have a friend or mentor nearby who can stop and correct Ramil's actions. Together with him, working in tandem, men will be able to achieve significant results. If our hero does not have such an adviser, then fate will not be so cloudless.

The fate of the bearer of the name Ramil is to start various projects, develop and promote them, a man simply cannot sit idle.

Courage and self-confidence our hero does not hold. Because of these traits in character, Ramil often exposes himself to unjustified risks, often does not allow objections and criticism in his direction or to his project. For Ramil, the appearance of the situation is not the main thing, in order to somehow respond to the situation, he must fully study it, delve into the essence of the process.

It is common for Ramil to sort out all the actions, starting from the knowledge gained, the books read and ending with the planning of his future destiny. Ramil's character is open to others and gladly shares with them the information he has received and his experience.

Love and family relationships

What meaning of the name Ramil is hidden in his love relationships is the opposite of what our hero shows to others. Strong, strict, independent, strong-willed in everyday life, in love, our hero becomes vulnerable and awkward. If he fails in love, he takes this moment hard and may become depressed.

It is extremely important for Ramil to have a spiritual and physical connection with his partner. In addition to the presence of a feeling of love, partners must completely match sexually.

If one of the components in the relationship is not there, then the man is looking for another connection. Ramil is romantic, perfectly looks after, gives flowers, gifts, commits madness, and he really likes it. From women he will choose a bright, beautiful and popular girl, he is not interested in mediocrity.

Having married, the bearer of the name Ramil becomes a good husband and father. He loves children, finds common topics for conversation with them. Peace of mind and peace reign in his house, but sometimes a flurry of jealous attitude towards his wife covers him, but this happens only in the early stages of marriage, while the couple is just getting used to it.

Professional affiliation

The meaning of fate is displayed in Ramil's career by purposefulness. If a man has set a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it, no matter how small or significant it is.

Ramil Hajiyev (Ukrainian boxer, winner of the II Youth Olympic Games)

Ramil - the meaning of the name
The meaning of the name Ramil is "wonderful, magical" and is also interpreted as "shooter", and partially corresponds to them. This is an ideological leader who comes up with new things and captivates people with him.

When choosing what to name your baby, remember that the name has an impact on the whole life of a person. Now it is not often possible to meet such a male name as Ramil. The meaning of the name speaks of endless energy and curiosity. Such men do not lose their childish spontaneity and inclination to seek adventure throughout the years.

The meaning of the name Ramil for a boy indicates the excessive truthfulness of this child. Ramilka simply physically cannot lie. This kid always tells the truth and often suffers from it. It also requires the utmost decency from others.

The meaning of the name Ramil for a child indicates that in the company he, in most cases, becomes a leader. He often comes up with games for children and actively participates in them himself. Ramilchik has a very inquisitive mind. He always needs to know everything about everything! Because of such increased curiosity, morally gets tired quickly.

The interpretation of the name says that the best vacation for such guys is to visit a sports section. Ramilka is most often engaged in martial arts, classical wrestling and football.


Relationships with the fair sex at Ramilchik are often not easy. From the outside, such men give the impression of strong and very independent personalities, but, in reality, their soul is extremely vulnerable. This means that any disappointment in love is hard on Ramil and can even provoke the development of severe depression.

It attaches great importance to both physical and mental comfort. It is important for these men not only to have reverent feelings for their partner, but also to completely coincide with her in bed. If the sexual life does not suit Ramilchik, then he will look for another lover.

In a love relationship, he manifests himself as a true romantic. He is able to beautifully look after a woman, fill her with flowers and gifts, and at the same time enjoy his actions.

These representatives of the stronger sex like extraordinary, beautiful and fit girls. Ramilchik, choosing bright women, often arranges scenes of jealousy for them. Often even out of nowhere.

A family

He treats his legal wife with great respect. Often she regrets and tries to understand even in a difficult situation. Thanks to her gentle, homely nature, Ramilka easily finds a common language with her children and supports them in any difficult situation. Attaches great importance to family traditions.

Ramilchik always remembers his parents. This means that he honors them and helps them as much as he can. Such a man can have a strong family union with Vera, Anastasia, Anna and Maria.

Business and career

If Ramil set himself any goal, then he will certainly achieve it, connecting all his activity and determination. The height of the barriers in this case will not matter much. He will get what he wants no matter what.

These representatives of the stronger sex are able to be successful in almost any field of activity. The main thing is to apply a certain perseverance and all your desire to this. It may well be an ordinary teacher, and an important boss.

Failures at work can quickly unsettle him. Experiencing disappointment and betrayal, he withdraws into himself. To get back on his feet, he simply needs the support of loved ones and relatives. Of particular importance is their support in case of failures in their personal lives.

origin of the name Ramil

The mystery of the name speaks quite clearly about where this adverb came from. The origin of the name Ramil is Arabic. Etymology - "magic". History reports that men whose name is Ramil can be found in a large number of Muslim countries. On the territory of Russia, this dialect is less common.

Characteristics of the name Ramil

Ramilka has a very inquisitive mind. Attaches great importance to the essence. He tries to get to the bottom of it in a variety of ways. These men are constantly on edge. Because of this, their nervous system is experiencing tremendous overload. Only active physical activity helps him relax.

The characteristic of the name Ramil speaks of the great love of this person for wildlife. Ramilchik prefers to spend his weekends at the sea or in the forest, rather than in a club or shopping centers. Often gets out of town with friends or family. Good rest is of great importance.

The pros and cons of character make Ramilka a bit of a shy person. It is this excessive timidity that can interfere with the achievement of goals. External and internal harmony is of considerable importance for Ramilchik. If his thoughts are very busy with something, he is able to completely forget about those people who are nearby.

Such men are attentive to trifles and pedantic. Everything that he undertakes, he always brings to the end. He likes to live in comfort, so he is always desperate to earn money. Able to even get involved in frank adventures for the sake of money. Prefers to work alone. Able to offer innovative solutions to problems.

In adulthood, Ramilchik easily finds a common language with young people. Often becomes their faithful adviser and comrade. The owners of this name are disinterested and charming. Endowed with a well-developed intellect. In business, they are consistent and rational.

If Ramilka develops positive character traits, she will become a very authoritative and respected person in society, able to inspire loved ones to great deeds. In addition to positive character traits, Ramilka also has such negative aspects as aggressiveness, greed, demonstrativeness, depravity, depravity, isolation from reality and emotional instability.

He is also able to be tyrannical and often shows tyranny. Ramilchik is inclined to flatter powerful people in order to achieve promotion or any benefits. To achieve his own goal, he can shamelessly humiliate weak and less fortunate people.

Mystery of the name

  • Obsidian stone, onyx.
  • Name day January 2.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named after Capricorn and Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Ramil Safarov (born 1977) is an Azerbaijani officer who gained notoriety in connection with his murder of the sleeping Armenian officer Gurgen Margaryan.
  • Ramil Khalikov (born 1969) is a Russian writer and literary critic. Nickname - Ramil Besermen.
  • Ramil Badamshin (born in 1980) is a singer-songwriter, laureate of the Ilmensky, Grushinsky and other art song festivals, organizer of bard concerts and festivals in Ufa and Bashkiria.

Different languages

The translation of the name from Arabic is “magic”, “wonderful”. The following is a list of how the adverb is translated and how it is written in several foreign languages:

  • In Chinese it is 拉米爾.
  • In Japanese it is ラミル.
  • In English - Ramil.
  • In French - Ramil.

Name Forms

  • Full name - Ramil.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Ramilchik, Ramilka, Rami.
  • Declension of the name - Ramil - Ramil - Ramil.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is absent.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The name Ramil has ancient roots and several versions of origin. Its etymology is often associated with the Arabic male name Rami, which means "shooter" in translation. According to another version, it is the masculine form of the female name Ramil and is interpreted as "sandy soil." There is also a translation from Arabic with the meaning "magic", "wonderful".

Name astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn, Aquarius
  • Ruler Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Obsidian
  • Black color
  • plant: hellebore
  • Animal: camel
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

A boy named Ramil does not give parents and relatives a quiet life. Innate fearlessness allows him to play dangerous games. The child not only takes part in a risky children's competition, but also leads it. Studying at school is not difficult for him, but boring. He cannot stay in one place for a long time, perform monotonous work, get carried away with one thing. He needs freedom of action, reliable friends and recognition.

Behind the outward carelessness of Ramil lies a mysterious soul and a sympathetic heart. He is straightforward, open in communication, friendly. Despises greed, cynicism, lies and hypocrisy. Does not tolerate lazy people and bores. He is able to take risks, but if the question concerns his family, friends or children, he becomes cautious and accurate.

Attachment to conveniences Ramil does not hide, but in every possible way frankly demonstrates it. Paradoxically, in a strange company, such a man can be overly modest and even boring. This happens when there are unpleasant personalities among strangers. He does not like conflicts, he can be restrained and patient, but not always. He does not forgive insults, but he does not tolerate rudeness.

The secret of the name hides a brave, confident, cheerful person. For riskiness, courage and adventurous nature, he is often called "reckless".

Interests and hobbies

Ramil prefers active sports. He is a fan of auto racing, rugby, boxing, mixed martial arts. He is interested in the occupation where you can apply maximum strength, dexterity and patience.

Profession and business

Ramil is hardworking, looking for a job that will bring him confidence in the future, material security and comfort. If he does not go into professional sports, then he chooses a creative profession. This is an excellent cameraman, journalist, book publisher, teacher. But best of all he feels in business. This is an excellent leader, a successful partner, a "storehouse" of ideas for business. He is able to work in a team, but prefers to work for himself.


A man named Ramil maintains health by playing sports. He easily regulates his weight, knows how to limit himself in food. However, his health is reflected in his inner feelings regarding his personal life, enthusiastic work. He is often troubled by "muscle shell" problems associated with energy clamps. Here, the help of specialist doctors is not so necessary as the need to abandon certain habits.

Sex and love

In his personal life, Ramil is very demanding. He is looking for mutual and romantic love. He does not consider sincere and real relationships when a couple in love simply looks at each other admiringly. He needs them to see the future in the same way. He never puts sex first.

Family and marriage

Ramil believes that every family has its own secret of relationships. It is embedded not only in the feeling, the cultural heritage of the couple, but also in the "language of love", understandable only to lovers. The "language of love" consists of mutual care, attention, sex and respect. It is such a family that the owner of this name is trying to create. If this fails, he prefers to be left alone. He does not like to share family secrets, as well as the intricacies of a successful business. For him, marriage is a constant overcoming of the challenges of life.

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